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01x04 - Love at First Tip

Posted: 02/19/23 08:17
by bunniefuu
Whoa, this is wild!

No, this is "Wipeout."


The big balls
are back, America.

I’m Nicole Byer.
And I’m John Cena.

We’ll be your guides
as we reintroduce you

to the most insane
competition show known to man.


She got hit hard.
That’s the game of "Wipeout."


Each week,
teams of two will compete

for their share
of the $25,000 grand prize.

The courses are crazier.


The contestants
are bendier.

That one’s got to hurt.

And the hosts are sexier.

This body
doesn’t happen overnight.

It also doesn’t happen
by taking shirtless selfies

in the gym mirror
for 45 minutes.

Welcome back, America,

to "Wipeout!"

Hello, everyone,
and welcome to "Wipeout."

I’m Nicole Byer.
And I’m John Cena.

Today we’ve got
so many teams lined up

at our factory doors,

all vying
for a chance at $25,000.

John, because you’re new,
I was taking a look

over your start paperwork,
and you didn’t touch

your announcer’s license, ah.
Announcer’s license?

Legally if you tried to say,
"ladies and gentlemen,"

without a license,
I’d be well within

my announcer’s rights
to detain you.

We have
a training program here.

They’ll help you find
your announcer’s voice.

Take notes.

We gotta study up
as we find out

about today’s qualifier.

Ten teams
face the qualifier today,

a fivepart
obstacle course behemoth.

First up,
they’ll have to choose a path

as they navigate
through the Sweep and Weep.

Then it’s
a trip up and down

the stairs
of the Nutcracker.

Next up,
a "Wipeout" classic,

the Big Balls.

Make it across
and grab Smallsy

for a $250 bonus.

After that,
it’s the Body Blender.

Jump the hurdles

or get cut down
in the process.

Finally, the players end

with the swinging
and swaying Jigglelator

before a final leap
to the finish platform.

The six fastest teams
to finish the qualifier

make it through
to the next round.

However, trainee,
before we start this lesson,

we need to talk to our
incredible roving reporter,

Camille Kostek.

I’m waiting
for the cool moms to show up.

Oh, cool, cool.

We are moms,

and we love fitness!

Hang on, let me write down
what they’re saying

on my teledoodad.

Moms in love with fitness.

that’s what that stands for.

I’m pretty sure
that’s not it.

Camille, give us the info
on these motivated mamas.

How do you guys
know each other?

We actually met at the gym.
That’s a great place to meet.

and we both have five kids.

You guys are literally

the hottest mamas
I have ever met.


Mighty Moms on three.
One, two, three.

Mighty moms!

There’s the horn.
Taking the left path, I see.

Mighty Mom Amber is off.

Ooh, that mom
dives into a drink

faster than you can say,
"Oh, the kids

are spending the weekend
with their dad."

Whoa, mama!

Looking good, Camille.

Now on to The Nutcracker.

The Nutcracker
looks as intimidating

as Amber’s todo list.

Let me check it off
on the Telestrator.

There’s Kaitlyn’s
oboe lessons,

Cooper’s esport practice,

hiding in the bathroom
to question your sanity,

and, sh**t,
forgot about the bake sale.

For someone with five kids,
you think she’d be

a little bit more prepared
for a sudden surprise.

Mighty Mom Rachel
now at the Body Blender.

Not sure if Rachel’s familiar

with this piece
of workout equipment.

Ooh, couldn’t
figure it out in time.

We’re just happy
to be away from the kids.

sounds magical, John.

Now over to the Jigglelator.

Either with babies
or bodybuilding,

there’s no burpee

this Mighty Mom
can’t handle.

Oh, and she barely misses
that puncher.

Those are a couple
of limber moms,

which, coincidentally, is one
of my most Googled phrases.

She made it past the puncher.


You got it!
Just make that jump!

Just one final jump
for Rachel.

She’s eyeing it like
the last open mat at hot yoga.

And she does it.

She got it!

Oh, my gosh.

These moms finish

with a 7 minute,
31 second time.

That time is
the great pace setter...

Oh, my gosh.
To begin the day.

Sexy mamas in the house.
I’m rooting for you guys.

I’m wishing you
the best of luck.

Oh, my gosh.
Who do we have next?

We go now to Mermaid Jenna
scaling the nutcracker.

Slow and go,
looking a little bit

like a fish out of water.
Duck your head.

Duck your head.
No, no, no, no!

Oh, oh, oh!


Wait, Mermaid?

You sure your cards
aren’t out of order, rookie?

No, says here "Mermaid."

Her and her buddy Zoe dress up
like mermaids for a living.

In fact, let’s take
a deeper dive on these two.

I’m Zoe.
I’m Jenna.

And we’re Mermaids.

Zoe and I
entertain as mermaids

and teach swim schools

all around
Southern California,

adding a little bit of magic
to every event.

Mermaids are
your worst nightmare.

We are faster
than any other creature

in the ocean.

Don’t let the fins fool you.
We are ready for this.

Shell yeah, we are.

I don’t think
they can understand me,

so let me say good luck
in dolphin.

Ten minutes in,
Mermaid gauntlet prospects

are not looking so good
as Zoe now just wading

into the rapids
of the Jigglelator.

Oh, this reminds me of one
of those nature documentaries.

Here we see

the spawning habits
of the North American mermaid.

Alongside other fishy friends,
she moves upstream

with grace,
elegance, and poise,

but the mermaid’s
natural predator,

the Jigglelator,
makes its presence known.

The Jigglelator
is one of several foes

to the hyperintelligent

That was rude.

And now the current

has shifted.

The Mermaid is caught
along for the ride.

It appears nature
and the Jigglelator

have won this round.

I want
to go back to the ocean!

I don’t like the human world!

I said the same thing
right after I watched

"The Shape of Water."
Did you see that movie?

Who knew a fish
was so hot, John?

Anyway, who’s next?

This is Jutan and Jamal.

They are two
motivational speaking bros.

They love to inspire
and encourage others.

We got this!
Tap in!

It’s working.
I feel brotivated already.

I’d follow
these guys anywhere.


Well, almost anywhere.

Brotivational Speaker Jutan

at around six minutes now
into the Body Blender.

Gonna need
to brotivate himself

to keep pace.

His speeches
are good for the spirit,

but not for the soul,

which appears to be sinking
in the water.

Yeah, our lost
and found department’s

been working overtime today.

Anybody need a lash?

Even Santa
or his helpers, like Alison

of the Christmasloving
Jingle Battalion here,

couldn’t avoid dropping

a few accidental gifts
on the course.

This is why you don’t have

an open bar
at a holiday party.

Come on!
Keep going, babe!

You got it!

Ah, HR made that
quite clear last year.

Unlike this contestant,
I can stop any time I want.

While we’re talking
about lost and found,

can I ask everyone to be
on the lookout for my stuff?

I’m missing some undershirts.

Which one of you
quietly snuck

into John’s dressing room

while he was
doing yoga yesterday

and nabbed two
of his extra large,

extra soft,
wide neck undershirts?

You better ’fess up right now.

Thank you, Nicole.
Let’s just get back to it.

I probably just lost it
at the laundromat.

Really, which one?
Who’s up now?

Sister Smash!

These best friends
are MMA fighters.

Let’s check out
what this tag team

is all about
before they enter our octagon.

I’m Ameera.

And I’m Jasmine,
and we are...

Sister Smash!

She does MMA,
and I do wrestling

just ’cause she’s
kind of more of a savage,

and I like rules.

I like to punch people
in the face.

I sound crazy, but honestly,
once you punch somebody

in the face, you’ll know
what I’m talking about.

We have a serious love

for fighting and adventure.

Any obstacle in our way
that we can destroy,

we’re gonna do it,
and we’ve always

seemed to end up
doing it together.

We’re here to win.
Not here to compete.

We’re here to win.

Let’s see them put
these MMA skills to the test.

Ameera ready
to collar and elbow tie up

with the course.
Go, go, go!

fight vocab, Nicole.


Oh, those are just
my bedroom words, John.

They do that in fighting too?

Ameera going oneonone
against the Jigglelator.

"Ameera versus
the Jigglelator."

That sounds like a movie

I’d catch my boyfriend
watching on the dark web.


And that’s the fight.

Bell to bell, Sister Smash

ends with 8 minutes,
48 seconds.

but no title match guaranteed

against the gauntlet
quite yet.

John is watching your moves.
He’s been watching you.

Is there anything
you want to say to him

after that performance?
Train me or fight me.

Fight me.

Fight me.

Fight me.
Fight me.

Train or fight them.
You heard that.

Oh, would you look at that?
I left something in my car.

Got to go.
Take a break.

Wait, no, what?


Plenty more qualifier to go.

And maybe more John?

I don’t even think
that was his car

he was driving.

What’s a pirate’s
favorite letter?

You’d think it’s R.

It’s really the C.

Oh, no.

That got me.

Like, I truly wasn’t
expecting that.

The C.

Welcome back
to "Wipeout," America.

We’re cruising along here
in the qualifier,

and man, oh, man,
it’s anyone’s game.

I like that,
"anybody’s game."

You mind if I use it?

Um, it’s
a very common phrase.

I get it.
You’re playing hardball.

Okay, fine,
what do you want for it?

Money, presents,
or other things?

Name it.
All of the above.

Doneit’s anybody’s game
here on the course.

Let’s go back to the action.

Don’t hate the cosplayer,

big balls, hate the game!

These two dress up
and pretend to be

all sorts of crazy characters.

Let’s find out
a little more

about these
wardrobe warriors.

My name is Beth.
And my name is Mayan.

And we are

the Cosplay Siblings.

I am the little sister.
And I’m the big brother.

And we got into cosplay
after reading

a lot of comic books
and going to ComicCon.

From watching
a lot of science fiction.

A lot of science fiction.

We’re going to kick butt
in this competition.

Let’s go!

Go, go, go!

Our friendly
neighborhood Mayan

tries his hand
at some wall crawling.

He dresses up like a superhero
and does his own stunts.

Color me impressed.

He told me
they wouldn’t have one drop

of water on their costumes.

Don’t have much to say here
other than

"look at this incredible shot
from the course!"

Okay, John.

Let’s get
a bigtime announcer reaction

to that wipeout.

Okay, I got it.
I got it.

that was amazing!

How was that?

I enjoyed it,
but there’s no way

they can use it.

Cosplayers gonna play.
Big ballers are gonna ball.

Bethany totally fanning out
at the Big Balls.

Can’t blame her.
They’re huge.

a pictureperfect scorpion,

but Bethany,
you cosplayed yourself.

Timewise, not looking good
for the next round,

but stranger things
have happened.

Who’s next?

Well, Romina and Carl
are together

because of something
nearly one in three

American adults now do.

Oh, they met
at bankruptcy court

over unpaid hospital bills?

Uh, no,
but let’s say Romina here

has plenty of experience

swiping left,
and it shows here

at the sweeper bar.
Oh, no!


Camille uncovered
the love story

between these two earlier.

All right, you guys,
I’m here on the course

with Carl and Romina.

How do you guys
know each other?

We met online.

Love at first click.

You were like,
there’s this show "Wipeout."

You need a partner.
Pretty much.


This is gonna
seal the deal absolutely.

Now he has
to be with me forever.

That’s true, aww.
I love you.

Online dating is
a lot like the Jigglelator.

It’s a little scary at first,
eventually it gets messy,

and ultimately,
you just got to try

to get off
before it hurts you.

Write that down, kids.

Oh, no.
Oh, that’s the heartbreaker.

For the kids!
Oh, my God.

I love you, oh!

7 minutes, 48 seconds,
putting these two

in the middle
of the pack right now.

That was amazing.

I love their love!

I have some things to say

about the love I’ve seen
on the course of today.

Go off, king.

I’ll play cupid myself
with the Telestrator.

Go baby, go!
We need wedding money!


Love is wonderful,

but it can be crazy
and confusing.

Love makes us
weak in the knees

and gives us a funny feeling
in our stomach.

Fun fact
so does a brain parasite.

Why, love even makes you
tumble head over heels

the first time
you meet someone.

A bar is
usually involved then too.

There you go.
Keep going.

it sounds intimidating,

but we shouldn’t be scared
of falling in love.

Look forward!

Look forward!
Go, go!

Just the prenups
attached to it.

Good one, baby.
You’re all right!

You’re good!

Hit him in the butt.
Who’s next?

Hawaiian surfer Ryan
takes off.

Let’s go, Ryan!

Big ups
right over that sweeper bar.


However, the Nutcracker’s
smack wall cuts him down.

Let’s go!
That’s a good flip.

At the Big Balls
in three minutes?

Ryan takes off like he’s
touring the Hawaiian Islands,

Kauai, Oahu, Lanai,
and Maui, wowie!

Ryan just got Smallsy.
That’s 250 for the team.

I got to learn more
about this team.

I’m Chloe.
I’m Ryan.

So we actually met surfing.

He caught a wave,
and I ended up

dropping in on him,
which is big nono.

I didn’t mind.

She was a pretty girl
dropping in front of me.

I was just watching her

Totally wiped out.

I knew that he
was the one for me

when we were coming back
from our first date,

and we were in his room
just kind of talking,

hanging out,
and out of absolutely nowhere,

he just whips it out.

Oh, you got to show ’em.
All right.

Yeah, we might look
like we’re pretty laid back,

and maybe that’ll play
to our advantage

because we’re actually
quite competitive.

We’ve got
a competitive edge to us.

It’s up to Chloe
to Ukelay this run to rest.


But she’s sent flying
into the water!

Jigglelator trying to smack
some sense into Chloe.

Don’t fall for a man
with a ukulele, girl.

5 minutes and 6 seconds.

Just a scorching time.

Give ’em
the good news, Camille.

Not only have you gotten
the best time so far...

No way.

But you have secured
moving on to the gauntlet,

so congratulations.

That was very cool.

Power couple right here.

There you go.

Let’s see who’s joining
UkeLeiMe in the gauntlet.

We will also got Mighty Moms,
the Jingle Battalion,

Love at First Click,
Brotivational Speakers,

and Sister Smash.

Who will survive
the bashtastic marathon

of mayhem
known as the gauntlet?

Did you like carousels
as a kid?

No, I always thought
they were so boring,

but you know what?

Now I appreciate
the ornateness of them.

Like, I often ride the small,
quarteroperated ones...

Outside of supermarkets.

"Wipeout" is back.

We’ve cut the field down
to six,

but our teams will need
to find and channel

some inner strength to tackle

our next coursethe gauntlet.

Speaking of channeling,
I think I figured out

to get this announcing voice down.

I’ll simply channel
the greatest sports voice

I grew up watching,
Trev Whipperpoole.

It’s me, top rated broadcaster
of all of Bowling Green, Ohio,

Trev Whipperpoole.

Camera man, focus up on me.

And if someone
could start prewarming me

a chocolate chip croissant,
that would be delightful.

Ooh, I like Trev.
Can he stay forever?

Ladies and gentlemen,
our next course

is a certified doozy.

I present the gauntlet.

The gauntlet
will be done in two heats.

In each heat, three teams
competing at the same time

will practically be climbing
over one another,

starting at the CarousHell.

Then it’s a foot race

through the disgusting
mud pits

and slippery slopes
of the Messy Mile.

Finally, the Pummel Pool,
where the choice between

the revolving french fries

and the giant,
spinning lollipop

could make or break it all.

First team
to have both members

cross the finish line
moves on to the Wipeout Zone.

Where’d I go just now?
You’re at "Wipeout," honey.

But this is Trev’s world now.
We’re all just living in it.

Who’s Trev?

Is that part
of the training program?

You, me, Trev,
and whoever else

you got up in there
need to head down

to the gauntlet,
where three of our teams

are standing by,
waiting to start.

Nerves running
incredibly high here.

UkeLeiMe here in blue,

Mighty Moms in green,

and Jingle Battalion
in orange.

Set the fastest three times
in the qualifier,

so expect a great showing
from all three here.

Congratulations, everyone.

You have made it
to the gauntlet.

The first team to make it
through the gauntlet

is going right
to the Wipeout Zone.

On my count, it is go time.
Here we go.

Three, two, one.

Gauntlet heat number one
is under way.

I got it.
I got it.

I got it.

No hesitation
from UkeLeiMe Ryan.

Hanging on.
Yes, he is one and done.

See, just like that.

Okay, Ryan, grabbing on.
Looks like he’s up for a ride.

Ooh,, oh.

That looks kind of painful.

Ryan, just scorching
through the CarousHell.

He’s done.

That hurt a lot.

Now UkeLeiMe Chloe.

Oh, no!

Now Jingle Battalion Cruz.

He just jingled
all the way down.

Standstill up top
as Mighty Mom Rachel

she’s on.
Got it.

Mighty Moms
starting their push

through the CarousHell.

Trust me.
They know about pushing.

How did she do that?

You know, I wondered
the same thing about my mom

when she raised me.

Rachel putting those
mom multitasking skills to use

and just like a mom
to make it

look easy in the process.

I’ll take it.

She hung on to that thing

tighter than
a "live, laugh, love" sign

Use those muscles!
Paddling muscles.

UkeLeiMe Chloe
absolutely using

those muscles
on the propeller.

And, yes, she moves on.
Let’s go, whoo!

Now, lonely up top,
it’s Jingle Battalion Cruz.

Yes, hangs on
to that propeller

like a funky
popsicle stick ornament

that you made
in the second grade.

Hey, I think the pink one
was pretty good

if you want to grab it.

UkeLeiMe Chloe
looking to join her boyfriend.

Oh, over the top andoh!

Oh, come on,
come on, come on.

Gosh, but still hangs on.

Gutsy performance.

That’s one team
past the CarousHell.

Amber, you got this, babe!

Mighty Mom Rachel
is so supportive.

She must be full
of great mom advice.

Mighty Mom Rachel presents
"Mother Knows Best."

Tonight’s lesson,
the birds and the bees.

You’ve got this, sweetie!
Just hold on tight.

Wide legs.
Really straddle that thing.

Amber, however,
takes Rachel’s words to heart.

Good job, whoo!

Yeah, girl!

You’re good.

Chloe and Ryan
are now making their way

through the mud course.

Not just any mud course,

The Messy Mile is

the ultimate
relationship stress test.

Either that or
your partner’s unlocked iPhone

sitting on a nightstand.

looking to put some distance

between themselves
and the CarousHell.

Ryan with an okay dismount.

Chloe thoughooh.
Just straight plucked up.


Amber now.
Big shot!

Oh, still hanging
with it though,

and she’s tough.

The Mighty Moms
slip through,

but they need
to put the minivan pedal

to the metal into the Mile.

And Amber and Rachel

have made it through
the first obstacle.

We are cruising
through the gauntlet today.

Powerhouse teams.

Just like in the qualifier,

setting the pace right now
through the Messy Mile

while the Mighty Moms
are very close

in second place.

Just no quit in these moms.


Much like pulling
a ukulele out at a party,

Ryan getting
a cold reception here

at Mount Wipeout.

UkeLeiMe surfer experience
coming into play here.

These two are used
to getting thrashed

by freezing cold waves.

They just shrug off
this downpour.

Up and over.

Just the Pummel Pool
to conquer

here at the gauntlet.
I am so Team Chloe and Ryan.

UkeLeiMe Chloe
gonna start here.

Send it.
Off she goes.

Ooh, send it back.

Jumping back
to the Messy Mile,

right at the door
are our Mighty Moms.

And if these two
have teenagers,

they probably want
to knock before entering.

Two hundred gallons of water
from Mount Wipeout dump.

that’s almost 1,700 pounds

crashing down that rock wall.

UkeLeiMe’s Ryan’s turn

to move up the Pummel Pool.
Nice, Ryan.

And he’s over.
No problem.

He made it through
every obstacle in the gauntlet

so far
without wiping out once.

Ryan, you’re my hero!

Aw, who knew groupies
were so adorable?

Come on.

Now we just fall in?
Yes, ma’am.

To your left.

The Mighty Moms
are now neck and neck

with UkeLeiMe
for the first spot

in tonight’s Wipeout Zone.

UkeLeiMe Ryan
is going to move

with the french fries.

Though a little stumble
he’s up,

and yes.
Another first go success.

Yes, Ryan!

Oh, my God, you’re so close!
Jump, Yes!

Ryan becomes
the first tiny guitar hero

to cross that finish line.

But Chloe’s still out there

in the wilds
of the Pummel Pool.

Both need
to cross the finish line

to stamp
their Wipeout Zone ticket.


Oh, yes!

Chloe deciding
between that snap jump timing

of the lollipop
or the straight line,

but potential blindsides
of those spinning fries.

Just look to your left.

Watch for the ones
coming at you.

Oh, sh**t.
What the heck?

Bit of a stumble.


Just launched out there.

But it could still be
a Mother’s Day for these two.

Oh, crap.

Chloe and Ryan
better watch out

’cause Mighty Mom Rachel
is ready

to shift those ovaries
into overdrive.

Over the ball, but

Ear muffs kids, ear muffs.
That’s a nono word.

Chloe isn’t gonna let
one bad jam stop her,

or, frankly, she wouldn’t
be with her boyfriend.

There it is!


She’s through.

Steps away from the end
for UkeLeiMe on the ball.

Here she goes.
Big finish.


That was great.

And UkeLeiMe
is the first team

to say aloha
to the Wipeout Zone.


You have now made it
onto the Wipeout Zone!

Hang loose, baby.

is moving on to the Zone,

but who will take
the top spot

in our second gauntlet heat?

And more importantly,
which pair will be able

to topple
the insane Wipeout Zone

as our quest to crown
a $25,000 winner continues?


I miss
the East Coast sometimes.

Jersey, right?
Yeah, baby.

You ever get into Billy Joel
or Bruce Springsteen?

No, not really.

I just thought
that it was indoctrinated.

Everyone from Jersey

I think white people
from Jersey.

Fair, fair.

"Wipeout" continues, America,
as we get ready

for another three teams
to tackle

our body bending buzzsaw
known as the gauntlet.

I think I’ve learned something.

I don’t need to be
someone I’m not in this booth.

I’m John Cena,
and this is "Wipeout."

That’s all
I needed you to know.

I can no longer teach you.

Yes, I can finally graduate.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to go
to my safety school,

the Joe Rogan Institute
for Spiritual Enlightenment,

or even worse, Arizona State.
First things first, John.

We got one more heat
of the gauntlet

and our last three teams
are standing by.

Up top, we’ve got
Love At First Click

in lovers’ pink.

Sister Smash repping yellow

and the Brotivational Speakers
are here in purple.


The first team to make it
through the gauntlet

is going right
to the Wipeout Zone.

On my count, here we go.

Three, two, one.

Our second gauntlet heat
is off and running.

The Brotivational Speakers
step forward,

ready to inspire
this group.

Show us how it’s done, boys.
Jutan taps in.


Brotivator Jamal wants next.

Got it.
Yes, go!

There you go just like that.
Let’s get it, Jamal.

Good job.
Gets it done.

Let’s go!

Sister Smash
Jasmine follows.

Hey, what was that?

Oh, man, these two

are gonna Sister Smash
this course to bits.

I lost a shoe!
Laces, people.

Let’s get it.
You got to land!

Bros brotivating bros.

You love to see it.

Ah, but Jamal
with a bit too much

of brotivation,
he overshoots the mark.

Love At First Click Carl

makes the first move
on his team.

Good job, baby.

Call me
a hopeless romantic, John,

but I hope this leads
to something more.

Looks like Romina is next,

hoping to join her date Carl.
Go ahead.

Oh, no.

Looks like she stood him up.
Oh, yeah, sure.

The quad spinner was late.
Classic first date excuse.

Look at Carl here.

I made it.

Love at First Click
has one member through

this CarousHell

with the other
just steps behind.

Go, babe.

Brotivator Jamal
giving it another go.

Ooh, light tap
on the sweeper bar

but, no,
he overshoots it again.

All right, babe,
you got this.

Fumbling no more,
Love at First Click

is the first couple
through the CarousHell.

Carl and Romina
in the lead, yes!

Sister Smash Jasmine.
I made it!

it’s smashing time.

John, you know you still have
to battle these two, right?

I’m not a fighter
anymore, Nicole.

I’m a lover now.

Come on, there you go!
You got it, you got it!

Ding, ding,
this fight is underway.

Oh, a big shot
from the sweeper bar.

Looking for
a midmatch stoppage,

but no, and we fight on.

Oh, my God.

Body blow, and another!
Just getting bashed up there.

Ooh, this has
got to be the end.

Oh, man.

The round is nearly over
and, hey,

she makes it through!
Any postmatch words?

Big ups to the big man.

We have to climb up
that thing like that.

It’s fun to do new things
on dates and laugh.

Can’t forget the laughs.
You got it.

Look at this speed.

Love At First Click
is scaling Mount Wipeout

with the best of them.

This relationship
is moving very quickly.

Oh, gosh.
Too fast for me.

Next, they’ll want to know
each other’s last names.

You have a very weird
personal life, Nicole.


Carl and Romina
are the first team

to enter the Pummel Pool,

which is the only thing
between them and victory.

But looking
back down the course,

the other two teams
have cleared the CarousHell

and are right on the heels
of Love At First Click.

Sister Smash
with that fighting spirit.

And Brotivator Jutan
looks deep within himself.

dedication, dedication.

Did I remember
to turn off the oven?

This is exhausting,
but exciting

and frightening all at once.
It’s like a horror movie.

If online dating
had a tagline, that’d be it.

Carl, however, up and over,

and he sh**t the gap
first try.

I’m thinking
this makes me dizzy,

and that one knocks me down.

I know some good stuff
that’ll do both.

I’d rather get dizzy.

I might have changed my mind.

So might Romina there, Carl.

You got this, babe.
Take your breath.

It’s fry time,
and I’m hungry.

Carl at the fries,
slow start.



That was a good one.

Time costly wipeout
as the Messy Mile

is still plenty active

both Sister Smash
and the Brotivational Speakers

making headway
towards the Pummel Pool.

Jasmine and Jutan
looking to move ahead,

but it’s all about
the buddy system.

Never leave a bro
or a tag team partner behind.

We got through
the hardest part.

Jutan looking
to light some fire

in Jamal’s desire.

Just try to get it
as much as you can, bro.

You just got to look sexy
when doing it.

These guys live and breathe
motivational posters.

They will now live forever
on the walls

of guidance counselor offices
and rehab facilities.

Just try to get it
as much as you can, bro.

You just got to look sexy
when doing it.

Oh, that one didn’t work
so well.

Gonna try this one.
Can we slow it down?

No, we cannot.

the piece to do that

broke off months ago, Carl.

I gotwhoa.

Started with French fries,
now a lollipop for dessert.

I see how this one is.
You so close to me, Carl.

So close, but yet so far.

Like trying to find
the perfect lighting

for a thirst trap picture.

Stand and then you got it.

Finally with his bearings...
Keep going!

Carl launches
off the lollipop.

He’s off the pad!

Just steps away
from the finish line now.

Yes, Carl!

This is the best day
of my life.

The day he met Romina

takes a tumble
down that list.

Or one of ’em anyway.

I’ve had many best days
of my life.

Uhhuh, too late, pal.

Romina locks that away
for couple’s therapy.

She’s off
and, yes, completes the job.

Yes, Romina!
You got this, baby.

I made it.

Now, Carl, over
and a headfirst baseball slide

right over
that checkered line.

Just need Romina
through the french fries

to take this relationship
to the next level.

Commit, commit, commit,
commit, yeah!

Zero commitment issues
from this lady.

I’m right behind you.

These lovers need to hurry

as Brotivators
and Sister Smash

just moments away
from getting into the pool.

Romina gets set up
to the ball and...

And she did it!

Love really does conquer all.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.

We survived the gauntlet.
I love you.

Love you too, babe.

Guys, congratulations!

You’re moving on
to the Wipeout Zone!

Oh, my God.

Chloe and Ryan versus

Love At First Click’s
Romina and Carl.

Nicole and I are headed down
to the Wipeout Zone

as young love gets set
to take on...

Uh, not as young love

with $25,000
hanging in the balance.

Welcome back, America.

We are moments away
from awarding

one pair a cool $25,000.

Imagine what you could do
with that type of money, John.

Invest it, buy a nice couch,

pay back some surprisingly large loans

used to obtain
an announcer license

from a program
that lists its address

in the Cayman Islands,
has no direct phone number,

and thousands
of negative Yelp reviews.

You know, I got to say,
the couch thing sounds fun.

There’s only one thing
that stands in the way

between these teams
and nice couchery,

and that’s the Wipeout Zone.

We’ve made it
to the top of the mountain,

the Wipeout Zone.

This colossal course
is made up of four stages

done relay style,
with each contestant

attempting two obstacles.

The first team member
will get shot out

from our
speeding Silver b*llet

into freezing cold
waters below.

From there, they’ll swim
to the giant spinning Vertigo,

where they’ll attempt
to maneuver from peg to peg

without losing their grip
or their lunch.

They’ll need to press
the button in the middle

to lower the bridge

before they can leap
to safety.

That’s when
they’ll tag their partner

to take on the Leap of Faith,

where they’ll have
to launch themselves

onto one of the spinning arms,

maintain their balance,
and jump

to the narrow platform
on the other side.

It’s tough, but if they
successfully make it across,

they’ll arrive
at the final challenge.

The Triple Threat.

If a contestant
can somehow make it

from one spinning hexagon
to the next

and safely leap
to the final platform

faster than their competition,

they’ll take home $25,000.

Going headtohead
in this Zone are

Chloe and Ryan
of UkeLeiMe

and Romina and Carl
of Love at First Click.

These youngsters of UkeLeiMe
will kick things off first.

UkeLeiMe’s Ryan
getting set here

in the Silver b*llet
while his partner Chloe

waits for his tag
over the Leap of Faith.

It seems like they have
the wind at their backs

going into this round.

Remember, the Zone

is a completely
different beast altogether.

Three, two, one.

And there he goes.
Okay, oh!

from my vantage point,

what looks to be
like a football field.

Okay, I think that was
the quickest a contestant

has fallen right to the water.

Well, he is a surfer.
Oh, there we go.

They fall quick.

Now, Ryan has to get
to the middle

of the obstacle
to press the button.


And it will bring down
the landing gate

so he can actually
go on to the next obstacle

and tag his partner.

Let’s go, Ryan!

Let’s go, Ry!

Steps on to Vertigo,

slips through those pegs,
presses the button,

and down comes the bridge.

Wow, that is very fast!

I’m thoroughly impressed.

Oh, oh, whoa, whoa, oh.
Come on, baby, come on.

You got it.
You got it.

Come on.
Let’s gooh.

Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie.

Did the impressed shine
wear off a little bit there?

Almost immediately.

I said "I’m impressed,"
and then he said,

"I better fall down."

Right back on it.

Pretty sure he had to learn
something from his mistake.

The bridge is already down,

so it’s just about
getting over there.

Nice and slow,
you are doing good.

Here it comes.
Make or break time.

He’s gonna make the leap,
and he made it.

Yeah, baby!

Wow, he got through there
rather quickly.

He made that look easy.

Chloe now getting set
for the Leap of Faith.

Timing is so crucial here.

Too fast, too slow,
and you’re done.


You know, she made it.
She did.

And then she did not.

To be or not to be?
She chose not to be.

Chloe also a surfer.
Great swimmer.

There is a song
that goes "we fall down,

but we get back up again,"
and she got back up again.

Did you just make that up?
No, it’s a gospel song.

My mother loved Jesus.

Good tune, catchy.

Chloe with Leap of Faith
number two.

Okay, yes.

She made it.
She hung on.

This is
everything’s happened

so quick.

And she hung on again.
Yo, strong hands.

Whew, let’s go.

Just the Triple Threat to go!
You can do it!

All right.

All right.
She’s on...

Very confident.
The first obstacle.

No problem.

On to the second one.
No problem.

Wow, very confident.

And she just leaps
oh, well.

You know.

Oh, dang.
Maybe a little too confident.

A little too confident.

Gravity is brutal.
It is brutal.

But the technique
on the first two...

I was on board.
I think Chloe can do it.

She’s back in.
Get up, get up.

She’s got
that belly flop method.

I think it’s a good method.

Good method
for the first two obstacles.

Jump, jump, jump.

Usually on the last one,
sheoh, she held on!

Oh, boy.
One to go!

Oh, boy!


Thatmy eyes saw hurt.

it was the personification

of rejection.
She’ll give it another go.

You know what to do.
You’re good.

Yes, Chloe!
Get it, Chloe!

There we go.
There we go.

Par for the course,
I would say.

Mmhmm, mmhmm.

She does extremely well...

Until now.

Ready for the circle?
All right.

Here we go.
Focus up.

You’re almost there.
Yes, Chloe.

You’re gonna
get it this time.

Last one

just land on that platform,

Here weyou got it!



Congrats, Chloe!

That was vicious.
Are you okay?

I’m okay.
I’m okay.

You guys feel good?

A lot of resolve.
Both of you?

You looked very tired
on that last attempt.

A little bit, yeah.

You made it, though.
You crushed it.

Thank God.

posts a solid

8 minute and 3 seconds
in the Zone.

Will that tempo be enough
to pick up the win?

Or will Love at First Click

slide into the Zone’s DMs

Find out right after this.

America, we’re back,
and it’s all come down to this.

One final run
to crown tonight’s winners.

I mean,
at the end of the day,

aren’t we all winners, John?

All the laughs
and all the friends

we’ve made along the way.
Wait a minute.

There is also the $25,000
one team is gonna win.

Oh, man, I want that money.
We got screwed.

Let’s get set
for our one last ride.

Earlier, we saw UkeLeiMe
get in tune,

setting the pace at 8 minutes
and 3 seconds.

Big thumbs up
from Romina here.

She’s getting set
while her boyfriend Carl

is standing by
for his leg of the relay.

Love at First Click
finished towards

the middle of the pack
during the qualifier,

but, Nicole, watching them
in the gauntlet,

they’ve now found
their stride

and could give UkeLeiMe

to really fret about.

Second Zone of the night,

no turning back now,

Three, two, one.

And splash.

Swimming towards the ramp
and with it the Vertigo.

I’m rooting for Romina.

Her name is very close to
my favorite lettuce, romaine.

It’s a very easy joke,
and I went for it.

Let’s see if she can produce.


The obstacle
isn’t as easy as it looks.

Yes, yes, yes.

She has to make it
to the middle...

And hit the button.


That’ll bring
the ramp down on

the other side so she can
safely pass through...

Yes, yes, yes, yes.
And hang on the whole time.

Yes, yes, yes.
Okay, ooh.

She may have
a little trouble...

This is very
SpiderManlike move.

She hasn’t fallen yet.

How is she still holding on?

Oh, no, no, oh, oh,.

Oh, no, oh,
she’s going down.

She’s going down.
Oh, oh, oh.

Ooh, baby.

Now, Nicole, you know

that Chloe and Ryan
have a very fast time.


Romina and Carl
definitely have

their work cut out for ’em.

John, I’m so glad you’re here.

I already forgot
about our other contestants.

That’s okay.
That’s why I’m here.

She mounts it again.


Headed to the middle
of the Vertigo.

She’s in the middle.
She’s in the middle.

I think the fall
might help her.

She hit the middle.
She hit the middle.

The gate is down,
and now she just

has to get out of the Vertigo.

Oh, she’s on the edge.
Spidermanning it again.

She may have a chance.

Yeah, byebye.

She lost that chance.

So Chloe and Ryan
were actually so fast

that if the horn goes off
and Romina times out here,

crazy Carl
doesn’t even get to run.

Their run is over.


Romina better
get back up there.

She looks exhausted.
She does look very tired.

Go for it, Romina!
You can do it!

Come on!

Focus on the landing.

Oh, no, she

Jump, jump.

Good lord.

She’s gonna
have to go for it.

Good lord.
Have to go for it.

Come on.
She made it.

Oh, thank God.
She made it!

Excellent job!
Way to stick with it!

Go, go get it!
Crazy Carl is in the game.

He’s got to make
a very quick Leap of Faith.

All right, Carl.
Carl is going for it.

No, he said no.
Nope, that’s not it.

He’s going for it.

It’s a lot tougher
than it looks.

Got to fall on this thing
when I see it.

Just so easy to lose sight

of the bar as it travels
under the runway.


He did touch it.
He did touch it.

With two hands.

Yes, and that counts
for nothing.

I think we switch his nickname

from Crazy Carl
to TwoHander Carl.

Now, Nicole, remember,
if we hear that horn go off,

that means that Chloe and Ryan
have won

and their run is done,
but Crazy Carl,


Triple Threat
and then the finish platform!

I love you!
You are almost there.

All right, Carl.
Here we go, Carl.

Come on.
You can do it.

Yeah, Carl!
I believe in Carl.

Yes, ooh, okay.

Chooses a different path.

Yes, okay.

Man, he is
really doing well.

Flying through this.
The clock is ticking.

If Carl can make the jump
in ten seconds,

they will win.

If not,
Chloe and Ryan will win.

Oh, John Cena,
this is a nailbiter.

You can do it, Carl!
He has one to go.

You can do it, baby!

Everything is on the line...
Oh, oh!

And he wipes out.

Dang it, oh!
That’s it.

Chloe and Ryan have won.
Oh, come on!

Oh, my God!

Hell yeah, dude.
Hell yeah.


Oh, John Cena, you did it!

Talk to themthey won!


Congratulations, yes!
Congrats, guys.

Awesome job.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

What a dang treat.
Crushed the course.

Thank you so much
Thank you.

UkeLeiMe making nothing
but sweet music

in the Zone
as they successfully

fend off Love at First Click.

That’s another one
in the books

as this team stands triumphant
over the Wipeout Zone.

Got to be honest, John,
not a big reader,

unless it has to do
with Westeros

or whatif stories
about FDR fighting a Dracula.

Well, we’ll add
another chapter

to our story next time
as a new slate of teams

ramble, amble and scramble
for our top prize.

Until then, for "Wipeout,"
I’m John Cena.

And for our cohost,
Camille Kostek,

I’m Nicole Byer saying
good night and big balls.