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02x11 - Trip to Mars

Posted: 02/19/23 08:03
by bunniefuu
[Ethereal music]

- I can't believe tomorrow's
the big day.

Our country is finally
putting a man on mars.

What do you think
is up there, denzel?

- Hot martian b*tches
with four sets of green titties.

- That's really profound,

- I know.

Titty-[bleep] that bitch

Is like a full-time job.

- What about the rest
of space?

- Mm, stars and shit.

- How many do you think
there are?

- More than you
can count, steve.

- Wow. 92.

- You are
a stupid mother[bleep].

- Yeah.

Just one more question--

How do we get the car
out of the planetarium?

- [Inhales]

Same way we got
this mother[bleep] in.

[Tires screech]

[Triumphant music]

- [Screams]

- ♪ Brickleberry

[Gentle guitar chords]

- Rangers, listen up.

Today is a historic day.

[Dramatic music]

- The world watches

As man prepares to land
on mars.

- Who cares?

- It's the grand opening
of the hazelhurst mega mall!

500 Stores,
200 different ones!

A gigantic arcade!

The world's largest
food court,

Conveniently located right next
to the lane bryant superstore!

- Oh, my god,
it's got everything I want

And new fat people
to make fun of.

I'll be in the car.

- Oh, cubbsie wubbs,

Everyone knows bears
aren't allowed in malls.

It's like how filipinos
aren't allowed in libraries.

- What?
- We all know they eat paper!

[Paper rustling]

- This new stephen king novel
is terrible!


- As I was saying,
I'm proud to announce

Brickleberry will be playing
an important role

In the upcoming
mars landing.

[All talking excitedly]

- I wish I was going
up there.

I'd get some green p*ssy.
You know that.

- You see, mount brickleberry
is the highest point

In the world.

- That doesn't sound right.

- If it's on the brochure,
it's true!

Anyway, nasa is gonna be
using our park

As a key transmission point
for mission control.

And that means them indians

At the base
of mount brickleberry

Have gotta go.

- But the brochure says
the base of the mountain

Is their ancestral land.

- Yeah, the brochure
also says

We have the highest mountain
in the world.

What are you,
[bleep] stupid?

- You watch
your [bleep] mouth!

I'll rip your g*dd*mn head off,

Uh, sorry, mr. Johnson.

Yeah, I'm stupid.

- Hey, steve,
go tell them savages

They gotta move 'em heap quick.

- You got it, sir.

- Woody, forest resettlement
of native americans

Is just wrong.

- Don't question
the u.s. Government, missy!

They know
what they're doing.

They did a bang-up job
planning 9-11,

Controlling our minds
with fluoride in the water,

And turning
anderson cooper gay!

- Anybody ever say
you're a bit

Of a conspiracy theorist?

- Ah, don't be ridiculous.

- How 'bout that stunt
you pulled

At your nephew's christening?

- I know there's a microphone
in here somewhere.

I know you can hear me,
you soviet bastards.

That's it--
I'm going in after it!

- Woody doesn't know
what he's talking about.

I can go to the mall
if I want to.

- Hold it right there,

- Who are you supposed to be?

- I'm todd rollin,
head of mall security.

- Wow!

Head of mall security?

Minimum wage and you get to ride
one of those cool segways?

- You don't sound impressed.

- I'm impressed by the way
you manage

To sweat
on something with wheels.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going into the mall.

- Oh, no, you're not.

Everyone knows bears
aren't allowed in malls.

It's like how malaysians aren't
allowed in shoe stores.

- What?

- We all know
they eat shoelaces.

[Romantic italian music]

- There is some really obscure
racism in this town.

- I am so sorry
to have to tell you this,


Wait, tribal chairman?

You're the indian chief,

- That's a stereotypical thing
to assume.

- How?
- How.

Are you here to push us
off our land?

- [Chuckling]
no, no, no.

I'm not.

I'm here to buy
your land.

$24 In beads sound good?

- We'll take it!

- Not so fast, not-so-fast.

We said we would not make
this mistake again.

You throw in closing costs.

- All right.
You drive a hard bargain.

$26 In beads.

- Nice doing business
with you.

- You guys
are gonna enjoy those.

I tried them out myself.

- What do you mean?

- They're a**l beads.
- Pfft!

- Salutations.

I am mission control
director extraordinaire,

Dr. Kurt thoreau, phd.

- Hi there.

Head ranger excelente
woody johnson,


- And who is this
fetching creature?

- Did you say "fetching"
or "felching"?

- Uh, I'm ethel.

- Do men
with exceptional beards

Make your fish flaps

- What?

- Show me to my office
at once.

- Well, the only office
in there is mine.

Listen here, nas-hole--

I don't know
who you think you are--

Right this way.

[Men chanting]

- Steve, thank you
for joining us

For our farewell powwow.

- No problem.

I hope you like the beads.

Oh, yes, wife bury them
where sun don't shine.

In her ass.

- This was a lot of fun.

Thanks for hanging out
with me all night.

- Bros before navajos.

Our medicine man offers you
a bowl of hikuri,

The food of the gods.

Some say it lets you see
the heavens.

Now just take a small sip.

- [Gulping]
- it's very powerful.

- Ahh. What?

- You just had 2,000 hits
of pure peyote.

- It's not affecting me,
ninja t-rex.

- Hoo-ahh!


- [Screaming]


- I hate white people.

- ♪ Oh, out with the injuns,
in with the spacemen ♪

♪ Nasa's the best,
gonna get us some press ♪

- You should be ashamed
of yourself--

Pushing the native americans
off their land

Just for a little publicity.

- Oh, calm down.

The law of reparations
says they can claim any land

In their former territory
as their own.

Those redskins can basically
live anywhere they want.

- Anywhere they want?

[Flute and drum music]

- Who are you?

- I'm malloy, talking bear.

- I knew his father,

- Listen, my people.

It is time to stop
being pushed around

By the white man

And take the sacred land
that is rightfully ours.

- What sacred land?

[Light music playing]

- [Ululating]

- We bring talking bear
more wampum.

Orange julius
and bounty of cinnabon.

- Don't worry.

I'll use every part
of the cinnabon.

I hope you paid the white man
with much suffering.

- No, we paid
with discover card.

- What?
What kind of indians are you?

- Not the good kind.

Okay, I'm leaving now.

- This is our land.

If we want something
from the white man,

We take it.

- After we ask nicely?

- No! The white man
is our enemy!

He stole our land,

He m*rder*d our people,

And he told us we can't come
into their malls,

Just because we're bears!

- I don't remember
that last part.

- Just go with it.
He's on a roll.

- It's time someone
taught you guys

How to act
like real indians.

[Dramatic music]

- Aah!
- Aah!

[Men whooping]

- Get ready
for magic time, people.

I'll actually be guiding
the astronauts

Down as we speak.

- Mission control,
this is apollo.

We are go for landing
in four...




- Extend pods.


- And we have touchdown.

- We have landed on mars.

kurt thoreau, everyone.

- How is steve missing this?

Where the hell is he?

- [Screams]

Get away from me,

Octopus mime!

[Upbeat polka music]


[Truck roars]




- I think you'll like
the first words

Man will say on mars.

I composed them myself.

- That was
one small step for man

And one giant--

- [Screams]

[Babbling nonsensically]

[People screaming]

- We can easily
reattach these

As long as we're very,
very careful with them--


so that's why

We shouldn't put those
in here.

[Rangers scream]

- Wait a minute.

That fat alien
looks like steve.

- That fat alien is steve.

- How'd steve get to mars?

- Steve isn't on mars.

that means the mars landing--

- It's all a g*dd*mn fake!

I knew it!

We're ass-deep in the biggest
conspiracy ever!

- Guards, seize them!

- Oh, what?

You actors
gonna hold us hostage

With a bunch of
phony prop g*ns?

Wow, that's realistic.

Fake brains too.

- [Babbling and laughing]

- Um, uh, mission control,

What the hell do we do?

- You're actors.

- Holy moly,
it's a genuine...


- [Babbling]


- Oh, I can't breathe...

In this space air.

- I'll save you.

- Ughhh! Uhhhh!

- Well, it's not
what I planned.

It's better.

I didn't just fake
a mars landing.

I faked a martian.

You see?

I'm not just kurt thoreau,
rocket scientist.

I'm also kurt thoreau,

Master showman and director!

I'll bet the ratings will top

Our fake lunar landing
in '69.

- So you're saying
that neil armstrong--

- Was an alcoholic
out of work birthday clown

Before I discovered him.

- So you're saying
all government employees

Are actors?

I'm a government employee.

Am I an actor?
Are there cameras here?

Are people watching me
right now?

Who am I kidding?

10:30 On tuesday night.

Nobody's watching this shit.

- Only nasa knows.

No one else.

Not even the president.

After this mission is over,

I'm throwing you all
in space prison.

- Yay!
Is that like space camp?

- Yes, but with just
a tad more r*pe.

[Dramatic music]

- The hazelhurst mega mall
is currently under siege

By a group of indians
and a small bear.

But who gives a shit
about that?

We've got martian updates.

In a shocking move,
for purposes of research,

Dr. Kurt thoreau
has ordered the astronauts

To bring the martian
back to our planet.

- Roger, mission control.

We have subdued the martian
with, uh,

Alien-holding space rope.

- Vroom, vroom, vroom!


[Mimics rocket noises]

- I hope they make it back okay.

- Hey, guard, can you sh**t
this fat, dumb bitch?

- The capsule will be touching
down any minute now.

But be warned--
when it enters the atmosphere,

It will make a brilliant flash!

Everyone, close your eyes or it
will instantly blind you.


It's here.

You can open your eyes.

Smiles, everyone.

We're about to greet
a friend from another world.

[Lenses clicking]

- Wh--where am i?

Why am I covered in mud
and naked?

This hasn't happened
since space camp.

- Uh, we must
get him into isolation

Before our earth atmosphere
of .7

Gives him acute failure of--

He's going to eat our dicks!

- ♪ Bring it on

- Marshmallow peeps
and cadbury egg

Now property
of chief talking bear.

- Hey, those are for the kids.


- You were right.

Taking land
and k*lling white man is fun.

- You know, you guys
have come a long way.

- We should have embraced our
stereotype many years ago.

- Uh-uh-uh-uh.
- Uh, many moons ago.

- Listen, you.
This is a mall.

You can't live here.

I'm giving you one hour
to vacate

And get rid
of all the horseshit.

- I can't control what
panda express puts on its menu.

- Get out now!

- You have dishonored my people
long enough, todd.

We will fight for our land!


- Can someone please tell me

Where the pepperidge farm
kiosk is?

I smell pennies all of a sudden.

- So this is my
secret government base.

Any drips from the tap?

- Just tell me what you plan
to do with steve.

- Oh. We won't hurt him.

[Electricity crackles]
- [screams]

- Why are you doing
experiments on him?

Hey, I thought
you were all actors.

- Oh, he's not an actor.

He's one of america's
top scientists.

Fooled by my magic like everyone
else in the country!

- When are you
gonna let steve go?

- I'm afraid I can't do that.

If anyone finds out
he's not a real alien

My career will be over.

I'll be convicted of fraud.

- What do you mean?

- I mean your friend will
not leave this base alive.


- Now, it's time for the
bowling pin in the anus test.

- [Screams]

- ♪ Bring it on


- We've got them on the run.

- There they are
at the last custard stand!

[Ululating continues]

- [Groans]



- I can't believe they're doing

Those painful experiments
on steve.

- Well, after
a childhood like his,

It's probably the only way
he can climax.

- That's you, woody.
- Yeah, that--that is me.

- We can't let them
do this to steve.

We need a plan to rescue him.

- Thoreau has his eyes
on steve 24/7.

We need to distract him
so we can bust steve out.

- But how?
- Ethel, you can do it.

- How am I supposed to
distract him?

- I've got an idea.

- Three, two, and one.

We have contact.

- Do you have to
narrate everything?

- Affirmative.

Rotating thruster 30 degrees.

Open the pod bay doors.

Docking in 59...58..57...56.

- [Groans]

Ugh, I hope what I just did
was worth--

- Yahtzee!

- What the hell
are you guys doing?

Did you rescue steve?

- What?
That was tonight?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Guess we got caught up

I'm on a roll!

- So I just slept with

A disgusting assh*le douchebag
for nothing?

Isn't anyone gonna
say anything?

- Uh, well, normally this is
where malloy would jump in

With something like,
"yeah, but how's that different

From your typical tuesday?"

- No, I think it'd be more like,
"you did it for nothing?

Usually you get taco bell
out of it."

- Or something like,
"disgusting assh*le?

You mean you finally
slept with connie?"

- Oh, yeah, that's it.

- [Laughs]

- Oh, yeah, yuk it up.

I just banged a guy
who calls his penis

"The uss enter-thighs."

- Man, what a loser.

Naming his junk after star trek.

Ain't that right, hung solo?

- Sorry, ethel.
We can't get past the guards.

- Steve is in real danger here.

Kurt can't hide him forever.

And if he lets him go,
nasa will be exposed.

- So do you think
he's gonna k*ll steve?

- I don't know, but if he does,

I bet it'll
be a ratings bonanza.

- I am sorry to report

That the martian
has contracted an earth virus.

And he appears to be...dying!

- Dr. Thoreau, can you tell us
what disease it is?

- He's got whatever made e.t.

All white and dried out
and gross.

- How much time
does the alien have left?

- Impossible to predict,

But he'll definitely be dead
before primetime tonight.

- Tonight at 9:00, live on pbs!

Witness history as we show you
a real live alien autopsy!

- Oh, my god.

- Yes, we'll finally get to see
what's inside a mexican!

- Okay, so poof,
we get in, grab steve,

And then poof, we out.

- Well, does anybody have a plan

That doesn't involve
nightcrawler from the x-men?

Or any of the other x-men?

- We need to get serious.

His autopsy's only
a couple of hours away.

- Yeah, and with, like,
an hour for dinner and dessert,

That won't leave us much time.

- We'd need an army
to take thoreau down.

That's it!
Okay, I've got a plan,

But we need to
get past the guards.

- We need to bribe them
or something

So they'll let us go.

- What the hell are we gonna

Bribe a bunch of
hollywood actors with?

- I've got an idea.

- Why the hell
did I agree to this?

- And that's why
we need your help.

- Why would my people help
the white man and denzel?

- Look, we need an army
to help us rescue steve.

If you help us,
we'll give you your land back.

- That sounds like a great idea.

- No!
That place was a sh*thole!

How could we leave
our beautiful land?

- Our land
not so beautiful anymore.

- g*dd*mn [bleep] indians!

- Yes!
It's still here!

- Pbs alien autopsy live

Is brought to you
by lane bryant.

Covering up fat chicks so

You don't have to look at them.

- Now we don't know what organs
this alien will have.

His chest cavity could be full
of facehuggers or candy.

Well, let's find out.

- [Groans]


- Attention, earth.

You have abducted
one of our martian people.

We demand his immediate--

- Hey, ma, look at your boy!
I'm on tv!

Hey, yo, I wanna give a shout
to my cool friends g*ng,

My cousin kinishia--
I love you, baby.

Stay your dumb ass in school.

My boy, burbel.

Hey, what's up, boy?
Whatcha doing?

Hey, charles,
gimme my tires back, man!

- Denzel!

- What's happening?

Switch it off.
Switch it off!

- I'm trying, dr. Thoreau.
I can't.

It's like they
tapped into our feed.

- If you do not return our
brother safely to our planet

You will face the wrath
of our martian army.


- And then you will
be jupiter fisted to death

By our hideous space monster.

- [Roars]

[Crowd screams]

- Trying to beat me
at my own game, eh?

I'll show them.

Doctor, operate!

- But I don't want to get
jupiter fisted to death.

I don't even know what that is,

But my first three guesses
are horrible.

- Oh, fine.
I'll do it.

- Sir, it's the president.

- Hello?
Mr. President?

I understand that you don't

Wanna get jupiter fisted
to death, sir, but--

As you wish, sir.

That's a wrap.

- On behalf of earth people,

I hereby return
your space brother.

- Hey, until further notice,
this invasion is over.

[Crowd cheers]

- Welcome back, steve.
- No!

Don't leave me
with these martians!

Take me back to earth!

- What the [bleep]?

[Drumming and flute music]

- If you can't take
the reservation to the mall,

Take the mall
to the reservation.

- How.
- What do you mean "how"?

We already did it.

- Oh, you're going away
for a long time.

You'll be doing a ten-year
production of backside story.


Woody johnson, everybody.

- It was all worth it.

We almost got better ratings

Than that betty white
prank show.

- Hey, that's my favorite show.

It makes me laugh hard
and get hard.

- Hey, watch the cape.

- I can't believe everything
we know about space is a lie.

Do you ever think we'll find out
what's really out there?

- I don't know, steve.

But I know
what I'd like it to be.

[Exotic dance music]

- [Screams]

[Upbeat music]