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01x18 - Beware the Gray Ghost

Posted: 02/18/23 18:21
by bunniefuu

NARRATOR'. When crime haunts the night,

a silent crusader
carries the torch of justice.

Those with evil hearts beware,

for out of the darkness comes

the Gray Ghost.


Tonight's episode, "The Mad Bomber."

Bedtime right after Gray Ghost.
Okay, Bruce?

The city is rocked again
by the mysterious bomber.

Our only hope, the Gray Ghost!



"Pay up, or pay the consequences.

"One million in cash,
or the Piedmont Bank is next."

Signed, "The Mad Bomber."




BATMAN: "Pay up,
or pay the consequences.

"One million in cash,
or the Gotham Bank is next."

Signed, "The Mad Bomber."

If only we knew
how he planted those bombs.

Fear not, chief.
I think I have the answer.

Time for all little Gray Ghosts
to be in bed.


The Gray Ghost.

another building is blown up

as Gotham's Mad Bomber
continues to demand

one million dollars from the city

to end his reign of destruction.

The question remains,

how are the expl*sives getting past
both police and b*mb-squad experts?

And, what does it have to do
with my old hero?

What can I do for you?

We're looking for a copy of a film.
Actually, a TV show.

We can't find it on video.

Well, you've come
to the right place, pal.

I got every TV show ever made here.

I collect them. It's my life.

I got it all.
Anything you want. Name it.

The Gray Ghost.

Uh, name something else.

You said you had everything.

Except The Gray Ghost. Nobody has it.

The studio that made that show, Spectra,

it burned to the ground 20 years ago.
The negatives went up like kindling.

A real shame.

So, The Gray Ghost doesn't exist?

Not anymore.

Sorry, pal.

BRUCE: So many actors.

I wish I knew the one
you're looking for, Master Bruce.

But I don't watch television.

I prefer my fireplace.

- I found him!
-"Simon Trent."

Dapper-looking chap.

BRUCE: And he's living
right here in Gotham.

- MAN: Trent!

Trent! Do you hear me?

Trent! I know you're in there.

This ain't no homeless shelter.

Pay your rent or get out!

Lousy, has-been actor!


- Hello?
-Yeah, it's me, Si.

Bad news. You didn't get the part.

I need to work, Frankie.
Get me something. You're my agent.

I try, Si. I really do.

But they still think of you
as the Gray Ghost.

Those who remember.

I can do other parts. I'm an actor.

I know, Si. Hey,
we've been through this before.

Something will come up.
Just hang in there, okay?





Oh! The original Gray Ghost costume!

You sure you wanna get rid of this?


I can't pay much, Mr. Trent.

Your Gray Ghost merchandise
just isn't much in demand.

I mean, no one's buying.

I know, Ted.

I'll take whatever you can give me.

Well, old friend,
you've paid the rent for the last time.



"Gray Ghost, meet me tonight
at the Gotham Art School."

Signed, "A friend."



I need your help.


What do you want from me?

Some madman
is blowing up Gotham, piece by piece.

Somehow, it's connected
to the Gray Ghost. To you.

What are you talking about?

I'm just an actor.
The Gray Ghost was a part I played.

The bombings in Gotham
are exactly like an episode

oi The Gray Ghost.

I need you to remember how it was done.

I made hundreds of those shows.
They're all a blur!

Now, leave me alone.
Just leave me alone!


That noise.




You know something.

You recognized that sound.

This is harassment.

I'm calling the police.

We know the next b*mb
is going to hit the Gotham Library.

Help me.

Here's your answer. Take it and go!


I used to admire
what the Gray Ghost stood for.

I'm not the Gray Ghost.

I can see that now.

NARRATOR'. Out of the darkness comes
the Gray Ghost!

ALFRED: Popcorn, sir.


That's it.

That's the noise.


You've gotta be kidding me.

That's right, commissioner.

Remote-controlled toy cars
loaded with expl*sives.

We'll know what to look for
at the library, tonight.




There they are. Fire!


Hmm. No expl*sives.

A decoy?




Like you said,

you need my help.

Look familiar?

More than familiar.

It's identical.

Look. It even has
the Gray Ghost brand name.

Better check it for prints.


Hey, I owed you.

You got me my outfit back.

Gray Ghost.


You want to give me a hand with this?

Uh... Sure.




More of them. And they're gaining on us.

Try the green switch.

(LAUGHS) Hey, we did it, partner!

This place is amazing.

It's just like...

The Gray Ghost's lair?

It's almost an exact replica.

Let me show you something else.


BATMAN: As a kid, I used to
watch you with my father.

The Gray Ghost was my hero.

So, it wasn't all for nothing.

What did you find?

Fingerprints on the toy car.

And they belong to...

You, Simon Trent.

That's not possible.

Your prints are on this car.

You had the only copy of the show.

The Mad Bomber
followed the show step by step.

But, I'm not the Mad Bomber, Batman.

I'm not. I sold my Gray Ghost cars
months ago to pay for my...


it can't be him!




Well, if it isn't
the Dark Knight himself.

You're finished, Mad Bomber.

I don't think so.


Time to put your toys away, little man.

TED: I can't.

You see, I need the money,

to buy more toys.

I love toys.

They can play songs.

They can dance.

They can even eat money.

Oh, boy, can they eat money.

All my money.

And then,

I remembered an episode
of The Gray Ghost.

And I knew what else a toy could do.

It can carry a b*mb.

It can hold a city for ransom.

Oh, the power of the toy.

It can earn millions.

Millions for the little,
old toy collector, me.



My toys! My toys, my beautiful toys!

REPORTER'. Gothamites have
turned out in record numbers

to celebrate the video release

of the long-lost Gray Ghost
television series.

And on hand, for the festivities
is the toast of the town,

the Gray Ghost himself, Simon Trent.

BRUCE: Please make it out to "Bruce."

There you go, Bruce.

Thanks, Mr. Trent.

You know, as a kid,
I used to watch you with my father.

The Gray Ghost was my hero.


And he still is.