01x27 - Mad as a Hatter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Batman: The Animated Series". Aired: September 5, 1992 – September 15, 1995.*
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Based on the DC comics, The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl.
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01x27 - Mad as a Hatter

Post by bunniefuu »


JERVIS: Oh, dear.

Such table manners.

Perhaps I can make you act
a bit more civilized.


(LAUGHS) Bravo!

They all laughed when I said I'd find
a way to tap into another

creature's mind.

Why, with this band and these

I can control anything.


Psst, Jervis.

Oh, Alice.
(STUTTERING) What a nice surprise.

Yeah, yeah. Look busy.

Dr. Cates, Mr. Wayne.

Right this way.

Bruce, you remember Jervis Tetch.

- Hello.
-of course.

I read your proposal on using microchips
to enhance the brain's potential.

Sounds intriguing.

Actually, the prototype
isn't quite ready yet.

Tetch, I think we owe our founder
and employer, Mr. Wayne,

a little more than lame excuses.

- Sorry.
- That's all right, Dr. Cates.

Mr. Tetch is a valued member
of our research team.

I'm sure we can spare him more time.

As you say, Bruce.

Thank you.

You got off easy this time, Tetch,

but heads could roll
if you slip up again.

She's always like that
when the big boss drops by.

Cheer up. Mr. Wayne knows
what you mean to the company.


Sometimes, Alice, I think you're
the only one who understands me.

(CHUCKLES) That's just
what my boyfriend says.

I guess I'm lucky to have two
such amazing men in my life.

See you after lunch.

Of course, intellectually,
I know it's all wrong.

She's got a boyfriend, after all.

Better to withdraw like a gentleman.
Forget her.

Turn my heart to other pursuits.



Look. I've already developed
a circuitry card

powerful enough
to control a human brain.

It would be so easy to make her forget
her boorish beau and love me.


But that would reduce her
to a soulless shell.

Oh, no, not my Alice.


It's hopeless.

- DR. CATES: Oh, Alice, I'm sorry.



Curiouser and curiouser.


ALICE: I just wanted to talk about
where our relationship was going

and Billy got so defensive.

Mmm. Classic male fear of commitment.

The next thing I knew,
we were shouting, screaming.

Saying we never wanted
to see each other again.

0 frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

(LAUGHS) She's mine for the asking.

I'll sweep her off her feet, treat her
to a wonderful night on the town and...


What could a beautiful girl like her
ever see in someone like me?

How could I impress her?


How, indeed.


Good evening, Miss Pleasance.

I'm here to help you forget
your recent heartbreak.

Gotham can be a wonderland, Alice.

Tonight, let me be your guide.

I'll get my coat.

Did you see that?

- Gotta be the Bat-Creep.
- Hey, easy money headed our way.

This is really a surprise, Jervis.
You're so...

Quiet at work.

Ah, still waters run deep, my dear.

It's been my philosophy that people
should take what they want from life.

THUG: Hey, ours too.

Okay, Mr. Hat, let's have the money.

On your way, curs,
lest I'm forced to teach you a lesson.

Jervis, no.

It's your funeral, nut boy.


Please, Mr. Hat, go easy on us.

We're sorry. Honest.

Why don't you do something useful,
like, oh, go jump in the river.


- Are you all right?
- I'm sorry you had to see that.

But they had to be taught a lesson.

Dare we hope Gotham treats you
to an early evening, sir?

I should be so lucky. The police
emergency band just switched on.

Then I'll prepare your usual breakfast,
toast, coffee, bandages.

Good night, Alfred.

All units. All units.

Two possible suicides reported scaling
the Gotham Bridge suspension tower.

- All units, please respond.
- BATMAN: Guess I'm elected.




Lousy night for a swim.

Mr. Hat told us to jump in the river.

Right. Look, you guys stay calm and--

Gotta do what Mr. Hat says.





(GASPS) Hey, man, keep away from me.

We never touched the creep.

Okay, maybe we hit him up
for money, but we never--

Hey, what are we doing here?

Monsieur Tetch, I have created
a gastronomical delight for you.

All on the house, of course.

Thank you, Antoine.

Pardon, Monsieur Tetch.

Would you be so kind as to favor us
with a photo for our celebrity wall?

Enchanté, my dear.

I had no idea you were
such a man about town.

Ah, this is a side I share only
with those closest to me.


Don't forget to lock up
when you're done, Mr. Tetch.


You know, Alice in Wonderland
was always my favorite story.

Do you remember
"The Mock Turtle's Song"?

Will you, won't you, will you, won't you

Won't you join the dance?


When you showed me that strange card,
I recalled an image from my childhood.

It seems those near-suicides

had a run-in
with a self-styled Mad Hatter.

BATMAN: I saw that picture earlier today

in the office of a scientist
who creates circuitry similar to this.

Thank you for a wonderful time.
You're a terrific friend.

Until tomorrow, dear Alice.

Tomorrow and every day afterward.


What a sweet, funny man.

- BILLY: Alice?
- Billy?

Baby, I'm sorry. Can we talk?

Will you, won't you, will you...

(CHUCKLES) Ah, good morning. Hello!
Good to see you. Lovely day, what?




Oh, Jervis, thanks so much
for cheering me up last night.

Listen, I have the most incredible news.

Billy was there
after you dropped me off.

He apologized. I forgave him.

And then, he gave me this.

Can you believe it?

I'm getting married.

Jervis, your hand.

Oh, it's nothing. Forget it.

- And congratulations.
- Jervis?


I can still fix this. I can still win!

- DR. CATES: Tetch!

I don't know what you did,

but Bruce Wayne
is demanding to see you now!

I promise you, Tetch, it's your head

if you've gotten
my department in any trouble.

Oh, do be quiet, Dr. Cates!


Excuse me, Alice.
Have you seen Marcia or Jervis Tetch?

They left together
about half an hour ago.



Hello? Hi, sweetie.

- My fiancé.
-(WHISPERS) Congratulations.

Billy, what's wrong?
You sound so-- What?

But why? Billy? Billy.

Excuse me, Mr. Wayne. (SHAKILY)
I think I'm gonna need a minute alone.


Sorry, Billy, me lad,
but all's fair in love and w*r.



Alice, darling.


I had to come back when I heard
that cad abandoned you again.

How did you know? I didn't tell anyone.

MAD HATTER: Oh, pish tosh.

What matters now is we have each other,
now and forever.

(GASPS) Oh...

This is getting too weird.

What have you done with
Marcia Cates and this girl's fiancé?

No, I don't like this game.

Let's play another.



I anticipated there'd be trouble sooner
or later, so I enlisted some help.

I'm sure you recognize my friends,
the Walrus and the Carpenter.


Why are you doing this?

For us, my dearest.

Oh, believe me.
I didn't want it this way.






Twinkle, twinkle, little bat.

How I wonder what you're at.

Now, this is a game more to my liking.

Are you, the famous Batman,
so intent upon destroying my happiness

that you'll harm these poor,
mind-warped innocents to get me?

Let's find out. (CLAPS)

Off with his head.


Oh, one thing I forgot to mention.

My control over my pawns
increases their strength. (LAUGHS)

Guess you found that out, huh?


Off with his head!



There's the knave. Off with his head!

They're programmed to attack me.

- But they won't fight you.
- I gotcha.


My aching skull.

Come, my dear. It's time we were away.


MAD HATTER: You're mighty
in Gotham, Batman,

but in Wonderland,
the Mad Hatter reigns supreme.






I'll cut that cowl off your neck
before you'll take her.

I've waited my whole
lonely life for her!

Then all you've waited for is a puppet.

A soulless little doll.

It didn't have to be this way.
You made me do this to her!







(GASPS) Grrr!


- BILLY: Alice?
- Oh, Billy!


Would not, could not...

Would not, could not.

Oh, could not join the dance.

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