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03x10 - The Ambush

Posted: 03/21/14 07:01
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I do have feelings for Campbell...


... But I have them for you too.

Wes: I wanted to introduce to you someone special from my team.

Give her a hand. East Riverside's own...

Regina Vasquez.

He needs a latina on his side.

He's using you for the color of your skin.

What fraternity is t*nk in again?

Omega Psi!

One of them invited me to that luau they're having.

It's a dogfight.

A what?

If the brothers find out I told you, I'm gonna be blackballed.

One of these days, all these girls are gonna get together, and pull a dogfight on you guys.

Not cool, bro. Not cool.

We all remember what it was like to be so sure

that the way we felt would never change.

We're gonna be helping communities in Peru for six months.

Nikki told Jennice that she's been asked to extend her stay.

Well, she didn't tell me that.

I think you need to talk to your wife.

Uh, hey.

Don't freak out or anything, but, uh... Matthew is back.

Well, is that gonna be weird, having him around?

Oh, he's coming. He's coming over here.

Well, I give him credit for that.

(Phone clicks)

Wow, that is gorgeous.

You keep getting better and better.

She's really good. I'm impressed.

No, that's a great idea.

In fact, I know the perfect place to do it.

Uh, this guy Logan runs it.


Just send it to me.

Yeah, I can take it. I have some stuff to pick up anyway.

Emmett, we're friends.

I don't mind doing it.

You're gonna love it.

So will she.

(Horn honks)

Uh, I'm gonna go catch up with Daphne, so I will see you in class.


What is up, Lady Mustangs?!

You guys ready for the big Buckner game?

We were just saying that you would think that it's like the state championship.

Your brother's been running us so hard, you're lucky you can't play.

Normally, I would agree with that, but this is a game I actually wish I could play in.

I hate Buckner.

They're really good.

They've been playing for years.

We just learned the game two months ago.

(Students clamoring)

What's going on up there?

What is that?



(Phone cameras clicking)


Toby: An actual goat?

(Laughing) Impressive.

No no, I totally agree.

Yeah, that's unacceptable.

(Doorbell rings)

Uh. Well, yeah. I'll talk to the coach and, uh, I'll get back with you.

Okay. Thanks, Principal Rose.

(Cellphone beeps)




We have got to get them back, and it has got to be good.

It's my last week of community service.

I'm not gonna get in trouble.

We already missed our first game when we got busted for fighting.

They are calling us garbage!

Okay, let's see what they say when we're on the field.

I'm not missing that game.

Me either.


Well, I've got nothing to lose.

Nikki: Gosh, this is so crazy.

Yesterday I woke up in Peru, and now I'm here.

Well, welcome back.

I'm Toby, your husband.

(Inhales, moans)

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have to go to work.

No, I told you I've only got two days.

I know. (Sighs)

But I have to at least show face.

I've got these two new guys I'm training, and I've got all this field hockey drama I've gotta deal with.


Oh, I'm sorry.

I will hurry back. Just give me a few hours, okay?


And no leaving this bed...

(Giggles) except for supplies.


Mmm. (Grunts)

Mm mm mm mm mmm!

(Door closes)

You wanted to see me?

I'm still working on the options for the travertine.

You want me to wash your car?

Your car.

Um, I just got it washed.

No, I mean it's your new ride out front, a bonus for what you've done on the East Riverside project.

Oh... uh...

It's still getting off the ground.

I haven't decorated a single wall.

Well, you've brought other value.

This is nice, but...

It's not a gift... you've earned it.

Besides, I can't have you pulling up to those job sites in that beater of yours.

You represent me.

So this is for you?

If that gets you to "thank you" faster, sure.

I didn't mean to sound ungrateful...


Next, I need you to take this offer to the owner of that taco place in the East Riverside strip mall.

Oh, Chuy's too?

I love that place.

The sooner we buy him out and the others, the sooner we can start demo and start building.

Don't you have somebody else who normally does this?

They don't speak Spanish.

Well, I speak Spanish, but I don't negotiate real estate deals... in English either.

You're not negotiating.

You're just a friendly face delivering the news in a language they can understand.

Well, what if they have questions?

Then they talk to their attorney or their accountant or their mother.

The bottom line is we're offering 10% above the appraised value.

It would have been market value, but your mother started to rattle the cage, so we had to add the 10%.

I have Carolyn on line two.

Anyways, they would be crazy not to take it.

And the clock is ticking, so you should probably go down there before you take your new car for a joy ride.

I'm not looking to point fingers here.

What we both want for tomorrow is a fair game.

I've seen your team stats.

You guys are a Sunday practice for us.

I even called off the scout.

Wait. Colleges have scouts for field hockey?

I got a girl with a full ride to Wheaton.

Another at Tufts.

Working on getting my goalie and forward set up.

Let's just make an agreement.

Carlton won't retaliate.

No more pranks.



(Jorge sighing) Okay.

Hey, here.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, somebody named Terry came by...

(Slightly groaning) and dropped this off for you.

Oh, that's my buddy.

I've been waiting for this.

What is that?

It's rock climbing equipment.

Oh, I've always wanted to try that.

Where do you go?

East Boulder.

It's a rock climbing gym in Overland Park.

They have an 80-foot wall.


You wanna come with me this weekend?

Not a date, no pressure. Just as friends.

Uh, sure.

Awesome! I'm in.

Where are we going?

We're, uh... we're going rock climbing.

Oh. Got it.

We were just talking about it.

Yeah, it's...

You should totally go. I...

I used to.

It's really fun.

Mo' mass, mo' speed, mo' "mentum."

(Laughs) Nailed it!

What's up, Coach?

So, when we were studying and I brought up college, what did you mean by, "that's not gonna happen"?

I meant I'm not gonna leave my mom and I'm not trying to go 50k in debt by the time I'm 21.

What if you could get a scholarship for field hockey?

They have those?

(Scoffs) They have scholarships for kids who speak Klingon, so yeah, they do.

How do I get one?

I'm gonna make some calls, see about getting a scout down here to check you out tomorrow.

You just play your ass off and we'll see.


What about my mom?

Good question, um... let's just take one step at a time.

Let's get you that scholarship.

Mo' mass, mo' speed, mo' "mentum"!



You haven't called security on me, so I'm assuming that you haven't heard back from the fraternity supreme court or whatever.

Still waiting.

Look, I'm sorry about that.

Sometimes my mouth just does things that my brain can't control.

I didn't mean to get you in trouble.

I know.

Look, my future's up in the air too.

Who knows if my hand's gonna be okay.

I think that we could both use a distraction.

Like what?

Well, my field hockey team... they are playing my old high school...

(Chuckles) who I hate.

This morning, they pranked us by dumping garbage all over our front steps.

There was a goat involved.

A real goat?


So I wanna prank them back, except I don't know how.

And plus, with this thing...

Something tells me you're the man for the job.

I've been known to play a few tricks on the enemy.

So you're up for it?

To retaliate, escalate.

Do you know where we can get a donkey?

No animals.

Come on, no animals?

(Deeply sighs)

Okay, I'm in.


Hi, honey.

What are you working on?


I barely see you kids writing anything for school on real paper.

Is it a personal project?

It's stupid.

I have these two great guys who are both interested in me, and I can't decide which one I wanna be with, so... I'm maybe making a list.

I would do the exact same thing.

Come on. Let's hear it.

Come on.

Okay, uh...

Jorge is a great listener.

Campbell is funny and unpredictable and brave.

Jorge has an amazing smile.


Campbell has these eyes that completely just... melt me from the inside, out.

Jorge has...

Wait wait wait wait wait.

Eyes that completely melt you?


Sounds like your mind is made up.

Campbell for the win.


Why isn't it obvious to me?


Is it because he's in a wheelchair?

No, of course not.


It's okay to be nervous about something because it's unfamiliar.

That doesn't make you a bad person.

That's really not it.

I'm gonna see what he's doing tonight.

(Chuy speaking Spanish)

I know.

(Speaking Spanish)

He hates the taco business.

You think it's a good deal?

I do.

Coach Bridges?

Hey, it's Toby Kennish from Carlton High.

Not sure if you got my messages, but I wanted to formally invite you to our game tomorrow.

No no, not Buckner.

There's a player on my team that you definitely need to check out.

I see.

Oh, that's too bad.

Yeah, 'cause we've got a scout coming all the way from North Carolina to check her out.

Yeah, Duke.

Now they beat you guys

4-2 last year, right?



Hey, honey, I'm home!


Hi, mister.



How was your day?

(Deeply sighs)

You know, when I first got this place...

I used to come in, close the doors, stand here and just be like, "this place is all mine."


But it didn't feel right, so I used to pretend that you were here, too.

And what would I be doing?

Sitting on the couch reading, getting home right after me, shaking out your umbrella.


Anything that... made you here.


Now this is amazing.

Oh, yeah.

So, uh, what's for dinner?

Don't get too excited, because it is just a frozen lasagna.

But I did pre-heat the oven and I made a salad.



It's just what I want.


So, you hungry?


But first things first...



(Both chuckle)

So, do you think the Bulls could go all the way without Derrick Rose?

Uh, I think they're doing pretty good so far.

At least they're just playing the Knicks tonight.

Ha, yeah, they suck.

(Both laugh)

(Campbell softly groans)

That is not gonna happen.

Can I help?

It's okay.

I'm sure there's something around here.

I could do it.

You can try.

Ooh! Uh. (Exhales)

Ooh, here.

(Daphne groans)

(Groans loudly, chuckles)

Um, I...

(exhales) I can't do it.

I'm sorry.

I used to babysit. That's how I get the strollers over the curb.


Oh, no! I didn't mean that you...

It's okay.

Let's just go.

(Whispering) Looks like the coast is clear.

See that statue?


That is our guy... Cornelius Buckner.

Cornelius? That's a dumb name.

Uh-huh. He founded this as an all-boys school, even though he has three daughters.

It's not too late to bleach that giant penis onto that perfect lawn.

(Laughs) You are so gonna get us busted!


You're gonna get us busted.

There's security everywhere.

Okay, now work fast, keep your head on a swivel.

I love it when you talk G.I. Joe.

(Bar patrons chattering, cheering loudly)

Sorry, we're at capacity.


It's a big game tonight. We're full.

I thought you said you were full.

They were in here earlier.

Dude, come on, we know what's going on here.

No, what's going on here is I'm at capacity.

You can keep him out just 'cause he's in a wheelchair.

Is that what I said? I didn't say that.

What you're doing is illegal. You know that, right?!

We could file a massive lawsuit against you and...

Daphne, stop!

We can go somewhere else.

I don't understand why we had to leave.

What do you want me to do?

Deck him, call the cops, something!

I don't care that much.

How can you not care?

That guy's a douchebag.

You can't let him get away with that.

Yelling at him isn't gonna change a thing.

Oh, so you'll just let him walk all over you?

Maybe we should do this another time.

So, I'm gonna get a scout to the game tomorrow to check out Sharee.

Oh, that's awesome.

She has so much raw talent.

I just really want her to get the chance she deserves.

You know?


Yeah, I do.

It's just like what I've been doing in Peru.

It feels really good to help people get that chance.

You could take what you've been doing... and make it bigger.

In Peru.

I just...

I know.

I really like what I'm doing at Carlton.

I know.

What's this about?

The church I'm working for, they've offered me a job in Africa.


For how long?

I don't know.

I thought that this trip would be a one-time...

I mean, I didn't know going into it that...

Didn't know what?

I think that this work is what I'm supposed to be doing.

I, um... I haven't made any decisions yet, or anything. I'm just, uh... just floating it.


You know I'm not just saying this 'cause you made it, but... best salad I've ever had.


That glue is fantastic.

Wheat paste.

Won't harm the statue, but once it dries, it's gonna be really hard to get off.

How do you like this makeup?

Uh... he's supposed to look like a badass Carlton field hockey player, not a clown.

How about a badass drag queen?

That's an insult to drag queens everywhere.

Cornelius Buckner is not cool enough to be one of them.

Hey, you have any toilet paper in that bag?

Oh, you're not gonna squat behind a bush, are you?

No, I'm gonna glue the paper to Cornelius' butt, and have it look like it's coming out of his skirt.

What does that have to do with field hockey?

Nothing, it's my signature.


Oh, come on, bathroom humor's always a home run with the ladies.

I wish I could see their faces when they see this tomorrow.


(Radio chatter)

Oh, security security.

What? Where?

We gotta go, we gotta go.

We gotta go!

I have to get the paint.

Just leave it, let's go.

(Ladder clatters)


Are you okay?

Just go go go go!

Guard: Hey!

(Vehicle approaches)


What do you think?

It's beautiful.

I thought someone got lost in the neighborhood and was using our driveway to turn around.

It's, uh, a bonus from Wes.

A bonus?

Business must be booming.

It is. I'm working harder than I ever have in my life.

Then you deserve it.

I do, right?


I mean, at first I thought...

(Sighs) "This is not me."

I mean, look at this thing.

But then I got in, and I didn't wanna get out.


Is this a new bag too?

Yeah, my old one looked so... old on the seat.

I love it.

Am I crazy? I could just take it back.

Don't you dare.

What good is working hard if you can't enjoy it?

(Sighs) Thank you.

You wanna go for a ride?


(Laughing) Let's go.
Well, now we both have bum hands.

(Both chuckle)

Does it hurt?

Nah, I play football.

I've taken knees to the man-zone.

I'm assuming that means "yes."

(Laughs) Well, it was worth it.

This, not the groin injury.

Well, actually, both.

We were state champs that year.

A kiss to make it better.

Okay, hold on.

(Both chuckle)

Mm. Okay okay. Okay, wait.

You okay?

Yeah, I... I... I just, uh...

What's wrong?

I don't know if I want to.

(Exhales) Why, did I do something?

Oh, no. No no no.

Well, here. I'll light some candles, put on a little music...

No no no. That's... that's not it.

Are you a virgin?

No. Why does that have to be the reason?

I just... I don't want to.


Okay, that's cool.

Really? 'Cause you don't seem cool.

Well, I'm just confused.

What's confusing?

We're dating, and I like you.

So that automatically means we should be having sex?

No! God.

You're acting like I'm some sex machine.

No, I'm not!

Things were fine...

A sex machine?

... And you suddenly pull back like I'm on fire.

What does that even mean?

I thought it was something I did.


Maybe I should go.


Maybe you should.

(Door opens, closes)

(Doorbell rings)

Come in!

Hey, nice car. Is that yours?


What brings you over here?

Uh, I was... I was looking for Daphne.

What's up?


Just... it's girl stuff.

What's on your mind?

Remember how Ty was my first?

Well, tonight, t*nk was almost my second.


I stopped it. (Sighs)

I know why I was nervous with Ty...

I'd never done it before... but now I... have.

You think because you're not a virgin, you shouldn't have any hang-ups about sex?

I wish that were true.

So I'm not just being a prude?

Of course not.

It felt like he was expecting it, like I owed it to him.

Which you don't.

I just don't wanna do it again until I know what it means to me.

You did the right thing, putting the brakes on it tonight.


I completely get... that it's hard with guys...

I mean, having the courage to say no.

But you've gotta do it if you're not sure.

And how they respond will tell you a whole lot about them.

We have so much fun together, but I... don't know if he's ever gonna be the guy I want him to be.

(Rock music playing)

All right, guys, let's do this!

Stretch it out! Get loose!

Hi, guys!

Hey hey, Mustangs!

Let's do this, okay!

Hey, dad. Remember, I'm the coach.

Yes yes.

Good. Listen, do you mind if I make one inspirational statement?


You may make one.

Thank you.

All right, listen up.

I want you to give those Bulldogs some public school hell, okay?!

Show them what some state-funded education can do!

(Quietly) Yeah.



Thank you. That's good.

Yeah, right? All right.

Thank you.


(Mild applause)

* You should know by now... *

All right, guys. Let's get back to stretching.

* It moves so fast *
* make way now *
* don't know, it moves so fast... *



I didn't know that you were coming.

Well, now we have five fans on our side, plus me on the bench.

I had heard about that.

It's nice work, whoever did it.

I plead the fifth.

* But we'll never go *
* you should know by now *
* don't know, it moves so fast *
* make way now... *

Buckner looks really pissed about the statue.

Which one's the scout?

Hmm, I think it's the intense-looking lady with the hat.


* The beat drops, oh oh oh... *

Well, show her what you got.


Toby: All right, guys. Let's bring it in.

Come on, let's huddle up. Huddle up.

I just wanna say that I'm really really proud of all of you, okay?

No matter what happens.

Now let's go out there and make every second count, okay?

Let's show them what the Carlton Mustangs are made of!

Get your sticks in there!

(All cheering)

One, two, three!

All: Mustangs!

Announcer on P.A.: Players, please take the field.

(All cheering)

It's game time between the Carlton Mustangs and your home team, the Buckner Bulldogs.

This is Chuy's agreement to sell.

He signed it already?

You said time was of the essence.

It is, it's just... wow.

Hey, Jess!

Get this countersigned A.S.A.P.

Cut a check.

The taco place?

Wow, that was fast.

Is that bad? Did I do something wrong?

Not at all. It's just sometimes... sometimes, people get sentimental about their properties, and they don't wanna let go.

Well, like you said, the terms of the deal sort of sold themselves.

Right. Now...

I just need three more owners to sign.

These guys all speak English.

Yeah, so do what you did with that guy, but in English.


I'll be back in a couple hours.

You don't have to do it right now.

You can start tomorrow.

I know.

I'm going to see my daughter's field hockey game, and then I'll be back to finish the retail space mock-ups.

Whoa. They're not done yet?

They will be. Tonight.

This is the last game of the season.

It's a really big deal.

Yeah, well, so are those mock-ups.

You didn't get that car for being parent of the year.

Sometimes work requires sacrifice.


(Crowd cheering)

Announcer: After that last goal, Buckner takes an early 3-0 lead over Carlton.

Stay with it, stay with it!


Ball back! Get the ball back!

Hey, thanks again for making it out.

Yeah, no, your girls are hanging in there.

Tough competition. The Buckner goalie has only been scored on three times the whole season.

We're giving it our all.

(Girls shouting)

It's number 11, is it?

Yep, that's the one.

Girl: Get in there!

Scout: She's fast.

Sure, seems solid.

She's only been playing for two months, had never touched a stick before then.

She started off as a basketball player, then after she spent the night on YouTube watching clips of videos... the next day I got this.



Hey, you can't do that!

Hey, what was that?!

That was for our statue!

(Whistle tweets)

Stay strong.

(Whistle tweets)

What the hell?! You didn't see that?!

They're getting away with m*rder out there!

Just stay poised, okay?

Just one point at a time.

Just get me one point.

John: Come on! Come on!

You can do it!

Here we go, ladies!

Come on! Stay with it!

Announcer: Buckner leads 6-0.

One minute remaining in the game.

Looks like the Mustangs will be held scoreless by the Bulldogs.

Crowd: Ohh!

Come on, Ref!

Are you okay?

(Groaning) Yeah.

It's so unfair! They think they can get away with whatever they want.

Yeah, well, they are getting away with it.

It's not just them! Everywhere I look...

Whoa, Katniss! Settle.

It just pisses me off.

I know.

But we got a game, okay?


Now we got less than a minute left.

We can't let them shut us out.

You get me that ball. You with me?


Come on.

30 seconds to go, and Carlton is making a last-second drive to avoid the shut-out.


Come on, come on, come on!

(Girls shouting)

Buckner, block it!

(Indistinct shouts, cheers)

Come on, come on!

Go go go go go!



Go! Go!

(Horn blows)


John: Yeah!

(Shouting, cheering)


They do know that they lost, right?

Yeah, but they scored a goal.

No victory is too small.





That's what I'm talking about!

You made every second count!

(Cheering loudly)

Point Carlton!

(Girls cheering)

Ho ho ho!

Best shower I've had in weeks.

(Girls laugh)

Get over there and shake some hands!

(Girls cheering)

Hey, can I talk to you for a second?


Yeah, I thought you played a great game.

Thank you.

Absolutely, yeah.

I'd love for you to give me a call.



Thank you, thank you.



What are you doing here?

Sorry I missed the game.

It's cool.


I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

I don't expect you to...

Kinda seemed like you did.

I know.

I forget sometimes that you're still in high school.

It's not the reason why...

No, I know, I know, I know.

What I mean is if it's too soon for you to move to the next step, that's okay. I'll wait.

You just tell me when.


What are you doing?

Just some homework.

Can I hang out?


(Softly chuckles)

So, what did they have to say about Cornelius Buckner?

(Both laugh)

Hey, look who's coming up in the world.

(Chuckling) Hi.

That is one fine machine you got out there.

Yeah, I'd give it back for a chance to see Daphne's final field hockey game.

Uh, better you didn't.

Was it that bad?

Yeah, it was a beat-down.

Well, at least we didn't get shut out.


There was this one great moment at the end of the game...

(sighs) This job.

Price of success.

I have had that feeling many times.

Actually, I wanted to ask you something.

I'm trying to understand it.


This is a buyout agreement for a business we're tearing down in East Riverside to make room for our project.


And this is what we offered.

10% over market value? Not bad.

Did he take it?

He did, but then I found this.

I mean, I shouldn't even have this.

Our appraiser valued the business at 30% more than what we offered.

Am I reading that right?

Yeah, that's right.

So we lied to the owner about how much his business was worth in order to get a cheaper buyout?

It's not illegal.

Happens all the time.

But is it fair?

Okay, let me ask you something: Was the owner coerced into selling?

Not exactly.

Okay, he could have hired his own appraiser, come up with his own number, negotiated.

That's the way things usually happen.

He didn't do that.

He asked me what I thought, and I said it was a good deal.

It is... for your boss.

He got the place for a steal.

Hey, Logan, what's up?

Logan from the frame store? Is our portrait finished?


Are... are you serious?

No, it's for a friend of mine. (Scoffs)

Are you absolutely sure?

Thank you. Bye.

Something wrong?

(Exhales) I told Emmett I was gonna get a photo of Mandy's printed and framed for him.

Emmett's girlfriend Mandy?

That's awfully nice of you.

I took it to Logan, and that was him calling to tell me Mandy didn't take that photo.

A professional photographer did.

It's copyrighted.


Yeah, I know, and now I have to tell Emmett.

I'm sure he'll clear it up.

Well... (Exhales)

What if Logan's right and the picture isn't Mandy's?

Then I'm basically calling his girlfriend a liar.

I think you owe it to him to tell him the truth.


I just thought by doing this, I could show Emmett that I'm totally cool with him dating somebody else, even if the somebody else is long-distance.

Are you?




About last night...

It's okay.

We'll try again.

Well, I shouldn't have tried to stand up for you.

It makes me so annoyed when hearing people do things for me or feel sorry for me.

Oh, you feel sorry for me?


(Softly sighs)

I hate that you can't go rock climbing.

I hate it too.

God, I should know better. I should know how to deal with stupid people.

Daphne, I don't expect you to get everything right just because you're deaf.

I really like you.

I really like you, too.


But I guess I just don't know... how it would work.

You mean...


Well, it would go something like this.





And again, I'm so sorry I missed the game...

But my mom would have literally disowned me if I hadn't spent some time with her while I was here.

It's totally cool. There'll be more to see.

Toby, we need to talk about this.


Hey hey, come on, come on.

Being in Peru... with those people... it makes me feel like my life means something.

And when my dad died...

I spun out, I was searching and you were part of the answer.

And now I feel like I found the rest of it.

Are you, uh... are you saying you don't wanna... be with me anymore?

Of course I do.

But this work...

I feel like it's going to be my life.

I felt God tugging at my heart.

So... what, I'm, uh... supposed to just follow you around the globe?

No, I'm not asking you to do that.

Well then, what are you asking?

Is there any way you might ever want to come with me?

(Deeply sighs)

I just don't know how that could ever feel... like my life.

And I don't know if I could ever just move back.

I don't wanna just fund-raise or send e-mails.

I want to help these people, hands-on.

That's where my heart is.

Well, I, um...

I don't know how we're supposed to... stay married if we don't even live on the same continent.

(Acoustic guitar music plays)

(Exhales deeply)

So, uh... there it is.

There it is.

* You are *
* golden *
* sunrays dance across your face *
* he was *
* hoping *
* you might be... *


* His saving grace *
* Cinderella *
* oh, I'll give everything *
* oh, I'll give everything *