01x11 - Two-Face Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Batman: The Animated Series". Aired: September 5, 1992 – September 15, 1995.*
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Based on the DC comics, The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl.
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01x11 - Two-Face Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Get away from me!

Thorne is mine!

Previously on Batman...

Look out, Harvey!


Now, you understand,
there's going to be some scarring.


This is it.
Rupert Thorne's bookie joint.

Good heads, we leave him alone.

Bad heads, we hit him hard.

Everybody, down!

I said, down!

Don't bother to adjust the picture.

For the next five minutes,
I'm in control.

Get the money.

Hey, look at this.

Must be
a couple of hundred silver dollars.

Bring it.

I'll take that.

Jewelry wasn't part of the plan.

- We gotta flip for it.
- What?

Good side, leave it.

But, Two-Face...

I said leave it!

Before I go, I want you all to give
Rupert Thorne a message for me.

How much did he take me for this time?


I thought we got rid of this guy.

Are you kidding? We created him.

Six months of this is long enough!

Spread the word.

I'm putting out a contract. $1 million.

No. Make it $2 million.

A million dollars a face
to the man who brings me Two-Face.


Stay back!

Harvey, please, let me help you.

You... You saw what was happening.

You knew something
was terribly wrong with me.

I thought you were my friend.

You should've been able to help me,
but you didn't.

Now, look at me!

But I tried, Harvey.



Why couldn't you save me?

Why couldn't you save us, son?

So what are you
dreaming tonight, Harvey?

Peaceful dreams?

Or nightmares?

Maybe both at once.

Sleep well, my friend.

Wherever you are,
whatever you've become,

I will save you.

I swear.

- Grace Lamont?
- Yes?

I'm Detective Leopold.

It's about your fiancé.

So, unless we can get to Harvey
before Thorne does,

he won't stand much of a chance.

I wish I could help,
but I haven't seen him

since that horrible day in the hospital.

I don't know where he is.

It is possible
that Harvey might try to see you.

If he does, you activate this beeper,

and we'll be able to trace the signal
to wherever you are.

It's all in your hands.

All we have to do now is wait.

What makes you so sure
Two-Face will come back here?

He'll come back. They always come back.


$64,900, $65,000.

You don't touch anything
until I tell you to, punk.

You always were
a couple of greedy little beggars,

even when I prosecuted you as DA.

What are you looking at?

Gee, Two-Face, if you miss her,
why don't you go see her?

Sure, we could even bring her here,
if you want.

Forget it.
We have more important things to do.

I've decided it's time to finish Thorne

once and for all.

You're gonna knock him off?

Let's just say, I'm gonna do to him

exactly what he did to me.

So you think you've discerned
a pattern to his crimes?

Just look at the places
he's robbed, Alfred.

Club 22, Gemini Jewelers,
the Two's Company Cafe.

Two's? My word!

Has anyone informed
the Second National Bank?

That won't be a target.

Every place Two-Face has robbed

is also a front
for Rupert Thorne's criminal activities.

Unfortunately, he's used up
all of Thorne's places.

Perhaps, he'll rob them twice.

A sort of double-or-nothing.

No. I think Two-Face
is through humiliating Thorne.

Now he wants him out of the way.

And I think I know how.

Keep your guard up, sir.
Harvey is no longer the fellow we knew.

I still feel that
somewhere inside that monster

is my old friend.

That may make him even more dangerous.

Hey, this looks like something.

"Rupert Thorne. Confidential."

For years, I tried to subpoena this.

"Money laundering, payoffs, blackmail."
It's all here.

I'll destroy Thorne with his file

just like he destroyed me with mine!

Come on, let's get out of here.

You're coming with me, Harvey.

I want to help you.

Help me? You don't know
anything about me.

I know that you have friends, Harvey.

Friends who love and care about you.

Harvey's friends are no friends of mine.

What about Grace?


What do you know about Grace?

She still loves you, Harvey.
She keeps your picture.

Every day, she waits and prays.

She wants you back, Harv.

Hey, what's taking you guys--


Come on, let's get out of here!

No, Harvey. Wait.

Let go of me!

Hey, there. You okay, Batman?

Looks like you took
a nasty fall there, fellow.

Harvey! Where's Harvey?

Ain't nobody here but us, son.

- You all right?
- Yeah.

I'm fine.

Wait till the police
get a load of this stuff.

It's even got his Swiss bank accounts.

Stop the car!

- Hello?


- Where are you?

I wanna see you.

Yes! Yes, of course, darling. Where?

Look out your window.

They'll bring you to me.

Harvey, you know
that no matter what, I love you.

I'll see you soon.

He did what?

If he gives those files
to the police, I'm ruined!

We've got to stop him now!

Grab your hat, Rupie,
and your checkbook.

Tonight may be our lucky night.

This way, ma'am.

In there.

Hello, Grace.


My name is Two-Face now.

No, Harvey.

This is my world now.

A dichotomy of order and chaos...

Just like me.

Harvey, what's happened to your mind?

Your feelings?
You used to listen to your feelings.

This is what I listen to now.

Chance, Grace.

Chance is everything.

Whether you're born or not,
whether you live or die,

whether you're good or bad,

it's all arbitrary.

That's nonsense, Harvey.

Was it chance
that made you District Attorney?

Was it chance
that made you fall in love with me?

Take control of your life, Harvey.

You don't need a coin.

And you don't need this.

You don't ever need to hide from me.

- I love you.
- Grace.

What is it?

At last we meet,

face to face... To face.


You did very well,
leading us to your boyfriend.


Now, now, she thought
she was alerting the police.

She wanted to save you.

I'm so sorry, Harvey.

So much for control, huh, Grace?

It ain't here, boss.

That file is here, all right.
Now, where is it?

Not a chance, you slime!

Such a pretty face, Harvey.

- Let her go!
- Give me the file.

- Get rid of them.
- But you said...

Your boyfriend first.


This is the last time
you interfere with me.

No! Two-Face, don't!

- You can't let him.
- Harvey!

- What are you doing?
- Taking control of my life.

Let the law handle it.

The law?

Here's the only law!
The law of averages,

the great equalizer.

No! What have you done?

My coin, where is it?

I can't decide without...

Oh, no! It's got to be here!
It's got to!

I have to have it!

It's all right now, Harvey. I'm here.

Poor Harvey. So filled with anger.

Do you think there's any hope?

Where there's love,
there's hope, Commissioner.

Well, a little luck wouldn't hurt.

For you, Harvey.
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