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01x06 - Random Acts

Posted: 02/18/23 10:12
by bunniefuu
Tom m*rder*d
Liam Collins.

I wish you would have
come to me sooner.

I mean, why wouldn't you trust
me with something like this?

I think I know who
k*lled Liam Collins

and it wasn't Tom.

- Then who?
- The old sheriff,

my mentor, Otis Clay.

Why would a retired sheriff

k*ll the man sent
to replace him?

Well, what if retirement
wasn't his idea?

Come on, think about it.

We both know what
Otis is capable of

when someone gets in his way.

I mean, the man is
prideful to a fault.

That'd go a long way
towards providing motive.

Besides, from what I gather
from Ruby, it wasn't Griffin.

I should've came to you
sooner with my suspicions.

I'm sorry.


I wish you had.

But I still have

too many unanswered
questions with Otis,

starting with where he was
the night Liam was k*lled.

And even more damning,

the undertaker was
able to recover a .36.

Otis carries a .36 caliber.


And you know who doesn't?


I wonder what Otis would
have to say for himself.

And that's why I think we...

should pay him a visit.

You comin'?


Ah, damn it.

Francis. It's good to see you.

How's, uh, how's Lucia doin'?

Visiting her abuelita.

Hadn't seen her
since Founders' Day.

N-Not that I was looking
for any particular reason.

So, how's
everything out at the ranch?

It's been a struggle since
the cattle were stolen.

Cash is tight, but we'll manage.

I heard about the
sh**t. What you did.

The question is, how are you?

Eh. It's just a scratch,
really, you know, a little sore,

you know, a small price to pay

to keep innocent folks
out of harm's way.

When we heard you were
shot, we were worried.

We want you to be
around for a while.



I know we're bad at showing it,

but Anna Maria and I, we...

we always considered
you part of the family.

You know, it was your father's
idea that we settle here.

There was a big oak
tree right over there.

What? That old stump
behind the dentist?

Yeah, they cut it down

so they could build
the Side Step,

but, years ago, it was the
only shade for miles around.

And when your father
and I, we spotted it,

he said, right then and there,

"This is where we
build the future."

You were born in a small
cabin just outside of town.

Even though your father
never saw you grow up,

you're still the firstborn
son of Independence.

Take pride in that, mijo.

Take pride in that.

Good to
see you, Hoyt.

Your father and I,
we were supposed

to run this ranch together.

Maybe there's still a place
for a Rawlins after all.

Come by later. We'll talk
about the future, hmm?

Huh, I'll be damned.

Ethan, were you gonna
tell me you'd be early?

- And if I had?
- I would have thrown you a parade.

Well, your presence
is parade enough.

Well, that's very flattering,

but if I'm not mistaken...
Which I rarely am...

We're not supposed to
meet for a few more days.

Yes, that was the plan,

but I heard about the
Eli McDowd debacle

and I got on the first
coach that I could,

just to make sure you
were safe and sound.

As you would for any other
detective in the field.

I wouldn't leave the office
for about half of them.

You know how I feel about you.

Oh, that's done.

Let's just... let's stick
to business, shall we?

I can't pretend that we
never happened, Kate.

It's easy. You should try it.

Now, can I please tell you

about how Tom Davidson
k*lled Liam Collins?

Of course. What do you have?

I have a witness. The wife.

- Oh?
- Mm-hmm.

Will she testify?

Plus evidence to suggest motive.

The Davidsons, they're
buying up land and properties

under all these company aliases.

And you realize that owning
property is not evidence,

especially for m*rder.

I would say eyewitness
testimony is, wouldn't you?

Yes, I would, but
only if she testifies.

Otherwise, I need more. I
need something tangible.

Yes, Katherine, I will meet
with your witness tomorrow.

Good man.

You know, I knew you'd
listen to reason eventually.

- Hi.
- Morning.

So, I have some good news.

Our meeting has been
moved up to tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?
- Hmm.

I thought we had
a few more days.

Well, we did, and then
Ethan arrived early, so...

All right, where is he?

He's upstairs, resting up.

Kate Carver, are you
sleeping with your boss?

Listen to me, first of
all, Ethan is not my boss.

He is my handler... That
is a glorified messenger

who couldn't cut
it in the field.

Second of all, what we had...
Had, past tense... was fun

and is not happening anymore.

Now, please, God, enough about
my disintegrated love life.

Um, I know that I
don't have to tell you

that tomorrow is
serious business,

and I've been thinking
we may need more

than a couple of
Davidson shell companies.

I was going to ask you
if you feel comfortable

going against Tom in public?

- Testify?
- Mm-hmm.

It would be his
word against mine.

Well, we need a stronger case.

I thought that's
what Ethan is for.

Doesn't he have the resources

to open up a real investigation?

Yes, he does, but we
still have to be thorough.

When things like this
proceed without caution,

people... people get hurt.

And I refuse to
make that mistake.

I will find out what I can.

Oh, well, hiya, sunshine.

What brings you to Hagan's
on this beautiful morning?

Just looking for
Sheriff Davidson.

He's not at the jailhouse.
Have you seen him?

He hasn't left his new office.

Thank you.

Bye, Kai.


He didn't even know I was here.

I think he likes you.

Yeah, well, what can I say?

I have that effect
on some people.

That's not a heart
I'm willing to break.

- Sheriff.
- Kai.

You wanted to see me?

Is this about the other
night at the restaurant?

I understand you used
to work the railroads.

Did you ever see or speak
to the men in charge?

Never spoke. Only saw
them at the fights.

The fights?

We work long hours. We were
underfed and underpaid.

To earn extra money,

the workers would
fight each other.


Aw, hell no.

Tricky son of a bitch!
That's a sacred tree stump!

What else can you
tell me about these fights?

The bosses would
dust off their top hats

and watch.

Place bets.

For us, it was life or death.

For them, a source of amusement.

A spectacle.

Did you ever fight?

Get your damn
hands off me, Hoyt.


I didn't mean
nothing by it.

I'm just saying,
have some decency.

Here's your damn hat back.

I was just watering!

Thanks for dropping in, Kai.

Hey, boss, I got a
question for you.

Mr. Virgil Green.

Indeed. Who's asking?

Tom Davidson,

sheriff and proprietor of
this fine establishment.

I'd like to welcome
you to Independence.

My Aunt Teresa told me you'd
be coming through town.

And I must say, your
timing is impeccable.

You've arrived on the occasion

of our town's
inaugural Fight Night.

Would you be
interested in staying?

- I'd be honored.
- Excellent.

I'll put you up
in our best suite,

and consider yourself
a guest of honor.

And if there's anything that
you need, don't hesitate to ask.

- Miss Carver here...
- Hi.

Will handle everything.

Thank you.

So, what else makes you
think that Otis k*lled Liam Collins?

A .36 is common enough.

You don't find it curious

that he hasn't been in
town since the m*rder?

He lived in town over ten
years and now he's a ghost.

mean he's guilty.

And that's why we're going to go

let him tell his
side of the story.

And it shouldn't be
that hard either.

Only thing that man loved
more than the law was talking.

From the news out of Austin

to the latest rash he
found on his person.

Not only that, but...

I'm sure whatever he has to say,

it's been wearing on him.

You may be right.

But I hope for your
town's sake, you're wrong.

Howdy, boys!

Next time you might want
to announce yourselves.

Excuse the mess.

Well, we, uh, we
missed you in town.

I was wondering why you
haven't been around.

Oh, you know how it is.

I got things to
do. You get busy.

Besides, I wouldn't want to
step on the new sheriff's boots.

He doesn't need the old guard
looking over his shoulder.

Never mind all that.

My friends are here.

Let's have ourselves a drink.

No, thanks. We're all right.

What's with you two?

Gus, you on duty or something?

Otis, I think you
need to take a seat.

I got to ask you some questions.

- On the house.
- Thanks, Kai.


You really think you're
going to find anything

in that book?

Went over this for
weeks with Liam.

He brought it back after
accepting the offer out here.

I keep thinking there
must be something in here,

some thing he didn't
tell me. Some reason why.

Let me take a look.

Ah, "From one
sheriff to the next."

This was a gift?

From the previous
sheriff of Independence.

Otis Clay.

Liam met with him to
formally accept the job.

But what did you know about him?

He was a law-and-order type,

the good kind, I guess
you could say, but...

He wasn't too happy about
his early retirement.

He was the last person

Liam spoke to here
before we left Boston.

Maybe he has some information

that would help our
case with Ethan.

Is Otis still around?

He lives a couple
miles out of town.

If you leave now, you
could be back before dark.

Cover for me with Tom?


Few things I want to discuss
with His Majesty anyway.


You. You're not seriously

thinking about throwing
a Fight Night here.

I didn't realize I was required
to check with my dancers first.

It is a horrible idea.
Tom Hagan tried it once.

- Disaster.
- Yeah, well, I'm not Hagan.

This I know. You
know, he listens to me

and he learns from his mistakes,

which Fight Night was one of.

By the way, it cost hundreds of
dollars to repair afterwards,

not to mention the hell that
crowd puts my girls through.

Dancers can have the night off.

Was thinking of bringing
the White Doves in anyway.

But how is it
different for them?

Miss Carver, this is about
more than just making a profit.

I'm doing this for Independence.

I didn't peg you for selfless.

Well, I guess you could write
a new song about me then.

I'll pass.

I want to start giving
back to this town

- and I want to do it my way.
- What the hell are you gonna do about fighters?

Drag a couple of
drunks out of a saloon,

- pit 'em against each other?
- You worry about bringing that charm and wit

to keep the crowds at bay.

I'll take care of the fighters.


Exactly what kind of pugilist
did you have in mind, huh?

See it?

That's going to leave one
hell of a scar right there.

Him? Yeah, good luck.

He'd never risk messing
up his pretty face.

- We'll see about that.
- What?

Course I heard about Griffin.

They say he k*lled that
young sheriff coming in.

But there are questions
whether or not

we got the right man.

You mean you think you
k*lled the wrong man.

You want some help
from your old boss?

I see. Let's get to it then.

So what was
Mr. Collins shot with?

- Believe it was a revolver.
- A .36.

This should work. Come on.

How do you know it was a
revolver, a .36 no less?

The powder burn on his shirt.

Figured it happened
pretty close.

Easy shot.

Any chance he had an accomplice?


Another set of prints were
found at the campsite.

How'd you find the body?

Moved. Buried in
a shallow grave.

That is curious.

As is burying a man
m*rder*d in cold blood.

Any idea when this all happened?

He was supposed to arrive
in Independence that Sunday.

Between the train and
their wagon party,

I figure somewhere
around the first.

Lot of rain the week before.
Cloudy, not a lot of stars.

Wouldn't even see him coming.

Remember our first
case together?

Llewelyn boy who
disappeared down that well?

If it wasn't for you
finding him, Cal...

Damn lucky to have
you two by my side.

Still can't believe
how y'all met.

Buffalo soldier on one side,

driving out an
Apache on the other.

Could have k*lled each
other, but you didn't.

He was shot.

Didn't seem like he was
in a rush to get back.

It would have made more sense

to stick with Calian
and his people

than go to a man who didn't
care about either of us.

It's a hard world.

Not easy to make the
right choices sometimes.

Thankful you two did.

I made the wrong decision with
you, though, didn't I, Gus?

What's that about?

I should have had you
take my place when I left.

But it wasn't all up to me,

but I'll tell you this.

I wish to hell it
wasn't that Tom Davidson

or that son of a
bitch Liam Collins.

Half of me thinks it's
not so bad he's dead.

Put him out of his misery.

Well, who the hell's this now?

Otis, this is Abigail Walker.

New law clerk Tom
brought in for help.

Pleasure to meet
you, Mr. Clay.

Please. Call me Otis.

Why don't we go back inside
so we can talk some more?

What are you doing here?

I wanted to speak
to the old sheriff.

It's not a good time.
Augustus believes

he has something to
do with Liam's m*rder,

as an accomplice, maybe more.

I don't know about
that, but I do know

he met with Liam before
accepting the job out here.

Abby, you should go.

No. I'm the law
clerk after all.

Someone has to take his account.

So, just picture it.

The Winning Spirit
of Independence.

Sounds like something
that more suits a horse.

- Why me?
- I've seen you in action.

Easily quickest
draw in the town.

I can only imagine what you
can do with those fists.

Or I could ask that tracker
friend Calian of yours

if you'd like.

No, I'm not saying I
couldn't be persuaded.

I just need to know
what's in it for me.

Town hero isn't enough,
huh? I can understand that.

All right. What'd
you have in mind?

That's a good
question. I don't know.

Month of free drinks at Hagan's?

Tell your deputy to lay off
with his baseless accusations.

Week's worth of beer.

And I'll talk to
Augustus for you.

The thing is... a man
willing to put himself

in harm's way could use a
little padding in his pockets.

Assuming bets can be placed.

That wouldn't be illegal, right?

I don't see an issue
with a few small wagers.

- Deal.
- Deal.

Who am I gonna be fighting?

Someone from out of
town. From Brenham.

Think of it as a chance to
give Independence a win.

I also want tonight to
make a lasting impression.

Well, that's a Hoyt
Rawlins specialty.

Why don't you just say what
you're getting at, Augustus?

You think I was involved
in Liam Collins' m*rder.

- That it?
- Otis, listen...

What the hell is this? I
didn't pull that damn trigger.

- Just tell us why you stepped down as sheriff.
- I retired.

I don't need to
explain myself to you.

Did you ever meet
with Liam Collins?

Once. Months back.

He wanted to get out
of Boston in a hurry.

Did he say why?

No, but I have some ideas.

Was he running from
someone in Boston?

Or did someone want
him out here, or...?

Thought crossed my mind, too.

Felt like someone was
pulling the strings.

- Who?
- Hell. You don't think those Davidsons

- know how to throw their money around?
- The Davidsons?

Yeah, and anyone else with
more money than sense.

The rest of us just have
to go along to get along.

Look at me, for Pete's sake.

Wait, wait, wait, I thought
you said you wanted to retire.

I never said I wanted to.

I was forced out! All right?

Didn't think you'd understand.

I was offered money
and I took it.

By who?

Got word from the judge,
cash and a land offer.

Judge Carter?

Nah, some other circuit judge.

I don't remember.

I loved my job.

Now, way I see it,
newcomer taking your job

seems like an awful good
reason to put him down.

You think I'd k*ll
a man for that?

Well, if you didn't,
then who did?

I don't know.

Collins was clearly
running from something.

Looking over his shoulder.

Thought there was
someone following them.

- Them?
- He had a wife.

Far as I know, they never
found her, did they?

Look, did you ever
meet with Tom Davidson

prior to him being
named sheriff?

Hell no.

Son of a bitch just took my job.

Didn't even have the decency
to come and shake my hand.

And you ask why I haven't
been back to town.

My succession had been handled.

Without me.

I'm sorry, Augustus.

You still haven't answered
where you were that night,

the night Liam
Collins was m*rder*d.

With Francis Reyes.

He asked for some
help on a cattle drive

on the night in question.

And Francis will attest to that?

I'm getting fed up
with the accusations.

Taking a payoff don't
make me a k*ller.

But getting treated like one
is starting to piss me off!

Get your things. We're
going for a ride.

And leave your g*n.

I have to get back to town.

I have some things to attend to.

Do you want me to come with you?

No, thank you.

Just let me know what
happens at the Reyes ranch.

Best we head back now

if we're gonna make it
back before sundown.

Why didn't you
tell me about her?

Is that why you've
been keeping secrets?

Can't alibi myself.

What the hell are
we waiting for?

Let's get this over with.

Hey! That's enough.

Come on, sweetie, I'm sorry.

Go on. It's time.

Let's get this disaster
on the road, huh?

Stage fright doesn't seem
like your thing, Carver.

Ah, well, boxing
doesn't seem like yours.

Best of luck out there.

All right, you vagabonds,
bad eggs, ne'er-do-wells,

this is the moment you've
all been waiting for!

Get your cash out,
place your bets!

Our first fighter,

he is as lean and mean
as he is dimwitted.

He is the fastest draw
west of the Mississippi.

He is the very spirit
of Independence.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Hoyt Rawlins.

And coming to us all
the way from Brenham,

the town that cannot be bothered

to pick its own damn cotton,

prized champion Andrew Jones.

I can't keep this crowd under
control for much longer.

Fight starts at sundown.

Let 'em get riled up.

Remember the LeBlanc twins?

It was hours before
we found them

passed out behind the mission.

Got drunk off the
Blood of Christ.

Yeah, I miss those days.
Us three against the world.

Hey, you all right?


Tension between you
two is thick as molasses.

Hope it don't last.

Loyalty's hard to
come by out here.

Y'all have clearly
lost some trust in me,

so you may not want to hear it,
but one of my regrets as sheriff

was not solving the mystery
of her going missing.

Hope y'all come to forgive
me. I did everything I could.

Everything you could, Sheriff?

Is that what you tell yourself?

There's Francis now.

Your witness to
question, Deputy.

A vision from the past.

What brings you all up here?

Ah, Mr. Reyes.

Sorry to take you
away from your work.

I need to ask you about
your last cattle drive.

When was that?

Well, Otis knows.

Left on the first.

It was a long while, too.

No star to guide us.

Anything suspicious
happen on that drive?

No. It was a good haul.

We were glad to have
Otis along to help.

Am I missing something?

What do you say now, Deputy?

I think that's all I needed.

Well, I'll get back, then.

Appreciate you for
taking the time.

You see your way out?


All right, now,

place your bets!

- Bet against me, sweetheart.
- What?


Hey, hey, what the
hell are you doing?

Get your guard up. Come on.

Hey, that's about
enough for one night.

Six! Seven! Eight!

Nine! Ten!

Hey, hey, got to get up.

- Come on, let's go, come on.
- Yeah.

What the hell was that? You
almost got yourself k*lled.

Well, look at you. Almost
like you care about me.

Damn it.


You missed Hoyt
getting clobbered.

Hey, what'd you
find? You know what?

I'm gonna ask you later.

I wouldn't be able to hear you
over this damn crowd anyway.

Sheriff! Sheriff!
Sheriff! Sheriff! Sheriff...

Well, look who thinks he's
fighting for this town now.

Sheriff! Sheriff!

Come on, give it to him!

Hold on
to him, Sheriff!

Knock him
down, Sheriff!

- Come on, Tom! Come on!
- Come on, Sheriff! You got this!

You need to tire him out.

I got this.

Listen to me or
he's going to win.

Keep moving. Make
him chase you.

Wear him down. Draw
him to the corner.

Move in close.

Yes, then, when he
drops his hands, strike.

Quickly. Here, here, here.

Do you understand?


Sheriff. You're
gonna get m*rder*d.

Why are you doing this?

I'm gonna make
something of this town.

Come on, knock
his head off, Sheriff!

You can do it!

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight...

Nine, ten.

You didn't just watch the fights
along the rail lines, did you?

Ah, yeah.

That son of a bitch

is going to walk
out after all that.

For a little grizzly bear of a
man, he hit like a dead fish.

I almost regret
taking that dive now.

Could've beaten Brenham's
finest with both my eyes shut.

- Hell.
- Put on a good show of it, though.

Pete, you ain't wrong.

Anyway, pleasure doing
business with you.

And don't worry, it's
for a good cause.

Sheriff! Sheriff! Sheriff!

Sheriff! Sheriff!

Sheriff! Sheriff! Sheriff!

Sheriff! Sheriff! Sheriff!

Sheriff! Sheriff!

Sheriff! Sheriff!
Sheriff! Sheriff! Sheriff!

Now where could he be?

When a man's gotta go, I guess.

Undercooked a deer last week.

It wasn't pretty.

No, it's not that.

Sometimes he does
that. Wanders off.

Otis, I want to apologize for
suspecting you in all this.

You'd be a crap
lawman if you didn't.

And an even crappier protégé.

It's a testament to myself
when you think of it.

Francis and I didn't stray a
lick from the trail that night.

But you know who did?

Those two ranch
hands over there.

Wasn't sure before.

- But now you are?
- Mm-hmm.

Damn it. Otis.

I'm fine.

Where'd that first
shot come from anyhow?

Here, keep pressure on this.

Damn it!

Calian. What happened?
What happened?

I don't know.


It was him. He shot him!

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Get away from him!

Hoyt, Hoyt. Don't,
don't. Stay back.

No, no, no, no.

Francis. Francis.

What did you do?

Calian, Calian, what in
the hell happened here?

I don't know.

Kate. Kate.

Good Lord, who did you rob?

It was all a lie.

Liam was paid off to be here...

by the Davidsons.

I-I went to the bank,

I said we had to requisition
Liam's accounts, and-and... look.


That's three times what
he ever made in Boston.

He lied.

He lied to me.

"Things aren't quite what
they seem in Independence.

"Nestled between charming
oak land and serene savannas,

"this small town has
enough spirit and pride

"to fill plenty a freight wagon.

"Between the delicious treats

"found at Sung's Kitchen,
to the soft caresses

"of White Doves, it's
the town's new sheriff

"Tom Davidson who embodies the
true nature of Independence,

"defending the town's
reputation in the ring

"against prized
champion Andrew Jones,

"a resident of
rival town Brenham.

"In a true David-son
versus Goliath fray,

"Tom stood up against
the mountain of the man,

"able to defeat the giant
playing fast and smart,

a certain competency many fail
to learn out here in the West."

This is printed statewide,

all the way to Kansas City.

Friend gave me
the early edition.

So the railroad executive

left without a word but you
managed to make the papers?

Me. Us.

And the town.



"If there's any
hope in connecting

"the many terrains and
cultures in Texas by rail,

"let us implore the
railroad to consider

Independence a town
worth building through."

"While it may not bear
the sounds and sights

"of Dallas or Austin,

"it's the perfect spot
for those who wish

"to reconnect with their
humanity and sense of community.

"Independence, a town to behold.

No truer destination
in the American West."