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01x03 - Blood & Whiskey

Posted: 02/18/23 10:09
by bunniefuu
morning, sunshine.

Now I don't know about
you, but I hardly slept.

Two dead bodies in one day?


An early bird.


What other mysteries
are you hiding, Abigail?

It's not
safe for any of us.

The only witness to my
husband's m*rder is now dead.


not the only one.

We need to
keep you safe...

till we can prove what
the sheriff's done.

What if I had a way
to get some proof?

Maybe even figure
out why he did it.

Well, go on, then.

I'm all ears.

When Tom came to
see me last night,

he offered me a job.

But you told him no.

Didn't you?

The thought turns my stomach,
but when are we going

to have another chance
to get this close to him?

It ever cross your mind
he could be onto you?

This could be a trap?

If he found out who you
were, you could be next.

- There are other ways.
- Damn right.

I'll talk to Lucia, see
what her family knows

about their new
cattle-rustling neighbors.

My elders have been here
longer than anyone else.

They may have crossed paths
with the Davidsons before.

You don't need to take that job.


Stay out of the lion's den.



Miss Walker?

How can I help you?

Yes, uh, is Sheriff
Davidson around?

What, a deputy not
good enough for you?

Don't take it personal, Gus.

I believe she's here to
discuss my job offer.

Is that it, Miss Walker?

Yes. I've thought
about it and...

Come on, I'll be
out in a minute, Burt!

For a man who deals
with the dead,

that undertaker's
an impatient man.

What were you saying?

I'll take the job.

It's all right, Gus.

Abby's gonna keep us honest.

Knows a thing or
two about the law.

Got an eviction notice
for Sullivan Dry Goods.

See that it gets
served, Miss Walker.

Much obliged.



Why don't you stop?

You're not breaking them,
they're breaking you.

Darling, that horse ain't
the only one who's stubborn.

I'll get him.


What the
hell's he doing here?

You know him?

Just some Apache I ran into.

Kind of full of
himself, if you ask me.


This is my son, Luis.

And this is my daughter Lucia.

Nice to meet you.

- Pleasure.
- We were just about

to have lunch. Perhaps
you could join us.

I'd be honored. Thank you.

Why does he get the last scoop?


Your-your, your
Spanish is impressive.

Unlike Hoyt's.

Hey! I know enough.

English is just
easier, that's all.

Eh. Always the easy way out.

Perhaps with a
different attitude,

you could avoid trouble
instead of seeking it out.

Well, it looks like
I'm not the only one

trouble seems to
find these days.

Heard you got a
spot of it yourself.

Cattle being stolen and all.

That's not your worry, Hoyt.

We can handle it on our own.

respect, SeƱor Reyes,

I'm afraid those who
stole from you...

they won't stop at cattle.

You and I should talk.

Oh, no, no, no, leave it.

Hoyt can handle it.

You keep
breaking horses.

I'll take yours.


You gonna stare at them
cards all day long,

Goldilocks, or
are you gonna bet?

I'm just wondering how much
it'll take to clean you out.

Ma'am, beer?


Pardon me, boys.

I'll, uh, trust you not
to look at my cards.


I thought you were
at the Reyeses'.

I was.

Had about enough of
that family for one day.

Well, I need to speak
with you and Calian.

- Do you know where he is?
- Mm.

- Had about enough of him, too.
- Hey, Mama?

Can Hoyt come play cards or
you want to braid his hair?

Look, I'll find you in a bit.

Right now, I need to go
separate a fool from his money.

- Mm.
- Yeah.

- Stay out of trouble.
- Piece of cake, darling.

Hey, you
know what, Hoyt?

I don't know who I
think's prettier,

you or that little
girlfriend of yours.

Yeah, you want to
see something pretty?

Feast your eyes on these.

Oh, what a pity.



and no good at cards.

Who you calling ugly?

You no good

cheating son of a bitch.

Daddy's got to run!

Where the hell is that horse?


Hey, mister.

You mind if I catch a ride?


Good to see you, Hoyt.

My father's very grateful.

None of his ranch hands had
any luck with that horse.

He says you got a gift.

call it a gift.

Just patience and understanding.

Hard to come by in this family.

They can be pretty
stuck in their ways.

- How do you mean?
- Not wanting their daughter

singing in bars and...

not getting caught up
with a man like Hoyt.

Blood does not always
make things easy.

Well, maybe they're right.

At least with Hoyt.

Never around long enough to know

where I stand with him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wondering when you'd show up.

Where's Hoyt?

What happened to him?

Well, he couldn't
have gotten far.

I'll find him.

Just in case.

Don't know if family's
paying for a headstone.

Haven't heard back yet.
This should do for now.

It doesn't bother you?

What's that?

Burying a man whose
life you ended.

Maybe you've done it before?

Maybe more than a few?

Can't see how it'd
sit right with anyone,

taking a man's life.

But I can live with
it if it's justified.

Makes me wonder what
else you can live with.

Come again?

I pride myself on knowing
people from the start.

The thing is...

I still can't quite
get a handle on you.

Heard you stood up
for that Apache scout

that came into town
looking for trouble.

I'm not sure that's the
job description, Deputy.

Man just wanted a drink.

- Is that so?
- Yep.

The people of this town

seem to like you quite a bit.

What do you think
they'll say about you

when you're laid
to rest out here?

I guess you'll just
have to ask them.

Guess I will.

You buy
from that shelf,

you pay for it over
here. That's my shelf.

- I'm so sorry, I didn't...
- Uh, never mind her.

Over here, sugar, I've got
what you're looking for.

How do you know what she wants?

Because unlike you, Molly,
I have business sense.

And I can tell this woman
appreciates quality.

Are you saying I
don't have quality?

If you did, I haven't seen it.

- See this.
- Ladies!

Please, please, I'm-I'm sorry.

I'm not here to buy anything.

Well, then, what
the hell are you here for?

I am here from the
sheriff's office.

I'm here to deliver
an eviction notice.

I'm so sorry.

Well, it was only
a matter of time.

Is there anything I can do?

Yeah, you can slap some
sense into my sister

for going behind
my back once again.

Oh, Martha, like you've
never done it before?

You're always keeping
your secrets from me.

And now you know why!

Putting our livelihood up

as collateral for some kind of
fly-by-night business scheme.

How was I to know I was being
swindled by some charlatan?

That's the problem.

You're always so gullible.

Excuse me, what...

what charlatan?

It doesn't matter. It's over.

You can tell the bank they won.

Good God.

Am I finally dead?

This look like Hades to you?


I'll be.

Is that you, Braedon?

And Miss Mallory.

Well, hey there, little Evelyn.

There's Avery and Zachariah.

Well, I-I can't tell you

how good it is to be
back in Angel Springs.

And so soon.

Now, listen.

I know...

I didn't leave here under
the best circumstances.

You have every right
to be upset with me.


pretending to be a preacher.

For not finishing
this fine church.

And for taking
advantage of such a...

kind and trustworthy community.

I admit... I'm a sinner.

I am.

I have lived a life

of lies

and transgressions.

I've robbed banks, trains and...

two barbershops.

Cheated at cards,

gambled with dice and...

well, broken many...

many hearts.

I'm a fallen man.

In need of hope...

and compassion.

But I've come back
to you good people...

for forgiveness.

One, you didn't come back to us.

I tracked you down,

I knocked you flat and
I dragged you here.

And two...

I've already forgiven you for
what you done with my wife.

Well, parting my
hair with that shovel

would seem to
indicate otherwise.

Count your
blessings while you can.

God's got a different
purpose for you today.

Come on.

What are you doing?

Following someone.

You sh**t your food with that?

I can.

You gonna sh**t that man
you're following, too?

I don't know yet.

Jacob, my friend.

Whatever it is you need me for,

I am your man.

Glad to hear it.

But you ain't touching
one drop of this whiskey.

Oh, come on now!

You know how much I appreciate

the world famous Angel
Springs Distillery.

Yeah, you and everyone else.

Folks get wind that we can't
make our deliveries, then...

whole town's finished.

Why? What happened?

- Well, you did.
- Huh?

It's been nothing but
trouble since you left.

Last two deliveries got robbed.

They shot poor Fred
there in the leg.

Well, look, if I'm so awful,
why... why bring me back?

Well, we figured the best
way to protect this last run

is to bring in someone
with criminal experience.

Someone who knows the terrain.

Someone who'll do
it for nothing.

I'm not that cheap.

Either that, or I could
have you finish that grave

you were digging.

No need.

I'm in.

But in the meantime...

I might need to borrow
that shovel of yours.

Why are you following
me? Humiliating me

in front of Lucia wasn't enough?

Oh, you did that just
fine by yourself.

But when the horse
you stole came back

without you on it,

Lucia, she grew worried.

And I figured you
needed some help.

Listen to me, we ain't friends.

And I sure as hell
don't need your help.

Oh, so coming here
was your idea?

Sure didn't sound like that
back there at the church.

That is my business.

I better not catch you
following me again.

Miss Walker, right?

Glad to see you in one piece

after all that
excitement the other day.

Find your husband yet?

No, I haven't.

Um, I'm actually here
on a different matter.

I have friends who are
facing an eviction.

The Sullivans are
your friends? Huh.

Didn't realize they had any.

Well, uh, Mr. Morris,

I was hoping to arrange
some sort of a payment plan?

Afraid I can't.

Oh, uh, why is that?

Normally evictions take months.

This case, however, was
personally expedited

by the sheriff himself.

Uh, what's, what's this, then?

Uh, just a standard deed map.

Shows, uh...

the shop, and right up there

is their 200 acres
just outside of town.

Both were being
held as collateral.

Oh, well, hello.

I wasn't sure if
you could make it,

what with your new job and all.

How did you...

Small town, big mouths.

So... what's that handsome
new sheriff got you doing?

- Anything interesting?
- Mm.

Sad's more like it.

I had to tell the Sullivan
sisters they're getting evicted.

If they don't pay their debts

by the end of the day,
they lose the store.

What's more curious
is they'll also lose

their land outside
of town. 200 acres.

See, now that just sounds like
a good old-fashioned land grab

to me. I can help...

if you want. I feel
sorry for those gals.

Has it always been this bad?

They used to do
okay, then as the...

bickering got worse,

so did the business.

Now their customers,
they-they go to Austin

to get what they need.

Just to avoid the

Kai, were you eavesdropping?

Of course not.

I can't control how loud you...

- How-how loud people talk.
- Sure.

And I may have overheard
enough to help.

I know which people
need what items.

The trick would be
getting them in the door.

If we could convince the
sisters to stop fighting,

then maybe people
would shop there again.

I'd need a small army to do it.

I think I've got just the army.

What you got there?

Griffin's things.

Carried a picture of a White
Dove in his pocket watch.


Knew her folks
before they passed.

Wonder what they'd find on me.

More than a coin and a
whore's locket, I hope.

Come on, Gus, let's play a game.

Empty your pockets.

I'll go first.

Two, three, four,
five, six, seven...

Enough for a heck
of a night out.

This is the same
pomade my pops used.

Taught me how when I was eight,
been using it ever since.

And this.

This has more stories
than I can say.

I'd have to be dead before
anyone put their hands on it.

It's your turn now.

Why am I not surprised?

Well, since old Griffin

didn't have next of kin,

I don't know if
anyone'd bat an eye

if his things turned up missing.

No thanks.

I'm living just fine.

That was a test.

Good man, Gus.


You're coming with?

Well, I was on the last
coach that got robbed.

Figured it might helpful
to know where it went down.

Plus, I don't trust
you not to steal

all that whiskey for yourself.

So, where's our cargo headed?

Where do you think? Hyah!


Hey, Jacob?

How's your old man?

I didn't see him
there at church.

No, he's at home.

Took a turn.

I'm not sure how
much longer he's got.

Sorry to hear that.

I always liked him.

Yeah, he liked you, too.

Didn't have the
heart to tell him

you were a no-good,
thieving outlaw.

That's a little bit
harsh there, Jacob.

Okay, we're coming
up on the pass.

That's where we got
robbed last time.


Seeing you with that shotgun
must've scared them off.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised.

Seems like a bunch of amateurs,

pulling a job back
in the open there.

If it were me,

I'd have picked someplace
with more tree cover, like...

right about here.



Oh, the whiskey!



I should go talk to them.

Good luck.


looks like the rest
is up to you and me.

I'll go remind the girls to
brush up on their salesmanship.

I'll tell them where to go.

And what they need to know.

Molly, Martha?

Look, I know this isn't easy.

But you two have to be civil.

All of these people are here

to help you save your store.

But none of it's going
to make a difference

if you two can't get along.

Now, this is more
than just about money.

This is about being sisters.

What do you know about sisters?


I have one, too.

Or at least I did, back home.

For most of our
lives, we were...

best friends.

We were inseparable.

And, much like you,

we... let...

we let business get in the way.

We said things we
can't take back.


now, when I need her
more than ever...

she's gone.

Sisters don't
always agree, but...

that is okay.

The important thing is

that you will always be sisters.


I'm sorry, Martha.

I won't ever make a big
decision again without you.

Besides, I was just trying
to make you proud and...

that's all I ever wanted.

I am proud of you.

In fact, why don't you
handle the register?

You were always better with
people than I ever was.

Well, all right, ladies.

It's showtime.

Oh, come on!

Whoa! Whoa!

Oh, boy, you are really

getting on my nerves.

The feeling's mutual.

I see the way you treat people.

Now you're betraying a town

that offers you a
chance at redemption.

Hey, I tried.

It didn't work.

I'll see you back in town.

Or maybe not.


You think missing me
with a bunch of arrows

is gonna scare me?


- Do you know how close that was?
- Mm-hmm.

'Cause I missed.

It was on purpose.

Why do you give
a crap what I do?

Is it 'cause you're a tracker?
Like a dog with a bone?

You just don't give up till
the job's done, is that it?

I'm here because you're more
than you want people to believe.

You've probably been in jail

- dozens of times.
- Well, I think that's a bit high.

But you got yourself arrested.

You knew that we were all
Abby has, so you sacrificed.

You have it in you to be good.

Okay, fine.

No more running.

We got to hurry.

Why, you got somewhere to be?

Actually, I do.

But for now, I'll start
finding their trail.

No, no need.

Pretty sure I know
where they're going.

How's that?

Well, I used to run with these
bandits a few years back.

Taught 'em everything they know.

Of course you did.

Can you scoot up a little bit?

Your arrows are in my way.

Hi, Burt.

- Hi.
- You know my name?

Well, of course. We
hear you're running low

- on candles and rouge powder?
- Mm-hmm.

Sullivan's Dry Goods is
having a sale, come on.

I can't believe
you pulled it off.

The girls were happy to do it.

I got them paid
double this week.

And I like I told you, Kai
knows everyone's dirty laundry.

It's good to see you smile.

May be the first time.

Hopefully not the last.

So, tell
me about these men.

During my time, I took them
from robbing stagecoaches

to trains.

And now look at them.

Back to coaches.


I meant, what are
their weaknesses?



looks like their biggest
one is I'm not with them.

Look, you just handle the stage,

I'll take care of the rest.

You know what we ought to do,
boys, we ought to take this

stuff down to Abilene. That's
some high-end hooch right there.

We gonna get five
times as much as we get

- for that regular swill.
- Slim.

Jack. Little Jack.

Tink. It's been a while.

Hell, too long, I'd say.

Oh, today must be my lucky day.

You know what they say
about lying with dogs?

You're gonna get fleas.

Hell, I bet you fellas
are itchy as hell

hanging with this mangy critter.

Sticks and stones, Blondie.

Hey, but you know what,
this pretty little g*n

you love so much is
about to k*ll your ass.

Now I figured you boys might've

fallen on hard
times after I left,

but seeing you with him?

It's just sad.

No, you know what's sad?

Oscar's still sitting in jail.

Tink told me about that
last job y'all pulled.

Remember, the one you bailed on?

Those were extenuating
circumstances, Tink.

The pretty boy moves
a muscle, sh**t him.


Hey, you get away
from that wagon!

Yeah, I see... No!
No, no, no, the wagon!

The wagon! The wagon!


Sorry, Jack. Little Jack.

Bring it around.
Let's finish them off!



Calian! What are
you waiting for?

Let's go! Calian!

Go on, get!


You miss me now, don't ya?!

Seems to me, this
calls for a drink.

You're a damn killjoy,
you know that?

It's nice to see those
sisters finally getting along.

Must be bittersweet
for you, though,

what with your own sister
estranged in, uh...

- Where did you say that it was?
- Uh, back East.

As long as Molly and
Martha are happy,

- then so am I.
- Mm.

Say, isn't that your
friend from the alley?

Wait, those are the two

that started the brawl
at Hagan's last night.

They gonna keep
giving me trouble?

I'll handle them.

Kate, ready?


What happened?

Just tying up some loose ends.

What did you find
out at the Reyeses'?

Look, the thing is, Abby...

We talked to them.

Francis told us their cattle
went missing soon after

they turned down an
offer the Davidsons made

to buy their ranch.

- I'm not surprised.
- Why?

What did you hear?

I know you didn't want
me to take the job offer

Davidson gave me, but I did.

He was trying to evict
the Sullivan sisters

from their dry goods store.

It wasn't the
store he was after.

They own property near
his outside of town.

If it's only land they're after,

why not just buy it?

Look, whatever the
Davidsons are up to,

it's bigger than we thought.

I have to go make sure
the sisters get the money

to the bank before it closes,
so I'll find you later.

Where the hell you going?

Helping you took
longer than I expected.


About that...


You really didn't have to.

Yes, I did.

You needed it.

Appreciate you reaching out.

- We'll talk soon, huh?
- Mm.


Looks like you
could use a ride.

The Lord works in
mysterious ways.

Thank you.

Praise you, Lord.

My pleasure, everybody!

Good job, boys!

Always glad to be
back in Angel Springs.


I was thinking,
before I head out,

maybe I could make a house call.

How you doing, old timer?

Yeah, that's right.

Father Hoyt's back.

I'm sorry I didn't come sooner.

Jacob, he, uh...

he told me.

He's a lucky man.

Having you in his
life for so long.

It's okay to be scared.

To not want to face
what's staring you

right in your eye.

'Cause some things
we can't outrun.

We have to be brave.

And when we stop running...


that's when we find our peace.

Well, good job, Miss Walker.

Why, thank you, Sheriff.


There you are.

I'm impressed you
were able to get them

packed up and moved
out so quickly.

Oh, no, they're not leaving.

They're just sold out.

- Sold out of what?
- Everything, really.

But don't worry, they have a
new shipment coming next week.

They'll be back up and
running before you know it.

They were supposed
to be evicted.

Oh, I know. I delivered
your notice, but...

I have to admit,
I didn't realize

how smart your timing was.

I'm not following.

Well, that notice
was just the push

those sisters needed to
get their act together.

They made enough
to pay their debts

and then some.

You should be proud.

You've been here a week,

and already you're
making such a difference.

Keep this up, and they'll
be talking about you

here for years to come.



we'll see about that.

Ruby, I'm
here about Griffin.

Well, I ha... I have his things.

And... I knew he'd
want you to have them.

Didn't charge him
when he was alive.

Why would I take his money now?

I knew Griffin
better than anyone.

And I swear on my
life, he didn't do it.

He was no angel,

but Griffin never
k*lled anybody.

Certainly not some sheriff.

He didn't have it in him.

But you sure did, didn't you?

Whole town loves Deputy Gus.

He's got a smile
and a friendly word

- for everyone.
- Okay, now. Hold on, Ruby...

Except the man you gunned
down in cold blood.

How'd you get the
nerve to come here

after what you done?

You got no heart at all.

Who the hell you think you are?

I was just doing my job...

Get the hell out.


Who are you?

Isn't that funny?

I was just about to
ask you the same thing.