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01x02 - Home to a Stranger

Posted: 02/18/23 10:08
by bunniefuu
- Aren't you a handsome fella?

Morning, Sheriff.

Can I help you find something?

Yeah, I hope so.

Your slaughterhouse nearby?

Are you looking for something?

I'm not sure.

But I need to know why
my husband was k*lled.

And I can't leave until Sheriff
Davidson pays for what he did.

Why, exactly...

did we come back to this place?

To see if anything was taken.

Scavengers could've
been out here already.

Taken anything valuable.

He knows from experience.

Hey, who are you?
Who is this guy?

- Why are we trusting him?
- Calian found me out here.

I'd be dead without him.

I trust him with my life.

More than I can say for a
man who held me at gunpoint

in a bank yesterday.

And why would you tell him that?

I already figured it out.

Yeah, I bet you did.

So I'm supposed to
trust a stranger

- who helps us how?
- I found

another set of tracks.

So someone was with Davidson?

- Maybe a witness?
- Or an accomplice.

Probably that deputy of his.

We can trust Augustus.
I've known him for years.

He's loyal to this town.

There's a lot of
trust going around.

Your friend there

almost arrested me at
the show last night.

Well, you did rob a bank.

Look, I-I just
work better alone.

Didn't you suspect the Davidsons

of stealing the cattle
from Lucia's ranch?

Do you really think it's
going to stop there?

If we are going to figure
out what he's really up to,

you two have to work together.

- That's Liam's cigar case.
- It's empty.

Too bad.

Could use a smoke.

He used to keep his
father's pocket watch,

his-his journal in here.

What, you find something else?

Liam made it.

He said this is where we
were going to live together.

I know that place.

It's over the next hill.

I can take you.

I need to see it.

Miss Walker.

What are you doing out here?

Sheriff Davidson.

So what do you
think of the place?

Just moved in.

It's a town tradition for
the sheriff to live here.

But I guess you
already knew that.

Yes. I went to the sheriff's
office looking for you and...

heard you were here.

You wanted to talk
about the robbery?

Yes. The robbery.

I was looking for you.

Turns out we found each other.

Looks that way.

Must've been a harrowing ordeal,

being taken hostage like that.

Terrifying, not knowing
what might happen next.

- Any idea who it was?
- Not yet.

Augustus and I are still
talking to witnesses.

But anything you can remember...

would be of great help.

He was...

covering his face.

With a bandana.

His hair was... red.

A-Average height, build. Um...

perhaps on the skinny side.

I really wish I
could remember more.


better than some of
the ladies at the bank.

Mesmerized by his blue eyes.

Imagine that being
what you recall.

It's strange what you remember
during something like that.

Well, maybe more detail
will occur to you in time.

But until then...

I promise I'll do
everything in my power

to catch the man who did it.

You have family?

I mean...

will anyone be
living here with you?

I hope to have a family one day.

You're new here,
too, I understand.

Folks at the bank

said they never seen you
in Independence before.

I'm passing through.

Friends in town. I haven't...

decided how long I'll stay.

Well, maybe dinner
would change that.

With you?

Well, I got a whole welcome
party on my first day here.

It's only fair, after
what's happened,

that you get a decent
welcome to town, too.

I have other matters
to attend to.

Another time.

Another time.

What are you
upset about now, Kate?

You still haven't paid
the dancers and you know it.

I will. In time.

Once I pay the vendors.

The repairs for our
new sheriff's...


Pay the girls. You might
not have a show next week.

- Can't afford new costumes.
- No one's gonna care

if there are no
dancers to wear them.

You never know.

I hear something's going around.

We might all get sick.

I'll do my best.

Now can you buzz
around someone else?

Asking questions.

Making demands.


what do you think of
that new sheriff, huh?

Oh, come on. You were at a
table with him all night.

What do you think?

I think he wants to buy us out.

Mm. I love when you say "us."

Fly away, little bee.

Buzz, buzz, honey.

Tracks. Try to keep up.

Oh, hell no.

Come on, Cordell!

Right behind you.

It's the same tracks, Calian.

They head back to town.

These are in mud.

They make as strong
an impression as me?



All right.

Let's go see a
man about a horse.

The blacksmith.

Ah. I get it.

Not everyone in town likes you.

I'll ride ahead, do
the talking. You...

watch from wherever you...

do your watching from.

These horseshoe
stars are a little...


Did you make any of
these the last few days?

Yeah. Customers.


Any not so stand-up customers?

New faces in town?

Like yours?

- Why you asking?
- Well,

I'm trying to track down a
friend of a friend who...

rode on a horse with
those horseshoes of yours.

Hoyt Rawlins.

Good seeing you again.


You know, I been talking
to folks from the bank.

Turns out you fit the
description of the robber.

Is that a fact?

Hard to identify a
man wearing a bandana.

Oh, I never said he did.

Eh, seems to make sense if
you don't want to get caught.

You know?

You know, you sound
like quite the expert.

Maybe me and you
should have a little...



Wonder what
she's thinking.

You stroll back into town
only to be questioned

the day after a robbery.

How dare you.

My husband was at
Hagan's show last night.

Wouldn't shut up about
some little Mexican singer

in a red dress.

My red dress,

stolen off my
clothesline yesterday.

I know it was you.

I want my dress returned

or I'll take it up
with the sheriff.

I can help.

I'm sorry?

Come by my laundry
this afternoon.

I will make it better.

Maybe later.

Take a seat.


how can I help you catch him?


where were you yesterday?

I was out for a ride.

- Mm.
- Told you.

Before that.


I was at Hagan's
with Lucia Reyes.

She'll vouch for me.

But do me a favor, don't
talk to her family.

- She's not supposed to be...
- What?

Associating with
your kind?

Where you working
while you're in town?

I'm out at the Reyes ranch.

Turns out, someone's
stealing their cattle.

Might want to look into that.

It must've been hard

being passed over for sheriff.

Let me make this clear.

I don't need a
star to do my job.

I keep this town safe, so...

let's try again.

You see anything, hear anything,

maybe at the saloon...

- that'll help.
- Y-You know what?

I-I did hear something.

Uh, but... a little parched.

You got anything to
drink around here?

Feet off the table.


Tell you what.

Cattle rustling?

Bank robbery?

It's a regular crime
spree around here.

Oh, water?

Huh-uh. Whiskey's
what'd make me talk.


It's always a pleasure, Deputy.

Sure is.


- Is everything all right in there?
- Yeah, just...

offering my assistance
to find that bank robber.

Oh, by the way,
is there a reward

if I track 'em down myself?

Yeah, his horse.

Brown gelding with a grey tail.

Only thing witnesses
can agree on.

Find that horse,
you find the man.

Spit it out, Augustus.

See you got something
on your mind.

Reyes family had some cattle
stolen the other night.

Just wondering if
there's a connection.

Cattle thief and a bank
robber? Seems like a stretch.

You know, you should take
that to Sung's Laundry.

Kai will stitch that
right up for you.

Prefer it that way.
Reminder to be more careful.

Any correspondence for me?

I'm waiting for a
letter from my father.

I didn't get a chance
to go through it.

Your father, huh?

Oh, I imagine he's mighty proud

of his son's new position.

He's a difficult man to please.


Everything all right?

Just another reminder
to be more careful.

Calian? Where's Hoyt?

Being questioned at
the sheriff's office.

Well, that can't be good.

How exactly did
he get himself...

Your wound.

It looks infected.

I've-I've been trying
to keep it clean.

Can I look at it?

Is that okay?


So this is where you ran off to.

Kate, uh...

This is Calian.

Pleasure to meet you.

I didn't see you after the show.

But my offer still
stands if you, uh...

if you need a place to stay.

Thank you. I-I still need

- to think about it.
- That's no problem.

In the meantime, if you
need to borrow a dress,

you let me know.

And then there were four.

I'm not sure what
that's supposed to mean.

But I am sure you need a shower.

It's a nice little umbrella.

I'm delicate.

- Well, what do you have to say for yourself?
- Easy.

Talked my way out of far worse.

So, spoke to Calian's pal, Gus.

Told him about our
cattle rustlers.

Figure if he looks
into it, ties the theft

back to the Davidson family,

he'll start suspecting that...

slick sheriff he's
all holstered up with.

Mm. You
say anything else?

I didn't want to
overstay my welcome.

But there, uh, was a
little, slight problem.

Wouldn't by chance have
anything to do with that?

All right, everybody, step back.

Well, no one could
identify me, but...

I always knew it'd end this way.

Liam's r*fle,

my law book were
in that saddlebag.

Last night Augustus
wanted me to track you.

The bank robber.

What're you gonna
do about that, huh?

Lock me up?

You really don't
trust anyone, do you?

Look, right now,

you are wanted whether
you like it or not.

And we are your best
chance at not being caught.

I'm glad you came.

I'm not sure why I did.


I saw you and the woman.

She was not in
the best of moods.

So you know?

I know you need a new dress.

Do you mind?

What is your favorite color?

Favorite color?

- Yes.
- Red. Green.


I saw you at the show.

I wasn't the only one there.

You made a loud place quiet.

Not easy to do at Hagan's.

Thank you, but...

you were there to
see someone else.

The dancer. The wild one.


- Does she know?
- Not until I tell her.

H-How long have
you been together?

You and the cowboy?

I don't really know...

if we are really together.

Sheriff Davidson.


Let's quiet down, folks.

Rode out of town
looking for a trail

on yesterday's bank robber.

Found tracks that led up the
hill, just south of here.

I came across a shallow grave.

I knew something was amiss.

Wasn't even buried
proper, so I dug him out.

Discovered he'd been
shot in the back.

And I found papers
on this person

that identifies him
as Liam Collins.

He was to be sheriff
of Independence.

Oh, my God.

Went missing a week
ago, and by that time

the county judge
reached out to me.

And I take no pride in saying

I filled this man's shoes.

And now that I know his fate,

I will not rest until
I catch his k*ller.

And I have reason to
believe that the m*rder*r

is the same man who
robbed our bank.

The tracks on the hill
are from the same horse

the robber rode on.

I will find him.

And he will hang.

Along with anyone else

who helped aid
this evil bastard.

Did you know the man?


- What did you do?
- Ah, lookit!

Got some fire under all
that noble buckskin.

Well, for someone
we didn't turn in,

you have a funny
way of thanking us.

Tell us what
happened. The truth.

Fine. I did it, but
it's your fault.

- You said trust people.
- You are unbelievable.

And you said trust Gus.

So I left a note
where the body was.

If he found it, he'd
wonder who get served

by k*lling the man, right?

Think it's that new sheriff
who just rolled into town.

That was the best hand to play.

I guess Davidson
found the note first.

Or Gus told him about it.

From now
on, we all decide

the best hand to play.

Hoyt, I need you to
do things I can't.

Things he can't.

And I know you want to get
to the bottom of this as much

- as we do.
- Hey, where the hell you going?

- I need to talk to Augustus.
- The hell?

We're not even sure he
didn't help Davidson.

I need to find
out what he knows.

If he can be trusted.

I used our Pinkerton connections
to look into that last sheriff,

Liam Collins. His records
show he was married.

Where'd the wife go?


This is all very
intriguing, Kate.

It is, but we...

we're being paid to keep
an eye on the railroads.

And all the crime and
corruption that follows.

Yeah, Hell on Wheels, I know.

Well, I'm just working at
Hagan's for the ambience.

It looks like you are.

Look, all I'm saying is...

one sheriff is k*lled,
new sheriff comes to town.

Town that may be directly in the
path of the railroads out here.

Add a missing wife.

Yeah, and that is a
lot of dots to connect.

It's a good thing
I like patterns.

While you were looking
into the old sheriff,

I was looking into
the new sheriff.

Tom Davidson. Wealthy
family back east.

He has ties to steel.

They make trains and railroads
out of steel, last I checked.

Yes, they do. And he has
family out west, too.

Cattle ranchers.

New sheriff would help the
family business on both sides.

Boy, look at us.

Connecting the dots.

- Very funny.
- Mm-hmm.

Keep reporting what
you find and I'm happy

to help however I can, but...

do not go looking for something
that is not there, Kate.

- What happened back east...
- Yes, thank you, I was there

for that part.

And that doesn't mean I'm
not onto something with this.

- See you next week, Katherine.
- Sure.

Say, you know, as it turns
out, it does take an awful lot

of money to connect
dots, you know.

There's, uh, there's
informants, there's bribes.

I do a lot of bribing
in my spare time.

- You do a lot of bribing?
- None of your business.

I'll be back.

I was hoping I'd run into
you after Hagan's show.

A lot of g*ns, a lot of alcohol.

Sometimes that means trouble.

Well, still could've used your
help to catch that bank robber.

And m*rder*r, if you
believe the sheriff.

Mm. You heard what happened.

- You trust him?
- The sheriff?

He seems like a good man.

But even then,
sometimes it takes time

before you know the whole
truth about somebody.

You know, I've been
meaning to talk to you

about that, uh, Abby Walker.

Same day you brought her to town

is the same day
there's a bank robbery.

Now I find that as bad luck

or one hell of a coincidence.


The sheriff
pick up a new trail?

Guess so. Why,
that bother you?

He's been here two days.

You've been here two years.

Does that bother you?

If he's really on the
trail of a bank robber,

a k*ller...

don't you think he'd need
someone to watch his back?

Especially after what
happened to the last sheriff.

You were hired to take cattle.

Not lose cattle.

It's one stray.
What's the big deal?

Cows were branded by a family.

They're now spreading rumors
about their cattle being stolen.

It ain't a rumor, Tom.

I don't like loose
ends, Griffin.

So you here to pay
us the other half?

Where were you last week?

Any chance you were
out by the wagon trail,

just northeast of here?

What are you getting at, Tom?

Hey, someone's here.

You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Liam Collins.

Those tracks we found
earlier, horseshoe stars,

lead to where he and the
others were hiding out.

Looks like the sheriff
found his fall guy.

Better him than me.

Whoever he is, he's innocent.

That's not the man
who shot my husband.

You saw everyone in town.

They want revenge
for your husband.

Sheriff there's making
himself look like a hero.

What do you want to do?


let's get that prisoner to talk.

think Tom Davidson's gonna

- let him have his day in court?
- No.

But that won't stop
him from speaking out

against the man
trying to hang him.

Not from behind bars.

- Well, then let's break him out.
- Huh.

Yeah, stage a lot of prison
breaks in Boston, did you?

No, but we are no
longer in Boston.

And I have a feeling you've
committed your fair share.


we're not exactly a
well-oiled machine.

Well, if we have any
chance at pulling this off,

you two are going to
have to figure out

a way to work together

and not get along.

Keep your mouth shut
about the cattle,

and I'll get you out of this.

Miss Walker.

Can we help you?

Is that him?

Ma'am, everything
points that way.

Is that the man
you saw at the bank?

The one who took you hostage?

Like you said...

maybe you're still too rattled
to recall every detail.

So will the county judge
hear his case tomorrow?

He shot at me and my deputy.

That's enough to make
him hang in my book.

In your book, but...

doesn't the due
course of the law

"insure a trial with as
little delay as possible"?

Well, I'll be.

Well, that just rolled
off your tongue.

- Where'd you learn that?
- My uncle was a judge back east.

I'd sit in his
court after school.

He'd offer me a nickel if
I could learn the statutes.

It was as interesting
as Dickens to me.

Well, the county judge
out here advised me

to use my own discretion
in certain cases.

And I think this is one of them.

Well, I'm sure some of the
town would like a sheriff

that exhibits such brute force

in his first days here.

But I wonder if the whole town

might respect a man who...

enforces the letter of the law

and yet still finds justice.

Maybe we can discuss
this another time.

Maybe over dinner.

If the offer still stands.

We can't take this.

It's your own money.

What are you talking about?
Of course you can take it.

You earned it.

Go buy that kid of yours
a toy or something.

Not a wooden g*n.

Thanks for always
taking care of us, Kate.

Yeah, of course.


That you buzzing
around down there?

Well, I mean, if the hat fits...

Yeah, well, none of them do.

That's so sad for you.

I thought about what you said.

And I will pay the dancers.

Next week.

Right, so there is no
show this week, then.

Because I've been meaning
to go on vacation.

I hear the hill country's
beautiful this time of year.

There is a show, and when
I get paid for that show,

I will pay them.

You know, you could always
just take a little bit

off the top of your hat budget.

Maybe sell one of these antiques

you have lying
around, Nathaniel.

You know, you've had me
do your books before.

I know you have enough.



Tell them to come
by in the morning.

If you play cards this evening,
I am throwing you under a wagon.

I'll pay them in the morning.


Was that so tough?

Come in.

- Hi.
- Hello... Oh.

I wanted to see

if I could sing here again.

Is this a bad time?

Not in that dress.

Where did you order it from?

Nowhere. Kai made it.

- Did he?
- Isn't he talented?

I'm sure he'd be
happy to make you one.

Kate, I'm sorry to interrupt.

Can I borrow a dr...

That is beautiful.

We're gonna need to double the
costuming budget for next week.

Dressed for the part.

To have dinner with
my husband's k*ller.

Doesn't matter who it is.

Thing about being
a grifter is...

the job's the same.

You're playing a part to fool

whoever's across
the table from you.

Trust me.

Hell, I've done it so long,

kind of...

kind of lost who I am.

And who I'm supposed to be.

But you?

I'm pretty sure you
know who you are.

Who you're supposed to be.

Oh, this ain't gonna be good.



Just... wait.

- Where'd you get that...
- I didn't steal it like you did.

Or the money in the flowers.

You robbed that
bank, didn't you?

Keep it down.

It was for your family.

I know you're
struggling out there.

I burned it.

Nothing but ash.

Do you know what I
risked to get that?

I didn't ask for you to do it.

Miss Walker.


Come on in.

You mentioned
living in Texarkana.

Mm, a portmanteau.

Is that where you're from?

Moved up and down
the east coast.

- What made you head west?
- Fresh start.

Isn't that always the reason?

You're from...

New England. Moved
around a lot.

You have family
who are ranchers?

I overheard it in town.

You hear anything else?

You made an offer
to buy Hagan's.

Small town gossip.

Now weren't we supposed

to discuss the
letter of the law?

Or would you like
some more wine first?

I'm fine.

Put any more thought into
letting a court decide

- your prisoner's...
- Your father was a judge?



In Boston?


I tried to be the
proper New Englander.

Trained to be a schoolteacher,
marry the right man.

But I just remember
sitting in court,

watching and listening
to all the men in there,

wondering why I
couldn't be an attorney.

You should.

The prisoner.

- His name's Griffin.
- Did he confess?

- They never do.
- If there is even a shadow of a doubt, you can't...

He k*lled a woman.

prost*tute out in Stafford.

'Cause she laughed at him.

He cut her up.

Then he shot the sheriff
who came to arrest him.

Watched him bleed out.

He's wanted in five counties.

Griffin was born a criminal.

And it's time that he
paid for his crimes.

How do you know
that he k*lled...

Liam Collins?

'Cause I
found this on him.

Initials W.C.

William Collins.

Then a r*fle

with the same initials

and a law book
belonging to Mr. Collins

in Griffin's saddlebag.

That's enough evidence for me.

Question is...

why isn't it enough for you?

Everyone deserves a fair trial.

So why won't you allow him that?

You are the sheriff.

And it's your
first case in town.

Any more advice from
the New Englander

that should've been an attorney?

About the letter of the law?

Or how to keep the
trust of the town?

Keep on moving.

..think he
is, walking in here?

Beer, please.


Flynn, you heard
him. Serve the man.

Thanks, scout.

All right, another.

Hey, you, gorgeous!

- This time you don't take it.
- Oh, come on.

Just having
a little fun.

Don't you got a
stage to dance on?

I'm gonna dance on
your head in a minute,

- you're not careful.
- It's fine.

- Thank you.
- See, scout can handle himself.

Not sure he can handle
his liquor, but...

Says the man who
can't stand straight.

I can stand straight enough to
knock some manners into you.

Harder than you think
when you probably

see three of me right now.

Who'd you have to k*ll
to get a nice g*n like...

Here we go.

There's still more wine.

Thank you. I really
should be going.

I'll ride to town with you.

Oh, I'm fine.

It's late.

With everything going on...

I'd say that's about enough.

- The Apache started it.
- That's a lie.

you say to me?

What the hell do
you think you're doing?

That is enough. Stop it!

Look, the man wanted a beer.

Doesn't he scout for this town?

We should be buying him one.

Not starting fights,
which he did.


Nathaniel, what in the
hell happened here?


I'm just picky with who
I drink with, that's all.

Well done, Deputy.

Looks like you finally
get to lock me up.

New friend for you.

- At least your friend's sober.
- What you talking about?

Are you serious?

- You trying to bust out of here?
- Not me. You.

That is, if you tell
me everything you know

about Tom Davidson.

You wanted to talk to me?

We've ridden side
by side for miles.

Saved each other many times.

I need to know where we stand.

There's a shack on a hill,
about a mile south of here.

- Wait for us there.
- "Us"?

Folks who are gonna
get you safety

if you tell us what
you know. Deal?

Yeah, yeah.

It's best you stay
inside for now.

Uh, I know you're in a rush,

but thank you for dinner

and the escort.

- If you want to discuss the case...
- Appreciate it.

But right now I
should go figure out

who was raising Cain earlier.

I'll be seeing you, ma'am.

Ever since I
rode up on that hill,

I feel like you've been
hiding something from me.

Am I wrong?


There's something
I need to tell you.

Horse is out back.

Go, go, go.

That ain't right.

Released me.

After everything,
what do they care

about the town drunk?

You want some soup?

Ooh, please.

It's good to see you, Kai.

You two know each other?

- Mm.
- Hoyt is my best customer.

When he's in town.

I'm glad you're getting along.


this our escondite now?

It means "hideout."

Where we meet.

than a back alley.

I know you two
risked a lot tonight.

And we failed.

A man died.

But I can't leave this
place until I know

why Sheriff Davidson
m*rder*d my husband.

Now we've all seen
what he's capable of.

He can't
get away with it.

Any of it. The town has
to know who he really is.

We'll see this through.


You got somewhere to stay?

I believe I do.

Thank you.

My dresser, yours, sink.

There's some more clothes
in there I got you

at the lost and found and...

of course...

the curtain.

Thank you.

You seem tired.

A lot's happened

over the last few days.

Well, I'll tell you what.

Sleep it is.

And then we can
stay up all night

and we can gossip
and you can help me

plan the show... tomorrow.


- You sleep well.
- You, too.

It's a nice song.

Feel like I've heard it before.

How long have you been there?

In the shadows?

Long enough.

Thought about what you
had to say earlier.

And you were right.

He did deserve his day in court.

I was going to send a telegraph

to the judge in the morning.

Well, it's too late now.

Yeah, it's too late now.

I could use someone like
you in the sheriff's office.

To help out with
things around here.

You want me to work for you?

I think you and I would
make a hell of a team.