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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 02/18/23 10:07
by bunniefuu
Come on!

Will you miss it?


My cases, scandal, corruption?

- Mm.
- I don't think so. Hey.

This is a fresh start for us.

Don't be scared.

I'm not.

I'm... I'm excited.

You spend your whole
life in one place,

going somewhere new
can suddenly be...


Shall we review the Old Codes?

Section 2.05,

the burden of proof had some
perplexing word choices.

It sure did.

You're my only student

until the town
builds a schoolhouse.

If you have it your way,
it'll be within two weeks.

The laws are different out here.

If you're going to
be Sheriff Collins,

- you need to know these things.
- There's crime everywhere.

Doesn't matter if
it's harbor views

or prairie views.

Liam, your last case
wasn't your fault.

I don't want to think that

had something to do
with us heading west.

We both hated it.

It was suffocating.

Look, we couldn't change Boston,

but this place, Abby...

is what we make of it.

I just don't like to think
you're hiding something from me.

I love you

more than you will ever know.

That's my only secret.

- What was that?
- It's probably just an animal.



Git. Hyah!

For I will forgive
their wickedness

and remember their sins no more.

You ain't forgiving
a damn thing.

Well, maybe you
prefer Micah 7:19.

I prefer you keep digging.

You ain't no preacher.

We welcomed you in

and you stole from us.

A sermon of lies every Sunday.

- They were good sermons, Jacob.
- Don't matter.

This ends here and now.

- I can get your money back.
- It ain't about the money.

It's always about the money.

You slept with my wife!

If it makes you feel any better,

she wasn't the only one.

Oh, you know...

a man of my spot
gives their last words

right about now, but...

seeing as I was the one

who listened to
your confessions,

maybe I could hear one more.

Why would I confess
to a dead man?

Come on, Jake, I know
something's eating you.

Could always tell.

Yeah, you could.


I sinned.

I gambled last weekend.

Thought you were at
a cattle auction.

It was a lie.

I got swindled out
by some high rollers.

Had chips stacked as
high as any building.

Where was this den of sin?

Independence. Near Austin.

- Independence, huh?
- I didn't tell you

to stop. Come on, you keep...

Change of ownership, my friend.

Old Jacob ever give you a name?


Yeah, no worries.

How about...


How are you feeling?

H-How long have I been here?

Four days. We found
you in the plains.

The elders healed you.

Can you thank them?

Where are you from?


Uh, it's-it's east in...

Massachusetts. I've
read of Boston.

- Where did you learn to speak...
- I used to scout

for the U.S. Cavalry.

does that mean...


Walks in Tall Grass.

What they call you.

My-my name is Abigail.

Abigail Collins.

I'm Calian.

My husband...

He was supposed
to be the sheriff

of Independence.

Do you know where that is?

I need to tell
them what happened.

Find Deputy Augustus.

He's a good man.
He'll help you.

You aren't coming with me?

Some might not want to see
an Apache with a white woman.

Well, that should change.

Maybe one day.

Thank you. I hope
to see you again.


- What do you think?
- I'm sorry?

New here, aren't you?

Eyes as wide as saucers. So...

what do you think?

Of the town?

Hard to say. I'm not
sure I'll be staying.

You know, a lot of people say
that when they first get here.

So, any first impressions?

I'm not sure. Or are you
talking about the town again?

You still homesick?

Well, listen, the post
office is right over there

if you need to send
a letter back east.

They just had a
telegraph system put in.

What hath God wrought?

Oh, educated, too.


Well, that rules out
you being a white dove.

- A white dove?
- Prostitutes.

Most of them came down from
the mining towns up north.

Once they heard a train
might be coming through here,

they bloomed.

Do you know where the
sheriff's office is?

Sheriff's office?

It's not a crime to sell your
body here. Least not yet.

No, I need to report
something else.

What happened?

You ask a lot of questions.


Down to the end, on the left.

Welcome to Independence.



Pardon me, your highness.

It's a bit early for that.

What's that?

- Drink.
- Drink?

Well, hell, sounds
like a great idea.

Care to join me?

In there? Rather not.

Ah. Beneath you, I suppose.

What sort of a man
drinks during the day?


the kind that doesn't care
what royalty thinks of me.

Or the kind with
something to hide.

How about that?

Yeah, looks like rain.

See, I'm not sure if
you're gonna slap me.

- Are you?
- I'm quite sure of it.

Now just isn't the time.

So, what do you want
to talk about now?

Afternoon, ma'am.

- Can I help you?
- Yes, I need to speak to the deputy.

That'd be me. Name's Augustus.


Calian said I could trust you.

You know Calian?

- He brought me into town, and then...
- Yeah.

Calian has mixed feelings
about coming down here.

Oh, he's curious, but he...


is there something
I can help you with?


It's the sheriff. He's...

Well, he just arrived yesterday.

He's, uh, talking to
the judge as we speak.

Uh, ma'am, this is Tom Davidson,

our new sheriff.


How can I help you?

I'll let you two get to it.

Is something rattling you?

You seem awfully on edge.

You're the new sheriff?

Just sworn in and all.

I was made aware of the position
a few days ago, to be honest.

Did the last sheriff...


There was another man who
wasn't fit for the job.

He didn't even show
up, from what I gather.

Where were you before this?

Were you a-a lawman elsewhere?


That's a portmanteau.


It's when three
words become one.

Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana.


Learn something new every day.

As do I.

So is there something I
could help you with, ma'am?

Yes. My ring.

I... I thought it might've
been stolen, but I...

just remembered where I lost it.

I'll be seeing you, ma'am.

What'd the three-legged dog say
when he walked in the saloon?

"I'm looking for the
man who shot my paw."

Don't like jokes, huh?

- I just prefer the humorous ones.
- Mm.

Serious man in a serious game.

All right, then.


- I can't match that.
- Oh, I'm sure

you have something
worth wagering.


Won that off some drunk old
Mexican down in San Antone.

Said he found it right after
the Battle of the Alamo.

Yeah, people died there

for all this.

You just gonna
bet that all away?


- you got family that died there?
- How about

we quit talking and play.

Pocket kings.

Mm. Unlucky, my friend.

you look at that.

Guess I'll just hold on to this
for a little while longer, huh?

Hey, maybe next time.

You hear what I said?

I was speaking to you, Alamo.

Maybe next time.

How dare you! Where's my ring.

- Did you gamble it away?
- Here, take it.

I can't believe...

Why someone would do
something as low-down as that?

Well, I didn't.

Are you following me?

You got your damn
ring back. What?

I saw you in there
with that man.

Would you have k*lled him?

Well, looks like you're
starting to figure out

the kind of man I am.

Hoyt Rawlins.


I saw you from
across the street.

I'm in town with my brother.

Where is he now?

He's attending to some
business for my father.

- Might be a while.
- So...

we have a little time
to catch up then?

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm.


Stay out of trouble.

Let's go find ourselves a room.

That's sweet.

It's kind of sad, too.

I tend to play when I'm
figuring things out.


Are you still wondering
if you're, uh,

staying or just passing through?

I might have found a
reason to be here.

Just not sure it's a good one.

Honey, come here.

- There.
- Oh, pardon me.

Are you blushing?

- Uh, the sun, it...
- Are you looking at...

- No.
- It's okay. I'm just kidding.

You seemed like you
could use a laugh.

Who is the
showman in the mural?

That is Nathaniel Hagan.
He is about as subtle

as a flying brick, and he
runs this place and the hotel.

If the new sheriff doesn't buy
him out, if rumors prove true.

A sheriff and a businessman?

You say that like
it's suspicious.

People aren't what they seem.

Mm, right about that.

You know, people here,

they're all running
from something,

trying to find
themselves out here.

Maybe that's why they
call it Independence.

And what are you running from?

Kate Carver.

I should go.

You know, there's
a big show tonight.

Half the town will be there.
You should, uh, you should come.

- I don't have a place to stay. I...
- I do.

It's upstairs. Rent's cheap.

Well, until the sheriff
hikes the prices.

You know, he did ask Kai

to do his laundry for
free the other day.

Who's Kai?

Hi, honey.

Kai does the hotel laundry.

More importantly, he's
opening a restaurant in town.


this is Tom Davidson,
our new sheriff.

Hagan said you would help
with the laundry. Follow me.

Right foot, here we go.

He thinks you're a
white dove, precious.

Like you said, we're all
trying to find ourselves.

Where were you?

It's been over a month.

Were you in trouble again?

In jail?


Jail in Mexico?

There was a... calling
of sorts, but...

I found my way back to you.

Who was the woman downstairs?

Someone with too many questions.


Something you need to tell me?


Right now, we only
have time for this and

maybe a song.

I'll take that.

Oh, thank you.

I'm sure you have to
get back to Hagan's.

Actually, I don't work
for him. I just...

wanted to help.

Did you... want
something to eat?

Egg drop soup.

Please, sit.

Uh, what is that?

The egg drop soup?

Eggs, uh, chicken broth,

scallions, and, uh, tofu.

- What is tofu?
- Tofu.

Bean curd. It's good.

Thank you.

Oh, I-I don't have any money.

Oh, consider it your wages

for helping me with the laundry.


Where are you from?


And you?


In China.

I've never met
anyone from China.

How did you end up here?

I worked on, um,

the railroads.

Save enough money,
learn enough English

to, uh, start a business here.

Did you know anything about
this place before you arrived?

I knew the railroads would come.

That it would become
something one day.

That's very brave of you.

Sometimes, you just know when
you need a new beginning.

Can I ask, uh,

how did you end up here?

I suppose

I needed a new beginning, too.

How long will you
stay this time?

I don't want to
overstay my welcome.

You won't.



- What are you two doing?
- Well, I...

ran into Lucia.
We thought we'd

take a stroll looking for you.

I thought you were
buying a dress.

Well, I didn't see any I liked.

Did you get everything
father wanted?

Looks like a lot
more than just cattle feed.

You got problems
out at the ranch?

It's nothing
we can't handle.

Come on, Luis, what?

Bandits? Comanche?

Someone stole our cattle
couple nights ago.

Few days later, we found out

a family of ranchers laid
claim to the land beside ours.

I knew something
was bothering you.

I wanted to tell you...

See you.

Meet me tonight,
by the oak trees.


Would you like some more?

Thank you, I...

I have to send a message.
Um, another time?

Another time.

I love you more

than you will ever know.

That's my only secret.


That song you were whistling...

I heard the sheriff
humming it this morning.

It's kind of catchy.

You know it, by chance?


All right, well, you
have a beautiful day

here in Independence.

- Ten, 20, 30, 40.
- Much obliged to you, sir.

Ma'am? I help you.

Yes. I would like to, um...

I'd like to make a
withdrawal, please.

Do you have an account?

I believe my husband

wired some money
about a month ago.

Is he here with you?

Uh, no.

Ma'am, I'm gonna need some type

of documentation, some proof.

Maybe if you can tell me

your name, I can
look up your account.

I need to know who you are.

I am...


I'm sorry?

My name is Abigail.

Abigail Walker.

Afternoon, folks.
This here's a robbery.

Everyone just take
a little siesta

down on the ground.

There it is. You two.

Empty out those cash boxes

and hand over whatever
else you got back there.

Ma'am, I know it's a lot

- to take, but if you could just lie down.
- I will not.

- Then sit down.
- No.

Pardon me, your highness,

but I really think
you should listen.

Have you thought this through?

You might not it out
of here in one piece.


Maybe I didn't

- make myself clear.
- That's my g*n.

No one is gonna be a hero today.


Why not round it
out with kidnapping?

Is this your grand plan?

Can we talk about
this another time?

Aw, damn it.

Aw, hell, not this guy.

Hold! You stole my g*n!

- Get down!
- Aah!

I can help myself, thank you.

Yeah, I can see that.


why did you help me?

That's the question.

What am I supposed to do now?

Help me.

You want me to help you?

As unlikely as that seems, yes.

Why are you even
in Independence?

My husband.

He was a police
officer in Boston.

He was a good man, but
the city was cruel,

warped, crooked.

He was too good to
bend to its will,

so we left to come here,

so he could be sheriff.

Yeah, well,

you strike me as a
strong-willed kind of lady.

Why did you agree to
trade Boston for...

this place?

I had my troubles, too.

- Oh.
- My family.

They are cruel,

warped, crooked.

Now your husband's
the new sheriff, huh?

My husband was k*lled.

Happened a week ago.

I'm not sure. I was
recovering from this.

Who did that?

Who k*lled him?

The new sheriff.

I want you to help me k*ll him.


- someone stole your rudder.
- You're a criminal.

Not a good one, if earlier
was any indication,

but a criminal, no
less, with a g*n,

who knows what it's like
to take a man's life.

Yeah, and how would
you know that?

My husband served
in the w*r, too.

You can tell.

This is a bad idea, lady.

Why don't you just
testify to what happened?

What, against a man
who now wears a badge?

Who this town is throwing
a welcome party for?

I'm a stranger.

No one is going to believe me.

- What if I don't agree?
- I will tell

everyone you robbed a bank,

took me hostage,

and paint the wanted ads myself.

I'm quite the artist.

Cordell, you hearing all this?

It has to be tonight.

At-at the dance
hall. He'll be there.

Yeah, so will half the town.

Listen, I don't
think you understand.

This is a risk I'm
not willing to take.

Besides, you ain't
got any proof anyway.

If you leave now,
I will turn you in.

Now, that's a risk
I'm gonna take.

Little bank robbery earlier.

Been a while.


Took a hostage. A woman.

Folks at the bank said
her name was Abby.

Abby Walker.

No one knew who she was.

You know, a lady came by to
meet the sheriff earlier.

New face in town.

I'll track her first daylight.


Or... you can ride down with me.


You have that look.

Yeah? What look?

Like you did something wrong.

Says the girl who just snuck
out of her family's ranch.

Come out tonight
with me, to Hagan's,

- to sing.
- My mother would k*ll me.

Your mother used to
sing in cantinas.

That's how she met your father.

And yours.

Yeah, well,

never got to hear
his side of it.

Sing tonight. I
know you want to.

In this? In front of the town?

You said you were
looking for a dress.


this one...

Oh, that sang your name.

Hi, honey. You blushing again?

Thank you.

- For being so kind.
- Sure.

Hey, watch close, and I'll
wink at you from the stage.

I think I'm in love!

- They love you.
- I couldn't have done it without you.

Thank you.

Well, that was quite a song.

Augustus. Deputy.

Lucia Reyes. This is Hoyt.

I feel like I saw
you in town earlier.

Maybe on horseback?

Was a nice day for a ride.


Well, Miss Reyes.

I'll see you around, Hoyt.

Ladies and gentlemen...

It is time

to raise your glasses

and your g*ns

to the new sheriff
of Independence,

Tom Davidson!

You are gonna get
yourself k*lled.

Bring on the dancing girls!

Come on... Whoa!

He deserves to die
for what he did.


Is that what your
husband would want?


Sheriff Davidson...
he's from Boston.

Odds on that.


- How-how did you...
- Lucia told me.

Davidson's family's buying
land all around town.

Stealing rancher's cattle.

Being family to the town sheriff

is one way to stay
out of trouble.

Well, now,

there's that put-together
mind of yours again.


how does it feel to have
a hero's welcome, sheriff?

Oh, feels just fine, Augustus.

Listen, I know I wasn't
the town's first choice,

but I promise not
to let anyone down.

'Cause I got big
plans for this place.

Well, would you look at that.

Lucky on your first day.

That's got to be a sign.

- No one knows who he really is.
- Well, it's like you said,

no one's gonna believe
an outlaw and a stranger.

Not yet.

We need to go back,

to where it happened.

Someone followed us.

Tell your friend not to sh**t.

W-Wait. Stop. Hey.

I know him. Stop.

I'm Calian.


And then there were three.

Will you help me bury him?

Ma'am, I didn't
know your husband.

I'm sorry for your loss.

You asked me

if I was staying
here for revenge

or something else.

Maybe it's justice.

One way or another.


It's when a group of
words make one word.

This place is like that,

but not words.


And even without my husband...

I feel as though I belong here.

Tom Davidson must be stopped.

So this can never happen again.