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01x05 - Dreamers Often Lie

Posted: 03/18/14 09:10
by bunniefuu
My name is Roman. Ten years ago, our ship crash-landed on Earth. We came here seeking refuge, but the Humans thought that it was an invasion. (All yelling) That night, I met a Human girl who tried to protect me. A girl I never thought I'd see again. The surviving members of my race,the Atrians, were rounded up and isolated inside a militarized sector.

Now it's 2024.

Seven of us have been chosen to attend high school as a part of a government integration program. But the humans and Atrians continue to distrust each other, while I fight to protect my people, and the Human girl who saved my life at any cost.

Previously on Star-Crossed...

JULIA: Isn't it illegal for Atrians to have phones?

Yes, but it's important that I find out what's on this one.

Do you have any idea why my father would have had that phone?

Whoever your father was talking to, it was someone Human.

The closer she is to me, the more danger she's in.

You won't even talk to me now?

I can't.

Some of these Tatties have learn how to remove their markings and embed themselves in our society?


He was a traitor.

We will unleash black cyper on the humans.

Tomorrow begins a new phase of the integration program.

The Atrian Seven will be taken by bus into town.

Once there, you'll be free to explore Edendale.

Now, your curfew still stands.

The bus will take you back to the Sector at 9:00 pm sharp.

So a dog with a longer leash.

We haven't put you down yet.

It's an opportunity for Atrians to experience more of human culture.

Is it even safe for the Atrians?

SEU guards

will be patrolling Edendale just like they do here at Marshall.

And we can go anywhere we want?

I'd rather go back to the Sector.

Now, there's an idea.

We'll be monitoring your progress very closely over the next few months.

If you break these rules, you'll lose those privileges.

But if you obey by now, it can lead to greater freedoms outside the Sector for all Atrians.

(School bell rings)


This is pretty epic.

Do you think they're ready for the main streets in Edendale?

I guess we'll find out.

Well, good luck...

On your new beginning.

That's it.


You too.

I got them. Two tickets, The Omen, classic, midnight screening.

You, me, bucket of popcorn... some scares... maybe a little cuddling.

Wow, you think of everything.

It's all for you Emery!


Its... it's from the movie.

Oh I know.

What I didn't know is what a colossal nerd you are.

Hey, Lukas.

Any luck with the phone?

No, I still haven't been able to ping its location.

You know, whoever has it must have turned it off after they left the swim meet.

You all right?

Yeah. I just... I still can't believe my father was talking to someone on a Trag phone.

I was hoping my first night in town would give me the chance to find out who it was.

Let me know if that phone is turned on.

FEMALE: Tomorrow, seven Atrians will be given new freedoms.

For our next move...

The Trags must call on one.


You must deliver this to our operative living outside the Sector.

She's had her markings removed.

How do I find her?

There's a loose slat under a blue bench in the town square.

Leave a note for her inside with a meeting place and time.

Beaumont employed this method to reach her.

It's less risky than traceable technology.

After I deliver it, what then?

The operative will do the rest.

Humans see freedom for the Seven as the next step toward peaceful integration.

For us... it is an opportunity.

(clattering on monitor)

(glass shatters)

I want those animals out of my house.

This is exactly why we built this safe room.

This is retaliation, isn't it?

For letting the Atrian Seven into town.

You did this.

I did it for him.

Integration was the only way to give him a future.

We were lucky we heard the police scanner and had time to hide.

You heard... Red Hawks beat a shop owner half to death for supporting the Atrians.

If they did that to a human, what do you think they'll do to your son?

I need to take him somewhere he'll be safe.


Gloria, no.

What choice do I have?

Nox promised that he would take our son there if things ever got too dangerous.

Well, didn't he also say only an Atrian can find it?

EMERY: It's weird to think that tomorrow Atrians will walk these streets for the first time.

It's pretty incredible.

Wish my parents felt that way.

You don't think your parents will order some kind of Red Hawk attack, do you?

No way. I mean, they hate the Atrians, but they would never... hurt them.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked.

No, no.

We can talk about anything.

Or not talk.

(phone ringing)

Uh, it's... it's Eric.

Um... one sec.



No. I'm out right...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Sl... Slow down.


Is everything all right?

Eric needs a ride.

I guess, uh, it's an emergency.

Okay. Let's go.

Well, you want to just

save me a seat?

Seat, sure.


I make no promises.

(man whoops)

Come on.

Go, go, go!

Come on, let's go! Let's go!

GRAYSON: What's going on?

Come on, man! g*n it!

Wait till those tattie-lovers see what we did to their houses!

MAN: That's what I'm talking about!

Who are these guys?

I don't know.

What do you mean, you don't know?

They asked me to be

a lookout after the Red Hawk meeting tonight.

The Atrians aren't even in town yet, and already you're pulling this crap?

Look, I just thought we were gonna go spray-paint some graffiti or something,

but things got a little out of hand.

How out of hand?

(siren wailing)


Come on, man, let's go!

Come on, move!


(tires squealing)

("Pay No Mind" by Beck playing)

Foot it! Come on! Gray, come on!

(siren wailing)

(siren stops)

♪ ♪

Good evening, Officer.

♪ ♪

The signal echoed back last night, and then again this morning.

Where's it coming from?

Upstairs, third floor.

Here? At the school?

We're about to find out.

Where's Grayson?

I don't know. Why don't you call him?

He's not answering his cell.

He left to pick you up last night.

He did, but... Eric, what's going on?

He never made it back to the movie last night, and he wasn't in class this morning.

(quietly): All right, come on...

Grayson got arrested.


For what? What did you... what did you do?

I... Look: If you want to know more, you're gonna have to talk to him.

I gotta go.

LUKAS: The phone should be in here.



LUKAS: It's got tech, just like your dad's phone.

ROMAN: This handwriting... this is my father's.

Okay, what handwriting? It's blank.

Atrians can see farther into the UV spectrum than humans.

Photoreceptors in our eyes pick up colors you can't, like ultraviolet.

"Escape is possible. Leave by the Dream Gate. Journey by way of the Ebbing Sun. If you are an Atrian, you will see.

Don't forget your history. An Atrian will know what to do."

Well, that made no sense.

And this is getting really weird, Roman.

It's... it's... it's steps.

I... If you could see it, the Sondiv letters line up to spell a word.

(laughs softly) Eljida.

What's an El... Eljida?

Roman, you can trust me.

I didn't tell anyone about the illegal phone, remember?

Eljida's a place.

Or... some of my people believe it is, anyway. It's a community of Atrians living deep in the bayou... free from humans.

Does it actually exist?

Used to think it was a fairy tale.

What if it's not?

What if my father meant for me to find this?

What if he wanted me to go there?

You have no idea who left this here.

What if this is some kind of a set-up?

It could be dangerous...

Yeah, but if this gets me closer to knowing what my father was doing then...

I don't have a choice.

("White Lies" by Max Frost playing)

GLORIA: Mayor Wallace and I are very confident that the community will embrace the Atrian Seven, but we'll...

They all came out to see us.

Give me the cube.

He likes brunettes.

Always gives me a thorough pat-down but never checks my bag.

Unless you want to get caught.

♪ ♪

Okay, thank you. You can give it back now.

Why don't you go signal your meeting first?

I'll keep the cube safe until you make contact and you're sure the operative's ready for the handoff.

No, Vega never said you'd be involved, right?

After you left, she ordered me to help you.

This mission is the Trags' top priority.

You don't want to risk messing this up.

Tell me you're not still crushing on Gigantor.

TAYLOR: High school boys are boring. Drake is different.

Really different.

♪ ♪

I just need somebody who can help me figure him out.



LUKAS: If you have time, do you think you'll come to the Bug?

I'm sorry. This one's taken.

Today I'm initiating you into an age-old human girl institution...



Hey, what rivers are nearby?

Uh, well, this is Louisiana.

We've got rivers, like, every ten feet.

What, I'm sorry, are you trying to go for a swim or something?

No, no, but if Eljida really is out on the bayou somewhere...

Okay. If... If your plan is to search the entire bayou before curfew's up tonight, I'm sorry, but your night's gonna be an epic fail.


What'd the note say again?

"Escape is Possible, Leave by the Dream Gate, Journey the Way of the Ebbing Sun...

"Ebbing Sun."

Ebbingson. Th... There's an Ebbingson Road.

I mean, that's pretty damn close, right?

Where is it?

-It runs along the bayou,

right out of town.

Thank you.


("Crazy" by Au Revoir Simone playing)

Stand up here.

Okay. Are you ready for this?

Ooh, that looks so fabulous on you.

Okay, let's try another one.

I love this other dress too.

What about you and Drake?

Have... you two ever dated?

No. Drake pretty much keeps to himself.

Oh, so he's a man of mystery, huh?

ROMAN: Taking a moment to breathe in that fresh Edendale air, huh?

Smells a hell of a lot better than the Sector,

I'll give it that.


Hey, you're always talking about Eljida.

How do you get there?

They say the only way to get to Eljida is with Jesytur.

The Gatekeeper. From Atrian legend.

Oh, right. My parents used to tell me about Jesytur as a kid.

He's the one that takes people to Eljida?

They say it's so deep in the bayou that not even an Atrian can swim there.

Jesytur the Boatman has to take you, and the only way to summon him is by lighting three fires.

Hey, if Eljida does exist, you want to help me find it? Tonight?

The last time I snuck off, the Red Hawks nearly fed me to the gators.

I think I'm gonna go to the Bug party. Lie low.

Uh, give Jesytur my best.

GLORIA: ...they're great kids, and they're just very excited about learning more about human culture.

I just don't understand why you didn't tell the police the truth.

Because Eric didn't deserve to go down for something

those other Red Hawks did.

They're charging you

with a hate crime, Grayson.

MR. MONTROSE: Doesn't matter.

Our lawyer spoke with your friend Eric, and he's gonna confess to all of it.

He did?


And Eric's confession will make this all go away quickly.

We certainly don't want people thinking the Red Hawks condone this kind of behavior.

I'm not gonna let you do that.

Don't worry about your friend.

We'll get him a great lawyer, line up a job for him when he gets out, look after his family while he's away... the

kid's getting a good deal.

A good deal?

(doorbell rings)

Turns out one of those Red Hawks roughed up a local shop owner pretty bad.

Put him in the hospital.

All for selling Atrian T-shirts.

Is he gonna be okay?

I hope so.

Now Eric's taking the rap for a hate crime.

And you're sure he's innocent?

Eric's a Red Hawk, but he would never do anything to hurt anyone.

And he certainly doesn't deserve to go to jail.

I just... wish there was something I could do.

We should go talk to him, see if there's anything he can remember from that night to keep the both of you out of jail.

Why are you doing this?


if you see something good in Eric, I'm willing to trust you.

(insects trilling, birds chirping)

"If You Are An Atrian... You Will See..."


(insects trilling)

(dance music blaring)

The operative is supposed to meet me at that corner table any minute.

Go... I'll hang out over here.

Give me a signal when you make contact.

I got you a little "welcome to the real world" gift.

(gasps happily)

I love it!

It's so expensive, though. Are you sure?


I decided tonight everybody gets what they deserve.
Sophia! You made it.

You, uh, want to look over the menu with me?

Yeah. She would love to.


Have fun.

Hey. No, you can't sit here, all right?

I'm waiting for someone.

I'm here.

So the wait is over.

You know what I mean.

No. No.

Don't make me spell it out.

What are you saying?

I mean, it kind of does make sense, right?

In a... a weird way.

Yeah. Yeah.

I think so.

No one would suspect it.

You got that right.

Follow me.

I have what you want.

Just not on me.

But first I need to, uh, know what happens... next. Um...


What are you doing?

What are you doing?

(chuckles) I... I thought we came in here to talk.




What kind of talk?

This kind of talk?

Your parents got me a lawyer. He said if I cop to everything, I'll just get a couple of months in juvy.

Eric, you shouldn't have to take the blame for something you didn't do.

I got you into this mess.

I'm not letting you take the fall.

Neither one of you would have to take the fall if we found the Red Hawks who assaulted the shop owner.

If they get away with this, they could do worse next time.

They didn't tell me their names. Probably in case something like this happened.

Do you remember anything about them?

What they were wearing, the type of car they were driving...

They weren't driving a car.

They were driving bikes. Motorcycles.

The big guy, he had a... a sexy skeleton custom paint on his gas t*nk.

GRAYSON: There are a lot of biker Red Hawks, and I know where they hang out.

We can talk to the cops about looking there first.

And say what? Hey, we don't have a name, but anybody here want to confess to beating a man half to death?

Okay, I know that you alien freaks are really enjoying your newfound freedoms, but I'm a little bit busy right now,

so, can you go celebrate with someone else?

Drop the act.

I know who you are, and I know what you are.

Drake's busy, so I'm taking over.

And I have the cube.


What do you think you're doing, little girl?

So, is this what working with you is going to be like?

TAYLOR (laughing): Work?

Felt more like play to me.




Should we be, uh, you know, on our mission or something?

What are you talking about?


What the hell?

Okay, I think that we are having a communication problem.

You're human!


That didn't seem to bother you ten seconds ago.

I don't think you understand who I am.

I have orders to meet Drake here, and that's what I'm gonna do, so, where is he?

Like I said, Drake's busy, but I'm here.

Talk to me.

(gasps) Where is Drake?

What the hell is going on here?


I can't believe you're my contact.

I can't believe that Vega saddled me with a rookie meathead who can't keep his iwap in his pants.

I've been watching you and Taylor do your little dance for weeks now, and I didn't think that you were actually gonna go through with it.

Do you have any idea what the Trags are gonna do to you when they find out?

What is she talking about?

I was confused.

We have work to do, and you already put us behind schedule.

So, let's go.

Cube, please.

Have a nice night.



Summon Jesytur

by lighting three fires.

Wow. You look amazing.




Thanks, Lukas.

Yeah. I was thinking...

(overlapping chatter, techno music playing)


What do you think?

You look really sweet and adorable.

But I'm not really in the mood for sweet and adorable right now.

It's a stupid game.

And you're terrible at it.

Yeah, well, I'm playing with a handicap, so...

I don't share with humans.

You're stuck here until your bus comes anyways.

Uh, you mind telling me what we're doing here?

You're on a need-to-know basis.

And judging from your behavior...

I told you, I thought Taylor was my contact, all right?

If you thought that that bobble head was a Trag, then you're even dumber than she is.

I can't wait for the day that she and the rest of the humans are choking on black cyper.

But here's a question.

When Vega learns what you did, do you think she's gonna slit your throat first or cut your spinal cord?

Neither, if you don't tell her.

I'm a Trag.

We have very strong rules about how to deal with traitors.

Or did you forget?

Now you dig.

EMERY: Does that qualify as a sexy skeleton?


Hey, uh, do you know who owns that bike?

I'm looking for a custom paint artist, and I'd like to know who did it.

It's K.P.'s bike. He's in the back room.

Okay. Uh, thanks.

Listen, uh...

I should go in alone in case it gets weird.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Look, we have a name, but I need to see his face and make sure he's the guy that jumped in the back of my car.

Then we take off, call the cops.

We'll make it to Lukas's party before all the crawfish are gone.

I am a big believer in the buddy system.

And you are not leaving me out here alone.

Why am I letting some guy make me doubt myself?

I don't know. Yes, he's a warrior.

But I'm strong, I have skills.

I could tear his throat out.

We don't need validation from men.

Uh-uh. Or anyone else.

You're right.

Hurry up.

I have to get you back to the Sector before curfew.

Did it hurt?

Getting your marks removed?

Nothing will ever hurt worse.

Why'd you do it?

A Trag does what needs to be done.



Beaumont was a traitor when he was alive.

He will be much more useful to us in death.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪


I heard you were asking about me.

If you came looking for trouble, (g*n cocks) you found it.

(Grayson gasping anxiously)

Let her go.

Start talking, or I cut up your girlfriend.


My parents are the leaders of the Red Hawks, and I was their getaway driver.

You're the kid from the other night?

I got arrested after you guys split.

My folks weren't too happy about that.

In fact... they're hell-bent on making you suffer for it.

A Red Hawk is supposed to ask their captain before taking action.

Isn't that right?

This side of Edendale, yours would be... Vartan?

You know what my parents like about him?

They see eye-to-eye on insubordination.

Then I guess I better make sure they don't find out about our little run-in.


You don't want to do that.

I just sent your name and picture to our friend Eric.

If we don't contact him soon, he's gonna give you over to the leaders.

Within the hour, every Red Hawk in America will be looking for you.

Do you know how cyper is grown?

Yeah, from the body of a dead Atrian.

Well... black cyper is no different.


The cube is gonna take root inside Beaumont's body, grow, and then blossom, spreading its spores throughout Edendale.

And then, all the humans will meet the same end as poor Beaumont.

When I was still in the Sector, the Humans sent my father to the Crate.

For years, I had no one.

I was angry and lost.

And then, the Trags found me.

They gave me hope and a purpose.

You have someone in the Crate, too?

Yeah, my mom.

It's been eight... years since I put her face on the Wall of the Missing.

You ever find yourself going to the Wall because you forgot what your mother's face looks like?

Yeah. You know whose faces I can't forget?

The humans who took her from me.

Everything that you've been fighting for your entire life... your freedom, your future, your mother... it won't come free.

The Trags are willing to pay the price.

The question is, are you?

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(insects chittering, chirping)

ROMAN: It was you?

You were the one talking to my father on the Trag phone.

You left the map to Eljida for me to find, and... you were the one who's been following me out here.


I don't have to explain myself to you.

You do if you want my help.

You wouldn't have worked so hard to lead me out here if you didn't need me to find Eljida...

Your father wanted to find Eljida... so that his family could have a safe place to go if the integration program didn't work.

All my father ever thought about was how to make that program successful.

We had to be in secret communication, because if anyone thought that Nox had doubts about integration, we never would've gotten

that program off the ground.

No. If my father had plans for my family, he would have told us.

He would have told me.

He was trying to protect you.

If you don't tell me the truth about my father, I'm going to tell everyone about you.

About the phone.

And good luck finding Eljida on your own.


You knew I was hunting for that phone!

Why are you doing this?

Why do you keep lying to me!

Because I loved your father, Roman.


And he loved me.


You're lying, again.

He thought Eljida could be an escape for us.

If integration fails, I need to know that it could be a safe place for all Atrians.

I couldn't find it without you.

Where are you going? You wanted the truth.

You got it.

Now, you're going to take me to Eljida.

I already did.

Here it is.

Right here.

I've been waiting here for hours.

I lit the three fires; no one came.

No one is ever coming.

Looks like Eljida is just a myth after all.

Just like my father.

Why'd you change? The dress was great.

And I think that you look beautiful in it.


I really like you, but...

I kind of have a thing for someone else.


I was wondering where you went.

I left town.

I needed to do some...

exploring on my own.

Did you find what you were looking for?

Not exactly.

I guess freedom's not always what it's cracked up to be.

You want to head inside?

I'm sure Lukas's party's still going on.

Can't. Curfew.


Still, it...

it was nice to see you.

Outside of school, I mean.

In your town.

It's your town, too.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey.

Are you drunk?


You're a great guy, and really, really cute.

Oh, oh, okay,

all right, here we go. Just...

Hey, where is Drake?

He's gone.

What do you mean, gone?

I don't know.

My mother didn't think I could handle it, so she gave the mission to him.

My parents just heard from the prosecutor.

K.P. confessed to the as*ault.

They're dropping the case against me.

So you and Eric are free?

Thanks to... Miss Emery Whitehill.

I can't believe you won a face-off with a 300-pound biker.

What makes you think it was my first time?


I'm sorry for putting you through all this.

I'm not.

Truth is, I got to know you way more in the last 24 hours than I ever would have if we'd gone to a movie.


It must be hard...

living around all those Red Hawks.

It's been easier... since I've met you.

♪ ♪

You know the truth about me... and you're still here.

♪ ♪

(insects chirping, chittering)

(boat approaching)

(motor rumbling)

Bring him out.

(boat engine stops)


I do not come at the bidding of a human.

I followed my son's brother, an Atrian, without him knowing.

This is Nox's son.

He's in danger from the humans.

Please, you... you have to take him.

Nox said that he would be safe in Eljida.

All our people are protected and cared for.

Your son will have everything he needs.

(softly): I am always thinking about you.


I love you, baby.

Always remember that.

Swear to keep this place secret.

No human can know about it.

Eljida and your son's life depend on it.

BOY (crying): Mommy... I want Mommy.

(boat motor chugging)

BOY (voice fading): I want Mommy...

You'll see your mother again.

I really believe that.

After today, I do, too.

How do you think that'll make her feel, knowing her son is a Trag?

Whatever you think you're looking for,

joining the Trags is not the answer.

And what is?

Hm? Your father's dream of integration?

Forgive me if I'm not more grateful for a few hours of freedom.

I don't know what my father's dream was anymore, but I do know that I can't let what he wanted dictate my path.

We have gotten a taste of freedom, Drake.

We get to choose where that leads us, not my father, not the Trags.

Maybe there is a better way to achieve integration; maybe you and I can find that.

You know, for the first time, you are the one that's unsure about which road to take, but I've never been more certain

about anything in my life.

So give integration your best shot.

Make it work.

Give us freedom.

'Cause if you don't, I won't just join the w*r...

I'll lead the charge.