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03x10 - Alias

Posted: 02/16/23 18:21
by bunniefuu


- Nicky.
- Shifu.

Everything's been so
hard since I lost you.

I did things.

I saw a part of myself I
didn't even know was there...

Angry, cruel...

But here...

It's like... I can see my
mistakes, but they can't hurt me.

I feel...

Calm, peaceful, safe,

like this place was made
for me, like I belong here.


Perhaps this place is
a part of you, too, hmm?

I am glad you have
found peace here, child,

but... you cannot stay.


- MEI-LI: Evan,

what have you heard?

EVAN: The charges are serious...

Trespassing, cyber theft,

and multiple counts
of aggravated as*ault.

JIN: She's been arraigned?

Bail's been set? We can get her out?

Bail's set at . million.

EVAN: To secure Nicky's release,
we'd need to post a % bond.

That's a quarter of a million dollars.

Lao Gong, where are we
gonna get that kind of money?

This isn't the news we wanted, I know,

but, uh, Nadia and I are
gonna talk to the D.A.,

try and get her to drop the
charges. We'll be in touch.

JIN: Thank you.

We have to get Nicky out, uh,

- so what... yard sale...
- JIN: Mmm.

Couch cushions, and I
could, um, empty piggy banks?

JIN: Second... mortgage...

NICKY, VOICE-OVER: I have to leave?

I just found this place.

One must not mistake stasis for peace.

You must find your footing.

- NICKY: How?
- PEI-LING: By discerning

where you lost it.

My child.

When you came back,

I was so happy.

I didn't want to lose you again.

I was so focused on holding on
that I missed things.

Bo was... new and exciting.

I wanted it so much.

When I finally saw the truth
about him, it was too late.

I was distracted, hurting.

I'd left everyone vulnerable,
succumbed to v*olence.

Then there's Delta transforming my city,

targeting me and my family.

I rushed at the problem,

tried to fix it all in a day, and now...

I know where I went wrong,

but I don't know what to do.

There must be a thousand
dollars in here somewhere.

Oh, uh, we gave a hundred to Nicky

for the plane ticket to Thailand.

- MEI-LI: Yes.
- ALTHEA: Mama, Baba?

We have company.

Oh. Alfred, Diana.

I... I'm sorry. I... I should
have prepared something.

- DIANA: Oh, we're just glad to see you.
- ALFRED: It's been too long.

- MEI-LI: Yeah.
- ALTHEA: They're here to help.

- JIN: Oh.
- MEI-LI: No.

- No, no, we cannot.
- Mrs. Shen, they've already agreed.

- MEI-LI: But...
- JIN: That...

- MEI-LI: W-we could never repay you.
- JIN: That's too much money.

We don't expect you to.

We've been estranged too long.

You and your daughter are a
huge part of our son's life.

- You're family.
- Please, let us help.

PEI-LING: You discovered this place

for a reason; Not to
escape your problems,

or even to solve them.

Delta, Xiao...

You know stopping them
is your responsibility,

but one cannot face the future

with one foot in the past.

There is one thing you must do first.

I have to forgive myself.


Shifu, I'm ready to face it again.

- I'm ready to fight.
- WOMAN: Shen.


- Got some visitors.

- EVAN: Oh, Nicky.
- NICKY: I'm fine, Evan.

Better than fine. I
know what I have to do.

I have to get out, get
back on the streets...

What's happening? Did
the D.A. drop the charges?

Sorry, Nicky. She refused.

EVAN: You made bail, so
you're being released, but...

It's a conditional
release, house arrest.

- You're going home, but...
- You have to stay there.

OFFICER: You're all set.


Diana, are you sure you
wouldn't like more tea?

- JIN: Yeah.
- DIANA: I'm fine.

- Thank you.

NICKY: Mr. Soong, Mrs. Soong,

thank you so much.

- DIANA: Oh, of course.
- ALFRED: Of course.

I'm just glad you're
back home, baby girl.

- NICKY: Me, too.
- JIN: Yeah.

MEI-LI: I put a change of clothes
on your bed upstairs, Nicky.

ALTHEA: I can't believe
Nicky's trapped here.

HENRY: We can't spiral.

Delta wants to turn our
city into a police state.

Nicky wants us to keep
moving against them.

- Still digging into David Wheeler?
- Yup, the head of the snake.

We take Delta down
from the top, put David

in legal jeopardy, we might be
able to get Nicky's charges removed.

Yeah, that might be tough right
now; Wheeler's out of the city,

getting ready for
a Delta Security

Endeavors annual
shareholders' meeting...

at the family estate.

That explains it.

Talked to an old hacker buddy
of mine, digging for intel.

Rumor has it, after Nicky's break-in,

David moved Delta's mainframe offsite

to the family ranch in Marin.

It's definitely under lockdown.
There's no way we can hack that.

RYAN: So Nicky spooked him.

He's keeping his secrets and his
mysterious algorithm close at hand.

Could be something worth hiding, then.

If Delta's using this
algorithm to steal private data

to frame innocent people, this
could be the smoking g*n we need.

NICKY: Did someone say
"smoking g*n"? As you were.

I don't need a second welcome home.

Promise. What do we got?

Wheeler and his smoking-g*n
algorithm are out in Marin,

getting ready for their
annual shareholders' meeting,

so we may need to find another target.

Why? Why not strike there?

For one thing, the place
will be crawling with guards,

state-of-the-art security.

But it's a party, so open to guests?

Big-ticket investors
only; Minimum buy-in

for an invite is half a million dollars,

not to mention they're
definitely gonna run

background checks on
the entire guest list.

You need someone else to man the keys,

but you can do that stuff, right?

Create an online paper
trail, gin up credentials,

shell companies, fake a cover for Delta?

- Yeah, but for who? You?
- NICKY: Right.

If we're gonna pull this
off and get our hands

on the algorithm, someone
else has to go undercover.

Infiltrating Delta on
their literal home turf?

- We'd need a fighter.
- I could do it.

I mean, I know I don't
exactly scream "money."

I scream "money."

- DENNIS: What? I do.
- ALTHEA: Yeah...

But you're a terrible liar.
NICKY: No. After our break-in,

Delta might know your face already.

RYAN: I work double
shifts all week, but...

ALTHEA: I'll do it.
DENNIS: What? Pebbles...

Look, I really don't want
to volunteer for this, but...

I'll do it. Working as a P.I.,
I realize I'm a great liar.

I'm no business expert,
but I know enough to bull

and I know tech, so when it comes
to actually stealing the algorithm...

But you'd have to break your plea deal.

- You could go to prison.
- Yeah.

Guys, I think it has to be me.
I'm the only one that can do this.

- Oh, god!
- RYAN: Uh, hello?

Did everyone forget the
half-a-million-dollar price of admission?

Look, big points to Althea
for bravery, but none of this

can actually happen, I mean, unless...

Oh, god.

- ALFRED: Hmm.

I heard Sarah Collins dropped out.

Yes, she has. Coming into homestretch
now. It's between me and Anthony.

Gotta say, I liked Sarah's platform.

- DIANA: Alfred.
- ALFRED: What?

- ALFRED: Jin knows my politics.

If we lived in this district,
of course I'd still vote for you.

Oh, Dennis, you must
try some of this rou gan.

- It is delicious.
- MEI-LI: Thank you.

I'm OK. Could we talk in private?

- What? No secrets here, right?
- DENNIS: It's about money.

- Oh. You mean the bail.
- No, mom.

We need more. Uh,

Althea and I have to
make a large investment

in Delta Security Endeavors.

- [EXHALES] Well, how large?
- [QUIETLY] Just half a million.

I'd need to speak to my advisors.

I don't know much about this
company. I could lose every cent.

You probably will; When Delta
falls, this money will go with it.

You just have to take my word.

Delta's hurting people,
doing illegal stuff.

We're trying to stop
them, to take them down.

- ALFRED: By giving them money?

Well, yeah.

We just need the money to go undercover,

infiltrate them, and steal
evidence to use against them.

- I'm just gonna clear the table.
- JIN: Uh, and let me help you.

- JIN: OK.

Why don't you seem surprised?
Did you two know about this?

ALFRED: I tried to be polite,
not to ask too many questions

about Nicky's situation, but just
what is going on in this house?

Alfred, Diana, um, you see,

under certain circumstances,
our daughter...

JIN: Mm-hmm.

We, uh, we...

We fight crime.

- JIN: Mmm, yeah.
- MEI-LI: Yeah.

- JIN: Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mmm.
- MEI-LI: Yeah, that.


NICKY: Thanks for leading the troops.

No problem. I'm, uh...
Happy you're home.

So, what do you think of this plan?

Reserving judgment... [SIGHS]...
Seeing how things shape up.

In the meantime, I need
you working the Xiao front.

With all this going down?

I realized something in jail.

I... got distracted,
was caught off-guard,

and then, I was so hurt that...

We... we need to move
forward, on all fronts.

Pei-Ling still needs us.
We have to find Xiao...

ZHILAN: Oh, I agree.
Your brother let me in.

- NICKY: What are you doing here?
- ZHILAN: Heard you got arrested.

- Came back to gloat.
- NICKY: Hmm.

I have been tracking Xiao.

That parasitic demon has been racking up

some serious frequent
flyer points. [SIGHS]

From my research and
a few of my sources,

I discovered that she was in Cartagena.

Then she was in Canberra, then Agra.

I tried to keep up, but she's too fast.

By the time I pack my
bags, she's already gone.

These cities... What's the pattern?

[SIGHS] That's what I've
been trying to figure out.

So I thought that...

I know it isn't much to go on.

It's a start.

All right. Let's go.

- But what about...
- Busy here. Got an evil corporation

to take down, plus, house arrest.


- NICKY: Zhilan.
- ZHILAN: Huh?

I'm glad you're back.

You, too.

Promised my parents a long talk
after, but they're in for now.

Dad's pulling the funds together.

RYAN: In the meantime, we've
been working on your alias...

Madeline Jung, proud
CEO of Icarus Strategies.

Icarus? Didn't he burn to death?

No. His wings melted off, fell
out of the sky, and drowned.

- ALTHEA: I feel so much better.
- RYAN: Sorry.

Name already cleared.
Icarus Strategies is

an international consulting
firm offering simple solutions

to complex problems in the
political, technological,

- and economic space.
- ALTHEA: Impressively vague.

EVAN: Nadia's printing
some Icarus business

cards, and I've
got an ex-cop friend

working on Madeline Jung I.D's.

And I'm creating an Icarus website,

planting news stories
about you and the company.

I'll need some help
fake-backdating them.

OK. So, what exactly is
Madeline walking into here?

Well, thanks to your hacking tips,

I managed to get ahold
of Delta's guest list.

There's no major red flags
there, just a lotta deep pockets,

but there was one name
that jumped out at me...

Matthew Wheeler.

- ALTHEA: David's brother.
- EVAN: Right.

Matt's been with Delta since day one,

but his role at the company
is strangely undefined,

and despite being equal
partners financially,

he never does any press and
he never gets any credit.


So there's a theory online that Matt is

the real genius behind
all of Delta's technology.

It's just a theory, but it tracks...

Their bio's, their education,
their military service.

Matt's got a Ph.D. in
mathematics from M.I.T.

And worked in naval
intelligence, whereas everything

on David's CV is pure
business, all the way down.

So, David, the so-called architect

of Delta Security Endeavors,
isn't even the real architect?

- I think so.
- I can use that.

If we're gonna be able to pull this off,

we're gonna need some
sort of angle, a lever.

Matthew's been working in
David's shadow for decades,

watching him hog the spotlight,
knowing this whole time

that he's the real genius? [SCOFFS]

As a techie, I know that
giving up authorship is hard.

He must have a ton of resentment.

If Matthew's the real
brains behind Delta's tech

and we can leverage that
resentment, Matthew might be

our best shot at getting the algorithm.

DENNIS: What was that
about military service?

Uh, both brothers were in the Navy;

David was a SEAL, and Matt was in...

Naval intelligence? Yeah, got it.

These are the guys we're
sending Althea to infiltrate?

Nicky and Henry offsite, no one to
defend you if something goes wrong?

I know, Dennis, but I told you...

- NICKY: No, he's right.

I've been in dangerous
situations before.

I was just kidnapped by a mercenary.

That was different. This is a choice.

I know, Nicky.

My choice.

I see it in my head, every step.

I'm... I'm terrified, but I'm excited.

I can do this.

- NICKY: Yeah, but you...
- ALTHEA: But what?

Because I'm not a fighter?

All right, I know our training fell off,

but I'm not entirely defenseless.

You mean that one thief
you kicked that one time?

You didn't see it. It
was a really good kick.

I just... [SIGHS]...

I feel weird.

I was so ready to take on Delta

and be the Warrior,
but I didn't think I’d

be putting you in
danger without me there.

You'll be on comms
with me the whole time.

How many times have I been in your ear,

leading you through the missions?

Now it's my turn.

You've gotta trust me,

the way we always trust you...

- Hmm?

So, Madeline,

are you a... neutral or a smokey eye?

NICKY: Allow me to introduce you to...

- Madeline Jung.
- JIN: Oh, wow.

- ALTHEA: So, what do you think?

Incredible. [CHUCKLING]

RYAN: But you still
kinda look like Althea.

- Yeah.
- Oh. Almost forgot.

Hmm? How 'bout now?

- JIN: Uh...
- MEI-LI: Uh-huh.

JIN: Uh, are we sure about this, Nicky?

Althea's got this.





You were right.

This vibe is definitely
more Sundance than Davos.

- Identification, please.
- Oh. Yes.


- Don't see you on the list.
- You don't?

Uh... I'm a new investor.

Decided to join last minute.

- Perhaps...
- Ah. Ah, right. Here you are.

- Welcome to Wheeler Estate, Ms. Jung.
- Mmm.


Oh... god, oh, god, oh, god, oh,
god, oh, god, oh, god. [SIGHS]

NICKY OVER COMMS: What's the vibe?

ALTHEA: Very clubby, like
everyone knows each other.

Fake identity, no social connections.

I'm kind of sticking out here.

Well, stay calm. Matt is your target.

Any sight of him?

- ALTHEA: It's him.
- NICKY: Matt?

- ALTHEA: David.
- NICKY: OK, don't engage.

It's not worth the risk.

Hello... David.

DAVID: Madeline Jung, Icarus Strategies?

- That is me. Yes, yes, yes. Heh!
- Well, you know, I had never heard

of Icarus until your recent investment,
so I read some articles online.

- Pretty interesting stuff.
- "Interesting"? Oh.

We all know that's code
for "you don't get it."

- ALTHEA: Listen,

I'd give you my pitch
and make a believer of you

in minutes, but that's
not why we're here.

- This weekend is all about Delta.
- Well, yes, among other things.

Pleasure meeting you, Madeline.
I'll see you at the blind.

EVAN: Well done, Althea.

"See you at the blind"? What
is that, some sort of riddle?

- DAVID: Hello.

Welcome to the festivities.

As Delta's partners and investors,

I know you're all eager
to hear about our success

in San Francisco and our plans to expand

our programs and our
proprietary technology

into cities across the country.

But... there's plenty of time for that.


Let's cut to the good part.


- WOMAN: Mine.
- WOMAN : Oh, that one's mine.

- ALTHEA: Thank you.

NICKY OVER COMMS: What's happening?

- ALTHEA: I have no idea.

"The blind"? What was that about... ?

ALTHEA: Hunting? I mean, hunting? Yay.

DAVID: All right, grab
your r*fles, head out back,

and our staff will take you to your
designated blinds. And remember,

have fun, good luck, and
the biggest buck wins.


"Buck" means "deer." "Deer" means...


Bambi. Nicky, I am not sh**ting a Bambi.

M-Maybe you could just fire and miss?


I see Matthew.


DAVID: Are you really not coming?

Would it k*ll you just to play along,

- at least while the big fish are here?
- Like they care.

They barely know who I am.
You've made sure of that.

Fine. Go sulk in your room.
But the next time you ask

why I'm the face of the company
and you're not, this is why.

Good luck if any of the big fish

ask you any real
questions about our tech.

I'm taking the jet back to New York
first thing in the morning.

After tonight, you're on your own.

Uh, Ms. Jung.

Care to join? Blind .

Figured I'd give you
a chance to pitch me.

Oh, David, I would love to.

Um, well, you see, I can't
join the hunt. I'm, um...

- Allergic.
- Allergic? To?

ALTHEA: Deer, elk, and antelope, too.

Pretty much anything with antlers.

I just get near them,
and my face just...

[IMITATES expl*si*n]

And my arms, hives everywhere.

- Sometimes I vomit.
- Oh.

It's such a shame. I love to hunt.

Pheasant, ducks, boars.
Tag 'em and bag 'em, you know? Ha ha.

- Good luck out there.
- We'll miss you.


Contacta Energy Solutions.

Xiao's recent movements. Contacta
has operations in these cities.

They're major cities.

I'm sure there's tons of other
companies that have locations there.

I also did a proximity check.

I used your intel to map
out Xiao's exact coordinates.

All of her locations were

within a one-mile radius of a
contacta energy solutions outpost.

- I don't think it's a coincidence.
- All right. Sold.

I thought you were just the books guy.

But what was Xiao doing there?

What does she care about
"emerging energy solutions

for a cleaner, brighter future"?

That's just spin. Contacta's
still in coal, gas, rare elements.

They've got a jillion mining
sites all over the world.

She must be looking for something.

Or she's doing recon... Pulling strings,

planning a move on some
other contacta operation.

- Shaanxi Province.
- What about it?

Xiao traveled there the
last year of her life.

I read it in a history
of the first emperor.

[SARCASTICALLY] Wait. What, a book?

I have amassed a ton
of research on Xiao,

and it sounds like you have, too.

- Ah, so you want to hit the books.
- I would like to swap resources,

get some fresh eyes on our history.

I think the answer to what she's
looking for might be in her past.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


-pound whitetail. Went
down like a sack of bricks.

Ain't she a beauty?

Mm-hmm. You showed her.


NICKY OVER COMMS: Any luck finding Matt

or where they might be
keeping the algorithm?

He's been in his room all day.

Can you make your play at dinner?

Not likely. Saw the seating chart.

We're miles apart, if he even shows.

[MOANS SOFTLY] He leaves tomorrow.

I'm trying my best here,
but I'm coming up short,

and we're running out of time.

EVAN OVER COMMS: Hey, we calling it?

Let me see those Madeline Jung bio's.

NICKY: OK, Althea, we're sending
a backup plan. Just hold tight.

BARTENDER: Your usual, sir?

Matthew, right?

Madeline Jung.

I noticed you bailed
on hunting. Me, too.

[WHISPERS] I despise it.

- Such a grisly sport.
- I love hunting... alone.

Sorry. I'm not big on small talk.

If you're looking for
a Wheeler to schmooze,

try my brother.

- Strike .
- Hang tight, Althea.


- What are you doing here?
- [CHUCKLES] Oh, what am I doing here?

I'm putting a stop to whatever this is.



You have no right
representing our company alone.

Uh, it's my company, Teresa,
built on my ideas,

- my work, my tech.
- Without me at the helm,

Icarus never would've
gotten off the ground,

and you know it.

- I... I...
- [MOCKS] "I... I... "

Just pull yourself together.

We've got all weekend
to clean up your mess.

That's right, sister.
I am not going anywhere.


Zhilan just hit you?

Nicky, this better be worth it.


♪ Going nowhere ♪

♪ 'cause there's
nowhere we got to be... ♪

- ALTHEA: I'm still mad at Zhilan.

The poncho. She out-dressed me.

Ms. Jung? Sorry. Were you on a call?

Oh, that. Uh, no. I was
just talking to myself.

Bad habit.

- I thought you could use this.
- Thank you.

Sorry I was rude earlier. These
events bring out the worst in me.


Been a while since I've seen
someone take a hit like that.

I hope you were the one throwing it.

- Taking it, sadly.
- Hmm. Rival?

- Sibling.
- Same difference, right?

that really necessary?

- Hmm? It seems to be working.
- Slap aside, thank you.

I actually feel a lot better
having you there to keep her safe.

Yeah, yeah. I'll
protect her with my life,

but you owe me.

This company, these people.

Your city's problems mean nothing to me.

I know. Henry's working
on Xiao. We will find her.

- MAN: Hello, David.
- DAVID: Hello.


David? What's he doing?

Watching your sister work his brother.

He does not look pleased.

And once we released the beta,
I knew it was gonna be a hit.

The underlying source
code, the platform.

It was too good to fail.

And that was the beginning of Icarus.

Sorry. Did that sound
like I was bragging?

No. It sounded impressive.

Oh, it's nothing
compared to what you do.

- MATTHEW: What I do?
- ALTHEA: Never mind.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't...

Well, to be honest, I'm
not just an investor.

I'm also a fan. Heh!

- A fan of me?
- It's true, isn't it?

- You're the real genius behind Delta?

Oh, it's OK. Your secret's safe.

I'm basically in the same situation.

My sister has her
claws in what I create,

taking control, taking credit.
I built everything, and I own nothing.


Truth is, I came here alone this weekend

because I wanted to pretend.

Even for just one weekend,

I wanted to know what it felt like
to live outside of her shadow.

- It's silly.
- I know exactly how you feel.

You do?

Just a moment.

- ZHILAN: David Wheeler.
- DAVID: Hmm?

- Teresa Jung, Icarus Solutions.
- Uh, hello.

Oh. You, uh, met my sister.

Well, oh. Excuse me. Thank you.

It's time to meet the real power.

It's a devil's bargain.

I accepted it because there were
parts of the job I didn't want to do,

but I didn't know I'd end up here.
I'm about to change the world,

- and he'll get all the credit.
- Change the world?

I created something, an algorithm.

Delta's already using
it. It's gonna be huge.

- But nobody will know it's mine.
- [TAPS KNEE] I'll know.

I'd love to hear more
about your algorithm...

Know how it works, see
your genius up close.

I know you can't. Your
brother wouldn't approve.

But at least you know I'm out there.

- I know who really built...
- I'll show you. Screw David.

I want you to see it.

ZHILAN: Despite the firm hand I take,

she is just, heh, a dear, fragile girl,

a babe in the woods.

You know, she's
ill-equipped to fly solo.

I don't know, Teresa.

Your sister seems to be
flying solo just fine.

But you understand.

I also have a fragile sibling
that needs to be looked after.

MATTHEW: We need to
be careful. No one can know.

Wait minutes, and
meet me in the study.

Good night, brother.

She will be out of my sight.

I've got this.

- NICKY OVER COMMS: What if it's a trap?
- I know he's not lying.

I saw the look in his eyes.

- Time's up. He's waiting.
- Zhilan?

She wants me to hang
back, I'll hang back.

I'll stay here. I'll keep an eye out.
I'll rush in if needed.

- Althea?
- I know, Nicky. I'll be careful.

- MATTHEW: You came.

- Are you sure no one saw you?
- Not a soul.

You ready to see my genius up close?

So... where is it?

Lifted the source code
from the server file.

A perfect copy of the algorithm.

Oh, wow.

I'm not actually sure
I know what it does.

My algorithm fuses the latest
in surveillance technology

with my own advanced
model of consumer profiling

to create a data-mining beast.

It can jump firewalls, hop
over any known privacy barrier,

slurping up information on every
single person on the planet...

Personal, biometric,
consumer, financial data

into a living, breathing,
ever-growing tapestry.

In time, it'll know
everything about everyone.

To do what?

Delta's using it for
predictive policing.

David wants to transform and privatize

the entire criminal justice system,

but the applications are limitless.

Pretty awesome, right?
When word gets out,

every city and authoritarian
regime on the planet

is gonna want a piece.

And with this copy of the
algorithm in our hands,

we can sell it to the highest bidder.


I want to share my creation
with someone who truly appreciates it,

and I know that person is you.

The jet's waiting.

- [CHUCKLES] We're leaving... tonight.


- Matthew, this is so...
- Fast. I know. I know.

But... [SIGHS]

Talking to you tonight, it's like,
you're the first person

that's ever really understood me.

Madeline, we're the same.

We want the same thing...
to step out of our sibling's shadow.

We've been living under
their thumb our entire lives.

What are we waiting for?

Let's do it.

Let's run away together.

I... I don't know what to say.

- The algorithm is right there.
- OK. What's she supposed to do,

rip it out of his hands?

No, it's too risky.
Althea, we have to regroup.

Find a way to get out of there.

Can you give me a minute?
I'm definitely intrigued,

but I should at least
go and pack my bag.

No, I took care of it.
They're already on the plane.

head to the study.

- Althea's in trouble.
- Copy.

- Oh. David, hello.
- Hello, Zhilan.

Pulled your prints from your wine glass

and had my team run them for me.

The late investment, your late arrival.

Your sister playing the damsel,

casting a spell on my brother.

Delta's only survived as long as it has

because I know my
brother's an easy Mark,

and I have learned to
sniff out a con a mile off.

- Where is your sister, by the way?
- Hmm. Off to bed.

Uh-huh. Send a team for Madeline.

Keep her away from my brother.

As for her, make her disappear.

- Come on.
- Oh, wait.

Uh, long flight to New York.

- I need to use the bathroom.
- We have one on the plane.

OK, Althea, you've been made.

- You need to get out of there now.

- Is something the matter?
- No, no, no, no. I, um...



- Madeline?



Ooh. Sorry.

Zhilan, do something.

♪ Bow down... ♪


♪ ... bow down, this
is my world now ♪

♪ this is my world now ♪

♪ bow down, bow down ♪

♪ this is my world now ♪

♪ this is my world now ♪

♪ whoo! ♪

♪ Hey, you lookin' at the greatest ♪

♪ a legend in the making ♪

♪ bow down, bow down,
this is my world now ♪

♪ this is my world now ♪

♪ whoo... ♪

GUARD: Fan out. Find the girl.

♪ ... a legend in the making,
bow down, bow down... ♪

Find an exit now, Althea.

I'm trying. This place is huge.

- Althea?

- Nicky?
- Althea!

SINGER: ♪ there's no king in town

Are you there?

♪ Yeah, I'm starting a riot... ♪

DAVID: You can try...

But it's locked.

I'll give you this... Madeline...

This is as close as anyone's ever come.

What are you gonna do with me?

I'm not gonna do anything.

They're gonna k*ll you, bury you,

right next to that nice woman
who's pretending to be your sister.



- Zhilan?
- Hey, sis.

- Sucker punch. Really?
- Whatever works.

♪ This kingdom's just for girls... ♪

Hyah! Hyah...


♪ La la la la la, la la la la ♪

♪ I'm on the hunt and
you are the hunted ♪

♪ la la la la la, la la la la ♪

♪ I'm on the hunt and
you are the hunted ♪

♪ yeah, the girls are back in town ♪

♪ it's going down... ♪

♪ Down, down ♪

Get out of here.


♪ I'm on the hunt and
you are the hunted ♪



I've got this! Go!


♪ ... I'm on the hunt,
I am the huntress ♪

I just ran.

Got lost on the grounds
and couldn't find the meet point.

I didn't have my phone,
so I couldn't call Dennis or Ryan.

Finally made it to the
highway, stuck out my thumb,

and jumped in the
first car that stopped.

Wow. Althea, you did it.

You got out with a
copy of the algorithm.

Evan and Nadia are handing
it to the D.A. right now.

We have what we need to take Delta down,

maybe even enough to
get my charges dropped.

But I messed up.

- I didn't expect Matthew to...
- Fall for you?

That really threw me.

- I choked.
- Hey, you were brilliant.

Your plan was brilliant.

The way you worked him,
I couldn't have done that.

None of us could.

Your only mistake was
that you were too good.

But I left Zhilan behind.

You did the right
thing. Zhilan will be OK.


RYAN: Sorry. It took
longer than we thought.

- Ryan got hungry.

- See? Zhilan, tell Althea you're fine.
- Ohh, I'm fine.

Got past the guards,
made it to the checkpoint.

Even managed not to k*ll
anyone, as you requested.

At least, I'm pretty sure.

- There was that one guard that...
- Zhilan...

Thank you.

MEI-LI: Hey, guys,
fresh, hot char siu bao?

Breakfast for our returning heroes.

How many plates?

- RYAN: Starving.
- DENNIS: You just ate!

Uh, we'll join in a sec, Mama.


- I kept up my end, Nicky.
- Henry's on his way.

Says he's got something on Xiao.

- D.A. Ursillo.

Got your message.

Mr. Hartley.

Nadia, what is going on?

What is this?

Everything you need...

To take down Delta Security Endeavors.

Mr. Hartley, I know your reputation.

I don't even want to know how
you got your hands on this.

No, you're right. You don't.

All that matters, you
didn't get it illegally.

- It's all admissible.
- Everything on that drive is fair game

for you to launch an
investigation into Delta.

I sense an ask coming.

Look, all we want is justice.

But if you pursue it, if
you get Delta on the ropes,

we would like some help compelling Delta

to drop their charges
against Nicky Shen.

Before the emperor turned on her,

Xiao suspected that
she had lost his favor

and made several trips to
the outskirts of the kingdom.

ZHILAN: We found a match
between Contacta mining sites

and the site of one of these trips,

a lithium mine in
outer Shaanxi Province.

And after you left, I
did some more research.

It's not just a lithium mine.

It's also a repository for Jyu Sa.

ZHILAN: It's got to
be where she's headed.

Only question is...

What is she looking for?





Greg, move your head.

KIDS: Nice shot, mom!