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04x04 - Abandoned

Posted: 02/16/23 18:19
by bunniefuu
♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine all the time ♪

♪ Let it shine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine all the time ♪

♪ Let it shine ♪

♪ This little light of mine ♪

♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

♪ Let it shine all the time ♪

♪ Let it shine ♪

♪ This little light of mine ♪

- ♪ I'm gonna let it shine ♪

Oh, good. You're awake.

Your timing is just marvelous, dear.


Now, isn't that just
the best sound there is?

I swear my mouth waters instantly.

Nothing brings back memories
like a good smell.

Don't you find?

(GROANS) My head hurts.

WOMAN: Oh, hun,
try not to move around so much.

I just got the bleeding to stop.

You were hit in the head with a shovel.

I was?

By who?

By me.

Now, who's TK?

It's my fiancé.

Oh, you're getting married.

That's so sweet.

She must love you very much.

She was texting nonstop
before I pulverized your phone

with the meat tenderizer.

My boy Darryl, he still
hasn't settled down yet.

Just hasn't met
the right gal, I suppose.

Well, hope springs eternal, as they say.


Give this a nibble.

No, thank you.

WOMAN: Don't be silly.

I'm only offering you
a little piece of heaven.



What do you think?


The secret is mixing sugars.

Soft brown, granulated white, muscovado,

a flavor so deep you
can dive into it headfirst.

I-I didn't do this, so you know.

Um, poor thing had
an unfortunate accident.


I need you to untie my hands, please.

I can't do that, sweetheart.

My boy will be coming home soon,

and I just know he'll wanna meet you.

What is this?

ROSE KACEY: Thunderwear.


See these pouches here?

Transmitter goes in there.

And we'll replace a button

in one of your shirts with a microphone.

Even if Sergeant O'Brien
asks you to open your shirt,

he won't see anything.

What if he asks me to drop my pants?

- I would not encourage that.

So what exactly
do you think he's gonna say?

No idea. But he's obviously
got something to say.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have
asked you to meet him.

Yeah, in a secluded road
in the middle of nowhere.

In his message, he said
there was a .% chance

that I wouldn't even show.

So clearly he knows I'm onto him, right?

Without a doubt.

He'd assume once
we checked out your bogus tip...

It wasn't a bogus tip.

There was ammonium nitrate there.

I should have taken a picture of it.

Yeah, why didn't you?

Because I didn't know you needed it
for your Instagram.

Look, I thought the point was
to prevent a terror attack.

It still is.

So what exactly are you
thinking he's gonna confess?

That he moved the stuff?


Could be he's having second thoughts.

Maybe he just wants
to get rid of a witness.

That would be great, actually.

Excuse me?

Look, if he tries anything,
we will be right there.

But attempted m*rder
is all the leverage we need

to get O'Brien to flip.

(SCOFFS) Well, fingers crossed, then.


It's my son.

ROSE: Do you have to take it?

It's my son.

Make it quick.

Hey, TK. What's going on?

Judd said you're taking the day off.

Is everything okay with you?

Yeah. I'm taking a spa day.

I'm overdue.

Yes. Um, Dad,

I really need your advice on something.

You know how this
whole thing with Iris Blake

has really been a strain on us?

Yeah, I-I heard that they
found her safe yesterday.

TK STRAND: Yes, she was.

In fact, Carlos found her,

and I-I guess he stayed with
her overnight at the hospital.

OWEN: Oh, he's a good one.

Yeah, he is.
Except I think he's mad at me

and he's not answering
my text messages and...

Do you think
I should just go over there?

Is that what you wanna do?

TK: Well, yeah, except

I'm not sure if that's what I should do.

Well, then maybe
just give him some space.

Yeah, except, uh,
remember when you and Mom

were gonna give each other space

and then I got home from Little League,

and you were moving out?

That's definitely not
what I want for us, Dad.

Your... Your mother and I had
much deeper issues than that.

Um, look, my gut tells me...

let Carlos be the one to reach out.

I think that this Iris situation
has been a lot to process.

- Uh, look, I really have to go.
- What?

OWEN: Remember,
love is a roller coaster.

Love conquers all.

- And, uh...
- Da...

Just hang in there.

- Dad!

It's the door. It just
doesn't line up with the jamb.

I've been after Darryl to fix it.


That's him. He's home.


Ma, what the hell?

I made cookies.

Seriously, Ma?

The... The house
wasn't ready for company.

- DARRYL: Who is he?
- WOMAN: This is Carlos.

He's engaged.

What is he doing here?

WOMAN: He came through the floor

and I hit him with the shovel.

And you didn't think
to call me about this?

WOMAN: I don't like
to bother you at work.

They said you need to focus more.

I went through all his pockets.
Everything is here.

Except his g*n is in the crisper drawer.

I-I think we can resolve this.

Your mother thought
that I was an intruder,

but, really, I was just
exploring the property...

Yeah, I know what you were doing.

Ma, he's a cop.

Carlos Reyes.

You're not a detective.

What are you?

A uniform cop?

I remember you.

You're one of the boys in blue
that was here yesterday.

You carried her out of there.

Why'd you come back?

I was looking for you.


you found me.

No one's gonna find you, though.

Ma, go get the kit.

Do I have to? He's getting married.

Just go get the kit, okay?

Uh, I'm not digging two holes.
My knee is acting out.

No one's asking you to. Go!

Did you get the bread?

Would you just bring the kit?

It's Donna Burton, isn't it?

The girl in the closet.

How many more are there?

What are we gonna find when
we dig up the house next door?

Dig it up. You're not
gonna find anything.

Well, I found your tunnel.


Too bad for you.

You're going back in it,

and I'm gonna seal up both sides.

And that'll be that.

I already called it in.

DARRYL: I don't think so.

The blood's dried.

I'm guessing you've been here
a few hours at least.

Plus, you're a uniform cop.

So... where's your uniform?

I'm betting nobody knows you're here.


Have you been getting into this?

I told you, my knee is acting out.

But there's not enough here.

Look at the size of him!

Well, I don't want blood.

DARRYL: Well, I don't
want blood, either.


There's not enough to put him down.

But there's enough to put him out

while I make sure no one
finds that tunnel entrance.

Get the hell away from me.

You get the hell away from me!

Get the hell away from me!

Get off me! Get off me!

Get the hell off me!




Sweet dreams.


Stop bumper bashing, bro,
and just call him.

Nope. I'm the one who screwed up,

so I have to respect his space
and stay patient.

Nailing it.

Hey, man, that dude
is your fiancé, okay?

He's not gonna bail at
the first little bump, alright?

Except that little bump is his wife.


Ask me, and Carlos isn't the type of guy

to pout and then ghost you.

Wait. You-You think
something's wrong, too?

I mean, not wrong,
but something is definitely weird, yeah.


But... (SIGHS)

I've already texted him so many times,

I-I can't be the guy that...

nags before we're even married.

But you could.

Oh, no.

TK: Then call the hospital.

You treated Iris yesterday.

It-it's only natural
if you check in on her.

Plus, if I call and he's there,

it'll feel like I'm going
behind his back again.

(SOFTLY) Please.

(SIGHS) Okay. You know what?

Anything to make you stop
vibrating like Liza Minnelli.

- Ohh. She's so nice.


OPERATOR (ON PHONE): Austin Memorial.

Hi. Can you please put me through

to Iris Blake's room?

OPERATOR: She's sleeping.

Should I wake her?

Oh, no, you don't need to wake her up.

Um, can I actually just speak
with her visitor, Carlos Reyes?

OPERATOR: I'm sorry,
she hasn't had any visitors.

Could you... check the log-in sheet?

OPERATOR: Checking.

♪ ♪

Yeah, I'm showing no
records of anyone visiting.

Okay, thank you.

Carlos isn't there.

And no one has been with her all night.

ROSE: Now remember
to just speak normally.

This mike is very sensitive.

So I shouldn't speak into my shirt?

And remember, we'll be nearby.

If things go south, our response
time is no more than seconds.

And that's faster than a b*llet, right?

Alright, it's time.


Captain Strand, can we get a test?

Test, test, O'Brien.
Please don't m*rder me.



Oh. Hey, Grace, uh, you have
a personal call coming in.


This is Grace.

Hey, Grace. It's TK.

What can I do for you?

Something probably illegal.


TK: Carlos has gone AWOL.
I've tried everything,

and I was hoping
you could locate his phone.

Well, it's not entirely legal,

but it's not entirely illegal either.

Okay. Do you need his personal number?

GRACE: Nope. I got it.

Let me see if I can find his carrier.

I can put in a request
for his phone records, too.

But I do have his IMEI in front of me.

Well, can you track down
where the phone is now?


It's not picking up a signal. Hold on.

What does that mean? Is it turned off?

No, that's strange. It's disconnected.

Which means either
the battery was removed

or the phone was destroyed.

I can slit his throat in the bathtub.

WOMAN: I just got
the ring out of that tub.

How about strangulation?
That's fairly tidy, isn't it?

I understand they lose their bowels,

but we can put something down.

Ma, it's not like the movies.

It takes forever and they fight back.

Besides, look at the size of his neck.

It's like a tree stump.

Alright, I gotta run out
and ditch his car anyway.

Then I can swing back by work

and pick up the stuff
we need to finish this.

WOMAN: What if someone else
comes through the hole while you're out?

DARRYL: What do you think
I've been doing for the last hour?

I sealed that end up.

Nobody else is coming through

because nobody else is gonna find it.

Try using that pea brain
of yours for once.


(MUFFLED) He didn't mean that.

How about some music?


♪ Blue skies smiling at me ♪

♪ Nothing but blue skies ♪

♪ Do I see ♪

♪ Bluebirds ♪

♪ Singing a song ♪

♪ Nothing but bluebirds ♪

♪ All day long ♪


♪ ♪




You actually showed up.

Of course.

That was dumb.



Let's go for a ride.


- TK.
- TK: Hey.

Carlos isn't here, is he?

No. Um, come on in.


TK, what's going on?

- Um...

ANDREA: Perfect timing.

I made vegan chili and
cauliflower tacos for lunch.

Of course, this one thinks
I'm trying to k*ll him.


What's wrong, mijo?

GABRIEL REYES: TK's looking for Carlos.

What does that mean, "looking"?

He's at work, no?

No, he's off today. Um...

He was supposed to see Iris
Blake at the hospital last night.

How is she doing?
We were gonna visit her later.

TK: She's good. Um, except he wasn't

at the hospital last night.
I have no idea where he was.

And I've been calling him all day,

and he's not answering me.

I even had Grace track down his phone.

It seems to be disabled or something.

ANDREA: Oh, my God.

- Gabriel.
- It's okay. Alright,

let's not panic. Let's not panic.

- Was he driving his own car?
- Yes.

ANDREA: Yes, the car.
You can track the car.

Well, actually, no,
he didn't purchase that option.

He could barely afford the car
at the time, remember?

But I can put a BOLO
out on our son and the car.

- Okay?

- Oh, hey.

This might be him.

It's Grace.

Hey, Grace. I'm... I'm here
with Carlos's parents.

Please tell me you found his phone.

GRACE (OVER PHONE): No, baby, I'm sorry,

but I can tell you
the last call he made.

It was to you at :,

but there was nothing after that.

Yeah, I-I thought he was
calling me from the hospital.

Well, actually, he was calling

from the house where he found Iris.

Why would he go back there?

GRACE: I don't know.
But it was off the books.

He didn't call it in.

Grace, this is Major Reyes.

Can you send us that address, please?


Let's have your phones.

You can hand 'em over
and or we'll take 'em.

I ain't talking to those two.

Come on, Turner. Get up. Let's go.

What the hell is going on, O'Brien?

What the hell does it look like?

It looks like,

I think that you're acting like
you're not a part of this again.

O'BRIEN: I'm not one of them.

OWEN: Really? Because I've been told

you're actually a founding member.


So you're not gonna deny it?

Okay. Yes.

I started a biker club called
the Honor Dogs years ago.

Just after /.

Bikers, mostly first responders.

Then something happened,
something changed this place,

and that's when I left.

I quit.

And so did all the other guys
that I started it with.

I came in through those
doors six weeks ago.

They had no idea who I was.

So much for tradition.

So you want me to believe
that your nephew

just wandered in to a
radicalized version of some club

that you founded two decades ago?

Andy always wanted to be an Honor Dog

since he was, like, seven.

We used to call him "Honor Pup."


So maybe he isn't
working for the government.

I don't know about that.

They sure as hell think that we do.

The feds raided their farm last night.

Oh, I know.
The ammonium nitrate is gone.

Someone moved it, and I think it's you.

- Wasn't me.
- OWEN: Come on.

How did they know that you and I
were gonna meet today?

Well, they asked me to call you.

You lured me into a trap?

I warned you not to come, didn't I?

".% you don't show"?

Nine, nine, nine?

Police code?

Officer down?

Oh God. I'm a fireman.

Our codes are like, "fire."

Just be cool, Strand.

They've got nothing on us.
We'll be fine.

I'm wearing a wire.

Oh, we're screwed.



Sorry for the mess.

WOMAN: Don't be silly.

What's a head supposed to do
against a shovel

but crack open a little?

Floors needed a shine, anyway.

I can see how much effort
you put into making a nice home.

I'm sorry. I...

I don't know your name.

It's Trudie.

And thank you.

Trudie. That's nice.

I hope Darryl appreciates all the...

all the trouble you go through for him.

You know this isn't personal, right?

What needs to happen.

It doesn't need to happen, Trudie.

I promise you it doesn't.

I wish it didn't.

I wish you hadn't
come up through that floor.

Truly, I do.

This must be where they found her.


There's only one door
in and out of this place.

And it looks like it was kicked in.


By Austin PD.

It was locked from the inside
when we found her.

Detective Meredith Grier.
Missing Persons.

And I sure as hell hope your son

isn't my next case, Major Reyes.

And so do I.
Thank you for meeting with us.

- GRIER: Yeah.
- How do you think your suspect escaped?

Um, to be honest,
I'm not convinced there was a suspect.

GABRIEL: You think Iris
Blake was hallucinating?

She does have a history.

TK: Oh, come on. That is such BS.

First, you didn't believe Carlos

when he said she didn't walk away,

and now you're not believing Iris?

I treated her in the ambulance.

Unless she did it to herself.

Attackers don't generally
just vanish into thin air.

Yeah, and neither does my fiancé.

There is no way in hell
Carlos would disappear

unless something happened.

Okay, TK. Calm down. Son?

Let me just have a moment
with the detective, okay?

He's right, you know.

- GRIER: I do.
- GABRIEL: You have a theory.

GRIER: About % of
houses in this neighborhood

are just like this one:
run-down, abandoned.

- You know what that attracts.
- GABRIEL: The criminal element.

- GRIER: That's right.

And the last time
anyone heard from your son

was late at night outside this house,

in a shiny car that we cannot find.

So you're checking
the hospitals and morgues?


GABRIEL: My son is resourceful,

and he can take care of himself.

GRIER: I have no doubt
that's how you raised him.

he figured that out on his own.

TK: Gabriel? Detective?


I just found this in the fireplace.

Looks like someone was
trying to get rid of it.

- GRIER: Donna Burton.
- Does that name mean anything to you?

Iris said she was out
looking for a Donna Burton

when she was taken.

So maybe the guy who
took Iris took Donna, too,

and then brought them both back here.

Did you have Forensics
go over this house?

We weren't looking for evidence
of multiple abductions.

GABRIEL: Well, maybe you should be.

And I'd get some officers out
here to canvass the neighborhood,

find out if anybody
heard anything last night.


I'm not waiting for them.


Oh, dear.

Darryl is not gonna like this one bit.

CARLOS: Wait, what are you doing?

No, no, no, no. It's okay. It's okay.

(MUFFLED) No, no, no, no. (GROANS)





Please. No, please. Please stay quiet.

I don't wanna have to
scrub up another mess.


Hello. Can I help you?

I sure hope so. I'm sure
you've seen all the police activity.

TRUDIE: I didn't really.

Sad to say,
it's nothing new around here.

Things have gotten so bad lately.

We're asking people if they heard or saw

anything unusual last night.

TRUDIE: No. No, I-I can't
say that I did. (SLIGHT CHUCKLE)

Have you seen this man?

Well... he's very handsome, isn't he?

Yeah, I think so. He's my fiancé.

Is that so?

We think he went missing
in this area last night.

Possibly from the house right next door.

Are you sure you haven't seen anything?

It would have been after : p.m.

I'm sorry.

I'm off to dreamland
by : most nights.

TK: Does anybody else live in
here that might've seen something?

TRUDIE: My son works the night shift.

He wouldn't have been at home.

- Oh!

What's that cat got into?

Whiskers, off the counter.

I'm sorry I couldn't have
been of more help,

but I have to go spank my cat.

Alright. Um, I'm TK.

If-if anything comes to mind,

please reach me or the lead
detective at this number. Okay?

I'll be sure to do that. Bye-bye.

I didn't know you were a gay.

I love the gays.

Sometimes I wish my Darryl was a gay.

The ladies give him so much trouble.

GRIER: Two more possibles.

Allyson Beatrice,
reported missing, August .

Audrey McKenna. Last seen
leaving her halfway house in .

GABRIEL: Alright,
so it looks like a pattern.

All reported missing
in the last five years.

All transient. Either homeless

or in and out of halfway houses.

GRIER: He's targeting
the most vulnerable.

Women on the fringe of society.

Well, at least now you think
that there is a he.

Look, I get that
this is important, I really do.

I just don't understand
why we're searching for women,

some of them that have
been missing for years,

when we should be out there
looking for Carlos right now.

This is how we find him, son.

Yeah, but he's not a transient woman!

I'm sorry, okay?

I just don't understand
how this is gonna help us.

You're talking about,
what, a-a serial k*ller?

- Yeah, we are.
- Okay, so, what, you think that...

You think that Carlos...

TK, you need to let us do our job.

We're not gonna find him alive, are we?

I have to believe that we will.

Right. Because whoever
k*lled these women,

and that's what we're saying,
is that, is that they're all dead.

More than likely, yeah.

How are you so calm right now?

You don't think this is tearing me up?

What I might have to go tell his mother?

You're not the only one
who loves him, TK.

But if there are tears to weep...

we do it when the time comes.

Not before.

And right now,

he needs us.



(SIGHS) They found his Camaro

abandoned off , near Garfield.

Seems like someone dumped it.

GABRIEL: Was there any blood in the car?

GRIER: No blood, no prints either.
Wiped clean.

- You wanna run out and take a look?
- No. No.

Here is where we're gonna find him.


- Alright.
- Hey, get him a beer.

At least they give you a beer
when they're done.

See the cue stick behind you?

After I tackle Red,

snap it over your knee
and toss me the other half.

Or... they could
raid this place right now.

- Stop talking in your shirt.
- Yeah.

So, boys...

I just had a very
interesting conversation

with Brother Turner over there.

Yeah? A conversation?

You do a lot of talkin' with your hands.

He brought two unbranded people

to a place that he wasn't supposed to.

He understands the consequences.

Now, normally,
I wouldn't hold two newcomers

to the same high standard.

But we got a problem here.

After you three trespassed

and shot the place up,

and I don't know, went exploring?

We got raided by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation.

They didn't find anything.

But for some reason,
they thought they would.

Now why do you suppose that is?

I don't know, since when does
the federal government

need a reason to trample
on somebody's rights?

I think we got a rat.

You think Turner's the rat.

Well, I can tell you,
he's also a cheat at pool.

Turner's too stupid to be a rat.

And he's not pool player enough
to be a cheat.

Which does make me wonder
how bad you are, Captain,

to lose nine straight games to him?

- Well, I'm not great.
- He's right. He sucks.

Look... you don't think I'm the rat.

We met on the road
and you invited me here.


Yeah, I keep thinking about
how we just happened

to meet on the road

and how you two already
seem to know each other.

Of course, we know each other.
We've been on calls together.

He even wrote me a ticket once.

What I can't figure out is...

is it just one of you
working for the feds,

or is it both?

It's both.

I'm a police officer
and he's a fire captain.

We're both government employees.

And we're not gonna disappear as easy as

some -year-old high school dropout.

What was that supposed to mean?

You know what the hell it means.

Andy Pearson. Where is he?


I don't know what to tell you.
Andy, he's just kinda...


Is that so?

Why don't you keep smirking at me?
I like that.

I'm the rat.

Sergeant O'Brien
has nothing to do with it.

I'm working alone.

And I'm wearing a wire.

And it's in my shorts.


They kicked me out of the club.

They made me leave with him.

let's look at what we know.

GRIER: They all homesteaded
in different parts of the city.

That's a wash.

GABRIEL: They used different shelters.

No connecting social workers.

GRIER: No mutual friend groups.

Where's the common thread?

They're all diagnosed
with a mental disorder.

GRIER: That's probably why they
were on the streets in the first place.

They all took various medication
for their illness.

GRIER I already went down that road,

but they all went to different clinics,

had different doctors.

They all went to the same pharmacy.


WOMAN: Darryl?
I didn't think you worked today.

Uh, just forgot something.

I'll only be a sec.

Is that Mrs. Weaver?

Remind her she can't take
a decongestant with her Vyvanse.

Okay, I will. Thanks.

♪ ♪

TRUDIE: Where is that boy?

Something tells me he stopped
for a treat on the way home.

Can I offer you some hot cocoa
while we wait?

No, thank you.

So well-mannered.

You must be your mother's prize.

Well, I'm going to have some.

- I use real whole milk.

That's the secret.

You'll change your mind.

I think I'll steal
some of my own cookies, too.

Don't tell.


I do wish your friends
outside would leave.

They'll upset Darryl.


Is TK still out there?

Oh, no, honey.

He's long gone.

Just some police officers.

- Help!
- (GASPS) Oh!

- Help!
- Oh, no, no, you mustn't!

I'm right here!

- Oh! No, no, no, no.
- CARLOS: Help!

- Help!
- You mustn't do that.

- CARLOS: Help!
- You mustn't.



CARLOS: I'm right here! Help!


Please! You have to
stop that right this instant!


Help! Help!

Get off me!

Get the hell off me!

Get off me!


Officer in need of assistance!

- Just stop making such a fuss!

CARLOS: Help! Help! I'm...

No! No.

- Help! Help!
- TRUDIE: Stop!

- Please don't make me do this.
- Okay.

I'll stop. I'll stop, I'll stop,
I'll stop, I'll stop.

I'll stop. I promise.

I promise.

- I promise.


- Howdy.
- Hi.

Gabriel Reyes, Texas Rangers.

I need to ask you some questions
about some prescriptions

that were filled through your pharmacy.

Oh, I really can't divulge
anyone's medical information.

Not without a warrant.

Well, I'm not interested
in the medications.

I'm interested in the pharmacist.

Can you give me the name
of the person who filled these?

Uh, yeah.

You see this code here?

That's the pharmacist's ID.

Uh, looks like those were
all filled by the same person.

Darryl Keyes.

Is he working now?

Uh, no, but he was just here.
You just missed him.

Do you know which way he was headed?

No. But he was riding a bike,

which I thought was weird.

Because he just dumped the car.

We're gonna need his address, please.


you have to let me go.

I can't. (SOBS)

I'm sorry.

I have to protect my son.

CARLOS: Your son is a monster.

TRUDIE: I know.

But a mother's love is unconditional.

CARLOS: Trudie.

This isn't love.

It's all I have.


He wasn't always like this, you know.

Darryl was a very sweet child.

I think it was...

the accident with his hand
that changed him.

After that, he was so self-conscious.

He still is.

I blame myself.

What happened?

It was around the time
his father left us.

Darryl was only ten.

His father did that to him?

Darryl did it to himself.

Swimming pool chemicals.

The acid that eats the algae?

I'm not sure why he had it.
We never had a pool.

Darryl was experimenting.

Dissolving something.

You know how boys are.

And he spilled it on himself.


what made it all so... awful...

he told the social worker
that I had done it to him.

Can you imagine?

He was hoping they'd
remove him from my custody.

He really wanted to
go live with his father.

But his father didn't want him.

But you did.

A mother's best friend...

is her son.


k*lling me won't protect your son.

And it won't make him love you.

And that's not your fault.

I just don't think he's capable of it.

I'll bet you love your mother.

With all my heart.

That's good.

That's right.

A boy should love his mother.

And what about TK?

Do he and his mother get along?

No son loved his mother
more than TK loved Gwyn.


Did that sweet boy lose his mother?

- Last year.
- That's so sad.

She won't be at the wedding.

No, I think she will be.

Sometimes I feel
all the love she had for him?

She's sending it through me.

Otherwise, I don't know
where all this love comes from.

We've gotta get you out of here.

Darryl, he's gonna be
very angry with me,

but when isn't he?


Thank you.


Ma! What the hell?








He's my son.

- Stay down!

Get over there now! Now!

TK: Carlos! Hey.

- TK: Oh God.

Carlos, please stay with me.

(DISTORTED) Carlos, stay with me.

Carlos, stay with me, baby. Come on.

- Come on.
- TK: Stay with me.


Morphine. How much was in the syringe?

- All of it.
- Oh God.

Hey, Carlos.

I lost his pulse. I don't have my gear.

(YELLS): Where's backup?

Dispatch, we have an officer down.

Where's that backup?

Closest unit with a Narcan pack. Now!

Can't let his heart stop.

GABRIEL: Come on, mijo.

TK: (ECHOING) Come on, baby, come on.

(MOUTHS) Come on, baby.



Give me!


- (SCREAMS) Get off me!
- TK: Hey. Hey.

- It's okay.

It's alright. It's okay.

- It's okay. It's okay.
- GABRIEL: You're okay, son.

You're okay. It's okay.

You talk to Mom?

She's already at the hospital
decorating your room.

Iris is helping.

This is ridiculous. Dad, I...

I don't need to go to the hospital.

TK: Are you out of your mind?
You just died.

Look who's talking.

Hey, thank you for saving my life.

TK: Oh, baby, you saved your own life.

I was just holding on to it
for a little while.

It's yours.

Alright. Take him up.

- Ready?
- Yep.

He's lucky to have you.

Hey, you, too.

You gonna ride with him?

Yeah. I thought I would.

- I'll see you over there.
- See you, Dad.


AUTOMATED VOICE: The mailbox is full.



How was the briefing?

Not brief.

Assume they wanna see me now?

They actually said they
never wanna see you again.

(SCOFFS) Okay.

And they strongly suggested

we don't talk about this to anybody.

So they want us to go
back on the front lines

and not tell them
what might be coming down.

Well, they were fairly clear about that.

And they insisted that
they've got it under control.


Why does it seem like the other thing?

It's very much the other thing.

What about your nephew?

Well, they said they were
aware of the situation,

said they'd look into it,
but that's all they would say.

So we're completely frozen out.

That's right.

Meanwhile, there's still enough
missing ammonium nitrate

floating around out there
to blow up the Capital.

Well, I mentioned that to them, too.

- They said it's not our concern.
- Until it is.

Till the call comes in
and the tones go off

and then we've gotta deal with
the other side of this thing.

Forget it, Jake.

BOTH: It's Chinatown.

It's a great movie.

The best.



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