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01x14 - A Fair to Remember

Posted: 02/11/23 16:34
by bunniefuu
- Stay with me, Clyde.


JAKE: Keep going, Gabs, keep going.

You got this. Okay. Right.

Ventilate. Yep. Ventilate, ventilate.

Hey, hey. Pads, pads. Come on, come on.

- Gabs, he's going. He's going. Defib.
- Okay.

- Defib, right now!
- GABRIELA: Charging.

- Clear.


JAKE: And he's dead.


Okay. Defib, straight into compressions,

then check the pulse.

Now, you k*lled Clyde three times today?

I really wish you wouldn't name him.

It makes him seem real.

Well, in the field,

it's super real, and
his name could be Clyde.

Ever since that bridge
call when we lost Meg,

I just... My medical instincts are off.

(SIGHS) Sammy.

That was my first loss that shook me.

Teenage girl...

Smoke inhalation got to
her before I could find her.

Mine was Harold.

He was a sweet, old grandpa,

who died in my arms
on his th birthday.

I still think about that.

Well, I better get over this hurdle

or I won't pass my EMT board,

and then I'll be a probie forever.

Well, no one's a probie forever.

Well, then-then what? Do I just...

Do I get fired?

No. No.

Listen, you persist and you pass.


sh**t, I'm late.

What're you late for?


And why are you playing with your hair

like it's ever been different?

GABRIELA: Go easy on him.

He has his first date with Cara,

and it's important.

- JAKE: Yeah, so, you know,

I need a hairstyle that says,

you know, "It's no big
deal that you're Bode's ex,"

and that, you know, "You used
to know me when I was a player."

Uh, what is all of this?

Oh, no, no, no. It's giving:

"I don't want to be a player no more,"

plus, Cal Fire. You good, bro.

- (LAUGHS): You good. Yeah.
- I'm not doing this.

- Okay, have a good one, bruh.

♪ ♪

I look like the Mattress King.

You are the Mattress King of this house.


Oh, come on.

- Oh, no. That's backwards.

All right. I'll go with the hat.

But this totally undermines my authority

with the fair vendors to keep
their propane tanks organized.

Oh, hush now, you are the Grand Marshal

of this parade, not the fire marshal.

I wasn't even on the ballot.

Jake wrote me in.

It's so silly.

You know, most people would
consider that a compliment.

I'm not most people.

Um, speaking of Jake...

Any clue when we might
hear from the donor team

about his kidney?

No, and I'm not really
focusing on their decision.

However much time

I have left on this earth
isn't up to the team,

or Jake, or any of us.

Shar, they're gonna approve it.

Well, until then, I'm gonna
work while you charm Edgewater.

So if I die waiting for a kidney,

you don't become the town's

grinchy widower that nobody checks on.

I will not be a widower.

I'm okay with being grinchy, though.


I love the hat.

See you at the Winter Fair.

All right, grade team, just, uh,

hang out here for a second.

Hey, stranger.


You working this grade, too?


Looks like we're about to
have a fair to remember.

You know, you're looking really good.

You okay?

Yeah, today's just the closest
I've worked with civilians,

other than a fire, in a long time.

Want to make a good
impression on the grade.

To who? Cap?

People I grew up with

who now only see me
as a cautionary tale.

Well, as someone who's worked
a bunch of these grades already,

the novelty wears off.

You don't have to be
so perfect all the time.

Uh, it's kind of different for me.

You know, working the town fair

that I used to go to as a kid,

but now in orange.

All right.

You're tense.

You know, we could work
through that together,

maybe in the woods later?

- Rebecca, you're great, but...
- Wow.

The "you're great but" line?

Is this about the Cap's daughter again?

You two make it official or something?


Not until I parole.

Oh, so you're just
dumping me for nobody?

MANNY: All right, grade team,

just, uh, hang out for
a little longer. Bode.

Rebecca. Follow me.

Keep at it, probie.

Hey, Eve, can you hook
us up with some sandbags

for the parade route?

Yeah. Gabs, can you show
them the supply room?

All right, Counselor.

Bode, follow Gabriela.
Grab the sandbags.

- Load them into the buggy.
- GABRIELA: This way.

You ready to shadow?

First lesson: find balance
between the spirit of the rule

and the letter of the law.

Grade projects give
inmates a sense of trust.

It show the community
that they're here to help.

- And it's a little free PR. Win-win.
- Plus,

the camp gets a little cash
bonus for the grade project.

How do you decide how
to allocate those funds?

Well, you've really read up, huh?

Well, the-the folks in Sacramento,

they told me about the kickback.

Well, it's not exactly a "kickback."

- You spoke to Sacramento?

Yeah, the whole department
has their eyes on Three Rock.


You a shadow or a spy?


(LAUGHS) I'm just messing with you.

We're just gonna stick
to the basics, okay?

And that's it.

This what you're looking for?

Perfect. Just perfect.

- You working the fair today?
- Yeah.

Little nervous.

It's a great opportunity.

(SCOFFS) And risk.

A civilian even says I
looked at them the wrong way,

I could lose fire camp altogether.

Okay, but with great trust
comes great responsibility.


At least, that's what my dad says.

(SIGHS) Poetic.

Little help here?



- VENDOR: Everyone's a winner!
- What? We won.


Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.

- Where do you want to go?
- He's cute.

Um, you want to play Whac-A-Mole?

- I'm very good at it.
- Oh, okay, let's go.






Bode Leone.


See you put that baseball
scholarship you beat me out for

to good use.


Not trying to open up any old beefs.

Yeah, I knew I was the
better choice back then,

and I can see I'm the better man today.

Look at God, showing me validation.

REBECCA: Yeah, I don't
think God does petty.

BODE: Hey.

Rebecca, stop. Stop, stop.

As much as I would love to
get into it with this dude...

... there's-there's too
much on the line for us.

Mm. All right, kids,

let's not waste any
more fair time. Come on.

CARA: Donating a kidney to Sharon.

That's taking this whole
Superman thing you got going

to the next level.

- I really have a Superman thing?

Yeah. Since high school.

Though, back then,

it was letterman energy.


You anxious for surgery?

Uh, a group of strangers
are voting to decide

how many kidneys I have
for the rest of my life.

So that's a "yes" to anxious.

More anxious than getting
thrown on this thing

- and tossed like a chew toy?

MAN: Tickets ready.
tickets. A little bit.


CARA: You remember coming
here in high school?

- Me with Bode.

You with your flavor-of-the-month.

JAKE: I'm not too proud of
my dating habits back then.

Oh, so Superman's evolved.

Ride's full this round.


Yeah, you know, I like to think so.




You okay?

You know, let's see.

After I had the pleasure of
being dumped while incarcerated,

I got to marinate in
your new love connection,

so not my favorite day.

You and I were always just casual.

I didn't think that
you'd care if we stopped.

I don't.


CARA: Is it always this fast?

JAKE: I don't know,

but that does not sound right.





Yo, my man!

What's going on?

- Cut it off.
- Uh...

- Um, something's broken.


Hey, wh-where are you
going? Where are you going?

What's it to you, Bode?

We were casual,

and now we're over.

- Rebecca!

Get down!

♪ ♪



This is chaos.

Ma'am, hey! Ma'am.

You okay? Can you stand?


Aaron! Aaron! Get down! Take cover!

Here. Come on.

- Hey, evacuate her and get Cap.
- My kids!

My kids are in that bounce house!

We'll get 'em out. Let's go.

Jamie! Zack!



Come on!

- Hey!

Shut it down!

Something's broken.

I don't how this engine works.

I don't even have my
driver's license yet!

Okay. The control panel's unresponsive.

- No, come on, come on, come on.

We need to anchor it!

How? It's not working.

I-I don't know what to do.

Weigh it down!

CARA: (GRUNTS) We're not heavy enough!

- JAKE: Hey!

Hey, I need some hands over here!

Perez, your radio.

JAKE: Chief, over here!

Greencrest, this is Chief Leone.

We've got an out-of-control
ride at the Edgewater Fair.

Multiple injuries. Need ambulances.


and Three Rock.

All hands on deck. We
need bodies out here, ASAP.

- Let's go.
- Copy that. Let's go, guys.

Cap, shrapnel form the ride
pierced the bounce house.

It's collapsing and
swallowing the kids inside.

Do we listen to Chief Leone,

or do we follow the new
lead? What's the call?

Three Rock follows Chief Leone's orders,

but I handle the bounce house.

Chief Leone delegates,

I delegate, too, so
you're gonna come with me.

And you guys, you're gonna
grab the rest of Three Rock,

head over to that ride, follow
the chief's every order. You copy?

- We're on it, Cap.
- All right. Let's move.

Let's go.

Greencrest, this is D.C.
Leone here, assuming I.C.

of the Winter Fair. Come on. Come on.

Have a seat right here.


set up a casualty collection point.

My gut says we're gonna
have many more patients.

Come on in.

Have a seat right here.

♪ ♪


Uh, permission to get more hands?

- Why?
- Cara's here. She's an ER nurse.

Okay. Go, quickly.

Both of you come right back here to me.

♪ ♪


VINCE: Three Rock! Help
us anchor this thing.

Chris, there's got to
be an emergency stop.

I don't know, man!


Chris, think. Okay?

You know this machine better than I do.

- Where is it?
- I'll check the hatch.

Hey, Cara. We need more hands in triage.

- In the food tent.
- I'm yours.





- JAKE: All right. Just stay still.

I'm gonna get you out
of here, all right?

Hey, hey. Hey. I'm gonna
get you out of here,

all right, buddy? I know it hurts.

(WHIMPERING): Get this
off me. Get it off me.

Do not move. I need you to stay still.

Excellent extrication, team.

There you go.

Hey, hey. I still can't
find my other son, Jamie.

He was, he was in there, too.

We got everyone out of the bounce house.

- Well, obviously, you didn't.
- The bounce house is empty.

All those kids are
back with their parents.

Then where... then where's Jamie?

D.C. Leone, we've got a missing kid,

- unrelated to the bounce house.

SHARON: Vince has his hands full.

Manny, your guys are gonna
have to begin the search.


Wait, inmates searching for a kid?

Spirit of the rule, right?

Copy that, Chief.

We're all over it. Let's move.

Hey, hey, please. Help me find him.

We'll find him, all right?

We'll find him. Let's go. Come on.

VINCE: All right,
Chris. Just easy breaths.

In through the nose,
out through the mouth.

Nice and slow.

(STRAINING): It-it hurts.

I-I know, buddy, I know. Chief.

We can't get to the emergency
brake unless we move him.

VINCE: We can't move him
without risking a bleed-out.

GABRIELA: What if we make an
access point from this end?

Cut along the base?

VINCE: Make a hole big enough,

one of us can get through there,

- hit the emergency brake.
- I'm on it.

I'll grab my gear from the engine.

Do regular people
keep meeting like this?

Over traumas and emergencies?

Regular people are boring.

I'll assess and organize patients.

I'm really glad you're here.

Where's Gabriela?



Hold on tight!

You're about to be stopped!



D.C. Leone.

Finally got the ride shut down,

but it's still elevated.

We need a ladder at the incident site.

SHARON: Copy, Chief.

I don't feel so good.

VINCE: Just breathe, buddy.
We're gonna get you out of here.

CHRIS: What about them?

MAN: Get me down!

Are you sure that
Jamie said bounce house?

Yes, he asked for tickets.

The bounce house is free.
It doesn't take tickets.


You want to have a go at
coordinating the ladder truck?

I'd love to, Chief.

All right, hey, Chris.

Listen, buddy, I know
you're in a lot of pain.

- Okay?
- Yeah.

But I need you to help me out, okay?

Do you remember the max
capacity of this ride?

It was full, remember?

- It can fit people.
- Good.

- Jamie's, what, ten?
- Yes.

- He's ten.
- Okay, well,

you sure that he didn't try and sneak on

- one of these bigger rides?
- No. No. I know my son.

Jamie doesn't lie.


Jamie, can you hear me?

Hey, bro, you okay?

Why do you want to slum it
with a bunch of orange jumpsuits

that people don't even
trust to look for their kids?

Why are you letting
that guy slow you down

from finding this kid?

You're right.

I know I am.

Go check the bigger
rides. I'll update Cap.

Hey, Cap.

I sent Bode to expand the search.

- So, he's over at the...
- Wait, so you...

You gave a direct
order to one of my crew?

What are you, my shadow
or my replacement?

(SCOFFS) I thought you
were joking earlier.

I run my crew the way I see fit.

You have suggestions,
direct them to my inbox.

Email or... ?

Trash can, Eve.

All right, Three Rock,
here's what I want you to do.

Keep searching with Bode
and help find that kid.

All right? Go.

They need extra hands on the ladder.

Copy you.

What do you think, Chris?
You ready to get out of here?

Get this thing out of me.

Yeah, about that. Listen, buddy.

We're gonna leave a piece of
the hatch still attached to you

- for the hospital to remove.
- What?

Yeah, j-just for now. It's
staunching your bleeding.

No, no, no, you got to
get this thing out of me.

- You don't want us to do that.
- CHRIS: Yeah, I do.

- Trust me.
- No, on this thing, you got to trust us.

Okay? Can you do that for us?

Just keep breathing, real
slow, steady, all right?


I trust you.

Kind of don't have a choice.

VINCE: There you go.

That's the spirit.

All right, ready?

All right.

- GABRIELA: Hi, ma'am. My name is Gabriela.

Can you hear me?

How are you feeling?

- One second.

Grab my hand.

Oh, God. I'm nauseous.

Okay, that's to be expected.

We're gonna get you down, okay?

We're gonna take care of you.


- MAN: All right, they're ready. Up on rope!
- Ready!

MANNY (OVER RADIO): Okay, bring them up.


Keep her steady, Bubba, keep her steady.

You got it, Cap.

- There you go!
- Thank you.

Swing her out a little
bit, swing her out.

My chest.


And... and I feel light-headed.

Possible cardiac event over here!

Get her over to triage. Let's go.

- But i... it's medical.

Remember Clyde this morning?

I-I'm not...

I'm the one making the decision.

And that's an order, probie.


Come on, hustle.

Hustle, hustle, hustle. Let's go.

D.C. Leone.

I have a patient from the ride.

Possible cardiac event.

Miss, can you tell me your name?



Oh, she's going unconscious. Okay, okay.

Checking for a pulse.

No pulse. Get me an AED.

On it.

Come on.

♪ ♪

All right, beginning compressions.

Here we go.


Gabriela. Come on.

Come on, you diagnosed it.

Treat it now.

GABRIELA: I can't move.

I can't have someone die on me again.

Okay, then you do exactly
what I tell you right now.

- I can't.
- (PANTING) Cara.

Take her place. Perez, move back.


♪ ♪

You got to be kidding me.

What the hell are you doing?

(SCOFFS) Just a little
taste of freedom, you know?

We call 'em "grade finds."

Little cigarette here,

a little beer there.

Maybe a lot of beer.

You want to throw away all the good time

you've done for a drink?


I hurt you.

I realize that now.

But, you know, drinking is
just gonna make that hurt worse

- if Cap finds out.
- What, you gonna narc on me?

No. Look at me.

You never took a drink.

I sure did.

Not as far as anybody else knows.

'Cause you're gonna stay by my side,

and we're-we're gonna
finish this grade together.

I just keep playing our conversation
over and over in my head.

Rebecca, just stop, stop.

There's a missing kid now.

I know you. I know you want to help.


Yeah, sorry.

All right, let's go. Come on.

No time for sorries. Let's go.

- EVE: Take it easy.
- Let's go.

There you go. Whoa.

- You got him?
- Yeah, I got him.

There you go.

- Nice.
- All right.

- I got you, bud. Come on.
- That's the last one.

I counted , but
there's supposed to be .

Did I miscount?

No, no, me, too. out of ?


Wait a sec.


I think one of the
safety chains broke off.

I think there were

passengers, but
I think one of them...

was thrown off.

Well, if you're right,

then that passenger
could've been flung anywhere.

And in any condition
with a trauma like that.


MANNY: Hey, Chief. Chief.

We think a civilian might've
been thrown off this ride.

Broken safety chain on one of the seats.

Hey, Chris, last time you checked,

any of the safety chains
on this thing broken?


Good catch, Cap.

It wasn't my catch, Chief. It was Eve's.

So, now we've got a missing passenger

and a missing kid.

BODE: Hey, I... I think
it's the same person.

Kid name Jamie.


Shar, it's possible this kid

might've gotten flung
off the broken ride.

Wait, wait, you think
Jamie was on this ride?

This ride costs tickets.

That's the amount that
he asked you for, right?

Yeah, yeah, but he-he's way
too little for this ride.


- How could I let this happen?
- Aaron, look.

My parents, these crews
and I, we'll find him.

All right? Let my
family help your family.

All right, so Jamie's ten
years old, he's about pounds.

Brown hair and glasses.

Kid that small is gonna
have serious injuries.

He'll need immediate medical attention.

All right, Three Rock, we're
gonna split up into pairs.

Buddy system.

Jake, you're with me.

Hey, Cap.

I'm still shadowing you. Great.

BODE: Cap, uh,

Rebecca with me?

She's gonna be okay.

Stand up, probie.


Gabriela Perez.

Incident location?

Edgewater Winter Fair.

Highest ranking commanding officer?


You, ma'am.

Division Chief Leone.

Did you ignore a direct order from me

to return to this tent?

- I didn't...
- Come on.

Speak freely.

Do you know why I
choked at the Olympics?


At practice,

before the competition,

I saw a phenomenal diver
hit her head on the board.

She was just a fraction of an inch off.

And after that, every time I dove,

I flinched,

I flinched until...

I quit.

And-and after we...

After we couldn't save Meg
out there in the woods...

It's the same feeling,

except with someone
else's life on the line.

This theory is wildly misguided.

Sit down.

We are here to be of service.

And you, as a probie, are here to use

the skills you've acquired

and carry them out under the command of

a higher ranking officer.

That's it.

I understand. I will try and...

But, first, we have to deal
with these panic att*cks,

'cause you're not the
only one having them.

They come for all of us.

Your responsibility is to find
some tools to deal with them,

so you can earn being in my triage.

So you earn being a firefighter.

That's an order.

♪ ♪


He got flung this far,

it would've at least broken some bones,

and how could...

How would he have moved after that?

Uh, maybe something broke his fall?

Stuffed animals.

- These dolls could've cushioned his fall.
- Yeah.

Yeah, but he's still not here.

He was.

Why wouldn't he stay put?

Jamie? Jamie!


No luck.

You don't say.

Hey, Cap.

You know what?

Y-You gave me my credit back
there with Chief, and I...

(SIGHS) so I thought,
whatever this was, was over,

but obviously you need
to say something to me.

All right.

When you report back to your
little friends in Sacramento,

you can tell them whatever you want

about how I allocate my resources.

From this grade project

or whatever crumbs of
funding they may give me.

But you let them know
that everything I do,

and every choice I
make, it's for my guys.

- It's for their futures.
- Oh, I know. I can see that, Cap.

I-I'm not reporting back to Sacramento.

That's not...

- Then what are you doing?
- I... I'm shadowing you.

You're not trailing me?

No. The work you do excites me.

I-I love my job.

I love the rush that it gives me.

And sharing that rush with inmates

who otherwise wouldn't have
had the chance to do it?

It was a rush I wasn't expecting.

And I want more.

I see you and I see Bode,

and I see them,

and they deserve a second chance.

And you're out here giving it to 'em.

So I want to help you
argue for more funding.

That's why I'm asking questions.
I'm in your corner, Cap.

But you got to let me be.

It's no good.

Chief, I hate to say it,

but what if somebody took him?

I already notified PD,

but around here,

more likely somebody helped him.

(SIGHS) This kid running off

trying to sneak on rides
reminds me of the time

Bode skipped school and
went to Great America park.

I remember, uh, he was
worried you'd be so pissed

that he hid at my place
till you cooled off.

That's right, he did.

A kid in trouble will
always try to hide.

EVE: Jamie!


Hey, attention, and Three Rock.

This kid, he-he may
be more than just hurt.

He could be hiding
someplace. Let's get creative.

Okay? Let's, uh, broaden up the search.

Look for potential hiding spots.

Damn good hiding spot.


♪ ♪

SHARON (ECHOING): We have to
deal with these panic att*cks.

Under the command of a
higher ranking officer.

We are here to be of service.

You can earn being in my triage.



BODE: Jamie? Jamie, are you in here?


He could've hit his head.

You know, be disoriented in here.

- Okay, shh. You hear that?

Carny music from hell?

- No, wheezing.
- What?


Jamie. Jamie, where are you, buddy?


Oh, my God.



I think he's having an asthma attack.

- He's suffocating.

Hey. Hey, Jamie, Jamie.

Did you use your inhaler?

It's empty. Go grab
somebody from my dad's crew

and get a med bag.

- Go.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- Go. Hey.

Hey. Jamie.

Jaime, you'll be all right, okay?

We're gonna get you some help.



(PANTING): What?

- What... what's going on?
- Bode found the missing kid,

and he can't breathe.

He's in trouble, he
really needs your help

- Okay, yeah.
- Come on.


- Gabriela.

- Bode.
- I think he's having an asthma attack.

His inhaler's empty.

I think he stopped breathing.

He doesn't have... He
doesn't have a pulse.

- He needs CPR, now.
- Um...

No, D.C. Leone said that

I had to be ready to be of
service, and I'm not ready.

You are ready, you always have been.

You did it for me. You
can do it for Jamie.

Not trying would be so much worse.

Come on.


Um, starting compressions.


I need you to grab my radio
and ask for a nebulizer

- and albuterol.
- Incident Command,

Gabriela and I found
Jamie in the Kreepy Kastle.

He's having an asthma attack.
We need a nebulizer and...

- Albuterol!

SHARON: Copy. Sending a medic your way.

Probie, I know you'll
do everything you can.

- Be of service.
- Come on, breathe for me.

Breathe for me.

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

- Come on.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Okay. Okay, okay.

Bode, I need you to help me sit him up.

Is he... is he still having an attack?


but he's...

it'll help him breathe better.

- Okay, okay.

There you go. Okay.

- Over here? Yeah, we'll take him.
- (SIGHS) Okay.

Okay, come on.


Thank you for finding her.

It's the least I could do.

You two work well together.

You're lucky...

to have someone like
her waiting for you.

♪ ♪

AARON: Jamie?

Jamie. Hey. Hey, buddy. You okay?

Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

I snuck on the ride.

- I know.
- I'm sorry.

I know, bud. It's okay.
It's okay, all right?

Just take it easy. Keep that on there.

There you go.


Thank you.

The way I talked to you
earlier, that wasn't right, man.

It's in the past.

And, you know, uh, they-they should...

should've probably given the scholarship

to the player who was
early to every practice.



I think getting knocked down

taught me how to get back up.

Okay, buddy. You're gonna be okay.

I'm right here, all right?

I'm right here.

- MEDIC: Ready to lift?
- Yep.

Looks like you figured it out

just as quickly as I knew you would.

I'm sorry I wasn't my best.

No apology necessary except
for disobeying orders.

I think you just got
over a huge obstacle

to use your skills to help, and...

that's what this work is all about.


Apology accepted. Now we move on.


Hey, Eve.

Hold up a sec.

- Nice work, y'all.
- Yup.

- Good work today.
- Thanks.


I hit a little bit of a rough patch

a while back, and I...

think you noticed.

On Charlie's last day,
yeah. You were tired.


You told me to get help.

I did.


Look, I made my mess, Eve,

and talking to you
today about funding...

I overreacted.

I'm sorry.

You know, um...

on that day,

you told me you see me.

And I believed you.

I do.

You're an exceptional firefighter, Eve.

And I know Jake gets a lot of the glory,

but you,

you're quietly taking care of business,

and I respect the hell out of that.

And I learned today that you
do get the joy of fire camp

and of this work.

But I got to warn you, man.

There is no glamour in my job.

I don't scare easily, man.

I know you don't.

Stop by Three Rock next week.

Maybe boss Bode around a little bit.


That makes it worth it, baby.



- Oh, hey, Cara, uh...

Found this guy.


So, um...

Was this the worst first
date that you've ever had?

I got to help people.

(CHUCKLES): And I've been
on way worse first dates.


Hey, listen, um,

about what we were talking about,

before, you know...

All hell broke loose?


Cara, I... (SIGHS)

Cara, I have baggage.

I mean, Bode, Riley.


♪ ♪

I'm trying to own it.

So I hope that it's not too
much of a deal-breaker for you.

You're skipping to baggage
before I get to know you.


Not you from high school,

not Bode's best friend,

but you.

So, what I'm hearing is...

there might be a second date?

What I'm saying is...

the first date doesn't have to be over.

♪ ♪

- Mm. Ah.


Let me silence this.


I am... I'm-I'm so
sorry. This is important.

- Oh.
- I mean, not...

- (LAUGHS) I know.
- You know, not that this isn't...

Go. Go, go be Superman.

This is Jake.



Sneaking in the women's camp.

What a gentleman.


Grade project today was pretty surreal.

Yeah. I almost screwed it up.


You helped save a kid.


Thanks to you.


It was both of us.

You know, having you to talk to
has changed my whole world here.

What do you mean?


I'm no Miss Congeniality.

Okay? I argue, and I flirt.

- Sometimes at the same time.

I don't make friends easy,

and fire camp has been
really lonely for me.

Until you.

Yeah, I-I've been thinking.

You've got this bad track just
playing on repeat in your head.

I know the feeling.

So, I, um...

I got you something to make it stop.


Music costs a pretty penny in here.

It's nothing for a friend in need.


Yeah, I dig that.


♪ Put a smile on your face ♪

♪ Tell me the truth ♪

♪ What really makes you happy? ♪


This getup actually worked
out pretty well for me today.

Got about a half dozen phone numbers

- stuffed under my sash.
- Oh, shut up.

When I said: "Go out
into the community,"

I did not mean Edgewater's
most eligible divorcées.

Okay, come on.

Let's-let's play a game.


I'm gonna win you a prize.

♪ Yes, you know that I would be ♪

♪ In a world gone crazy... ♪



Uh, Panda, please.

Okay. Panda.

- It's all yours.
- All right.

♪ I know we're gonna make it... ♪

I am a little worried
that whenever I do go,

I'm gonna miss you forever.

JAKE: Sharon.

(PANTING) Sharon.

The donor team just called.

I got approved for the transplant.



I'm gonna give you
my kidney, officially.

Oh, come on now.

Are you really sure
that you want to do this?


(LAUGHING): I'm gonna get a kidney.

Thank you.

♪ Smiles on faces ♪

♪ We're putting smiles on faces. ♪