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01x06 - Transference

Posted: 02/10/23 20:09
by bunniefuu
The designees are the ones
who are really in charge.

That's you.

It's next week. It's a rally.

- What for?
- She's a witch.

There's a crowd online who are saying

that the women were
burned for being like us.

They are not like us.

Let Sip go.


- Obey this man.
- He's the Witchfinder of the king.

She begged for blessin'
from her dark lord,

a demon! I'd be running.

Those words are wicked.
Never speak them.

What do you want from me?

Only this.





♪ ♪






- _
- No.






Never before

have there been fewer men in government,

in the media, in our
courts and factories,

our military, our military!

And never before have we had
less control over our lives.

We have rolled over,
given up, drinkin' a beer,

scrollin' our phones,
playin' a video game,

ceding our livelihoods and our dignity

to a powerful cabal of women

who have only just begun

their slow and careful
overturning of our lives.

You know who they are.

And you know what they are.

Go ahead, say it!


- Say it!
- CROWD: Witches!

- Say it!
- CROWD: Witches!

- Say it!
- CROWD: Witches!

That's right.



♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Leave me alone.

♪ ♪

Are you gone?

♪ ♪

I'm always with you.

I'm a part of you...

The part you pretend not to see

when you look in the mirror.


♪ ♪

Is it good?

♪ ♪


Fire can feel good too.

♪ ♪

See what happens when you touch it.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

It's not so hard to be happy, is it?

♪ ♪


What are you doing?


I got hungry.

Was he here?

- What?
- Was he here?


Well, why are you wearing that?


Oh, I don't know.

You don't remember putting it on?


♪ ♪

He is here.

♪ ♪

I don't understand how he's getting in

with all the protections on this place.

Yeah, but the first night you were here,

he couldn't get in.

He set that fire to flush you out, so...


What's changed?

♪ ♪

The necklace.

It's giving him access to you somehow.

Here. Let me take a look at it.

♪ ♪


It connects him to you, obviously,

but you were connected
before you put this on.

So maybe it's some sort
of amplifier or conduit.

I'll get it out of the apartment.

Then we'll see.

I'll get it to the Talamasca.



- Give it to me!
- Ow, Rowan!

Give it to me!

Don't come near me!

- It's mine! You can't have it!
- Okay.

Stay away from me! It's mine!

- All right.
- No, stay there!

You can't have it!

- It's mine!
- Rowan.

It's mine.

♪ ♪

He's in my head.

He won't stop.

He won't leave me alone.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

[GASPS] I... I lied.

- I'm sorry I lied.
- It's okay.

It's okay.

Hey, look at me.

- Okay?

- Rowan.

- Okay?
- Yeah, yeah.

- Okay?
- Here, take it.

All right.


All right, I'm goin'.

And you be safe.


♪ ♪

You be safe.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- Hi.
- Hi. Come on in.


Thanks for meeting me.

Sure. What's going on?

Here, sit.

Oh, yeah.

I have to show you something.

You okay?


How are you so calm about this?

It... that's your mother's heart.

Well, I've seen a lot of hearts.

Who's NiteNite ?

Do you want some coffee?

- Sure.
- Yeah? Okay.

He's just this assh*le
who's been DM'ing me.

So I tracked him all the
way to a fringe imageboard,

and it turns out, there's
a whole group of them

posting about witches.

Are they the ones burning women?

I don't know. Uh, probably.

I mean, not this guy.
He's just some local.

But he... he's spreading it.

And now he has Deirdre's heart.

He... he's actually right.
He has a witch's heart.

We have to do something.

I mean, this is our family, your family.

I know it's probably different,

coming into all of this so suddenly.

I mean, you got to live your whole life

thinking you were normal,
but you're not normal.

You're one of us.

And we don't have the
option to walk away.

When they come for us,

we have to stand together and fight,

or they'll destroy us.

It's what they've been
doing for centuries.

If this is that important,

where's the rest of the family?

They don't take it as
seriously as they should.

I thought maybe you'd be different.

Tessa, look.

I admire your instinct and
conviction towards justice,

but I'm not a vigilante.

I don't... I don't wanna get involved.

You got involved with Carlotta.

That was different. I was in danger.

Okay. Sorry.

A heart is not a person. It's a muscle.

It's nothing worth risking
your safety over at all,

under any circumstances.

The heart of the
designee is sacred to him.

You know how these guys on the Internet

are in your head and
you can't stop thinking

about what they're saying?

He's like that for me.

He's trolling me.

And I don't like it,
and I don't want it.

Do you know what my power is?


I have the power to glamour.

My awesome witch power

is that I can put a man under a trance

for a few minutes so
they can't think straight.

[LAUGHING] I mean, what
kind of power is that?

But you, you have real power
right at your fingertips,

and... and you're doing
everything you can not to use it.

Because there's a price with him.

I don't want his power.

I want my own power on my own terms.

Do you understand that?

Tessa, listen.

My advice to you is,
don't feed the trolls.

Just go live your life.

Maybe you should go do the same.

I wish I could, believe me.

I... I wish I could, but that's just...

that's just not possible anymore.

Are you sure?

Or is that something
he wants you to believe?


Rowan Fielding is here to see you.

Ah. Oh.

Well, what a nice surprise.

How are you settlin' in the house?

Oh, I'm not.

I won't be.

Well, it's been ours
since we came from Haiti.

I can't imagine it sittin' there empty.

Do you want it?

I'd sell it to you for a dollar.

can't let you do that.

That's just bad business. [LAUGHS]


I can see there's mud in your pump.

Here, sit down. Have some tea.

Uh, tell me all about it.


You're just not used to him is all.

As soon as you settle
into your new role,

I know you'll find him useful.

No, I want him gone.


Now, he spooked you, didn't he?

The... the... the
incident with Carlotta.

Why does everyone assume
they know what happened?

Well, are we wrong?

- Here. Sugar?
- No. Thank you.

Now, I understand how
that would be upsetting.

But you don't have
anything to be afraid of.

Take the reins. Tell him what you want.

He's part of you.

No, I want that part cut out.

Well, um,

I wish I could help,
but it's impossible.



How long have you known?

Known what, cher?

And your... your tea's gettin' cold.

The ALS.

How long since it was diagnosed?


You mustn't tell anyone.

Jojo in particular
would not take it well.

Everybody's gonna find out soon enough.

Your lung function is very impaired.

Have you started cell therapy?

[SIGHS] Yeah.

Last week.

That's good.

There are a number of new treatments.

If you want me to
consult with your doctor

and review your treatment
plan, I'd be happy to.

Thank you.


If you knew there was a way
for me to remove the disease

from your body completely,

you would want me to
do it, wouldn't you?

Of course.

That's exactly how I feel.

I want my own self back.

So why won't you help me?


Oh, he can't be gotten rid of.


But a transfer was performed once

for Katherine Mayfair

to her brother, my father, Julien.

How do we do it?

Uh, I wouldn't know where to start.

♪ ♪

But my cousin Dolly Jean might know.

I can talk to her.

Please, yes. Yes. Thank you.

Now, I have an idea.

I wonder if you could help me out.

You know, we run the
Mayfair wing at NOLA Medical.

Would you do a walk-through with Jojo?

She's on the board,
and we're doing a review

of our care model.

I would love your expert opinion.

♪ ♪

I'm sure there are many experts here.

And you're asking me to
do a favor for you, cher.

I mean, surely you'll
grant me the same courtesy.

Now, you come from a
long line of healers.

And you're makin' 'em all proud.

♪ ♪

If I can understand how the connection

between Lasher and the family began,

then I have a better
chance of ending it.

But it's a magical object, Ciprien.

There's no way to
predict what will happen

when you connect with it.

It could be very different.

I can't promise to keep you safe.

No, but I'll feel much
better with you watching me.

♪ ♪

We should take this to the mother house.

We need real guidance.

There's no time for that.

You ready?

You can stay here with
me, or I can do it alone.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Oh, no.

She helped Marcus.

Aye, aye, Suzanne helped me.






No! No!

No! No!

No! No!

Isn't this a little early, even for you?


You could blame her.

She's driven me to it.

She has and quickly.

I can't fathom for the life of me

why you think we should
capitulate to this.

We can't exactly force her
to behave like a designee.

Have you tried?

After years of Carlotta
strangling the power

out of the designee,

we need someone to lead us
who believes in this family.

♪ ♪

Uh, Rowan, uh, raised out of the nest,

so perhaps it's too much
to ask her to change.

But will he change?

♪ ♪


He might.

And if he doesn't,

so be it.

♪ ♪

I did find something

in your father's diary.

♪ ♪


she'll be taking a risk.

Perhaps warning her would be enough

to get her to change her mind.

You think it's still in the house?

I know where to look.

Uh, one hiccup.

For this to work,

the family's going to
need Deirdre's blessing.

And how we get that, only heaven knows.

♪ ♪

I'll call him.

♪ ♪

But don't give me too much credit.

I was just being sentimental.

We are fully dedicated to
becoming a world-class institution,

and that includes actively searching

for a new chief of neurosurgery.

I'm very flattered, but
San Francisco's my home.

[SIGHS] Is it, though?

I mean, what's... what's there for you?

My job, for one.

Sure, but at this job,
you'd be your own boss.

Okay, may I at least tell my dad

you're thinking about it?

You can tell your dad whatever you want.


What's down this way?

Is everything okay?


♪ ♪

Not really.

He won't leave me alone.

I wish I knew how to help you.

God, there are people in our family

who would k*ll to have him.

I don't mean that literally.

Are you sure?


♪ ♪



Are you okay?

Uh, I'm sorry.

I have visions sometimes,
uh, premonitions.

Oh, wow. What did you just see?

I need to take you to
the house to meet someone.


She's here.

♪ ♪

Thank you, darlin'.

Thank you so much for doing this for me.

Don't thank me yet.

♪ ♪

This way, dear. Come and talk with us.

I'll be right in.
Just one... one minute.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


The object of the ceremony

is to transfer the power
to a female next of kin.

- Okay.
- Are they comin'?

They'll be here, the ones who matter.

They all need to come.

They all matter.

And you will also need to do your part.

Whatever it takes.

That's well put, because
it may take something.

What do you mean?

Lasher is connected to
our family's bloodline,

to your matrilineal bloodline,

the blood that's been
flowin' through your veins

since you were conceived.

A connection to him has
always been there inside you,


If we're successful and he leaves you,

you may suffer other losses as well.

Other losses like what?

I hear you have a medical intuition.

Like many doctors, I do, yes.

You don't believe your
gifts have helped you

in your profession?

Are you saying that without Lasher,

I'll lose ten years
of medical experience

and my board certification?

Bear with me, sweetheart.

I'm not trying to set
your teeth on edge.

But you need to know the risks
before you commit to this.

My ability as a surgeon is my own.

It has nothing to do with him.

Everyone who walks into that
room today is taking on risk.

They all know that, and so should you.

How it goes is down to him

and how he responds to your request.

Is it worth it, Rowan?

Who will he go to if this works?

That, I don't know.

She must choose him,
and he must choose her.


Must be years since
anyone's been in here.

Carlotta locked the door
and threw away her key.

She didn't clean anything out.

I imagine she tried

and was met with some... resistance.

This was her father's workshop,
and he left it protected.

♪ ♪


Was he a doctor too?

A banker with a penchant for necromancy.

♪ ♪

There it is.

Get this for me, would you, dear?

♪ ♪

Well, open it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Bring her out.

♪ ♪

Whose bones are these?


She was assembled with
parts from all the designees.

♪ ♪

She's their tangible
presence in this world.

Stella's teeth,

Mary Beth's fingernails.

Her head is Deborah's hip bone.

The body of the designee
is sacred to the man.

That's why Julien used
her in his ceremony,

and that's why we're using her tonight.

To do something of this magnitude,

we need their blessing.

You understand?


Now, here's the final piece.

♪ ♪

Cut from your mother's head.

♪ ♪

Go on, now.

Braid it in.

♪ ♪

Sweetheart, if you want this to work,

you need to behave like a Mayfair.

If you let your rational
mind get in the way,

we may as well stop right now.

Okay, braid it in.


♪ ♪

Braid it in.

- Like this?
- Mm-hmm.

♪ ♪

They say fire's a horrible way to die.

- That's right.
- Yeah.

So let's talk about this woman,

Polly Jenkins, an
entrepreneur from Memphis

burned alive yesterday
with a stack of garbage.

Now, if you listen to the media,

they will tell you
that she was a victim.

But a victim is someone who
has something done to them, yes?

- Yes.
- Yep.

Nobody made Polly Jenkins
practice witchcraft.

- No.
- In fact,

you can read her testimony.

On her own website, she
says that she lost her faith

in the values of the Christian church

and she found them in sisterhood.

- Shame!
- Ooh!

She also talks about a network

of women empowering each other.

She pretty much spells
it out right there, folks.

There are women in this country

who have made a deal with
the devil to have it all,

and Polly Jenkins was one of them.

- Yeah!
- That's right!

She is not a victim.


And I am here today to tell you

that women like Polly Jenkins are hoping

that we will just stand back and watch

while they take control

not just of the places where we live

and work and worship

but our government.

- No way!
- And our military!

- No!
- And you.

You are here today because you know

that these women are not victims

and because you are not willing
to cede control of your lives.

- No way!
- You're going to fight.

- Yeah!
- Aren't you?

You're gonna make sure that any woman

that makes a deal with
the devil gets burned!





To the river!

- Aye!


Aye. Aye.

Let's go, witch!



Have mercy!

I've done no wrong!

I've done no wrong!

ALL: Suzanne.





Marie Claudette.



Mary Beth.





- Suzanne.
- Now the doll.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


mothers of our mothers,

bearers of our coven,

on this night, we ask

that you give us your blessing.

Honor our appeal.

Welcome Lasher into this room

so that he may be
bound to another witch.

We beseech you.

Grant us this request.

We beseech you.

Grant us this request.

We beseech you.

Grant us this request.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

In your family who you
suspect of witchcraft,

you have to report it.

Great speech.

Thank you, brother.

The other thing, too, is
that if you see something,

you need to take your camera out.

You heard about the Mayfairs?

Right? I mean, you've heard the rumors?

- Who are you?
- I'm Keith Murfis.

How you doin', Keith?


Look at this.


That's Deirdre Mayfair's heart.

How did you get this?

Work in the morgue.

♪ ♪


Look at this.

I have in my hands the heart of a witch!


Come get a good look.

♪ ♪

All right.




Oh, no.





CROWD: Witch! Witch!

Use the wicked words!

CROWD: Witch! Witch!

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

- Mi Daemon, mihi labora.
Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

- Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

He's still yours. You need to call him.

Use the words I taught you.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Like you mean it.

Call him.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

- Mi Daemon, mihi labora.
- Y'all help her.

ALL: Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.


ALL: Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

- Something's happening.
- Mi Daemon...

I feel it!


Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me...


He's coming. Keep going!

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.
Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.
Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.
Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.



♪ ♪

All of this to be rid of me.

♪ ♪


But look at you.

After years of hiding who you are,

you're finally
uncovering your true self.

Why would you forsake her?

I can be myself without you.

♪ ♪

There are risks to what you're doing.

You understand them?

I do.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪



- [GAGS]
- Wait.




♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Shall I?

Be brave.

♪ ♪

Tessa, no.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

He has chosen.



♪ ♪

Oh, congratulations.


- Well done.
- You did it.

Ah. Oh, my dear.


- Can you still see?
- Yes.

It wasn't him. It was always me.

I'm fine.


Then why do you look so sad?


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Something has happened. Your mind races.


The necklace is gone.

You must find your own
way out of the memory.


♪ ♪

Whenever you're ready,

here I am.

Tessa! Come downstairs!

We're gonna celebrate!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪




- Hi.
- Here you are.


NiteNite , right?


Did you bring it?


Oh, it's in there.


That's, uh, really cool.


How'd you get it?


smart, I guess.

You are smart. [CHUCKLES]

I can tell just by looking at you.

[ECHOING] Are your eyes blue or green?

♪ ♪


You're really sweet, aren't you?

♪ ♪

People don't know that
about you, but I do.

And I know you wanna give me that heart.

♪ ♪

Look who came to our party.

I told you.

That's Tessa Mayfair.

Good work, son.


Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon, mihi labora.

Mi Daemon, me libera.

Mi Daemon, ad me veni.

Mi Daemon...


On the next episode
of "Mayfair Witches"...

I'm just looking for Tessa.

Tessa's not in her room.

GIRL: Help!

CORTLAND: If he's not with her,

and he's not with you, where is he?

We have a chance to
give proof of witchcraft.

No more hiding in the shadows.

Get me outta here!

WOMAN: Use the words.

Lasher, why won't you come to me?



Leave me alone.

SPALDING: Rowan isn't so much conflicted

about whether she wants
Lasher in her life or not

as she is conflicted about who she is.

Are you gone?

Is she truly a witch?

She knows how she felt
when she k*lled Carlotta.

She knows that she did that.

LASHER: I'm always with you.

I'm a part of you... the part

you pretend not to see
when you look in the mirror.

She's denying who she is,

and Lasher is the
instrument of sort of torment

for saying to her,
"See who you truly are.

I can help you do that."

And part of that is acknowledging

you are a Mayfair and
we are bound together.

And together, we make
this powerful being,

and you want that."


Fire can feel good, too.

See what happens when you touch it.


Parts of what he is offering
are incredibly seductive.

She's torn.

She can't be both the powerful witch

that Lasher says she
is and also be with Cip.

CIPRIEN: What are you doing?



Was he here?



All right.

How are you so calm about this?

That's your mother's heart.

Well, I've seen a lot of hearts.

Tessa is really a foil for Rowan.

We have to do something.

It... This is our family. Yourfamily.

Tessa is a young woman in the family.

She wishes she had more power.

So Tessa is calling on Rowan and saying,

"You need to take on the mantle

of what it is to be a
Mayfair and to be a witch.

When they come for us,
we have to stand together

and fight, or they'll destroy us.

It's what they've been
doing for centuries.

You have real power
right at your fingertips,

and you're doing everything
you can not to use it.

Because there's a price with him.

And Rowan is saying, "I don't want that.

I didn't ask for that."

This is not a battle that
I want or would choose.

Just go live your life.


Maybe you should go do the same.

That's... That's just
not possible anymore.

Are you sure?

Or is that something
hewants you to believe?


WOMAN: Rowan Fielding
is here to see you.


She goes to Cortland to
say, "Help me out here.

Is there a way to get rid of him?"

You don't have anything to be afraid of.

Take the reins. Tell him what youwant.

He's part of you.

I want that part cut out.

Well, um, I wish I could help,

- but it's impossible.

She realizes in that moment

that Cortland is very unwell.





The ALS...

how long since it was diagnosed?

And I love that Rowan
becomes really a doctor

in this moment, in this scene with him,

and is very compassionate.

If you want me to
consult with your doctor

and review your treatment
plan, I'd be happy to.

Thank you.

But she also uses it

as a way to convince
Cortland to help her.

If you knew there was a way for me

to remove the disease
from your body completely,

you would want me to
do it, wouldn't you?

Of course.

Exactly how I feel.

So why won't you help me?


But, you know, Cortland
is always selfish.

He has other reasons
to do what he's doing.

You're asking me to do
a favor for you, chère.

I mean, surely, you'll
grant me the same courtesy.


Ciprien is trying to understand

Lasher's connection
to the Mayfair women.

And he touches the key
in order to understand it.

It's a memory. He can't help Suzanne.

It's not like he's time-traveled.

This is a memory in the past.

But he's able to watch it.



So, the origin story of that necklace

is really that it's an
emblem of her own freedom.

And it connects her to Lasher.


WOMEN: ... Charlotte,



SPALDING: Rowan is really
going to begin to see

the beauty of the women
of the Mayfair family...

their connection to each other,

their willingness to be there for her

to help her through this
transition in this ceremony.

She's really gonna start to
feel like a part of this family.

I love that it's in the act
of trying to get rid of Lasher

that she really finds a
place there in the Mayfairs

and feels connected to the family

for the first time.







SPALDING: The necklace, in
our contemporary timeline,

can only be in one place at one time.

And when it comes out of Rowan's throat

and around the neck of Tessa,

it has disappeared from the room,

and the Talamasca has
disappeared from Cip's hands.

He's no longer holding it,

which means he can't release it.

And he is now trapped in this memory.

You must find your own
way out of the memory.
