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02x11 - Belly of the Beast

Posted: 02/10/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
You're telling me
that I... that I...

You came up here
to sleep with your daughter.

N-No. No, I mean...

No. I-I-I feel like I wouldn't
have let it get that far.



I-I had no idea you existed.

[sighs] But, look,

now that I do,
I recognize your eyes,

your ears, your hair.

So much like your mother.

I'll never forget meeting her.

It was love at first sight.

- [laughter]
- We talked till sunrise

about music and dirty jokes,

our hopes and fears.

Every moment with her showed me

a new way to be happy.

I spent my whole life
looking for pleasure.

I never thought
I'd find romance.

She unlocked my soul.

[whip cracks]

But then,
as quickly as it started...

...the world got in the way.

And all these years,
I never got over Lea.

Always holding on to hope that

somehow, somewhere,

our love could live forever.

That's not my mum.

Are you sure?

You f*cking assh*le!

W... Uh, wait, wait.
Uh... Phoebe? Janet?


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Christy? Clara? Coriander?

I feel like
it starts with a "C."

Her name was Sybil,

and you left her
like she was nothing,

just another one of your
conquests to bed.

Mum raised me alone,

struggled endlessly
to support us.

She deserved better,

but instead she got you,

a selfish gnome

who doesn't even
remember her name.

[Scanlan] [sighs] I really
am awful.

Don't try that with me.

No, it's the truth.

I've made a lifetime
of mistakes, and...

I'm not sure why I'm this way,

but my heart is breaking
a hundred times

for not knowing about you.

So, go on, s*ab me.

- I won't resist.
- [heavy breathing]

You've earned it.


No. No.

That'd be helping you
run away again.

So I'll do worse than k*ll you.

I'll leave you with this burden.

It's yours now...


Kaylie, wait. [grunts]

If you just... [grunts]



Stupid thing. Ow.

P-Please just...

Let me...


[all] Cheers.



Grog, why does your keg say
"For Animal Consumption Only"?

I don't know. [burps]

[grunts, laughs] But I'm gonna
need another round.

- So I said, "You can certainly..."
- For me?

- Oh, thank you.
- [half-giant] Hey, that's mine.

All right, brother,
got us some drinks.


[ravens calling]


[Vax] The hell?


[indistinct whispering]

usher us into the beyond.



The f*ck do you want from me?

[ravens calling]

She's watching.

Some night, huh?


Have you ever...

Ah, it's stupid, never mind.

No, go ahead.


Have you ever...
had your life change, and...

you don't know what comes next?

[Scanlan] Since we've all
been together? Daily.

Change is constant.

Running's always been my answer.

[sighs] I'm starting
to think that, yeah,

the worst things in life
come from fear, but...

maybe the best things do, too.

You don't get to choose
your part in the play,

but a true performer
commits anyway.

Oh, uh, sorry.

Th-This isn't helpful.

You're saying you can't
let fear hold you back.

I guess I am.

Take the plunge.

Westruun has been
bled dry, Thordak.

Then why have you not
delivered my gold?

There is one more item
to acquire.

Another vestige
even more powerful than this.

More distractions.

I assure you, my king,
all will be delivered in time

for your emergence.

If this delays you
by even a day, Umbrasyl,

your flesh will burn.


[Anna] He underestimates
your power.

With those gauntlets,
you wouldn't have to grovel

to Thordak any longer.

One last collection,

then I melt this city
and pull them from the wreckage.

You get power,

and I get resources.


A deal is a deal.

[overlapping chatter]

Let me know when the troupe's
ready to leave, Dr. Dranzel.

Can't wait to be rid
of this place.

[Dranzel] Should be
ready soon, Kaylie.


Take it easy on the partying.

Looks like you
didn't sleep a wink.

Uh, hey, Pike, c-can I ask
for some... priestly advice?

Uh... I guess. What's up?

[sighs] Okay, uh,

say you just found out
you had a-a puppy,

and you try to...

sleep with that puppy.

[groans] Please, God,
tell me this is a metaphor.

Right. Listen up.

If we're going up
against a dragon,

we need a good plan.

[man coughs]

So... do you, uh...

- have one?
- Have one what?

Perhaps I can be of assistance.

For starters, a dragon
has an aerial advantage,

so it's vital we keep it
grounded. Now,

- I was thinking we implement Gersh's law...
- [groaning]

...of opposing forces
and set a trap

that requires our enemy
to activate.

Obviously, we would need
a few fail-safes, but I

think if we had
the proper materials,

here's how it could be done.

[ravens calling]

You can come out, Vex.
I heard you four blocks ago.

Ugh, don't flatter yourself.

I wasn't the one
making that racket.

[chuckles] Hi.

Uh, wow, you guys are good.

Am I really that loud?

So, care to tell us why
you're sneaking out?

The Matron of Ravens.

She's in my head, calling.

So, I thought I'd try answering.

We'll come with you.

I put you in this place.

No one put me here,

and I need to find
these answers on my own.

Do not go far from me.

[echoing] Hello?


[door closes]

[Keyleth] I mean, the little
I've heard about the Matron's

flock is super creepy.

They're into t*rture
and starvation

and ceremonial flaying
and enemas and...

Keyleth, stop.

When I get nervous,
I... talk. [chuckles]

He's just been
so closed off lately.

I know you have feelings
for him.

[chuckles] Wow, yeah.

This isn't something
we have to talk about now,

or... [stammers] ever, honestly.

I know my brother, and...

I know he still cares for you.

You think?

Uh, I mean, maybe, but
with of all this to deal with,

I mean, does that even matter?

It always matters.

Vex, what should I do?

[Vex] Don't let him get away.

[Vax] I don't understand.

Where do I...?

If there's some sort of pact
between us,

I'm here to honor it.

What would you have of me?


Take the plunge.



[Matron of Ravens] Champion.


[Matron of Ravens] Vax'ildan.

You've come at last.

My sister lives.

That debt will be paid.

What do you want? My life?

My soul?

Or am I to be your puppet?

[Matron of Ravens] The Threads
of Fate are not puppet strings.

[echoing] They connect life
to destiny.

You are fate-touched,

able to see and bend
the threads around you.

Understand the wholeness

of what you serve, champion.

All the living share
one experience:


Your mother,
your sister, even you.

We must safeguard
that beautiful moment

when the soul transitions
to a new purpose.

The souls I've been seeing,

you want me to shepherd them?

In a sense, yes.

Protecting the sanctity

between life and death.

That is our cause.

Your cause.

Do you accept this charge?

What choice do I have?

I accept.

[Matron of Ravens] [echoing]
You're afraid of dying.

- Of course I am.
- [echoing] Don't be.

I've been watching you
longer than you know.

Recklessly drawn
to your destiny,

like a flame. [sighs]

My beautiful champion.

There is much to fear,

but not death.

For it gives meaning

[echoing] to life.



She was always there,
wasn't she?


- We were so worried about...
- [gasps]

What the f*ck?

I'm fine. I'm better than fine.

You are not fine.
Whose blood is that?

I saw her. The path we're on,

it's the right one,
and she's watching.

- [stammers] But...
- Let's head back.

- I'll explain on the way.
- Okay.

And so, the addition of pressure

activates the coils
of the cross post, which,

when coupled with the jaw hinge
tension screw, [door closes]

delivers the restraint,

anchoring the target
to the baseplate.

Simplicity itself.

- [Herdsman coughs]
- [Herdsman ] Uh... what?


dig... there.

[overlapping chatter]

[sighs] The digging
isn't the important part. Here,

pay attention to how
the trap will... [screaming]

Son of a bitch!

He's not very smart, is he?

[Zanror] Grog.

- This belongs to you now.
- Wh...

Kevdak's Bloodaxe?


May you wield it more honorably
than my father.

Um, do you talk?

Nothing to say?


Phew. I'll take it.

[Dranzel] Well, wagon's ready.

[Scanlan] Kaylie, I...

Look, you don't
have to talk to me.

Okay? I-I just wanted to say...
I can change.

No more brothels.

- Ugh.
- [Scanlan] Oh, yeah, I-I know

that sounds super gross,
but it's actually

a big step for me. I...

[door opens]

Wait, can you tell me
where you're going?

As far from these dragons
as we can.

- Maybe Ank'Harel.
- In Marquet?

- [horse neighs]
- What do you care?

Look, something has always
been lacking in me,

and I think you might be it.

I realize I'm not
the dad you wanted,

but I could try to be.

After all the wrong you've done,

you'd have to do
a hell of a lot right.

Well, at least take this back.

I don't want anything from you.

[horse neighs]

♪ ♪

- [Percy] Everyone ready?
- [others grunt in approval]

[Grog] Okay,
let's slay a dragon.

[Keyleth] half-giants,
three vestiges, and...

one Percy trap.

Why do I feel like
that's not enough?

As long as Umbrasyl
steps on the pressure plate... will work.

And if it doesn't?

[chuckles] Then all hell
breaks loose.

[fire crackling]

[wind gusts]

- [high-pitched ringing]
- [groans]


Their smallest offering yet.

You are wise to not show
your faces today.


[footfalls thudding]


Damn it.



[Grog] Fire!

- [overlapping shouting]
- [roaring]

Keep the dragon down!


[Scanlan] ♪ Lightning
in your face! ♪


Going somewhere?



Don't hold back!
We've got him right where we...




My power cannot be contained.


That's new.

- Where'd he go?
- Can't see shit. - I can't see.

- To blood!
- [others yelling]

Damn it.




- [screams]
- Keyleth.


Nothing's working.
Use the Titanstone Knuckles.

All right, let's do this.

[Umbrasyl] Can't hit
what you can't see.


[Umbrasyl] But I can see you.


[Vax] Scanlan.


You trying to get
yourself k*lled?

Sorry, I just...
I got shit to prove.

[chuckles] You?

I found out I'm the champion
of the Matron of Ravens.

- I found out I'm a father.
- [groans]

[sighs] You win.

Okay, look, I got a plan,
but it's f*cking crazy.

Well, those are the best kind.

We need to get inside
that dragon.

What? Inside?

Through a mouth
full of acid? No way.

There is a way. The other way.

Got you.



[gasps] Where are they going?

♪ Scanlan's hand! ♪



[whimpers] Oh, God.

[Scanlan and Vax screaming]

[both grunt]


I didn't actually think
this would work.

Eh, it really shouldn't have.

Right, let's see this fucker
try to fly away now.

[screaming, roaring]

[laughs] You leave

when Scanlan Shorthalt
tells you to leave.

[both gasp]

[pained growling]

He's down. Hit him
with everything we got!


[Vex] Ready?



[Umbrasyl] You...
cannot contain me.

You will not.

[pained roar]


[grunts] Scanlan.

[laughs] Failures.

I have your vestige,

and I will possess them all!


We can't let him get away.




[Grog screams]

Oh, no.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
