Mistletoe Time Machine (2022)

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Mistletoe Time Machine (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

[instrumental music]

[upbeat music]



-Dad, seriously, stop!


[Peter]You asked me to tape

your performance.

No. The one on Friday!

When we crush

the Holiday Showdown!

Yeah. We're gonna be



We learned everything already,


This is not what we rehearsed.

Listen, we get that buzzer,

our one shot is over!

Okay? Just follow my lead.

Everything's gonna be fine.

-Oh! I think I'm gonna be

sick! -Dad...

Dad, stop it! Okay?


Not behind

[instrumental music]

Gotta break free

We'll see

and I'll be all I can be


Just give me a chance

'cause it's my time to shine

[music continues]

[party popper pops]

[audience cheering]


[buzzer buzzing]

Yeah yeah...

[buzzer buzzing]


[buzzer buzzing]

Ohoh oh

Yeah yeah yeah


[buzzer buzzing]


[Young Ishani]Give me that

buzzer, you...

[shutter clicking]

We've been in...

I see you lookin' this way...


Let's go, girl. You got this.

Today is the best day

of your life!

Go hit that new new

We bring that

good energy...

[machine beeping]



How's my favorite new client?

I'm being att*cked!

Did you see my post?

No. Let me see.

We got that big wow...

Ooh! [chuckles] The one of you

by the pool with

the "Save The Orphans" hashtag

and "Imagine" lyrics?

Yeah. It's a great song.

I'm-I'm just showing

my support for the orphans.

Haters need to stop attacking

the people who are

trying to help.

[man] Come on! Push it!

OMG! Do you have guy over

right now?

No. No.

[Jessalyn]Is that why

you're so out of breath?

[Jessalyn]Stop! OMG!

I love this for you.

You seem like a loner.

Yeah. Okay.

Uh, delete the video, I'll send

over an apology for you to post.



Actually, you're my assistant,

not my manager.

Just order some coconut

water for me, okay?

Stress make me so dehydrated.


Just don't forget my straws

next time, okay?




[instrumental music]



We got that big wow...

[Mei-Ling] Thank you so much

for tips on the bucket hat.

So cool. I appreciate

all of your support

as I work on my latest single.

Yes, yes. Chad and I will do

an update together soon.

But until then...


We love you all.




[shutter clicking]

[Chad] Mei-Ling.

Where's my passport?

Chad, our therapist said that

we should be spending

more time together,

if we want to save our marriage.

People are asking where you are.

London calls.

Myla wants to record

at Abbey Road.

She's going with you?

Abbey Road? But you said

it was impossible

to get that studio.

Well, yes, for you.

Not for her.

She's the hottest thing

right now.

But she only does auto-tune.

When has that ever mattered?

[phone buzzing]

Hey! Papa Peter!

[Kyla] Mom, please?

[Taijah] Baby, you gonna

eat your food?

Don't just pick at it.

At least do the tour.

West Parkdale Academy

is totally legit!

Going to an arts school will

only limit your future.

-I know I want to be a singer.

-You gonna help me out here?

Feel like you got this, babe.


I wasted my high school years

on songwriting.

And when my music failed,

I had nothing.

I know you're a good singer,

but you'll find other passions,

like me.

Insurance is not a passion.

Trust me. Steady paycheck and

benefits are a dream come true.

[Kyla] Dad, help me out here.


I love you?


Uh, I love you, too?

[Taijah sighs]

-Hey, Peter.


Uh, Just checking to make sure

you're still

able to help me pack tomorrow?

-I'm gonna miss that place.

-[Peter]I know.

But, it's time to downsize.



I need to get out of here.

I can't wait to see you!

-You sure you're coming?

-I will be there.

I'm not gonna let you down.

Oh, by the way. I have this

client that I'm working with--

Great! I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye to you, too.

[instrumental music]

Why would anyone

live in this weather?

[door opens]

-[Peter] Oh!


[door closes]

Welcome back!

-Hey, dad.

-[Peter] How was the flight?

-It was good.


[Peter sighs]

I got you some of those

Gulab Jamuns you like.

Oh. I cut out refined sugar.

Doctor's orders.

Okay then, never mind.

[Peter exhaling]

Walkin' a little slow there,

pops. You good?

Oh. I-I'm fine.

Just a little tired.

I didn't sleep.

Uh, too excited about today.


Yeah, I guess.

We have a lot of, uh,

we have a lot of work to do.

Actually, we won't be alone.

I asked a few people

to help us.



[both chuckle]

[Mei-Ling chuckles]

-Yeah! Papa Peter!


You should know that I've been

doing Pilates every day,

so my core is nice and strong

and ready to help with...


Hi, Ishani.

Hi, Mei-Ling.

[Taijah] Hey-hey-hey!

I know you're off refined sugar,

so I sweetened it with dates.

-Also no gluten, no diary...


-No way.

-Hi. It's, uh, been a while.

Ah, your dad didn't mention

you were coming.

Nice to see you.

-And you, too, Mei-Ling.


Great. You're all here.


What's going on, dad?

I just needed my best team

with me. [exhales]

Oh, come on.

You all used to

get along so well together...

Squad 3D!

We haven't seen each other

since high school.

Actually, we stopped talking

during high school.

After the Holiday Showdown


All the more reason you have

a lot of catch... [sighs]


-[Peter] I'm okay.

-What's wrong?

-I'll go get some water.

-And my pills, please.


-Are you okay?

-Ah, just a little light-headed.

I, I forgot to take my

morning pill. [exhales]

Well, can I do something?

Do you...

Actually, I ordered a vegan

holiday basket

from the Christmas market

for us to share.

Maybe you three could go

pick it up?

-Are you serious?


'Tis the season?

[Ishani scoffs]

So you still with, um, Mark...



-Ooh! These are so cute.


Still going strong, you know?


-High school sweetheart.

-Who knew?

-Ooh, look at you.

Uh, so how's, uh...

Kyla? Kyla, right?



The birthday cards your dad

signs on your behalf

are a nice touch.

-He does that?



-It's nice candy canes.


One, two, three, booty on fleek!

[shutter clicks]

There you go. Thank you.

[both chuckle]

-That's so sweet. Aw.

-So sweet.

-She must've loved that.

-Yeah. It's really nice.

How are you?

How, how, how you been?

[Ishani] Doing great. Yeah.

I've been into

managing recently.


-And, uh... Yeah.

You told me an actor, singer...


-Great talent, recently...

Happy holidays!

Hang on.

Is this a Squad 3D

reunion show?

-Do we know you?

-I'm Santa.

You look like Santa's

coked out cousin.

Don't be creepy,

just tell us.

Taijah! Rude. Sorry, Santa.

Classic non-believers.

Hey, then why would I have...



My Santa-senses tell me...

you're not the best of friends

any more.

Hey, how about a photo

for old times' sake, huh?


-No, that's okay.

-Thank you though. We're good.

-Oh, actually, could I just...

-[Santa] Hey, hey, hey...

-Grab... Just really quick...

-No, no, no! No freebies.


Come on,

help a freelancer out.

-Okay, let's take a photo.

-All right.

There we go.

Now try and look a little less

like you hate

each other's company.



-Great. Thank you.

Hey, play the nice elf,

will ya?

-[Santa] Thank you.

-Have you ever seen him?

I've never seen him before.

[Santa] It's a shame.

A bond like yours

isn't something to let slip.

I hope you find your way

back to it.


-Okay, what was up with that..

-I don't know.

This is why Kyla is not going

to an art school.


[Ishani] Two hour wait

for a gift basket?

I mean, your dad couldn't

have known

they were behind on orders.

He totally planned this.

At least we can drink

while we wait.

Well, maybe Santa was right.

Did you guys ever think about

the Holiday Showdown?

-You know, regrets?

-I'm sorry, Mei-Ling.

What do you have to regret?

I mean, no matter

how crap we were,

Courtney Taylor

still made you the star.

-[Taijah] Mm.


Yeah, no. I have, like, so much

love and millions of followers.

I guess I just meant

more like you guys.

[Taijah] I had Kyla

right after that.

She's the best thing that ever

happened to me.

Yeah! No regrets. I'm, um...

I'm working with some

great talent now.

It's going amazing.

[phone buzzing]

Oh, my God!

Speaking of which...

Hello, Jessalyn.

How is my favorite client?

Hashtag-Worst Assistant Ever!

Wrong coconut water, dummy!

Not to worry,

I did that on purpose.

I thought you might appreciate

this company's

more sustainable packaging.

[Jessalyn]I didn't ask you

to do that.

God, you're bossy.

Look, just have Momo's coat

cleaned by Friday. Okay?

-[Jessalyn]Or you're fired.


[chuckles] Okay.

Love you too.



-Who's Momo?

It's her pet pig.

[both laughing]



What's the hold up?

Hey! That's the holiday spirit.

-What can I get you?


-Another round.

-Oh. And three big waters.

-I'll be right back.

-Thank you.

[Ishani chuckles]

Hey, that guy kinda looks like

that Santa Claus, no?

I don't know.

He's got my Merlot goggles on.

[Courtney]"That performance,

just s*ab me with a knife."

"My house plant has more

charisma." "Thanks, and no."

Join me, Courtney Taylor,

on "America's Show and Tell"



She's still got it.

The celebrity judge who ruined

my life everyone!

Yeah, I did hear that the

industry blacklisted you

after her restraining order.

And anger management classes.

And hospitalization for

a mental breakdown.

Plus, my father wouldn't speak

to me for months.

Thank you for the sad replay

of my life.

[Ishani sighing]


I mean, I have regrets.

The Holiday Showdown for sure.

You know what?

I do have one regret.

I regret wasting all my time

on Squad 3D,

when I should have been studying

and gone to college.

Would have improved my life


Crap, you, uh,

you really got boring.

-You know what I regret?


I regret not showing those

popular kids how cool I am.

Yeah. I bet they'd want me

a part of their posse now.

-Mei-Ling, that is just sad.

-Don't tell her what to regret!

[Mei-Ling] Yeah, thank you.

-But it is kinda sad.

-Thank you.

Uh-uh, screw you! I didn't judge

your guys' stuff.

[Taijah] You totally did!

I'll see you over there.

Hey! I thought I recognized

those yells.

Ahh! [laughing]

-Sup, cuz?

-Hey, Caleb!

-Oh! What're you doing home?

-[Mei-Ling] Hi.

Auntie Donna said

you was workin'.

Well, the boss didn't need her

private chef for the holidays.

[Caleb] Looks like I came back

just in time for the fireworks.

[Taijah] Yeah.

I know, it's been a minute,


[Mei-Ling sighing]

Ishani. It's been

a little while.

It has.

Wow. You've, uh, changed.


All right!

-On the house.


-It's free.

-Um, that's not what we ordered.


That's why I said,

"On the house."

It's a special blend

of holiday magic.

-A Mistletoe Time Machine.

-Looks like a bubble bath.

I think I did see them

on TikTok once.

So, you all got me

in on this, right?

-Yeah. Yeah.

-Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


-Let's do this.

[Santa] Oh, I wouldn't, ah...


-[Caleb] Cheery?

-Yeah, there's...

Ah, hey, hey, hey! Not yet,

ya heathens! There's a toast.

Years go by,

but if time came back,

could you get

on a different track?

A chance to redo

your one regret,

with some potential not yet met.

To showcase

is your merry mission.

And then it's...

[clicks fingers]


[Taijah] Mm.

Ah, why didn't that

last part rhyme?

[all laughing]

It's for emphasis.

Poof-ing is a...

Poof-ing is an old

Nordic tradition.

It's very vital.

Okay, now, drink your drinks.

It's bad luck if you don't.

-Okay, cheers!




-Oh, this is yummy.

-That is good.

[indistinct chattering]

-It's not my fault.

-Yes, it is.

I take it, the market

didn't go so well?

Not exactly, dad.

I just came by to say goodnight,


I'll be by tomorrow

after Kyla's school tour.

Uh, what about a movie night?

I made the Squad 3D special,

popcorn and gummy worms.

No, no, no. I just booked

a 6:00 am flight back.

This negativity

is ruining my vibes.

I'm sorry I won't be able to

help you pack, Papa Peter.

-Yeah. Way to be a team player.

-It's called self-care.

Okay, you two go wait

in the living room.

Ishani, can I have a word?


[both sighing]

I don't even know who those

people are anymore, dad.

It just takes some time

to get reacquainted.

You need real friends

in your life.

I'm fine.

Take the popcorn, watch a movie.

Dad, if they want to leave,

I'm not stopping them.

[sighs] Okay. I have popcorn

if you guys want.

Wow. Really?



[instrumental music]

[alarm ringing]


Ow! Watch it!

Ah! That was my boob!

Why do my boobs hurt?

Why are you in my bed?

Oh. [chuckles] Still roughin'

Team Jacob pretty hard I see.


How did...

Mei-Ling? Wake up!


[all] Eew!

What the...

Oh, no! My flight!

Wha-wha, what time is it?

A flip phone?

Ugh, these buttons

are offensive.

-What's going on?

-I don't know.

I feel nauseous.

I knew I drank too much.

I took these posters down

before I went to college.

Why would my dad

put these back up?

[Peter] Time for school, girls.


Wh-wh-wh... What?!

-Whoa! What is happening?

-[Peter] What?

Why're you look at me like that?

-I'm I dead? Is this heaven?

-Is it?

-Uh, what's the date?

-December 16th.

No, the year, dad.

What's the year?

2008. Did you guys sneak

in booze last night?

Would it bad if we did?

[Peter] You're 17,

so, yes. Very bad.

Be ready and outside in five.

Where're we going?


Oh, good one.

Maybe that's the last time

I let you have a weeknight


I don't think

you got any studying done.

Oh, wha...

[door opens]


[door creaks]

You guys heard 2008

and 17, right?

[all shriek]

Go, go, go!

Okay. How did this happen?

We cannot have seriously

gone back in time.

This is a fever dream

from those stupid drinks.


Santa drugged us!

Oh, yeah.

This actually does feel

like a bad trip

I had at Coachella once.

No. We can't all be in each

others' dream-trip, whatever!

Look, there's gotta be

an explanation for this.

Oh, I am going to kick


Oh, my God! It's our photo.

"Years go by,

but if time came back,

could you get on

a different track?

A chance to redo your one

regret, with some potential

not yet met, to showcase

is your merry mission.

And then it's poof!"

Yeah, Santa was

definitely on dr*gs.

Like a spell sending us

back in time?

This doesn't make any sense.


I just wanted to see

if you're real.

Why me? Pinch her.

[Mei-Ling groaning]

No! I'm sensitive.

Mei-Ling, wake me up.

I have to go on a dumb arts

school tour tomorrow. Okay?

If my husband goes, my baby

comes back a mime.

-Mm-mm! No!

-Hit me! [groans]

-Ishani, you know you want to.

-I do. And no.

-Do it. Do it!


[Taijah groans]


-Ooh! sh**t!

-I thought that'd work.


[Peter] Come on, girls.

Let's go!

Oh, I'm not goin' to school.


bu-but he's waiting for us.

Wha... what shall we do?

Okay, look. If we can't wake

ourselves up,

I just say we go with the flow,

stick together

until we figure things out.


-All right.


Put something on

so you blend in.

-We must look 17, right?

-No. Okay, high school day.

-Oh, wow. These take me back.

-[Mei-Ling] Is this yours?

-What about this? Does this...

-[Mei-Ling] No.

No. Take that off.

That's terrible.


Yeah. That's definitely

something you would've worn.

-With this kinda belt, I think.


Do you-do you have asthma?

Just breathe.

-No! No! No!

-Mei-Ling! Oh, my God!


-Oh, no! It's not helpful.

[indistinct yelling]

We look like BIPOC

Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne,

and the cast of Gossip Girl.

Did anyone realize all our icons

were white chicks?

Well, I guess

it's time to change the media.

[bell ringing]

[Ross]Good morning Eagle Hills

High students.

A reminder to get your

tickets for the first ever

District Holiday Showdown!

Support your peers

as they compete

for the chance of a lifetime.

Single ladies.

At least this dream has taste.

Nickelback. Why?

[Taijah scoffs]

Guys. Guys. It's real.

-I can touch them.

-I don't know.

She didn't even look at me.

That weird me.

Am I sweating?

I think I'm sweating.

-Do I stink?

-You'll be okay.

I don't think

I could do this.


-[Ishani] Sorry.



-Thank God you guys look old.


Okay, wait.

So you can, you can tell.

That's... that must be

a part of the spell.


That Santa guy,

I think he put something

in our Mistletoe drinks

last night.

Do you hear yourself?

That doesn't even make sense.

Well, my abs do feel

pretty awesome.

Well, at least I'm trying to

figure something out, Taijah.

I say we just try

and blend in a little bit more

until we figure things out.


[Ross] Stop right there.

Who are you?

'Cause all I see is

future superstars!


Principal Ross, hi.

I got to tell you, I'm psyched

the Squad 3D is representing

at the Holiday Showdown!

We're going to kick

North Moody's buttocks!

Thank you for the support.

Eh, math class first period,



-Let me walk you there.

I've got some

ideas to run by you.


I forgot how much he fan boy'd.

The Showdown.

This all must have something to

do with that, right?

Uh, what do I do now?

Second bell's already rung,

Ms. Rai.

Go to class.

We'll figure things out. Go.

[instrumental music]



I don't even know where to begin

with this one, Mr. Sanchez.



Psst. Taij.



I totally forgot about you.

Like you could.

You still want me to pick you up

after Squad 3D rehearsal today?


And, go.

Wow! I really never

paid attention in class.

[Mr. Sanchez] Ms. Bojanowski.

Remember we all went

to the "stop the crop"

assembly last week?

Wow. Seriously?

That dude's nips

are practically showing.

What's wrong with my nips?

I don't make the rules,

I just recommend them

to the school board.

Ms. Bojanowski, detention.

-Cheating, are we?

-No... No, no. I...

Uh, I don't even know what I'm

doing. It's probably all wrong.

[Mr. Sanchez] Aiding and

abetting is still cheating.


-No, uh...

Arm feeling good

for the big game, pal?

I've got five bills on it,

so don't let me down.

-[Mr. Sanchez] What's this?


They're actually pretty good.

-With a few tweaks...

-Destroying school property.


-Uh, Mr. Sanchez. Hi.

-[Mr. Sanchez] Mm?

-I'd like detention, too.

-[Mr. Sanchez] Why?

Because I think

you're a toxic prick.

[Mr. Sanchez] Well, your wish

just came true.


[instrumental music]


I was going over the spell

in class

and I figured out

what we need to do.

You guys. We need to win

the Holiday Showdown.

Absolutely not.

"A chance to redo

your one regret

with some potential

not yet met."

You guys, Why else are we here

in this exact time?

-This is our unmet potential.


And imagine how different our

lives would've been

if we'd actually won?

Yeah, i-it is the moment

that changed everything.

-Guys, the world needs Squad 3D.

-[Mei-Ling] Mm.

[Ishani] And, we get to go home

after the talent show.


"To showcase is your merry

mission. And then it's poof!"

You haven't even proven

if any of this is real.

Well, you can't prove that

it's not either.

Like I can't float,

or talk to animals

which is my usual go to

when I'm under the influence.

[Ishani] See? Doing the

Showdown is our only chance

of figuring this out.

I mean, if this is a


we've got nothing to lose.

And if it's real, we've only got

future success to gain.

[sighs] Of all the times

we had got to go back to...

-Uh! Oh, fine.


I'll do this dumb show, if it

gets me out of this nightmare.

[Ishani grunts]

Ah! How're we gonna get to the

studio in 15 minutes?

-What do you mean?

-Squad 3D rehearsal.

Marcus told me.

[Ishani clears throat]

May I?

Hi. Um, So we're Squad 3D,

kind of this year's racehorse

for the Showdown.

You see, we're actually supposed

to be rehearsing now.

Uh, wouldn't wanna lose to, uh,

North Moody High School

in front of "Show and Tell's

Courtney Taylor," am I right?

That's right. Okay.

[instrumental music]

[Mei-Ling vocalizing]

-Hey. You made it.


I had to do a poem

in front of the whole class.

Is it plagiarism if it hasn't

happened yet?

I don't know. But look, I've got

some new production notes,

I want you to look at later,


Oh, right. You're the theater

tech for the show.

Surprised you remembered

my number.

She didn't. I did.

Ah! waitin' on that...

-[both] Bomp, bomp!

-[all laugh]

Ah-ha. I found our

Showdown lyrics.

Okay. Okay, let's do it.

I think I got it.

Let's hit it. Okay.

[instrumental music]

Ooh we've had our share

of ups and downs

I wasn't always

a greatest friend

There's a time you needed me

the most

And then I let you down

[music continues]

If only I knew

it was the end...

Sorry, guys. That Mistletoe

drink didn't agree with me.

-Take five.

-Just take it easy.

-Yeah. Just take it easy.

-[Ishani] Whoa.

[Mie-Ling gasps]

It's Blake.

-Blake just texted me.

-What? How?

I-I-I wrote my number on the

test he cheated off of.

Guys, this is my chance at

finally joining

the popular kids.

I have never understood

your obsession with them.

Well, they're super

intimidating, like...

like high school gods

that walk in slow motion.

And Blake is their king.

Ah, Mei-Ling, just why don't

you forget about them?

-That's what my therapist says.


Taijah, are you feeling any

better now to do--

Oh, but, I wouldn't need her

if I had actual love

and acceptance

from the people who bullied me

in the first place.

That's great. Mei-Ling,

we've got other objectives--

I can have more than

one objective.

Those popular kids are gonna

love me. [squeals]

Healing old wounds, guys.


-She's got a point.

We're actually gonna treat

this like a redo.

It's my chance to hike up

my grades

and actually get into college.

No, come on, Taijah.

You promised.

What? You wanted me to

take this seriously.

-Well, you were a D student.


-So you don't think I can.

-No, I didn't say that.

I just...

Hey, she's just,

she's just joking.

She's just, she's just playing.

She didn't mean it. She's...

Let's go, babe.

Where're you two going?

-Why did you have to say that?

-Because it's the truth.

-You don't tell her that.

-Did you see them?

None of them know

how to rehearse.

I'm literally the only one

doing anything.


So what am I goin' do?

[instrumental music]

You seemed determined about


I am. I stayed up all night

coming up with new ideas

for the performance, I think

it's really gonna make it pop.

-Hey, what's up, Brett?

-Oh. Ah...

[instrumental music]

But, uh, no confetti cannons

this time.

We really need to be rehearsing

more if we want to

win this thing.

-Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sure.


So, I'll find Taijah

and I'll see you

at the studio after class, yeah?


Oh, ah...

Are you okay? Hello?

-Ah... Oh, sorry.

-No, it's, it's cool. I...

God! That's how I know you.

You painted my

diorama yesterday. [chuckles]

Lucky you weren't busy, huh?

You know what?

I'm glad you gave me

your number.

-You are?


I feel like I got a good little

thing going here.

What kind of little thing?

I got an essay I think you could

do a real good job on.


-Yeah? Oh, sick!

It's due by last period, right?

So... [grunts]

Thanks, June.


It's Mei-Ling.

[instrumental music]

You're actually studying.

I thought you're just trying

to piss off Ishani.

Boy, bye.

Not everything is about Ishani.

With a degree,

I can get a higher paying

job at the insurance company.

You do know that the semester

ends like a day after tomorrow.


-That's why I have a plan, cuz.

All right. Straight-B's gets me

into the two colleges near home.

[sighs] My worst grades,

P.E., English,

Math and Science.

Math, C-minus...

I blew the test, but Mr. Sanchez

will let me do a make-up

at lunch.

[shudders] All you have to do is

relearn algebra.

English, C.

I have a presentation

onRomeo and Julietfor which

I'll use Kyla's five minute


It totally k*lled

when she did it.

Plagiarizing off your

14 year old.

Lastly, Science, D.

I've missed four labs

and a final project.

But I've scheduled to make-up

every day after school.


-That's all I got to do.


You're really grabbing this

pass thing by the balls, huh?


You know what? If I'd start

working in the kitchens

around this time,

I'd probably have my own

Michelin Star

restaurant right now.

Yo, I'm gonna get a job. Right

after rehearsals with Ishani.

She said she's got some

new ideas. See you there?

Ahh. Can't. Too much to do.

-Send her my regards.

-You know that cold, cuz.

[upbeat music]

You need to stop

and get clever...


You need to stop

and get clever

I'm gonna turn it up

I'm gonna take it down


I'm gonna turn it up and then

I'm gonna take it flawless

[music continues]

I'm gonna turn it up

I'm gonna take it down

[Taijah sighs]

I'm gonna turn it up

and then I'm gonna take it

Down down

Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh! Oh, no!

You need to stop

and get clever...

Oh... [coughs]

You need to stop

and get clever

"The eco-diversity of the

Amazon in the 20th century."

What? Mei-Ling,

what're you doing?

We've got rehearsals in five.

What's with the fairytale music?

[Mei-Ling] He's you hero too?

Okay, you-you-you promise

not to judge?


I'm doing Blake's homework.

Are you still trying to be

one of the popular kids?

Yes. And I figured out my in.

I'm gonna date Blake.

-Why do you like that wing-nut?

-It's not even that I like him.

It's just that teenage Mei-Ling

needs him to like her.

He-he's the archetype to

every man I've ever dated.

It's like, I've been seeking his

approval my entire life.

And now I'm gonna get it,

so I can move on.

-He's a minor.

-Nope. He's 18.

Failed fifth grade three times.



-We'll rehearse tomorrow?

-Better show up.

I will. I will.

-Thank you for understanding.

-[Ishani] Mm-hm.

[instrumental music]

-Oh, hi.


Taijah's not coming.

She's got some science

labs to do.



I mean, winning the Showdown

is the only reason we're here.

I don't understand

what are people doing.

Are these the plans?

[Ishani] Yeah.

Show me.


So that's the front of

the stage.

And that's us.

And these are the fembot

backup dancers, right?

Okay, shut up, Caleb.

I dream big.

I can tell by the three-part

rotating stage.

-It's a brainstorm.


And I figured that we can

narrow things down together

in rehearsal.

Which is not

happening anymore, so...


I'm sorry about that.

No, that's fine.

I mean, you're here. So...

Actually, if we're not gonna

do rehearsals,

I was gonna hand out my resumes

to the kitchens.

You know, build up

my food empire that way, hm?


You have your own redo.

You know what? It's cool.

I can do this on my own.


I don't think you can.

These things right here

are horrible.

-Like, you're bad.


That's because

you don't have my vision.

You know what?

I can hand out resumes tomorrow.

Looks like we got a lot of

work to do.

And you clearly need my help.

Let's see.

Okay then,

where do you want to start?

We need like a four-part

rotating stage.

-A four-part rotating stage?

-Yeah. We need like...

Three more fembot

backup dancers.

So you do like

the fembot backup dancers?

Of course.

They're only fembot...



-You got it?




Is that... Is that

four pages for the bibliography?

Yeah, I-I might have padded it

to add word count.

Thanks, that's-that's... [sighs]

Hey. Why didn't you tell me

your name wasn't June?

Oh, I just thought you were

being ironic or something. I...


All right, well, um, anyways,

I'm having a party tonight,

and I think you should come.

474 Liberty Ave, all right?

[instrumental music]

Slow-motion power?

I have it now?


Oh, it's gonna be so much better

this time around.

Oh. Yo, Taij!

-Yo! Cuz.


I got the lunch-ladies

to try my focaccia recipe.



Man, I'm Jaime Oliver

in this school system.


-Oh! Oh!


Oh, I'm so tired all the time.

I don't know how I got through

this before?

-How the grades goin'?

-Oh, they're going.


[chuckling] I threw up

in phys-ed.

-Not bad.


Um, I made my math grade

even worse.


-So I got a bunch of homework.

Science, I still got

a big, fat D.

You still think you'll make it

to the Squad 3D rehearsals?

You're still worried

about Ishani?

Well, you know

what I'm going' through.

I know. I know.

But it'd mean a lot to her.

And you two could

use each other.

Did you write your resume yet?


Ishani doesn't care

about what you need.

She only cares about

what you can do for her.

You know that's

your guys' stuff.

[sighs] I don't understand how

you still have a thing for her.

This whole unrequited love bit,

it's masochistic.

I'm not getting into this

with you, Taijah.

-If she was actually into you--

-[Caleb] Taijah...

Wouldn't you have dated

in high school?


-Real talks.

She's using you, Caleb.

[mellow music]

[Ishani] You know

when I told my dad that

this was a study session,

I didn't mean

for us to actually study.

You guys, we need to discuss

the Holiday Showdown.

Oh, before we do that,

Blake invited me

to his party tonight!

And I need you both

to come with me.

I'm not doing

either of those things.

No, please.

I need your support.

You know I have a hard time

at parties.

And, he said that

we could all come by

after I finish his essay.

You're doing his homework?

You're not even

that good of a student!

Yeah, agreed. Dingbat's like

totally Asian stereotyping you.

Stop calling him names!

He's going to be my boyfriend.

Tonight's the night

he's gonna ask me out.

-How do you know that?


I'm a fierce lady

who gets what she wants.

Taijah, if you come,

I will introduce you

to the smart group, okay?

So, all the popular kids have

someone doing their homework

so that they can party.

I am not bullying children

into doing my schoolwork.

But a tutor could help.

Ishani, if you come,

I promise to do

rehearsals tomorrow.

No more postponing.

And I heard that

Izzy Liu will be there.

Huh. She's got mad sewing skills

for costumes.

Okay, fine!

But promise that we're gonna

rehearse tomorrow.


Oh, and did I mention that

the party is across town?


I have an idea.

[instrumental music]


[rock music over stereo]

I can't believe you guys

really know this dance.

There's Hydrogen and Helium,

then Lithium, Beryllium,


How's the song go again?

Caleb, I'm cool now.

Yeah, oh, oh, oh.

I know y'all want some of these.


Look, I got these

fried chicken bites

with, uh, the homemade

pepper sauce.

If anyone's palate can

handle that type of dopeness.

-It's sick!

-Yeah, yeah, dig in, dig in.

See, I convinced Blake

to let me cater.

I figured if I hand out

my number at these parties,

you know, and build out

my business that way.

-Here, try one.

-I'm good. Thank you.

Hey, have any of you seen

Izzy Liu?

I need her to build some costume

ideas just for the Showdown.

No? Okay! Thanks, guys.

Hey, sorry.

Have you seen Izzy Liu?



Didn't think you'd show.

-You didn't?

-Glad you did though.

Are you pumped for the Showdown?

Uh, I don't know, are you?

Oh, totally.

I saw you guys at that assembly.

You're-you're like

a sick singer.

Oh, I didn't think you noticed.

Oh, ho, I not..


You don't have a drink.



-Yeah? Sick! All right.

Yo, who stole my Sambuca?

Walk in the Rome like

I'm about to make a move ya

I give up,

I don't think Izzy showed.

Get you in a groove

Did you hear me?

Yo yo

Shake it like

Yo yo

Shake it like

Yo yo

Shake it like

Yo yo

Watch out for the crown

for the lion

It's got a mouth

and it's gonna be bitin'

You wanna talk

'cause I'm gonna be fightin'

Don't test me

I just stay silent oh

You don't wanna

bring your claws out no more

You wanna dance, huh?

Show me what you got

let's dance uh-huh


Where are you going?

Like I'm about to

make a move ya

All I wanna do

I guess it's just hard for me

to be vulnerable

with most people.

I know.

Thanks for making me

take a break.

Shake it like

You've been different lately.

Shake it like

You have no idea.

It-it's kind of unbelievable

what's been going on.


Oh, it's too much really.

So tell me.


Yo yo

-Can you grab our coats?


I'll meet you outside.

You wanna talk

'cause I'm gonna be fightin'

Don't test me

I just stay silent oh



Trust me you're

gonna backdown yo yo

Dance like you're runnin' it

down yo yo

Show me what you got

let's dance uh-huh

Yo yo

Blake, do you wanna

be my date

to the Holiday Showdown?

-Yeah, sure. Why not?


Yeah, I mean, you're not

my usual type,

but, I don't know,

there's something, like,

mature, yeah,

there's something

mature about you.

Yo yo

-You could be my girlfriend.


Yeah, I...

Yeah, if-if--

Yo, come on,

who clogged the toilet?


Oh, my God!

Be cool, be cool.

Just be cool. Okay?

Blake is my boyfriend.

Blake's my boyfriend!

I need to, I need to

get out of here.

-Yeah, we need to go.


Okay, let's go.

[Mei-Ling] Poor Marcus.

You think she's telling him

about time travel?

[Ishani] Looks like it.

That's the same reaction I had.

Yo yo

I did it. I did it.

I totally did it!

That went so much smoother

than I thought.

And I only hyperventilated

a little bit.

No, I still think that

guy's a knob.

But I'm proud of you.

You actually did it.

You absolutely did it.

I know.

I really did do it.

-This is real?

-This is real.

[siren wailing]

[woman on PA]

Hands up in the air.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,

what's happening?

-Just stop talking.

-Thank you, officer.

Inside. Now.


-Dad, I can explain--


We're sorry, Papa Peter.

I knew this was a bad idea.

All right. Who's idea was

it to take the car?

-Come on.


Fine, but the party

wasn't my idea.

You expect me to believe

the girl with social anxiety

convinced you to go to a party?

Yes! Right, Taijah?

I'm sorry, Peter, Mr. Rai.

I know you don't need this.

Yeah. Go upstairs.

You're not the ring leader.

Okay, so it's all my fault

and they're off the hook?

You're supposed to be better!

You treat them like

precious angels

and I'm the bad egg.

You're not...

They're not even your daughters!

Don't use them as your excuse!

Why am I even trying I'm always

gonna be wrong?

You're impossible.

Go. I don't wanna

talk to you like this.

You know, this is why

I don't visit you more often.


Seriously, guys?

I try and do one thing

for the team

and you guys let me

take the fall again.



It's just really hard

to see him upset.

You guys have been

fooling around,

while I have been doing


for Squad 3D and the Showdown.

This is all you cared about

last time too.

Except this time,

some of us have

actual lives after high school

to worry about.

'Cause I've done nothing

with my mine?

-I didn't say that.

-You didn't need to.

It was implied.

You know, you two left me for

garbage after that showdown.

No, I got Courtney

to drop the charges against you.

After six months

of anger management courses.

I couldn't even

contact you personally,

I had to literally

talk to your manager,

while you Booty Fleeked

your way across the country.

You literally att*cked the

person who was helping me.

-It wasn't my choice.

-Don't bother.

She can't hear you

over her own self-importance.

What is wrong with you?

You and I used to be

best friends.

What happened to that?

You didn't visit me once

after my breakdown.

Couldn't even pick up the phone?

-What did I do?


I called your dad

after Kyla was born.

-Did you respond then?

-No, I didn't.

Because we weren't

friends anymore, remember?

-You'd ghosted me for I don't--

-Nine months!

You didn't tell me

when Kyla was born.

-There was no room for me.


I'd like to be a part of this

mass destruction!

Mei-Ling, your desperation

to belong is exhausting.

Everybody wants to belong!

That's all you two

were upset about.

Okay, not feeling loved.

And not feeling important enough

to each other.

That's all anyone

is ever upset about.

Get woke.

I know that, because I paid

a really expensive therapist

to tell me that.

And-and, FYI, I know

Booty on Fleek was crap.

Okay, I just wish I had

some real friends

to tell me that

when I was making it.

At least I wouldn't have

felt so lost.

Well, I guess

we'll never find out.

[mellow music]


[indistinct chatter]


-Hey, you.


What's up, cuz?

I just got

the extra supplies for you.

-Thanks for being there, cuz.


Sweden provides feminine hygiene

products for free

in all high schools.

Hey, yo, you see this?

Yeah. Oh, man.

Yeah, it's good that way.


You wanna really

shake things up?

Boom shaka laka laka


Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma hey


Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma




Oh, yeah!

Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma hey



Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma hey

Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma

umm-ma-ma hey

[Ishani] That was wild. I

haven't had so much fun in ages.

[Daria] Did you see the look

on their faces?

No. I didn't even look at them.

I saw one of the football bros

walk out of the bathroom

like he soiled his pants.

You rock.

This feels amazing.

Just not waiting for permission

to do anything.

Just making a difference.

It's, like, powerful

sharing your experiences

with someone.

Sometimes it just feels like

you're the only one

going through stuff.

Totally. Hashtag MeToo.

You too, what?

Okay, we have

a lot of work to do.

Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma




Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma

You two can march straight down

to Principal Ross' office.

We were planning on it.

Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma hey

Umm-ma-ma umm-ma-ma

umm-ma-ma hey

-[Peter] I'm sorry, Ross.

-Peter, it's okay.

Our families go way back, kid.

This just isn't like you.

Return the toilet paper

to the boys' rooms

and we can look past this, hmm?

Why is toilet paper

an essential item?

Give the girls

free hygiene products,

retract the crop top rule,

and then we can talk.

You're in no position,

young lady.

We've established I can't do

anything right by you.

I might as well do something

right by me.

-That's it! You're grounded!

-I'm already grounded!

No, no Holiday Showdown then!

Ehh-hee, he-hu-ha,

let's not go too far.

I mean,

Squad 3D is our racehorse.

Why can't you see me?

I've never seen you come down

on her that hard before.


How things been going

with you and the...

They're monitoring it.

I haven't told Ishani yet

because it's early days.

And she was young

when Mira died.

But I-I don't wanna

put anything more on her.

Especially since,

with the right medication,

it could be years before

I need dialysis.

Well, anything you need, Pete.

I want some advice

on how to handle teenagers.


-Ishani. Ishani, wait. Ishani...

-What were you thinking?

-What does it matter?

-Is everything okay?

We saw Papa Peter

get into the principal's office.

-What does he have?


Those red and white pills.

You knew where they were.

It's chronic kidney disease.

I found out a few years ago

because he started needing

more help

because of fatigue.

He's probably early stages now

so you didn't notice

any of the symptoms.

You seem to know a lot.

He asked me not to tell you.

Since your breakdown,

he's been really worried

about your stress levels.

Yeah, what happened in there?

He grounded me

from the Holiday Showdown.

But it's not like

it matters anyways, right?

That's my thing.

-So it's no big deal, right?


Yes. Yeah.

[phone rings]


Um, Blake needs to talk.

His sister's hamster died.

-They were close.

-You hear yourself, right?

Grief does strange things

to a person.

It's fine, Mei-Ling. You can go.

We don't need you.

I should go too. Caleb's

helping me with my project.

Yeah, don't-don't let me

stop you.

[indistinct chatter]

Come on, let's go!

All right, sweethearts.

Let's make room

for the athletes.

Come on.

[instrumental music]

Science. Technology.

Engineering. Art. And Math!

A new way to integrate critical

thinking, into our childr--

-Ah. Mm-hmm.

-Our education!

Now for thepiece de resistance!

The project that shows it all.

[indistinct chatter]

A water bottle bridge.

Mathematically designed

and scientifically created.

Built to hold the weight

of a real human.

This human!

-You sure about this?


I've only advocated

for these projects.

I never made one.

It's go big or go home now.




-You okay, cuz?

You're the sun

and I'm a flower

Your radiation

gives me all my power

You're a sexy

hot ball of fire

I'm gonna love you

till I die

Till I die your...

-Yeah, it's--

-I-it's not about us.

Oh, okay. Cool, 'cause that was,

like, really bad.

I'm not a ball of fire.

I don't think

that's physically possible.

Yeah, it was just a first draft.


Did you just flirt

with her?

No. Get...


Anyways, I didn't say

we were exclusive. So...

Yeah, you did, that's why

you gave me this stupid ring!

Oh, no, no, that's more like

a "I think you're

really cool" ring, you know?

Come on. You're getting a little

too needy, Mei.

It's Mei-Ling.

Oh, whatever,



How does this keep happening

to me?

[all] Ling-Long-Ding-Dong.


You ready to show Principal Ross

what a real protest looks like?

My mom says I can't hang out

with you anymore.

You're a bad influence.

I just came to get my scissors.

I didn't need you anyway!

[mellow music]

Can I have another one?

Thank you.

Beyonce would write an album

about this.

Or I could do that.

Call myself Mei-Ling Fierce.

[Santa] Hey, it's all about


you know what I mean?

Santa? Is that..

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

where are you going?

No, no, no, no, no!




I'm gonna need to find

Taijah and Ishani!

Yeah, I don't think

it's gonna fit, cuz.

Oh, oh, you all right?

Oh, come on, come on, come on,

come on, come on.

Hey, just take it easy,

just chill. Just relax.

I'll get you some ice

for them bruises, yeah?

Just wait right here.


Stupid! Useless!



-Not now.

I'm having the worst week

of my life and I'm using it.

I have something

you'll want to see.

W-w-where's Ishani?

It doesn't matter, okay?

Just come with me. Come on.

-Quick, hurry up.

-Okay. All right.

Hey, I told Caleb

to keep looking for Ishani.

He'll let us know ASAP

when he finds her.

-What's this about?


[instrumental music]


Hey, remember us, pal?

What did you do to us?

I sent you to back in time

so you could redo

your past mistakes.

I thought

it was pretty obvious.

Well, it's sucks,

so stop the redo

and send us home!

The thing is, I...

I'm Ling-Long-Ding-Dong now!


That's gonna have some

very unfortunate consequences.

I'm failing science and math.

At this rate, I won't

even pass the 12th grade.

My Santa senses tell me

that's not good.

Then send us back.

I, um, uh...



-I can't.



-Ah, oh, hey. Strong grip.

Ah, look, you have until the end

of your final performance

at the Holiday Showdown

to fix things.

After that

it's bada-bing bada-poof.

Come on. I put all the rules

on the photo!

See, this is why

I never speak in verse.

You should try a simpler

structure next time.

Yeah. Okay. Thanks.

Let me give it a shot.


Um, every change you make now

does affect your future, pow.


Why is it always that last word?



You just told us we made

our futures worse

and we only have

until tomorrow night to fix it?

-[phone rings]

-She's realizing...

-I hate you, Santa!

-Whoa! Whoa!

-Hey, hey, it's Caleb.


He found Ishani.

"Emergency. Come now."

-Ah, fine.


We're not done with you!

-What are you doing?

-Making my life matter.

Oh, that statement is so stupid,

I wanna throw this at you.

This is vandalism.

Hey, if you get caught,

you'll get a record.

And I won't be able to stop

people from pressing charges

like at the Showdown.

-Why do you care?

-Are you huffing this paint?

Of course we care!

But there's a security guard


When you get caught,

your life is gonna be

way worse off than it was.

[Mei-Ling] Yeah, we found Santa.

Whatever we do now

will permanently effect

our future.

Great, I'd rather ruin my life

by standing up for something

than embarrassing my friends

at a talent show.

Just go.

I can do this on my own.

You are so dramatic!

I mean, I do dig the message.

-No. You'll get caught!

-[Taijah] Not if we're fast.

And you're not telling us

what to do anymore, remember?

We're not ditching you

this time.

But let's move!

There's only so many detours

that Caleb can take

that security guard on.

Why stencils?

I read somewhere

that's how Banksy does it.

Oh, my God, an overachiever,

even as a delinquent.



Not so bad.


I like the colors.

Wow, we just did that.

[Caleb] Now you just have to

move fast or you're in trouble!

Do you know what I mean?

Like, it's all just timing.

That's, you need to know.

Just pretty much

that's just how it is?

If you do it slow,

then yeah,

then y-you're pretty much right.

It-it doesn't make sense.

So now, you know,

life is a beautiful thing.

[indistinct chatter]

Man, I wish this was booze.


I'm sorry for

roping you guys

into another one ofmy things.

We're both capable of

making our own choices.

I mean, I do I feel

a little bad,

but also a little empowered.

Yeah, but I totally failed

you guys at the Showdown.

Ugh! Snore. I don't care.

I just wanted to

hang out with you guys.

Okay, I never asked either

of you to do anything for me.


So stop hogging responsibility

for everything.

[Mei-Ling] Mm-hmm.

I'm sorry I put it all on you.

Okay, but, fess up, Mei-Ling,

you'd rather hang out with us

then the popular kids?

Well, always.


And not because Blake

cheated on me.

-What a loser!

-Biggest idiot of all time!

Thank you. See?

This is the time to

talk trash about him.

-We've got you.

-Thank you.

I have something

to tell you guys too.

I'm pregnant.

Yeah, we know, Taijah.

We've kind of seen the future?

I told Marcus at the party.

Ooh, God.

He was either in shock

or he had a stroke.

What if I don't

involve him this time?

He can choose what he wants

to do with his life.

Well, shouldn't he

have a say in that?

I mean,whatever you do

just do it soon.

Just one more day

and our futures are sealed.


[phone rings]


-It's gonna be wild tonight.


Time to face the music.


Hang tomorrow?





Please just listen to me

without interrupting

for one minute?

You're telling me to--

I'm sorry about

how I've been lately.



That was not a word!

Hey, uh, I know

it's a big favor,

but could I use the studio

to rehearse?

If I'm going to

keep my future career,

I need to perform

at the Showdown tomorrow.

Yeah. No problem.

Ah, the guard will be here

in probably like

an hour to lock up.

But I can just give you the key.

Yeah. Okay.

Thank you.

Good luck, Mei-Ling.




[Taijah] So what did your

parents say?

Yeah, I didn't tell them.

I know things moved

really fast last time.

I just want you to know

I have a plan

and you don't have to do this.

What are you talking about?

Even though I know I'm not gonna

to go to college,

I still have a plan

to get a low level job

at this insurance company.

And, yeah, I would have climbed

faster if I had a degree, but--


You'd hate that.

-What about your song writing?


It doesn't matter.

But it totally does.

You supported me

for the first few years

while I figured myself out.

I can support us now.

You're being so weird right now.

Is this what pregnancy is like?

I mean, I'm here for it!

And-and the baby! And...


Can we pause?

-My head's spinning.


How 'bout I give you

your, uh, Christmas gift early?


You copied all the lyrics

from my text books?

You put them in here?

-You like it?


You don't wanna support

a starving artist, Marcus.

Have you tried asking me?

You'd regret it.

The only thing I'd regret

is if you gave up.



Look, I think I just realized

that I have been

trying to be perfect

for such a long time.

For you.

When did I ever tell you

to be perfect?

All the time!

Dad, I know that's how you had

to be when you immigrated here.

But do you understand how

much pressure this is for me?

So that's why you're getting

into all this trouble?

Well, maybe I just

wanted your attention.

Well, you have it.

Dad, I just...




We haven't done that

in a long time.

I'm sorry.

I just wanted the best for you.

I know you're sick, dad.

What can I do?

Oh, I don't want you to

worry about that.

Focus on your life.

Your studies, your friends.

In fact, I wanna see you

and the girls

perform at the Showdown.

I went too far.

Squad 3D brings me joy too.

Yeah, well, it's tomorrow,

and we haven't rehearsed at all.


So who says you have to be good?

You just have to have fun.

I guess I'm not the only one

in this family

with high expectations, huh?


Enough out of you, dad.

You know, when I get older,

I promise to visit you

more often.

An odd way to phrase it.

But sounds like a plan.

Hey, y-you wanna watch this?

I just got this

new Blu-ray thingy.

And, uh, I don't know, maybe

you can see the difference.

-Blu-ray thingy?


-Okay, what do you wanna watch?

-Oh, how does this work? Jeez.

Dad, you need to turn it on.

Oh, wow.

How'd you do that?

The power button.



Girls go bring your best

'Cause I'mma shake it

till I break it

Clean the mess

I'll raise the stakes

Come for my place

And I'll be cooking something

mean for your face

Ohh ooh-ooh-ooh-ohh

Ohh ooh-ooh-ooh-ohh

[indistinct chatter]

Ohh ooh-ooh-ooh-ohh

We're gonna play so hard

that'd make it sizzle


[Mr. Sanchez] Learn how to aim!

Bring on the fire

[Ross] Good Morning.

Zero more sleeps,

it's Holiday Showdown Day!

Courtney Taylor is coming!

-I got it.

-I see you. I see you.

-Yo. Mei-Ling.

-I thought you could...

Any chance you give me

some tickets

to the, the Showdown?

-Are you serious?

-Yeah, and you didn't finish...


Well, you really are stupid.

My therapist was right.

Do you wanna do my essay for me,


-No. No, I don't.


No, I didn't think so.

-Yeah. Bye, Blakey.



-Bye, Blake.

Make it sizzle

Speaking of which...

I still wanna do

the Holiday Showdown!


Okay, I was gonna to do

a solo thing.

But I'd way rather do

something all together.

-But your dad...

-It was kind of his idea.

We sorted things out,

actually a lot of things, so...

Ishani, ohh.

So are you guys down?

I mean, I don't wanna, like,

force anybody or anything.

Come on, Taijah.

-Ah, let's rock it!


Okay, my place after school.

Bring your best stuff.

We'll do it up.



-All right?


Squad 3D!

-You guys...

-Yeah, okay.

[all] Squad 3D!


Oh no sir

turn around and a hot mess

Flip the chain

no pain

We're gonna flip the game

One's a company

two's a crowd

Three's the party

gonna get it loud

Blaze the trail

strapped a new

I might never know

I might never know

Feeling fresh

Pushing impression

Guys. Okay.

I know it's last minute, but...


-I wrote a new course.

-I think it's pretty good.


Or it could be awful!

-Show us.

-Show us.


I, I love it!

Oh, me too!

Oh, I love the turn

it takes here.

We've got plenty of the

Himalayan water you asked for.

It was surprisingly

hard to find.

What did I say

about eye contact?

[Ishani] If we're making

new changes

I thought I'd also propose

that I have

a new lighting chart?


-I'm-I'm-I'm sweating.


Well, Caleb made it this time,


-Well, we don't have to do it--

-No, it's-it's...

-Just look.


It looks like she already

wants to push the buzzer.


Where'd you go?

I checked the bathrooms.

Yeah, I checked outside.

She's nowhere to be found.

-You think she went home?

-[Mei-Ling sobbing]


Lady, what...

Oh, my God, Mei-Ling.

What's wrong?

I thought Courtney

was your mentor.

She's the worst.

After she signed me,

she was always coming down on me

for being off trend.

Okay, like, I don't think I can

go out there in front of her.

My anxiety's gotten so bad,

I haven't been able to

perform in years.

I'm sorry, you guys, I thought

I could just get over it but--

[Ishani] Hey. No, no, no, no.

Don't apologize.

Mental health is not a joke.

We shouldn't have left you

to the wolves back then.

-You don't have to do this.

-But I want to.

-I'm just so scared.

-It's gonna be okay.

Hey, it's not a big deal.

We just go out there,

worst case scenario we

have, you have a panic attack,

we come back.

It's no biggie, really.

That sounds awful.

No, I'll probably just

throw up on stage again,

and nobody even be

looking at you.

It'll be just like last time!


Even if everything

happens like last time,

it's gonna be different

this time.

We'll have each others' backs

this time, okay?


[audience cheering]

Welcome to the first district

Holiday Showdown.

[audience cheering]

It's gonna be exciting night

of great, young talent

from around the district.

Plus... the Courtney Taylor

from "Show and Tell America!"

You can't get any classier

than that, folks.

And just like on

"Show and Tell,"

you hear the buzzer,

you're out!

First up tonight

please welcome

Daria Bojanowski!


[harp music]


[Ishani] Hey. Perfect timing.

So there are some new updates.

Ah, there's a new lighting chart

that got approved.

I finally found out

what my redo is.

Yeah, I know, it's to build

your culinary business.

I'm a talented chef.

That's gonna happen

no matter what.

-It's, well, it's--

-Caleb, this is great.

But we're just

running out of time.

So maybe you just speed it up...

Well, maybe we have

a little bit more time.

That new chorus is great.


Oh, my goodness.

Guess I was wrong.

[buzzer buzzes]

[audience cheering]

You'll get 'em next time, kiddo.

Oh, my God.

Okay, we're next!

Um, here. Take this.

Taijah wrote

the new chorus there.

There are some updates here.

Just, go, go, go, go, go!

Coming up, you know them,

you love them,

it's Squad 3D!

[audience cheering]

Our future is sealed after this.

See you on the other side.

[audience cheering]

[upbeat music]

You could say we've had

our share of ups and downs

I wasn't always

the greatest friend

There's a time

you needed me the most

And then I let you down

If only I knew

it was the end

You always held me up

Said I was a tough

hid me from pain

Why couldn't

I just do the same?


I got a breakthrough

it's voodoo

Found my way back to you

Back to you

Someone turned back the clock

and sent me back in time


I gotta break free

So you'll see

it's not all about me

About me

Can't live with regret

can't leave the past behind



You'd never liked my butt

looked fat in jeans

Saved me from those bangs

I simply couldn't resist

There's a time

you wouldn't let me

Text my ex on Halloween

And I let you down

like you didn't exist

You always help me up

Said I was a tough

hid me from pain

Why couldn't

I just do the same?


I got a breakthrough

it's voodoo

Found my way back to you

Back to you

Someone turned back the clock

and sent me back in time


I gotta break free

So you'll see

it's not all about me

About me

Can't live with regret

can't leave the past behind

He-e-e-y-y-y-y yea-h-h-h

Hey yeah

I gotta breakthrough

Gotta breakthrough

gotta breakthrough

Gotta get myself

back to you



Huh huh!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yea-h-h-h-h!


[audience cheering]

[Ross] Keep it going

for Squad 3D!

-I love you two.

-I love you two, too!

I love you three!

Are we poofing?

-We're poofing!

-Oh, my God!


We're still in the same spot.

Damn it.

I knew that Santa was bogus!


Principal Ross!

Thanks to their inspiration

and outstanding achievements

it's my honor to present the

Eagle Hills 2022 Legacy Award

to Mei-Ling Xi,

Taijah Spangler and Ishani Rai.

[audience cheering]

Oh, uh, I don't know

what to say.

-[indistinct chatter]

-Oh, right.

Um, "Over a decade ago,

Squad 3D won

the Holiday Showdown

on this very stage."

[audience cheering]

"That night was the start

of my entire career and...

two platinum albums!"


-[gasps] Oh!

"Over coming my insecurities

and embracing my voice...

was truly thanks

to these two women beside me.

My prolific songwriter and music

producer Taijah Spangler."

Dang, Santa!

"And my manager Ishani Rai

and her talent agency."

Shut up.


"We proudly accept

this award

as a testament

to our bond

and the people who supported us.

As we've learned,

real change happens

by elevating one another.

Together there are no barriers."

[audience cheering]

Thank you, Eagle Hills High!

Thank you!

[audience cheering]

Just checking, do you have

all your memories

from this version of life?

Yeah, we do. It's wild.

They come in flashes.


Oh, like New Year's Eve 2013?

Remember that?

-Mm-hmm. No.

-Who could forget it?

And no Chad in any of it!


I was thinking

maybe we get married again.

Are you asking her?

Well, I waited to do this

more privately.

Ah, not without our approval.

I'm your cousin!

You have to do it

under the mistletoe.

Come on.

Ishani Rai, love of my life

in every version...

will you marry me?

Yes. Always.

[Mei-Ling squeals]

So cute.

You're a total inspiration.

I'm so proud of you.

I'm so proud of you

for getting into

West Parkdale Academy.

I'm so glad your dad

took you on that tour.

He's the real champ.

Ah, before we eat, I'd actually

like to offer a quick toast

to my squad.

[Caleb] Thank you.

Well, if it weren't

for you ladies

I wouldn't be here today.


And I know that for a fact.

And, you know, as great as

all of our success has been

it's all of you guys that

make this moment worth it.

So here's to more memories

like this forever.


-[all] Cheers!

[instrumental music]

You could say we've had

our share of ups and downs

I wasn't always

the greatest friend

There's a time

you needed me the most

And then I let you down

If only I knew

it was the end

You always held me up

Said I was tough

hid me from pain

Why couldn't

I just do the same?


I got a breakthrough

it's voodoo

Found my way back to you

Back to you

Someone turned back the

clock and sent me back in time


I gotta break free

So you'll see

it's not all about me

About me

Can't live with regret

can't leave the past behind



You'd never liked my butt

looked fat in jeans

Saved me from those bangs

I simply couldn't resist

There's a time

you wouldn't let me

Text my ex on Halloween

Then I let you down

like you didn't exist

You always held me up

Said I was a tough

hid me from pain

Why couldn't

I just do the same?


I got a breakthrough

it's voodoo

Found my way back to you

Back to you

Someone turned back the

clock and sent me back in time


I gotta break free

So you'll see

it's not all about me

About me

Can't live with regret

can't leave the past behind

He-e-e-y-y-y-y yea-h-h-h

Hey yeah

I gotta breakthrough

Gotta breakthrough

gotta breakthrough

Gotta get myself

back to you

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