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02x10 - Dance with My Father

Posted: 02/08/23 08:31
by bunniefuu

You did break the rules,

so you'll be required to serve
a suspension of one match.

Thea has recovered and cleared,

she's getting her top spot back.


Oh. Wait.

You getting ready for
the tennis streets?

Something like that.

It's definitely gonna be a battle
to get back out there, though.

After sitting out one match?

Damn, y'all really do be
acting like it's Fight Club.

Girl, feels like it,

and I'm not the only one in the ring.

- How's dance going?
- Good, I guess.

I don't know. Dr. Pace
hasn't really been there,

so her assistant's
been teaching the class.

- What's up with that?
- Girl, I'm minding my business.

I'mma let that game come to me.

Q: ♪ And loving's all I have to give ♪

♪ But I can't give... ♪

Is he still thinking
about coming back early?

Last I heard, but no one's
been able to reach him.

Well, wherever he is,

whenever he gets here,

we'll be ready for him.

All right.

We need to go.

We don't want to be late
to welcoming Damon back.


I just hope he's not
coming back too soon.

He doesn't want to miss
your remission anniversary.


I don't know why you won't let anybody

celebrate you being healthy.

Because life is lifing right now.

Between Damon's adoptive dad dying

and my parents divorcing, who
got energy to celebrate anything?

But we can at least
celebrate your good news.

This whole Cape Cod
Summer Invitational thing.

It's a big deal, right?

It's an unofficial rite
of passage to MLB hopefuls.

That deserves a toast or whatever.

Maybe then you'll feel inclined
to tell your dad the good news.

I don't know.

Hey, bro.

Man, I'm sorry for your loss.

If there's anything we can do...

No. Seriously, we're here for you.

CAM: Yeah, bro. We got you.

That includes me, too.

So they drug you to this
welcoming committee, Coach?

I had to lay eyes on you myself.

Look, if you need anything,

even if it's company in silence, man,

we're all here for you, OK?

Look. I... I appreciate it,

but I'm straight.

You know, my dad, he's had Alzheimer's,

so I kind of lost him a long time ago,

so any grief or whatever,

that's in the rearview.

Look, bro, you don't
really have to explain.

Now, look, what I want you to do is,

I want you to celebrate, all right?

Between your anniversary and Cape Cod,

you should be living it up.

- J.R.: Yeah.
- DAMON: All right.

Should we be worried?

- CAM: Oh, hell yeah.
- SIMONE: Definitely.

- Come in, Simone.


How'd you know it was me?

Because I know you.

Well, I know you,

and I know you're not good.

But I am.

I mean, come on.

What do you want from me? You want me to

- break down or something?
- I want you to be honest with yourself.

Your mom does, too.

Of course. She called you.

What, does she want you
to keep an eye on me?


and she also wants me to
let you know about the letter

in the side compartment of your bag.

I don't understand, uh,

why she just didn't tell me about it.

It's a letter from your dad.

You made it very clear that you
didn't want to talk about him,

so she thought maybe you'd be more open

once you got back to Bringston.

- What does it say?
- All I know is

that your mom said he wrote it years ago

and he put it in his will
for you to have it now.

- Look, if you want me to stay...
- Nope. Look,

I don't need to read it, all right,

- but thank you for telling me about it.
- OK.

I'm around if and when you need me.

Yep. Thank you.

♪ Said I was the best thing that you ♪

♪ Ever had ♪

♪ Had, had ♪

Hey, why are you standing here?

I'm waiting for Coach Loni. She's
in her office with Coach Hinds.

Shouldn't you be getting
ready for practice?

I need to talk to Coach Loni, too.

I heard you got cleared
for competitive play.

Mm-hmm, and I heard
your suspension is over.

You're here to talk to Coach Loni

about your spot on the top .

I assume you're here to do the same.

- Well, at least this couldn't get any more awkward.

Welcome back, ladies.

Thanks. Is Coach Loni available?

No. Since I lost rock, paper, scissors,

I'm dealing with you two.

Well, I'm ready to fight for
my spot back on the top .

That won't be necessary.

The spot in question is mine.

You were just keeping it
warm for me while I recovered.

Aw, sweetie, a lot has changed
since you've been on the court,

so why don't you just
let us finish talking?

How about you two stop talking?

Before there's any
discussion about the top ,

we need to ease you back
into competitive play,

so you'll be playing doubles
together in today's match.

- THEA: What? Excuse me. I...
- SIMONE: I am so sorry. What?

It's not up for discussion.

FYI, the building we've identified

for the new athletic
dorm has become available.

I've contacted BU's realtor to
start the purchasing process.

I'm sorry. Why is this the
first I'm hearing about it?

Zeke Allen set it up.

He got the board to
approve it years ago.

The only thing we needed was for
a building to become available.

Well, I'm the president now,

and there will be a discussion

about how this building will be used

because it should be
used for all students,

not just athletes.

I'm sorry, President Patterson,

but it's a done deal.

Oh, I, too, am sorry,
A.D. Taylor, but it is not.

Welcome to the new regime.

I heard about Xavier.

When my mother passed,
I got so tired of people

offering their condolences,
so I won't do that,

but I will say I am grateful to him.

I'm grateful you had him.


Look, I know I haven't shown
up to the diner. I'm just...

I meant what I said.
I'll be there Wednesdays

at : until you're ready.


because I did want to
make today about J.R.

We're on the same page.

Yo, Cam, appreciate
you helping out, man.

That's what we do, not
that I had a choice.

Hang in there, man.

- It's worth it.

Oh, yo, everybody, I think
they're about to roll through.

Oh, that's my cue to bounce.

I get the work, but I can't have no fun.

Tell him I said big ups, though.

All right, man.


- GABBY: OK. Stop. Stop.
- J.R.: See? See? See? See? Ha!

ALL: Surprise!

For real? Y'all are... Man, wow. Ha ha!

Congratulations, son.

- You remember Gabby, right?
- JESSIE: I do. Nice to see you again.

- You, too, Mr. Raymond.
- Please, call me Jessie.

Mr. Raymond is my father.

MAN: You got that right, son.

I also go by "sir"

unless you're my death-defying grandson.

You call me Gramps. Ha ha ha!

Dad, we didn't think you'd join us.

There's no place else I'd rather be.

Gramps, I can't believe you're here.

Look, Let me introduce
you to a few people.

- This is my girl Gabby...
- Nice to meet you, Mr. Raymond.

And this, that's your
other grandson Damon.

Uh, nice to meet you, sir.

Welcome to the family, son.


It's nice having an MLB
prospect in the family.

Now, I'm just gonna
put this out there...

Damon Raymond, huh?

That's got a nice ring to it, don't it?

Uh, look, let's celebrate, y'all.

Come on. Let's eat, then.



- SIMONE: Ow! Seriously?
- I said, Switch.

When did we talk about
switching positions, Thea?

- THEA: It's obvious...
- SIMONE: It's obvious?

This is an example of the problem

we've had all year...
lack of communication.

Our next match is this afternoon.

I don't care what you do,
but do something together

that shows you can
work together as a team.

I mean, she's right.
We're better than this.

Well, duh, but what exactly
does she expect us to do?

I'll text y'all both an
address. Be there in an hour.

Uh-uh, and where are you taking us?

You'll see. Trust, Simone. Ha ha!

Coach Marcus,

I'm sure you've heard
that we're moving forward

with our plans for
the new athletic dorm.

I did. So it's a done deal?

Hmm, almost.

There's one obstacle in the way...

President Patterson.

I need your help to get her on board.

Well, if I know our president,

she wants to use the
building for all students.

And, respectfully, I agree with her.

Well, respectfully,

don't let your recent success

make you too comfortable.

Excuse me?

There's a lot of coaches
showing interest in Bringston.

You just got your job back.

Your position is on shaky ground.

Is that a threat, man?

It's a plea for your help.


My dad owns escape rooms
in the Greater Atlanta area.

This one opens at night,

so we have the whole place to ourselves.

So let me get this straight.

Your big idea for bonding is to
lock us up in this crazy-ass room

for an hour to decipher
clues on how to get out.

We just need to pick a room.

We have a room that's set in space.

Let's do the space-themed room.

- That should be fun.
- Uh, you're not captain anymore,

- so you don't get to choose.
- THEA: And you do?


I think we should vote.

That's just it.

The team has voted.
We're tired of your drama.

Our drama?

Tootie, you've been the
center of this mess all season.

OK. True, but I'm
willing to put that aside

if it means we all win.
You two aren't giving that,

at least not yet, so...

- SIMONE: Um...

THEA: What are you doing?

- SIMONE: Open the door.
- TOOTIE: Bye.

- THEA: This isn't funny.
- SIMONE: Open the door.


Thea, calm down.

GABBY: You got your own pool cue?

I see you, Mr. Raymond.

Young lady, when it comes
to Eight-ball, I don't play.

Yeah. That's probably why
J's so competitive with it.

Guilty. J.R. picked it up fast,

unlike some people I know.

Jessie, are you gonna
take your next shot soon?

I want to celebrate Christmas at home.

JESSIE: Just give me a minute, Dad.

J.R., so I hear you picked
up something else from me.

Decided to go into engineering.

Heh. I started this semester.

Man, I can't wait for
you to take over the reins

of Raymond Home
Contractors from your dad.

He spends so much time
moonlighting as a "coach,"

I almost took the company back from him.

Well, I know of a up-and-coming engineer

that Raymond Home Contractors

will be lucky to have one day.



I knew you had baseball in your blood,

but engineering, too?

Man. You're a Raymond.

You're a Raymond through and through.

- DAMON: Mr. Raymond, it's not...
- J.R.: Whoa, Gramps, Gramps.

Heh! I'm talking about Gabby.

Oh. Ha ha ha!

Well, so you're in engineering, too.

- Yes, sir.
- Well, good for you, little lady.

Yeah. Uh-huh.

All that and still missed.

Mm mm mm.



What? What is it? What's going on?

Apparently, Dr.
Patterson thinks Dr. Pace

works her students too
hard, so from now on,

we're just gonna focus
on the fundamentals.

No more guest choreographers.

The end-of-the-year
showcase is canceled.

OK. Yeah. That's crazy, but

it's still not explaining the shade.

You've been on Dr. Pace's
bad side from day one,

and we all know how close
you are with Dr. Patterson.

- No. It's really not like that.
- You couldn't cut it,

so you ruined this
class for everyone else.

There you go. Let me know
if you have any questions.

I can't believe you would
betray my trust like this.

First of all, you knock, young lady.

Second, I'm gonna need
you to take a breath

and then tell me what's wrong.

When you asked me about Dr. Pace,

you said you were asking as Dr. P.,

not as the president of Bringston,

and then you went behind my
back and talked to Dr. Pace?

Come on, Keish. You can't
talk to Dr. P. like that.

Well, this is a private
conversation, Cam.

Feel free to leave at any time.

Cam, please give us a minute.

I suggested to her that she re-evaluate

her teaching style to ensure the safety

and well-being of her
students. That's all.

And now she's taking away everything

that makes her classes special,

and everyone blames me.

Keisha, I am sorry that happened,

but it is my job to look after your
physical and emotional well-being.

I never asked you to do that.

- I can fight my own battles.
- This wasn't just about you.

You weren't the only student that's
had this experience with Dr. Pace.

I cannot believe you're hiding
behind your job right now.

I trusted you.

"The treasure lies in the moon's wake.

The path forward is hidden from sight

by a sun that travels
east to west for the night.

"All will be revealed in due course.

Heed my advice. Chart
a route north." What...


- Can't believe Tootie did this.
- SIMONE: Heh. Really?

- You created the monster.
- Tootie is not my fault.

Yeah. She is.

You were captain last year.

Therefore, you dictated the culture.

Yeah, and the culture I created

pushed my teammates towards excellence.

Well, there's a difference

between requiring excellence
and instilling fear.

Everyone's so scared
to be the next target,

so they'd rather just take aim.

Oh, and... let me guess...
you've been the main target.

Tootie came for me because you have been

coming for me since
day one. Let's be real.

No, Simone. No.

I was trying to instill
excellence in you,

but how many times have
you said that out loud?

Yeah. You know, if I made you a target,

you made me the villain.

All I wanted was to be your friend

and... I don't know...

you be a compassionate
teammate for once.

This team was unified
before you showed up,

and maybe the culture I
dictated didn't suit you,

but it worked for us. We were a team.


"South winds make your ship shake."


"Treasure lies in the moon's... "


by a sun...

that travels east...

and west for the night."

"Chart a route north."

One lock down, two to go.


C : ♪ If you're gonna
do it, do it right... ♪

GRANDPA: Oh, man, and
you've never played before?

Heh. No, sir,

but I kind of just
pick up on things fast.

That's a sign of a true athlete.

Dad, you should come watch him play,

really see him in his element.

I might just have to do that.

GABBY: I don't mean to interrupt
y'all salivating over Damon,

but there's someone else in your family

you're overlooking
who has natural talent.

- GABBY: Let them know, J.R.
- JESSIE: Let us know what?

I got invited to try out
for Cape Cod Summer League.

- DAMON: Yes, sir.

Wow. Cape Cod League is a
stepping stone to the majors.

You think you have that in you?

DAMON: I mean, how can you
say that? You've seen J. play.

Because he's gonna be
competing against guys

who've been playing
center field for years.

J.R., you've only been
at it a few months.

The odds of making the team are slim.

So, what, J's just supposed
to give up on his dreams?

J.R.: Yo, it's all good, man.

Dad's just being on brand, all right?

Jessie, your job is to make sure

your sons do better than you.

Now, if you're not gonna
support J.R., then I will.

Dad, you're just saying
that to stick it to me

- like you always do.
- Hold up. Gramps always had my back.

- This ain't got nothing to do with you.
- Trust me, son, it does.

GRANDPA: You see, there's
no question in my mind

why your other son still
won't meet you at that diner.

- Don't bring Damon into this.
- Oh, Damon's not in it.

He's gone.

- KEISHA: Hey.
- CAM: Hey.

I think we're due for a good,
old-fashioned "I'm sorry."

I agree.

- It's all on you, pretty girl.
- Oh, no. You owe me an apology

You defended Dr. P. and wouldn't

leave her side without permission.

You mean I wouldn't
bounce when you told me to.

Yeah. We gonna talk
about that in a second.

I can't believe you right now.

Hold up, Keish.

Look, there's a bigger
picture you ain't seeing.

You didn't just blow up
at Dr. P. or the president.

OK. What, she has another
job that I don't know about?

You remember how you thought
your dad was seeing somebody?

Yeah, but it cooled down a little bit.

Are you trying to say that they're...

I didn't put it together until your dad

called the office today.

Start of semester,

Dr. P. was acting a
whole lot like your dad...

goofy smiles while texting,

whispered phone calls.

OK, but that doesn't
mean that they're dating.

Don't mean they're not.

AMARA: Yes, athletics delivers revenue,

but this building could be a resource

to other departments in need of space.

This isn't them versus us.

It's a chance to work together

to serve the needs of
the entire student body.

TRUSTEE: Thank you, Dr. Patterson,

for your thoughtful presentation.

Coach Marcus, I would love
to hear your take on this.

As I understand it, the reason Bringston

can afford this property
is because your team

generated the revenue it did

- for the pay-to-play game.

Well, athletics is the
lifeblood here at Bringston.

Our athletes deserve
a facility that will

help them achieve at
their highest level.

New facilities will
attract elite players,

which, in turn, will
increase our stature

as a program and revenues,

so that's my two cents.

Thank you.

- _

JESSIE: ... can't hear
anything I'm saying to you.

JESSIE: Dad, how could you
undermine me with my son?

Jessie, your relationship with J.R.

was already broken.

I guess that's why it always falls to me

to do what has to be done.

What are you talking about now?

GRANDPA: I'm sorry. Of
course. You don't see it.

I'm gonna tell him

he has to break up with that
fast girl before it's too late.

What? Dad, no. Just stay
out of J.R.'s business.

I have always protected J.R.,

and I'm not gonna stop now.

If you're so concerned with J.R.,

why support him with Cape Cod?

If I'd have come to you
with something like this,

you would've forbade it.

Son, if you had shown hustle

about anything in your life,

I would've backed you,

but that's not you, is it, son?

You let everyone walk all over you,

even your wife.

We answered the clues.

Why isn't the door opening?

I don't know.

Clearly, we're missing something.


Maybe you should answer that.

Could be Damon's mom calling again.

Girl, Keena called to check and see

how Damon was holding up.

She's worried about him.

Well, in that case, why not call me?

- I used to date him, not you.
- Exactly.

You broke her son's heart.

Plus, she probably didn't
want to make things awkward.


That does make sense.

How is he?

Well, last I talked to
him, he said he's good.

I don't believe him, but...

You haven't checked on him yourself?

No. I...

I was just getting the hang
of the, like, girlfriend thing.

I... I don't know how to be the ex.

You start by being his friend.

His dad passed away,

so put your feelings aside
and just show up, period.


Your bedside manner used to be better.

I'm sorry. I'm stuck in an escape room

about to miss my match,
if you'll excuse me.

Oh, that's right.

What was the last clue?

"The pirates panicked,
and their ship sank.

To reclaim their glory,
rebuild the plank."

I mean, I saw some planks over there.


I mean, it's just a broken board, but...

Wait. Hold up.

Let me see.

I've seen that symbol.

Hold on. I saw it. Where?

Yeah. Look.

Oh, yeah.





- THEA: Let me try.
- SIMONE: Yeah.

- SIMONE: Yes!

- Ha ha ha!
- THEA: Yeah! Ha ha!

- SIMONE: We did it.
- THEA: All right. Ha ha!

THEA: We did it.

SIMONE: OK. Let's get
out of here. Tootie?

Amara, Amara, let me explain.

What do you possibly have to say?

They voted against me,
and you helped them.

Look. I didn't have a choice, Amara.

Taylor essentially threatened my job.

Marcus, I understand
there are politics...

I have them, too...

but I don't compromise what I believe

and certainly don't save myself

at the expense of what's right.

- You are better than this.
- You're right.

Look, I am.

- What are you saying?
- That I'm a better man than the one

who seemingly sided with A.D. Taylor.

- You have a plan.
- Not yet.

Just trust me, OK?


So your pops rolls like that, huh?

Heh. Yep.

Now you see why I
didn't want to tell him.

I should've minded my business.


come here.

You were just trying to have my back.

I dig that about you.

OK. Good, because me talking first,

- consequences be damned, is...
- That's how you roll. Heh.

- I pay attention.
- Hmm.

- Yo, J., um...

can I holler at you for a sec?

Look, man. After what Gabby just saw,

whatever you got to say, you
can say it in front of her.

It's obviously about me, fool.

I'll give you two a

Appreciate it.

Hey, look, bro.

Gramps ain't feeling Gabby.

I mean it. Like, he's gonna tell
you to break it off with her.

Well, Gramps won't do
that. He can tell I'm happy.

You must've heard wrong.

You should listen to your brother.

What? I said you all should talk.

I never said I wasn't gonna listen.

Can we talk about the fact that
your grandpa is low-key sexist

with his "little lady engineer"?

Look. Y'all are tripping.

Gramps, yeah, he's old
and stuck in his ways,

but he means well.

You know what?

Let's go clear this up.

We can talk to him.

Simone, I've been
texting and calling you.

- Where were you?
- Uh, escape room, Thea. Please don't ask.

Can we talk later? My
match starts in an hour.

My dad wants to start dating your aunt.

OK. What's another minutes? What?

He said he's finally ready.

He asked me for my blessing.

And I assume from your text messages

and voicemails, you didn't give it.

I may have lost it a little bit

on the phone with him and said
that he couldn't date Dr. P.

OK. Well, that's one way to react,

- but why?
- Also, I also kind of,

um, maybe sort of yelled at
Dr. P. for interfering with

the Dr. Pace stuff and making it worse.

Keish, are you sure this
is just about my auntie?


OK. Maybe no. I ju...

My dad hasn't seriously dated
anyone since my mom died.

I just got kind of freaked out,

and I was already really upset, so...

- I just really miss my mom.
- I know,

but your dad deserves to be happy.

So does my auntie.

Yeah. I owe a lot of apologies.

Look, I was about to give Damon advice

on how to handle his grief

when I'm still over
here processing my own.

Well, the good thing is

you don't have to process it alone, OK?

Come here.

It's OK.

J.R.: Yo, Gramps, real quick,

need you to clear up a
misunderstanding for us.

- Sure.
- Damon and Gabby seems to think

that you got a problem with Gabby.

They're wrong, right?

You know,

actually, I wanted to
talk to you about her.

I don't think she's a good fit for you,

- no offense.
- Um, all the offense is taken.

But you don't... you don't know Gabby.

Oh, oh, I know.

She reminds me of your mother,

and I'm not gonna stand by
and let history repeat itself.

DAMON: Well, what is
that supposed to mean?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Jessie got too serious
too fast with Celine, who,

as we know, ended up cheating on him

and then had what we thought at the time

was another man's child,

and then she... she convinced Jessie

to raise that child for over a year.

Uh, Mr. Raymond,

I'm gonna need you to stop
referring to me as "that child"

because I'm standing right here.

Son, I don't know who raised you,

but in this family, you don't
talk back to your elders.

You do when they deserve it.

Dad, I let you bully me my whole life.

I won't let you do it to my boys.

GRANDPA: Your boys?

Now, there never would
have been a question

Damon is yours

had Celine simply
remained faithful, right?

J.R.: Gramps, did you tell my
dad to break it off with my mom?

I was protecting my son.

OK, and in protecting your son,

did that also include telling
him to give Damon away?

I didn't have to say anything.

Jessie knew I wasn't raising him

to be a weak man, right, boy?

Yo, J., um, let's get out of here, man.

J.R.: Yeah.

This ain't how I planned
on spending my day anyway.

Hey, grandson, wait a
minute. What's going on here?

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Bring the truth to the lie,
the depths to the highs ♪

♪ Left, rights to the center now ♪
♪ To the center now ♪

♪ A different desire as
we bridge the divide ♪

♪ And we bring it all together now ♪
♪ All together now ♪

♪ Hey, bring it together now,
bring it together now ♪

♪ Bring it together now,
bring it together now ♪

♪ Bring it together now ♪

Game's a little off, Hicks?

Didn't hit your blunt this morning?

And, Mays, you shouldn't even be
on the court with that weak serve.

Don't even listen to them.

They're just trying to get in your head.

Yeah, right back at you.

You know, the only thing these b*tches

are going to understand
is us beating them, right?

Heh. How?

We are singles players
forced to play doubles,

just like the planks at the escape room.

They did, though. We just
had to use them differently.

We need to play into our
strengths as singles players

and minimize our weaknesses
as a doubles team.

Yeah, but how do we do that?

We play doubles as singles players.

JUNG YOUTH: Can't take it from me.

♪ Yeah, do you think that
you can risk it all? ♪

♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Now I'm really going all in ♪

♪ And it's too late to care
about my floss now ♪

♪ 'Cause I can see
the sky is falling, falling ♪

♪ Everybody want to save the world now ♪

♪ I look around and see
him styling, styling ♪

♪ So I ain't gonna take
it anymore, nah, nah ♪

♪ I know I can settle
the score, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ You say red light, green light ♪

♪ I don't want to wait my whole life ♪

♪ I don't love to be
looking for a fair fight ♪

♪ Coming up, like,
all day and all night ♪

♪ Come around, like,
once in a blue moon ♪

♪ With a man gonna
call for the monsoon ♪

♪ Or the plague to
the faces I once knew ♪

♪ Waking up like a dream
finally came true, yeah ♪

♪ You ain't getting in my way now ♪

♪ I don't ever want to slow down ♪

♪ Finally got it, this
is my time, my time ♪

♪ You ain't taking it
from me now, from me now ♪

♪ You ain't getting in my way now ♪

♪ I don't ever want to slow down ♪

♪ Finally got it, this
is my time, my time ♪

♪ You ain't taking it from me now ♪


- can we talk?
- Yeah. Me first.

Look, how you came at me was foul.

If we're gonna be in
a real relationship,

we got to be able to check
each other when necessary.

No. I know, and that's why
I wanted to say I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

[KISS] I'm sorry.

- [KISS KISS] I'm sorry.
- Why you do all this?

My plan was to stay mad at you.

Mm. Yeah. Well, good luck with that.

What's all this?

It's for the next stop
on my apology tour.


How you feeling?

Like my world is right side up.

You and Gabby saw Gramps,

like, really saw him.

Just crazy I got him wrong for so long.

Look, I know what it's like to learn

the dude who you respected the most

isn't who you thought he was.

You're not alone, bro.

I don't mean to interrupt.

We have a tradition to uphold.

Why are there only ?

One for each year of my remission.

Every year, we add another one.

These cupcakes are
also a peace offering.

J.R., I realize that

I've treated you the same way

your grandfather treated
me all these years,

trying to control your life,

not supporting your dreams.

That stops today.

I'm sorry, so moving forward,

not only do I fully support you

trying out for the Cape Cod League.

I want to help get you ready,

both of you.

- Oh, bet.
- JESSIE: You two are gonna need to commit

to Cape Cod training on top
of your Bringston practices.

I'm down with that. D.?

Oh, yeah. Sounds dope to me.

But before the new diet kicks in,

I'mma need one of these
red velvet cupcakes.

- Toast, Pops?
- All right.

J.R.: You know you can have
too many of those, right?

- Who you talking to?
- J.R.: I'm talking to you.

Who you think I'm talking to?


Uh, I'm gonna catch
you later, all right?

- Hold on. Where you going?
- Let him go.

You two showed me something.

This is the kind of leadership

that has earned you
both a spot in the top .

- SIMONE: Wait. What?
- THEA: Seriously?

Well, Coach Loni and
I were already talking

about making a change.

Enjoy your victory, ladies.


- I was not expecting that.
- Definitely not top ...


But us thriving under
high-stakes situations,

it's what we do,

but we can't seem to be
cool on a regular-ass day.

- Girl, why is that?
- Maybe for now,

we'll just take the win that
we're learning to be teammates,

and maybe that's enough.

- SIMONE: Yeah.
- THEA: Yeah.

- SIMONE: Congrats.
- THEA: You, too.

Marcus, what are you doing here?

I'm ready to share the plan.

Look, I knew you needed more room

in the board room today, so instead,

- I got you more time.
- I don't understand.

The owner of the building,

he's a Bringston baseball fan,

in particular, a fan of mine.

I convinced him to hold off
selling the building for days.

- Are you serious?
- It'll give you more time to come up with a plan

- to acquire the building for all students.
- Oh, my God. Cool.

Marcus, thank you.

Thank you. This is a huge
help, and I know your job

is on the line if anyone
knows you did this,

so it stays between us.

I would appreciate that.

Is there something else?

Well, actually, there is.

Since we're on the topic of timing,

last month when I told you I loved you,

you didn't have a response...


so I think I need to tell
you now in a different way.


- DAMON: Thea, what are you...
- THEA: I suck.

Your father dies, and I...

I didn't want to say the wrong thing,

so I ended up not saying
anything at all, which is...

Thea, it's... it's cool.

No, it's not,

and I know we may not be
what we used to be, but

I'd like to get back
to where we started,

as friends.

Um, yeah. Um,

I'd like that, too.

OK, but just so you know,

I won't always get it right.

It's all good.

I mean, I've been known
to get it wrong, too.

Keisha, what are you doing here?

I brought you something.

My mom used to say the
best way to say sorry is

a big pot of apology spaghetti.

- Keisha, you don't have to...
- No. I do.

What went down earlier wasn't about you.

I'm sorry.

Thank you,

and even if you disagree
with how I handled things,

I am always looking out for you.

But in the future, what's said
to Dr. P. will stay with Dr. P.

I appreciate that.

Now, come on. I know you're
not about to make me eat alone.

Of course not.

Your dinner guest will
be here in minutes.

Dr. P.,

you're kind

and caring and protective.

I couldn't imagine a
better person for my dad.

He really does care about you,

so I hope you feel the same.


- AMARA: Thank you.
- KEISHA: You're welcome.



♪ Ah, oh ♪

♪ Ah, oh ♪

♪ Ah, oh ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Mm ♪

CYNTHIA ERIVO: ♪ Echoes sing me
through the night ♪

♪ And tears that fall ♪

♪ Pool at my chin ♪

♪ Daylight meets me in my waking ♪

♪ I wear its mask as I
lay lies at your hands ♪

♪ And the pain grows like
the tallest of trees ♪

♪ And the roots take hold inside me ♪

♪ There has to be a window ♪

♪ Where the light shines in ♪

My dad confessed to the affair...

you know, lying to me and my mom.

ERIVO: ♪ Where do the
lonely hearts go... ♪

I couldn't read the rest.

Do you want me to? Right.

Uh, second page.

ERIVO: ♪ Ah oh ♪

♪ Ah oh ♪

♪ Ah oh oh... ♪

"I just learned that I'm
not your birth father.

I know the right thing
to do is to tell everyone,

but I don't have the
courage to do what's right,

so instead of being the
man I'm raising you to be,

I've become someone who lies to you.

I'm so sorry for that,
but I just can't lose you.

My fear is robbing you
of years with Jessie."

"One day, I know you're
going to meet him...

... and he's gonna want
a relationship with you,

but you won't let him
in because it will feel

like a betrayal to me.

Damon, it's not."

♪ Where do the lonely hearts go ♪

♪ When the silence falls ♪

♪ And the storm comes in? ♪

♪ Where do the lonely hearts go ♪

♪ When the silence falls ♪

♪ And the storm comes in? ♪

♪ My arms are stretched,
and they reach out for you ♪

♪ Fingers are spread, and
like air, you fall through ♪

♪ I hope I changed you, too ♪

♪ Where do the lonely hearts go ♪

♪ When the silence falls ♪

♪ And the storm comes in? ♪

♪ Where do the lonely hearts go ♪

♪ When the silence falls ♪

♪ And the storm comes in... ♪

Greg, move your head.