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04x03 - Cry Wolf

Posted: 02/08/23 08:24
by bunniefuu

You know, Strand, you might be
a hell of a fire captain,

but you're not much of a spy.

Do you know how easy it was
for me to find that thing?

Who do you work for, Owen?



Get out of my house.

Grab a helmet. We're going for a ride.

And what are we doing here?


there's someone I want you to meet.


Hey, buddy boy.

What are you still doing up?

JOANNE: Jacob,
only Mommy opens the door.

Mind if we come in?

Who's this?

A friend.

This is my nephew, Andy.

His mom, my sister Melinda,
died when he was .

Breast cancer.

The father was
never really in the picture

so I tried to do everything
that I could for him.

Uncle Ty has been great
to us, real great.

Andy's got a big heart.

He's been in a little trouble.
Nothing serious.

But ever since Jake came along,

he's really straightened his act up.

Hasn't he, big boy? Up here.

This was him when, uh,
Jacob was first born.

- He's so big.
- JOANNE: You don't gotta me that.

There's your mama.

Huh? See your mama?

About a month ago,
Jo got a call from Andy late at night.

He said he was scared, right?

Yeah, yeah. And Andy, he...

he don't scare easy.

He said he was sorry,
that he was in trouble.

Wouldn't say for what.

And not to look for him.

O'BRIEN: That's the last
anyone's heard from him.

Why do I feel like I know
where this is headed?

Because you absolutely do.

He joined the Honor Dogs
about a year ago.

Didn't tell me 'cause
he knew I wouldn't approve.

I thought they were real nice at first.

Was even invited to barbecues
with the wives and kids.

Then Andy stopped spending time with us

and started spending
a whole lot more time with them.

He'd come home worked up, angry. I...

I told him to stop going
if it wasn't fun no more.

Said he couldn't quit
even if he wanted to.

And what did the police say?

They say that he's not really missing

because he called me to say
that he wasn't coming home.

That he's an adult
and he can leave if he wants to.

They're not even looking for him.

So you're in there looking
for evidence of a crime.

No, I'm in there lookin' for my nephew.

- Ow!
- Oh.

Oh, my God. I am so sorry.

Jacob! Not nice.

- O'BRIEN: Grab some ice.
- JOANNE: Yeah, I got... Let me...

OWEN STRAND: No, it's fine. (CHUCKLES)

O'BRIEN: You okay?

Feel like I was hit by a truck.

JOANNE: He's been acting out.

- I'm gonna be fine.
- You okay?

I am so sorry. Jacob!

Time for bed, you little monster.

- OWEN: Oof. That kid's got an arm.
- Yeah.

OWEN: You should sign
him up for the softball team.

- O'BRIEN: Sorry, Owen.
- Yeah.

Ty, I-I'm sorry you're going
through what you're going through.

Thank you.

Look, the, uh, the people
that sent you in there,

they've been watching these guys
a lot longer than I have.

Maybe they've seen
something that I haven't.

I could bring you in,
you can talk to them

and see if they could help you.

No, I don't trust
the federal government,

not at this moment.

You sound like them.

Look, if Andy's still alive,

I just wanna bring him home safe.

Him going to a federal prison
doesn't do this family any good.

So, I don't suppose you wanna tell me

what the government thinks
they're planning?

You know I can't talk to you about that.


I understand.


you don't need to tell them
about me and my nephew either.

Iris left here the other night,

you had just served her
with divorce papers?

I don't think "served"
is the right word.

She took them with her.

Did she seem upset or agitated?


So you wouldn't characterize
this divorce as contentious?

Not at all.

And how long has Iris

been diagnosed
as paranoid schizophrenic?

Uh, she wasn't officially diagnosed

until after her sister

found her living on the streets
a few years ago.

She had been struggling for a while.

She's... she's in a good place now.

She's seeing a psychiatrist.
She's taking her meds.

She's holding down a job.

She's better.

And yet she left her meds
behind in her car

when she walked away.

I don't think she walked away.
I think she was working.

Officer Reyes,

I know you're worried about your friend,

but I have nothing at that car
to suggest foul play.

What I do have
are a set of divorce papers

handed to her three days ago

by a husband she hasn't seen
in over five years.

Divorce papers she had not signed.

She wasn't upset about the divorce.

The reason she didn't sign the papers...

is because she thought it would
be better if they got an annulment.

I went to see her.

- What? When?
- Yesterday.


So... so she could sign the papers.

- TK.
- So you confronted her?

No. No, no.
It-it wasn't like that at all.

We even hugged.

Alright. I'll be in touch.

If either one of you thinks
of anything else,

here's my card.

- Thank you, detective.
- GRIER: Mm-hmm.

I'll walk you out.


She was fine when I saw her.

I swear to God.


- Where are you going?
- I have a shift.

TK STRAND: Yeah. Tomorrow morning.

I'm starting early.

I can't just sit here

while she's out there.

- You think it's my fault.
- CARLOS REYES: I didn't say that.

Yeah, but you're thinking it.

You should have given her time, TK.

- We weren't supposed to push, remember?
- Uh, I-I know.

Yeah, she would have
come around on her own.

You didn't have to
go there and badger her.

I know.

Look, I'm sorry.

But she was fine.

She's not fine.

I gotta go.




- Hey, Judd.

What, you forget to duck?

Oh, this?

Eh. It's nothing.

It don't look like nothin'.
Looks like a story.

Yeah, it's just not a story
that's worth telling.

But I will tell you this,
this time I didn't swing first.

In fact, I didn't even swing at all.


(SIGHS) I gotta take this.



This is Strand.

Captain Strand, Special Agent Kacey.

We'd like you to come in.

Right now? My shift just started.

KACEY: We need to coordinate
you going back to the roadhouse

and activating the listening device.

Do you have a free spot
in your schedule today?

Yeah, I don't really schedule
my days like that. Chaos does.

KACEY: I know you appreciate
the level of chaos we could be facing

if we don't get ahead of this, Captain.

Alright, I'll see what I can do.


What do you think he's playing at?

I have no idea.



Can you tell me your location?

CALLER: (ON PHONE) McKinney Park.
We're at, we're at the lookout.

I can't get to her, but I can see her.

And she's not moving.

Okay, sir, help is on the way.


MAN: Over here, please!

Please, okay, she's over here.
She's not answering me.

Okay, I need to step back, sir.
Thank you.

Ma'am, can you hear me?

No movement.

Alright, Strickland, Marwani,
you're riding the ropes.

Judd and Mateo, you're on the winch.

Prep fluids. Be prepared
for internal injuries,

broken bones, and a possible TBI.

- Copy.
- Copy.

♪ ♪

- The victim, is she okay?
- Uh, we just got here.

We're just suiting up.
What do you mean, "victim"?

A witness on the service road
called in to say

that she saw a man throw what
had looked like a body over the cliff.

The body matches the description
of a recent CLEAR Alert.

- Iris?
- It could be her down there.

Oh, God.

MAN: How is she? Is she okay?

Is that the man that called it in?

- That's the boyfriend.
- Boyfriend?

MAN: I love you. I'm here for you!



You placed the call to - - ?

Yes. Is she okay?

You told the operator
your girlfriend slipped?

Oh, it's all my fault.

You know, I was gonna
break up with her today,

and-and I think she sensed it and...

Do you think she jumped?

What's your girlfriend's name?

MAN: Why?

I-I don't really feel comfortable

talking about that with a stranger.

You're gonna have
to answer the question, sir.

The woman you say fell,
is her name Iris?

Oh, I don't like that name.
I call her Chrissy.

Marwani, Strickland,
status report, please.

Gettin' there, Cap.
Still not seeing any movement.

Or any blood, for that matter.

CARLOS: If that's your
girlfriend down there,

then you must have a picture of
her on your phone. Show it to me.

She doesn't like to
have her picture taken.

She's not really
your girlfriend, is she?

Why does everyone say that?

Did you take her off the street?

I didn't t-take her! I found her.

Where did you find her?

Officer! A word.

Detective, we have a witness
responding to the CLEAR Alert.

Yeah. Do we have a positive ID?

CARLOS: Not yet. They're...

retrieving her.

Mm-hmm. You let me handle this.

Mr. Granger, hi. I'm Detective Grier.

I have just a couple
of questions for you.


- Ma'am?
- PAUL STRICKLAND: Still no movement.

MARJAN: Ma'am, we need to turn you over.

- Oh!
- Oh.

- No way.
- OWEN: (OVER RADIO) Alright, talk to me.

It's not Iris Blake, Cap.

- You sure?
- PAUL: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

It's not Iris.

It's not Iris.

Is she alive?

MARJAN: Uh, nope.

Was she alive
when she went over, you think?

She... she was never alive.

She's a sex doll, Cap.

Uh, what do you want us to do?

- OWEN: Sit tight.
- Sit tight?

Do you wanna try mouth-to-mouth?

I don't know where she's been.


Okay, so the detective
has just gotten off the phone

with, uh, Mr. Granger's psychiatrist,

and apparently he suffers from

some sort of attachment disorder.

And he and Chrissy have been
together for over two years.

- So it's serious then?
- No, obviously the therapy

has progressed to the point
that he's ready to move on.

I think it's time.

Okay, so if he brought her
up here to m*rder her,

why did he call - - ?

He can't let go of a bad relationship.

So maybe we can
give him a hand with that.

Help end his suffering.

And Chrissy's.


NANCY GILLIAN: Come on, Chrissy!

Stay with us.

Oh, God, please let her be okay.

Her pulse is dropping, Cap.
We're losing her.

No, damn it!


- Live!

TOMMY VEGA: Flatline.

Nancy, it's over.

- You did everything you could.

I'm sorry.

Her injuries were extremely grave.

Would you like to say goodbye?



Goodbye, Chrissy.


I'll love you forever.

Or your money back.

Ohh, I can't believe she's gone.

I'm sorry for your loss.

What do I do now?

Keep going.

It's what Chrissy would have wanted.

Thank you.

You may not have saved her,
but I think you saved me.

That's what we're here for.

Captain Strand, thanks for...

What happened to you?

Nothing, I walked into a door.

Eye first?

It was the doorknob.

(GROANS) Alright.

So, about the listening device

- we asked you to plant...
- Oh, the listening device

you neglected to show me how to turn on.

It's on.

- It's on? How?
- Yes.

I assume you turned it on
when you put it in your pocket.

In my pocket?

Yes. In your pocket.

Yes, it's in my pocket.
Because I put it there.

- See? There.
- Why?

- Why?
- Yes.

Because I couldn't sleep.

I was worried that
somebody would find it,

and then they would blame the new guy,

and then they would k*ll the new guy.

So I went back and I got it.

And walked into a doorknob?

I had to get on my knees.

Just out of curiosity,
how long has this been transmitting?

Well, at least before
your drive over here,

when we were treated to
an alarmingly off-key rendition

of "Bridge over Troubled Water."

That is a very difficult song to sing.

Look, just tell me
how to turn this thing on.

Oh, better yet,
tell me how to turn it off,

and then I will go back
and I will replant it.

I'm just gonna get another one.

Well, this one works
pretty well obviously.

It's protocol.

Maybe grab a bunch of 'em.


♪ ♪


Let me show you how to turn this on.

- Uh, I think I got it.
- You sure?

It involves moving
the switch into the on position.

Well, you could have
told me that a lot earlier.

There's no need to cop an attitude.

Well, I can have them
draw up a diagram if you'd like.

I think I can handle it.

Just plant it, turn it on, and leave.

And you'll be done with all this.

Okay, I'll do it.

And watch the doorknob on your way out.




I'm sorry, ma'am. Can you speak up?
I can't really hear you.

He's in the room. Asleep.

Okay. Well, then,

you keep your voice
nice and low then, that's fine.

Use as few words as you can.

Can you tell me where you are?

- WOMAN: No.
- Okay.

Is it an apartment or a house?

WOMAN: A house.

He drove me here. I...

I don't know.

It's okay, love. I'm gonna find you.

My name is Grace. What's your name?

WOMAN: Iris. Iris Blake.

Iris, I'm with you, okay?

Listen, I'm trying to locate your phone.

It's not coming up.


Oh, his... Okay, It's his phone.

- IRIS: Yes.

Maybe it's a burner or something
because I can't track it.

Iris, is there any way you can
safely get past him to run?




Iris, you with me still?

IRIS: ... against door.

Okay, so he's asleep on
a mattress in front of the door

- so you can't get out.
- IRIS: Yes.


GRACE: Are you hurt?

IRIS: He's going to k*ll me.

I can't pull a location either.

Could she give us any details?


You know what?

Iris, I'm not leaving you, okay?

Give me one second.

APD Unit three-six-three-H-twenty,
do you copy?

Copy, dispatch. What's up?

GRACE: Carlos, it's Grace.

I have Iris on the line.

Dispatch, how is she?

She's being held hostage.

She took his phone
while he was sleeping,

but I can't locate the signal.

I need to know

where you guys found
Iris' car last night.

Rusk Heights.
Near the homeless encampment under .


Iris, do you remember anything
about being in his vehicle last night?

Maybe what direction
you guys were going in?

IRIS: No. Knife.

Oh, he had a knife?
That's how he took you?

IRIS: Yes.

His trunk.

Okay, Iris, I really
want you to think back.

How long did it feel like
you were in the trunk moving?

Maybe five minutes or closer to an hour?

IRIS: Eleven minutes, twenty seconds.

You counted.

IRIS: Yes.

GRACE: That's really good, Iris.

And was he going fast or normal,
like the speed limit?

IRIS: Normal.

That's and a half minutes
at miles per hour.

SARA ORTIZ: A five-to-eight-mile radius.

Iris, can you tell me anything
about the house you're in right now?

Is it big?


Okay, is it new?

- IRIS: Abandoned.
- Okay.

Okay. That's Laurel Commons
in Rusk Heights.

Isn't that where all the
loitering calls were coming from?

Uh-huh. Lots of foreclosures
that are sitting empty.

Full of squatters and drug users.


IRIS: He's going to wake up.

Okay, Iris, you hang in there, okay?

Help is coming.

All units, be advised, we have
an abduction in progress.

The only location that fits
the hostage's description

is Laurel Commons in Rusk Heights.

All units, please respond.


- OFFICER : Go, go, go, go!
- OFFICER : Move, move, move!

ERT CAPTAIN: Alright, listen up.

nine abandoned houses in the area.

SWAT goes through them one by one.

OFFICER : Eyes peeled!

IRIS: I don't want to die.

It's okay, Iris.
They're gonna get to you on time.

Everyone else,

canvass any neighbors who might
have seen something.

OFFICER : Quick. Check the back room.

OFFICER : Go, go, go, go!

Police! Coming in!

Move, move, move.

OFFICER : Make sure it's clear.

Check the windows.

- OFFICER : Bedroom's clear.
- GRACE: Iris.

Make a sound for me.

Iris, it doesn't have to be much.

I just need to know
you're with me still.

- IRIS: (SOFTLY) Uh-huh.
- Okay, good.

OFFICER: Nothing in this one.

Iris, can you see out of
a window from where you are?


We've already gone through
six abandoned houses.

Iris, is there a tree
outside of the window

or power lines?

IRIS: Boarded up. Sky.

Okay. Well, can you hear anything?

Maybe like an AC or some wind chimes?




IRIS: (GASPS) He's awake.


I lost her.

This room's clear.

Carlos, I lost connection.


OFFICER : Move, move, move!

OFFICER : Go, go, go, go!

OFFICER : Police! We're coming in!

- CARLOS: Iris?
- OFFICER : Clear!



OFFICER : Closet's clear.

Hey. Hey, hey.


Oh, thank God.

Come on. Hey, hey. I'm here.

- I'm right here.
- Mm. Carlos...

I've got you. Okay.



OFFICER: Let's go. Move, move, move.

I was afraid he was gonna...

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's okay, Iris, it's over.

It's okay.


Sorry. Sorry. We have to clean this out.

This might sting a little.

BP's high, Cap. over .

- I'm not surprised.
- Is that bad?

No, it's okay, Iris, alright?
We'll get it down.

We just gotta get you some oxygen.

Alright, Iris, I'm gonna
need you to take

some deep, slow breaths, okay?

We're gonna take you in for observation.

She has a concussion.

IRIS: I was afraid you wouldn't find me.

It's okay.

Just breathe, okay? Just breathe.

Reyes, can I see you a minute?

I'll be right back. I promise.

How's she doing?

Pretty shaken up,
but I think she'll be okay.

Did we catch the guy?

APD searched the house top to bottom.

There was no one inside.

Well, he must be in one of these houses,
in the backyards or something.

We have the neighborhood
locked down and we're sweeping,

but we're not finding anything so far.

You think we let him get away?

♪ ♪

O'BRIEN: That's him. That's Andy.

OWEN: Does that date
mean anything to you?

December th. That's two days
after his last call with Joanne.

Okay. So we know he was
alive two days after that.

And he's still with the Dogs.

Wait a minute. How did you get this?

Uh, I came across it.

Did you steal this from the FBI?

I didn't say that.

Look, as much as I appreciate it,

not a great idea, Owen.

It wasn't an idea so much,
it was... an impulse.

Look, I'm doing everything
they want me to do,

including replanting this.

And let me make sure it's off.

Okay. Good.

But once I put this
in the office, I'm done.

And the Feds are gonna do
whatever they're gonna do.

In the meantime,
let me help you find your nephew.

Why are you doing this?

Because I know what it's like

to have a dumb kid
go down the wrong path.

This is a pretty darned wrong path.

And it's worse than you think.

Two days after that photo was taken,

a shipment of ammonium nitrate

was stolen from a truck
outside of Laredo.

Maybe your nephew knew about it.
Maybe it spooked him.

The FBI says that they have
a source in the Honor Dogs,

but the source is gone unreachable.

Wait, y-you think
Andy works with the Feds?

I don't know.

If he's made, he's probably dead.

Or in hiding.

So this training facility,
do you know where it is?

No. But I have heard the members talk

about this place called The Farm.

I figured that's where they train.

You can't get in there
unless you're branded.

Well, we need to find somebody
who is who can get us in.

They didn't have jasmine, so...

- Peppermint.
- CARLOS: You got it.

You haven't found him yet, have you?

Not yet.

We, uh, we just need you
to retrace your steps.

See if you can remember
any detail that can help.

This is Detective Grier.

Hello, Iris. How are you doing?

What do you want, a one-word answer?

Iris. She's here to help.

Can you tell me what you were doing

out near the encampment last night?

I was looking for Donna Burton.

She's one of our residents,
sometimes at the shelter.

So you went looking for her
on your own at night?

It's not like I was afraid.
I used to live at that camp.

And that's where he grabbed you.


Yeah, he...

He came up to me and, um,

I thought he was one of us,

them, who needed help.

But, I'd never seen him before,

and, uh, and he forced me into the trunk

and he took me to that... place.

Before he ran away,

anything stand out about
this man's appearance?

I-I already told the sketch guy
everything I know.

Tall, plain. Creepy. Mustache.

And he had a...

a messed-up hand.

Almost like it was burned.

The left one.

When he had you c*ptive, he didn't...

He didn't do anything.

He said I wasn't "ready yet."

He just looked at me.

Looked, like I was
a painting or something.

And then he... he put the
mattress against the door

and he just sat there, looking.

- He had a knife.
- Hm.

And then he took a nap.

IRIS: He fell asleep, yes.

I'd have to step onto the
mattress to get to the door

so there... there wasn't
anything I could do.

But he had a phone, so I used it.

And when the police found you,
you were unconscious.

Do you remember what happened
right before that?

How you got that gash?

He woke up and he
slammed me against the wall.

And that's the last thing I remember.

So you didn't see how he left the room?


GRIER: Thank you, Miss Blake.

You rest up.

I'll circle back if I have
further questions.

Officer Reyes, a moment?

You don't believe her, do you?

I understand you have
a strong connection to her...

You made up your mind this
morning before you even found her.

- I let the evidence speak for itself.
- What's it telling you?

That she wandered eight miles
to a random house,

hit herself in the face?

No sign of anyone at that house.

No car that supposedly hauled her there.

The bedroom door,

the only door in and out of that room.

We had a drone over the
neighborhood during the search.

No one entered or exited that house.

Not until your team went in.

She was alone.



There he is. Turner.

He's big, he's dumb,
and he loves to show off.

Go, lose to him.

What about the bug?

I'll handle it.

Hey, brother,
you up for a friendly game?

No. But I'm happy to whoop your ass

and take your money.

♪ We're here for a long time ♪

♪ We're here for a good time ♪

♪ We're here for a long time ♪

♪ We're here for a good time ♪

♪ If you're here for a good time ♪

♪ Put your hands up, now say it ♪

♪ Whoa, get ready, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Whoa, get ready, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Whoa, get ready, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Get ready to ride, ha, ha ♪

♪ Whoa, get ready, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Whoa, get ready, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Whoa, get ready, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Get ready to ride, ha, ha ♪

♪ Bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Get ready to ride ♪

Let's go. Again.

Ohh! God!

♪ Bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Get ready worldwide ♪

♪ Wildin' out, fill my cup to the tip ♪

♪ Ridin' out to Atlantic City ♪

♪ Hardrock, yeah, we opened it ♪

♪ Five, four, three, two, one
for the win ♪

That's it, I'm tapped.

Yeah, I hope you're a better firefighter

than you are a pool player, Strand.


You can still win some of this back.

Oh, yeah. How?

You got the pink slip
to that Bobber outside?

No, I know when I'm beat.

From now on, I'm gonna keep
all my sh**t' at the range.

Nobody beats me there.

You don't say, huh?

Crackshot Strand.
That's what they call me.

Who calls you that?



Well, these people...

they ain't never seen me sh**t.

And I will go up against you
at any range, anytime,

any day of the week.

How about today?

Well, today's a day of the week.

I don't think there's a range in Texas

who would let you sh**t
in your condition.

Uh, hell, I can still sh**t.

Yeah. Maybe next time.

No. Hey, listen. Let's do it now.

I know a place, but you gotta
promise not to tell anyone.

Just gotta leak the lizard first.


TOMMY: You okay?

Um, Carlos just called me.

He's at the hospital with Iris.

Okay, that's good.
She's been through a lot.

Did they catch that guy?

You ready for this?

There may not have been a guy.

What do you mean?

I was there when she gave
the description to the police.

Which might have just been
Iris' paranoid delusions.

She had a nasty head wound.

They had a drone up and...

no one else came out of that house, Cap.


Oh, I see.

I mean, I don't get it.
She was doing so well.

I mean, she hadn't had
an episode in years.

Well, mental illness
isn't something you cure.

It's something that you treat,
but it's always there.

And-and, yes, you can all of
a sudden be triggered again.

There's a chance
I may have loaded the g*n.

I do not like that woman.

You don't have to.

She's just here to work the case.

She doesn't believe me, does she?

Well, a good detective never
takes a position on an investigation.

Then she's not a very good detective

because her position is that I'm lying.

How is she supposed to find him
if she doesn't think he exists?


You don't believe me either.

Of course, I do.

I really think you experienced
everything you said, Iris.

In the tiny world inside my
head full of oompa-loompas.

That's the worst part of mental illness.

Doesn't matter if you get better,

it's the only thing anyone ever
sees when they look at you.

Not me.


we launched drones
above the neighborhood

when we arrived.

That was several minutes
before your call ended

and we scoured the footage
and no one ever left that house.

What about his phone
that they took into evidence?

We couldn't get anything off of it.

I'm gonna ask you this as your friend.

Is there any chance that your
mind is playing tricks on you?

I have been taking my meds.

I was doing so much better, wasn't I?

You have. You've been doing great.

- Haven't I?
- Yeah.

I can... I can still smell him.

It was like a flowery detergent.

I can see him.

I see his face.

The mind is a petty thing.

Just one little thread gets pulled,
and everything starts shifting.

You start doubting.

That... that coffee ring on the counter.

I mean, I didn't see anyone
put a cup there.

Might have been a nurse
or maybe it was just me.

That's not the point.

I mean, but there's
probably an explanation,

but every little thing
makes you start to doubt.

Is this even a hospital?

Is everyone lying to me?

This one little tiny crack
of doubt just rips open

and then everything falls into it.


I don't wanna be in there again.

It was so lonely.

♪ ♪

OWEN: What's the code?

One, two, three, four, five.




We're not really gonna put a
loaded g*n in that guy's hand, are we?

Are you outta your mind?



Now, watch this.



I do that?

All by yourself.
Bet you can't do it again.

Oh, I bet he could.

Oh, just watch me.

Aah. I didn't even feel
myself squeeze the trigger.

You got a real buttery touch there.



- You.
- Me?

Let's see what you got.

O'BRIEN: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm.



I don't know how
that guy is still standing.

- Oh, he's not.
- Wh...

Alright, so I counted five buildings.

Let's split up.

It doesn't look like
anyone lives back there.

I don't think anybody could live here.

Hey, hey, hey.

That look familiar?



Now, it couldn't be, could it?

- O'BRIEN: Yeah.

Well, this is some pantry.

I'm surprised the Feds can't
get 'em on g*n charges alone.

Well, you're assuming
any of this is illegal.

I bet it's not.

Well, that's not legal.

So this is what the Feds
were looking for.

, pounds
of stolen ammonium nitrate.

You know, we're gonna
need to get this reported

before our friend outside wakes up.

OWEN: Yeah.


Thank you for coming.

Parking garage again?

Yes, the parking garage again.

We found the ammonium nitrate.

- "We"?
- Yes.

It was in the most
obvious place imaginable.

It was at The Farm, in a barn,

where they keep their munitions
and where they train.

You've been to The Farm?

(SCOFFS) Yeah.

It's a whole story.

And I will tell you everything.

Yes... you will.

- But not in a parking garage.

- What is this?
- This is what happens

when you remove government property

from a federal building.

Load him up.


You know I did everything
you asked me to, right?

Yeah, and a few things we didn't.

It's kinda the problem.

Okay, I'm telling you, you need
to get down to that farm,

and you need to get down there now.

What you're looking for is there.

Oh, we did.

Judge granted a warrant five
minutes after we took you into custody.

We raided the whole place.

Oh, well, then,
what am I doing sitting here?

Because there was nothing there, Owen.

I mean, there were munitions,
g*ns, lots of g*ns, all legal.

But no stolen ammonium nitrate.

No, no. I'm telling you, I saw it.

I believe you.

Well, then somebody
must have tipped them off.

Yeah. You!


How much of what we shared with you

did you tell Sergeant O'Brien?

Sergeant O'Brien
is not really one of 'em.

The only reason he is in there

is because he's looking for his nephew.

Which, if my guess is correct,
was your former source.

Do you really think
I would reveal to you a source,

former or otherwise?

My point is, Sergeant O'Brien
is not an Honor Dog.


He's just... a founding member.

Okay, he didn't mention that.

I don't suppose he would have.

How much did you tell him, Owen?


Look, this doesn't make sense.

If he were one of them,

why would he let me just walk in

to where they're storing the ammonium?

Because he wanted you to see it,

and he wanted you to tell us about it.

He knew we would raid
the place and find nothing.

Before anyone
even sets foot in a courtroom,

he's already discredited
our star witness.

You were played, Captain, and you lost.

Release him. We're done.


TK: (ON PHONE) Hey, babe.
I was getting worried.

Hey, no, everything's fine.

- Is it?
- CARLOS: Yeah.

How's Iris?

Not great. Um...

Listen, don't wait up
for me tonight, okay?

I might just stay
with Iris here tonight.

Uh, yeah.

Probably best that
she's not alone tonight.

Um, I love you.

I love you, too.


He's not comin' home tonight.

But you guys eat.
I'm-I'm not very hungry.



- I'm here. I'm here.
- Carlos.

I got you.

IRIS: He just looked at me

like I was a painting or something.

♪ ♪