07x200 - Droplets of Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x200 - Droplets of Time

Post by bunniefuu »

Would you like more coffee?

I suppose I'll have some.

Did you sleep well last night?

Yes... like a log.

Did you watch the Grand Magic Games?

Oh, yes. Indeed.

It was an amazing battle, wasn't it?

I was rooting for Mermaid Heel, so I was let down a bit.

Oh, dear. Is that right?

How about you, ma'am?

I'm not especially partial.

Though if I must choose, I suppose I'd say Fairy Tail.

They're great, too!

That ice wizard, Gray, is so handsome, don't you think?

Yes. I wouldn't disagree with you.

Drop of Time!


Oh, dear. I do apologize.

Not at all. But some of the streets in town are uneven, so please be careful.

Say, you're that commentator from the Grand Magic Games.

Yes. And I'm already off to my next assignment.

Is that right? It must be rough.

But I love this work.

Well, well.

Where are you going? I'll escort you, if you like.

Oh, no. I'm just out for a walk.

Please, don't mind me.

Well, should we go home?

Last night was so much fun.

Yeah! I ran wild through the palace!

For some reason, I feel reluctant to leave.

It feels like we've been here for an extremely long time.

The masters have already left, right?

Yeah. They wanted to get an early start.

Although some people are still drinking...

Drinking? It's morning!

I know who it is!

I don't even have to ask.

I know, right?


I got our ride home!

And it's cheap!

That's some fancy carriage!

The Garou Knights arranged it.

Was it Cosmos and Kamika?

We're gonna... ride in that?

This'll be a hellish journey for Natsu.

It's okay! Wendy has anti-motion sickness magic!

Oh yeah! I forgot about that!

Sorry, but I'm countin' on you, Wendy!

Actually... I'm sorry...

I've used up so much magic these past few days,

it looks like it'll take a while before I'm charged up again.

Don't worry about it.

Jeez, you're pathetic! Walk home on your own two feet!

It's all in the way you look at it, Natsu.

Instead of relying on other people all the time, why not work it out yourself?

You don't need to tell me what I was gonna do anyway!

So, in the end, this is what happens? Don't get near me!

His will lacks discipline.

Still, we've all been through a lot.

Bye-bye, Crocus!

There's no sign of Ul.


I just hope she isn't hurt.

Yes, since it seems "time" doesn't heal wounds.

We heard that the portal was destroyed and "time" is back on track.

Rogue and the dragons returned to their rightful time periods.

I don't know what happened to the future Lucy who lost her life in this age,

but our memories, injuries, and the wrecked town are all still here.

By rights, everything should have been "erased" as if it never happened.

There were too many disruptions in the time stream for everything to go back to normal.

Certainly, it helps that our memories are intact...

...but there are negative aspects as well.

Of all things, the royal family's use of Dark Magic has been reported to the Council.

If this isn't handled carefully...


I see. Then compare that report to the regional data and analyze it.

Pay attention not to the level of magic, but to the breadth of its rate of fluctuation.



Master Org.

Good work observing the Grand Magic Games.

Not at all. I just enjoyed myself.

That king is famous for his love of wizards.


I hear there were even illusionary dragons created for the post-Games party.

That's what Doranbolt told me.

Unfortunately, I was sleeping in the inn at the time.

I wish I could show them to the other thick-skulled Council members.

That would only increase the faction that's against the Games.

Quite right.

You wiped the memories of the Council members?

That's right. I altered all the memories of everyone who was here.

I'm surprised. I didn't know you had such power.

It's my job to use that magic for undercover investigations.

Still, why would you go to all that trouble?

Eclipse is one form of magic from the Books of Zeref.

It'd be a disaster if word got out that the royal family was involved in Dark Magic.

Don't tell anyone else about this!

You scolded the king?!

Think about it.

The public would lose faith, and at worst, the monarchy would be in danger.

I see.

I want no part in undermining the royals.

As a member of the Council myself, I did have second thoughts,

but sometimes you just need to turn a blind eye.

I'm surprised you managed to convince Lahar.

I didn't. I revised his memories, too.

He's got a bright future ahead of him. I didn't want involve him in my skullduggery.

I didn't know there were people like you on the Council.

There are probably villains like you on the Council, too.

You haven't found Ultear yet?


She isn't the type to disappear without saying anything.

Well, it's got nothing to do with me...

If I'm worrying about people like you, it probably means I'm losing my edge.


I'll do you a solid. I hate things that are a pain in the ass.

We never met. Got it?

I appreciate that.

Don't get the wrong idea. This is a one-shot deal.

What about Cobra?

What happened to him?

He turned himself in.


It was right after the dragons vanished.

You really don't need to bind me with this.

Oh, don't be like that. A lot of people insist on the bound and helpless look.

You call me out here, and I don't get to dispatch even one dragon.

Jeez, it's pathetic.

I'm surprised he's going back without a fight.

I guess even a scoundrel like you keeps his promises, huh?

I like being outside. I haven't absorbed so many voices in a long time.

I could hear your voice too, Cerberus.


For now, I'll quietly return to my beloved cell.

To save the Demon Generals.


What did you hear?!

Who knows?

The gate of the underworld is going to open.

Until then, you won't be able to fiddle with my memories.

He didn't say anything after that.

I don't know what's gonna happen, but consider yourself warned.

See you around.

The gate of the underworld...


I'm still wobbly.

What you are is a mess.

What do you expect?! I can't stand that rattling ride.

The terrain is rough.

You'll just have to suck it up for a while.

Another half day, and I think I'll have regenerated a little more magic.

When you do, I'm countin' on you for that anti-motion sickness magic.


Hey, hey, Natsu!

What are you gonna do when we get home?

Let's see... Well, I wanna go on a bunch of fun quests.

I wanna go fishing!

I also want to take on a lot of jobs with everyone.

How about you, Lucy-san?

Good question...

I came up with an idea for a story at the Grand Magic Games,

so maybe I'll finally get back to my novel writing.

What's the story about?

It's still a secret!

And what have you been drawing since we stopped here?

The design for new customized armor.

Even though the armor you have now doesn't fit in your room, you want to add more?

Yeah. Superior in strength and resistance to everything,

but also with an emphasis on a glamorous appearance.

What do you think?

I-It makes such an impact, I have a feeling it'll haunt my dreams...

You've got a silver tongue!

I wonder what's up with him.

I don't know. Maybe he's thinking about fish?

Is something the matter?

Everyone's talking about what they'll do when they get back home.


Don't you feel well?

Oh... No, it's nothin' like that.

When we were fighting the dragons, did you get a weird feeling?

Like seeing a vision of the future or something like that?

I think I was hit here...

The weird feelin' that I... died won't go away.

I can't really explain it,

but I've felt this way before.

Come to think of it, I guess I haven't told you yet.

About what happened when I was a kid...

Deliora, a demon from the Books of Zeref, att*cked my hometown.

It m*rder*d my family and just about k*lled me.

Ur saved me then.

She taught me Ice Make Magic.

Ur saved my life twice.

I don't have grounds to believe it. It just seems similar.

When I had the feeling that I saw a vision of my death,

it felt strangely...

Yeah... strangely warm .


Sorry. I'm bending your ear with nonsense.

Not at all!

Lamia Scale's Lyon was also Ur's disciple.

And Ultear from Crime Sorciere is Ur's daughter.

That reminds me. Whatever happened to Ultear?

When the dragons att*cked,

I wonder if she was fighting somewhere, too.

The gate of the underworld, Tartarus.

One of the three Balam Alliance guilds, along with Grimoire Heart and Oracion Seis.

I don't know what information he got,

but does he mean to use it to negotiate immunity?


The scary guild that's a complete mystery.

Will it make its move?

Are you...

Oh, no! Someone's coming!


...Jellal-san and Meldy-san?

A woman entrusted me with a letter for you.

A letter?

Don't tell me...

This letter... It's from Ul!

Jellal... Meldy... I'm sorry.

In this last battle, I tried using a certain spell and failed.

Because of that, I have only a short time left to live.

But I just had to bid you farewell.

My journey ends here.

Although I'm passing on before you,

never forget Crime Sorciere's spirit.

It means never forgetting your crimes.

It means never letting your past crimes overwhelm you.

It means believing in a day in which you'll be forgiven your crimes.

It means to never stop loving people.

The true battle has just begun.

If Zeref isn't defeated, wizards will once again become steeped in grief.

Please live on for me.

And battle on.

It is my hope that this journey of yours will bring happiness to all.


Old woman, when did you get this...?

I feel sick...

I'm sorry. With anti-motion sickness magic,

if you cast it several times, the effect weakens.

Why don't you just give up?

Yeesh. I can't even take a nap 'cause of his noisy groaning.

Hey, draw a delicious-looking fish!

Leave it to me. I'm good at drawing.

Is that right?

I bet even that ramshackle bar is gonna start to look pretty good soon.

To me, too!

Hey, by the way, what happened with Jellal?

Who knows?

Jackass! Stay away from me!

Shall we take another break?

Just ignore him. Otherwise we'll never get back to Magnolia.

I finished it, Happy.

What is that?!

Let me see! Let me see!

I drew it so well that you're screaming with delight? I see, I see!


That's my bag of souvenirs!

I always cursed my own life.

With anxiety and fury that I couldn't hold back...

And hatred...

But when I stopped and looked up at the sky,

I realized how small I was.

And an infinite world spread out before me.

A sunbeam illuminated my insignificant form.

It was as if a kind shower of light washed away my sins.

For the first time in my life, I felt grateful to have been born.

Stop! Stop the carriage!

What are you doing?!

What's wrong?

I felt blessed...

...at the very end.

Never mind...

I was finally able to forgive myself.

Was it you?!

Magic that robs someone of time...

I lost both mother and daughter...



...my loved ones.

It's been a long time since we've been in Magnolia!

I know! It feels like it's been about a year!

It just goes to show how deep the events in Crocus were.

True, that was an epic battle.

Anyway, Happy, I hear the locals are gonna give us some kind of present.

What is it?! What is it?!

That's one of those "just wait and see" things!

Next time: Present!

This is the present?! Wow!

The villagers here got good taste, y'know?!
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