07x199 - The Grand Banquet

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x199 - The Grand Banquet

Post by bunniefuu »

Get back! Everyone, get away from the portal!

The portal is broken!


Several days after the Grand Magic Games...

Do I really have to wear these clothes?

Yeah! And they look great on you!

You look lovely, Yukino.

Mira-nee, I need a hand over here.

Everything looks good on Yukino-san.

The Grand Ball!

Did you guys hear about it?

During that last emergency evacuation, a dragon att*cked the land near the castle.

Balderdash! Everyone knows they don't exist!

But there are witnesses!

It was probably the wizards' magic.

That reminds me, there's a party for the wizards at the palace tonight.

Lucky them!

Wizards have never been invited to the palace before.

That just goes to show what a hit the Games were this time.


Hey, you came!

You're late!

You should never wear a suit.

And you should've worn somethin' .

Over here. All of the other guild members have gathered, too.

Huh? Natsu's not with you?

Come to think of it, I haven't seen him.

A Man needs to eat!


Booze! Give me booze!

Hey, Cana! We're in the palace!

The king is sure generous.

Aye, sir!

To invite all these roughnecks to the palace...

I suppose it should be expected, but I've never seen this much opulence.

It's a dazzling world of its own!

Hooray for King Ichiya!

Yon trio, play that tune in b-flat!

"That tune"?

I don't know, either!

Shall we match mugs again?

You're on. And I'm not gonna lose this time!

Wild Four!

I told you it doesn't suit me!

Just the opposite! It suits you to a T!

You're beautiful, Kagura.

Better not underestimate Kagura!

Who'd ever think we'd be invited to the palace?

Some things do change.

And on July th...

...we beat what's known as fate!



So that's what you're wearin'?

Huh? Does it look strange?

Nah, not bad.

You know, I'm just happy you're alive.

Don't assume I'll get k*lled.

After all, you faced off against a huge dragon by yourself.

I'd think anybody could die in a situation like that.

Mind your own business.

Let me mind your business a little bit.

That's what's annoying about you.

Idiot! What are you cryin' about?!

I don't know. Sorry.

D-Don't apologize...


Princess Hisui!

So you are related to the Heartfilia conglomerate!

That was a long time ago, though.

I was a friend of your father's.


Even though he was a great help to me, I've given you nothing but grief.

Oh, no, I'm a guild wizard. Trouble comes with the territory.

By the way, I notice you're not with the boy with the cherry blossom-colored hair.

Come to think of it, I wonder where he is.


I've become Juvia, version . .

Since when have you been like a machine?

And now Juvia is plunging into a new age.

Gray-sama, I love you!

No thank you!

I've also entered a new age.

When I don't like something, I'm gonna be brutally honest about it.

Gray-sama, you're dreamy even when you scold Juvia!

The new version is worse than the old!

Don't talk like that, Gray.


I got the message loud and clear today.

Juvia isn't interested in me.


Anyway, I wonder where Natsu went.

It's hard to believe Natsu-san's not at a noisy place.

Check it out, Cheria! It looks like a jewel!

Beautiful, isn't it? I wonder what it tastes like.


It looks delicious.


First Master!

Is something wrong?

Oh no, it's nothing.

Only Fairy Tail members can see our First Master.

I want to eat that, too.

Please restrain yourself. You're a ghost, remember.

By the way, First Master, have you seen Natsu-san?


That's strange. He's always the one who stands out the most at this kind of event.

Wendy! There's something near me! Help!

Natsu ain't here?

Normally, he'd be running wild right where we're standing.


You're so muscular!

Hey! Don't fawn on Laxus!

Lu-chan and the others haven't seen him today either.

We're talkin' about Natsu, so there's nothing to worry about.

He's probably sleepin' somewhere.

Jeez. It's hard to walk in these.

How are your injuries, Kagura?

I could ask you the same.

We've been through a lot...

...but can we come out of it as friends?

I decline.

I was hoping you would become more like an older sister.

Well, who knew? You're actually cute.

I was obviously kidding, you numbskull!

Kagura has totally ruined her image, too!

Millianna, how long are you going to mope around?

Only one thing I can do for you.


Feelin' spiffy!

A kitty-cat!

Here! Look!

Lots of kitty-cats!

Hey, we're not stuffed animals!

Aye, sir!



Happy, why isn't Natsu here?

I don't know!

Not showing up at a time like this... Has something happened?

Natsu-san! Have a drink with me!

Come on, Natsu-kun!

The Salamander ain't here.

Huh? And I was thinking we could make a toast to friendship...

Looks like your plan didn't work.

Fro thinks so, too.


Don't call me that. It's Rogue.

Do you know about the guy who came from the future?

Yeah, I do. Even though he's me, it's pathetic.

But I'm not gonna become that guy, ever!

Fro thinks so, too!

I'll make do with you, Gajeel-san! Let's have a drink!

Y'know, you're outright rude!

He just has no social graces, so please become friends with him.

He actually seems cheerful.

I have no memory of Sting being like this.

A toast to friendship between fairies and tigers!


I-I'm sorry!


I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were here.

Master and his daughter have disappeared.

We're going to start over. We're gonna remake Sabertooth from the ground up!

We were, um... far from kind to you.

But I wanna make a guild that treasures its members.

And why are you telling me this?

I want you to come back... although that might be asking too much.

Of course! That's asking for so much, it's ridiculous!


Yukino's life belongs to me.

She's joining Mermaid Heel, and I'll brook no objections!


You're drunk!

Shut up! Yukino belongs to Mermaid!


We can't stay silent in this matter, either.

That's a Man.

That's right! The way things have been going, it's natural for her to join our guild!


Juvia doesn't need any more competition to be Gray-sama's bride, but...

We have similar characteristics, but...

Short blond hair! Little sister personality!

Even everyone in Fairy Tail...

We disagree.

If a beautiful woman like you...

...joins us in Blue Pegasus...

...you'll shine.

Sniff-sniff! I smell a sweet, beautiful parfum!

Join us!

If it's come to this, then Lamia Scale shall also take part in the battle for Yukino.

What's the point of competing?

Join us!

Don't get mad about it.

In a guild that reeks of men, one beauty would make my soul tremble!

I don't care about the tournament, but we will win this battle!

W-Wait. Everyone...

Let's go for it!

This is the perfect way to forget about the tournament.

You'll spin!

The blood from my youthful days is bubbling up!

Even the masters! What should we do?!

That's love for you.

C'mere, you!

You dirty bastard!

Let's stop this!

Get 'em!

Rip out Makarov's hair!

Keep your clothes on, old biddy!

It's a melee!

It's nothing to cry about.


...even if it's not true... I'm so happy...

You're smiling at last.

Look at all the places where you belong.


Everyone! That's enough!

You showed great valor during the Grand Magic Games,

and your efforts saved the country.

His Majesty would express his appreciation directly, so take heed!




My subjects! Make yourselves comfortable!

Give that back-kabo!

I'm the king! I became the king!

Garou Knights, if you would...

W-We can't beat him...

Give it back-kabo!

Oh, come on! We won, right?

Give it back-kabo!

Let me be the king, too!

You're all my followers!

You're taking that too far.

Aye, sir!

The curtain closed on the Grand Magic Games with Fairy Tail's victory,

the battle involving the past and future was over,

and Natsu and his friends enjoyed the grand ball at the royal palace.


Here, water.

You're hopeless.



I deeply apologize for what happened.

I'm prepared to accept my just punishment as soon as this party is over.

Princess Hisui...

Please wait.



The princess originally implemented the Eclipse Project to annihilate Lord Zeref.

Then she moved on to Eclipse Project

after being tricked by the future Rogue,

believing it would repel the invasion of Fiore by , dragons.

In other words, she did it all for the sake of this country.


That's not all!

She did her best to protect the future of this world!

Yes. The princess is not at fault here.

I concur.

I would make allowances.

I say let it be water under the bridge!

Thanks to her, we wizards came together as one.

Aye, sir!

Yeah, you can say that again.

If it weren't for an occasion like this, we may never have united.


Juvia and Gray-sama also united!

No, we did not!

I'm grateful for it all, too.

Yeah. I feel like I received something valuable.

Fro thinks so, too!

That's right! The unity within Sabertooth is stronger than before!

Exactly! And so, I'll render our verdict!

Princess Hisui is innocent! I shall brook no dissent!

You'd better not underestimate Kagura!

That's right!

At ease, ladies!

You're only complicating things.

What's that?!

You're the ones that are complicating it!

You are standing before His Majesty!

I understand how all of you feel.

However, I must put my foot down.

Your Majesty, punish me!

No, it is I who deserve punishment!

In that case, we all do!


I deem Arcadios's sense of loyalty to Hisui

and Darton's loyalty to the nation

to both be wonderful.

And most wonderful of all...

...is you wizards who love peace throughout this world.

Your Majesty...

Therefore, the punishment for my daughter, Hisui...

...is wearing that for one week-kabo!

Your Majesty! Then the princess...

If she wears it for one week...

I'll acquit her! She'll continue to be Princess Hisui, my pride and joy!

Good for you, Princess!

Yes... kabo.

They're growing up.

The young generation that bears the future on its shoulders.


Um, thank you for everything...


But isn't that kind of tough-kabo?

Nah, it kinda looks like fun-kabo!

Happy thinks so, too-kabo!

In that case, I've got enough for everyone-kabo!


Natsu, what do you wanna do when we get back to Magnolia?

Go on a bunch of fun quests!

I wanna go fishing!

Come to think of it, you haven't done that in a long time!

Actually, I found a great out-of-the-way place that has a monster fish,

so when we get back, I'm set on catching it!

Sounds like fun! Maybe I'll join you!

Next time: Drop of Time!

I hope everyone back in Magnolia is doin' well...

We have to get home and tell everyone we won!
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