07x198 - Fields of Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x198 - Fields of Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

Princess, let's leave this to the wizards. Come.

I'll escort you.

No. Please let me stay here.

I have a duty to watch what happens.

Princess... But...


Look! Look at this!

What is it?

A memo pad from the future me!

Future you?


"If by any chance the portal in this time period is destroyed,

the Eclipse portal in the future will cease to exist.

As part of a chain reaction, I'll also disappear from existence."

What does that mean?

It's talking about what will happen if the portal in our time period is destroyed.

Then the future will be painted over with a future in which the portal was destroyed.

The portal will wink out of existence in the future.

If that happens, Rogue won't have any means to come back to our time period.

But is it possible to stop what's already happened?

If everything works out, then both the dragons and Rogue will disappear from our time!

It's worth a shot!

However, there's one big problem.

How do we destroy a giant structure like that?

It won't be an easy job.

But if Rogue doesn't come from the future, the world should return to its proper history.

We have to do it. And I have to keep my promise to my future self!

We'll just have to slam into it with all our magical power.



...the Gates!


Everyone, please!

I don't believe it! We didn't even make a dent!

It's made out of Magnanium alloy, which is highly resistant to magic.

It won't be easy to destroy.

Even so...

Golden Grassland!


Go back to your own... {smp: "your own" was missing, it was just "go back to time period", TC}

...time period!

I have no intention of going back.

Then what'll happen to the current Rogue?!

Eventually, I'll become one with myself.

Like two overlapping shadows...

So you wanna steal Rogue's future, too?

There is no future! Not as long as Acnologia exists!

That's why I came here, to create the future!

Where's Frosch?


He's alive.

And I bet he's terrified right now... because of you...

It'll be okay! I'm here with you!

He'll die... about a year from now.

You can't protect him?

I couldn't protect him.

He's alive right now!

I don't care.

I'm not the same man who kept a cat as a sidekick.


Someone who has never known despair wouldn't understand.

I finally obtained hope, and I won't let the insanity of a desperate man interfere!

Your hope...

...means turning the past into despair?!

Not everyone can be equally happy!

Grow up, Natsu Dragneel!

Even if you're right, everyone has the right to choose the future!

We're headin' for the future that we chose!

Not the one you chose!


We don't have to know what tomorrow holds!

That's why we can live for everything we're worth today!



Sorry to keep you waiting, Lucy.


Hey, lizards, don't go gettin' cocky!

I'm Natsu Dragneel, a Fairy Tail wizard...

...and a Dragon Slayer!

Brilliant Flame of the Fire Dragon! Roar!

Crushing Fang of the Fire Dragon!

Natsu! It's too late!

We can't stop them!

That ain't true! I'm not done yet!


I ain't... givin' up...

Ain't gonna run away...

Ain't gonna backtrack...


I've reached...

...my limit!

How can the portal be that strong?

It hasn't mooved an inch...


Get back! Everyone, get away from the portal!

The portal is broken!


I don't believe it... A door made of Magnanium, destroyed...

What will happen now?

We believe the portal in the future can't be used.

In other words, Rogue can't come back to this time period.

History will return to normal.

The dragon's body...

It's glowing!

Are we going back to our own time?

Running away with your tail between your legs?


What is this?!

The dragon...

It's disappearing?!

Humans did this?! Lowly humans did this?!

I'm sorry.

It's still dangerous!



I'm the one who constructed the time portal.

I disrupted the natural flow of your time stream.

You, who live years in the past...

...and we, who live in the present...

...have no real reason to fight.

I perverted nature.

Who are you, wench?

Hisui E. Fiore.


That's right. Hisui, or jade, the same color as your body.

The same, you say?

The same.


Jade dragon...

Jade dragon... I kind of like the way that sounds.

Wait a second! Dammit! I fell for it!


Did we do it?

It looks like we won.

Fro thinks so, too.

I won't forget you, Natsu... Dragneel...

Thanks, Uncle.

They're gone!

The little ones are disappearing!

Did we beat 'em?!

I don't know how, but it's over!

It was Natsu-nii. I bet it was Natsu-nii!

The dragon vanished...

You did it, Gajeel!

Yeah. But...

This isn't satisfying.

None of the Dragon Slayers...

...were able to take down a dragon.

Pathetic, huh?

Makes me sick of hearing the term "Dragon Slayer."

It just goes to show how strong dragons are.

And Acnologia is probably stronger than them.

Yeah, well, forget him for now.


It doesn't feel like we won, but for now, the battle is over.

We won.

We protected our comrades.

The Rogue I know ain't gonna become you.

The shadows...

The shadows try to consume me...

They follow me around, wherever I go...

...and the day I lose Frosch is the day the shadows and I become one.

Frosch ain't gonna die.

A year from now.

Be sure to tell me... to protect Frosch in one year.

...is going to k*ll Frosch.

Where am I?

Hey! Lucy!

Get over here!

We're all here!

Come on, the adventure continues!



What's wrong, Lucy?

Nothing. Just a feeling...

Thank you.

Natsu, listen to this! Big news!

What are you so excited about, Happy?

The king invited us to a party to say thanks for saving the kingdom!


The party's at the palace, so I bet they'll put out an incredible spread!

Yeah, like teriyaki flames or pot-roasted flames...

Um... I think that'd be tough to pull off.

Next time: The Grand Ball!

Whole roasted flames would be nice, too!

I can't even imagine cooking flames!
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