07x195 - People and People, Dragons and Dragons, People and Dragons

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x195 - People and People, Dragons and Dragons, People and Dragons

Post by bunniefuu »

Seven dragons appeared from the Eclipse portal.

Battle ensued between them and seven Dragon Slayers,

who were fighting to protect the future.

The age of dragons begins now!

Person and Person, Dragon and Dragon, Person and Dragon!

Don't underestimate the Raijinshuu, huge one.

If you're a living creature, then I'm sure you're able to feel pain and agony!

Darkness Ecriture!

Absolute Shadow!

Fairy Machine g*n! Leprechaun!

Go, babies! Baryon Formation!

Roar of the Lightning Dragon!

How does it feel to get hit with everything at once?

I don't feel a thing!

My hellfire burns through magic!

Dammit! This ain't funny.

You've got bad chemistry with this one, Laxus. Fire and lightning together...

Isn't there a Water Dragon Slayer around?

Haven't heard of one...

We got a Fire Dragon Slayer over there, anyway.

There it is, Natsu!

Drop me, Happy!

Aye, sir!


Found you, Fire Dragon!

Who the hell are you?

I'm Natsu, and right now I'm gonna... eat you!



That's Natsu all over. Nobody else would come up with that.

You're going to eat me?

What nonsense!

When I say eat, I eat! And these are delicious flames!

Get off of me!

Forget it!

Natsu! What the hell are you trying to do?!

I'm... getting this guy!


Go to the palace, Laxus! Help Wendy!

Certainly, Dragon Slayer or not, Wendy is young.

She could be in trouble if she's on her own.

Let's go, Laxus.

It takes a Fire Dragon Slayer to k*ll a Fire Dragon... right?

Natsu! So we can leave you with this one, yeah?

Yeah! I'm gonna get more powerful by eatin' this guy!

Okay, let's go to the palace.


Happy, go with 'em!


This has gone on long enough, boy!

Don't anger me!

A human...

...eating my flames?!

This feeling...

Don't tell me...

No, it's impossible...

But this feels so much like...

...Igneel, the King of the Fire Dragons!


What is your connection with Igneel?

Igneel! You know Igneel?!

He is my friend and the King of the Fire Dragons!

I see... Igneel is my dad!

Princess, what is that?

It's my future self's journal.

Reading another person's journal. That's a nice hobby, Princess.

Well, it's mine, anyway...

What is this?!

Princess, shall I read the journal as well, as punishment?

Are you neglecting me, Princess?

Wonderful. This is the power of dragons.

What destructive force!

With this power, I'll definitely be able to k*ll Acnologia.

And then I'll rule this world.

Be torn asunder, ground.

Burn, sky.

Lamplight of life, be extinguished.

I am the Dragon King.

A new king, born from the Dragon King festival!

Shadows will become light here.

Absolute light that will illuminate the world!

Nobody needs a dirty light like that!


Our light is within our hearts!

I can't see a damn thing with your illuminatin' light!

Why is Natsu riding on a dragon? Have you betrayed me, Atlas Flame?!

I am only following my heart.


Igneel's child is my friend's child.

I'm countin' on you, Uncle!


Have you betrayed me, Atlas Flame?!

I am only following my heart.


Igneel's child is my friend's child.

My Dragon Control Magic...

What did you do, Natsu?!

Magic that blocked my will, eh?

All we did was become friends... right?


Friends, you say?!

Let's go, Uncle!

All right! Circle around an' get in close!

Mother Glare, don't let them get behind us!

Are you okay, Uncle?

Breath and the like are ineffective against my flame body!

And flames can't burn my adamantine body.

I wouldn't take my hellfire so lightly.

Gigantic flames that erupt and rage from hell!

And the one that devoured them...

My fellow Fire Dragon!

He devoured Atlas Flame's hellfire?!

Your Majesty! That's...

Dragons are battling each other?!

I-It's awesome, but why?!

The once-beautiful capital of flowers has become pure chaos, stained with blood.

A festival of people, dragons, and demons...

Human is fighting human...

Dragon is fighting dragon...

Human is fighting dragon...

This is none other than the ancient calamity, the Festival of the Dragon King.

Your Majesty!

What's wrong?!

Please stay composed!

I-It can't be stopped...

Nothing can return to the way it was...

I remember...

Memory Make! Sword of Frozen Black Lightning!

Shrine of the Raging Wind Fang!

There's no end to them...

These numbers... This sense of intimidation... I have no memory of it!

Ice Bringer!


Don't just stand there!

You remember the skill that took you down, don't you?

Well, yes. Okay, then, by your leave, I'll use it.

Let's go, Droy!

Yeah! Even without Levy here, we're Shadow Gear!

Falcon Heavenward!

Knuckle Plant!

You still got it, Droy!

You can count on me!

Purple Flare!

Why, you...!

Father and son flame att*cks. Nice! But you can't top me!

Uh-oh! That's just my smoke!

Come and get it, monster!

You did it, Pop!

I didn't think you still had it in you!

Shut up!

Charged Particle Cannon of the Lightning God!

Um, so how many have I mowed down now?

Crap! When did they arrive?

Iron Rock Wall!


Rock Mountain!

You're a pain in the ass as an enemy,

but as an ally, I don't know anybody who's more reliable!

White Drive!

Roar of the White Dragon!

Then how about this?!

That should keep you from moving!

It was itchy. But it had no effect other than that.

Are you seriously attacking me?

Roar of the Shadow Dragon!

Let's leave it at this, Rogue. You can't beat a dragon.

H-How do you know my name?!

I was ordered to spare you, and you alone.

It's all true.

Who are you?!

I'm one more possible future.

I'm your shadow as well as the darkness in your heart.

Shut up!

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

Submit quietly.

You're the only one who shall survive in this world of despair.

And you'll become a king.

What are you talking about?! I don't wanna be a king!

Who's giving you orders?!

Why, you yourself, Rogue!

You summoned us dragons... because you want to become the king of the world.

It's all part of your plan seven years from now.

That's ridiculous!

It's true.

Accept it. There is darkness in your heart.


Or, no. I suppose I should say it will become steeped in darkness from here on out.

All you can do is accept your fate.

You will not die here.

It's a lie!

All lies!


One hour earlier...

Natsu! Hang in there!

You can't move yet!

How is Lucy...?



Who was that guy from before?

He said he was Rogue from seven years in the future.

So there's another time traveler from the future...

What is he after?

I don't know.

Is he an enemy?

He is.

The bastard k*lled Lucy...

It sounds like Rogue really grows to become a powerful wizard.

But if we're talking the future, he has a weakness.

If we k*ll the Rogue from this era, the future Rogue will cease to exist.

But if we think through the time paradox,

one hypothesis is that as long as the future Rogue exists,

nothing would be able to k*ll the past Rogue.

That's only if time is flowing normally.

Right now, time is in a state of chaos.

We know about future Lucy and that time is in disarray.

We can become an unknown factor that disrupts the normal course.


It's highly likely.

If we k*ll the present-day Rogue, the future Rogue will be wiped out.

And if the future Rogue is wiped out, maybe the Lucy over there won't be...


I'm gonna take out the future Rogue.

You can't give in to anger.

I'm not!

At some point, the future Rogue chose the wrong path.

That ain't the Rogue of now.

The present-day Rogue hasn't done anything wrong.

k*ll him, you say... You want us to go down the wrong path, too?

You're right. I promise. I won't lay a hand on the present-day Rogue.

That's not me... I'm...


The situation is hopeless.

Rogue is becoming the trigger for everything that's happening here.

In other words, if Rogue never came from the future, the portal wouldn't open.

The dragons wouldn't have att*cked...

The only way to put the world back the way it was is by murdering Rogue.

Man, Uncle's flames are yummy!

Natsu, are dragon's flames tastier than normal ones?

I'm glad you asked!

It's a long story, but they're of such high quality that they even make me swoon!

Um... That's a long story?

The passage of many years brings about a mellow flavor....

I turned on a weird switch!

Next time: Sin and Sacrifice!

So characteristics of Uncle's flames are...

Natsu, I'll listen to the rest next time.
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