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01x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 02/07/23 08:06
by bunniefuu
Hey, wake up.

I picked her up on the northern front.

She doesn't have a name.

I've just been calling her "you.

" Hey, say hello.

You can't treat a child like that!

Gil, she's no child.

She's a w*apon.


Just a w*r tool.


I'll take her.

I see.

I'm glad to hear it.

I've already made arrangements with the army.


I demand to see Captain Diethard Bougainvillea.

I told you, you can't see the captain!

There's a matter that requires his confirmation! Stop asking already!

-What is going on here?

-Captain! My apologies, sir.

This woman was demanding to see you.

Stand down.

Unless you want to die.

What are you doing here?


As I thought, once a w*apon, always a w*apon.

Captain, tell me! Is it true that Major Gilbert is missing in action?

You didn't know?

Gilbert is no longer That's not true! That's impossible!

The major is alive!

Why are you making that face?

You were just a tool to him.

You are just an emotionless tool, so, how could you be sad?

Why did you tell her?

She should be able to accept the truth now.

You idiot! You always have the worst timing! To top it off, you have no idea about how women feel.

Hurry up and go find her already! Yes.

I know.

Oh, Young Master! And who is this?

Could you draw a bath for her and get her a change of clothes?

What should I tell the madam?

She is currently at the mansion in Leiden.

There's no need to tell her.

I am just looking after this girl for the time being.

It's okay.

Just come with me.

Ow! Stop! Ow! Ow! Ow! Stop!

Young Master, I managed to get her changed, but she would not stop struggling.

No, that is all right.

Take her to the parlor once she's eaten.


You'll catch You'll catch a cold.

You have to use a blanket.

It'll be cold tomorrow, too.

Stop! No! You can't go outside! What happened?

So sorry, she's been looking all over for you.

She wouldn't even eat.

We cannot take her to the front lines.

The girl is too unstable.

Why are you opposing this?

This is an order from the top brass.

You've seen what she can do on the training grounds.

She's only good for k*lling, and completely useless otherwise.

Just take her with you.


-Don't get so worked up.

Just exploit this orphaned girl as much as you can and dump her in the b*ttlefield when she's no longer of use.

-She isn't ready

-That's enough! I don't have time for your hypocrisy! This is an order! You're dismissed.

The United Gardarik Army has begun advancing to Bociaccia.

We immediately set up a defensive line along Bociaccia's capital city of Capria, and they've now entered a w*r of attrition.

Our forces number 30,000 to their 60,000.

Our forces are holding on, but the enemy brought cannons to the front line.

Our soldiers' morale has taken a hit from the bombings.

There's a chance the front will break.

-And, so, Major Bougainvillea.


I'd like you to lead a company to take out the cannons.

Yes, sir.

I will not fail.

You'll be staying here.

Don't move until I get back.


Major, we are ready to go.

I'll be right there.


An enemy guard.

What's going on?

What's happened?

Enemy attack! Contact the main battalion! Leidenschaftlich is under attack! Get more soldiers! Sir, the enemy is close! Attack! Yes?

It's you.

Is the major Is the major here?

He's here, right?

The Young Master is Gilbert Bougainvillea.

This is the major's name.



You're not a tool.

You should become someone that matches their name.

V Violet.

You can understand me?



That's right.

You're Violet, and I'm the major.


Major, I finished reading.


Next, let's learn how to write.

Major, here is my report.

It's well written.

From now on, I want you to hand in a daily report to help you practice writing.


I will submit a daily report.

While we didn't find his body, we did find his ID tag under the debris.

And so, he was deemed missing in action.

Gilbert is no longer Today is Thanksgiving.

This city was occupied by Gardarik forces for three years, but they were finally liberated.

Violet, you did this.

There's a Thanksgiving tradition here in Machtig to give gifts to those you are thankful to.


Is there anything that you want?

Something I want?


Tell me something you want.

Yes, sir.

If that is your order.

It's not an order.

I want to express my thanks to you.

Thank me?

That's right.

For all the fight No.

Let's take a little walk.


What am I supposed to want?

Let's see.

A girl your age would want dresses or accessories.


In that case, I wish for dresses and accessories.

What's wrong?

I see your eyes.

This is the same color as your eyes.

What is this feeling I feel when I look at this?

It's a beautiful brooch, isn't it?



I've never heard of the word "beautiful" until now.

Is it similar to the word "pretty?

" Yes, I'd say so.

Are you sure you didn't want one that matches your eyes?

Yes, this was the most beautiful one.

I did not know the word, which is why I've never said it before.

But your eyes were beautiful from the moment we met.


-The brooch.

-Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Do you think we'll be home by spring?

Yeah, let's all make it home together.

Gilbert! It's been a while.

Lieutenant Colonel Hodgins! You don't need to call me that.

Yes, I do.

You have the higher rank.

It's strange how your blunt attitude seems so endearing now.

You haven't changed either.

Even after becoming a lieutenant colonel.

In my case, it's because they kept sending me to places we could win without fighting.

Your family is an important financier of our military.

You can't blame headquarters for keeping you safe.

Still, I don't feel good being promoted like this.

Anyway, what about you?

How have you been?

Eating enough food?

I hope you're getting enough sleep.

You can relax, he is only joking around.

He may be older than me, but we were in the same class in officer school.

I've seen her at the training ground before.

You still had her by your side?

Isn't she the one who wreaked havoc in Capria?

There are rumors going around that she's your w*apon.

You should make her do something else.

Sorry about that.

Um She's Violet.

She didn't have a name, so, I gave her one.

Are you also using her for Operation Regain Intense?

If this operation succeeds, the enemy will crumble.

It will likely be the final fight.


You know, once this w*r is over, I'm thinking about quitting the army and starting a company.

A company?

I'll hire you when I do.

I don't like the idea of working under you.

Then I guess I'll hire Violet instead.

You know that might be a good idea.

Huddle up! Major.

What is it?

-Do you no longer need me?

-What are you talking about?

After I am dismissed, will I be transferred to Lieutenant Colonel Hodgins' command?

Will I never receive any orders from you again, major?

You've done nothing wrong.

We're going into battle in a few hours.

We can talk about this later.

This is the plan.

The enemy's main headquarters is located in Intense, here.

It's surrounded by cliffs, making it a natural fortress.

Attacking from the front will be too difficult.

So, our a*tillery will bombard the enemy first.

While the enemy is distracted, we'll use the sewers to infiltrate Intense, rush to the cathedral, and take control of their headquarters.

After we do, we will send up a flare to signal our reinforcements to charge, and our operation is complete.


-Yes, sir! Five minutes until a*tillery.

Okay, go! Fire a*tillery.

Fire a*tillery! Fire! Follow her! All squads, report! Squad 1 has lost three! Squad 2 is mostly intact! Squads 3 and 4 have lost half our men! We're going to need help! Okay, Squads 1 and 2 will secure the perimeter and draw the enemy reinforcements in.

Everyone left in Squads 3 and 4 will take control of the cathedral with me!

-Let's go!

-Yes, sir! Fire! Gilbert, we're counting on you.

Fire! Major! Circle right! All units, charge! Major?

