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01x06 - Somewhere, Under a Starry Sky

Posted: 02/07/23 08:01
by bunniefuu
A request?

For me?

I'm so happy for you, Iris.

Your destination is Kazalli.


That's my hometown! Oh, that's right.

Who is the client?

It's a woman in her 40s named Sarah Florent.

Do you know her?

No, I don't.

All right! To commemorate Iris' very first commission, let's all get lunch.

I'm the only one in my village who became a Doll.

I wonder if she heard about me from someone.

I'm just happy to be able to go home and show off this uniform.

I know all my friends and family are going to want to come see me.

Careful not to get carried away.

Remember that you are representing the CH Postal Company

- I know that! I believe that was a disingenuous answer.


What did you just?

We've received so many voting letter requests lately.

Well, I suppose it is the first election since the w*r.

With the House of Lords making moves, I'm sure the House of Commons candidates are desperate.

Do you think the two of them will be okay?

I have the worst luck.

It would've been a great opportunity to show off my impeccable typing skills.

There is no need to worry.

I will be typing for you.

That's not the point.

Kazalli is a village half

-way up the mountain whose main industries are dairy and agriculture.

There are no other particular characteristics or history to mention.

-Sorry we don't have much going for us.

-There is nothing wrong with that.

When there is something of value, it attracts crime and trouble.

Northern Leidenschaftlich had iron and copper ore deposits, which enticed the Gardarik Empire to attack.


And that's what caused the w*r.

My uncle said he would volunteer to fight, but my aunt was against it.

So, he ended up not enlisting.

Which kept him safe, thankfully.


What was that apology for?

Because you ended up injured.

Why are you responsible for my injury?

I might not be responsible, but An apology is admitting responsibility and asking for forgiveness.

Okay, I get it.

Times like this and when I first met her, I could never fully understand who Violet Evergarden was.

LEIDENSCHAFTLICH KAZALLI It's so much more humid than Leiden.

Aren't you hot in that?

It is not a problem.

I am accustomed to these temperatures.

All right then.

Iris! Welcome home! Welcome back! I'm glad you made it.

Mom, Dad! Uncle and Auntie, too! What happened to your arm?

Are you okay?

Oh, this?

I just tripped Been so busy working that I strained it.

That is not accurate.

-I get a lot of requests, you know.

-That is also not accurate.

Ouch! Ow! Oh, no.

It's starting to hurt! It must be hard work being a star Auto Memory Doll.


Oh, Dad! Stop exaggerating! But what are you going to do about this letter then?

Oh, that?

That's why she's here, too.

I will travel anywhere to meet your request.

I am an Auto Memory Doll.

Violet Evergarden at your service.

Is she a doll?

No, she's an Auto Memory Doll.

My goodness! The city Dolls are something else! Hold on a second! I'm wearing my Doll uniform, too! It looks good on you, Iris.

You're like a fine career woman! What's that supposed to mean?


Oh, by the way, do you know a Sarah Florent?

She's the one who requested me.

She should be here.

That's the name of your late great


I'm the one who requested you.

I thought we could see you if we hired you for a letter.

-Are you kidding me?

-So, this was a false commission?

As it was written in our contract, we do not accept the use of aliases or false commissions.

Please excuse me.

W Wait, Violet! I will now start your request.

Please enter the correct name in the contract.

What kind of invitation would you like?

An invitation to Iris' birthday party.


Your birthday is the day after tomorrow, remember?

I totally forgot.

She said she wanted to invite a huge crowd for a big celebration this year.

We will have to write one immediately if it's in two days.

There is also delivery.

-It's so pretty!

-What happened?

Leave her alone! Please don't be concerned.

Do you have the invitation list?


This is it.

I want to see.

There's so many males on the list.

-Well, you are at that age.


Don't you think it's time you get married?

-What's that supposed to mean?

-You're our only child.

We want you to come back and get married.

Quit your Doll job and move back in with us.

That's why you brought me back here?

By lying to me?

You lied to us, too! The most popular Doll in Leiden?

That's enough.

In any case, we're throwing you this birthday party.

Violet, please type this guest list.

Copy that.

Eamonn Snow.

Don't send one to him.

Even though his name is on the list?



-Just because.

Your parents are the ones who chose these guests.

I don't believe you have the right to remove him from the list.

Just do what I say.


-I'm the one who was requested! You're just my stand


Got it?

Thank you.

I finished delivering my share.

I have just finished as well.

Why don't you come over and have dinner?

Although, there isn't much we can offer you out here.

I do not require much in regards to hospitality.


Well And while I do not have much evidence to base it on This view seems like a great example of wonderful hospitality.

-Here you go.

-Thank you.

Happy birthday, Iris.


Is your arm okay?

Yeah, it's totally fine!

-I heard you became a Doll in Leiden.


That's so cool! Well Iris! You have a second?

Talk to you later then.


-Sorry about this.

Do you remember them?

Montgomery just got his teaching certification exam.

And Hans is training to become a cobbler.

Oh, Eamonn! Long time no see.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Iris, happy birthday.

Why are you here?

Because I received an invitation.

You sent him one?

After I went to confirm with your mother, I was instructed to send him one.


Iris! It's all because you sent him an invitation.

What is the connection between that and suddenly feeling ill?

I asked you not to send it.

-Why did you do that?

-I simply accomplished my mission.

I didn't want to see him.

Why not?

I cannot understand if you do not explain your reason.

He rejected me before! Do you mean that you approached him romantically, but you were rejected?

You expressed your affection, but you were turned down?

Yeah! That's exactly what that means! I can't believe Iris.

I'm sorry.


How is Iris doing?

She is crying.

She's crying?


Did something happen to her?



Are you okay?

Cheer up.

We'll find someone better for You're still talking about that?

This is all because of that party.

I wish I never came back! I brought you dinner.

Did you tell everyone?

-Tell them what?

-About Eamonn!

-Yes, I did.

-Why did you do that?

I did not think it was a secret.

And they were all very concerned about you.

That's not a You really don't understand other people's feelings, do you?

I am very sorry.

I thought I had come to understand emotions better.

But people have very complex and sensitive emotions.

Not everyone can express how they truly feel.

They end up contradicting themselves or lying, which makes it very difficult for me to understand what's true and what's not.

I am truly sorry.

Stop bowing.

I know you didn't mean any harm.

It's not like I always know how other people feel either.

Is that true?


Eamonn is a childhood friend.

He was always very kind to me.

I loved him for the longest time, and I just assumed he had feelings for me, too.

I wondered why he didn't confess to me.

Which is why I told him before we graduated.

I told him, "I love you.

" But I'm sorry.

I only think of you as a friend.

I wanted to disappear.

I couldn't stay here anymore.

Even though I wasn't a good writer, I studied hard and went to Leiden to become a Doll.

One needs a lot of courage to say the words "I love you.

" Especially if the feeling isn't mutual and it makes you want to flee.

I wonder if it was the same for the major then.

-Who's the major?

-My superior officer.

I became a Doll so I could understand what the major meant by "I love you.

" I felt that I was finally able to learn a little bit about Violet.

The major provided his love to her who only knew the military.

And she is doing everything she can to figure out what that means, in her own way.

Hey, Ms.Auto Memory Doll.

Can you write a letter for me?

What type of letter?

An apology letter to the people who attended the party.

Very well.

Make sure it's a polite and heartfelt letter!

-Shall I send it to Eamonn as well?

-Wow, you don't let up.

But, yeah, send one to him.

And to your parents?

Would you be interested in telling them how you really feel?

You will be able to tell them through a letter.

Emotions too difficult to express will come through.

"Dear Mom and Dad, I'm sorry for ruining the party.

I will send an apology letter to the guests.

Also, thank you for commissioning me.

This was actually the first time I was requested.

That made me very happy.

Work can be hectic, but it's what I've chosen, so, I will continue to do my best.

I'm sorry for always making you worry.

But please continue to watch over me a little bit longer.

This is the first commemorative letter from the future number one Doll in Leiden to her parents, who she loves very much.

" Are you sure you have everything?


Just let us know if there's anything you need.

I'll be fine! And also Thank you for the letter.

Oh, I mean she's the one who typed it.


I will hand you an invoice later.

-You're going to charge me?

-Letter writing is my job.

-Then how about lunch for three days?

-That will not be enough.

Call it a company discount!

-The train is leaving.


-Happy birthday.

-Take care.

Did the letter successfully reveal your emotions to your parents?

Can't you tell from seeing their reaction?

It was a good letter.

The letter you wrote got through to them.

Because it was a good letter.

Did I write a good letter?

Why are you talking like that?

Those flowers Oh, they're irises.


You know, I was born when these flowers were in full bloom.

That's why my parents gave me this name.

What's your name?

I see.

Would it be okay if I gave you a name then?



I have a feeling you'll grow into the name when you're older.

Don't be a tool, become someone that matches with their name.