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01x03 - May You Be an Exemplary Auto Memoir Doll

Posted: 02/07/23 07:54
by bunniefuu
Leiden is such a big city!

I know! I got lost because there's so many more roads than my town.

They say it's easier to find a job if you have a brooch from here.

I just want to graduate and go home.

I bet you just want the brooch.

You got me.


All of you, welcome to the Auto Memory Dolls' Training School.

I'm very sorry.

You'll be considered absent on your second tardy.

Yes, ma'am.

Now that the w*r is over, the demand for Dolls has never been higher.

Of course, it is possible to become a Doll without attending our school.

But our objective is not to train just any Doll.

It is to train you to become the best Doll you can be.

Graduating from our school is proof of excellence.

However, if I do not deem you a worthy Doll, you will never be given this certification.

Do you understand?


Violet Evergarden.

Despite her doll

-like outfit, she had the demeanor of a military soldier.

An optimal Doll must be able to type as fast as someone speaks.

Now, begin.

What is the matter, Ms.Evergarden?

You did not specify a speed.

I see.

Then you can type if it's specified?

In that case, type 200 characters per minute.


I shall begin.

Very well.

You're not eating anything?

I've been trained to keep my eating to a minimum during a mission.

But Would you like some of mine then?

No, thank you.

Ms.Luculia from Leiden.

You remembered me from my introduction?

I remember everyone's introductions.

The letter

-writing skills an optimal Doll must have include knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and several forms and styles for letters.

Time is up.

Now, I shall announce your evaluations for today.

Grammar results.

Perfect score.

Violet Evergarden.

Next, vocabulary results.

Another perfect score.

Violet Evergarden.

I have returned from my mission.

-How was school?

-I bet you got in trouble! No, I did not.

Welcome back, Violet.

Mr.President, Instructor Rhodanthe has sent me home with today's results.

Let's take a look.

You got excellent grades.

Oh, you're back.

Will you get over it already?

You're the one with the problem! What are they doing?

The two of them always fight like that.

I'm really surprised you were able to establish this company with them.

Today's class will be actual training for writing on behalf of someone.

-Are you ready?

-Let us do our best, Ms.Luculia.

So, who do you want to address it to?

Someone I'd like to write a letter to?

Just choose someone close to you, who you'd like to express your feelings to.

Someone close?

Please address it to Mr.Claudia Hodgins.


Is that a friend?


He's my boss.

"That is all. This concludes my report. Violet Evergarden. "

Oh, you're done?

Then "Have you received any new orders from the major?"

Please add that at the end.

It sounds more like a report than a letter.

Now it is your turn, Ms.Luculia.


Let's see.

My bro No.

I'll address it to my parents.

Copy that.

I haven't been able to really thank my mother and father for everything yet.

It's hard to express what you want to say when it's time to actually write the letter.

Oh, and all the places we've been to together, and the places we wanted to go.

There's just so many to list.

"See you soon. You don't need to worry about me. Sincerely, Luculia. "

Violet, read this for me.

Yes, ma'am.

"Dear Father and Mother, it has been a while, but I have nothing specific to report."

"I worry that I have not expressed my gratitude for our previous engagements.

Regarding the places we have been and desire to go, I have nothing to report.

I am currently working very diligently.

I am currently healthy and safe.

There have been no issues.

That is all.

Please do not be concerned.


And do you believe that is a letter?

It could be that I was too abstract.

That is not the issue.

Letters are about communicating someone's feelings.

An optimal Doll will be able to decipher the person's true feelings and express it on paper.

Violet, your grades are excellent and your typing is very fast and accurate.

However, what you have written on her behalf cannot be called a letter.

You cannot call this a letter?

-I could go aga

-That is all for today.

Now, please hand these letters to the people they are addressed to.

You just had an off day today.

I have been told the same thing before.

I see.

Let me show you the best view in the city.


Watch your step.

Beautiful, isn't it?

I've always loved this view since I was a child.


I hope that one day you'll be able to see that beautiful view in Leiden.

Well, I'm going this way.

See you tomorrow.


Call me Luculia, Violet.

Go on home already.

Come on, don't be like that.

Just one more.

Brother! Were you drinking again?


-Go home.

I haven't had a drink because he won't let Spencer! Are you okay?

Damn it.


Thank you.

Violet, I'm thankful for the letter, but it feels more like a report.

My instructor also stated that it could not be called a letter.

Will I be able to become an optimal Doll?

I'm home.

I can make dinner right a Mom, Dad.

Bluebell Junoa.


-Iberis Konoue.


Luculia Marlborough.

Luculia Marlborough! Here.

Congratulations to the nine of you for graduating our program.

I hope you all become optimal Dolls.

Yes! Where are you going to work?

I'm going to work in my hometown.

-Maybe I'll find something in Leiden.

-What about you, Luculia?

I haven't decided anything yet.


But you were the top of our class.

I see.

That's too bad.

I am sorry to disappoint you.

It's all right! Not graduating doesn't mean you can't become a Doll.

Then what was the purpose for going to the school?

While it is true that graduating is not everything, if I'm unable to decipher the person's true feelings and express it on paper, then there's no point in becoming a Doll.

I knew you would come here.


Why are you here when the program is over now?

Because I thought I could see you again if I came here.

Tell me, Violet Who is the major?

You always ask at the end of your letters if the major had sent a letter yet.

Isn't he the one you really want to send a letter to?

Why don't we write a letter to him today?

Not like your usual reports, but a letter with your true feelings.

I won't leave until we're done.

Major I'm sorry.

I don't even know what I want to say to him.

Because I do not even understand the meaning of the words he told me.

Violet, why did you want to become a Doll?

I want to know what "I love you" means.

You want to know what "I love you" means?

It's hard to communicate your feelings, isn't it?

The truth is, my parents died.

The only family I have left is my brother.

I don't know what to say to him.

When the w*r began, my brother got drafted.

But there wasn't much fighting in the Western Front where he was deployed.

The fighting was always taking place far away.

So, the w*r didn't feel real to us.

But one day, when my parents went to Herne for business, the Western Front was broken.

They couldn't find any trace of my parents.

And then the w*r ended.

-My brother came home alive.

-Come on, give me one drink at least! Give it a rest already! I wanted to be happy that at least he was alive.

What the hell?


-Shut up! my brother was angry that he wasn't able to protect Herne.

He blames himself for our parents' deaths.

Don't show your face around here again.

I was just I was just happy that he was alive.

I just want to tell him "thank you." But I can't.

Luculia, let's write a letter.

Let's put all your feelings into a letter.

But whenever I think about telling him, nothing comes out.

I've tried so many times.

But it's no use.

I'm sure I never will.

Thank you, Violet.

We'll write your letter to the major another time.

An optimal Doll will be able to decipher the person's true feelings and express it on paper.


Wait, Spencer.

Come on.


Hurry up.

This way.


It's so beautiful.


You're Luculia's friend.

-What's this?

-It is a missio No, an assignment.

No, it is a letter.

From Luculia to you.

From Luculia?

"To my brother.

I'm happy I'm happy that you are alive.

Thank you.


Where were you out so late?

At school.

Where is the president?

He had a guild meeting.

Wait, aren't you done with school?


But I wrote a letter today.

Although I'm not sure if the feelings came across.

I see.

Weren't you two fighting?

That's right! It's this idiot! He put a wet cup on the letter I wrote for a client! It's your fault for putting the letter there! What is with your attitude?

I'm tired of it.

Violet! Luculia.

What is it?

Good morning, Violet.


I thought class was over.

Sorry, I'm the one who asked her to come here.

Luculia showed me this letter.

The letter you wrote on behalf of Luculia for her brother.

The feelings I've been wanting to tell my brother.

Violet, you were able to tell him for me.

An optimal Doll will be able to decipher the person's true feelings and express it on paper.

You were able to express a feeling.


I hope you become an optimal Doll.

Violet! Congratulations! Luculia.

And thank you so much.

A letter can sometimes be short and sweet and still express important feelings.

I learned from her what the most important aspect of being a Doll is.

She was a little odd with her doll

-like outfits and acting like a soldier.

But she was a wonderful girl.