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01x02 - Never Coming Back

Posted: 02/07/23 07:52
by bunniefuu

Captain Diethard Bougainvillea.

Your brother is here to see you.

Hey, Gil! How have you been?

You look depressed, as usual.

You look just like Father.

You haven't changed either.

Father would not approve of your hair for sure.

I bet he would have cut it off with a saber.

I wouldn't let him.

You've always been like that.

I'm glad he died.


Stop making that face.

I brought you something nice today to celebrate your promotion.

Got it?

Only use it as a w*apon.

Don't get attached.

Open it.


Get up.

I found her in the northeastern w*r zone.

Her name is Violet Evergarden.

She's going to start working today as an Auto Memory Doll apprentice.

Please train her on everything.


She didn't have any facial expressions, just like a doll.

Just like the dolls that were named after this industry.

Um, first off How much do you know about what Auto Memory Dolls do?

They write letters at the request of others.

Lt.Colonel Hodgins I mean, the president told me so.

That's right! I can't say that I completely understand, but I think I can perform my duties.

It's not that easy! "Duties?

!" What are you talking about?

! Iris, that's enough.

Get back to work.

All right.

That reminds me, I haven't introduced the other Dolls to you yet.

"Doll" refers to I understand it's an abbreviation for Auto Memory Doll.

-I figured it out the other day.

-That's right.

The girl just now Her name is Iris.

She's a new hire who just completed her training course.

And that's Erica.

She and I have both been working as Dolls for a while.

This company is still pretty young, so, we're all like rookies here.

I don't think so.

Violet, do you know how to use a typewriter?

I've never used one before.

Then why don't you start off by practicing typing?

It's not that easy to become a Doll.

Iris, can we borrow your manual?


Uh, have a seat.

Yes ma'am.

You should remove your gloves.


Are you okay?

It's not a problem.

Then why don't you try it out a bit?

Set the paper like this.

Turn the knob and feed it in.

Place your pointer fingers on the F and J keys, and try typing something.


That's right.

Just like that.

Just memorize where your fingers should go for the different letters.

Try typing what it says in this manual.

Oh, wait.


Violet! Stop! Can you type a little more quietly?

Thank you.

It's 1.2 Liber.

So, that's 10 Corse.

-Thank you.

-It's finally time for lunch! Nerine, Lilian.

Let's have lunch together.

I've bought fried noodles for you.

No, thanks.

And don't come to the reception looking so sweaty like that.

What's up with them?

When you see a man who's been toiling away, can't you at least say, "Thanks for your hard work"?

And what do they mean, "Don't come"?

-Women these days are so calculating.

-And their perfume stinks.

They're just trying to snag rich guys at reception.

Don't worry about it.

Who cares.

No more working girls for me.

-Hey, you guys.

Fried noodles.

-I don't want any.

And stop calling me "Hey, you."

I'll have some fried noodles.

I'm stuck just writing addresses again today.

The two reservations we have this afternoon both asked for Cattleya.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

I came all the way to Leiden to become a Doll, but all I do is write addresses and inquiries about missing people from the w*r every day.

That's all I do.


By the way, I heard that new girl used to be in the army.

Even though she's still a child?


They don't have to make her a Doll.

She's cold and inconsiderate.

She's not right for this job.

I want to write letters that are more exciting! Like a letter for a famous person.

Or a secret love letter for an actress.

But those jobs always go to Cattleya.

How is Violet?

I invited her to lunch, but she said she didn't need to recharge.

She's just been practicing typing the entire time.

I see.

Sorry for all the trouble.

Hey, then treat me to dinner, Claudia.

Don't call me by my first name! Just because you wanted a girl.

I can't believe it.

Calling out a girl's name in bed.

That was terrible.

Stop! Please! I'm sorry! I can't take you anytime soon.

I'm not getting paid this month.

I'm done writing the addresses.

Thanks for your hard work.

I'll bring these to the delivery department.


Violet, thanks for your hard work.

That's enough for today.

Let me see.

You've improved a lot! Amazing.

This w*apon is what's amazing.


You're right.

It's a w*apon for working girls like us to go out into society and fight.

I'll have you sit next to a real Doll tomorrow and shadow her.

I'm going out for a delivery service now.

If someone requests it, we go to their house or workplace to write for them.

Can I take this with me, too?

The typewriter?


To my room.

For training, and for Address?



I want to tell him that I've started a writing job and begun training.

I want to report my current status.

I'm sure the major is still busy and can't see me yet, right?



I'll send this for you.

How's training going?

It's going well.

There's no problem.

Like you already know, it's hard making ends meet every day.

"As you already know, living expenses are tight."

You made a mistake.

Tell him I'll pay back two chlor every month.

-"Every month."

-If you pay back two chlor every month, it will take you 120 years to pay back everything.

Sir, will you be able to survive until then?

Normally, she's really good.

But sometimes she gets really mad.

"I'm sorry for hurting your precious child."

Maybe I didn't discipline her well.

"Our teachings were insufficient."

What did I?

What did I do wrong?!


-Crying gets in the way of our work.

-Please stop crying immediately.

-Wait! Hey! What do you mean by this letter?

"I'm sorry for my selfish request"

-What do you mean, "selfish?"


"I apologize for the delay?!"

This makes it seem like it's all my fault!

Who do you think you are?!

She's Erica.

I didn't ask her name! Anyways, I don't like this letter.

I'm not paying for this! Refusing to pay because you didn't like it is illegal.

What don't you like about it?

Out of my way! Please be specific.

Please give us some guidance.

And provide brief input.

We've received complaints from a few customers.

Was there a problem?

No, well Are you okay?

-There is nothing wrong with my health.

-No, I mean about working as a Doll.

I'm training diligently.

Uh, I see.

Um We don't have any more reservations today.

We're going to work diligently together to make the membership list for the Chamber of Commerce after this.

Type the company and the address.

-And the type of industry.

-Yes, ma'am.


Why do you want to do this job?

I Oh, is everyone gone?


Do you want to request a letter?

-Why else would I be here?

-My apologies.

If you request it, we'll write any type of document for you.

Auto Memory Doll Service.

Where is the Doll named Cattleya Baudelaire?

She's on a business trip.

Oh, I came here because I heard you can never go wrong with her.

Oh, well.

Someone asked me out.

A man who started an automobile company.

He said every household is going to own a car in the future.


But, you know I'm not such a simple woman.

I don't want him to think I'm easy.

Uh, in other words Well, he's not that great of a catch.

I don't have any feelings for him.

If he showed me he's serious, and if he really loves me Please write an elegant and romantic letter.

Get started.

Uh Oh.

Are you the one who's going to write it?

Yes, ma'am.

What's up with that letter?

Ma'am, please calm down.


Bring some tea.


-I wrote it just as you requested.

-What are you talking about?!

He got angry and sent the letter back to me! Read it! Read what you wrote!

"I read your letter. However, I do not have feelings for you now. Furthermore, your seriousness and love are insufficient. I am a complex and serious woman. Please reconsider again with gifts and funds."

What's wrong with this letter?

I apologize.

The expressions used were too straight.

I wanted to date him.

But if I accepted his request too soon, he would think that I'm too easy! Women want men to chase them, right?! I loved him! What would you like?

Water or hot water is enough for rehydrating.

Two cups of flower tea.

Thank you.

It might have been too soon to give you such a hard job.

-I'm incapable of understanding.


I wrote the letter incorporating her requests as much as I could.

Words can have different interpretations.

What one says isn't the whole truth.

It's a human weakness.

They test others to confirm their own existence.

It's a contradiction.

I'm going to apologize to him in person.


Major! Major Gilbert! Here we go.

Hey! What's wrong?

Are you alone?

You look sad.

Are you eating well?

I've replenished my nutrients.

Then did you make a mistake at work?

Come back to the delivery department.

Doing deliveries is no good.

Forget about working as a Doll.

Isn't it better to find another job?

I should look for a job, too.

Hodgins said he's not getting paid this month.

Seems like our company isn't doing well.

Can I ask you a question?

Am I suited to become an Auto Memory Doll?

I was also I'm not asking about you.

You're not suited for it.

Why do you want to do this job in the first place?

I want to know what "I love you" means.

Is that all?

That's all.

I understand that those words express a particular emotion.

Why did the major say those words to me?

I want to know why.

I still want to continue with this job, even if I'm not suited for it.

There's a towel in the locker room.

In any case, I think working as a Doll is too hard for Violet.

This company is still new, but we get so many requests for Cattleya.

But if we get a bad reputation because of this Just when things are about to take off.

-It's better to have Violet quit.

-No, give her a little more time.

Um Erica! And Violet, too.

What's the matter?

I don't I don't think we should make her quit! She Violet is very accurate and fast when she types, and she can do tasks like making membership lists and writing addresses.

Once she learns more I think she'll be able to write letters.


Don't make her quit.

It's a contradiction.

You said I'm not suited for this duty.

It's a contradiction.

I'm the one who isn't suited to being an Auto Memory Doll.

That's why I got so serious about defending her.

The machine that was a prototype for the typewriter was originally invented by Dr.

Orland, the authority on letterpress printing.

His wife, Mollie, was a novelist, but she became blind and couldn't write anymore.

He created the typewriter for her.

The doctor called it the Auto Memory Doll.

That term now refers to the industry of writing for others.

Meeting her made me remember my dream, which I had almost forgotten.

My feelings, which were buried away.

Just like how my heart was moved by the novels written by Orland's wife.

-I'm going to close up shop.

Are you okay?

-Uh, yes.

Someday I want to write beautiful letters that can move peoples' hearts, too.

I'm done! How is this?


Violet, stand up.


It looks good on you.

I was right after all.

Oh, and don't forget this.

Sorry for being late.

Open it.


This is it.

This is the brooch the major gave me! It was on the black market.

Someone must have stolen it from your belongings.

Oh, yeah! Violet, do you want to attend a Doll training course?

They have short

-term courses, too.

Iris attended one, too.

The teacher is really strict.

I think it'll be good for you.

You bought that back.

That's why you didn't get paid this month?

Thank you for the drink.

Hey, who is the major she talks about?


He's a friend from my Military Academy days.

He's from the Bougainvillea family.

Oh! That margrave No.

Even though he's from a rich family, he was a man with spirit.


He's not NOT COMING BACK coming back anymore.