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01x04 - What's my Age again?

Posted: 02/07/23 07:33
by bunniefuu
Previously, on The Way Home

Oh, Nick, this is Alice.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Something tells me Monica wants
you to give me your number.

I was the one who told
those tourists about the boat.

You need to stay out
of my business.

By the way,
I'm not selling the boat.

You need to fix it up.

Why don't you trust
your daughter?

(intriguing music)



(birds chirping)

(inaudible screaming)

(indistinct conversations
from the past)

- Keep your eye on the ball.
- Do you need some help?

Say cheese!


(tense music)




(dog barking in distance)

(soft ukulele music)

Oh, thank God. Alice.

Alice! Hey.

(sing together)

♪ New Kids On The Block
had a bunch of hits ♪

♪ Chinese food makes me sick ♪

♪ And I think it's fly
when girls stop by ♪

♪ For the summer
for the summer ♪

♪ I like girls that wear
Abercrombie & Fitch ♪

♪ I'd take her
if I had one wish ♪

♪ But she's been gone
since that summer ♪

♪ Since that summer ♪

♪ Hip Hop, marmalade
spic and span ♪

♪ Met you one summer
and it all began ♪

♪ You're the best girl
that I ever did see ♪

♪ The great Larry Bird
Jersey ♪♪


Ah, summer went by way too fast.

Ugh, tell me about it.

So, what's up with Nick, huh?

Have you talked to him since?

No, actually...

Honestly, I don't even know
if it's really a thing.

Do you want it to be a thing?

I don't think it's just
up to me.

- Oh, I saw you guys.
- He's into it.


Now, ask if I have any news.

Okay, Kat, do you have any news?

- I do.
- (laughs)

Brady's coming this weekend.

- Wait... like...
- "Brady", Brady?

I thought you were
keeping him a secret?

I was. Until Mom caught me

talking to him
on the phone at AM.

So, she's letting him
come visit?

Well, Dad is.

He says that preventing me
from seeing him

is only gonna drive me
away from them.

So, Brady's coming this weekend
for an official introduction.


He's staying at
the Port Haven Inn, though.

I've tried for the couch,
but Mom was all like,

"Not a chance!

I was born at night,
but not last night!"


Do you think you're gonna
be here then?

- Uh, yeah, yeah.
- I'll definitely try.

- Wait.
- There's something on your back,

- like a bug or something.
- Ew, get it off! Get it off!

I can't! It keeps moving.


You did not just do that!


I need to get back.

You wanna stay for dinner?

I can't. I have to get going,

but I'll definitely try
and be here for Brady, though.

Okay. See ya!

- See ya.
- (chuckles)

(soft music)

(insects and birds chirping)


(boy giggles)

(footsteps pattering)


Hey, there you are!

Ready to practice?

- Yeah, I sure am.
- Alright.

Now remember, keep your eye
on the ball.


Sorry, bud.

- (chuckling)
- I missed it.

- You did!
- Again.

- Alright.
- Show me what you got.

- This one.
- Oof!

Man, where did you learn
how to throw so hard?

Uh... I don't know!

There you go.

Here's a high one!
Oh, move your feet!

Move your feet!
Ah! Good hustle.

That was a high ball!

That was a high ball.



(birds chirping)

Afternoon, Old Miss!

How are you doing?

You know, I went through
labour twice

and that was enough for me.

And here you are about to have
calf number four.

I think that deserves
a private suite.

What do you think?

I understand why Del's making
you clean it up,

but how did I get
roped into this?

Del says you know boats,
so you can file a complaint

- with her if you'd like.
- I'm smarter than that.

You know what's cool?

Boats are a perfect example
of Newton's third law.

For every action, there's an
equal and opposite reaction.

The propeller pushes
the water backwards,

thus the boat moves forward.

You have a very weird
definition of what's cool.


What was my dad like
as a teenager?

Uh... I don't know.

He wasn't from around here.

Yeah, but he visited Mom
when they were dating, right?

In '?

You just time-travelled,
didn't you?

So? Did you meet him?

I did.
But that was about it.

It was the Captain Brady show
back then.

Did I meet him?


Look, you know I can't tell
you when to go back,

right, to see him?

I know when you were there,
not when you leave.

You really can't tell me
anything about him?

Even if I could,
it wouldn't matter.

It's not anymore

People change.

You didn't.

Wow! You're really doing it.

I'm a woman of my word.

You're also a woman with a mess.

I'm gonna make dinner
while you clean this up.

I'm all over it.

Come on, Finn!
(clicking tongue)

Oh, you are happy that
they're here, Del.

- Convincing yourself?
- Reminding.

And it's not just Alice.

When Kat makes eggs,

she puts the shells
back in the carton.

It's madness.

I should just stay out
in the field with the cow.

It's calmer.


I would invite you for dinner...

but no one can see
my kitchen right now.

- That bad, huh?
- Afraid so.

Besides, Kat's not
gonna be there.

She's uh...
off riding, I think.

Oh. That's not...

Some advice:

play the long game.

(soft music)

(indistinct conversation)


Say cheese!



- You got it?
- Yep!




Oh, I'm starving,
thank you for dinner.

Well, enjoy it.

Because tomorrow, I'm not gonna
have time for meal planning.

I've gotta get Old Miss
in the barn

before the vet gets here,

plus there's winter garden prep,
and of course,

Lobster Social.

Yeah, I've been seeing
posters of that

all over in town.
What is it?

Like a Coachella
for crabs or something?


Yeah, never mind.

Well, Lobster Social
is a celebration

of our fishing industry.

We have lobster rolls
and lemonade...

It's fun and you should go.

Oh, uh, actually, I can't.

I have plans tomorrow
to meet someone.

Okay, just know I'm busy

and I need you and your mother
to keep things

in better order around here.

If you do a good job, who knows,

Rita and I might take you
to Burning Man next year.


I almost forgot,
I saw that dog again!

- Jake, we get it.
- You want a dog!

Look, I found his toy
in the field.

Honey, get that dirty
thing off the table.

Okay, I think it's time
to do the dishes, guys.

I don't like dishes.

Pigs don't have to do dishes.

- You're not a pig!
- Argh!

(indistinct chatter, laughing)


Who's there?

- Oh no.
- Wait.



(soft music)

Are you okay, ma'am?

Do you need some help?


I'm so sorry.

I should... I shouldn't be here.

I-I'm sorry.




(indistinct singing)



(birds chirping)

Where are you off to so early?

Meeting friends.

Have you seen mom?

Didn't even hear her
come in last night.

She's been like that
for ten minutes.

If she keeps it up,
I can sell the scarecrow.


You okay?


I love you.


I love you too?

- Katherine!
- We need to get going.

What? Where?

- The Point!
- I gotta deliver these tables!

- (sighing)
- And don't you have to work?

Byron asked me
to interview Monica

at the Lobster Social thing,
but I...

I wanted to spend
the day with you.

I-I think we really need
some time... to talk.

Hey, you know what?
Come with me.

What do you say?

Sorry. I have plans.

What plans?

Hey, just...

stay with me today. Please?

Here, now.

Great. I'll change my clothes.

(upbeat music)

Welcome. Welcome.

I'm ready for my closeup,
Miss Landry.

So, where do you want me?

Actually, I...
If it's cool with you,

Alice and I were gonna spend
a little time together first.

See? Told you
she'd come around.

- Yeah.
- Well, say no more.

- Just find me later.
- Okay.


Do you wanna grab a roll,

or tear into a claw, or...

Don't you have to work?

It can wait. It can wait.

This... us...

You, me, this is more important.

So, just talk to me.

Not like a mom.
Talk to me like a friend, okay?

What's going on
in your life right now?

Are you happy here?

Yeah. Yeah,
school's good and...

the farm's cool.

And... friends?

Have you... have you made any?

I have. One.
A good one, actually.

That is so great.

You know, to find somebody
who really gets you,

just crack you open
and gets you out of your shell.

Heavy on the lobster metaphor,

but yeah, it's been really nice.

- Good.
- I just don't know how much

time I'll have with her,
you know?

People and friends...

they can change.

Hey, Kat, Alice.

- Hi.
- You made it.

Well, my real plans were
forcibly cancelled. So...

I'll go get us drinks.

Yes. Lemonade and lobster
would be perfect.


- Rough night?
- Yeah.

Yeah, you could say that.

It's like...

one of those nights where, um...

nothing is as it seems

and you find yourself
just redefining your...

your whole world. You know?

- You ever have one of those?
- Uh... maybe?

I think I can really
reconnect with Alice.

We have something in common

that I didn't really
know about before.


I feel like we could really...

really be best friends...

Where did she go?

I think your new best friend
may have ditched you.


(birds chirping)

(indistinct chatter)

- Dhawan!
- The Lobster's that way.

Uh... yeah. I was...

I was just there, actually.
My mom kinda made me, so...

Yeah. That tracks.

Hey, um...

About your birthday...

I... didn't really
eat bad chicken.

I wasn't sick.

I just didn't come to your party

because I'm really bad
at being the new kid.


It's okay. I figured.

The caf isn't even allowed
to serve chicken anymore.


My friends are waiting on me.
You want to join us?

I'm on break from
lobster rolling, so...

Oh, I-I... have to be
somewhere, so...


Uh, wait, uh, no, you're right.

Olive branch extended
and accepted.


I know this must all seem
pretty lame

compared to Minneapolis.

Mall of America versus
Seafood on Parade.

No, I... I really
like it here.

And... I didn't really do
anything in Minneapolis anyway.

Just... went to school,

sat at home
and played the guitar...


Oh yeah, you play?

Yeah. Self-taught.

Hashtag humble-brag-no-big-deal.


(upbeat fiddle music)

Can I give you
a hand there, Del?

- Oh. No, Elliot.
- I don't... I don't need help.

Your comments yesterday
would suggest otherwise.

It's not about needing help,

it's about getting Kat and Alice

to pick up after themselves.

- Yup.
- You don't wanna eat that.

Let me get that out of your way.

Believe you me,
those bodies are no good.

- Rita!
- Oh!

Let those people eat.


So, are we over the whole

"selling the boat"
nonsense, then?

Thank you for stopping
your lobster pilfering

- long enough to ask.
- Tourists don't eat them.

No, I'm not gonna sell the boat.


So, if you're expecting a cut,

you're out of luck.

I can't imagine that old clunker

would have brought in
much cash anyway.


Oh! That's a good one.

What? You weren't gonna eat it.

- It's for my bisque.
- Ah.

So, the whole point

of throwing
the Lobster Social now

is to showcase local cuisine
outside of tourist season.

Sure, yeah, no,
that makes sense.

(phone buzzing)

Hmm. Spencer.

He's trying to get
out of his shift

to hang with his friends.

Ah, and Alice, apparently.

Wait, Alice met up with Spencer?

For real, this time.

Did you find out
where she was the other night?

Uh... yeah, yeah.

I, um... I did, actually.

Okay, well, I'm happy
that she's making friends.

Spencer and his crew
will be good for her.

- I promise.
- Yeah.

Now, where was I?

Port Haven,
attractive year-round.


(upbeat fiddle music)

(indistinct chatter)

Need a refill?


It's uh...

Oh, let me see
if I can remember.

Andy. Right?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- I saw you wandering,

I thought maybe
I could wander with you.

One of those's for you,
by the way.


So, Monica tells me
that you are a doctor?

- Yeah.
- Oh, okay.

Well, I'm curious.

Um... what does
the Hippocratic Oath

say about not calling women
who give you their numbers?

Depends. Are we talking
about women

who just gave me
their number two days ago?

How dare you?

Are you saying that I am not

a "call immediately
or lose forever" kinda gal?

I mean...

Truth is, I don't live in town.

I work the whole county

and it's birthing season, so...
it's been hectic.

I didn't know
there was a season for that.

Hey, when I saw you
back there, you looked. uh...

lost. Everything okay?

Phew... That...

is a complicated question,

Well, care to tell me
what ails you?

Your funeral.


My daughter has no use for me.

My ex-husband is living
with a younger woman.

Meanwhile, my roommate...

is my mother.

- Hmm.
- Yesterday, I fell into

a frickin' pond
and you would not believe

what is down there.

I mean, I don't know.
Maybe you would?

But you know what I do know?

Is that you never really know
who your friends are.

Or were.

Wow. Mmm.

That is, um...

one long list of symptoms.

Unfortunately, there's more.

But I am out of wine.

♪ We do the best we can ♪

♪ While we can ♪

♪ At least we try to ♪

Oh, I'm so sorry,
I just thought...

No, no, no, no...
No, no, no...

No, no.
It's not you, it's uh...

It's me. Um...

I-I... I haven't kissed anybody,

um, except my ex
in over, like... years.

So... I'm just...

Just thinking...

Yeah, no, we're good.
We're good.

♪ Hey love ♪

♪ I can hear it ringing ♪♪

- (sighing)
- There she is!

Oh, gosh.

The make-out queen
of the Lobster Social.

Oh... I don't know
what got into me last night.

Besides the wine?


What was that about?

Honestly, I don't know.

I mean...

It was a...

really weird day.

God, I hope I don't run
into him.

- Dr. Andy?
- Mmm.

- It's a small town.
- It's gonna be hard not to.

- (chuckles)
- Yeah.

Hey, uh...

Would you pick up the tables
from The Point for me?

I'd really like to stay near
Old Miss.

Tables from The Point.

(clicks tongue)

(phone ringing)

A call from my daughter?
Well, this is a nice surprise.

Yeah, well, you are my dad,

Had to call you eventually.

And a vote of confidence
to boot.

Hey, I'll take it.

So, how are things?

Well, your last female roommate,

AKA Mom, is kind of losing it.

You know, go easy on your mom.

We've all been going through
a lot these days.

Yeah, I know.

I miss you.

Yeah, I miss you too.

Do you ever miss this place?

You used to visit Mom here,
like, back in the day, right?

Yeah, I sure did.

It feels like yesterday.

What were you like back then?

It was me, you know?

Less mature. Same handsome.


Come on, Dad, I'm serious.

I'm being serious.

I'm basically the same.

Mom isn't.

She's... totally changed.

Anyway, I should go.

Oh yeah? Big plans?

You could say that.

Thanks for the call, kiddo.


See you soon.

(phone beeps)

(soft music)

- Your friend Alice from '.
- Yeah.

Well, I can't say
I do remember her,

but I'm not surprised.

We had tons of kids coming in
and out of the house back then.

- Right, but I mean, it's Alice.
- Right?

We'd hang out in the field,
we'd goof off,

and she'd come home for dinner.

Well, that narrows it down.

Kat, do you remember
how many kids

came to our house for dinner?

You know, I just
don't remember her.

My memories at that time are of,

more important things.

Point taken.

Aw, there she is.

An... Andy?

Yeah, I believe you two
have met.


So this is weird, right?

Yeah, uh, you're a vet.

Uh, yeah.

I just thought you were
a real doctor.

You know, I thought that
you were um,

a people doctor for...


Nope. I'm an animal doctor.

For animals.

Yeah. That's... That's cool.

- (phone ringing)
- Uh, sorry, one sec.


- Hello?
- Yeah, you enjoyed that, didn't you?

I didn't hate it.

Andy: Okay, yeah,
I'll be right there.

Sorry, Del. I've gotta bolt.

I have an emergency.
But Old Miss should be good, though.

Shouldn't be any issues, but
if there are, you know how to reach me.

- Well, I appreciate it, doc.
- You got it.

And Kat, I know this was weird,
but do you want to...

Is he here?!

What are you wearing?

I have work in an hour.

Like, at a job?

If that helps, yes.
I work at the theater.

- Sorry, off topic. Is he here?
- Who?

My dad.

- Brady's your dad?
- Uh, yeah, Brady.

Hey, are you okay?

Um, yeah, I'm just...

being told the future,
so getting used to that.

Yeah, he was here.

Um, I met him.

Kat said that he's at the hotel

getting ready for their date.

Wait, they're going
on a date tonight?

Amazing, okay. So, my next
question is

how are we going
to spy on said date?

We're not, we're...

I have to work.

Elliot, I could literally watch
my parents' love story begin.

And you can't be there
to pick up the pieces

of my brain when it explodes?

As tempting as that sounds, no.

Fine. You're no fun.



Almost forgot.

Laundry day.

(soft music)

I feel like I could hurl,
I'm so excited.

I mean, at camp, Brady and I were
always around the other counselors.

We were never alone. This is
like our first official date.

- I love it.
- Where are you guys going?

Probably to the beach
to make out!

- Get out!
- (laughing)


Honestly, I'd take that.

We're actually doing dinner
and a movie.

You should come with us.

Uh, what? No, no, no.

I don't want to be
the third wheel.

Let's call Nick. It'd be
so much fun, like a full on double date.

A date with Nick?

I don't even know if
he'd say yes.

We only kissed like one time.

- I'm calling him.
- Ugh, God,

- you're gonna put him on the spot!
- Shh!

Hey, Nick?

Hi, it's Kat.

What's he saying?

Just go pick out something
to wear, he's gonna say yes.

It's about tonight.
Are you free?

(birds chirping)




(cow mooing)

What's going on?

Oh gosh.

Okay, okay. Hold on.

Hold on.


You've reached Dr. Stafford,
please leave a message.



It's alright, girl.

I'm not gonna let anything
happen to you.

(light music playing)



Wow. You look incredible.

Like an Aerosmith music video.

Dream on.

Good reference. You a fan?

Uh, no. My mom was. Or is?
I mean...

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I love Aerosmith too,

but my date doesn't start until Brady
"Walks This Way" in here, so...

(bells on door ringing)

He's here.


Hey, baby.

Mmm, you clean up nice.

Thank you.

So, change of plans,

these are my friends
Nick and Alice,

and they're gonna join us

But I thought it was just
gonna be us tonight.

Like... special.

I-I know, but this is okay,

I mean, we're still together.
It'll be fun.

Sure. Not like it's gonna be
a romantic date

in a place like
this anyway, right?


Welcome to Port Haven.

(Brady chuckles)

He seems...


(insects chirping)

(soft music)

Kat, where are you?

Pick up!

(thunder rumbling)



(exhales deeply)

Got your message.

- (mooing)
- What's wrong?

I need your help.

Ok, so, two diet Cokes


for yourself?

Just a half glass
of your house white.

Uh, may I ask you for some ID?

Sorry, I can't accept this.

What do you mean? Why?

It's a fake.

May I recommend a Shirley Temple

- Coke is fine.
- (chuckles)

Never happens back home.

Guess I shouldn't expect
the same in the sticks.

(Kat laughs)

So, you grew up
in Minneapolis, right?

You got it. The better half
of the Twin Cities.

And you go to school in Maine?
What's that about?

Are you following your hopes
and dreams? And...

What are your hopes and dreams,
like right now?

That was... aggressive.

It's okay.

I'm an open book.
You want to know my blood type?

AB. Super rare.

No, Mom and Dad didn't want me
to go to Maine Prep.

They tried to send me
to Harvard-Westlake in Cali.

But LA, it's so pretentious,

It was so fake.

But I wanted to stay grounded,
so here I am,

two years later
with a . GPA,

lacrosse championship, and a
bulletproof five-year plan.

You have a five-year plan?

You don't?

I don't even have a plan
for tomorrow.

To each their own.
As for mine, I...

His uncle's gonna get him
a job at his law firm.

Wow, that's a good plan.

Well, on top of that, I'm dating

the hottest girl in camp.

Brades, don't exaggerate.

You're so cute.


- (thunder rumbling)
- Let's see here.

Oh, yeah.
There's a contraction.


I'm gonna see...

I'm gonna see where
she is on this.

Come on. I'm too old for this.

- Nice and easy, it's okay.
- Oh, God.

Good girl.

(thunder rumbling)

- Elliot?
- Uh-huh?

- We've got a problem.
- What? What's wrong?

It's breach.

Gotta do this fast.

(indistinct chatter)

Kat: This is gonna be so fun.

I'm kind of nervous.

Man, I'm so psyched
for this movie.

(indistinct chatter)

Hey. What's wrong?

What do you mean?

This Brady clown,
he's got you all rattled.

Uh, yeah, he is a clown,
isn't he?

Sorry, I just can't picture Kat

- ending up with this guy.
- (Kat laughs)

Who's to say that she will?


If you want to bail,
I'll bail with you.

Or you can bail alone,

though it is more fun
ditching as a team.

- (chuckles)
- So,

you two just gonna stand
out here looking all cute,

or are you gonna come in
and watch a movie?

This should be fun.

Uh, parents, Alice.
Alice, parents.

- Joyce.
- Jude.

Nice to meet you. I-I didn't know
that you'd be joining us.

Do you think we would let
our son,

he of rampant hormones
and changing body,

date without chaperones?

- Inappropriate.
- Really?

- Yes!
- They're kidding.

They own the theater.

I work here too, I just took
the night off,

so I think we're done here.

It was nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Enjoy the movie, it's good.

And it's all totally real.

Come on. Can you just...?

Okay, but I like her.

(indistinct chatter)

Yeah, warning,

the whole film is handheld,

so make sure after
you're done your popcorn,

keep the bucket. Makes it easier
to mop afterwards.

Okay, whatever you want.

- Hey! You remember Brady.
- Right, Elliot?

Yeah. Same Brady from
a few hours ago.

I remember.


So, what can I get you guys.

Hmm? What'll it be?

Anything you want.

(Kat laughs)

Two popcorns.

And two drinks,
one for each of us.

And the pink cotton candy.

Brady: Pink cotton candy,

Oh, no, no, no. I got it.

Wow, thanks.

- Yeah, thanks.
- Thanks.

Oh. Um, sorry,

I can't, uh,
run your mom's credit card

- if she's not here, so...
- Hey, man. It's my card.

- It's just...
- Elliot. Can't' you make an exception?

My parents own the place.

Why don't we just say
snacks on the house?

Really? Great. Thanks, Nick.


Thanks, Nick.

Sweet outfit, Elliot.


Alright, let's go.


You okay?

Uh, yeah, I'm fine.

Nick: Don't worry, it's a
summer thing. They won't last.

Thanks for covering my shift.

I owe you one.


- (mooing)
- God, the shoulder's stuck.

I don't have the strength,

You're gonna have to help me.
Please, help me, please!

What do I do?

Okay. This is what
I need you to do.

- Put this on.
- Alright.

There you go. And...

put this chain around
your hand. That's it.

Now, you're gonna put your hand
in there,

and you're gonna look
for a hoof.

It's better if it's a front
hoof, but it doesn't matter.

Get in there.

- Okay.
- Take your time.

It's okay, it's okay.

- (grunts)
- Okay.


- I don't feel anything.
- Don't give up. Come on.

- I-I...
- Look for it!

I-I feel it. I got it.

I got the hoof.

Okay, good. Put the chain over
the hoof.

Okay. Got it. I'm gonna pull.

- Come on, Missy.
- Come on.

Just take it easy, Elliot.


(tense music)

I can't lose her, Elliot.



Please, help us!

(Kat laughs)

Help us!

woman: This is not the way
to get out of here.

(soft music)



I've gotta go to the washroom.

(woman crying)

Yep, absolutely. Absolutely.


So, what do you think
of your dad?

I can't process it, Elliot.

Is this what he's like?
He's a jerk!

Just think, you're not even
a twinkle in his eye yet.

No, he's nothing like this
in Minneapolis.

In my time, he's generous,

and he's like, a really
good cook,

and he's funny,
and he's a decent person!

Minneapolis? I thought you
said you were from Port Haven?

No, my parents are splitting up.

My mom and I came here,
and my dad stayed.

Um... Sorry, I didn't know.


He's a good dad, right?

And isn't that what matters,
right? And Kat...

I'm sure Kat's a great mom.

Yeah. You're right.

I should get back in there.

Come on, come on.

Come on, girl.

Come on.

Come on, baby. Come on, baby.


- (thudding)
- Oh! Oh!




You did it! Oh, you did it!

You did it!

Thank you!


Oh my gosh.



I need to talk to you.

How could you have kept this from me ?

She's my daughter.

I mean, you seriously thought
that not telling me

that she's been travelling
through time was a good idea?

Wait, wait.

You know?

Yes, I know.

I saw her, El, in the field!

At dinner, at the movies.

Okay, start over.

You went through the pond? Now?

As in, like, travelled back
to ?

Because if that's true,
that means...

Oh, God.
What does that mean?

I don't even care
what that means.

You have been lying to me

since we were years old!

I was helping Alice.

Trying to walk her through
all of this. She's...

She's... She's my kid.

Okay? I can take care
of my own family.


Then why don't you?

Alice has been travelling
through time

for how long
without you noticing?

And what about Del?

I have been here
all night with her

while you were off
navel-gazing in the past.

Look at the house.

Take a look at the boat, Kat.

This place is falling apart,
and she is all on her own.

You should be helping Del,
not making her life harder.

Del: Elliot!

Oh my gosh!


Colton gave me Old Miss's mama
as a gift.


After he died, I sold the herd.

It was just way too much work
for me to do by myself.

So, he is the last descendant.

The last trace of what Colton
and I did here.

I couldn't...

I couldn't lose Old Miss.

I couldn't bear for...

one more thing
to change here.

(soft music)

I want to thank you, Elliot.

You already did, Del.
It's okay.

No. Not just for tonight.

I want to thank you
for everything.

Yeah. Thank you, El.

Thank you.

(vehicle approaching)

♪ I've been waiting on my own ♪

♪ Too long ♪

♪ This year's love
had better last ♪


What... What are you
doing here?


I missed Alice,
so I booked a flight.

Happy to see me?

♪ Whoa, yeah ♪

♪ This year's love
had better last ♪

♪ When you hold me like you do ♪

♪ It feels so right, oh now ♪

♪ I start to forget
how my heart gets torn ♪

♪ When that hurt gets thrown ♪

♪ Feeling like you
can't go on ♪♪