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01x02 - The Bloody Highway

Posted: 02/07/23 07:13
by bunniefuu
Jonas: Anne?

Jonas: Anne!

Anne: What?

Anne: J-Jonas?

Anne: What happened, Jonas?

Anne: What are you doing here?

Jonas: I was worried, so I came after you.

Jonas: I'm glad you're safe.

Jonas: From here on, I'll protect you.

Anne: I'm not sure that means much coming from someone who was just att*cked by bandits...

Jonas: But it's very strange...

Jonas: When did I catch up and pass you?

Anne: I stopped in the town of Redington, so...

Anne: Wait, are you even listening to me?

Jonas: Redington?

Jonas: Oh, that's where you bought the warrior fairy.

Jonas: It's quite beautiful.

Jonas: Did you make a mistake and buy a companion fairy instead?

Anne: Jonas, please, won't you go back?

Anne: This journey is much too dangerous for you.

Jonas: I am not going back.

Jonas: I am going to Lewiston with you.

Jonas: And you know why, don't you?

Jonas: Because I love you!

Anne: Um, Jonas.

Anne: I appreciate your feelings, but I think you're confused.

Anne: You think the feelings of pity you have toward me are love.

Jonas: I came here for your sake!

Jonas: Do you hate me?

Jonas: This doesn't make you happy at all?

Challe: Scarecrow. We should hurry and leave this place.

Challe: Wild crows.

Challe: They've caught the scent of blood and come here.

Challe: Once they've appeared, wolves aren't far behind.

Anne: This is bad. We must set off at once!

Challe: So, you have a man who would come after you?

Challe: Impressive, for a child.

Anne: I am not a child!

Anne: I am fifteen. I have fully come of age!

Anne: And Jonas isn't that sort of a person to me. He feels pity for me, that's all.

Challe: Pity?

Anne: Whatever the case, you should turn back here, Jonas!

Anne: You aren't the sort of person who should be doing dangerous things in a place like this!

Anne: Say, Challe. About the cart behind us...

Anne: If anything happens, will you go and help?

Challe: If you wish to make me do something,

Challe: use my wing against me and give me an order.

Anne: Earlier, you were quite annoying about saying, "Give me an order, give me an order."

Anne: What was that?

Challe: Other than what I am ordered to do,

Challe: I intend to do nothing.

Anne: It's true that I decided to make you serve me, Challe.

Anne: But I also said that I hate doing that.

Anne: That's why this is a request.

Anne: For now, I will continue to make requests.

Anne: If you still refuse, then I'll change them into orders.

Anne: And, just as you wish,

Anne: I'll even say, "I'll rip up your wing unless you do as you're told."

Anne: But first, I will make a request!

Challe: You truly are a strange scarecrow-head.

Anne: You keep saying "scarecrow, scarecrow"...

Anne: Not that it matters anymore.

Jonas: So this is a fortshelter, is it?

Jonas: It's my first time staying in one.

Anne: Your first time? Then, what did you do last night?

Jonas: I had the horses run through the night.

Jonas: I wanted to catch up to you as quickly as possible!

Anne: Jonas, after we stay here tonight, tomorrow you should—

Jonas: Right now, I am simply going somewhere I want to go, that's all.

Jonas: It isn't as though I'm following you.

Anne: My head aches...

Challe: Don't touch me!

Challe: Everything other than what you hold in your hands is mine.

Anne: Jonas? It's me. Will you open the door?

Cathy: Was there something you required?

Anne: Cathy!

Anne: You came with him?

Cathy: I am Master Jonas's labor fairy. Naturally, I did.

Anne: Th-That's true. Of course. And where is Jonas?

Cathy: He has retired for the evening.

Anne: Then when he wakes, will you tell him to eat this?

Cathy: Such crude fare as this... Master Jonas will not eat a single mouthful.

Anne: At home, that might be true,

Anne: but on a journey, this is something to be grateful for.

Cathy: It reeks of beast fat. Even I, a fairy, would disdain to eat it.

Anne: Is that so? Well, I'm very sorry for my unwanted meddling!

Anne: Here.

Challe: What is it? And what do you want me to do with it?

Anne: It's your portion, of course!

Anne: Was it wrong of me to offer you such poor fare?

Anne: Does a soup reeking of beast fat not suit your taste either?

Challe: What is this, all of a sudden?

Challe: It's as though your head has been set on fire.

Anne: Well, I am a scarecrow-head, after all. I'm sure it would burn very well!

Challe: Apparently, it's quite the blaze.

Anne: Well, who wouldn't be ablaze?

Anne: "This poor person's soup wouldn't suit

Anne: the tastes of an honorable heir to a sugar confectionary."

Anne: That's what a fairy just said to me.

Anne: Do you find this soup detestable, too?

Challe: That isn't it. I was simply... surprised.

Anne: Surprised? By what?

Challe: Before serving yourself, you gave me soup. That surprised me.

Anne: What are you talking about?

Anne: When you make food, having other people eat first is the normal thing to do, isn't it?

Anne: Oh, a spoon!

Anne: I'm so sorry!

Anne: What?

Anne: Challe, that was...

Challe: I ate it.

Anne: You ate it? How?

Challe: We don't eat with our mouths.

Challe: We hold our hands over it, or touch it, to absorb it.

Anne: Is that how fairies are?

Anne: So, was it good?

Challe: There is no flavor. We simply absorb it.

Challe: There is one thing which we can taste.

Anne: What is it?

Challe: Silver sugar.

Challe: It's sweet.

Anne: Do you like sugar confections?

Challe: I don't hate them.

Anne: Then, I'll make some for you!

Anne: Despite how I might appear, I am a bit of a sugar artisan!

Challe: You?

Anne: Listen and be amazed!

Anne: My mama was a silver sugar master!

Anne: As her daughter,

Anne: I've been playing with silver sugar instead of clay since I could toddle!

Anne: Moonflower would suit you, Challe. Maybe I'll make something in that shape.

Anne: Challe! Th-There's something in the cargo hold!

Anne: W-Will you go and look?

Challe: Is that an order?

Anne: What?

Challe: If I don't go look, will you tear up my wing?

Anne: Th-That isn't...

Challe: Then, do it yourself.

Anne: Fine. I'll just go and look then!

Anne: There's nothing here?

Mithril: Hey, you!

Anne: No!

Mithril: Let me go, you lowlife! I said, let go!

Challe: Is this meant as provocation?!

Mithril: Owww...

Mithril: You sure are a rough one! I am delicate, you know?

Mithril: Be gentler with me!

Challe: You talk too much.

Anne: So, you're the one who was running wild in the cargo hold?

Mithril: I wasn't running wild.

Mithril: I nodded off, had a nightmare, and woke with a jump.

Anne: That was quite a jump as you woke up.

Anne: That aside, who are you?

Anne: When, and why, did you climb into my cart?

Mithril: I am Mithril Lid Pod!

Mithril: I've come to return the favor to you!

Anne: Return the favor?

Anne: Oh!

Mithril: Bah! I'd never thank the likes of a human!

Mithril: And don't you forget it!

Anne: Are you the one from back then?

Mithril: What? So, you didn't remember me?

Mithril: Forgetting the face of the one you saved... You're heartless!

Anne: Wh-What is that supposed to mean? How does that make me heartless?

Anne: Besides, back then, you were covered in mud and—

Mithril: At any rate, yesterday, you saved me.

Mithril: That's why I've come to fulfill my duty.

Anne: But back then, you said you'd never thank a human, didn't you?

Mithril: I did. Because I hate humans, you see?

Mithril: That's why I'm returning the favor instead.

Mithril: And let me tell you, I'll return the favor, but I'll never say thanks, not even if I die.

Mithril: Well then! Let me return the favor!

Anne: Well, um...

Anne: I know!

Anne: Will you oil the wagon's axles for me?

Mithril: Don't treat me like I'm stupid!

Mithril: In return for the favor of saving my life, you want me to do something that dull?!

Mithril: Think of a more impressive favor!

Anne: What do you mean by "an impressive favor"?

Mithril: I'm telling you to figure it out, aren't I?

Challe: He's a fussy one. Should I strangle him to death?

Mithril: A favor! A favor!

Challe: If you order me to, I will.

Mithril: What did you say?

Anne: Wait, wait, wait!

Anne: Then there won't have been any point in saving him!

Anne: Let's see, you... Mithril, was it?

Mithril: It's Mithril Lid Pod! Don't shorten it!

Anne: Mithril Lid Pod.

Anne: There's no need to return the favor.

Anne: I didn't save you in the hopes of something like that.

Anne: You're free. You should go wherever you like and live happily th—

Mithril: Hey! Human girl!

Anne: It's Anne.

Mithril: Anne.

Mithril: You're pretending you're kind when you're not, trying to get rid of me!

Mithril: Like I'll let that happen?

Mithril: Let me repay the favor!

Mithril: If you don't, I'll follow you to the depths of the underworld!

Anne: The underworld?

Challe: We should strangle him to death.

Mithril: You!

Mithril: You're a fairy, too! How could you say such mean things to me?

Anne: Somehow, I feel exhausted.

Mithril: Fairy k*ller! Fairy k*ller!

Mithril: Let go of me! Let me go, you fairy k*ller!

Anne: I'm sorry, Challe. I'll make a sugar confection for you tomorrow night.

Mithril: Hey! You! I'm talking to you!

Anne: Don't steal your wing while I'm asleep, all right?

Mithril: Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go! Let go!

Challe: Regardless of whether I take it or not, I don't think you will be able to sleep.

Mithril: Hey, you two! Why are you trying to go to sleep?!

Mithril: Wake up! I said, wake up!

Mithril: Don't fall asleep!

Challe: Shall we throw him out now, while we can?

Anne: That would be too cruel, so please don't.

Anne: And even if we did cast him aside, he'd only come back.

Anne: He did go so far as to say he'd follow us to the depths of the underworld.

Anne: Mama...

Anne: Until we reach Lewiston safely...

Anne: please watch over us.

Jonas: Anne, you understand, don't you?

Jonas: I am worried about you.

Jonas: That's all.

Jonas: Anne.

Anne: We've traveled karon since we started the Bloody Highway.

Anne: From this point on, it would be even more dangerous to turn back alone.

Anne: Now it's come to this, why don't we travel as far as Lewiston together?

Jonas: You understand, then?!

Anne: In return, I hope you understand that this is truly dangerous.

Jonas: Of course.

Anne: Jonas, Cathy, allow me to formally introduce you.

Anne: Challe fen Challe. He's a warrior fairy.

Jonas: What about a name? You haven't given him one?

Anne: What I just told you is his name.

Anne: I call him Challe.

Jonas: Normally, you give them human names.

Jonas: You there. You're so beautiful it seems a waste to keep you as a warrior fairy.

Jonas: You'd be likely to sell as a companion fairy.

Challe: If I suit your fancy, then will you buy me from the scarecrow?

Challe: In terms of foolishness, you're each as bad as the other.

Challe: It doesn't matter to me which of you I am made to serve.

Jonas: F-Foolishness?

Anne: Challe!

Anne: I'm sorry, Jonas! Challe has a sharp tongue.

Anne: He's called me an idiot or a fool countless times.

Anne: Please don't let it bother you.

Jonas: I-I won't. It isn't something you need to apologize for, Anne.

Jonas: More importantly, what about that fairy?

Mithril: You mean me?

Mithril: I am Lord Mithril Lid Pod!

Mithril: Make sure to use "lord" when you call my name.

Jonas: L-Lord?

Anne: Honestly!

Anne: Why are both of you so arrogant?

Anne: Please confine that attitude just to me. Other people have nothing to do with it!

Anne: Now, it's time for our meal!

Anne: With so much delicious food, you wouldn't need something like my soup, would you?

Cathy: Of course not. Not that crude soup reeking of beast fat.

Jonas: Silence, Cathy!

Jonas: I will not allow you to speak to Anne with such rudeness!

Cathy: My apologies, Master Jonas. I was only—

Jonas: Disappear.

Jonas: I'm sorry, Anne. My labor fairy hasn't been trained very well.

Jonas: Your soup was delicious. I would be happy to have it again tonight.

Anne: Oh, um, of course.

Anne: The way Jonas behaves is probably the correct way to act as a fairy's master...

Anne: but even so...

Mithril: The ability to erase her form? That's pretty impressive.

Mithril: But compared to the power of the wonder that is me, it's still lacking.

Anne: Mithril, what powers do you have?

Mithril: Don't be too surprised!

Mithril: In the northernmost part of the Kingdom of Highland lies a great lake,

Mithril: the waters of Loess Lake...

Mithril: A drop of that water landed on a leaf, and that's what I was born from!

Anne: From a water drop?

Anne: Are all fairies born from water drops?

Mithril: Anne, you don't know anything, do you?

Mithril: Fairies are born from all sorts of things.

Mithril: Grass seeds. The fruit or nuts of trees.

Mithril: Water drops or jewels.

Mithril: The energy of an object condenses and then we're born.

Mithril: But for that to happen, the gaze of a living being is needed.

Mithril: Human, animal, it doesn't matter what.

Mithril: Being gazed upon causes the energy to take form,

Mithril: and that's what turns into a fairy.

Anne: Really?

Anne: Challe, what were you born from?

Mithril: From the look of him, I'd say obsidian.

Mithril: Incidentally, precious stone fairies have the power to create sharp things.

Mithril: Since I was born from a water drop, I can control water.

Mithirl: That's my power.

Anne: Control water?

Anne: That's incredible! Will you show me?

Mithril: Sure!

Mithril: There!

Anne: That's cold!

Anne: You're amazing, Mithril!

Anne: What can you do, using that?

Mithril: What? I just showed you.

Anne: What? That's all?

Mithril: What do you mean, "That's all"?! "That's all"?!

Mithril: Are you criticizing the power of the wonder that is me?

Challe: It would be useful in giving water to little birds.

Mithril: N-No one asked you! And what kind of comment is that?

Mithril: Are you making fun of me?

Challe: This is bad.

Mithril: What?

Mithril: What's bad?

Mithril: Hey, Challe fen Challe, that's...

Anne: What? What's wrong?

Jonas: Anne! Look above!

Anne: Is this an attack?

Challe: Wild crows are cleaners, scavenging the wilds for carrion.

Challe: But when there is no carrion for them to eat,

Challe: they form large flocks to hunt down prey...

Challe: and devour it alive.

Challe: The day before yesterday, they barely had a lick of bandit blood.

Challe: It must have made them hungry.

Anne: Challe, please...

Anne: Challe, I'm giving you an order.

Anne: Protect us from the wild crows!

Anne: I hold your wing.

Anne: You know what that means, don't you?

Challe: Stop the cart.

Challe: Hide in the cargo hold.

Jonas: Anne!

Anne: Jonas, you should hide in your cargo hold, too! Quickly!

Mithril: I see! So this is what returning a favor is!

Mithril: I will chase them off and—

Anne: You too!

Anne: Help me, Challe!

Mithril: Don't be afraid, Anne. It's all right.

Mithril: Challe fen Challe is obsidian!

Mithril: He isn't like us.

Mithril: He won't get hurt...

Mithril: and he won't break.

Anne: Is it over?

Anne: Challe...

Challe: Did your legs give out on you?

Anne: N-No, they didn't!

Challe: What's wrong, Scarecrow?

Challe: Are you requesting a more special sort of service?

Anne: I-I would never!

Anne: A-At any rate, thank you. For saving me.

Anne: This isn't good. It's just one thing after another.

Jonas: What's wrong, Anne?

Anne: We won't reach the fortshelter before sunset.

Anne: The wild crow's attack has made a mess of our schedule.

Anne: Oh, wait!

Anne: There's a doctor's inn!

Jonas: What is a doctor's inn?

Anne: Just as the name states, it's an inn where doctors allow travelers to stay.

Anne: And bandits rarely attack doctors.

Anne: For travelers, they're the next safest place to fortshelters.

Challe: Will such an old map really prove to be accurate?

Anne: There are no mistakes in a map that Mama drew!

Anne: In any case, that is where we'll stay today.

Anne: We have to hurry!

Anne: Please let us make it in time.

Anne: Is it impossible?

Anne: Mama would have been able to do this properly.

Challe: Where is this mother of yours?

Anne: Mama died. Did I not mention it?

Anne: Two weeks ago.

Anne: I made up my mind to become a silver sugar master, like she was.

Anne: At the end of autumn, there's an event held in Lewiston,

Anne: the Sugar Confectionary Exhibition. I'll submit a piece...

Anne: and have the king acknowledge my skills.

Anne: I want to become a silver sugar master this year.

Anne: Do you know why?

Anne: In the winter, we celebrate Pull Soul Day.

Anne: We send off those who died that year as they're pulled to the heavens.

Anne: As a silver sugar master, I will make a splendid sugar confection with my own hands,

Anne: and send Mama's spirit to the heavens.

Anne: That way, Mama will feel reassured and be able to go to the heavens, won't she?

Anne: It's a good idea, don't you think?

Challe: And that's why, is it?

Anne: Oh! A light!

Anne: Wait! Please wait!

doctor: Wild crows? That's quite the calamity.

doctor: The important thing is that you're safe.

doctor: This room is for you and yours. Your travel companions are next door.

doctor: Leave your things and, once you've rested a bit, come to the dining hall.

doctor: We should be able to serve you something like a simple soup.

Anne: A bed. It's been a while.

Jonas: Anne.

Jonas: You're hungry, aren't you? Let's go and accept their offer of food.

Anne: Jonas... I'll rest a little more first.

Jonas: There's no need to pretend you're all right.

Jonas: You're starving, aren't you? Come on.

text: The Bloody Highway

text: The Sugar Apple is the Tree of Betrayal