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01x01 - The Scarecrow and the Fairy

Posted: 02/07/23 07:11
by bunniefuu
Emma: This is a tale from long, long ago.

Emma: Our Highland Kingdom was once the land of the fairies.

Emma: The fairies loved peace.

Emma: They loved beautiful things and fun things...

Emma: and so they lived quietly and peacefully for hundreds of years.

Anne; young: But I feel so sorry for the poor fairies now.

Emma: Yes, the poor fairies.

Emma: This is all because years ago...

Emma: humans rose in rebellion and made the fairies their servants.

Emma: People say that fairies were fools who idled away their time and lost to the humans,

Emma: but Mama doesn't think that's true.

Emma: There are fewer fairies than humans,

Emma: so in a contest of strength, they lost to the humans. That's all.

Anne: Why do you think that, Mama?

Emma: Well, just look!

Anne; young: How beautiful!

Emma: Here.

Anne: It's delicious!

Emma: Sugar confections are a sacred food.

Emma: They extend the lifespans of fairies and bring good fortune to humans.

Emma: And the first ones to make these sugar confections were fairies.

Anne; young: Really?

Emma: And the method of refining sugar apples into silver sugar...

Emma: was discovered by fairies.

Emma: That's how sugar confections were born.

Emma: And that is why sugar artisans...

Emma: most especially silver sugar masters, must never look down on fairies.

Emma: They must keep company with fairies as friends.

Emma: And so must you, Anne.

Anne; young: I will!

Anne: Mama, watch over me!

Anne: I will become a silver sugar master just like you were!

Anne: All right, I'm setting out!

Jonas: Wait! Anne!

Anne: Huh?

Anne: What?

Jonas: Wait for me, Anne!

Anne: J-Jonas?!

Jonas: You're just awful, leaving without saying a word like that.

Anne: I-I'm sorry. If I said goodbye, I thought you'd try to stop me.

Jonas: Even though you didn't say it, I still came to stop you.

Anne: Jonas, I'm truly grateful to you for everything up until now.

Anne: Your family and the people of this village were truly good to Mama.

Anne: But I did tell you, didn't I?

Anne: I want to enter this year's Sugar Confectionary Exhibition.

Anne: No. I must enter, no matter what.

Anne: Please understand!

Jonas: I do understand!

Jonas: I'm a sugar artisan too!

Jonas: But it will be impossible for you to travel all the way to Lewiston alone.

Jonas: After all, you're small for being fifteen.

Jonas: You're as scrawny as a scarecrow,

Jonas: and your entire fortune consists of that run-down cart and the horse.

Jonas: But I love you just as you are.

Jonas: So, won't you marry me?

Jonas: I told you! Ever since the day you and your mother first came here,

Jonas: I have been completely entranced by you.

Jonas: I will fill the hole that has been left in your heart!

Jonas: I will make you as happy as your mother did and more!

Jonas: After all, I come from a wealthy house.

Jonas: And we're related by blood to the founder of the Radcliffe Workshop school...

Jonas: Anne! Wait!

Anne: Goodbye, Jonas! Take care!

Jonas: Anne! Wait! Anne!

Anne: Jonas would never seriously propose to me.

Anne: He pities me because I've lost Mama, that's all.

Anne: To marry out of pity would be so...

Anne: No, that's not it.

Anne: The thought of marriage itself, of living as someone's wife...

Anne: I want to live my own life!

Anne: I want to chase my dreams!

Anne: Right, Mama?

fairy hunter: Take that, you piece of crap.

Anne: Excuse me, what's going...

fairy hunter: You little...

fairy hunter: Take that, you malicious little...

Anne: A fairy?!

old farmer: A labor fairy who serves that fairy hunter there.

old farmer: He stole his own wing and tried to escape.

fairy hunter: You thief of a fairy.

fairy hunter: This is what I'll do to the likes of your wing.

Mythrill: D-Don't!

Anne: How horrible!

Anne: A fairy's wing is its life!

Anne: Why won't anyone save him?

old farmer: Well, because he's a fairy.

old farmer: And the fairy hunter has a violent personality.

old farmer: If your attempt to help went badly, and then he turned on you...

fairy hunter: How's that?

fairy hunter: Never defy me again, understand?

fairy hunter: Swear that you'll never steal your wing and try to run away again.

old farmer: H-Hey...

Mythrill: Hmph! Who'd swear anything to a human?

Mythrill: I'll take it back again and again! It's my wing!

fairy hunter: Very well! Then, I'll just k*ll you right here.

Anne: If you'll excuse me?

Anne: Ready and...

Anne: there!

Anne: Here you are.

Anne: Oh, wait!

Mythrill: Bah! I'd never thank the likes of a human!

Mythrill: And don't you forget it!

Anne: Well... yes. I am one of those detestable humans, after all, right?

fairy hunter: You! You let my valuable labor fairy escape!

fairy hunter: What are you gonna do about it?

Anne: Well, you were planning to k*ll that fairy, weren't you?

Anne: That's no different from him leaving like this.

fairy hunter: Little girl, you...

old farmer: Hey! That's enough!

villager A: A grown man like you raising your hand against a child like her?

villager C: It may have only been a fairy, but you were a little too awful to it!

crowd: That's right!

fairy hunter: I won't forget this.

crowd: Go on! Get out of here!

crowd: Serves you right!

old farmer: You're very impressive, young lady.

crowd: And don't come back!

old farmer: To put that tiny body of yours on the line for a fairy...

Anne: It was my pleasure.

Anne: Despite how I look, I'm fifteen. In this kingdom, that's the age of majority.

old farmer: I beg your pardon.

old farmer: Still, you're a very kind girl.

Anne: About that... The truth is that I'm not.

Anne: Sir, where can I find the fairy market?

fairy trader A: Labor fairies! They're hard workers!

fairy trader B: Would you like a companion fairy? I have a collection of beauties!

fairy trader C: Come, come! Keep hold of one of their wings and fairies will do whatever you want!

fairy trader C: Come and buy!

Anne: Would you happen to have any warrior fairies for sale?

fairy trader C: I don't carry anything as dangerous as that.

fairy trader C: The old man down at the end does have one.

fairy trader C: But you should give up on it. It's defective goods.

Anne: Thank you.

Anne: Beautiful...

Anne: just doesn't do justice to him.

Anne: I've never seen a fairy like him.

Shall: I thought I saw something familiar...

Shall: but it's just a scarecrow.

Anne: A scarecrow?

Shall: You. I'm talking about you.

Shall: That's right, Scarecrow.

Anne: S-S-Scarecrow?!

Anne: That is so rude!You can't say that to a girl in her prime!

Shall: Who cares anything for the prime of a scarecrow?

Anne: H-How dare you speak that way...

fairy trader D: Sorry about that, young miss.

fairy trader D: My goods have a sharp tongue.

fairy trader D: If anyone passes by, he calls them names with no care for who they are.

fairy trader D: Pay it no mind and continue on your way.

Anne: But I do mind!

Anne: This advice may be unwelcome,

Anne: but with a tongue like that, you'll never sell him as a companion fairy!

Anne: Why don't you just let him go?

fairy trader D: That's not a companion fairy.

fairy trader D: It's a warrior fairy.

Anne: What?

fairy trader D: Three fairy hunters died capturing him. That's what an excellent article he is.

Anne: Th-That can't be true!

Anne: The warrior fairies I've seen up until now have been burlier and bigger...

fairy trader D: For a fairy trader, trust is the most important thing.

fairy trader D: We don't lie.

Anne: Um, I came to buy a warrior fairy, but...

Anne: Don't you have anyone besides him?

fairy trader D: Warrior fairies are difficult to handle.

fairy trader D: This one is the only one I have for sale. You could try somewhere else.

Shall: Hey, Scarecrow.

Anne: By "scarecrow," do you mean me?

Shall: Is there anyone here but you?

Shall: Stop dithering.

Shall: Buy me.

Anne: B-Buy... Are you giving me an order?

fairy trader D: Marvelous!

fairy trader D: This is the first time I've heard him tell someone to buy him.

fairy trader D: Could it be that you fell in love with the young miss at first sight?

Anne: What?

Shall: Don't assume that I am like you.

fairy hunter D: What?

Shall: I said not to assume that I am like you, you filthy human.

Anne: Don't!

Anne: Wait! What are you doing? Stop!

Anne: Please. Please!

Fairy hunter D: One hundred cress!

Anne: What?

Anne: I believe this should satisfy you.

fairy trader D: A gold coin?

fairy trader D: That's quite a show of commitment from you, young miss.

fairy trader D: But you've made a good purchase here.

fairy trader D: Here. His wing. Go on and verify the goods yourself.

Anne: This is...

Shall: My heart.

fairy trader D: Now, be very careful, understand?

fairy trader D: Warrior fairies are savage.

fairy trader D: Let down your guard, and he'll immediately steal that leather pouch...

fairy trader D: and come to k*ll you.

Shall: That isn't all.

Shall: I'll come to k*ll you, too. Just wait.

Anne: Hey!

fairy trader D: I look forward to it.

Anne: Excuse me! I wish you'd stop speaking as though it's certain that I'll be k*lled!

Anne: Come on. We're going!

fairy trader D: Say, young miss! Are you really going to be able to make him serve you?

Shall: Of course she can. Right, Scarecrow?

Anne: It's Anne! Anne Halford!

Anne: The next time you call me that, I'll hit you, understand?

Anne: I'm headed to Lewiston from here.

Anne: I'd like for you to protect me on my way there.

Anne: In other words, provide escort. May I ask that of you?

Shall: A simple task. I'll even throw in a kiss as a special service.

Anne: I do not require any such high-handed service!

Anne: Least of all my precious...

Shall: You haven't had your first kiss yet, either? You're such a child.

Anne: Well, pardon me for being a child! And anyway, you...

Anne: What is your name?

Shall: Why do you want to know?

Anne: Well, I don't know what I should call you, do I?

Shall: Tom or Sam. Call me by whatever human name you like.

Anne: Then I'll call you Crow.

Shall: In retaliation for calling you Scarecrow?

Anne: That's right, Mister Crow.

Shall: Shall Fen Shall.

Anne: Shall Fen Shall. That's a beautiful name.

Anne: Which part is your first name and which is your surname?

Shall: The entirety is my name.

Shall: We do not differentiate between first and last names like humans do.

Anne: Really? But Shall Fen Shall is too long, so...

Anne: I'll call you Shall. Is that all right?

Shall: I believe I told you to call me whatever you like.

Shall: You are my master.

Anne: Yes, I am.

Anne: Wings are the source of a fairy's life force.

Anne: Even if their wings are ripped off, they can survive.

Anne: But if their wings are damaged, they weaken and die.

Anne: Having learned that, humans rip off a single wing to force fairies to obey them.

Anne: That is how fairies ended up serving humans.

Anne: I bought you because I wanted you to serve as my guard, Shall.

Anne: But I promise you this...

Anne: once we arrive in Lewiston, I will return your wing to you.

Shall: You're saying you will set me free?

Anne: That's right.

Shall: You'll allow a fairy which you bought with a gold coin to escape?

Shall: Could such a naïve human exist?

Anne: Naïve?

Anne: I simply believe that humans and fairies can be friends, that's all.

Anne: The truth is, I don't want to compel anyone to serve me.

Anne: And, of course, I don't want to sell you to another human.

Anne: That's why I'll return your wing to you.

Anne: And while you're accompanying me on my travels like this,

Anne: I'd like to treat you as a friend, if that's possible.

Shall: Friends?

Shall: We could never become friends.

Anne: My mama and me, it's our ideal...

Anne: for humans and fairies to treat each other as equals.

Anne: But if no one ever actually puts it into practice,

Anne: then that ideal will never become reality.

Anne: That's why I will do it.

Shall: So both mother and daughter have the brains of scarecrows?

Anne: Please don't insult my mother!

Anne: If you hate me so much, why did you tell me to buy you?

Anne: I would never want to be made to serve someone I hated!

Shall: Humans are all the same.

Shall: In which case, being made to serve a fool makes things easier for me.

Shall: Amongst those I have seen in the last few years, you seemed the greatest fool by far.

Anne: The Bloody Highway.

Anne: It's approximately , carron long.

Anne: Between here and Lewiston, there isn't a single village or town.

Shall: There are merely fortshelters, a sort of convenient stronghold.

Shall: You'll also find wild animals that attack indiscriminately...

Shall: And bandits, of course.

Anne: You know this road?

Shall: How many years do you think I have been forced to serve humans?

Shall: And the reason you bought me was to help you make it through this road, wasn't it?

Anne: I'm depending on you, Mister Warrior Fairy.

Shall: You should pray as hard as you can...

Shall: that we reach the first fortshelter safely.

Anne: Here, it's for you.

Anne: I know.

Anne: Our luck just happened to be good today.

Anne: But this journey is a long one. If the worst happens, I'll be counting on you.

Anne: He is vexing, but...

Anne: fairy wings are beautiful, aren't they?

Anne: May I touch it?

Shall: Don't touch me!

Shall: Everything other than what you hold in your hands is mine.

Anne: I'm sorry.

Anne: That was thoughtless of me.

Anne: Why did I do that?

Anne: I thought I understood, but...

Anne: Mama!

Emma: Anne! Awake already?

Emma: Oh my. What's wrong?

Emma: Are you hurt somewhere?

Anne: It's not that. I had a horrible dream.

Anne: Mama, you had died. It was a horrible dream.

Emma: You silly.

Emma: Find your life's path and walk it resolutely.

Anne: Mama?

Emma: I know you can do it.

Emma: You're such a good girl, Anne. Don't cry.

Anne: Wait... Wait, Mama!

Anne: Please, Mama! Don't go!

Anne: Wh-What...

Anne: What, what, what, what, what?

Anne: What do you want? Just now, your hand was on my neck.

Anne: Shall, your wing. You couldn't have been...

Shall: I almost had it.

Anne: You're heartless!

Anne: I told you didn't I? I want to be your friend!

Anne: And in spite of that, you...

Shall: Friends?

Shall: When you hold my life in your hands?

Shall: I have been bought by you, forced to serve you.

Shall: We can never be friends.

Anne: I am a fool, aren't I?

Anne: You're right. I've been naïve.

Anne: Even though I'd made up my mind to have you serve me,

Anne: I've kept saying selfish things about wanting to be friends.

Anne: I won't ever let down my guard again!

Shall: A bagworm moth this time, then, is it?

Anne: Scarecrow suits me just fine!

Anne: And I'll say this as well.

Anne: Despite everything, I will keep my promise.

Anne: When we reach Lewiston, I'll return your wing.

Anne: Once I do, I'll ask you again whether or not we can be friends!

Anne: Until then, I am your master!

Shall: I bungled that.

Shall: But there is no need to be impatient.

Shall: I've spent nearly years being forced to serve humans.

Shall: My freedom may have been put off for a day, but three days from now...

Shall: There it is again.

Shall: Why does that scent come from this girl?

Shall: The sweet scent of silver sugar...

Shall: Liz...

Anne: We must reach the next fortshelter within the day.

Anne: We've traveled carron since starting out on the highway.

Anne: That's still only a sixth of the distance.

Shall: Stop.

Anne: What?

Anne: Bandits?

bandits: Let's go!

Anne: Oh no! They're coming this way!

Anne: That's right! Shall, you're a warrior fairy, aren't you?

Anne: Chase the bandits away!

Shall: That's too much work.

Anne: Too much work? Honestly! I'm your master! Your master!

Anne: At this rate, we'll be k*lled! Please!

Anne: What? You're too close!

Shall: If you're my master, then you shouldn't plead. You should order me, shouldn't you?

Anne: You're too close! Please, move away! Just go, won't you?

Shall: Your face is red.

Anne: J-J-Just go, won't you? Please, I'm begging you!

Shall: I told you to give me an order.

Anne: An order? But look, they're coming!

Shall: "Go, now." "I'll tear up your wing." If you said those things, I'd go immediately.

Anne: What are you talking about? Just, please!

Shall: Order me.

Anne: I said go! If you don't go, I'll punch you!

Shall: I suppose that will do. I'll go.

Shall: At your command, Mistress Scarecrow.

Anne: Shall!

bandit leader: I-It's a warrior fairy! Turn back!

text: The Scarecrow Fairy

text: The Bloody Highway