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03x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/07/23 06:49
by bunniefuu



[- where is Bashar?]

[- Have you no shame?!]

[Where is he?]

[I don't know,

we haven't seen him since yesterday]

[Leave me alone!]

[Hayfa, listen, Bashar didn't work for us,

he's not in on anything]

[Then why are you here?]

[Because I'm worried about him,

same as you are]

[You're such a bastard]

[A lowlife]

[A liar]

[Our cousin d*ed because of you]

[Go away or I'll start yelling.

b*at it!]

[Tell your family he's innocent]

[We already know that,]

[but the entire village

thinks he's a traitor]

[What'll you do about it? Huh?]

[What'll you do about it "Abu Fadi"?]

[You were like family to us]

[What about your mother?

Has he spoken with her?]


[She's in the mourning tent,

I'll ask her]

[Thank you, I'll wait here]

[Get up! Let's go!]


I can't believe they smuggled in

all this stuff right under our noses.

Untraceable satellite phones,

two-way radios,

PABX connectors, PSTN,

GPS-combined digital signaling

This smuggler was a pro.

- What did you say?

- About what?

If these two devices

communicated with a third party,

- can we locate it via GPS?

- Technically, we can.


[Someone is waiting for you

at your usual meeting place]


[Bashar! What did you do?]

[Hayfa, I swear on Mom and Dad's lives

I had no idea. He tricked me]

[You've gotta believe me]

[Okay, but why are you here?

Someone will see you]

[Bashar, that son of a bitch Abu Fadi,

that pig, came to the mourning tent]

[God damn him. I'm gonna k*ll him,]

[I will, with my own bare hands,

I swear to God]

[Okay, come here]

[Should I bring you

something to eat or drink?]

[Are Mom and Dad there?]

[Are you nuts?

They don't dare show their faces]

[Dad has been sitting alone

at the mosque all day,]

[he hasn't even come

to console Uncle Nasser]

[How could I miss it, Hayfa?

How did I not catch on?]

[Even you thought he was an Arab, right?]

[Yes, but I didn't help him

k*ll our cousin, Bashar]

[Okay, calm down]

[Listen, just breathe]

[What do I do? What do I do?]

[Go see Dad]

[- Forget it, Hayfa, are you nuts?]

[- Bashar]

[- No way]

[- You have no choice]

[Hayfa, he thinks I'm a collaborator.

Dad has k*lled people like me before]

[20 years ago, when he was your age]

[He's your father and he'll hear you out]

[Hayfa, he'll k*ll me!]

[Bashar, he would never harm you, ever,]

[and you know that]

In terms of timing,

we worked well and correctly.

- We settled the score with

- Excuse me.

With that bastard who's k*lled more

than ten people and nearly k*lled Gabi.

So first of all, well done.

We have no time for champagne and parties

because Fauzi's men

are probably planning another att*ck.

The Gaza Desk located the squad

in a house in Yatta village

via a communication device.

This is Hila, Head of Gaza Desk.

- Hila!

- Welcome.

Stop behaving like apes,

it's embarrassing.

Hila, sorry.


Hila, what's up?

Are you done?


Hani Al Jabari and his commandos

got us good, I admit.

We caught it in time, but still,

they're very skilled commandos

who train with

the Revolutionary Guard Corps in Iran

and have collaborators send them

equipment from outside the West Bank.

How did they get in?

- How many are there?

- We don't know yet.

They likely entered through a tunnel.

This building is probably their base.

They must've set out from there

to carry out the att*ck at HQ.

We have intel from the past 24 hours.

We know there's movement inside

and maybe in the surrounding area.

Eli, take over.

We'll be joining forces

with the Counter-Terrorism Unit.

Team Eitan and Team Yoni

are headed to the command post

where Kaspi will brief us before entry.

Any questions?

Go get dressed and prep up.

What about Bashar?

We can't leave him in the village.

Not now, go get ready.

Remember what you promised?

Protection program, Israeli ID,

remember all that?

- Doron, now's not the time.

- His family is Hamas.

His father did time

for k*lling collaborators.

If we don't help him now, he'll die!

Eli, he helped us!

If we extract him now,

it'll prove to them he's our asset.

- Are you for real?!

- It'll only put him more at risk.

- What about locating his cell phone?

- Hila, give us a minute.


You think we're dumb?

That we don't know you were nearly

lynched today at the mourning tent?

- So?

- Weren't you on standby?

Stick with your team,

focus on the mission,

we'll discuss Bashar later.

Now go get ready.

[- Dad]

[- Not here]

[What can I say to you? What?]

[You're a smart boy,

how could you miss it?]

[He came in and out of the West Bank,

brought in expl*sives,]

[entered our boxing club, our home!]

[- You should've known!]

[- You're right, Dad, I should've known]

[Or maybe you did know,]

[but you wanted to believe him

that you're talented,]

[that you'd win medals

and be a famous boxer]

[No, Dad, it wasn't like that]

[Then what was going on?

Explain it to me]

[so that I can explain it

to everyone else!]

[You know what we used to do

to collaborators back in prison?]

[You know what I did to them?]

[My nephew is dead, Bashar,]

[and you helped them k*ll him]

[Dad, please forgive me]

[Never uttered a word,]

[- and then you go and]

[- And what, Dad? He lied to me!]

[You warned the Jew

that Fauzi was on his way]



[I knew you wouldn't help me.

You only care about the Movement]

[Go ahead, stay the hero of Palestine!]


- What's up?

- Hey, bro.

What's up?

Check out Hila.

Man, would I love it

if she babysat for us.

- Yeah, and babysat you.

- That, too.

Forget it, bro, I bet she talks about

Hamas' Kornet missiles during sex.

- Still, I'd tap that, bro.

- You'd tap anything.

- True that.

- Don't wanna break your hearts,

but I think she's more into

our "Rocky from Dhahiriya."

- Moron.

- Look, he's blushing.

- Don't give me that look.

- He's blushing!

- How's it going, ladies?

- Great.

- What's up?

- Congrats on the baby, bro.

- Congrats? My life is ruined.

- Be thankful it's not twins.

- My sister-in-law just had twin boys.

- Then I'm thankful I don't have twins.

Quit whining, you p*ssy.

Have six kids, even ten!

Yeah, the country needs

young Counter-Terrorism officers.

- What's up?

- Folks, gather here.

Eli's team will close off both streets

from the south and north.

Team Eitan will be positioned

west of the building.

Team Yoni, south of it.

Arab 1 and Arab 2 will proceed shielded

until the northern entrance,

and then we initiate PA protocol.

If they open fire, Team Yoni enters first.

Listen, these commandos

infiltrated from Gaza, it's all new to us.

So be careful and good luck.


about locating Bashar's phone,

I spoke with Ayub. You're right,

he helped us, we can't abandon him.

I'm on it.

Thank you.

Stay safe.

[Good morning]

[Peace be upon you]

[- Ready]

- Copy.

- Bareket commander and deputy, go.

- Copy, we're go.

Commander is in position.

Bareket deputy, we're in position.

300, rule out any lookouts on rooftops.

300. Copy.

Arab 1 and Arab 2, you have clearance.


[Peace be upon you]

This is 300, I've spotted a lookout.

300, confirm.

300, he's armed. Clearance to fire?


This is commander,

they're sh**ting at us from the building!

- Bareket deputy, go inside!

- Moran, he's closing in!

This is deputy,

I can't move, we're under fire.

Arab 3, advancing towards the building.


Arab 3, maintain your position!

This is Bareket commander,

we can't move, we're under heavy fire.

Bareket deputy, commander is under

heavy fire. You've gotta level up.

Grenade! Grenade!

This is commander,

I need assistance, we're grounded here.

Arab 1 and Arab 2,

we'll swarm in from the side.

Kaspi, I'm sending them in.


Arab 1 and Arab 2, you're clear to enter.

Commander, cover them with heavy fire.

Bareket commander, we have a casualty.

I repeat, man down.

Bareket deputy, what's your report?

Bareket commander,

the casualty needs emergency evacuation.

- Damn it!

- He was sh*t right above us.

He's in critical condition.

Send a chopper, stat!

300, did you ID the source?

300, do you copy?

300, do you copy?

This is 300. It was my fire.

300, repeat, you're breaking up.

This is 300. I'm the one who sh*t him.

Arab 3, join deputy.

Secure casualty until chopper arrives.

Let me see him!


Secure the road

and don't take your eyes off of him.


Don't take your eyes off of him.

Go, go, go!

[Outta the way! Move aside!]

Lay him down here,

get me a bandage and take his helmet off.

Moran, look at me, look at me.

- Stay with me.

- Keep talking to him.

- Building is clean.

- Copy.

Chief, this is deputy.

Cancel the chopper. Over.

What do you mean, cancel?

Fatality. Over.

Attention, all units,

initiate retreat protocol.

Deputy, evacuation is on its way.

This is commander, copy. Joining deputy.

300, did you receive

the retreat order? Over.


Avihai, drink up.

Have you spoken to Hagit?

Should I call her?

How old was he?


What's his last name? Moran what?

Don't think about that.

Does he have kids?

Someone will drive you home soon.

I've postponed the inquiry until tomorrow.

Why am I going home, Eli?

Why aren't I detained?

Listen, you're not a criminal,

you didn't break any rules.

You guys were under fire,

it was an operational accident.

It's tragic, but it happens.

Nobody's blaming you.

When you go on a mission, you know

there's a chance you won't return.

And so did Moran.

It's our job.

That's life.

I k*lled a person, Eli.

Hate to say it,

but you've k*lled many people.

Don't worry, bro.

It'll be okay, we're all behind you.

Your kids are here.

Let's go greet them.

I'm with you.

I'll back you up, okay? Let's go.

Kids, come see what I got you.

- What is that?

- I brought you something top secret.

You must sign a confidentiality agreement.

It was Ido's, but he outgrew it.

Open it up.

What is it?

Open it up.

- How cool!

- It's got a remote control.

[Did he speak with you?]

[- He didn't call either?]

[- I said no]

[Jihad, Hayfa spoke with him]

[He said he had no idea,

he doesn't know them,]

[he didn't collaborate with them,

and I believe him]

[- Who does it help if you believe him?]

[- It helps if you do]

[- Did you at least talk to Nasser?]

[- We met, but we didn't talk]

[Jihad, I beg you,

talk to Nasser and the Leadership]

[I don't want them to hurt Bashar]

[You served 20 years of your life,

doesn't that count for something?]

[Jihad, answer me!]

[You treated that Jew like he was family!]

[Bashar is just a kid,

but how could you be so naive?]

[- Don't even go there, Jihad!]

[- You let him into our home, fed him,]

[and he enchanted you all

with his flattery and lies!]

[Jihad, come on! You weren't here!

You abandoned me and the kids!]

[You know why I let him in and fed him?

Because Bashar loved him]

[He followed him because

he had no one else to follow!]


[Jihad, what's going on?]

[Respect our privacy. What do you want?]

[Abu Bashar, God bless you]

[It's been a long time]

[Noor, give us a moment]

[Abu Mohammed, what are you doing here?]

[What can we do? Fauzi is dead,

God have mercy on his soul]

[We need an adult to sort things out, no?]

[How are the kids?]

[This is Hayfa, isn't it?]

[Little Hayfa]

[I bet she's not so little anymore, huh?

How old is she today?]

[- 24]

[- Wow]

[A sweet kid in a holiday dress]

[Abu Bashar, time flies so quickly]

[I remember your son, too]

[Showing off his muscles in every photo

so that he looks strong]

[The next Muhammad Ali]

[He wanted to be a man]

[Abu Mohammed,

I don't know where he is]

[Abu Bashar, it really pains me

that we're in this situation,]

[but what can we do?

We can't pretend nothing's happened]

[You know how it works]

[People will say the kid betrayed us

and the Leadership didn't act on it]

[I know, Abu Mohammed,

but the kid wasn't in on it,]

[he says the Jew tricked him.

You know how they operate]

[Tell me, my brother,

did you know he has a girlfriend?]

[A Bedouin girl from Israel]

[Perhaps they reached him through her]

[See what I mean?]

[It's not your fault, pal,

you weren't here]

[How could you know

what he got involved in?]

[He wanted to help out his cousin]

[He's a naive kid, he may be foolish,

but he's not a traitor, Abu Mohammed]

[Perhaps we can still fix the situation]

[Have him meet with the Jew.

They were close, weren't they?]

[I'm sure he'd agree to meet with him]

[and finish him]

[- He'll get k*lled, for sure]

[- You have no choice]

[It's the only way for him, yourself

and your family to clear your names]

[Instead of a traitor, he'd be]

[- A hero]

[- A hero]

["And reckon not thou those slain

in the way of God to be dead]

[Nay, they are alive and with their Lord

and provided for."]


[Save those verses for your soldiers.

My son will not die a Shahid,]

[got it, Abu Mohammed?]

[Someone must pay the price,]

[Abu Bashar]


[Bashar, Abu Mohammed was at our home!]

[- Who's Abu Mohammed?]

[- Hani Al Jabari!]

[- He came looking for you]

[- What?! From Gaza?!]

[Bashar, he was at our home!]

[He wants you to k*ll Abu Fadi,

to die a Shahid!]

[Hayfa, I need to be in Amman

in two weeks]

[- We're already preparing the posters]

[- Sweetie, you don't understand]

[You have to get out of here

or else they'll k*ll you]


[I'll go hide at Safaa's place]

[Her family carries Israeli ID cards, right?]

[Go there and try to stay there

until Dad resolves the situation]

[Dad will talk with the Leadership,

they'll listen to him]

[You should've heard Dad,]

[he really raised his voice,]

[he told him:

"My son will not die a Shahid."]

[- I've ruined everything for him]

[- No, it's not your fault]

[He was better off in prison]


Bashar just called his girlfriend.

They're meeting

tomorrow morning at the dorms.

Got it, thanks.

- How's Avihai?

- A mess. But he'll be okay.

I'll send you my number,

call if you need anything, okay?

Whenever you want.

Thank you. Bye.

Please call me back as soon as you can.

- Is he awake?

- He's not sleeping.

You want me to wait?

Fine, then I'll wait.

Have a cookie.


Have your kids come to visit?

- Are you nuts? I told them I was abroad.

- That's f*cked up.

They treat me like an invalid here,

and may God punish them for the food.

I spoke with Avihai.

Make sure he doesn't stress out.

Those interrogators will skin him alive,

- they've had it in for the unit for years.

- Tell me about it.

- Put those here.

- Listen

I want to discuss Bashar.

For God's sake, Doron, just drop it.

- They know he helped us.

- It's a terrible tragedy,

but what can I do about it?

Doron, look what happened to me,

look what happened to Abu Maher,

God knows how many more commandos

are running loose here,

now I have to worry about Bashar Hamdan?

Six months ago, you came to me

after the Al Makdasi affair,

completely wiped out, and said:

"I want a change of scenery,

to break the routine."

When we offered the Dhahiriya mission,

you said: "That's perfect for me."

- Do you remember or not?

- I do.

And what did I tell you?

You go in, get the info you need

from whoever it is, and get out.

No getting attached, no opening up,

no falling in love, nothing.

Otherwise, you know how it ends, right?

- Did I say it or not?

- You did.

He's seeing his girlfriend tomorrow,

I want to extract him.

Didn't you hear a word I said?

Extract him and take him where?

Your lounge? A hotel suite?

- Or to the home you don't have?

- Gabi, I don't know.

Arrest him, activate him, recruit him.

But if he stays there,

he's dead and it'll be our fault.

- You're out of your mind.

- He helped us k*ll Fauzi.

He brought him to us and you know it.

I'll think about it.

You will?

- Give me a hug.

- I'm in pain.

- One hug.

- It hurts!

Then I'll just cover you

so you don't get cold.

- Can I spoon you?

- Get the hell away from me!


[- Where is she?]

[- She's not here]

[But she knew I was coming]


[She can't see you, Bashar, I'm sorry]

[Safaa, open up!]

[Two Hamas men were here yesterday,

they told her everything]

[They said that if she speaks to you

or helps you out,]

[they'll tell everyone in Rahat

that you've been together]


[Safaa, let me in, I beg you!]

[Bashar, please, you have to go]

[And don't call her either.

It endangers her, don't you get it?]

- Talk to me.

- First sit down and have some water.

Out with it.

Gabi sent the special forces to Hebron

to extract Bashar.

They spotted a suspicious vehicle

likely pursuing him.

The kid is probably in their sights.

f*ck okay, and?

We checked all the cameras in the area.

Look who's in that vehicle.

Play it now stop and zoom in.

Hani Al Jabari.

Their Chief of Staff, in the flesh.

And we're talking Hebron, not Khan Yunis.

[Should I talk with him?]

[Don't bother. I tried]

[Mom, we're talking about Bashar]

[If Dad won't or can't help him,

then we will, you and I]

[Mom, they're gonna k*ll him!

He's your entire life,]

[- do it for me!]

[- Your dad won't talk to me,]

[he just sits there and stares.

I don't know what to do]

[Then I'll talk to him]


[What is that?]

[- When did you get this?]

[- 30 minutes ago]


[Dad, you've gotta stop him! Dad, look!]


Hani Al Jabari, huh?

That bastard's got balls,

walking around the West Bank like that.

You're in a good mood today.

Believe me, this 24-hour standby

beats being at home.

Why are you guys such a drag?

Man where's Avihai when you need him?

- Doron

- Huh?

Read what your friend Bashar posted.


Stay put. The army is on its way there.

Be here on standby!