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02x11 - Episode 11

Posted: 02/06/23 10:10
by bunniefuu

Bring up street cam 2.

Look. That guy is eyeballing the barbershop.

The cuties sent in a spearhead.

Probably a lookout.

Atalef 1, you have a bad guy outside the cube.

Most likely a lookout.

You have clearance.



Flowers, fresh flowers!

There's another guy

here from the barbershop.

I'm ready.


Atalef 1, you have two suspects who appear to be armed.

We're awaiting target ID.

Johnny 1.

Attention: Samir is approaching the barbershop from the west.

I want continuous communication with Commander Kinneret.

I need more eyes on the eastern cover-fire team.

- Go on, Eli, hurry up.

- Wait for Al Makdasi.

Who's that?

Move away from the camera!

Al Makdasi is inside.

You have clearance.

Take down the guards.

Go, go!

- What are you doing here?

- What is it, pal?

What are you doing here?

What's the big deal, Rambo?

Want a cigarette?

Couldn't hurt.

- Here you go.

- Thanks.

Flowers, get your flowers!

Grenade! Grenade!

Move! Move!


Hide, Samir!

Steve, are you okay?

Cover me!

Nidal, I've got your

brother! I'll sh**t him!

Nidal, I'll sh**t him!

Eli, Steve got hit, we need evacuation.


Avihai, get in there!

Nidal, I'll k*ll your brother!



Samir is dead.

Al Makdasi fled to the back

room, we're on his tail.

Kaspi, I'm here with Steve,

he got sh*t in the chest.

Dispatch the evacuation team

and contact Commander Kinneret.

- I want them on the move!

- Kinneret from Atalef, you have clearance.

He's on the roof. Scan the rooftops.

Eli, I see him!

Stay here to cover up!

- Eli, he's getting away!

- Stay here to cover up!

- Eli, he's getting away!

- Stay put and don't move!

Come here, Nurit!


Doron, he's running

westward! At your one o'clock!

He's headed towards cube five, on

a staircase on the southeast corner.

There he is!

I'm in the back alley.

The cube's six o'clock.

I got a visual! I got a visual!

- Hands up!

- Who are you?

- Hands up!

- What do you want?

- What are you doing here?

- Stand back!

Stand back!

Army! Army!

Lift your head up, look at me.

Stay with him, don't move!

Stand back!

Out of the way!

Disengaged! Disengaged!

You f*cking bitch!

Fauda! Fauda!

Avihai, Nurit is caught in a Fauda,

needs evacuation. What's your status?

Steve, hang in there, I'll be

right back. Are you breathing?

Kaspi, the entire street is

closing in on us, hurling stones.

I can't get out.


You whore!

Slay the Jews! Slay the Jews!

They're blocked in, they

can't reach the cube.

Have them leave the

jeeps and advance on foot!

- Nurit!

- Eli!

Fauda, Kaspi! Fauda!

- Nurit!

- Eli! Eli!


Doron, Nurit and Eli

are caught in a Fauda! Leave

everything and join them.

Let's go join them, Doron.

I said, let's go!

Come at me, m*therf*cker!

Come here!

You okay?

Shadi, open up.

Thanks, buddy.

These are the detainees

from the barbershop area.

- Amos, why are they on their knees?

- Help them up.

I'm taking him with me.

Come with me, Maher.

I know everything.

You should be thankful your

dad got involved in this,

or I'd be interrogating

the crap outta you by now.

You'd have pissed and sh*t your

pants and been dead long ago.

Take me to my father.

Allahu Akbar!

Allahu Akbar!

In the name of the all merciful God,

we hereby announce the saintly death

of Shahid Samir Mohammed Awdallah,

who d*ed heroically in the heart

of "Fire Mountain" (Nablus).

What is it?

How are you doing?

Not too great. I'm waiting

to have some tests done.


I'm okay. What happened there?

You saw.

I didn't really get a chance to see.

Did they grope you?

Of course.


Would you ask that if I were a guy?

But you're not a guy.

What do we do now?

We'll see after you're

done with the tests.


I'm returning to the unit.

Of course.

Don't you think I knew

this could happen to me?

Get well.


Mom, are you all right?


Mom, Samir is dead.

I know.

What happened?

Tell me exactly what happened there!

Why was he with you in the first place?

- He wasn't supposed to be there.

- Why didn't you protect your brother?!

I couldn't.

I'm sorry you ever returned from Syria.

"May God deliver us from the evil Satan.

In the name of God, the

Beneficent, the Merciful.

Ya Sin.

By the wise Qur'an

Lo! Thou art of those sent

On a straight path

A revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful

That thou mayst warn a

folk whose fathers "

There's a journalist from Al

Jazeera who wants to talk to you.

What would you like to say

to the Palestinian people?

I have nothing to say.

I loved him.

Don't let them see you crying.

Are you proud of him?

He was my life,

he was my world.

What will I do without him

Um Nidal, what is your message

to the Palestinian people?

My son Samir

was a hero.

He followed his father's path,

Abu Nidal Awdallah, the

spiritual leader of Hamas.

God willing, we will all die as

heroes and Shahids, as they have,

until Jerusalem is liberated.

I want to thank you

for what you've done.

You saved my son and

I'll never forget that.

I want you to take my son. Take him

far away from here, as we agreed.

And, if need be, have him arrested.

You'll be fine.

I was in jail, too.

It'll make a man out of you.

Enough. This is where I draw the line.

You disobeyed me

and you got involved with

people you shouldn't have.

You're right Dad.

Do you know what this is?

I know about everything.

You have shamed me.

You've betrayed me

and disgraced the entire family.

Have you any idea what you've done?


How are you doing, handsome?

Couldn't be better.

I got sh*t.

You think it's funny? Yeah, kind of.



You disappeared, where have you been?

I'm sorry, it's all too much for me.

This is who I am, Anat.


Goodbye, Steve.


Want to drink your

tea? It's getting cold.

Tell them I don't want

to see anyone, okay?


Should I leave as well?


- Hey, scram!

- What's the problem?

- Go away! We're not !sis!

- Who the hell are you?

- b*at it!

- Don't push me!

- Calm down.

- Nidal has sent something for Um Nidal.

I mean, what's the problem?

- Enough, calm down.

- Come.

Go on.

Peace be upon you.

Um Nidal,

I'm Musa Al-Khader. One of Nidal's men.

This is money for the mourning tent.

But it's for you, Um Nidal.

Tell Nidal I want nothing from him.

Now leave and don't come back.

Go on.

May I have a word with you, please?

- To be honest

- Hold on.

What do you want?

Nidal asked to see you.

Get out of here, now. I've had enough.

- I'll be in touch with you.

- Go.

Peace be upon you.

My deepest sympathies.

Don't you dare come near my home.

You've covered my house

with placards against my son.

How dare you?

You know I had nothing to do with that.

Don't use my son's death to

promote your own political agendas.

- Um Nidal, I

- With all due respect, go away.

- I just wanted

- Go away! Leave!

I respect your decision.

Check out those g*dd*mn Jews,

they drive the whole world

crazy, but can't even kick a ball.

- Stop watching TV, we have work to do.

- What work?

We're done, man, we

photographed everything.

They'll be on to us if we overdo it.

Besides, the truck isn't here

yet, so we can't do much anyway.

Then go get us something

to eat, I'm hungry!

- Why me?

- Because you've done nothing all day!

Fine. After the game, okay?

Go on, answer it.


- Who is it?

- Ahmad.

We heard about your brother.

May God have mercy on his soul.

We continue as planned.

All right.

- Good to go.

- Allahu Akbar.

Allahu Akbar.



- Gali?

- Shhhh!

Ido fell asleep on the couch.

- Are you all right?!

- Yeah.

I was worried about you guys,

just wanted to see you all.

Sit down.

Why don't you stay here with

us? Don't go back to the farm.

I'd make you something to eat, but

there isn't a single crumb left.

I'm raising a pack of wolves here.

Dad? How's it going?

What happened to you?

You think you're the only

judoka in this family?

How are you? Ready for tomorrow?

- Yes, but what happened to you?

- Nothing, I'm fine.

- Are you gonna win? Score an ippon?

- Yes.

- Give me a hug.

- He's a champ.

My little man.

- You're really prepared?

- Yes.

Then go get some sleep

so you have energy.



Good morning. I brought you breakfast.

Come and eat, we need to get going.


- Where are you taking me?

- Eventually you'll be sent to Denmark.


It's nice there.

Lots of babes,


with blue eyes.

But first we must hand

you over to the Jordanians.

Your mom is Jordanian.

That's our deal with them.

They'll take you in for interrogation.

It's protocol.

And they're not half

as gentle as we are.

Does my dad know about this?

You're on my turf now,

you're not at home.

If you tell the Jordanians

everything, they will release you.

Only then will you be sent to Denmark.

What if I tell you everything?

When? Now?

Yes, before I tell the Jordanians.


is there anything you want

to tell me? Anything new?

But I don't know where he is now,

he's hiding out in the mountains.

He's planning something.

He's got expl*sives and a target.

In Tel Aviv.

Peace be upon you.

Go ahead.

Peace be upon you.

I've ruined your life, Marwa.

I know that you might never forgive me.

Why am I here?

First, I want you to tell

Um Nidal that, God willing,

I'll make sure she always

has everything she needs.

She's mad at me,

but with the help of God,

she'll come around, and I'm

sure she'll need me then.

Um Nidal doesn't want

any help from you, Nidal.

I know.

But in any case

Give this to her.

Call me when you're with her.

And you, Marwa,

whatever you need,

medicine, hospital bills, cash,

whatever it is I've got it.

Are we done?

Can I go now?

He d*ed a hero.

Is this why you brought me here?

What did you think?

That saying this would

make me feel better?

- That I'd forget him just like that?

- No, of course not.

Then what do you want from me?

I want to make it up to you, Marwa.

I know that I could never

replace Samir, no one could,

but if you'd agree

to marry me

so I could look after you at all

times and prevent people from talking,

we could raise Samir's

child together, God willing.

Is that why you did all this?

Is that why you k*lled him?!

I didn't k*ll him, the Jews did.

You k*lled him, you and no one else!

Your brother's blood is on your hands

and you talk to me about marriage?!

Marwa, you're wrong.

You're wrong, Marwa.

It was the Zionist Jews.

Shame on you!

You're just as bad

as those Zionist dogs!

I saw the way you looked at

me even when Samir was alive.

You bought me chocolates and

God knows what You k*lled him!


Marwa, calm down. Lower your voice.

I'd rather die a hundred

times! A hundred times,

than let you come near me.

You're a m*rder*r! You're a k*ller!

Nidal, you're a k*ller, a m*rder*r!

You're a m*rder*r, Nidal!

You're a m*rder*r! A m*rder*r, Nidal!

You're a m*rder*r and a k*ller, Nidal!

You're a m*rder*r, Nidal!

A m*rder*r, Nidal!