07x192 - For Me, Too

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x192 - For Me, Too

Post by bunniefuu »


The portal for the hope of the human race is opening!

The portal of victory is opening!

The future can be saved with this, right?


And Lucy from the future can rest in peace.



The portal mustn't be opened...

I need to close the portal now!

Close the portal! Now! You mustn't open it!


What's wrong, all of a sudden?

What is she saying?

He said it's already decided that she'll close the portal.


In My Stead!

Please! Close the portal now!

We can't! This is our only w*apon against the dragon swarm!

If we close the portal now, we won't be able to fire the Eclipse Cannon!

There is no Eclipse Cannon!

That's a portal! A portal that's connected to the time stream!

And by releasing its accumulated magic power, we can fire the Eclipse Cannon.

You're wrong! That's no w*apon!

That's enough. You're speaking to the princess of this country.

That portal is connected to years in the past!


What powerful tremors!

What is it? Magic power... No...

It's coming from the palace. Then...

That Eclipse thing.


I'm okay.

What is the meaning of this?!

Oh, no...

It can't be...

A dragon... came out of the portal...

What was that?!

Are they here?!

It's by the palace!

It's that huge...?

No way!

We can't...

We don't stand a chance!

What the hell is this?

Another one came out!

What the hell's going on?!

There are more on the way!

There's another one!

Protect the princess!

Don't retreat!

How does the door close?!

Quick! This is no time to freeze up!

Th-There on the pedestal...



Lucy-san! Hurry!


So I pull this trigger, right?

With Celestial Spirit power!

The , dragons... come out of the portal, don't they?

Lucy-san! How did you know?!

It wasn't me! Old Master Crux was investigating the whole time!

He just finished his analysis of the portal a couple minutes ago!

This device combines the magic from the Books of Zeref with Celestial Spirit Magic!

Normally, you'd be able to set the time coordinates and travel through time...

...but today is different! That moon is throwing off the magic!


That's why we can't control the portal!

It's connected to years ago... in other words, an age in which dragons existed!

It can't be...

This isn't what we were told!

At this rate...

I don't believe what I'm seeing...

You gotta be kidding me! , of them are comin' through?!


Spread out! If you're bunched up, you'll all be annihilated with one attack!

Another one's appeared!

The rocks! The rocks are moving!

Lucy-san! The portal isn't closing yet?!

One dragon after another is coming out!

Why?! Why won't it close?!

Because I...

Princess! It's dangerous here!

...I made the wrong choice...

...the world is going to end...


The fury of dragons... will permeate the world...

I want no part of that!

I have to live for the sake of my other self!

I'm gonna laugh... cry... and live for her!

Those tremors... Don't tell me they're already...

Natsu! Wake up!

What should we do?!


I gotta go...

I made a promise...

So I'm gonna...

...protect the future!

Dragons are still pouring out of the portal!

We have to stop them quick!

Princess! It's dangerous here! You need to take shelter!

Princess! Please hurry!

What... What did I do?

Lucy! Get that portal shut!


There isn't enough Celestial Spirit power!

I can help!



Lucy-sama! Please take out the Gold Keys!

We'll combine them with mine, and use Keys to seal the portal!

With Celestial Spirits?!


Got it!

The keys...

...turned into a golden light...

Celestial Spirits of the Gold Keys...

...lend us the power to seal away the evil!


... Gates!


Those are...

Amazing! All of the Celestial Spirits!


It shut!

You did it!


They did it!

It's too early to celebrate! How many dragons made it through?!


You foiled my plan, Lucy and Yukino.

But seven dragons are still plenty.


What happened to Natsu?!

To be honest, I couldn't control , of them.

What are you talking about?

He's the one that told me about the future.

He's the guy from the future who tricked you?

Are you saying that this was your aim all along?

Listen to me well, you ignorant peasants!

I'm here to tell you that the world you know is coming to an end.

The age of dragons is upon us!

To begin, slaughter all the wizards in this city.

The dragons are obeying him?!

Before, he said something about control... Don't tell me...!

The Secret Art of controlling dragons... Dragon Manipulation Magic.

Controlling dragons?!

What does he want?!

I don't know.

What possible merit could this be for him?

I'll leave them to you... Zirconis.

These humans look delicious!


...the one we met at the dragon graveyard!

Oh, no...

It's huge!

Are you serious?!

Th-Th-This is...

...a dragon!

Fire is coming out of its body!


Concentrate on its legs!

Just like we planned!


I am Atlas Flame!

I'm going to show you wretches the flames of hell!

Hang in there, brats!

Sabertooth, full-scale attack! Let's go!

Yeah! Aim for the inside of its mouth, its stomach, and any other soft parts!

Men! So this is a genuine dragon... But don't falter!

Now is the time to show them all the power of Blue Pegasus!

Overwhelm it with numbers!

Hit it with all the magic power you've got!

Overpower it!

Did we do it?!


It isn't wounded anywhere!

My god...

Focus on one point!

Take this, monster!

How tough is this creature? None of our magic is having any effect!

Let's try to concentrate our att*cks on one spot!

Then let's all coordinate.

First I'll cut it with one stroke of my sword.



Oh, no!


Men. I hit it with parfum to weaken its defense, but it had no effect?!



It's not even scratched...

I didn't think their scales would be this tough!

Can humans even defeat a dragon?

Yes! That's it! Run amok even more!

Show them the wrath of a dragon!

Natsu... Dragneel...

N-Natsu! There are seven humongous dragons!

What, are you scared, Happy?

N-No, I'm not scared!

This is perfect! There are seven dragons, and we've got seven Dragon Slayers here!

Huh? There are six Dragon Slayers, right?

Natsu, you can't even count?!

Don't make fun of me! There are seven!

Next time: Seven Dragons!

So the last one is none other than...

You don't mean him ?!
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