07x183 - Our Place

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x183 - Our Place

Post by bunniefuu »

Water... That's it, water!

If there's water...

Lucy?! Don't tell me you're going to summon her ?!


Open! Gate of the Water Bearer!


Oh, my. I guess you can't put any faith in rumors...

...The Demon, Mirajane.

Where's this demon? I don't see any trace of one!

But as long as we're here, I'm going to have a little more fun with you.

Confetti! Purple Dance!

Purple paper is the god of binding.

This color of paper paralyzes you, right?

That's right. And the real fun will start once you stop moving.

Confetti! Red Dance!

This has a fire effect!

That expression of suffering is lovely.

And the miserable sight of you desperately trying to escape in pain,

that gives me the chills!

But after heating you up, I'd better cool you off.

Confetti! White Dance!

White paper... That has a freezing effect!

Nice expression. You're suffering, aren't you?

But I'm not even close to being satisfied.

Confetti! Yellow Dance! Yellow paper is the god of thunder.

An electric shock effect! But compared to Laxus's power, this is nothing!

Oh, how rude. Then I'll give you a taste of true agony.

Confetti. Green Dance.

This is...

Well? Green paper is the god of poison.

Pain the likes of which you've never experienced should be coursing through your body.

You're definitely trying to k*ll me!

Oh, you're just now figuring that out?

That's the fate that's been handed down to all of you criminals.

You look like you're in a lot of pain.

And yet, you're hanging in there? Is that the S Class quality?

Maybe I'll need more poison.

Paper Dance, pile it on!

Yes, that's the face! Are you about ready to die?

Magic isn't a power that's supposed to be used to k*ll people!

But without great power, you can't protect the ones you love.

That's a contradiction, isn't it?

What are you talking about? Has the poison effect put your mind in a haze?

The Place Where We Are!

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

What?! The flames disappeared!

Indeed. My right sickle cuts off the heads of sinners.

My left sickle negates the magic of sinners.

No matter how much fire you cough up, it'll sputter out

and become the sigh of a sinner.

Man, you go on and on.

But you can negate magic?

In that case, I'll hit ya first!

You're a tough one. The perfect punching bag, kitty-cat!

I'm not a kitty-cat. I'm an Exceed!

You lost me. But you must've been a soldier before, huh? That's the vibe I get.

In that case, what are you gonna do?

Seems like you've got an obstinate streak.

I'm gonna melt that resolve, too!

Give it your best shot!

I didn't know cats could fly!

Hey, what's wrong? There's nothing my magic acid can't melt!

Or there shouldn't be...

You're getting up again! It'll totally be worth melting you!

When it comes to trash talk, you're second-rate.

During a battle, the more someone blabs,

drunk on their own power, the weaker they actually are.

You're just as long-winded as I am.

You melt things that either have no will or are weak-willed.

In other words, you can only beat things that are weaker than you.

I'm not so weak that I'd lose against someone like that.

I like you! And since you put it that way, playtime is over!

I'll melt you in an instant and leave no trace behind!

Oh, no, Aquarius is here!

"Oh, no"?

I heard that, blue one.

Want to be crushed?

I'm scared!

If you're going to cry, then don't make those comments in the first place!

This time, something with dignity has appeared-tai!

Aquarius, take him down!

Hey, I heard you scoffing! It's been a long time!

The thing is, I'm in a bad mood right now. I'm going home.

Wait! Wait!

Um, has something maybe happened between you and Scorpio?


Do you know something about it, little girl?!

If you're hiding something from me, I'll make minced meat out of these boobs!

No, listen, I called Scorpio before, but he was acting a little weird.

He wouldn't look me in the eye...

Did something happen between you two? Pretty gutsy of you...

I don't think there's anyone who's that reckless!

Hey, ignoring me in the middle of an execution... ticks me off-tai!

We're having an important conversation here. Keep your pants on!

You absorbed the energy of my whirling tide zone-tai?!

It seems Scorpio went on a date with another woman.


There was a witness... apparently.


A Nicola may or may not have seen him walking in the Human World with someone.

And Taurus overheard Crux mumbling about it or something.

Why don't you just ask him about it yourself?

Y-You know that I always pretend to be innocent in front of him.

I could never ask him that!

Then I'll ask him for you.

Wench, this isn't a spectacle!

And if you poke your nose where it doesn't belong, I'll k*ll you seven times over!

I got it, I got it!

I guess we should stay out of it?

Although there is a battle going on...

Nothing good can come of interrupting people when passions are riding high-tai.

Although come to think of it, before...

Water... That's it, water! If there's water...

I see. So she was able to summon that fish woman because there's water-tai?

Then without water, she can't use that Celestial Spirit, right-tai?


Look! He's laughing with a weird expression on his face!

He's going to do something! Be careful!

Topography effect! Boiling water zone!

What is this? It's hot!


...a hot spring!

Hot! Hot!

Tai! Tai! How's the water temperature-tai?

And now, the water will disappear-tai! Prepare yourself-tai!

I-I may be in trouble...

Lovely sleep! Lovely nightmare!

Moisture is important for plants, too!

Is that a song?

Yes! I wrote the lyrics and the music...

Wait, when did you...?

Anomalous Conditions, additional resistance...



Anomalous Conditions Magic doesn't work on me.

It's my job to support everyone.

But there are times when I have to fight.

What is this?! A wind... My flowers are scattering!

I'm going to become a Sky Dragon!

No! That's not beautiful!

Resisting me isn't beautiful. Fooling me isn't lovely!

Deceiving me when you look like that... You're guilty as sin!

I didn't do anything.

I won't forgive you for this! I don't love you anymore!


A loveless criminal should have her limbs scattered in all directions!

Spore Bombs, Rinka Renka!

A cruel dance,

and when it ends, not even your bones will be left behind.

No matter how many times you try to release it, you're powerless against me.

Your magic just can't reach me.

Fine then! I'll just have to beat the crap outta you with my bare hands!

If you come close to me, I'll have your head.

When I was a kid, I always used to fight one on one without magic. It's no problem!

I can't afford to lose to a loser like you before he and I have it out.

A wizard from a guild? Certainly, you are strong.

But only as strong as the sinners who came before you!

In the end, they became nameless corpses.

Is that right? That's music to my ears! Now I'm fired up!

A w*r fought on two fronts... It's hard not being able to leave the arena.

It can't be helped. If they suspect we're making a move,

who knows what they would do to Lucy and the others?

Huh? You two are buying snacks, too?

We can't sit still.

Right? I'm worried about Natsu and the others. And to be honest, about the match, too.

Where's Warren? I haven't seen him for a while.

Apparently, they're jamming his telepathy, so he went somewhere up high to try it again.

We can't leave here, so I guess there isn't any other way.

We're talking about Natsu, though, so I'm sure he's rescuing Lucy as fast as humanly possible.

And for now, the match is going smoothly based on Number One's strategy...

But only the strongest opponents are left.

According to the first master, Natsu and the others are fighting, too...


What the hell, all of a sudden?!

Everyone, help me stop him!

Don't stop me!

Is something wrong?

Well, we can't contact Natsu or his group, and I'm worried about my big sister!

Elf-nii-chan won't listen! He says he's going to storm the palace and back up Mira-nee!

H-Hey, now...

No matter how much of a Man my big sister is, I've got to get over there to help her!

I told you, we have to follow our founder's strategy!

She's right.

Natsu's there, so I'm sure they'll be fine.

Well, assuming Natsu goes with the strategy, too...

I'm coming, Sis!

No, you don't!

Well, I wouldn't panic.

After all, Natsu got Second Origin and took down Saber's Twin Dragons by himself.

Mira-chan has Satan Soul, and even Wendy's a Dragon Slayer. Let's have faith in them.

He's right. The only thing we can do right now is cheer on our team right here.

Okay. In that case, I'll nab that Minister of Defense...

Are you listening to us, Elf-nii-chan?

We'd better get back to our seats. They may have us under surveillance.

Yeah. Come on, let's go back.


Still... I'm worried.

They'll be fine! Mira-nee's with them.

And we know more than anyone just how strong she is.

How...? With that much poison in your body, you should just be waiting to die...

You should be screaming in agony with enough pain to drive you mad...

How can you be standing?!

You made just one big mistake.

In the tournament stadium or when my friends are nearby...

If I think someone is watching me, I put a damper on my power.

Maybe my dilemma comes from that contradiction I noted earlier.

When I'm alone, I can draw on % of my power.

What are you...?


I don't believe it! You're sucking up the poison?!

Poison a demon?

It's my favorite.

Take Over, huh? Appropriately sinister for a criminal.

But it's nothing if I render you immobile!

Gray paper is the god of protection!

I don't care if you're an executioner or what. The question is, how prepared are you?

Blue paper is the god of wind!

Excuse me, does God run away from the devil? But more importantly...

Y-You can fly?!

I'll ask you one more time.

I want to know where my friends went.

Is that the attitude to take when you want something from someone?!

I'm sure you're prepared, right?

Then I'll fight you with everything I've got, and ask again after I've beaten you.

Are you a demon?!

Yes, I am.

Black paper is the god of antidotes! If my enemy is a demon, it'll destroy that darkness!

It's not the kind of darkness you can eradicate.

She disappeared...

Indigo paper is the god of love.

I call forth the trauma that's associated with love so that you can be imprisoned by it.

Elf-nii-chan, let's go home!

Get back, Lisanna! Don't!!

With this, you won't be able to escape from the trauma of love.

Experience the hell of being imprisoned by the past forever!

I overcame my trauma long ago.

Maybe we were just lucky.

But no matter how hurt someone is, they're meant to overcome it and try to go forward.

I think magic is the power to give that supportive push.

What's this? Are you trying to lecture me?!

What is the immense power of protecting those you love? I'll show you.

What is this boiling water?!

Aquarius can't attack with this! What should I do?!

Tai-tai! The fish woman is useless now, so send her home-tai!

A woman who doesn't know when to quit should expect to be dumped-tai!

Hey, watch it!

He said "useless"!

It's over now, huh?

Cold water, boiling water, it makes no difference to me...

I know an idiot who summoned me from a bath once.

I almost forgot about that...

Hey! Tricking me was cowardly-tai!

All right! Go, Aquarius!

Then how about I k*ll him?


You can't dodge this, can you? This execution technique, multi-angle acid, is invincible!

Oh, no! I've just about hit the limit of my battle mode. At this rate...

Hey! What are you just standin' there like a lump for?!

Remember all the time you spent training with Gajeel!

Idiot! I told you to get into it more!

Iron fists... This body has taken countless blows from his fists!

I don't understand.

Your body and my sword. They're both made of iron, so why does my sword break?

It's obvious. This is the difference.

And also, there's, well... Right here.

The hardness of iron is determined by one's physical strength and force of will!

I won't lose to anyone! Iron will!

Wha...?! He cut through the acid?!

How...?! You deflected all my Spore Bombs?!

But I still have various kinds of flowers left.

That's right. att*cks... Right now, I can't see them perfectly.

What would Natsu-san do at a time like this?

I see. At a time like this, Natsu-san would...

You! You've beaten me back with your bare hands! Are you a monster?!

I ain't a monster! I'm a Dragon Slayer!

Would you mind if I just went ahead and punched your lights out now?

Ridiculous! It can't be! What is this power?! No, the level of magic power is...

I thought you said you could negate magic!

You do this to me... Do you people intend to become enemies of the state?!

Become enemies?

The question is, are you bastards prepared to become enemies of Fairy Tail?

To protect our family...

...we'd become enemies of the state and the world!

Light Burst: Sky Drill!

That's Fairy Tail!



Huh? Everyone!

What timing!

What a coincidence!


Is everyone okay?

Well, more or less. Anyway, we'd better find our way out of here fast...

Total defeat?!

All righty, if you don't tell us where the exit is, it's execution time for you.

He's evil...

Look's like we're finally gonna get outta here. But damn, that was long.

Those Garou Knights are too persistent.

Tell me about it! By the way, who's that by the exit?

I think I've seen 'im before...

Huh? You too? I was just thinking the same thing.

Next time: The Country Until Tomorrow!

Hey, wait a second. This scent... Don't tell me it's...

What does this mean?!
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