07x182 - Scorching Earth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x182 - Scorching Earth

Post by bunniefuu »

What are you doing?!

I'm on my way!

A human entered the lava?

Quickly... Climb up!


Don't worry about me! As long as you two survive...

Never mind! You too, hurry up!

L-Listen to me. If you get out of here safely...

...meet the princess... Princess Hisui. Understand?

Arcadios-sama! Take my hand!

Reach out! Come on! Grab my hand!


That Arcadios guy is sacrificing himself...

But I don't understand. Then what was that prophecy?

You can decide whether Eclipse is right or not...



Burning Ground!

No... Why...?

I bring bad luck to people after all...


Just made it!

But my body has just about had it.

Horologium! What are you doing here?!

Are you one of Lucy-sama's Celestial Spirits?

Yes, but with a big man inside of me, I'm fit to burst.

It's because I can go through the gate at will.

Your star is before you.


Leo the Lion...

Is that a Celestial Spirit-tai?

Here are yours, too.

Thank you!

I'm sorry, Pisces and Libra.


Now they can use Celestial Spirit Magic, right?

Celestial Spirit Magic? Then those two are...

Celestial Spirit Wizards!

They have contracts with the Celestial Spirits of the Celestial Spirit World.

They're wizards who fight with those Celestial Spirits-tai!


I caught his verbal tic!



The Keys are gathered. Time to fight back.

You're as light on your feet as the weight of your sins is heavy.

You're still harpin' on that, but you'll never hit me swingin' around like that.

You can run from your crimes, but you can't shake them off. I'll show you.

You feign ignorance, but the sins you committed are etched in your body as memories.

Wha...?! What is this? I don't feel a thing!

Do you have chest pain? It's proof of your crimes. The guilty plea you can't cast off.

Then say I'm doin' a job and a building happens to be destroyed,

or I storm into the Council's chambers.

Does that count as a sin?

No. That always happens.


Your sins are beyond redemption! I will cut off that sinful head!

Executioner technique! Guillotine Justice!


You missed!

As I said, you can run from your crimes, but you can't shake them off.

They'll chase the marks on you wherever you go until the execution is carried out.

Reflect upon your sins and despair!

Th-There are various impossible developments at work here-tai.

Thanks, Horologium!

I made it in the nick of time for now.

It's okay. He's breathing!

I'm surprised he's still alive.

Okay, let's go!

Here I come.

The early bird gets the worm! Topography effect! Gravity zone!

Open! Gate of the Scales!


I balance out the change in gravity!

Balanced out!

All right!

Suddenly, we've got the edge!

Darn you-tai!

Are you sure you're using your verbal tic correctly?

Topography effect! Gale force wind zone!

I think I'll be able to see, Lucy!

Don't look!


We're gonna get blown away!

Open! Gate of the Virgin!


Why a maid-tai?!

A strong wind and burning inferno. That's maniacal punishment. Thank you, Princess.

I'm not going to say anything.

And long time no see, Big Brother.

She still calls you that?

Are they brother and sister?

No, but... I don't feel like explaining.

Enough talk-tai!

Virgo, please!

Then I'll dig!


Leave it to me!

This is a great windbreak hole!

That was good thinking!

The enemy is dodging all of Big Brother's att*cks, Princess.

He's a lot more nimble than he looks.

I guess you can't underestimate someone based on appearances.

Although looks are important.

It's rude to keep going on about looks! You'll make me mad!

You don't look mad.

Topography effect! Cold zone!

What is this?! It's too cold!

Plus, topography effect! Gravity zone!

I balance out the change in gravity!


Hurry up and get me down!


Your painful expression is lovely, too.

But I'll give you a sweet ending.

You'll fall asleep buried among the food that you hate.

It'll be a sweet, final sleep that you've never experienced before.

W-What are you...?!

Now, it's beddy-bye time. Pillow Forest!

If the spores' soporific effect makes you fall asleep,

you'll never wake up again. It's Death Magic!

Now, fall asleep. Have an eternal nightmare!

Still, Number One's strategy is awesome, you know?

Yeah, we made an easy comeback to first place.

It's a big difference from our current guild master.

You can talk?

Those are some rude comments.

I sense it.

Is something wrong, Number One?

I feel it coming from deep underground Crocus.

It's faint, but there are tremors and magical clashing.

The brats, I suppose?

Probably. And it seems they're fighting split up.

I-It's cold!

Tai-tai! I bet you can't feel your hands or feet anymore-tai!

Lucy, leave this to me!

At a time like this, you can warm up by putting flesh against flesh!

Go home!

Please let me handle this, Princess.

At a time like this, doing a nice dance will warm you up.

That isn't solving anything!

Those are lively Celestial Spirits. I can feel the deep bond you have with them.

You're surprisingly happy-go-lucky.

I'm tired from dancing, so I'm going home.

Th-Thank you, Virgo.

Oh, no. My senses are numbed, and I feel sleepy...

No matter what, we have to attack him somehow and dispel this magic.

Open! Gate of the Bull!


Huh? What's wrong, Taurus? You're not pumped up.

With that lava zone from before, your nice body was glistening. It was Mootiful...

Is that right?

That being said, it's hard for me to abandon you even when you're trembling from cold.

Yeah, yeah...

Be that as it moo, I won't let either of your nice bodies be frozen!

First a maid, then a cow-tai?

Random Celestial Spirit Wizard!

Don't say "random"!

Taurus, he's all yours!

You're moo-n! For Lucy-san's sake, full charge!

Running on ice is just asking for an accident to happen-tai!

Mooo-out of commission!

You're done already?!

Tai-tai! Why not be still and accept the inevitable... Huh?

Is someone missing-tai?

Over here!



Libra! Do something with these scattered blocks of ice.

Roger! I'll make the enemy the center of gravity.


That's cold-tai...

She did it!

Nice combination!

It's back to normal.

It was a hard battle, but at least we won.

The key to victory was our deep love.

Well, thanks, anyway.

Criminals... I'm done playing with you-tai.

You've angered the one guy you don't want to be angry-tai!

I thought you were angry before?

Fairy Tail's in first place?

Yeah. But Saber's Twin Dragons remain, so who knows what'll happen?

Jura, one of the Ten Wizard Saints, is still in it, too.

Don't forget Kagura-chan!

But you never know.

I heard from the Minister of Defense that if Fairy Tail wins, we'll free their friends.

What? Well, who knows what the enemy is thinking?

But even the captain...

Well, that was treason, any way you look at it.

Princess, I have the latest update.

The Garou Knights began their th mission in Hell Palace.

The criminals resisted, and all of them are currently engaged in battle.

They moved to the lower level and are separated in five different areas.

Is the enemy communicating telepathically?

We left nothing to chance. All telepathic communication from the outside is blocked.

I know His Majesty is fond of the enemy, but the thought of being surrounded by them...

And their guild looks like it might win. Good grief.


He said he was angry, so I went with this...

He's going with it!

Goes to show that the Silver Keys are worth using, too.

My plan worked! Maybe...



Okay, next! Open! Gate of the Crab!



Even though you're a crab, what's with saying "ebi"-tai?

Signs,,,,,, ebi = shrimp

That hairstyle is making my scissors cower-ebi!

A wild image change-ebi!

A handsome guy arrangement-ebi!

Cute, wanna try picking her up-ebi!


Ebi sen!

Signs,,,,,, ebi sen = shrimp cr*cker


Weak sauce! I saw through you-tai!

You're just trying to buy time so your wounded can get away, right-tai?

He noticed...

The cat's out of the bag...

You're sharper than you look.

I won't let any of you criminals escape-tai!

Execution technique! Fainting in agony zone!

What is this?!

An execution device!

He caught us!

Let us go!


Don't move-tai!

You look like a pain-tai.

So if you move, I'll start by executing the beardie-tai.


Listen to him!

Huh, what's wrong? Go ahead, show me your other Celestial Spirits!

He's totally making light of us.

Doesn't feel good, does it?

All right, then! Open! Gate of the Scorpion!

Open! Gate of the Fish!





I'm thrilled with the fish-tai! But they're too big!

Now, Scorpio!

Sand Buster!



Thanks, Scorpio!

We are... I mean, no big deal, baby, yeah.

Lucy, we're okay over here!

Great! Thanks!

How's this-tai? I got my sense of balance from training in rough seas.

This feels great-tai!





I'm dizzy-tai!

Lucy-sama, what's our next move?

Loke! Aim for him, avoiding Pisces!

That won't be easy, but I'll do anything for you!

Here I go! Regulus Impact!

He did it! That's my Loke!

What a brilliant light!

That's not me. What is that glow?

I counterbalanced your light-tai!

Topography effect plus white night zone!

You can do that?!

Since it's come to this, I'll play my trump card.

Are you already having sour dreams?

Out of all my execution techniques, this is my favorite.

Although it depends on my opponent...

I haven't ex*cuted a cute criminal like you in quite some time.

Well? Can you make contact with the rescue team, Warren?

It's strange...

Natsu and the others were heading for the palace, Mercurius,

which isn't that far from here, so I should be able to reach them no problem, but...

Number One, the clash of magic you sensed came from underground?

Yes. I'm sure of it.

Maybe it's because of that Eclipse thing. It absorbs magic if you get close, right?

No. She's sensing their magic as they battle, so there has to be another reason.

But who are they fightin'? The Cherry Blossom Knights or whatever?

There is a magic unit, isn't there? But still...

...I can't imagine them putting up much of a fight against Natsu and the others.

In the first place, if they were caught sneaking in, it would've caused an uproar here.

Assuming that Lucy and Yukino were freed, there is one possibility.

It hasn't been made public, but there are rumors of an independent unit.

Don't tell me you're talking about executioners, Alzack. They're just...

I know. Like an urban legend. But...

But after hearing about the Eclipse Project...

...it's not impossible!

That's it! All I'm picking up is weird noises, so maybe they're jamming me somehow.

It's frustrating, but right now, we can't do anything.

I know. All we can do is have faith in the brats and wait.

How was that? You didn't even tag me once.

What will power... You don't recognize your sins or accept punishment.

I've never met a sinner like you.

Well, it's about time I sock you in the jaw, then go off to find Lucy and the rest.

Your friends have already been ex*cuted.

Go to the other side without a fuss. They're waiting for you.

You're full of it! My friends wouldn't get taken out so easy!

Don't underestimate Fairy Tail!

A lowly wizards guild would dare defy the kingdom?

When you kidnap fellow guild members and thr*aten us with execution, hell yeah!

I'll knock out every last one of ya!


Tai?! The fish...

Fish? I mean, are they...?

Pisces' true forms. The Celestial Spirit of mother and son.

Mama, getting summoned in this form means...

Annihilation of the enemy, son.

As always, she's so beautiful, you wouldn't think she had a kid.


Okay, Mama!

I'm not your mama!


I liked them better as fish.

Oh, you...


Let's finish the job, son.

Okay, Mama!

Topography effect! Lava zone!

Mama! What is this?!

I'm gonna grill some fish!

You mean to eat them?!



We're okay! Leave the rest to me!

Although if you insist, I'd love to catch you in my arms.

Yeah, yeah...

You know what to do, right, son?

I know, Mama!

The lava zone solidified?!

Because of that spray of water? I don't believe it!

That's the gap between his magic and ours, son.

That's right, Mama!

They saved us...

You probably should have jumped.

I know, right?

All this magic use is taking its toll on me...

Let's overcome him all at once, Lucy-sama.

All right! This time, finish it! Taurus!

One moooore punch!

I mooost definitely beat him, Lucy-san!


Uh, what are you doing?

I realized that if you do this, it makes your butt nice and toasty warm.

Now I'm tired of seeing Celestial Spirits-tai! Topography effect! Whirling tide!

I have a bad feeling...

Fish and cow both, return to the sea-tai!

Mama! What is this?!

Son! Hang in there!

I don't think a cow has anything to do with the sea!


He realized that Pisces' weakness is water!

Even though they're fish?

Lucy! Are you okay?!

I think so!

I don't get it, but there's no direct damage and the water is shallow.

What are you trying to do?!

Look at the center of the whirlpool-tai!

If you get dragged over there, you'll be flung someplace-tai!

F-Flung where?!

Who knows?

That vagueness makes it even scarier!

Criminals, vanish with the infinite water-tai!

Water... That's it, water! If there's water...

Lucy?! Don't tell me you're going to summon her ?!


Open! Gate of the Water Bearer!


Now that Lucy's got her Celestial Spirit keys back, we've got nothing to fear, right?

All right! Then we just have to kick their asses!

Yeah! And after that, we need to find the exit!

Yeah, we can't be stranded down here forever!

That's right, Natsu! Get 'em!

We'll show 'em how resolved we are!

Next time: The Place Where We Are!

We'd even make enemies of our country and the world for the sake of our friends!

That's Fairy Tail!

Go for it, Natsu!
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