07x180 - The Hungry Wolf Knights

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x180 - The Hungry Wolf Knights

Post by bunniefuu »

Gray Fullbuster won the Molding Magic showdown!

He's brilliantly avenged the robbery of first place

during the "Hidden" event on the first day of the Grand Magic Games!

The invincible Rufus...!

What a close contest!

I guess he was just out-endured by Gray-kun.

Fairy Tail receives precious points here!

Yeah! I knew you could do it, Gray!

They're on a roll, and I want 'em to stay on it!

That was wonderful.

"Sometimes feelings outweigh calculations." Just like you said, Number One.

The strong feeling that you're definitely going to win.

Without that, all calculations are for naught.

All I did was bet on that feeling.

Gray's emotional strength trumped Rufus's.

That's because we can't afford to lose here.

For the sake of Natsu and the others who went off to rescue Lucy,

this fight has only just started!

Fairy Tail is the strongest guild in the kingdom of Fiore! We'll prove that to them!

Now let's take a look at the current score!

Fairy Tail is in first place with points!

There are five people left, with the leader and four normals.

Sabertooth is in second place with points!

Rufus lost, but with the fluctuating points,

there are three normals and the leader left-kabo!

Tied for second place is Lamia Scale with points.

They've got two normals and the leader left.

Mermaid Heel is in fourth place with points.

They've got the leader and one normal left.

Well, Fairy Tail is alone at the top.

And all five members are in good condition.

Fairy Tail has gained the advantage-kabo.

Garou Knights!

So Rufus has been trounced?

That means the number of my prey has increased.

Fairy Tail really is strong. However...

...Gajeel, I can't afford to be beaten by anyone until I take you down.


Is Sabertooth falling apart?

Or will you take us to a new level of the strongest guild with your power, Sting?

Either way, I'm very curious.



He struck Master!

What do we do?!


S-Sting... You think you'll... get away with this?

That's fine. Let's have that mark the end of my father's reign of terror.

Sting, whose power exceeds my father's, is more fit to be the new master.

You nominate Sting as master?!

My lady...

Minerva, you wench, what are you saying...?


We don't need any losers, right?

If we're following your philosophy, Father.

Sting, what Natsu has and you lack is the power of feelings.

Power of feelings?

Without realizing it, you were influenced by my father.

Thinking you don't need any comrades... That power is everything...

But that's not your true nature. Your feelings for Lector will turn into power.

The power of feelings...

What does that mean?

Sting, you have gained that power.

You will even exceed Natsu.

My lady, I can't...

Fear not. Lector is still alive.

In that instant, my magic transported him elsewhere.

Just before my father's magic would have disintegrated him.

Is that true, my lady?!

Lector is alive!

Thank you! Thank you, my lady!

Bring him back! Thank you so...

Don't presume too much.

I won't give you Lector until you win the Grand Magic Games.

What are you saying, my lady?!

Please! Give him back to me now! Give me Lector back!

I'm not like my father.

However, Sabertooth should still be the strongest guild in the land.

You and Rogue decidedly lost. But with the loss of Lector as well,

you have gained a new power. One could say you've been reborn.

You felt it, didn't you? The strength of your magic as it struck my father...

But that isn't enough. You have to demonstrate your newfound power.

You must exhibit your power to the public.

I hope you harbor no foolish thoughts of trying to defeat me.

Remember that Lector's life is in my hands.

My lady, if I win, you will return Lector safe and sound?

That's right. All you need do is win. Show me the power of your feelings.

Understood. I swear I'll win.

Yeah! We're back on top!

Keep the ball rolling, guys!

They won one round, but can't let their guard down.

We still got four healthy Saber members to deal with, not to mention Jura and Lyon.

Then the real battle is just beginning, huh?

I'm concerned about Natsu and the others, too.

It is taking some time.

So we can probably assume that something happened.

Natsu! Natsu, come on! Wake up!

He's not even twitching.

Can't your magic do something, Wendy?

No. My power isn't strong enough to do anything.

I'm sorry! If only I knew more magic, this wouldn't have happened!

It's not your fault!

Come on, Natsu, you're upsetting Wendy!

It ain't my fault! I'm so hungry I can't walk another step!

And nothing in here looks the least bit edible.

Will we end up eating... you know ?

That's scary talk, so stop it!


Any luck, Happy?

No. Even the ceiling is totally sealed off.

I don't think there is an exit in here.

Dammit! After we walked all the way here!

The hunters have become the hunted, huh?


We've walked for miles. How big is this place?

I happened to overhear this.

The underground area beneath the palace is ten times as wide as the capital, Crocus.

I didn't wanna hear that.

If I'd known this was going to happen, I would've drawn a map on my body.

Come to think of it, Natsu, what about the tournament?

Juvia took my place.

He was all, "I'm gonna save Lucy!"

Yeah, well...

Oh, stop! You're making me feel bashful!

It's strange. Despite the circumstances, being with all of you makes me feel at ease.

Maybe that's because you're with friends.


I'll tell you one thing. I didn't forget about you either.

Oh, you don't have to...

That aside, um, there's something I want to tell you, Natsu-sama.

What is it?

While we were in captivity, Lucy-sama told me.

When I was expelled from Sabertooth,

you became furious and stormed Crocus Garden.

Y-Yeah... I remember that.

This means he totally doesn't remember it!

He forgets things too quickly!

Anyway, aren't you with the kingdom's Alpaca Pals or whatever club?

Sorry if we got you involved in our trouble.

No. I'd always wanted to be in Sabertooth,

It's Arcadios!

so I truly was shocked when they kicked me out.

Right now, I'm just a provisional member of the Royal Armed Forces.

It's also true that she has nowhere to go home to.

Both of her parents passed away when she was a child and her big sister went missing.

I see...

That's why I felt so happy when I heard you fought on my behalf, Natsu-sama.

Thank you.

Wha...?! I don't need any thanks.

After all, you didn't even remember doing it, right?

Yukino Agria. She's quite a loyal girl.

You like making those kinds of pronouncements, don't you, Lily?

You wanna have a little talk later, huh?

No, I was just kidding. Sorry...

Hey, everyone, don't you think she kind of looks like Lisanna?

Now that you mention it...

Who's Lisanna-sama?

She's my little sister.

What's this?

I feel flowing air.

Which means...

We'll check it out!

Maybe a wall crumbled from that shaking?

This smell... I remember it from somewhere.

Everyone! There's a crevice over here I think we can pass through!

Yay! You're my hero, Carla!

It seems more like it's been melted than a natural crevice.

We can just about squeeze through it.

It is narrow...

Are you okay, Yukino?

Yes, more or less.

You can do it, Natsu!

I'm stuck...

You probably gained weight.

I don't need your rude comments, just pull me out!

It was accidental!

Everyone, somebody's over there!


I get it. It was this old man's scent.

"Old man" isn't nice!

Hey, are you all right?! Wake up!

A white knight...

What's he doing here?

He was dropped in here like we were.

But how did he get those injuries?


Arcadios-sama, what happened?!

Anyway, I'll heal him.

Don't worry about me! Get away from here!



The ground is melting!

Then that passage was...

What a haul!


Who the hell are these guys?!

Now what?!


Arcadios-sama, is this...

I told you to get away from here!

Old man, do you know these guys?

They're an independent unit that supports the kingdom of Fiore from the shadows.

They're the kingdom's strongest executioners. And their name is...

...the Garou Knights.

Mission , begin.


The kingdom's strongest?

I thought they were an urban legend.

They run criminals to ground and then execute them.

They're the kingdom's execution machine, so to speak.

That's the Garou Knights!

It's impossible to get out of this Hell Palace alive because of them!

We are Fiore's independent Garou Knights.

And with the special authority granted to us, we will now execute the criminals.


Hey, Natsu, at a time like this?

Oh, sorry, but these losers don't look anything like knights!

Well, true...

And their outfits don't match at all...

Especially you!

Normally, knights would all look the same...

With armor and a helmet...

We've got individual freedom-tai. We're an independent unit that operates undercover.

If we wore matching outfits, we'd actually stand out-tai.

Did I touch a nerve, headband bastard?

Then hurry up and bring it on.


Talking like that... will make me mad!

Don't be fooled by their appearance!

The magic they use is designed to k*ll people!

Huh. Magic designed to k*ll, eh?

Perfect! Our way outta here has come strollin' up to us!

That's right. They can tell us where the exit is.

Lucy-san and Yukino-san, you don't have your keys, right? Please back away.

It's frustrating just to watch at a time like this.

Arcadios-sama, this way...

Happy, Carla, get back.

I'm gonna fight, too!

Better not.

Been a while since I've been in battle. My blood is boiling.

They intend to have it out with the kingdom's strongest executioners?

Everyone, Natsu... Be careful!

I'm fired up.

To show no fear before the Garou Knights betrays your ignorance, criminal.

Return to the earth of the kingdom of Fiore.

Leave them to us, first.

Just two of you?! Then I'll take you both on myself!

Aw, I wanted to go first...

That's not fair! I'm gonna get mad!

Let's go, Cosmos.

With our beautiful dance, right, Kamika?

Confetti, Red Dance!

Paper Magic, huh? You don't know who you're messin' with.

I'll burn 'em all to ashes!

What the hell?!

They aren't burning!

Red paper is the god of flames.


If those are flames too, then I'm just gonna eat 'em!

I thought you were going to eat them.

Natsu-san! I'll back you up!

Roar of the Sky Dragon!

Nice, Wendy!

Go, go!

Guess it can't be helped. Two against two.

Let's take them out.


Let's jump in there!

Wait. Better to leave it to Natsu and Wendy, and see what the other side does first.

Let's go, Wendy!


Wing Attack of the Fire Dragon!

Hmph! Dragon Slayer Magic, huh?

Crushing Fang of the Sky Dragon!

Long hair...

Look over here!

You're not beautiful.

I'm getting impatient-tai!

Are you playing over there?

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

Roar of the Sky Dragon!


That was a great combo attack!

Both of them are gone. Vaporized?

No. They're... hiding?

A bud and red paper...

Now this is a beautiful combo.

A fitting punishment for criminals.

The one with the hat controls plants...

Paper Magic and Plant Magic?

Even though Natsu and Wendy should have the advantage over them...

My name is Cosmos. You'll be ex*cuted shortly, but remember that.

Red isn't the only kind of confetti I have.

I can't see!

She can use paper like that, too?!



White paper is the god of blizzards!

Dammit! What the hell?! My body is freezin' up! But this ain't nothin'!


Thank you for the beautiful support, Kamika.

Dammit! I can't move!

This is itchy!

Two criminals have been subdued.

Now all I have to do is execute them.

Yuck! What is that?!

Carnivorous plants!


That's no good!

Natsu, I'll get you free!

Get back! This is just startin' to get interesting!

Say what?! This is no time for that!

Just let me do it myself! Interfere and I'll punch ya!

He's just full of bravado, isn't he?

There's no way they can escape from that position.

Wendy! Be sure to dodge!

Anytime you're ready!

Wing Attack of the Sky Dragon!

Great! Just what I'd expect from a Dragon Slayer combo play!

Gajeel and Natsu's combo was really something too...

...but it looks like these two go well together.

Huh? But when he teamed up with Gajeel...

...didn't they have a falling out?

Let's go, Natsu-san!

Okay, let's finish 'em off all at once!

As always, there's a lot of destruction...

Wow! They're totally in sync!

What kind of combo can overpower the Garou Knights?!

The combo made up of friends who have fought alongside each other time and time again.

They have a pretty good idea of what each other is thinking.

Believing in each other, helping each other...

That power is why Fairy Tail is so strong, isn't it?

No. They can't let their guards down yet.

This isn't the terrible threat of the Garou Knights.

Knepper, Uosuke...

All right! Sounds like we're gonna get to go to work, too!

Those two are coming in! Then so are we!

Leave it to me!

Bumper catch-tai!

Hey! I thought it was supposed to be two against two!

I don't remember making that promise.

Our purpose is the execution of criminals.

We were just playing with you a little!

That was a damn powerful force!

We can't let ourselves get close to him.

Come on! I'll melt you into nothingness!

Get your balance, Wendy!


Though it was only an instant, you managed to disrupt our beautiful combo...

You'll learn the seriousness of that crime the hard way!

Especially the one that's not beautiful!

Shut up!



This is no time for you to be worrying about anyone else.

An illusion? If I blow it all away at once...

Roar of the Sky Dragon!


When did that...?!

Beautiful dancing doll...

It's a skeletal flower that blossoms in blood.


Even though the Garou Knights dress weird, they're pretty damn tough!

But I don't think strength has anything to do with appearance.

You don't get it!

It'd piss me off more to lose to someone in a weird get-up than someone dressed normally.

That's just a matter of your feeling.

You'd be more pissed if a weirdo stole your fish than a normal person, right?

Certainly, I wouldn't stand for that!

Next time: Fairy Tail versus the Executioners!

No way am I gonna lose to people who dress like goofballs!

And I'm not gonna lose to anybody that's after my precious fish!
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