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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/06/23 09:13
by bunniefuu
Try to sit up.

That's it. God will help you.

Is that better?

It's good.

When can we execute a b*mb att*ck?

- A b*mb att*ck?

- Of course.

In a few days, a week

Whenever we find a volunteer.

Listen to me. Jews came

into my mother's house

and k*lled my brother

on his wedding day.

I want you to execute

an att*ck tomorrow.

But who do I send?

Find someone,

and if you can't, I'll find

someone who can find someone.


Look, there's one girl, but I

don't think it's a good idea.

Who is she?


Bashir's widow.

She wants to be a Shahid,

but she's family.

She's not family.

She was supposed to be family.

Prepare her for a b*mb att*ck

today, Walid, not tomorrow,

and make sure she stays alive

and doesn't die as a Shahid.

Arm her with a detonation

system that she can put in a bag

and flee the site.

I have an idea for the att*ck location.


- What's this?

- I found it in your mother's house.

One of the Jews dropped it.

I searched the logo,

here's what I found.

Send her there.


I'm I'm sorry about the

- It's all right.

- I didn't

It's your idiot brother.

- Who's he with?

- Beats me.

- Hi there.

- Hey.

- I'm Gali.

- Daria.

I'm Boaz, nice to meet you.

Hi, I'm Doron.

- What's up?

- How are you?

- Well?

- I'm off to the vineyard.

- Bye.

- Where are you going?

- Well, how about some tea?

- Want some tea? Tea.


Nope, we just had coffee by

a campfire in the vineyard.

- In the vineyard?! Doron will k*ll you.

- Then don't tell him.

Want me to keep secrets from my husband?

Can't I get you anything?

- No, we're good, thanks.

- You make wine here, don't you?

Yes, but it'll only be good

at around the end of 2020.

So you've got nothing here?

Want some?

Pass it to me.

Don't you know he's never smoked?

Sure I have.

He's worried that if he's caught

smoking, they'll kick him out

and if he's caught lying,

they'll kick him out too.


Does it bother you that I'm smoking?

- Give me that.

- Boaz, what are you doing?

Oh, boy


Was he this goofy as a kid too?

Did you know he was in

the community theater group?

Hey, hey!

- Is that true?

- No.

You don't know many awful plays

I had to see all those years.

It's all right, hey It's okay.

Come, I got an idea.


We've been informed that Abu

Ahmed is in Rafidia Hospital.

One of the E.R. doctors

is taking care of him.

You go in solo, while Naor

backs you up from outside.

I'm leaving today, right?

- Did you arrange everything?

- Yes.

- There's just one problem.

- What is it?

- Dr. Abu Sharif.

- What about him?

He's worried that you'll be

risking your life if you leave.

He's an ass, what does he know?

Find someone else.

I want out of here today, is that clear?




- Shirin.

- Walid, it's you!

How are you, sweetie?

I'm fine. When did you

get back from France?

- Just recently.

- What are you doing here?

What am I doing here? I work here.

What are you doing here?

Is everyone at home okay?

Yes, they are. I'm just here

checking. Checking? Okay.

You've grown.

I barely recognized you.

What else is new? Why

don't you stop by sometime?

I will, I promise.

Do come over. My

mother misses you a lot.

I miss her too.

Well, send your mother my regards.

And you send Aunt Suha my

regards. Tell her I miss her too.


- Shirin?

- Yes?

- I need your help.

- What is it?

I'm watching over Abu

Ahmad, the Panther.

He's here.

- But he's dead.

- He's alive.

- He's alive and in this hospital?

- Yes, but he's injured.

I need you to help

me get him out of here

before they come and k*ll him.

- You're working with Abu Ahmad?

- Yes, but that's not the issue.

The issue is how to smuggle

him out. He's in bad shape.

He's one floor above the maternity ward.

Is that why Dr. Abu Sharif

keeps going up there?


So if you've got Abu

Sharif, why do you need me?

He must get out now, but

Abu Sharif doesn't get it.

- He says it'll risk his life.

- I trust Abu Sharif's decision.

But leaving him here

puts him in greater risk.

Come on, help me smuggle him out.

Forget it, sweetie.

- Why?

- I can't.


If the Jews k*ll him, I

will be accounted for it.


- How are the kids?

- Fine, thank God.

Thank God.

I'll get you something to

lower your blood pressure.

- And I'll check up on you in an hour.

- Okay.

- All right?

- All right.

I was called urgently

to the maternity ward.

- Could you handle things here by yourself?

- Yes.

- Hello.

- Hi.

What happened?

I tried to fix the window and fell.

- Okay, what's your name?

- Amir, Amir Mahajne.

- How old are you?

- 38.

Take a deep breath.

Look here.

At the pen, not at me.


Feeling dizzy?

- Is your vision fuzzy?

- Dizziness.

It could be a concussion.

You'll stay here

tonight for observation.

After the nurse cleans your

wound, we'll have you scanned.

It's not her, we got new info.

Look for Dr. Abu Sharif,

from internal medicine.

We're sending you his photo.


Thank you, Dr. Shirin.

You're welcome, Amir.

What's Abu Sharif doing all

day at the maternity ward?


- Dad.

- Yes, pal.

The patient is here, I'm right near him.

- Are you sure?

- Yes. Should I give him your regards?

No, wait.

Why not? It could all

be over in seconds.

Don't touch him, you hear me?

Watch him and wait for your brother.

Don't you trust me, Dad?

I do, absolutely, but

I want to play it safe.

- Where are you?

- The maternity ward.

- Where?

- Maternity ward!

- Is he there?

- Yes.

I'm sending your brother in. Don't move.

Doron, swear to me that you'll stay put.

Get Steve ready to enter

the hospital in 30 seconds.

Send drones, one over the hospital

and one over the Tapuah junction.

Damn it, he's escaped!

Dad, the patient is gone.

- Using what vehicle?

- An ambulance.

- There's an ambulance.

- Tell Steve to round them up stat!

He's rolling. Pick them

up at the entrance, now!

Red-Alert all the checkpoints

east of the hospital

to stop him and open fire if needed.

Send a chopper, now!

Now, stat, over the hospital.

- I caught you

red-handed. - What?

I don't recall releasing you.

Yes, but I feel fine now.

If I get dizzy, I'll come back

so you can take care of me.

I'm not sure I'll accept you,

I don't like patients

who don't listen to me.

- Well, goodbye.

- Goodbye.

He's driving east, through Al-Quds.

The ambulance is moving

slowly, still in Al-Quds.

You'll be closing in on him real soon.

Right after this turn.

There he is.

Close in on him, drive faster!

- Come on, why aren't you stopping him?!

- Moreno, cool it,

you see we're on his

tail, just let me work.

Steve, you pass him, block him,

and we both take Abu Ahmad out of there.

- I'm on it.

- Naor, if he passes us, you sh**t the tires.

- Close in on him!

- I am.

Pass him. Prepare for action.

Turn off the engine.

Hands up!

Come on, get out!

Get out!

- Where's Abu Ahmad? Where's Abu Ahmad?

- Who's Abu Ahmad?

- Where are you headed?

- To the checkpoint.

- Where's Abu Ahmad?

- Who's Abu Ahmad?

- Where's Abu Ahmad?

- I don't know!

- Where's Abu Ahmad?

- I don't know!

Come on, Steve.

Hello, Amal.

Come in.

This is Khaled. Khaled, this is Amal.

We call him the Jew,

because everyone's sure he's a Jew.

I'll drive you to the checkpoint and

you'll continue ahead with Khaled.

- Are you all right?

- Yes, I'm fine.

You'll be carrying this bag.


These two wires are

attached to this switch.

Be careful, this button

is extremely sensitive.

Keep the lid on until you're

ready to press the button.


I'll show you how to carry the bag.

Put it on your shoulder.

Slide your hand in.

Do you feel it?

That's the switch.

Remember exactly where it is so

you can reach it without looking.

Once pressed,

you've got three minutes

till the b*mb explodes.

Put it down.

You're a national hero for doing this.

A national hero?

I wanted to get married

and have children.

Don't worry, you will.

Okay, let's go.

Who are they?

Visitors at Bashir

Hammed's mourning tent.

- I think I know this guy.

- Where from, the wedding?

No, not from there.

That's Walid Al-Abed, he was

one of Abu Ahmed's gofers.

Nurit, zoom in.

He spoke to my doctor at the hospital.

- About what?

- I couldn't overhear them.

Nurit, find whatever you

can about this doctor.

Shirin Al Abed, 32 years old.

Her mom's from Nablus,

her dad's from Paris,

she's Walid Al-Abed's cousin.

She's always on the

Ramallah-Paris route,

has a slight French accent

when she speaks Arabic,

studied medicine at An-Najah,

attended the Ecole Medicine,

volunteered in "Doctors Without

Borders" in Beirut in 2006.

She's a widow. Got married at

age 23 to a chemist who got MS

and d*ed four years later.

What about matchmaking? She

sounds like the Arab Wonder Woman.

Everyone's trying to set her

up, but she's not interested.

She works around the clock in the E.R.

at the Rafidia Hospital in Nablus,

they're very pleased with her.

Instead of following her, we should

transfer her to Hadassah Hospital.

- Can we tap her line?

- She got her iPhone abroad.

We need a physical

connection to the device.

Then let's go to the

hospital and hook up to it.

She's a doctor, she

doesn't leave her phone.

Then let's find a moment where she does.

- I know when.

- When?

She does 50 laps a day at the

public swimming pool in Ramallah.

- Tomorrow it's open for women.

- Then we'll send Boaz.

Boaz? How will you send

him in? Wearing a Burqini?

He's so petite down there,

they won't even let him

in when it's open for guys.

- I could go.

- Gimme a break.

- Why not?

- There are no female counter-t*rror1st operatives.

- Then let Nurit be the first one.

- Doron, please stay out of this.

It's all women there, wearing swimsuits,

it'll be a cinch for

her, what's the problem?

- Let's do it.

- Great, thanks.

Hey, I didn't say okay, forget it.

Nurit, cr*ck a smile.

Isn't this what you wanted?

Nur, just jump into the water.

Now, now!

She took the cell phone into the shower,

put everything back in the bag!

We'll talk later, okay?

Everything's fine, don't worry.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.


Nurit, everything's all right. Relax.

Just walk out of there slowly.

Nur, how did it go? Did

you break the world record?

Get behind me.

Doctor? Don't you

recognize me? Hi there.


I'm sorry, I see 50 patients a day.

Of course. I'm Amir, Amir Mahajne.

- I'm glad to see you, Doctor.

- Shirin. Same here.

I'm also glad to see you.

You left the hospital with

a concussion, didn't you?

You remember.

I'm fine, thank God.

This is my sister Nur.

Nur, this is the doctor

who saved my life.

I just gave him some aspirin.

- Do you need a lift?

- No, thanks, I have a car.

Well, I'm late for work.

- Bye.

- Bye.

Give me the phone.

Where is it?

- Dr. Shirin, hold on

- What is it?

Give me your phone for a second.

Come on, don't worry.

Don't worry.


Now I have your number.

- Couldn't you just ask for it?

- And what if you'd say no?


- I'll call you.

- I'm not sure I'll answer.



Everything's okay.

Don't be scared.

You did great.


We're here.

There's the pub.

Listen, there's one more

thing I need to tell you.

This pub isn't just any pub.

The guy who k*lled Bashir comes here.

We're going to hit them hard.

He could be inside there,

but if he isn't, he'll

understand that it's personal.

- Are you pleased?

- Yes, very.

Good. We'll make it clear to them

that they'll never be safe anywhere.

If they come into our

homes, we go into theirs.

Amal, can you do this?


It's crucial that they

don't suspect you, got it?

Open it.

Great. Now close it.

You go in, sit at the bar,

ask for a drink, arm the b*mb,

leave the bag there and get out.

You've got three minutes

till it detonates,

only three minutes, remember.

I'll wait for you out here

and then we're off. Understood?

Any questions?

What do I order?

Ask for A Coke.

- Okay, Coke.

- Diet Coke.

- That's better. Ask for a diet Coke.

- Diet Coke.

Say it.

- "Could I get a diet Coke, please?"

- No, no.

"Could I get a diet Coke, please?"

"Could I get a diet Coke, please?"

"Could I get a diet Coke, please?"

"Could I get a diet Coke, please?"

That's it.


God is with you.

Hey, are you all right?

What's wrong? Did somebody hurt you?

Want to call someone?

Would you like a drink?

Some water or something?

Could I get a diet Coke, please?

Sure, coming right up.