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02x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 02/06/23 08:45
by bunniefuu
MARISSA: The press release
for our new vintner.

DON: Mysterious...

I can't wait to see the look
on their faces when they see

just who we've got planned
for taking over the reins.

We need to talk
about the pickers.

So I was wondering
whether we could try

-and get some WWOOFERS in?

Willing Workers On
Organic Farms.

-[ Snores ]
-[ Sighs, grunts ]

...maybe you considered
that you may be in...

-Oh. [ Laughs ]

No. No.

We don't use the "M" word.

-GRIFFIN: I came out.
-DAISY: Oh...!

Gus likes his life simple.

And you've just invited
, followers into it.

Ah, I've never cared
about someone like this before.

It can't have been easy,
my whole family under one roof,

given what hap--
well, what nearly --

what nearly happened between us.

I mean, that wasn't
even a thing.


JULIAN: I really don't think
that you and Mum

are happy together anymore.

Is it Daisy?

No, no. It's not Daisy.

It's me.

Two strong heartbeats.

We're having twins.

[ Laughs ]
Oh! Oh!

[ Gasps ]

I love grapes!


They speak to me.

Ah, the job is pretty simple.

Um, we're -- we're a couple
of weeks away from harvest,

and we need some extra hands.

Um, it --
it is quite a physical job...


Ah, I know some of
the other vineyards are --

are probably paying more...

Oh, no. All I need is
a hot meal and a bed.

Although I do struggle
to sleep alone...

Right. Well, um...

Ah, we'll be in touch.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ The East Pointers'
"Wintergreen" plays ]

♪ Let it breathe, if it doesn't
breathe, it's gonna die ♪

♪ Let us see if you let it be,
is it gonna fly? ♪

♪ And set it free and if
it leaves, you say bye ♪

♪ The web we weave and then
we grieve and then we cry ♪

♪ I want to tell you
before I forget ♪

♪ Despite the darkness ♪

♪ Some of these days ♪

♪ Wintergreen can't
outshine your radiance ♪

♪ Wintergreen, I love you
more than anything ♪

♪ Wintergreen,
despite the darkness ♪

♪ Some of these days ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

LOUIS: Who the bloody hell
are they?

[ Scoffs ]


School holidays are almost over.

Oh, Jay. I know.

It's gonna be, ah...

difficult to go back to London.

-Oh, not for me.

I have to look after Mum.

Well, that's lovely, Jay.

And you have to stay here.

-I do.
-Because of the vineyard.

-And Daisy.

And Daisy. No, no.

Not "and Daisy."

Who the bloody hell
are these people?

Good morning.

Good morning.

-What happened to the barkers?

And most people have already got
their work for the season.

Look, we already talked
about this.

We can't wait any longer.

We have to hire as many people
as we can,

and just hope that the bank
will come to the party.

Well, what if they don't?

Well, if we don't
pick enough grapes,

we can't make enough wine.

Daisy, wewill
pick enough grapes.

-We don't even know how!
-Look, Tippy will teach us.

-Oh, Louis...
-No. There is no other option.

DAISY: Yeah. You're right,
because we've already decided.

No. What we've decided
is to make decisions together.

-Yes, but you haven't been here!
-Oh, right.

So I go away for the weekend to
spend some time with my son... much as I'd love to see
Mummy and Daddy fight,

I've got workers to find.

She just wants to feel

He just wants to be included.
Are we good?


Look, we -- we didn't
want to worry you

with everything that
you've got going on, you know?

-With your family...
-Look, Daisy.

You're my family too.

Um, I-I mean...

-We all are.
-DAISY: [ Exhales ], um, of --
of -- of friends.

We're a...

Oh, we're a -- we're a...
[ Clears throat ]

We're a family of -- of friends.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Clears throat ]

TIPPY: This isn't going to be
fun or easy.

Then why are we doing it?

You start with a wide stance
and a loose wrist.

-Way ahead of you.
-[ Laughs ]

And then you cup
the grapes gently.

Because why?

Ah, bruised fruit
makes bad wine!

At least someone is listening.

-Okay, when you slice --
-GRIFFIN: Hey, it's Nic!


Hope I'm not interrupting.


No, no. Stay, stay.

Please, stay.

Ah, you ready to
go for that walk?

-Oh, yes. About that, um...
-NIC: Hey, Gus...

you been straddling any
hot lumps of metal lately?

[ Laughs ]

Like a tractor...

You know, because of the...

The hot tractor guy thing...?

I deleted that post.

Oh, yeah.
But it's still online...

Ah, actually, I've...
Um, yeah.

I forgot we've -- we've got
that thing we have to...

-We do?
-Yeah, yeah. The thing.

-We have to go.


Gus doesn't know that the photo
is still out there.

What? He doesn't know?

But that photo has gone viral.

-But, no.

I thought, ah,
Griffin deleted it.

No, well.
Not before it made its way

onto Twitter, Reddit, Tik Tok...

Look, Gus is hotter
than Timothée Chamalet

and Benedict Cumberbatch
all, like, jammed together!

Which is actually a whole
other level of hot,

when you think about it.

TIPPY: Are we doing this?

Because you made quite
a big deal about it. So...

Yep. We are doing it.
Thanks, Tippy.

Are we sure
he doesn't know that?

Oh, Gus thinks that social media

is some kind of
communicable disease.

-Well, he's got a point.

Oh. Should I talk to him?

Ah, no. No. I wouldn't. Mnh-mnh.

Um, yeah. No, no.

We wouldn't want it
to come between them.

-No. No. [ Laughs ]
-I mean, at least someone

is having some fun
around this town.

If you know what I mean. Ha.

-Yeah, yeah. I got that.
-'Cause between you and me,

ever since my rumpus room
got turned into a kids' room,

Vic has been treating it
like a dusty old attic.

DAISY: Oh. Do you know what,
maybe we should

-go for that walk?
-NIC: Okay. Bye.


Tippy. [ Clears throat ]
Where were we?

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

He must have missed his flight.

Well, I guess that's the thing

about award-winning
French vintners.

They don't bother themselves
with minor details

like flight times or...

returning phone calls
from their new employers.


Though he was very specific

about the non-refundable
deposit on his contract.

He'll be here.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Breathes heavily ]
Isn't this nice?


It's -- Oh, it's so nice.

I'm sorry.

I just needed to get out
of the house.

-Oh. [ Laughs ]
-Vic -- Vic is either

playing Bach to the babies

or he's force-feeding me

And I'm not allowed
to do anything.

I'm not a complete invalid.

Just a little bit of one.

Yeah. But he loves you.

I know.
And I'm not complaining.

-I'm so lucky.

I -- I never thought
I'd be here, you know?

Mm. I know.

Did you ever want to have...?

Oh. No. [ Laughs ]


Oh. Maybe I'm selfish, but...

I never really wanted kids,
you know?

I loved my life
exactly the way it was.

Is. I love my life.

Ah, sorry.
I shouldn't have brought it up.

Especially now that
you're in menopause.

Oh. No, no.

It's fine. [ Laughs ]

Besides, I-I get to be
a -- a heart parent. Right?

Mm. Yeah. With Louis...


Maybe even more together...

-now that he's single.

No. No, no.

Louis and I are just friends.

We are.

Only because he broke up
with Simone again...

five seconds ago!

But once he gets over that...


Well, once upon a time, maybe,
we could have been a thing.


there's too much water
under the bridge and...

I'm nobody's second choice.

-My life is great

exactly the way it is.

Are you -- Are you sure
you don't want to sit down?

Oh, don't you start.

Oh, okay.

[ Laughs ]

Just below the nodule,

slip the blade under,

and cut cleanly
away from yourself...

and that's it!

LOUIS: Great.

Thank you.

Yeah. Bye.

Sorry about that.

-Well, no.

I've just had a call from
the, ah, the organizers of,

ah, "Taste of the South."

Do you -- Do you know it?

Some fancy Queenstown festival?

Yes. Very fancy.
Very prestigious.

There's a big public festival.

There's a conference
for wine makers.

And -- And this year,
to headline,

they are putting together
a panel

of award-winning
international vintners.

Now, Tippy, I know you don't
love public speaking,

but it could be
a great opportunity for you

to practice to really
free yourself --



TIPPY: You're right.
I need the practice.



Look, ah,
I think it could be,

ah, could be --
could be a lot of fun.

And - and -
and the panel is all about,

ah, cultural approaches,
ah, to -- to winemaking,

and you'll be able to talk
all about your --

your Maori heritage, and --
and what really fires you --



TIPPY: I'll talk about wine.

But not the other stuff.

-Can we get back to it?
-Ah, yeah.

Yeah. Yes, of course.

-Hi, all!

Hope I'm not interrupting.

No, Vic.

Not at all.
What can we do for you?

I need a lawyer.

Are you going to tell him,
or shall I?

No. I mean a real lawyer.

Me? No, no, no.
I-I've been struck off, Vic.

-VIC: No, no.

No, no. I understand.

It's not that urgent.

I'm just getting sued,
that's all...

for two mil.

[ Sighs ]

She took it hard.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


When you said we had a thing...

Yeah. Oh, this is it.
This is the thing.

What's so thing-y about it?

Ah, it's a date in public.

So that's a thing, isn't it?

I mean, it's a thing for me,
I guess.

I had a dream
about you last night.

Oh, did you just?


You took me to the Oscars.

Oh. Wow.


All I remember is thousands
of cameras flashing,

and me screaming.

WOMAN: Oh, my God!

He said you lived here.

Can I get your autograph?

Sure. Yeah.

The old, ah, um,

ah, that's -- hey, um...

Hey, what about a selfie

Hey, Gus, can you
just order something?

Just you?

Oh, he gets a little shy.

-Oh. Okay.
-Yeah. Quick question.

Where'd you get that from?

Oh, there's a kid up the street
selling them.

bucks for a homegrown
Internet sensation?

Come on.

-Ah, just no.

-No, no.

You -- You --
You bin these shirts.

You pull them, okay?

-I know people.
-Like who?

You gonna get Nicole Kidman
to come beat me up?

Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I will.
Maybe I will.

- bucks for the lot.

Wait. No. I could buy them
individually for less.


This is not --
this is not how you haggle!

-Who's haggling? ,.
-Just -- Okay.

Stop. Fine, fine.

Let's just -- you --
get rid of these, okay?

Forget about Hot Tractor Guy,
and I'll, um,

I'll -- I'll -- I'll --

I'll give you an interview
on your radio show.

New Zealand exclusive?

World exclusive.
Just put those in the bin.

Pleasure doing business
with you.

Yeah, yeah.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Both breathing heavily ]

I guess we should...

keep going?

Oh, yeah.


[ Sighs ]

-Yeah. I -- I am a bit pooped.


-Actually, I'm a lot pooped.

Yeah. [ Laughs ]

-Actually I'm a bit sore.

Yeah. My -- My legs feel
like concrete blocks.

They're sort of hot and cold,
at the same.

-[ Whimpers ]

Hey, hey.
Are you all right?

No. No. [ Crying ]

Oh. What? You got cramps?

[ Groans ]

Hang on. Hang on.

there's no reception.

Oh! What are we gonna do?

Well, you just --
just wait here.

-I'll go get some help.
-No, no, no, no.

You can't leave me. Please.

Okay, well, here, sit down.
Sit down.

-Sit down.

Put your back against the rock.

I'm here, okay?

Just take some --
Just take some deep breaths.

Look, breathe in.

[ Inhales deeply ]

-And out.
-[ Breathes heavily ]

In, out.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

What's this called?

A wine thief.

[ Laughs ]
What's it called in Maori?

I don't know.

What's this in Maori?

You are Maori, though?
My dad said you were.

But "Bidois" is French, right?

Yeah. I'm Maori.

Then how come you don't know
the Maori words?

-I just don't.
-I get it.

My friend Gabriel,
his parents are from Brazil,

but he doesn't speak Spanish.

They speak Portuguese
in Brazil.

Right. No. My point is --

is that you don't
have to be weird about it.

I'm not weird!

Let's get some lunch.

Nic, I need to see if you can
stand for me, okay?

I don't think I can.

We're going to walk
down the road.

-No. I can't.
-Yes, you can. I promise.

[ Screams, gasps ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


Doctor David!


She, ah, she just
doubled over in pain.

Deep breathing, all right?

There's no need to panic
just yet.

Let's have a look.


Do you know
if you've got any spotting?

-I haven't been.
-You haven't?

-Okay. That's good.


You're doing well.
You're doing okay.

-So I'm gonna go get my truck...

...come back, and we'll take you
to the surgery.

-All right?


You look like
a calming influence.

I'm gonna be back in a minute.

You've got this.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Vic, you're going to be fine.

It was an accident.

How was I supposed to know
there was already a wine

called "Love Goats,"
owned by a very large,

very litigious
international corporation?

I could have Googled it.

Ah, yes.
Possibly, possibly you could.

But, you know, as long as you
agree to rename the wine...

VIC: I only called it that

in honor of
Nic's amazing creations.

Oooh. Maybe I could rename it
The Twins?

Well, we'll come --
we'll come back to that.

The thing is, we're here today
to get you out of this, right?

As long as you stick
to the plan.

I just don't understand why
I can't talk to them nicely.

Because Vic, in this world,
nice equals weak,

and these people
prey on the weak.

I should know, I used to...

I used to be one of them.

Look, if I could lead
the meeting, I would.

-...practicing law,

once been disbarred for
walking naked through London,

is a criminal offense?

Well, that's not actually why
I was, ah, disbarred, Vic.

And I was -- I was --
I was actually running.

But, no.
That's good, that's good.

You're sounding like a --
a real lawyer.




No, Vic.
We're going that way.

Ah, yep.

-Ready? [ Clears throat ]
-Yep. [ Clears throat ]

So that's two sets
of healthy heartbeats.

Then what's wrong?

Maybe we could talk in private.

Anything you can say to me,
you can say in front of Daisy.

Okay. Ah, could you
bring your knees

to your chest for me, please?


Yep. Now give yourself
a nice tight hug.


Ah, why am I...

[ Farting ]


[ Farting continues ]



Look, I am gonna
need to change GPs.


-Or towns.
-[ Laughs ]

I hear Iceland is nice
this time of year.

-He didn't mind.
-He was being polite.

Well, I'm just glad
it wasn't anything serious.

I think I'm more worried
about this than I thought I was.

That's what you've got us for.

-DAVID: Ladies?

You forgot this.

[ Gasps ] Thanks.

Yeah. Um, I never had a chance
to properly introduce myself.

-I'm David.
-Oh. Daisy.

Oh, you're Stanley's daughter.

DAISY: Oh. Step-daughter, yep.

Oh, right.
Well, he was a lovely guy.

Terrible wine.

[ Laughs ]
Well, we're working on that.

Yeah. So I hear.

Ah, so, actually,

I'm gonna meet of mine tonight

who owns a couple of bars
in Queenstown and...

I don't know if you need
a stockist or...

-Oh, really?

-Oh, great.

So if you're not doing anything,
you should come.

-Oh, okay.

-Ah, Nic has got my number.

-Okay, good.

Yeah, ah...that's great.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

[ Gasps, squeals ]

Oh, it's just a business thing.

[ Laughs ]

[ Clock ticking ]

Oh. [ Clears throat ]

My client wishes to inform
your client that

he is willing
in this instance to,

ah, relinquish all control
of said property,

and re-label his wine
at his own cost,

as full and final settlement
of this matter.

MR. CARTER: Your client?

Well, me.

My client has wasted
considerable time and energy

on this case.

How would your client
address that?

I could buy him a beer.

[ Laughs ]

[ Chuckles ]

-Let's talk damages.
-VIC: Ooh, ah...

the thing is, I don't really
have any money.

Oh, actually. No, I do.

I've got about K saved away
at the moment.

-Ah, Vic, I --

That's actually for the baby.

You see, Nic's parents
gave us K,

but that's not nearly enough
to look after twins.

That's -- no, no, no, no.
That's -- That's great.

Great, thanks.
We've, ah -- No, we've...

We've tried it your way.

First things first.
Now, as you operate on retainer,

this meeting isn't costing
your client a cent.

And as your job is
to take away headaches,

rather than to cause them,
I'm willing to bet

that you haven't even told
your client this case exists.

So, ah, we've got two options.

Either you can,
ah, settle things here and now,

leaving your client
in blissful ignorance,

or you can spend months
in litigation

fighting for about
the same amount of money

that your client would normally
spend on lunch in Aspen,

whilst we make sure
the combined weight

of the New Zealand media
unites against you...

because let's face it,
there's nothing this country

loves more than an underdog.

And I'm sure it'll do wonders
for your sales.

Our offer expires, ah,
when we leave the room.

Right then.
[ Clears throat ]

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


They've rescheduled
the agricultural show.

Ooh. I must tell Wanda.


Where are you going?

To get our old vintner back.

Philippe will be here.

That may be so.

But if he's this unreliable...

There's plenty of
good winemakers in the --

Don, it -- it has to be him.

Just because Oakley has Tippy,
doesn't mean that we need --

What's that?



Is that smoke?

It's smoke!

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

What is a yurt doing
in my vineyard?

[ Inhales deeply ]


[ Exhales ]

I am come.

-You come late.

I was early.
I have been, ah, evaluating.

MARISSA: And how did we do?

Your wine is a song.

Oh. [ Laughs ]
Thank you.

But this wine...

is a symphony.

You did not tell me
you were losers.

-We're not.
-Oh, no.

Think of us, um, an orchestra
in need of a conductor.

Welcome to Shimmering Lake,
Philippe Bidois.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

You know staring is rude.

You started it.

Are most people
a bit scared of you?

-I hope so.

Why? Aren't you?

Guess I'm used to it.

When my dad was a lawyer,
my mum was angry all the time.

I'm not angry all the time.

Neither was Mum.

She was actually just lonely.

I'm sorry I upset you...


My mother is Maori.

She wasn't close
with her family, so...

neither am I.

-That's why I can't speak it.

What about your dad's family?

I don't know.



That's where I got the name

So my grandfather
moved from there

to the North Island,
met my grandmother.

And he died when I was .

Is that where your family lives?

You ask a lot of questions.

I know.

They moved to the Gold Coast
when I was , and...

I didn't really want to go.


And none of that is
anyone's business but mine,

so don't go spreading it.

Ah, I still don't get
why they needed to take a selfie

so far away from the table?

Yeah. Fans.

Oh, okay. Thank God.
So --

Ah. No, no. Wait. Me first.

Me first.

[ Clears throat ]

Is that a date?

Who's David?

"I'll pick you up at :"
is a date, right?

if we're going to a bar...

even though it is
to meet a stockist,

and he did say
that Nic is welcome too.

It's a date, though, right?

-Do you want it to be a date?

No. No, no.
I -- Well, yeah, ah, no.

I just need to know whether
he thinks it is, that's all.

-Oh, you're -- you're no help.

Give it back.

What's your thing?

Okay, so Rowan --
I shut it down, but...


[ Gasps ] Oh. Oh.

-I know.
-Oh. Well...

he's gonna find out eventually.

You can't control that.

What you can control, though,
is how you deal with it.

And that will make all
the difference to how he reacts.

So what are you going to do?

So, I'll just --
I guess I'll have to, um...

Yeah. I'll just have to
shower him with gifts

so he falls madly
in love with me,

so by the time he finds out,

then he's in too deep
to dump me.

Oh, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.

That's the opposite
of what I was saying.

-No. Oh, Griff--
-Love you, Daisy.

Oh, hey.
Um, that one...

not that one.


It's a date, though, right?

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

-[ Laughs ]

-I owe you.

-VIC: Come on.
-Ooh. Seatbelt.

-VIC: [ Laughs ]
-You don't owe me.

It was actually pretty fun.

-VIC: Mm.
-[ Laughs ]

Do you miss it?


[ Laughs ]

Do you know what?

-I don't.
-[ Laughs ]

I don't.



Sorry I, ah, missed your call.

Oh. No.

It turns out it was a very windy
storm in a teacup.

Ah, Daisy.
About this morning...

Mm-hmm. What about it?

Well, ah, look.

I know it's, ah --
things have been messy.

Mm. Yes.

Well, show me a middle-aged man
who doesn't come with baggage.

Ah, says the women
with four sets of luggage?

Um, it's one set of four sizes.

And I'd like to see you pack
a weekender into an overnighter.

No, what I said
this morning about, um...

well, about family.

Um, well, I-I meant it.


-And, um...
-[ Cellphones ring ]

Oh, ah.

Just a sec.

-It's Vic.
-Oh. It's Nic.

-Hi. Everything all right?
-Hi, Vic.

-Ah, no. I haven't read it.
-No. It's not something I read.



-As in...
-Yeah. I get it.

-Do you know him?
-TIPPY: Didn't even know

-he existed.

Maybe he just has
the same name as me?

LOUIS: Tippy, another winemaker
named Bidois?

Not that we want you to worry.

TIPPY: Why would I worry?

Well, some of us don't think
there's any reason to.

And some of us think
this is a strategy.

What kind of strategy?

Well, I haven't
figured that out yet.

Look, there's no mystery here.

Marissa wanted a Bidois.
She couldn't get the best,

so she settled for
a French knock-off.

Well, oh, okay.
So he's not a knock-off.

Apparently he's the youngest
ever vintner to win gold

at the Paris Wine Cup.

And how do you feel about that?

I feel nothing.

See? She's fine.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

She's fine.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Okay, so I know you think
you know everywhere

in Peak View, Gussy.

But I'm pretty sure
you don't know this place.

-Is it "Thistle Do?"
-Oh, damn it.

You do know it.

[ Laughs ]
I've never been here, though.


-It's lovely.

Hey. You're lovely.

Apparently, the woman
who runs it is awesome.

MORAG: Dinner is :.

Not :, not :.

We're having steak.

The vegetarian option is steak.

And tonight is comedy night.

We'll be playing the box set
of "Fawlty Towers"

in the parlor.

Here are your rooms.

We only booked one room.

We don't have rooms
with twin beds in them.

GUS: Well,
we don't need twin beds.

But there's two of you.

Ah, yeah, yeah.


I know you.

Ah, I work at Oakley.

No. I --

I know you.

Oh, ah, you -- you know what?

It's fine. Actually, um,

yeah, two rooms is -- is fine.
So, yeah.

We'll -- We'll see you down
at dinner.



I'll sneak in after lights out.
It'll be fun.

-You'll be like my --
-Your dirty little secret?

It's okay.
I'll see you at dinner.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Jay, have you seen Tippy?


You know, I think she's more
worried than she's letting on.

And I wouldn't be surprised
if that was part of their plan.

All right, Miss Marple.

You look nice.

Oh. Thanks.

Yeah. You do.
Are you, um, off out somewhere?

Ah, yes.

Just to meet
a potential stockist.

LOUIS: Oh. Should I be there?

Oh, no, no, no.

No -- No point in both of us
wasting our time.


-[ Laughs ] David, hi.


Oh, this is, ah, Louis,
and this is Julian.

-This is...
-Nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.
-David is our local GP.

He's the one
doing the introductions.



So, ah, we should probably go.

-Yeah, yeah.
-I'll -- I'll see you later.

Yeah. Don't worry.
I'll take care of her.


Well...he's, ah...

seems nice.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Hello, little spy.

You're good at sneaking
but, ah, I am better.

I'm not a spy.

I'm your cousin...apparently.

Third cousin.
I called Mamanto check.


Louis said not to trust you.

-PHILIPPE: Who is Louis?
-My boss.

He sounds like a clever man.

DAISY: So, how long have you
lived in Peak View?

Ah, three years, now.

Oh. So a local.

Ha. No.

I have a patient who
retired here years ago,

and they still call him
Weekend Johnny.


Did you, um --
Did you move here for family?

No. Job...

and the lifestyle.

I used to work in, ah,
emergency medicine.

-City hospitals --

very frenetic.

Oh. That's a big change.

Too big, if you ask some people.

Like my ex-wife, for example.

Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.

Oh, no. It's all amicable.

She tried to matchmake me
with her hairdresser last week.

Oh. And, ah, how did that go?


-With -- With the hairdresser?

She lives in Auckland,
and, you know...

I can barely do
short-distance relationships.

[ Laughs ]
Well, amen to that.

[ Laughs ]
I mean, I guess...

it's hard for most people
to understand

that some of us are
perfectly happy being single.

Oh, yes. Ah, yes.
Ha, yeah. Right.

-Same -- Same boat.
-[ Cellphone rings ]


-Oh, um, do you mind?
-No, no, no.

No, no. You go.

Kia ora,Arapeta.

ARAPETA: Oh,kia ora, Doc.

Kei te pehea koe?

Oh, Kei te pai.

You sound a bit worse for wear.

Had -- I had a bit of a fall.

It's not bad, I-I just --
I can't get up.

My son will be around
in a couple hours,

and I just thought
if you were close by...

DAVID: Oh, yeah.
I'm just gonna swing by now.

only if you're not busy.

Oh, it's nothing
that can't wait.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Borrowed it off Louis.

It's a bit tight. Ah.

You look incredible.


Oh, well. That's good to see
you made a bit of an effort.

No, you...Sorry.

-Take a seat.
-Yeah. [ Laughs ]

-Thanks. [ Laughs ]
-It's okay.


Mora-- Morag, do you think
that maybe you could, um,

just give us some more privacy?

Oh. [ Scoffs ] Yes, of course.

ARAPETA: It's open.

Kia ora.



[ Breathes heavily ]

I forgot to water the tomatoes.

I got up too fast. Stupid.

DAVID: Right. Well, let's just
take a look, eh?

How long ago did this happen?

ARAPETA: About an hour,
maybe two.

It's just a flare.

You know, my legs don't do
what I want them to.

All right, well, let's just
make sure that you haven't

done yourself a mischief, eh?

-All right? Okay?

All right.

Oh, ah...

Arapeta, koDaisy tenei.

-Daisy, Arapeta.

ARAPETA: You should have said
you were busy.

Hey, hey, hey.
Taihoa e kokoro. Taihoa.

Ooh, you know, you make
a beautiful woman like this wait

while you help me
off the floor?

That's very kind.

DAVID: If you don't let me
examine you,

I'm gonna keep her
waiting longer.

I tell you what, why don't I
go and water the tomatoes?

You just point the way.

Just out the front there.

Thanks, mate.

MORAG: Time for the wireless,
I think.

ANNOUNCER: On "Love Radio"...

ROWAN: Welcome to
Nights on Peak View FM...

Oh. I love this show.

ROWAN: ...with your host

right alongside you.

And in honor of tomorrow's
exclusive interview

with Griffin Galway,
a selection of love songs

dedicated to the one,
the only Hot Tractor Guy!

First up, "She Thinks
My Tractor's Sexy"...

Okay. Um...

So, Gus...

You've gone viral.

Yeah. I know.

No, even after I deleted
the post, it...

No, yeah. I-I know.


Mm, Trevor the greengrocer.

He made me sign his bananas.



Was that why you were
being weird this morning?

And then
later this morning...

and then just before?

I thought it was because
you were still ashamed of us.

Gus, no, not at all.
It just...

This is what it's gonna be like

when we go overseas,
when we go to events.

Everyone on the planet is just
gonna fall in love with you...

and you're gonna hate it.

I know.

But it's worth it,
if I get to be with you.

MORAG: [ Sobs ]

[ Sniffles ]

GUS: Morag?

-[ Sniffles ]
-Are you okay?

Sinus infection.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]

Do you think maybe
we should stop for the day?


We wanted to get this
finished before you go back.

You could wait for her
in the house.

Julian, I'm not waiting
for anybody.

Don't you care
she's dating a doctor?

It's a business meeting.


-I'm sorry.
-What for?

If I hadn't called Mum,
she wouldn't have come back,

and all this -- this wouldn't --

Jay, Jay, Jay.

Mum -- Mum coming back

gave us a chance to sort this
out properly, all right?

We -- We -- We wouldn't have
been able to do that

if it wasn't for you,
all right?

What about you and Daisy?

Daisy and I have both
been through a lot recently.

We're not about to

[Breathes deeply]
rush into anything.

All right?

It's beautiful, eh?

Mm. Really is.

Arapeta's wife was famous
for her tomatoes.

She used to win
the A&P show every year.


She died a couple
of years ago.

He really could use someone
living here with him now,

but he's too proud.


And he believes...

I should say sorry.

What for?

Avoiding our date.

Oh. Is that what this is?

[ Chuckles ]
Honestly, I don't know.

I'm not great at this.

Well, I'm normally
amazing at it.

♪ And nothing seems
to go our way ♪

Are you?

[ Knock on window ]

Hiakai hana korua?

He's saying,
"Are you hungry?" dear.

-[ Laughs ]
-Ka haere maua.

There's a picnic hamper
behind you with some kai

and a nice wine.

And there's a ridge
with a bloody great view

of nothing at all
minutes that way.

Go on.

Off you pop.

[ Laughs ] Thanks, Arapeta.

-DAVID: Kia ora, koro.
-Kia ora.

Kia ora, kia ora, kia ora.
[ Laughs ]

♪ Smile on your face ♪

♪ That's when you need ♪

♪ Someone ♪

♪ Someone that you ♪

♪ You can call ♪

♪ When all your faith ♪

♪ Is gone ♪

♪ And it feels like
you can't go on ♪

♪ Let it be me ♪

♪ Let it be me ♪

♪ If it's a friend
that you need ♪

What was it like,
growing up in France?

In our family, ah,
you do not grow up,

you are born fully formed.

I was picking at ,
tasting at .

You grew up without grapes.

Well, I, um...

No. It was not a question.

Who taught you to make wine
like this?

My father and...

his father before him.

There are nine generations of
Bidois men singing in this wine.

Expecting nothing
but the absolute best.

I can hear them
whispering in yours.

You've tasted it?

You are...raw, huh?

But with guidance...

you could be brilliant.

Your guidance?


Who says I want it?

Because I think
there is no one else

in this tiny little land
who really understands.

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]


You're back late.

[ Sighs ]
I went to see Philippe.


How was that?

He was really nice.

I bet he was.

It's cool, having family here.

Mm. I'm sure it is, Tippy.

But, um...
just don't forget

we're your --
we're your family too.

I'm -- I'm not going
to stop seeing him.

No, no.
I don't -- I don't mean that.

Have fun on your date.

No. Tippy, it's not a date.

Oh, for God's sake.

[ Sighs ]

♪ And it feels like
you can't go on ♪

[ Sighs ]

♪ Let it be me ♪

♪ Let it be me ♪

-[ Glass shatters ]
-Oh, God.

♪ If it's a friend
that you need ♪

-♪ Let it be me ♪
-[ Parking brake clicks ]

-♪ Let it be me ♪
-[ Conversing indistinctly ]

♪ Let it be me ♪

DAISY: [ Laughs ]

♪ Let it be me ♪

♪ If it's a friend
that you need ♪

♪ Let it be me ♪

♪ Let it be me ♪

♪ Let it be me ♪

[ Mid-tempo music plays ]