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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 02/06/23 08:38
by bunniefuu
Hey, sorry, mate, can you make me a coffee?

I'll give you some of my walking around money, okay?

- It's a gift.

- Miss you.

- I've got my period.

- Oh.

I can't let Vic see me like this.

Is your husband Vic? He picked me up from the airport yesterday.

He said you were nice.

If you had a wife, and things were a bit wobbly.

What would you do to-to fix that?

I prefer dudes.

You're really beautiful, Daisy.

Oh, shut up.

So your mum

Cheated on dad.

We were over a long time ago Louis.

And another one

Uh yeah, a bit Uh!

Tippy, look,

marketing is very

important for our brand.

Uh-uh, we just, we need to

build an online presence,

and you, you're part of that.

It's just I think I need a

little more warmth, okay?

So, so try smiling

with your eyes. Right?

Smize. Smize. Like this

Top Model? Tyra Banks? No?

All right, let's try something else.

This is a trick that my friend

Griffin taught me, so you look down

and when I tell you to, you look up

and it's like wow, bang. Okay?

Look down.

And look up.

And, big smile.

Okay, it's, you know

Oh, you look amazing.

Oh, there it is,

there it is, yes, wait, no.

Louis. Louis, get out of the shot.

Louis. Oh, for God's sake,

move. Oh, no

That's it, I'm gonna go and talk to him.

I'll be nice.

It's my wine.

It's half your wine.

Which we need.

I'll drink half of it then.

Louis, I have been trying

to give you space,

but you need to get back on

board now. Enough is enough.

Shame you didn't think

about my personal space

when you torpedoed my marriage.

I torpedoed your marriage?

- You are acting like a child.

- You're the child!

Oh, don't be stupid. Give it back.

- Give it to me, it's mine.

- For God's sake.

I am sorry your wife left you.

But you can't keep taking it out on us.

You you can't take it out on me.

Tell me, Daisy.

Have you ever been in love?

Of course I have, many times.

Oh! And-and with whom?

There was, ah, well, there was Chris

and David, and Peter,

and Chris, and Chris.

Three Chris'?

It's a common name.

And-and did you feel that you, you know?

Knew them?

I mean, really, really, knew them?

To their core?

Look, we have a vineyard that

we need to get in serious shape.

I have been working around the clock,

while you just keep moping around

and I am sick of it, Louis.

Just, get out of the tasting room.


And stop drinking the Stanley.



Oh, you're kidding me.


Hey, are you on your way out?

Yeah. Just about to meet the girls.

Oh, where you going?

Actually don't tell me!

No-no-no, do tell me.

You know, the usual school night vino.

Hey, how's Mordor?

Oh, you know, fine.

You don't sound fine. You okay?

Not really. It's hot.

And the marketing campaign's a disaster.

Louis' in the back of all my sh*ts,

looking like some homeless superhero.

And Tippy, she won't even smile,

I mean look down,

look up didn't even work.

And I'm boring myself

with all my whining.

- Sorry.

- No, no, no, don't be.

Hey, you want me to

come over there and tell

Louis to stop being such a muppet?

Yeah, well, more than

just about anything.

You know what? I better come over.

- Don't tease me. Really?

- Yeah, yep.

I'm gonna try

and get a flight for tomorrow.

Oh, my God, that would be

amazing. Oh, Griff?


Do you think I'm capable of love?

What kind of question is that?

I mean, you're one of the most

loving people I know.

Okay, Louis, time to get up.

It's disgusting in here.

You're existing like

a teenage boy. Gross.

Yeah, once I stayed in bed for nine days

and I grew a beard

and then I went to shave

and I found a spider living in there.

- God!

- Go shower.

What would Julian think, eh?

No. No, Tippy, you can't do that.

Hotter than Satan's armpit

in this bloody place.

Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

- She took my fan.

- I know.

I'll do your washing.

Go have a nice, cold shower.

Oh, God.

You've got to get it together.

You got people depending on you now.

You are not a spider, bearded derelict.

Ah! Look at you!

- Oh!

- Oh!

- Oh, so good to see ya.

- Missed you.

Why are they so loud?

- They're Australian.

- Everyone, everyone!

This is Griffin Galway,

my friend and co-conspirator.

- Ah, just call me Griff.

- This is Louis.

And, uh, and Gus, and Tippy.

Tippy. Like, ah, like tipsy, right?

That was good. Yeah, it's a good one.

So, so you're, you're the actor?

Yeah, yeah, that's right.

Oh, I've never met

like a real actor before.

Like I've seen Sam Neill,

like out and about kind of, sometimes,

but I've always wondered

what the premiers are like

and you know like, you get dressed up,

'cause I don't have a lot

of different clothes,

but he's a winemaker too.

He's, um, do you like wine?

Uh, yeah, actually, I-I love wine.

Really? Same.

Oh, we should get him, ah,

w-what do you like?

I mean we-we could get you

like a pinot gris or

Oh, I think it's a

little bit early, Gus.

Anyway, Griffin's here

until the showcase,

so there'll be plenty of

time to show him everything.

You know, I, I actually

know a thing or two

about, about the art of the stage.

Uh, no, I-I-I was an actor, once.

- Uh, he wasn't.

- Well, I was, actually.

'Cause I-I-I once played

Rosencrantz in-in Hamlet.

Um, and they said I was brilliant.

Who was that? Your parents?

So it was a school play?

No, it was, it was a good school. So.

Hmm Okay.

Well, I'm going to get Griff settled

and then we should all

get back to work, okay?

Because we are a team, aren't we? So

Go team!


Come on, I'll show you your room.

It's not much yet,

but we're getting there.

Oh. Home sweet home.


Oh, I've missed you.

Yeah, I miss you too.

Although, you know,

we do talk every day though.

Yeah, but I miss your person.

- You do?

- Oh, video chat's not the same.

No. Hey, so that's the

infamous Louis, huh?


He looks like a toothbrush.

Hey, meanwhile. Gus.

He fell out of the hot tree

and hit every branch

on the way down, didn't he?

- Yeah.

- Must be t*rture for you.

- Why?

- Ah, Gus is gay.

- What?

- Yeah, he's super gay.

He's gayer than the rhinestones

on Elton John's sunglasses.

- Oh, he's not.

- Au contraire.

Well, how did I miss that?

Maybe your gaydar needs

a little bit of a, tune-up.

Everything needs a bit of a tune up.

Well, I mean, this is

Yeah, okay, stop it.

Hey, come on, let's go get some lunch.

What do you think? Just like old times.

I'll put my straight mask on.

You can be my hot girlfriend?

- Yeah?

- Okay. I need to change.

Go, go, go.

Uh, oh. See you in an hour.

Hey, ah, a letter

arrived for your sister.

I don't have a sister, Gus.

I'm an only child.

So, uh, right, okay,

this is what's happened here.

So, uh, that, that's my name.

Louis, there and the S, is silent,

you know, it's a French, ah, thing,

it's not, it's not, it's, it's,

it's, it's not Louise.

Okay, that'll be it then, all right.

Yeah, Gus, can I just say, to you,

um, thank you, for this morning,

I really mean it.

I think I've been stuck

in the past a bit,

and I need to start

thinking about my future.

Or our future, here.

Thank you.

Oh. Um, I'm heading out with Griff.

We're, ah, we're going to have a meeting

about the marketing for Oakley.

Ah, what happened to

we're all gonna get to work?

I have been working, Louis.

Okay, Daisy.

Look, I know you've done everything

and I've done nothing, and

I just wanted to say, that,

I'm, I'm, I'm sorry

Ah, what was that?

I'm sorry I blamed you

for Simone leaving.

Well. Good.

Ah, did you, did you

know that Gus was gay?

Of course. Didn't you know?

Oh, yes, no, no, I knew.

- You didn't know.

- Yes, I did.

So should I come to this meeting

with you and Griffin?

No, no, no, you just report to Tippy.

I'll see you later.

I'm scared of Tippy.

Let me guess, Daisy sent you?

The trees need to be planted.

They're lined up on the driveway.

But this ground's bone dry,

it's full of rocks.

Dig a hole,

fill it with compost, plant the tree,

cart some water and water them.

It's a basic job, Louis,

and it needs to be done.

Tippy, do you think

I could have my fan back?

Do you think you deserve your fan back?


Okay, when he comes over,

do I know or not?

Oh. You absolutely do not know.

- Roger that.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- How great to see you.

Oh, it's great to be seen.

Ah, this is my best friend

from Sydney. Griffin

Galway. Yeah, I thought it was you.

- Big fan.

- Ah, thank you.

Griff's staying for a couple of weeks.

Great. I'll, ah,

I'll get you some menus.

Drinks? There's a lovely new pinot

just come in, I think you'll like.

Hmm, sounds perfect.

- Hmm. Very nice.

- Mmm.

Well, between Ben and Robert,

the broken-hearted builder,

you've been very busy.

Yeah, something about glass houses

and stones comes to mind.

No, darling, I'm just,

I'm, I'm happy for you.

Kicking ass, breaking hearts.

I think I've been a bit

hard on Louis, though.

- Don't you think?

- Oh.

I mean, he's exasperating

and he's a gigantic judgmental bore,

but I don't think I've been kind enough.

It's just that he's,

he just makes it so hard.

But I should probably be

a bit more patient with him.

Well, except that he blames me

for the whole thing,

but you know he's going

through a rough time, so.

- Are you done?

- Hmm?

Yeah. But I should talk

to him though, right?

For God


You big bloody waste of bloody time!


- What's Gus doing?

- What isn't he doing?

Can you stop? No, stop,

stop, stop, stop, stop.

Ah, Gus. Shouldn't you

be doing something else?

No, I'm just finishing

this, Tippy got Louis

to plant some trees but he's taken off.

What do you mean he's

taken off? Where is he?

Oh, he's sorry, my arse.

Ah, don't worry about Louis,

we got this under control.

Okay, I'm gonna help you

dig those holes.

No, no, you're not. We've gotta

go and do the photo-sh**t.

Oh, after the photos.

Do you know, I might have to k*ll him.

Well, I'll help you bury the body.

That's what friends are for. Right?

I'll be back.

Now, be the wine.

Oh, there it is.

Yeah. And up.


Oh, God!

Why are you doing another photo-sh**t?

I thought we got it yesterday?

Oh, yes, no, we did.

No, I'm just, um

I'm just trying to balance out the

gender representation.

Winding, you know,

the celebrity representation.

You know how Insta loves celebrities.


Um, do you know where Louis went?

Yep, and I quote, "Sod this,

I'm going to the pub."

I mean, she had me doing things

that simply can't be done.

Rowan, I mean, my hands

they're very nearly blistered.

You just need a tool

to break up the ground.

Did you try using a mattock?

Could I have another

one of those, please, Rowan?

Another beer for Willy.

Don't call me that.

You don't mind getting dirty, eh?

- I grew up on a farm.

- Same.

Really? Was that hard?

You know, with the gay thing?

Yeah. Nah, it was sweet.

Nobody really cares who you're

in bed with these days anyway.


So it must be like, hard to

meet people around here?

Hey, thanks for looking after my Daisy.

She's a good woman.

She has a lot of shoes.

She has a lot of shoes.

And that opens up

employment opportunities,

for immigrants, which is great,

but it also has an effect on

one's cultural and social identity.

Um, I mean, don't-don't,

don't you think?

- Aren't you that naked pom?

- Yeah.

I mean, nuclear power

is still the cleanest

form of mass-produced energy.

And when fusion becomes viable,

I mean, you know, it's going to be

an absolute game changer.

Um, I mean, don't, d-don't you think?

Yeah, nah, gotta go, bro.

Bye. God's sake.

You do know that fusion reactors

won't be commercially available

until 2050, right?

Um. Well might be sooner than that.

Not according to the ITER stats.

So you want to keep popping up

uranium based reactors until then?

Well, it's still the cleanest form

of mass produced energy.

Not counting the sun and the wind

Which only work when the sun is shining

and the wind is blowing.

If only we had some kind of

storage batteries Oh, wait!

I'm, uh, I-I'm Louis.

- Elise.

- Hello.

Daisy! I've got news.

Oh. You're pregnant?

No! I'm having a fertility ritual.

Uh, yay! Wh-wha-what is it?

Oh, it's a ritual to help

facilitate conception.

It's at ours. Will you come?

Oh, of course I will. When is it?

Tomorrow at lunchtime.

Can you let everybody else know?

Hilary says the more people the better.

Yes, I-I'll bring everyone.

I'll even make Louis come.

We need to collectively channel

our sexual psychic energy

as a group towards my womb.

I really think this'll work.

Oh, yeah, no. Is this the last one?

Wait. Is that Griffin Galway?

Yes. Yes, it is.

He's my bestie from Sydney.

Feel like I've got my old life back.

- Do you want to meet him?

- Oh, yes.

- Oh, no. No. Yes?

- Oh?

Oh, no, no, God, no.

Look at me, I'm a mess.

Ask him to come tomorrow.

- Okay.

- No, wait, no, don't do that.

Yes, yes, definitely ask him.

He'll be there.

Oh, wow.

Try that, you try it.

- I don't think I can do this.

- No, no, have fun.

- Well. All right, here we go.

- Here you go.

Um, Griff, can I steal you for a minute?

Yeah. Sure. Yeah.

Big cuts.

What are you doing?

I just thought we could sear the beef

with a little bit of garlic.

- With Gus?

- No. Just garlic.

I don't want things to get complicated.

I'm trying to pull a business together,

and the showcase is just

around the corner, and

Well, that's why I'm here, isn't it?

No, D Nothing's happening.

No, truly, it's, you

Look, you worry too much.

Okay, I've got the cure for you though.

I've booked us in

for a spa day tomorrow,

I was gonna surprise you in the morning.

You darling,

are in desperate need of a mani-pedi.

Come on, just do it, it'll be fun,

we'll be like Bonnie and Clyde or,

or, or, Sonny and Cher,

or Thelma and Louise.

I do need a break.

Now, you need some pampering, you know.

- Yeah, like the queen you are.

- Yeah.

Come on, come on,

your highness, let's go.

Christ, here I am,

living on the other side

of the, of the bloody world,

with an aspiring Nurse Ratched,

a-a human bloody Labrador,

and a, and a "Real Housewives

of Sydney,"

ah, and you think, my God,

has it come to this?

Come home with me.

You know what they say?

The best way to get over somebody is to

get under somebody else.

Or on top.

Oh, my God!

No, sorry, I got you. All right. Ooh.

Uh, what?


I'm sorry!



Is everything all right?

It's fine. I'm, I-I-I'm

s-s-sorry about that.

Um, it hasn't happened to me before.

You're very beautiful, and very funny

and very attractive and very smart.

Yeah, no, no, no, it's okay, I mean,

we've had a bit to drink and

No, I'm sorry.

Oh, no, you don't have to go, Louis.

- I'm sorry.

- No, no, no, just relax.

Thank you very much for a lovely time.



I've got a bone to pick with you.

God, it's like a sauna in here.

Well, Tippy got my fan.

Yes, well, good.

You don't deserve a fan.

You promised me

that you were gonna put in

some semblance of an effort, Louis.

Well, guess what?

I'm taking some time off tomorrow.

Well, uh, you had time off today.

I was at a meeting.

You couldn't even dig a hole before you

buggered off to the pub.

You said you were on board.

Be on board.



You don't want an-another glass?

Griff. You coming up?

- Goodnight.

- Yeah, night, Gus.



Uh, someone seems to have

planted all the trees.

Elves, maybe?

Griffin and Gus

finished it off yesterday.

Oh, wow.

Who's that?

Oh, Christ.

- Oh, hey.

- Hello.

I was wondering if we could have a talk?

Yes, yes, of course.

About last night. No hard feelings?

Elise, you're a wonderful woman

I sense a, uh, "but" coming

But I-I shouldn't have come back

to your house last night, um

I'm, I'm still in love with

Uh, I think Um, I'm sorry,

I'm just, I'm just not ready.

I think you should know

I'm a very patient woman.

You know where I live.


Bye. Great chats.

- What was that about?

- Oh, no.

She was just, um,

just dropping off the, uh, the, the

Uh, so, I've planted all the trees.

Umm, what should I do now?

Clean up.

Thank you.

Ah! Oh!



- Chin chin.

- Cheers.

- Let's go, princess.

- Oh, just like old times.


Thank you.

- Ooh!

- Oh!

Mmm. Hmm.

- Mmm.

- Hmm.

I know that face.

What have you done?

He kissed me first,

that's the God's honest truth.

Oh, Griff.

Seriously, flirting was one thing.

Gus doesn't strike me

as a wham-bam, thank you kind of man,

and you don't do relationships.

Oh, it was just a kiss, Daisy.

Oh you know when I said I missed you,

this-this wasn't what

I was referring to.

Sure it wasn't.

Does he even know that you're in the


No, I didn't tell him.

Just behave yourself.

So I've, ah, cleaned up the driveway.

Ooh, off to the pub again then?

No, I was wondering if there's

anything else you'd like me to do.

What's that? What you doing there?

I'm checking the grapes to

see how far off harvest is.

How do you know when it's time?

The beaume.

What's a bow-may?

The beaume is the measure of sugars.

I'll measure the sweetness

and the acidity and the TA.

Yeah, TA is

The TA is the titratable acid.

It tells you whether

the grapes are ripe,

and whether they are

going to keep ripening.

You take a ten ml sample of the juice

and titrate it with the concentration

0.1 of sodium hydroxide to a pH of 8.2.

And then you multiply the

amount of sodium hydroxide

used by 0.75 to get the measure

of titratable acid.

Does that make sense?


I-I thought you just

sort of tasted them,

and if they tasted okay,

then you were kind of good to go.

Yeah, I do that too.

No! Don't eat that!

We need it for the ceremony.

Put it back.

Where are they?

Nic said they were coming.

Daisy promised.

Should we get started?

Aah! Oh, I can't tell you

how much I've missed this.


Can we go window shopping after this?

And maybe have lunch?

I just, I don't want this day to end.

Oh, amen to that.

You know, I, uh, I spent

the weekends in the countryside

when I was a boy.

I'm sorry if this isn't

bringing back idyllic memories

of your childhood.

I hated it.

Nothing to do, never catching up

with my friends in the city,

and never making any in the country.

Seems like you made one last night.

That was a mistake.

You know you remind me of him.

Of who? Stanley.



Batshit crazy.

Stanley never really

got over Daisy's mum.

Some men just have to be

with that one woman, you know.

Nah, it's not all bad.

You get to drink yourself

into an early grave.

Great pep talk, Tippy.


Maybe they got held up.

Ha-have you called them?

She's not answering.

You did tell them it was today?

Yeah, of course.

Maybe something's happened?

Should we go round there?

Nic, I don't think they're coming.


Let's pack up.

It was a stupid idea anyway.

- Ah!

- Thank you.

Ah, ooh, yay!

- Daisy.

- Hey, Vic.

I have to say Oh, hello, I'm Vic.

I'm Griff, nice to meet you, mate.

- Nice to meet you, Griff.

- Yeah.

I have to say,

I thought we were friends.

Nic thought that we were

friends, we all thought

that we were, you know, friends.

What are you talking about?

Of course we're friends.

I mean, I'm not perfect either.

Far from it.

But I nearly ate the apple,

I nearly ate it. But I didn't.

But you

Do you know what?

I'm actually quite

There. I've said it.

Hope you had a nice time.

- That was interesting.

- Oh.

Oh, no, the fertility ceremony.

- The what now?

- Oh, it's, oh, Vic?

- Can I take the

- Ah, yeah, no, go. Go.

Could you follow that truck, please?

So this is my house.

Uh, this is my, um, my wardrobe.

I hang my clothes up in there.

These are my windows,

so kind of,

just so I can see everything.

My bed.

I sleep there.

I don't do one-night stands.

I'm here for more than one night.

I really like you.

Where have you been hiding?

South Island. New Zealand.

Oh, Nic.

I'm, I'm so sorry, I feel terrible.

It's just, I-I've got a lot

on my plate at the moment,

and I know that's no

excuse, but I just

- I totally forgot.

- It's fine!

It's, it's fine, it's totally fine.

I don't know why I thought

that this would work.

- I mean, nothing else has.

- Oh.

You were better off,

going shopping and having a nice time.

No, I get it!

He's a celebrity

and he's so much more

exciting than I am.

No, it's not that at all.

It's just that I've

I've missed him and my life so much

and I just, I got carried away.

- I'm sorry.

- These goats are a stupid idea.

The whole bloody thing

was a stupid idea.

No, please, please don't give up hope.

But sometimes hope hurts.

Do you know what?

We are going to do the fertility ritual

and it will work.

And your goats are unique,

and wonderful.

Just like you.

Now, I'm going to organize everyone,

you just need to show up. All right?



Daisy, look, Tippy's been

teaching me about blending.

Oh, um, Louis,

I need you to come with me.

We're going to Nic's fertility ritual.

It's extremely important to Nic and Vic.

Fertility? Oh, my God, Is this some

witchy, voodoo scheme of Hilary's?

What's your point?

Daisy, the only dark art

I'm currently interested in is red wine.

No kidding.

Daisy, I'm essentially a man of science.

All right? I'm not in the habit of

wafting around in the woods,

waving incense about,

hoping for the best.

Listen, this means something to them.

You, we have been really selfish lately.

I've let them down,

and you have let me down.

We're in this together and we're going.

So hurry up.


Off we go.

They're here.

No, don't.

Griffin Galway.

Yeah, just call me Griff.

- Daisy.

- Hmm?

I just want to apologize for my

outrageous outburst earlier today.

I admit I saw red and I

completely overreacted,

but sometimes my temper

gets the better of me.

That's-that's, no apology necessary.

Listen up.

I have instructions for you all.

This is a very important ritual

and I need you all to take it seriously

and call upon the

earth mother within you

to provide us with divine guidance.

Firstly, you must all get naked.

No, no, no, no, no, no, love.

I don't need to see

your meat and two veg.


You'll be wearing robes.

Commando style.

Hail to the powers of the elements.

I call forth the native hawk,

may you connect

with the celestial bodies

and bring us new life.

Take the apple and the banana.

Right. Ready?

Now chop them up

and place the combined

fruit into this bowl.

So basically we're making a fruit salad.

I call forth the power of the waters,

wash over us, and pass this

new light gently

into the waiting arms of this couple.

I call forth

the powers of the North Wind

and the spirit of the earth

and the cleansing power of

that which you bring to

the circle returns to you.

Now join hands.

As their friends, to visualize,

with love and joy

Stop it.

in this child's life.

The beauty of closeness.

The power of touch.

We ask the Gods and the Goddesses,

the spirits and the guides,

to bless this working

and so it is.

I feel like something's changed.

Oh, mate, I

I'm an actor, I've got

a lot of gigs coming up,

you know I live in Sydney and it's

I can't s I can't

just drop everything.

You're not out, are you?

Well, you should be.

I mean, it's awesome out here.

Yeah, you don't get it.

Look, I know it's gonna be hard

but it will be okay.

I mean, don't you just

want to be yourself?

Gus, I choose to be in the closet.

I mean, you say that

"people don't care and it

doesn't matter," but it does.

It does matter.

I mean, yeah, it might

not matter in some

tumbledown vineyard in

the arse end of nowhere,

but there's a shitload of

people in the world who,

who it matters to.

You know, millions of

people voted against

marriage equality in my own country.

I get it.


you're just scared.

And, and sometimes when you're scared,

you just need to jump off

anyway and then you realize

that it's not that scary.

Yeah, Gus, I'm not scared.

I'm not scared,

I'm putting my career first.

If I lose my audience,

I lose my life.


You get your life back.


That was an interesting day.

Yeah, I thought it was great.

I mean different.

I think we should be

open to new experiences, don't you?

Oh, yes. Absolutely.

Do you know I thought I was

going to lose it when you

made that comment about the fruit salad.

Well, what on earth was that all about?

What were we supposed to do? Eat it?

Well, fruits of the womb.

You know, she's as mad

as two cut snakes,

but I, I think she knows her stuff.

I think, I think we know our stuff.

Oh, we're learning, aren't we?


All right, Daisy, I admit it,

you've been right all along.

Oakley could be brilliant.

Wow. Never thought

I'd hear you say that.

Maybe I should take you to

fertility rituals more often.

No. I don't think so.

Still I mean, new, new life.

New experiences.

Nothing wrong with that, is there?


Well. To Oakley, my mutual sole heir.

To Oakley.

Oh, hey, do you want to join us?

Uh no, I'm exhausted,

I'm just gonna go to bed.

I'll see you two in the morning.

- Okay.

- All right.


I should, I should probably

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Night, Louis.

- Night, sleep well.

You like her.

- Who?

- Daisy.

Oh don't be ridiculous, Tippy.


Maybe you're not like Stanley after all.

Maybe there is more than

one woman for you.

Just be careful.

- Morning, sunshine.

- Griff.

What are you all dressed up for?

I have to go.

- Go where? What?

- Sydney.

Yeah, yeah, my US Agent called.

I got this big recall audition,

it's been put forward, so

Yeah, flight leaves

in a couple of hours.

I'm all packed up.

Yeah, but I mean, it's-it's exciting.

You're lying.

You can't lie to me, Griff,

what's happened?

Okay, you were right. Gus wants more.

Oh, geez

Oh, what, so you're just gonna

run off into the night?

Morning. Whatever. What?

Have you, have you, have you

told him you're leaving?

No but, I thought like,

could-could you?

Oh, Griff

I warned you not to get

involved with Gus.

This is my home now.

I-I-I live with these people.

They work for me.

And they're my friends.

- God, you always do this.

- Wait. Do what exactly?

You just come crashing

into people's lives,

you, you make a mess of

everything, you break

people's hearts and then

just bugger off again.

Oh, my God, you can talk,

I mean you've never been

in a meaningful relationship

in your life.

You've been engaged what?

Five? Five times.

D-don't turn this back on me,

we're not talking about me.

Okay, well, maybe, Daisy, we

should put that back on you,

I mean, I love you,

but God dammit, you're,

you're a hot mess, I mean,

you're so flaky, you can't

commit to anything.

Oh, really, well, I've committed

to Oakley, haven't I?

Yeah, but is Oakley gonna love you back?

Look, what I did to Gus, you've

done that before, you're gonna

do it to Ben, you'll probably

do it to poor Louis.

Louis? What's Louis got

to do with anything?

Come on, Daisy, open your eyes.

Louis is the last person on

earth that I would be with.

No, he, he's, he's infuriating

and he drinks too much,

and, and he's old.

Okay, you know what,

I'm not doing this I have to go.

Well, don't expect me to back

you on this because I won't.

No, don't worry. You've made

yourself perfectly clear.

- Morning.

- Good morning.

Oh, Jesus.