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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 02/06/23 08:37
by bunniefuu
I leave equal shares,

do with it what you will.


Of a vineyard in New Zealand.

You put what is true into your wine,

I put my truth in there,

that's the Stanley.

Who could have guessed

that they decide to have a go

at making the place work?

Oh, you've got to be part

of the showcase then.


The, behind the vines showcase,

it's a really big day

for the wineries around here.

She's now talking about separation.

- So what happened?

- An infidelity.

You made your bed.

I wondered whether J might like to

come out for his holidays.

Let me think about it.

Thank you.

Excuse me!

Can you tell me how long this will take?

Yeah, I'm-I'm in a bit of a hurry.

What's going on?

Is that nice?

Oh, for heavens

You could have bloody told me.


Hi, J., how are you?

It's good to see you.

Oh, no, no, no, don't get too close,

he's been vomiting on the plane.

Oh, no, how-how was the flight?

Oh, you know, 29 hours of stale air

with a sick child and no sleep.

Sorry about that.

I-I got you these,

sorry they're a bit broken.

- Oh. No. There we go.

- Um, so.

Actually, no, Julian,

you-you come, you come with me.

- There you go.

- Shall I?

You got that? Good.

Do you I've got Oh, okay.

We're going to be in

the Behind The Vines showcase?

Yep. I mean, what a way

to put Oakley on the map, huh?

Is that a map of Peak View

or a map of New Zealand?

Well, both, I guess.

It would be cool

if it was New Zealand, eh?

But it would also be fine

if it was just a map of Peak View.

You want to invite a bunch

of really important people here,

to Oakley and you wanna

showcase what, exactly?

Well, the Oakley spirit.

And some of the best sommeliers,

restaurateurs, journalists

and tour operators are coming here,

and we're gonna show them that we are

the little diamond in the rough.

Oh, well, hopefully not so rough

by the time we make

the place look jussy.

I think that means

look good, by the way.

Okay, so these are

the things that need doing.

A big tidy up, obviously.

Ah, we'll need to do landscaping,

oh, and we'll need to buy a fridge.

Plus organise a harvest.

Yes, that too.

Come on, Tippy, there won't be an Oakley

if we don't give

ourselves a chance to

- Get on a map. One of them.

- Exactly.

Well, I'm gonna fix the sign out front

'cause I've been thinking

about doing that for years.

Good. That's good. See?

I need to hang out

in the barrel room this morning.

Okay, well, you know,

we've got a few weeks, so.

Where's Robert the builder?

He could help with the renovations.

Um, well, we can't really

afford to pay him,

or, listen to any more poetry, so

So we've actually,

definitely been accepted

into the showcase, right?

Oh! Absolutely, definitely.

So, how do we get accepted

into the showcase?

That's easy. You apply to the

Federation of Wine growers.

Except it's not that easy,

no, you have to be accepted

by the board.

- And Marissa is the president.

- Oh.

Oh, go on, you can handle her.

She might put on

lots of airs and graces,

but, uh, she was nobody

until she got a leg over Don Silverton.

She grew up on an orchard,

did you know that?

Yep, before she was Marissa Silverton,

she was just plain old Rissy

from the fruit farm.

You know, once she told us

that our wines were interesting

to the point of being boring.

I don't think we made the grade

for the showcase,

but you did, didn't you, Hilary?

Well, Coven Wines is vegan,

biodynamic and lesbian.

So, ooh, we get

the token diversity vote.

Oh, it's your scarf. What do you think?

Oh, it looks fab.

Ferragamo would be proud.

And, um, Hilary, what have you, um,

what have you done there?

Oh, a little finessing.

A little creativity. A little fusion.

Right, so you've cut up a McCartney

and you've sewed it together

with a Westwood.

It's like some, ah,

it's like nothing I've ever seen before.

Love it.

A lot of understory air flow,

if you know what I mean?

Very healthy, isn't it?

And, Paige, Louis' son is

arriving from London

this afternoon, he's about

the same age as you,

I thought you might pop in

and say hello?

Awesome. I've been wanting to

try my revenge spell on someone.

Witchiness. Runs in the family.


Well, this is it.

Oh, it's lovely.

Must be nice to own something

with your name on it.

It is, actually.

It's great.

- This place is a dump.

- Julian!

It is at the moment, but we've got

big plans to fix it up.

Oh, it's got a lot of potential.

Oh, we bought you some things from home.

A couple of coats, your special scarf.

Oh, your telescope.

Oh, darling, thank you.

Reminds me of that time

I went into hospital

to have my appendix out.

You made me that care package, remember?

You brought me my phone charger

and my favourite ugly house socks.

That wasn't a care package.

Mum just wanted those socks

off the sitting room floor.

Yeah, well, all right,

it was still very caring.

Marissa, hi.

Oh, Daisy.

- How gorgeous to see you!

- Oh!

You too, um, I was wondering

if I could talk to you

about the upcoming showcase.

Good, yes, I wanted to talk to you too.


Oakley will, of course,

be included this year,

now that you're a gold medal winner.

No excuses, you must join us.

Oh, no, great, no excuses, we're in.

You're wonderful.

I just heard it was quite

difficult to get on the line up.

Oh, well, it's only difficult

for those vineyards

that don't, let's say, present,

as well as we do.

Oh, well, I know we need

to tidy the place up a bit,

but we do have very big plans.

Nonsense. Oakley's fine, it's charming.

Uh-uh, I wouldn't say it was charming.

Oh, no, you're being modest.

Oakley has nerve. You'll fit right in.

Right. So, what are we aiming for?

Is it kind of Opera House gala

or red-carpet premiere?

Anything goes, um, I'm think

with your sense of style,

and your experience you'll bring

a certain je ne sais quoito it.


And, um, this is the shed,

and there's Gus.

Gus, this is my wife Simone and Julian.

- Hi, Gus.

- Hiya.


So, Gus, w-what are you working on?

I'm looking for the letters.

Letters, they're probably in

Stanley's office, aren't they?

No, not those ones.

I'm, I'm looking for the "Y."

The, the "Y?" S-shouldn't you be

looking for the how?

No. Definitely the Y.

I think I should get going.

Could you drive me to the B and B?

I've still got Julian's vomit on me.

And this is my, my partner in wine.

- This is Daisy.

- Hello. Hello. Simone.

Welcome. Hello. Hello, Julian, hey.

Ah. I've just been to see Marissa.


- We're in the showcase.

- No.


Oh, sorry, she's our local first lady,

and the president of

the Federation of Winegrowers.

- Ah-ha.

- Mm, she's a smiling assassin.

You know the type,

she showers you in false praise

and then follows it up with a knife.

And then in case you saw through her,

she immediately backs it up

with a compliment?

Yes. Exactly.

Oh, you, you must be shattered.

- I am.

- Ah, Louis.

Ah, get this woman to her accommodation.

- She needs a shower and bed.

- Yep.

And I'll look after Julian.

Wow. She is good for you.

Dad'll be back soon, J.

So, ah

Hey, mate, do you wanna

come help me with something?

Nice to meet ya.

Oh, hello.

Hello, I'm Morag, the lady of the place.

Oh, pleased to meet you. Simone.

- I'm the husband.

- Ah. He's not staying.

Right. Well, let me just

point out a few things.

That's the fishpond.

It's off limits.

The door is locked at 8:45,

so you've got to be in before then.

Absolutely no cell phones

at the breakfast table,

and no fornicating.

Um, I'm sorry, what?

Oh, this is Douglas.

He won Best In Show

in the Duned in Dog Show, 2005.

I'm sorry, did-did you

just say no fornicating?

I did, uh, oh, there's cereal

and toast, one or the other,

no double dipping and the

same with tea and coffee,

you can have one or the other.

And for God's sake,

do not touch the television.

That's off limits.

- Anything else?

- No, that's it.

Sorry, excuse me, am I wrong or,

or are you running

a bed and breakfast here?

One of the best in Peak View.

It's actually the only one in Peak View.

Well, there you go then.

We've got the market cornered.

Have you read your

online reviews recently?

"Owner won't let guests

watch television.

"Creepy owner spies on guests.

Weird owner

confiscated our birth control."

Oh, I told them

there was no fornicating.

It's a fun place.

Where is this "Y?"

I don't know, mate.

We've also got an A hole

we need to deal with.

So let me know if you find an A.

- A hole?

- Hey, I caught that.


Who are you?

Julian. Who are you?

I'm Paige.

Pleased to meet you, Paige.

- You know, you've got an accent.

- Hmm.

So do you.

Let's go.

Is this that last year's Stanley?

No, this is a new wine.

It's called Back Paddocks.

Don't tell me, because all the grapes

are from the back paddocks?


I'm trying to find the right blend.

There's five small back paddocks,

and they all taste a bit different.

I thought all the grapes apart

from your special paddock

were sold to the Silvertons.

Yeah, they were, except what's

in those five barrels.




Oh, now that's an afternoon

tipple in a ski lodge

with, with cheese and terrine. Mmm!

Ooh, now that's an anniversary dinner,

with a Broadway show afterwards.

Oh, now see, now that is

an art gallery opening

with celebrities.

They're all really good, Tippy.

What do you want to make?

I just want to make something

Stan would be proud of.

You know, it's amazing what you find

when you're looking for something else.

Oh! Gus, I need you to go and

see this guy about a-a fridge.

Now, he wants 800,

but I need you to get him down to 400.

I can't.

- What do you mean?

- I don't haggle.

Ha-ha-ha. Of course you can

haggle. Everyone can haggle.

No, not me. I like being nice to people.

No, no, it's not about being mean.

It's, come on, look,

let's just try it, it's easy, okay?

So, I say I want 800 for the fridge.

- And you say No.

- Okay.

No, no, you say, no, I'll give you 200.

Two hundred?

Well, that's a rip off, the poor bugger.

Yeah, well, no, he's not

Yeah, but what if he, I don't know,

I don't know his life situation, Daisy.

Yeah, no, but it's not about being mean.

It's, oh, okay, well, you know,

just go back to doing

whatever you're doing.

And you, trust your instincts.

Oh, hi, excuse me,

I'm, I'm looking for Ben.

You're looking at him.

You're Ben?


I'm, um, I'm here about the fridge.


This is the, uh the fridge,

it's, um, it's got a few bumps and that,

but, uh, otherwise, she's perfect.

I can offer you 400.

Well, I'm asking eight.

That's a hefty discount.

- Five. Six.

- Seven. Six hundred and fifty.

- Six hundred and twenty-five.

- Six hundred and twenty-five.


Would you like a drink?

Oh, um, I don't know.

Come on. One drink.

You're new to town

and I like to think

I'm a good neighbour.

Well, I guess I wouldn't want

to ruin your opinion

of yourself, now, would I?

So, how long have you owned this place?

I bought it about seven

years ago, did it up.

And here I am still here.

That's very entrepreneurial of you.

Well, if that impresses you,

uh, you should also know

that I have two restaurants in Auckland

and a couple of others around the place.

So why are you working behind the bar?

You must have way more

important things to do.

Sure. But I have managers

in all my establishments.

And, um, well, I like talking

to my customers, like you.

And why is that?

Because you never know

who you're going to meet

and where it might lead you.


What's going on here?

We're just building a fire.

A fire? Are you cold?

Warmth isn't a fire's

only purpose, you know.

Paige is making a cleansing spell,

to get rid of my jetlag.

Is she? Ah, J, it's getting pretty late.

How do you feel about pizzas

and a DVD for your first night?

Um, I'm actually pretty keen

just to hang here.

Is that okay?

Can we do pizza another night?

Yep, uh, whatever, whatever you like.

Uh, you be careful with those.

Anyway, that's the goal,

to get into the Behind The Vines

showcase in four weeks.

I think we can do it.

Of course you can do it.

It might be a bit tricky

with Marissa, that's all.

- No one says "no" to Marissa?

- Mm.

Oh, God, tell me about it.

I mean, that woman

could ice over the Sahara

with just one look.

Oh. Sorry, have I said the wrong thing?


Hi, I'm Ben Silverton.

Oh great.

No, they're great people,

Don and Marissa's,

you know, they're I love them.

If I keep giving you

the silent treatment,

will you give me your number?



And how was your night?

What have you been up to?

Uh, oh, well, I, um

I brought a fridge.

- Oh!

- Oh, how's Simone?

Ah, I would say dispassionate.

Ah! Well, you know.

She's, she's jetlagged

and she has been through

a tough time lately.


Ah, Daisy, look,

I don't normally do this,

but I need some advice.

Oh, well, I know a good shrink.

No, I meant you.

Oh, wonders will never cease.

Look, I-I-I-I need to,

I need to win Simone back, right.

Now how-how do I do that?

I need some big romantic gesture.

I mean, I mean you're a, you're a woman,

how do, how do woman think?

I mean, you're not a normal woman,

Simone's a normal woman,

but you're both still women.

I mean, you're kind of strange

and consumerist, but

Do you want my advice

or do you want me to slap you?


Yes, I'm a woman,

and yes, I do know women,

and no, you don't need

a big romantic gesture.

You're just gonna have

to give her time, Louis.

That's if you can repair it at all.

I don't have time.

Well, you need to give her time.

Well, I've got to do something.

If it's not a

big romantic gesture then what?

Ah just tell her

how you feel about her.

That's all women ever really want.

- Is that it?

- Mmm, yep, that's it.





How was your first night at the B and B?

Ah, like, living in a nunnery.


How was your night?

Ah, oh, it was, um, interesting.

Interesting? Interesting good?

Well, I met someone.

Someone? As in a male someone?


Oh, God, I'm in trouble.

I mean, he's gorgeous, he's young-ish.

But he's Marissa's son.

- Marris?

- The smiling assassin?

- Oh!

- Oh, don't, it's not fair.

I never sleep with the enemy,

or the enemy's son.

It's my number one rule.

Well, that and married men.

I have two number one rules.

Oh, shit, sorry,

that was really insensitive.

No, it's fine.

Things must be a bit difficult

with you and Louis.

Really, it's fine.

I'd rather hear about your escapades.

Hmm. Well, come back to our

place for a coffee then.

Lead on.

Here they come.

Morning, ladies.

What have you been up to?

- Morning.

- Ah, just jogging.

- Give that back.

- Na, ah.

No, kids, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no.

Bye, mum. Bye, dad.

What's going on? What's going on?

Hey, hey, come back, you two.

Now, J., we've got

big plans today, all right?

We're all gonna pitch in

and make the vineyard

look really good,

it's gonna be great fun.

Doesn't sound fun.

It's gonna be great fun, I promise you.

- Go on, off you go.

- Okay, yeah, whatever.

I'll-I'll come

and find you later, all right?

Do you, do you want to

spend the day with us?

Ah, actually, I have plans,

but you have fun with Julian.

But you and I don't have to help,

we can go and do something else.

No, no, it's okay, um,

I'm actually going to get a rental

and go for a bit of a drive.


You have fun, whatever you do.


How's that coffee?

What are you doing?

Just checking the hydraulic fluid.

This is Julian.

Welcome, my brother.

So how are you dealing

with your parents break up?

We should go fishing.

It's good to have a bit of solitude,

after the tough time

you've been through.

Actually, I was gonna go quartz hunting

for some crystal grids I'm gonna

make later. Wanna help?

Men like to stick together, Paige.

I've got a spell for good

riddance I could put on you.

We both know that I'm gonna be

more Julian's mate than you.

Okay, guys, come on,

we've got a lot to do today.

Rowan, thanks for coming.

Well, you're paying me, so.

Yep, that's true, I am.

- So, uh, Daisy?

- Yes.

What are we, what are we doing?

Well, we're, uh,

we're doing a-a working bee.

One of those.

Come have a look.

Ah, excuse me?

What do you mean, you haven't

got any protective clothing?

You're wearing a boiler suit.

Well, my fellow workers aren't.

There's some things you guys need to

learn about child labour laws

in this country.

Child labour? Oh, don't be ridiculous.

Are you, or are you not conducting

a money-making enterprise here?

We will be downing tools

so we can discuss

our employment conditions

with our union representative.

Oh, yeah? And who might that be?

- Me.

- What a surprise!

Oye, what's that?


Your turn.

Have fun.

Who is responsible for this?

I am. It was me.

Group effort, really.

I was drunk. I did it.

You were drunk?

Julian, I don't even know

what to say to that.

Do you children have any idea

what's happened here?

Looks like a busted wine barrel to me.

Yes, Rowan, a busted wine barrel

worth thousands of pounds.

You two, go home tell your parents

if they even exist,

that you are in big trouble.

Julian, I'm extremely disappointed

and I'm very, very unimpressed,

go to your room!

I'm sorry.

You two, just, just, just go home.

Just go home.

I just didn't want to

choose a punishment

without you here too.

Well, I wasn't expecting

the underage drinking talk

quite so early.

But here we are.

Yes, here we are. I'll follow your lead.

He's run away.

- What?

- Heading out west.

W-west, which way is west?

- I have no idea where I am.

- Sim, he can't have got far.

All right, don't worry I'll find him.


Hi, J.

You had me and mum worried.

Come on, mate, get in the car.

- No.

- It's not safe out here.

I don't appear to be in any danger.

Julian, get in the car!

I'll give you money

if you get in the car.

So how bad is it, really?

It's all good.

But you can, you can still make

the Back Paddocks, right?

You know, can't call it back paddocks

without a bit from

all the back paddocks.

Oh, well, then,

just call it something else.

Maybe I can help.

No, Daisy, you can't help.

It's going to be shit anyway

and this just confirms it.

No, well, uh, what I tasted

earlier was great, Tippy.

Was it as great as "The Stanley?"

Everyone loves "The Stanley"

and now I'll never make

anything as good.

Yes, you will.

I would drink any of those

wines happily.

Maybe I should just call it

"The Broken Barrel."

Maybe you should.

Hey, is that shirt?

It was Stanley's.

J., what's going on?

You know you can tell me, all right?

I'm stupid, okay? Think of me

as your stupid father.

You are stupid, you promise to spend

more time with us and you don't.

You say you love us more than

anything in the world

and then you just work and work.

Now mum's dating some weird guy

that thinks art is sticking

one piece of shit

on top of another piece of shit.

Julian, language, please.

Look, I know I messed up.

But that doesn't mean that never

meant that you and mum aren't

the most important things

in the world to me.

Can't you just fix it?

I'm trying.

I really am.

Will this bloody guy

ever turn the sign to go?

- Oh!

- Here he is!

You're all right?

Oh, thank you!


Oh, God, thank you, thank you,

guys, thank you.

Thank you for searching. Thank you, Vic.

Well, Julian's back! Yay!

So, I'm just going to go get changed

and hang out for a bit.

Where are you off to?

Oh. Oh, just down to the church.

Oh, we'll come too.

Yes, ladies' lunch, wine time.

Oh, God, well, then count me in.

Oh, no, no, no, it was just,

just doing a boring thing

about a fridge.

I wasn't going to stay long.

Well, now you are.

We'll make it un-boring,

you go get changed.

Oh, Simone, I heard that

you were a gallery owner

which is really interesting

because I'm an artist.

I make sculptures that represent

the deep, spiritual

wasteland of my womb.

I'd love to show you.

I'd be delighted.

Sim, Sim, why don't you stay here?

Oh, well, we can talk later.


You know what they say,

"Never get in the way

of girl time."


I've got to say I find your work

incredibly interesting, Vic.

However, we don't often get requests

for phallic, naive folk art.

Oh, my God.

You think my, my work is naive.

It's literally the nicest thing

anyone's ever said to me.


- So.

- So.

You're quite the texter.

As are you.

Listen, Ben, I'm, I'm new around here.

Oh, yes, you are.

And I-I really, I don't want

to ruffle any feathers.

Shimmering Lake, and your mother

are our competition and

I just think maybe it's, it's better

that we quit while we're ahead.

Hey. Uh, hang on.

Uh, we haven't even started.

Yeah, and I-I just don't think

we should.

I like you.

I don't care what my mother thinks.

Is little mate in bed?

Yeah. Fast asleep.

I think the jet lag

is finally caught up with him.


I-I need your advice.


If you had a wife or a girlfriend

and things were a bit wobbly

between you,

uh, w-w-what would you do to-to fix that

if if it was your fault?

I don't know how to answer that.

Never had that situation?

I prefer dudes.

Dude? Oh, oh, oh, dudes.

Oh, Gus, right.

Um, well, what would you do

if it was a dude?

Well you get them like

a present and a surprise

because then it's like a double whammy.

Gus, you're a genius.

I I need the kitchen.

- Out! Out!

- What? What?

Gus, don't stand in the way of love!

- I'm still cooking.

- Have an apple.

- I don't want an apple.

- Gus.

Thank you.


You should, um, come over tonight.

I'll be home in a few hours.

I don't think so.


It can, uh

be our secret.

I better go.

Hey. Tell me you'll come.


The anticipation.

Morag, good evening.

- Uh

- No, it's well before 8:45.

There's no transgression

occurring here whatsoever.

- Fear not.

- Oh, my God.

Well, amazingly, there are no rules

for the front garden, Morag,

so you can't institute any now.

Excuse me.

- But

- Thank you.

Louis, what are you doing here?

Shush. Come.

I want to show you something.

I know that I neglected you

and I know that you

needed affection from me

and why you tried to

find it somewhere else.

I mean, God knows

I regret every single day.

I want to be a good husband to you.

And I want to be

a good father to Julian.

I need to tell you something

Remember when I proposed to you?

And I made a Baked Alaska.

And I put the ring inside.

And yeah, it was horrendous,

it tasted absolutely horrible

but you still said yes.

Well, I think sometimes things can be


like a Baked Alaska.

And like, like us.

No, Louis.

I-I've hit the-the wall, I'm-I'm tired.

I'm sorry, um, can we just

not do this tonight?

- W-we'll talk later.

- All right, Sim.

Sim, just-just do one thing,

come downstairs,

just have something to eat.

I won't talk about us.

No, I'm tired, please, just go.

Oh, damn it.

Whiskey, please, make it a double.

Make it a triple. On me.

Don, I didn't expect to see you in here.

A home away from home.

You want to join me?


You know, if I had any intuition

and I don't

I say you have something on your mind.

Drink up, my friend.

Women don't know what they want

but they respect a strong man.

You never, never take "no"

for an answer.

Do you hear me? No, no, no, no, nos.

I thought nobody says no to Marissa?

Oh, that is not exactly true, my friend.

I-I say "n-no" to her all the time.

Yes, love?

Oh, yeah, yes.

Yeah, yeah, yes.

Yes, whatever you say, love.

I'll wait outside.

I got to go.

Remind me, I've got to

buy some milk.

I will.

Remember to buy milk.

Oh, yeah.

Uh, two litres of milk, please.


All right.



Darling, come, come down and talk to me.

Louis, go home!

Mr. Oakley, what on earth

do you think you're doing?

I'm going to sing to my wife.

Don't you dare!

No, no, I

You could've called,

I have a mobile phone.

Darling, you're brilliant

and clever and beautiful.

No, I'm going to answer it.

Mr. Oakley! I will have you know

that I value propriety above all else

and you seem to have lost

all sense of yours

Oh, shut up, you stupid old trout.

I'm going to call my wife.

- Go home!

- Darling.

Mrs. Oakley, could you please

get rid of your husband?

She's not answering. Darling?

I'm going to call you back.

Well, I'm just going to have a piss.

Good Lord, he's entirely inebriated.

Oh, my God, he's pissing in my pot.

That pot is off limits.

Right, that's it, I'm going

to call the police

No, I'm dealing with it. Louis!

- Hello, darling.

- I'm calling you a taxi.

No, I don't want, I don't do taxis.

I don't like them.

No Oh, God, Louis!

Oh, God, it's all right, I'm okay.

I just Argh!

- No!

- That was

- God!

- What have you done, Louis?

Don't be so angry, Morag.

There'll be no fornicating.

No fornicating, whatsoever.

Just leave!

Argh! Come on, boy, let's go walking.


- Walking

- I am so sorry.

There's a good doggy.

Oh, you stupid

You stupid bastard.

Oh you are kidding me.

You shall not pass!

Ugh, really?


Can I tell you something, Daisy?

Uh, well, I have no choice, do I?

You know these signs,

they've got nothing to do

with safety, it's all about power.

- I made you stop.

- Yes, you did.

- Give me that.

- No, that's my sign.

Okay, come on, I'll take

you home. Get in the car.

Must pick up hitch hikers

or turkeys die.

Yes, yes, get in the car.

You know, Louis, of all your faults,

and there are many, getting blind drunk

when your family is in town

is probably your most impressive.

I mean, for a guy who wants to

make up for cheating on his wife

you are doing a really shit job.

- You're really beautiful, Daisy.

- Oh, shut up.

You've done enough damage

to your family already.

Not as beautiful as Simone though.

Daisy, do you think Simone

will come back to me?

Do you think we'll get back together?

Why would she come all the way

to-to New Zealand

if she wasn't going to come back to me?

It makes sense, I think she

We'll get back together.

You're a bit of a dickhead, aren't you?

Is dad okay?

Yeah, he'll be fine.

I'm sorry you missed your booty call.


I heard your music playing

and your hair dryer.


Mum always plays music

and washes her hair

before she goes out with Horst.

Um, who's Horst?

Her boyfriend now.

He's the reason why

mum and dad split up.

Oh, so, so, your mum

Cheated on dad. Yeah.

I'm sorry.

You're very lucky

I didn't call the police.

Or animal welfare.

I'm sorry.

I just got evicted

from my bed and breakfast.

First time for everything, I guess.

I heard.

Husbands, honestly.

Everything okay?

Well, it's none of my business.

- But

- Uh-hmm.

Why are you stringing him along?

He thinks you're here

to save the marriage.

I know.

You've got no intention

of saving the marriage.

How do you know?

Julian told me.

You haven't asked for it,

but can I give you some advice?


He's really hurting.

If you don't want him back

then just tell him.

You know, I am going to

give up the booze.

I mean, I've got to.

I'm an idiot.

I, I promise I will do better.


I'm in love with Horst.

Don't, don't say, don't say that.

Don't say in

In love, you're not, i-it's

You said it was a fling.

It's more than that.

I've been trying to

work out how to tell you

but I, I didn't want to hurt you.

Well, so, why, what Why hurt me now?

Daisy said I should just tell you.

Daisy, I don't, I can care less

what Daisy says.

Well, I should tell you

before you get too hopeful.

We were over a long time ago, Louis.

You all right?



Anything I can do?

Yeah, Daisy, you can shut up.

You spoke with Simone, didn't you?

Well, yes, you did talk to her

because she told me

that you did.

And you told her to split up with me.

So, you know, thank you.

Thanks very much, Daisy.

You know, I was very happy

the two of you were getting on.

But look where that's got me.

Christ. Women and their

f*cking conversations.

So next time you want to give

some advice to somebody,

just, just keep quiet.

Daisy, I-I would.

So, you know, could you just

leave actually, Daisy?

Thank you, thank you.