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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 02/06/23 08:34
by bunniefuu
Daisy. He's too young.

-Did you?

And a man
was arrested last night

for indecent exposure as he

ran naked through
Piccadilly Circus.

Oh, Christ.

Your credit card,
it's been declined.


Stanley, he's dead.


Of a vineyard in New Zealand?

-I'm Stanley's nephew.

I leave equal shares,
do with it what you will.

- Money?
- Not as such.

It's the property, plus
two workers, Tippy and Gus.

This vineyard of Stan's,

Wanda thinks I should
offer to buy it off you.

We can't take the first offer.

We're not vintners
for God's sake.

Now I'm signing the offer.

The gold medal goes to

The Stanley A.T. Reserve
by Oakley Wines.

What? Oh!

I'm not selling. I'm staying.

You bloody idiot.
You can't do this?

I just did.

Well, now I'm gonna get
the legal ball rolling.

She can't just refuse to
hand over my part of the asset,

and then I'll be, on a plane.

Ah, don't you just
want to take some time out?

Sort yourself out.

As soon as I'm allowed
to practice again,

I'll take some time off.



It's about Edward.

Well, what about Edward?
He-he's gone to the Law Society.

He went
to the Bahamas.

He's not gonna recant
his testimony, Louis.

He's not coming back to the UK.


You're not going
to practice law again.

Take some time, Louis.

♪ Let it breathe if it doesn't
breathe it's gonna die ♪

♪ Let us see if you let it be
is it gonna fly? ♪

♪ Set it free and if it leaves
we say goodbye ♪

♪ Web we weave and then
we grieve and then we cry ♪

♪ I wanna tell you
before I forget ♪

♪ Despite the darkness
some of these days ♪

♪ Wintergreen I can't
outshine your radiance ♪

♪ Wintergreen I love you more
than anything ♪

♪ Wintergreen despite the
darkness some of these days ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪♪

Ah, these two?

Yep, those ones, thank you.

At least she's trying, I guess.

Yeah. Respect.

If we don't get him
on side though, we're cooked.

He's still got
one foot out the door.

Well, at least he can't shut the
door when your foot is in it.


Do you want me to get you
some old work boots?

Oh, no, no, um...

Well actually,
I might go and change

into something
a bit more appropriate.

Woo, hoo, hoo.


I tell you what,
I am gonna save a fortune

on gym memberships.

I'm glad to hear it,
you wouldn't have been

able to afford them anyway.

These are the vineyard
accounts, Daisy.

In professional vernacular,
we are absolutely stuffed.

Oh, well, that's
very professional.

Well, look, you wanted to stay.

It was either that,
or sell up and head home

a little wiser and a lot richer.

I know what you're doing

and I won't be manipulated,
Mr. Glass half empty.

Daisy, the glass
is not half empty.

The glass, is completely dry.

Well, okay, so
we'll just go to the bank

and ask for some money,
it's easy.

My God, can I just explain
to you how banks actually work?

Don't you dare try
and banksplain to me.

Daisy, I am not gonna
sit back and let you--

Actually, yes you are.

You are going to sit back
like your partner Edward

is sitting back right now,

in the sun, on a beach,
in the Bahamas.

It's amazing what you can
find out on Detective Google.

Look, I know you have
no job to go back to, Louis.

So just, back up
the negativity bus, alright?

Hello, Stanley.

God! Jesus Christ.

Are you having a heart attack?

You've got to stop
creeping up on me.

I didn't creep,
I was making heaps of noise.

Maybe your hearing is going,
it happens to old people.

I beg your--
How old do you think I am?

I don't know. Old.

I'll take my wine now
if you don't mind?

Actually, I do.

And this is the Silvertons?

Well, it's not bad, I mean,

it's not The Stanley,
but it's not bad.

It's a capable wine. It does
what it says on the label.

It's amazing that
two wines from grapes

grown only a few miles apart

can taste
so completely different.

You put what is true
into your wine.

I put my truth in there.

Everything I know
to be true about life,

the universe
and everything in between.

It all goes into the bottle.

It's a small bottle
to hold all that.

That's the beauty of it.


What can we get for it?

The whole lot, minus a couple
of cases for personal use?

Well, you can't sell it
all at once.

Well, I don't think
we have a choice.

If we're gonna
make this thing work

we need at least
some of the wine.

To sell, to put in to
other shows for tastings.

This is our number one asset.

Tippy, we are not going to

make this thing work.

This-this is not my life,

this is not Daisy's life,

she can swan around playing

Farmer Jane all she likes,

but sooner or later she's gonna

have to sell.

I mean, it is inevitable.

The accent tricked me.

Reminded me of Stanley,
but you're not him.

You're a long way off being him.

You're right. I'm not him.

I would never have let this
place turn into such a disaster.

Wine won't save us, Tippy.
Money will save us.

And we haven't got it.

♪ This evening what you
dreaming? ♪

♪ With my head in the cloud ♪

♪ Call this evening
then you leave me ♪

♪ Turn me upside down ♪


♪ Call me crazy call me goofy
call me luxie ♪

♪ Baby it's all true ♪

♪ I love you so wild ♪

♪ I love you and I hate you ♪

♪ They don't know how to
make a woman smile ♪♪

Special delivery
for Daisy Munroe.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, who's that?

Oh, that's Robert.
He was hitch-hiking.

-Law of the land.

The unwritten rule
of the country.

You have to pick up locals
you see hitch hiking.

Locals? What about tourists?

Nah, no one picks them up.

Oh. Come to mama, pretty things.

Ah, would you mind helping me
inside with this stuff?

Yeah, sure thing.

Ah, what fresh hell is this?

Hmm? Oh, it's my stuff
from Sydney.

Daisy, did you not hear
a word I said last night

about tightening our belts?

My friend Griffin kindly
paid to send this over,

so no belts were harmed
in the process.

-Are your parents not with you?
-They're helping birth a goat.

Oh, how delightful.

Why are you dressed up?
Where are you going?

I've got business to attend to.

Oh. Oh my, the Chanels.

Oh, thank God, I was so
worried about the Chanels.

Ah. Pfft!


What are you doing there?

-Treasure map.

Right. Where's the treasure?

Um, out there somewhere.

I must say it's
refreshing to see

a child that's not
on some device.

It's school holidays, why
would I spend it on a computer?

-Is your grandmother here?

She's out back.

-Thank you.
-See ya.

-Hello, Hilary?
-I'm in here.

What can I do for you?

Well, ah.

Just looking for some advice.

Really. Um...

It's about property prices
and uh...

-Always happy to help.

And the, uh,
the value of the, um...

breast, um, equipment.

You have my full attention.

Oh, sorry.


Follow me.

So you're holding on
to the winery now, are you?

News travels fast around here.


What can I do for you?

Oh, just the basics.

Really, realistically how much
is the land worth,

what conceivably
can I get for the wine,

what's the monetary value
of the award we won.

Little bit to unpick there.

Tell you what,
I might have a few books

that could help you out.

Oh get books, marvellous, great.

Mmm, lets have a look.

You do know that the real value
in Oakley isn't in the land?

It's how you use
the assets of that land.

Your soil, your vines,
your staff.

Oh, no, a winery isn't
just about land.

It's about potential.

I don't plan to keep it long
enough to realize any potential.

Well, all you need now is
Osmond's book of Vine Management

and you'll enjoy this one,
it's all facts and figures.



Cast your eyes over that.

Thank you.

You alright, Louis?

You're looking a
little bit pale.

Oh, no, I'm fine.

Thank you, Hilary.

It's just so interesting
how exactly the same grape

can produce such different
characteristics in-in the wine.

I mean, it-it's all about
what they call the terroir,

it's about the sense of place
where the grapes were grown,

it's the sun, it's the soil,
it's everything.

It's why a Pinot
from New Zealand

will taste totally different
to one from Burgundy.

It's nice to see you
enthusiastic about something.

Thanks, Sim.

So, um...

I was thinking,
I-I met this kid today

and she was just sitting there
drawing a-a treasure map.

And, started realizing what
a great place this is for kids

and I-and I wondered
whether J might like to...

come out for his holidays.

Maybe you could bring him.

Let me think about it.

-Okay, okay.
-I'm not making any promises.

No, no, no, no. I understand.

I'll get J to call you
when he gets up.

Thanks, Sim, thank you.

Oh, yes.


So, this is what
you've been doing all day.

Ah, no, actually.

I've helped Tippy with the back
paddock irrigation lines.

Yes, I have done some unpacking.

And I've been picking out
a dress to wear to the bank

when I go and ask for a loan.

I've narrowed down
to these three,

and maybe this one or something.

Good. Now, um, about the bank.

You're not stopping me, Louis.

No, I'm not
stopping you.

I'm going with you.



Do you even know what you're

gonna ask them for?


Daisy, I'm serious.


What do you want from them?

A loan.

-Not a loan?

I mean, have you ever
actually applied for a loan?

Yes. I've had a platinum
American Express card.

It's easy.

Or should we just
ask for a mortgage?

Daisy, we can't service
a mortgage,

we can't service anything.

There you go,
Mr. Glass Half-empty.

But what we can do is apply
for a line of credit.

We've got to find out exactly
how much this place is worth,

how much we're gonna need
to get us through harvest

and bottling a vintage, we've
got to get quotes on repairs.

Well, I-I... I can
take care of quotes,

but are you getting on board?

Well, let's just say
I've seen the potential

in a going concern.

So we're going in
as a team then?

As mutual sole heirs.

Well, I can live with that.

Well, well, well.

You do exist. Somewhere.

Good day, mate.

See the only thing I don't
understand about New Zealand

is why you would live
anywhere else.

Am I right?

Well, yes, it's um...
very impressive.

I gazed and gazed,
but little thought, what wealth

the show to me had brought.

Is that Wordsworth?

He's brilliant, don't you think?

Sorry, um, who are you?

Oh, ah, I'm Robert.
The, uh, the builder.

Ah, right.

Robert, the builder.


Does anyone ever call you...Bob?




Hello, beautiful.

Look at you.
I'm just admiring your view.

Mmm, it's very rugged.

What? Time for a shower.
Nice to meet ya.

Oh, look at you.

Um, excuse me,
what-what was that?

I said I'd get a quote
on repairs,

and Robert was available, so.

Oh, and he fixed the shower.
I feel like a new woman.

How's this?

Oh, perfect.

For a cocktail party,
not for a bank manager.

We need serious clothes Daisy,
with serious intent.

- It's a $2,000 Poochie.
- $2,000?

Well your suit's Saville Row,
so you're a fine one to judge.

My suit says authority, your
dress says Espresso Martini.

Well, they both say we used to
have a much better social life.

But fine, I'll find something
a bit more businessey.

Kia ora.

Oh, hi.

Daisy, you look like a flower
on a summer's day.

Thank you, Vic.

But not too hotter day,
otherwise then you'd be wilting.

Anyway, I'm on my way
to see Don and Marissa

and I just wanted to check,
no worries either way,

are you two still...

absolutely sure about
turning down their offer?

Oh, absolutely,
we are not selling.

In fact, we are going to apply
for a line of credit.

Neat, excellent. Totally thought
that was the case.

Just checking all the things
that need to be checked,

ticking the boxes,
sussing out all the scenarios.

It's just that--

Just what?

We have a saying around here.

No one says no to Marissa.

Not the best result I know.

Still nothing ventured,
nothing gained.

Even though in this case you
haven't gained anything at all.

Um, there's no denying
I put the work in.

To be perfectly transparent with
you, son, the only reason

we employed you was because we
thought this was a done deal

that frankly,
a monkey could broker.

And our usual
solicitor was on holiday.

-I see.
-But don't worry Vic.

You're still going to be paid.

Well, that's great,
that's great.

I mean, who could have
guessed that they'd decide

to have a go
at making the place work.

Have they?

Oh, fools rush in
where angels fear to tread.

Fools is a bit harsh, Don.

We all know how hard it is to...

make a vineyard work
and we'll be there

to help them pick up the pieces,
should it all go wrong.

Oh, yeah, they're really
making a go over.

They are off to the bank
for a line of credit.

I mean, don't worry,
I mean, they're not gonna

fix the place up,
then sell it to anyone else.

I mean, I am sure that
if they were

gonna sell it,
that they would love to--

Son, I think you should

just stop talking now.

Good, oh.

Well, I figure if we're
gonna talk to the local bank,

I-I need to think like a local.

That's really clever.

Um, how are you gonna do that?

-Well, I thought I'd ask you.

What are the dos and don'ts
of the community?

Oh, it's pretty usual stuff.

Just the stealing and m*rder
are generally frowned upon.

No livestock in the
library though,

that one's a bit
more flexible to be honest.

You must always pick up
local hitch hikers.

Oh, yes, yes, well
I picked up one last night.

Oh, good.

So, what could you tell me
about the bank manager?

Mr. Talbot, oh, he's a
pretty straight

up and down kind of guy.

So get straight
to business then? Good.

It's just I-I really want to
showcase Oakley Wines as being

something really full
of potential, you know.

You're gonna be part
of the showcase then?


Ah, the Behind the Vines

Yes, could you
just remind me what...

we're talking about, again?

Oh, it's the pre-harvest

The-the Federation of
Winegrowers puts it on.

It's a really big day for
the wineries around here.

Showcase, okay, good.

Hey, you're gonna be
so great at this, I know it.

Just make sure your
business plan is solid,

all your figures are correct,
and all quotes

within acceptable limits.

Yeah, good.

I mean, that's what
we get told anyway. A lot.

No, we're-we're all over it.

So, when's the meeting?

Ah, tomorrow.

And we're looking to
build on our recent

gold medal win and work towards
increasing production.

PR is the backbone
of any business.

It's about followers.

Striking while the iron is hot.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

And ultimately...

we know that Oakley
is a solid investment.

With award winning wines,
and our own personal style.

Well. We-we scrub up
pretty well, don't we?

Oh, your, your tie's a bit...

-Do you mind if I--
-Oh no, do, do.

Thank you.



-Huh, well, wish us luck.

Go get 'em.

We don't need luck, we're ready.



Is that, that's a local.
We need to stop.

-It's the law of the land.

Daisy, don't be ridiculous.

Daisy, she's holding a turkey.

Do you want to turn up to the
interview stinking of giblets?

Fun fact about
turkey's, you know.

Apparently, during
the rainstorms they stand

staring up at the sky,

transfixed with their
beaks open.

Then they drown.

Twenty five minutes
we've been waiting.

I didn't put all that work in
to be kept waiting by some

bumpkin Bank Manager.

Oh, I'm uh, so sorry
to keep you waiting.

I've just had a rather a...

difficult um...

Ah, it's so ridiculous, really.

It's only a stupid bird, but uh,

he-he was our bird, um.

My-ah, my prized turkey has
passed away. Yeah.

My uh, my wife,

um, rushed to get him
to the vet, but her car,

her car broke down and um...

and Mr. Gobbles didn't make it.

Oh. We are so sorry
for your loss.

He used to meet me every day,
at the gate when I came home...

and today he
won't be there, so...

there it is.

Okay. I'm sorry, again.

Ah, Oakley Wines.

Ah, yes, um...

We're looking to secure a--

-A line of-line of credit.

Ah, where--

Well, we're looking to

build on our-our recent,

gold medal win and uh...

get the wheels turning
in terms of-of production.

Um, ironing, while the iron--

while the ball of iron is-is
struck hot.

So you want to make
Oakley Wines a going concern?


And your ultimate goal is to...

Is to sell it...

as a going concern.

Uh, actually, no, no, no.

We're building it up,
to be a proper winery,

complete with
award winning wines, to run.

-Without selling.
-We're not ruling anything out.

It's-um, huh, sorry.
This isn't what we prepared for.

This is absolutely
what I prepared for.

I'm terribly sorry,
we're still wrangling over

some of the smaller details.

Yes, but the larger
detail is that

we are absolutely going to run
the winery as a going concern.

Yes, initially,

in an attempt to make it
an attractive investment

for any potential buyers.

But, there won't be any buyers,
because we're not selling.

I'm so sorry.

Look. I know
its not in your nature.

Could you at least try
to be professional,

for once in your vacuous,
little life?

Excuse me, I am being

This is what it looks like.

I think I know a little bit more

about being professional
than you do.

Oh, really, you mean, like the

time you paraded around London

with your penis on display

and ended up in jail.

Oh, that was super professional.

I'm sorry, she's-she's drunk.

We should've picked up
the turkey.

Or maybe we could just get jobs?

Doing what? I'm a
disbarred lawyer and you're a--

Well, I'm a qualified
Hot Yoga instructor.

High-end real estate broker.

Oh, and I've also imported
Balinese furniture

and...decorator items.

Mmm. Not very peak view jobs,
are they?

No. Not really.

Oh, I know.

Why don't we all get
credit cards

and well just put
everything on them.

I know a film maker
in Sydney who made

an entire film
on his credit cards.

-Did he make his money back?
-No, it was dreadful.

But he made it,
that's the point.

No, Daisy,
the point is that he failed.

Your concept of money is just
fascinating in its simplicity.

See it, want it, buy it.

Don't even think about it.

I mean, look at this, how much

did this stupid thing cost?

That is not stupid.

That is Gucci.

I got it in Paris,
it was $3,000.

You are not serious?

It's not about the money, Louis.
It's the experience.

My God! What about this one?

No! That...

That is limited edition
Louis Vuitton,

Madonna has this handbag.

Daisy, who needs

this many handbags?

What about this, what's your

personal connection

to this dangly one?

Oh, that's-that's...

It's just,
I-I really love this one.

Daisy, we are scrabbling around
for money

and you're sitting on
a bloody fortune.

I'm not,
I'm not selling my things.

Oh, I see.

So, were all in this together

until it actually
costs you something.

Right, super cool.

Have fun with your handbags,

best friend's money can buy,

It's an incredible opportunity,

so of course, I thought of you
straight away.

- I mean, you do love your wine--
- Yeah, I do like wine.

Yeah, that's true, but, um,
sorry Daisy I--

Oh, Michael,
your videos turned off.

Oh, my God,
I cannot wait to see you,

when are you coming back?

Ah, well, you know,
we've got the harvest--

Okay darling, well,
you let me know.

Sweetie, I can-I can barely

hear you, you're breaking up.

I can hear you fine.

Look, give me a call later,
hey, okay? Bye.

Do you know I called Petra
and Jonty and Michael,

with the investment opportunity
of a lifetime,

and no one was interested.

Yeah, but, it's not

an investment opportunity.

It's your money, Daisy,

it's money that you lent them.

Money, they owe you.

Hey, I'll tell you what?

I'll give you some of my
walking around money.

Okay? It's not a lot.

You are my knight
in shining armour, honestly.

Hey Dais. It's not a loan,
okay, it's a gift.

Okay, I love you, kiddo.

Love you too. Miss you.


Hope I'm not interrupting.

Here he is,
Mr. Gold Medal winner.

Come in, come in,
were just choosing

labels for our new vintage.

We've narrowed it down,
to these two,

we're stuck between Snow Goose
and Arctic Blush.

Well, um, I think the one
on the right...

um, isn't-isn't nearly
as nice as the one on the left.

Yes. Yes. Huh.

Really makes the visuals pop,
as they say.

Oh, we were so sorry to hear

about your lack of success
at the bank.

-Still, where there's a will.

-Now, darling.

I'm gonna call the designer,

because Arctic Blush, it is.

Were you a diplomat
in your last life?

Honestly, I can't tell
the difference

between any of them, it's...

I'm guessing
that you're not here to help us

debate the difference between
Goose Eggs and Snow Drifts.

Checking to see if our offer
is still on the table? it?

-Afraid not.

But what is on the table
is this cheeky little Pino Nino.

Pino Nino.

I'm not sure I'm familiar
with that particular drop.

Well, you've known Pinot Noir
as long as I have,

it lets you call it
by its nickname.

Pino Nino.

Rolls easily off
the tongue, huh?

Let's see if this rolls just
as easily, down the throat.

Ah, it's good!

Oh, hello, Wanda.

Is it the famous talking pig?

I think there's somebody else
I should be talking to.

There's no...

There's no connection.

Story of my life.

It's probably-probably,
definitely why

my wife went looking for love
in the arms of another man.

I mean, I did,
I was always working.

I did take her for granted,

but I said to her,
"Darling, we can fix this."

We used to be so good together,

and-and you know what
she said to me, Wanda?

She said,
"Louis, the-the operative part

of that statement is,
used to be."

Used to be, I, used to be
somebody that...that she loved.

So, what am I now?



Pigs got nothing.


Nice entrance.

I've been out,
trying to fix this mess...

that you got me into, I've been
talking to Don and Marissa,

and I've been talking
to the pig.

I'm sorry, what?

His offer is
off the table.

No one is gonna pay us
anything for this dump.

You talked to Don and Marissa
behind my back?

You have left us with
nowhere to go.

We're stuck. We gotta
make this place work

and we haven't got any money.

I could sell my car.


Will see us through for a couple
of weeks, but that's it.

You-you were the one who sprung
the whole,

were gonna sell thing on me
at the bank, and we looked like

squabbling children
in front of that man.

Oh, stuff him,
and stuff his turkey.

He's a turkey f-stuffer.

You know what you are,
you're just really selfish.

Well, that's rich
coming from you.

I'm gonna sell my car,
what are you gonna do?

Sit around forever
surrounded by all this rubbish?



These are design classics.

They're memories...

and friends.

This rubbish
is the sum total of my life.

Daisy, do you know how sad
that sounds?

Well, do you really think
I care what you think?

A drunken philanderer

who's flushed his life
down the toilet?


I do need to go to the toilet.

a horrible, horrible man.

Shut up.

Shut up!

Please shut up, shut up!


So, what exactly is
going on here?

Well, you gave me a lot of
food for thought last night.

My first thought was that I'd
come in and beat you to death

with a softball bat
while you slept.

Well, no court in the land

would have convicted you, Daisy.

I was an absolute arse

last night and I'm very sorry.

Um, put those with
the leisurewear.

What about that?

Um, evening wear,
accessory section.

Anyway, I thought to myself,
"Yes, Louis is a massive arse,"

but maybe he's got a point.

I mean, you're selling your car.

Sorry, I'm doing what?

Well, you're selling your car,
that's one thing, but me...

I'm-I'm selling everything.

Well, why don't you just
put it all on eBay?

Don't be stupid, I don't want
people to know I'm desperate.

-People? What people?
-People. Back in Sydney.

-Daisy, Daisy, I'm sorry--
-No, no.

Just stop speaking to me, Louis.

I want you to know I'm not
doing this because of you,

I'm doing it in spite of you.

Now, Tippy, I have to go and see
someone about marketing.

So, have you got everything
under control here?

You bet, boss.

Isn't she just amazing?

That's one word for her.

-Oh, hi, I'm in a bit of a rush.

That bench you wanted, I can
get that done this afternoon.

Oh, great. Thanks.

I can't take my eyes off you.

Dinner? Um, tonight?

N-no, I can't.

Well, no worries, uh, tomorrow.

There's this really nice place
in town, um, Lorettos.

-Have you been there yet?
-N-no, no--

I just don't have a car,
so maybe you could drive?

Yeah, no, it's not that,
it's just--

The lasagne is great,
and its cheap.

Robert, it was
a one-night stand.

-I'm sorry.

It's...I mean
don't get me wrong

it was-it was a great night,
it's just, I'm--

You're not looking for
anything serious.

No, no, but we can be--

Ah, friends. Yeah.

I'm so sorry.

No, yeah, you said that.

I really liked you, Daisy.


But, uh...I'm not gonna make
a nuisance of myself. I'm...

far too classy for that.

Yes, yes, you are.


"It will not shine again.

"It's sad course is done

I have seen the last ray wane
of the cold, bright sun."

Emily Bronte.


So, what I'm seeing is kind of
a, a vintage inspired,

rustic, French provincial,
Boho chic type design.

But, you know, eye catching.

Okay, okay, um,

that's a lot of words.

I might have to look
some of them up.

Oh, um...

Now, Nic, about your payment.

Oh, don't worry about that.

Um, I've got a few things that

I'd actually like to get rid of.

So, don't worry about paying me.

Just, let me sell my stuff
at your garage sale.

Oh, no, it's not a garage sale.

It's a-it's a pop-up boutique.

I don't think anyone

around here will know
what that is.

It will just pique
their curiosity then, won't it?

A garage sale will get
more people through the door.

Well, Nic!
Customer's always right.


Ah, so, I've just
got some dresses

and some kitchen stuff

I'd like to get rid of, so...

Oh, um, well it's just that

the things that I'll be selling
will be quite, high end, so...

Oh, it's cool.

I'll just put my stuff

at the low end, then.

Oh, you could use
our coffee machine.

People love free coffee
around here.

No, it's a pop-up boutique,

and there'll be a
wide range of items

to delight the senses from,
from Louis Vuitton to Gucci,

I'm opening up my wardrobe

and letting peak view,
peak inside.

Sounds like a deal,
sounds like a steal.

Sounds like the sale
of the century.

Well, yes, there will
be some deals to be had,

but please remember that
these are high-end garments

and our prices
will reflect that.

So, you're encouraging everyone
in peak view to swing by

and check out your exciting
pop-in shop?

No, no, pop-up shop.
Ah, pop-up boutique.

Alright, sweet as,
so pop into the pop-up,

and now, the hits continue
on Peak View FM.

Piquing your interest
from eight, till late.

Oh! It's perfect,
alright everyone.

Great moments are born
from great opportunities.

Too many people
in this world think

that small is the best
that they can do.

Well, not us. We don't know
how to do small.

Small is not in our vocabulary,

it's time for me to...

sell my old life

to pay for our new one.

Um, I don't think people
are gonna pay $500

for a dress at a garage...
uh, pop-up boutique.

Are you kidding? It's a steal
at twice that price.

Anyway, they have to,
we need this.

Do you think people
are gonna turn up?

Of course, people are gonna
turn up.

Anyway, smile everyone,
we need to get ready.


It's not fifty bucks?

Oh, that's very expensive.

Ah! Just-just be careful
with that.

Oh, these are lovely.

now they're the only two,
the only two matching we've got.

Twelve hundred? A thousand?

Oh, bit steep
for a second-hand dress.

No, it's not second hand,
it's pre-loved Westwood,

and you'd pay three times
that in Sydney.

Well, chicken, for that price
I could fly to Sydney.

but oh, it could go with this
jean-dress I've got here.

Now I can feel
a wee makeover coming on.

I could do something
just marvellous with this.

Yeah, well I'll take
this one too. Oh, that's lovely.


Oh, who's this for?

It's for me.

A memento of the
perfect night...

never to be repeated,


Oh, well, let me
wrap that for you.

Yeah, cheers.

Ah, what's this called?

A tiddy.

A tiddy?

A tiddy.

Well, that's just about the last
of our stuff, how are you going?

Oh, a bit slow, just need
a few more big spenders.

-Oh, gosh!

Things may be looking up.

Battle afoot. Hera versus
Aphrodite. Interesting.

Be careful, Daisy.

Oh, I think you're being
overly dramatic?

No, you're a threat and
everybody knows, nobody say--

Says no to Marissa.
Yes, I know.

I've met more Marissas than
I've had Mani-pedis.

It'll be fine.

-Marissa, hi.

So quaint.

So, is there anything in
particular you're looking for.

Oh, you never know.

You know, my back-up wardrobe

could always do with a bit of

padding out.

Oh, is that a Poochie?

I've said it before,
you have a very good eye.

Oh, its lovely. I'll take it.

Great, that's $500.

Oh, no. No, its worth
at least five times that.

No, it would be a crime to take
it for less than 1,500.

-Oh, no, no, no, no.
-I insist.

Well, a thousand,
because were neighbours.

I have no idea what's going on.

I do. And it's magnificent.

-1200, that's my final offer.

Oh, and I'll throw in
these earrings as well.

Oh, you're too generous.

Not at all.

I'll take this plate too.

Yes, help yourself.

Has anyone seen
our coffee machine?

-That's weird.

I just thought we'd do better.

Oh, day's not over yet.

I hardly think a 12-year old's
gonna make my fortune, is he?

You never know.

Rowan. Thanks for coming.

Are you looking for something
for your mum?

I mean, these things are quite
pricey I'm afraid.

Nah, Mums more
into leisure wear.

But I'll give you $3,000
for the lot.

Sorry, what?

Take it or leave it.

Excuse me, what do you want with

a whole load of
high-end clothes.

I'm not interested in clothes.

I'm interested in opportunities.

And this feels like
it might be an opportunity.

In retrospect, I should have put
"free coffee,"

not "free, help yourself."

It's my bad. I wasn't clear.

I'm sure it'll
turn up soon.

So, money man,
what's the final tally?

Ah, $6,281.

Whoa! We're rich.

It's not enough, Gus.

I am gonna sell my car

which will add another,
say $10,000.

which still won't be enough.

Oh, Griffin was gonna send me
his walking around money.

He was gonna put it
in my account.


Wow. He must do
a lot of walking.

Wow! $10,000.

So we now have just over

which with a bit of
creative accountancy,

I think we can probably
make that work.

And maybe once
we fix the place up,

the bank might have
a change of heart.

Can we do it?

Of course, we can.


Well done.

Thank you, Tippy.

What would you say
to a little drink?

Well, I'd say um,

"Hello, little drink."

How about
"Hello, Stanley" instead.

Keep trying.
You'll get the hang of it.

♪ Losing touch ♪

♪ But I'm not losing you ♪

♪ There's a whole
lot of heart in me ♪

♪ I feel it under my skin ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪

♪ There's a whole
lot of heart in me ♪


Oh, thanks.

Oh, well, its really
quite something.

-Isn't it?

You know, the night sky
down here

is totally different to the UK.

The Northern Stars and the moon,
they're all upside down.

Wasn't expecting that.

But the most remarkable thing is
the Milky Way, just look at it.


Stretching out across

the southern sky,
in all its glory.

-All those stars.

Other worlds.

Kind of humbling
when you think about it.

You know, I have to say, Daisy.

You rather humbled me, today.

I mean, you, you sold your life.

No, I didn't.

I just traded it in
on a new one.

♪ Everything's
coming down roses ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪

Would you come back down?

Ah, no, I think I'll stay
up here for a bit.

It's been a big day.


I might turn in too.

♪ Oh you let it go ♪

♪ You let it go ♪

♪ To let it in ♪

♪ You let it go ♪

♪ There's a whole
lot of heart in me ♪

♪ I feel it under my skin ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪

♪ There's a whole
lot of heart in me ♪

♪ It takes a whole
lot of heart to see ♪

♪ Everything's
coming down roses ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪

♪ There's a whole
lot of heart in me ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪

♪ And I know and I know
and I know ♪♪