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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 02/06/23 08:34
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

Oh! I feel really good
about this, really good.

You're doing great, Daisy. Okay.

Let's get you into theatre and
get this show on the road, eh?

[upbeat music]


[phone ringing]

I can't talk.

[Griffin]Yeah, I know. Because
you're recovering from surgery.

-You're recovering from surgery?


Third time's a charm.

[Griffin]Daisy Munroe,
you're so predictable.

We need to go out.

I need to drink and be merry.

There's that fundraising thing
at Zara's, I can meet you there?

I can't, I've got lines
to learn,

I've got a 4 a.m.
start tomorrow.

I don't really think...
One second.

Hey, sorry, mate.
Can you make a coffee?

-Cheers, thank you, Mitch.

Hey, darling.
Can you just finally...

Can you just finally
admit that you

don't actually want the surgery.

Oh, what do I want?

To be happy with yourself,
like all of us.

I'm happy.

I'm very happy.

Hey, love you.

[phone beeping]

[instrumental music]

Looks like they're using
the same caterers

Michaela used at her launch.

Oh, yes, they certainly are.

This looks lovely.
Thanks, David.

Daisy. He's too young.

We're not planning on
getting married, Fi.

Oh, darling.

What a beautiful night.

Isn't it?
I'm so glad you're both here.

I thank you
and the Pangolins thank you.

Oh, I'm sure they do.

Now for the healing part
of the night.

-How are you able to help?

Put me down for three thousand.

[gasps] You really are too good.
And Daisy?

-Oh, wonderful.

You are both wonderful.

Here you go.

♪ I am a bad ♪

♪ Mama to eat ♪

♪ Maintain a... ♪♪

Well, I think I'm gonna have
to make a move.

-This has been great.

It has.

But it doesn't have to end here.

You, are amazing.


-Just for the record.

I am totally into the older
woman thing.

Like totally.

-Yeah, I'm not that much.

Did you? Hm-hm.

Oh! Oh, no, no.

-Darling, can I have a word?
-Of course.

Um, it's probably just a glitch,

but your credit card,
it's been declined.

It says contact bank.


I am sorry, I ruined
your beauty sleep.

Now, come on, I'm just
returning a million favours.

It's just it was humiliating,
you know.

I mean, Zara first

and then the guy.

I mean, his mummy?
I mean, really?

His totally gorgeous
and fabulous mummy.

Not helping.

You know, look, Dais,
if I was straight...

I know. I know. Alas!


It's not gonna happen is it?


Oh, God.


Sugar Daddy Stanley,
what's wrong?

He's dead.

[metal clanking]

[siren wailing]

Oh, Christ. Oh God. Oh God.

Louis Oakley.

Do you want to contact a lawyer?

I am a lawyer.

Or I was.

No, wait. Where's my clothes?

Thank you.

Where's my trousers?

You threw them in the Thames.

Along with your underpants.

Oh, Christ.

Oh, Christ.

[car engine revving]

Good day at school?

[man on radio] A man was
arrested last night

for indecent exposure

as he ran naked through
Piccadilly Circus,

allegedly calling for a return
to common decency.

Get back to common decency.

Oh, Christ. Driver, driver.
Can you turn this off please?

Dad, it's already gone viral.

They're calling you
the Piccadilly Willy.

Oh, how was your day?

I made you a snack.

Hm. Nice look. Job interview?

Simone, I had a lot of time
to think,

last night, well, this morning.

-Hm, in prison?
-Please, just hear me out.

I know things have gone
off track

but I know we can
make it better.

Oh, Louis. I can't, not now.

I have a meeting.

Simone, can't we just talk?

The affair was a mistake.
I know that.

We've been through this.

I don't know what else
you want me to say.

Bye, J.


[phone ringing]

Yes? Louis Oakley.


Sole heir.

Ah, heiress actually.

-Of a vineyard in New Zealand?

And do you know,
Vanessa my psychic,

she told me last week
that I was a vintner

in a past life.
Can you believe that?

I really can't.

Well, this will be me sunning
myself under the vines.

You know, I think they have
glaciers down there.


-Oh well, I'll pack a pashmina.

I mean, look, I'm only going
for a couple of days, really.

Just to get the lay of the land.

Maybe even get a lay
on the land.


Hey, I'm sorry about Stanley.


He must really have loved you.

He loved my mother.

I guess I reminded him of her.


So, are there any hot men
in New Zealand?

[theme song]

♪ Let it breathe if it doesn't
breathe it's gonna die ♪

♪ Let us see if you let it be
is it gonna fly? ♪

♪ Set it free and if it leaves
we say goodbye ♪

♪ Web we weave and then we
grieve and then we cry ♪

♪ I want to tell you
before I forget ♪

♪ Despite the darkness
some of these days ♪

♪ Wintergreen I can't outshine
your radiance ♪

♪ Wintergreen
I love you more than anything ♪

♪ Wintergreen
despite the darkness ♪

♪ Some of these days ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪♪

[airplane engine revving]

[woman over PA] Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen.

And welcome to Queenstown.

Sorry, sorry.
Just grabbing my bag.

Ah, that's alright. Um...

Oh, excuse me.



That's alright.
I'll give you a hand.

Oh, thank you.

I think that...


Is that? Is that yours?

Oh, thank God.

I'd be lost without that.

Thank you.

Ah, Vic Grimes.

Oh, Louis.
Brilliant to meet you.

And here you are. Queenstown,
the gate way to Peak View.

Yes, well thank you.
Shall we um...

Well, um, actually if you

Desperate to take a slash.



Oh, so you're Vic?

-No, Louis.
-You're not the lawyer?

No. Vic, the lawyer is currently

taking a slash.

Well that's lawyers for you,
isn't it?

They're either on the piss,
taking the piss

or pissing you off.

Yes, I-I'm a lawyer.

Stanley had two lawyers?


I'm sorry, I'm...
Who are you?

Louis Oakley.

-I'm-I'm Stanley's nephew.

-But who are you?
-Oh I'm-I'm Daisy Monroe.

Stepdaughter, and now it seems,

vintner and sole heir
to Stanley's vineyard.

Oh! Daisy Munroe,
meet Louis Oakley.

Yes, yes, thanks Vic. We've met.

Um, I wonder if you wouldn't
mind explaining

just what the bloody hell's
going on here?

Oh, ah, those details probably

best discussed in my office.


[instrumental music]

It's just a bit, confusing

to me is
to how both of us can be

sole heirs to my uncle's

-Also my father's vineyard.

Really he loved me as his own.

I know, the legal terms can be

at the best of times.

Oh, yeah, legally speaking
the term sole heir's

doesn't really
work in the plural.

Yeah, I know, what I meant
by soul heir's was

Stanley put his heart
and soul into it

and you were inheriting
that legacy,

his soul if you like.

Over the phone I can see
how that might be--

What? Misleading?

Probably should've sent a fax.

[music continues]

[Daisy clears throat]

Behold the district
of Peak View.

Named after its view of peaks.

That's Deadman's Drop,
the appointed place

for the reading of the will.

It really is incredible.

Yep, I-I'm sorry to hurry
things along,

I'm just getting quite hot now.


"I, Stanley Basil Oakley,

being of sound mind and body--"

S-sorry, sorry,
can we just jump ahead

to the allocation
of assets, Vic?

"To my continuing ray
of sunshine,

my beloved step daughter,
Daisy Munroe."

That's so nice, isn't it?

Beloved, he was a sensitive man,

"And nephew, Louis Oakley..."

You know, more straight
to the point there.

More of a masculine approach,
I mean,

he was both sensitive
and masculine.


"I leave equal shares
to my estate,

do with it, what you will."

Here you go.

-Well, that-that's it?

Sorry, you brought us all
the way up here

to tell us to do with it
what you will?

Ah thank you, Vic.

We appreciate your efforts.

Umm, but you didn't mention


Yes, well, Stanley had farms...

as well as wine tree thingees.

You think vines is probably
the term

you're looking for,
Madame Vintner.

Vic. Money?

[Vic]Not as such,
it's the property.

Plus two workers, Tippy and Gus.

A tractor, two cars.

Actually one of them's only
fully functional at the moment.

And a three legged cat
called p*ssy Galore.

Yes but... but he had money?

I mean he always
had a lot of money.

[Vic]Well, that's
wine making for ya.

A great way to alleviate oneself
of the burden of a fortune.

Oh, I feel, I feel sick.

[instrumental music]

[engine revving]

Oh, I almost forgot.

Keys and...

a bottle of Stanley.

This is just sediment.

No, that is Stanley.

He said you'd know
what to do with it.

Anyway, sing out if you
need any advice

and we'll see you at
the Wine Show no doubt.

Great shindig. I've got a bottle
of Pinot Gris in competition.

Gotta dash. Wife's ovulating.

[engine revving]

[door creaks]


Oh, God.

I'm in an 80's nightmare.

Since when is New Zealand
this hot?

Well, take your jacket off.

What? It's a suit.


I'll find us something to get
us very drunk, very quickly.

I think I'm having a breakdown.

You're not. Trust me.

So, your, your mother was
Stanley's last wife?

-Sorry for your loss.

Well, it was forty years ago
but thank you.

Have we-have we met before?

Ahh. No, I don't think so.

Oh come on, it's a vineyard
for God's sake.

You'd think there'd at least
be wine.

[instrumental music]

Oh, here we are.

[bottle clinking]

-Can I help you?
-Oh, Jesus Christ.

Ah, yes, I'd like to get halfway

hammered with a bit of luck.

I'm a, I'm Louis Oakley.


Who are you?

Tippy. Short for Isabella.

Is it?

And oh, yes.
You-you work here, don't you?

And I live here.

So you're the new owner.

That's Stanley's select vintage.

I'm not sure that's what
you need.

Well, ah, to be honest,

after the day I've had,
if it's red

and alcoholic it will do
absolutely fine.

This is the one you want.


What does BT stand for?

You'll figure it out.

Oh, look at that.

Oh, hooray. Wine.

Ah, Louis, this is Gus.

Oh, hello, Gus.

I'm your biggest fan.


So, you, you live
in this house?

No, no, no, Gus has got
a caravan.

-Down by the shed thing.
-Oh, right.

Alright, well ah,
that should do the trick.

Just flick it on at the wall,
and ah Bob's your uncle.

-Thank you.
-Have a good one.


[fan blades whirring]

[indistinct chatter]

Might be a bit of overkill.

Just a little.

Well, I suppose we ought to
make some decisions about...

what we're gonna do.

Oh, no, let's not.

I just want to drink some wine
and go to bed.

I suppose I should call my wife,

really and tell her
I've arrived safely.

Oh no, I didn't mean.

Oh no, I didn't-I didn't

No, silly.

-Well, ah, to this.
-To this.



-That's um...



Bloody terrible.

[instrumental music]

[engine revving]




[music continues]

[music continues]

-Oh, oh.

Hello. Tippy?

I'm, I'm Daisy. The new owner.

Ready to get stuck in I see.

Yes, well.

Wine making's in my veins.

-I was Stanley's--

Talked about you a lot.

Oh, did he?

You never visited.

Well no, but we-we
stayed in touch.

Once a year.

You sent him a gift basket.

Same type every time.

Pamper Hampers. Only the best.

And he kept every one.


Staff meeting. Five minutes.

Right, thanks for coming.

Now we're still getting
our heads around this place.

Obviously, the lay of the land.
So to speak.

So, um, Gus, what is it that you

do at Oakley Wines?

I work the vineyard.

Right. And that consists of?

It's different stuff.

This place would fall apart
without Gus.

Or perhaps, to be more precise.

Would fall apart more?

Ah, Tippy, what's your
job description?

I help Gus.

You help Gus?

Right, well the main thing
is that

there seems
to be no wine at all,

um, did-did Stan make
a vintage last year?

Stan didn't want to release
a vintage he wasn't happy with.

Judging by last night's bottle
I can see why.

What happened to the grapes?

For the past five years
Stan sold them off

to other winemakers.

Did he?

Well...look, I know this is

but the simple reality is
that she lives in Sydney,

I live in London, this place is
clearly haemorrhaging money.

And is not a practical
proposition going forward.

Oakley Wines will be looking
for a buyer.

I'm losing my job?

And the roof over your head.

-Told you this would happen.

No, this is not something
that we asked for.

No. You were gifted it.

Like a basket.

Cool staff meeting. Thanks.

Were we going to discuss this?

It's not something
that needed discussing.

-It just needed doing.

Stanley might have been able
to make something of this place

if he hadn't been
forking out to you.

-He was grieving for my mother.
-For forty years?

Well, she was a wonderful woman.

I'm sure she was, but have
you any idea how much it

adds up to over that time?

Oh, I see.
So this is a jealously thing?

Because Stanley didn't feel
the same way about you.

No, no, I'm not jealous
of a hand-out.

We're not all rich London
lawyers, Louis.

Some of us have to make do.

What do you suggest?

That you run this place?

Don't you dare patronize me.

I was a vintner in a past life.

Oh, Daisy. Stanley has left us
a poisoned chalice.

We sell, we split the proceeds.
Go back to our lives.

[sighs] God, I can only assume

he died of starvation.

Well, if you give me some money,
I don't mind

stocking the cupboards.

My card isn't working,
it's got a glitch.

How much?

Ahh. A thousand should do it.

A thousand?

Well, I need to stock
and provision.

I require rural footwear
and obviously

a more suitable outdoor

Oh, God's sake.
We're only here temporarily.

Yes, but we do not need to live
like animals. Do we?

-Oh, thank you.

[car horn honking]


Don Silverton,
Shimmering Lake Wines.

And my wife, Marissa.

-Louis Oakley.
-Daisy Munroe.


-Hello. Oh.
-Welcome to Peak View.

We were great friends with Stan.

His passing was a...

a sad loss to the region.

-Bit of a local identity.

So you own a vineyard, as well?

-Yeah, one or two.

Oh, a little something
to keep you going.

-Oh, thank you.
-That's very kind.

It's remarkably timely.

Are they Jimmy Choos?

Yes, yes they are.
You have a very good eye.

Would you like to, come in?

Well, no. Actually, we're...

we're here to ask you to lunch.

Oh, that's lovely.

We'd love to,
wouldn't we, Louis?

Yeah, of course.

-Good, done. See you at 1:00.

Ask Gus for directions.

-Oh, God. It's French.

Spoken like a true Englishman.

It's lovely. It's Boho chic.

Oh, come on. Adventure and
hopefully decent wine await.

-Got keys?
-Here you go.

It's corkscrew.

[engine revving]

[instrumental music]

Now this is more like it.

Stunning wine.

Oh, I'm-I'm, I'm glad
you like it.

We're hoping to impress
the judges at the awards.

We do tend to do quite well.

He's being modest.

-We Gold Medal every year.

We've had a few successes.

Of course it was much
more of a struggle for Stan.

Yes, it does seem that way.

Poor soil, you see.

I thought grapes
liked poor soil.

Oh, they do. They do.

But it has to be the
right quality poor soil.

High quality poor quality.

Stan didn't have that.


He came to realise
that he was better

just selling his harvests.

So we took them off his hands,
and he was grateful.

-Wasn't he, darling?
-He was, bless him!

Mmm, now, we should
leave the men to talk

because I want your
opinion on some linen.

And I want you to meet Wanda.

[pig snorting]

Wanda meet Louis.

Louis, Wanda.

Hello Wanda, you're
a beauty, aren't you?

Louis's from England,
he's a bit of a charmer.

I talk to her.

We have an understanding.

[pig snorting]

Do you think that's strange?

No, no!

People talk to their
pets all the time.

And she talks back.

Uh, and why wouldn't she?

Because she's a pig.

Because she's a pig.
Yeah, you're joking.

Or am I?

Anyway, thi-this
vineyard of Stan's.

Umm, I sense that it's
not really your thing.

Well, Don, to be honest,

uh, now that you mention it,

I-I'm, I am gonna sell up.

I get it. I do. I do.
You're a wise man, Louis.

We see a lot of people
coming into the district and get

flat-lined by the
burden of wine.

And you know,
it has to be a passion!

[pig snorting]

Yeah. What?


You're being a
big gung ho, aren't you?

[pig snorting]

Wanda thinks I should
offer to buy it off you.

Well, I thought
you said the soil--

Poor quality,
low quality, yeah, I mean...

I could throw a
bit of Merlot on it.

Did you have a figure in mind?


Wanda, that is a

very cheeky offer.

I think we can
do better than that.

[instrumental music]

Gosh, thanks Louis
for finding a buyer

for Stan's hopeless
vineyard so quickly.

And for 1.2 million dollars,

all whilst I was discussing
Turkish linen.

Egyptian! And it's not enough.


It's nowhere near enough money.

Right. Now I don't know
what planet you live on.

But somebody is offering to buy
our millstone for cash.

-Here and now!

$600,000 each?

And how long's that gonna
last? A couple of years?

-A couple of years?
-Well, maybe three.

Look, I know money can't buy

you happiness, but it
bloody well helps.

-We can't take the first offer.
-Daisy, look at the place.

It's not worth anything
close to that.

Oh, h-have you read

the Beginners Guide
to Growing Grapes?

-Of course, I haven't.
-Yes, well. I have.

Ten hectares at six tonnes
per hectare.

70 cases per tonne, we could
be sitting on a goldmine.

But we're not are we?
Stan bought bad land.

Well, it can't be that bad
if the Silverton's

buy the grapes each year.

I thought you were some
hot shot lawyer?

Would you let your clients
get ripped off like this?

We need to counter offer.

I already accepted.

Well then you better un-accept.

I need you to man up,
turn around, drive back

and demand a higher price.

My future depends on it.

Your future is
not my responsibility.


Well, fine!

Fine. I'll bloody
do it myself then.

-Shut up!

[car door slams]

Stupid, bloody, Englishman.


How do I turn on this
bloody, French, piece of shit.

[horn honking]


[song plays on car stereo]

-Rowan, was it?

Rowan, would you mind
keeping your eyes on the road?

I know the road.

And I feel like I know you.

Have we met before?

No, I think I'd remember.

Look, are you old
enough to be driving?

I'm driving aren't I?

-Yes, but--
-So I must be old enough.

I have a son who's eleven
years old.

He doesn't look
much younger than you.

He certainly doesn't drive.

-Where's your son?
-He's in London.

You and the wife separated then?

Would you mind
your own business.

I'm here for personal reasons.


That's okay.

[music continues]

Thank you!

Piccadilly Willy.

That's where I know you from.

What time will the
car be ready please?

You shouldn't be ashamed
about anything in that video.

-If you know what I mean.

Should be ready
tomorrow. See ya, Willy!

Don't call me that.




[instrumental music]

Oh! Ohh.

Oh, that's nice.






Oh, hello.

Oh, sorry.

You alright?

I got my period.


I thought I was ovulating.

Do you know what I do?
When I'm having a crappy day.

Like today.

I just, put on a smile.

It helps. See!


Well, we can work on that.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, God, I can't let
Vic see me like this.

Is your husband Vic?

Oh, I'm Daisy, he picked me up
from the airport yesterday.


Vic and Nic?

Do you know what? I was
just looking at your, umm...

amazing sculptures.

You're obviously a
very talented artist.

Oh, my God!

Do you, do you wanna buy one?

Which one spoke to you the most?

Um...I-I like him.

Oh, he is a they.

They're all thems.

Gender neutral.

Non-binary, fertility bovidae.

So, you're buying?

Oh, absolutely!

[Julian]So, are there palm
trees in Peak View?

Uh, no, but it's very, very hot.

When will you be back?

Ah, soon. Just one or two
things to sort out.

[Simone]You should start
getting ready for school.

Okay, bye Dad!

Bye, J, love you!

Well, he seems alright.

Ah, good news today. I got an
email from Edward's solicitor.

He's gonna go to the Law Society

to recant his false testimony.

I'll be cleared, my license
re-instated and the...

internet thing will be...

yesterday's fish and chip paper.

Oh, great, Louis,
I wouldn't place too much

stock in Edward
doing the right thing.

No, no, no, no, no,
he'll come through

I know he will, it's um...

and everything will
get back to normal.

I have to go.

Take care!


[cat meowing]

What's that?

It's a...

non-binary, fertility bovidae.

The artist is Nic.

Vic's wife,
she's going through a tough time

so I thought
I'd help her out.

I see, and how much
did this bovidae cost?

Oh, um, nine hundred
and ninety five dollars.

Right, so instead
of shopping for food,

you actually came
back with a sex goat.

What? Uh!

Uh, its-it's art.

It's an investment.


Oh, Gus. Gus, hello!

Um, look, just thought
you should know

that the Silverton's have
made us an offer.

It is a little on the low side,

but we will get them up,
won't we, Louis?

And-and we will
make sure that you

and Tippy are safe
as part of the deal.

I'm gonna say something.

Tippy is the best thing
this place has going for it.

She knows about wine,
something you'd see

if you opened your eyes.


if you open your eyes
you see things that

you don't see when
your eyes are closed.

[knocks on door]

Come in!



I spoke to Don.

They're not budging.

That's their first and final
offer, apparently.


Well, we're not
gonna take it, are we?

I mean, we can just,
spruce the place up a bit

and put it on the open market.

I mean, I've dabbled in
real estate, I've got a licence.

Daisy for heaven's sake.

Don't you yell at me.

I'm sorry!

I apologise.

But you have got to burst
this bubble that you live in.

Daisy, we-we-we have no money.

This place could sit
on the market for years.

We're-we're not vintners
for God's sake, we're--


What are we Louis, seeing as you

seem to have all the answers.

We're desperate!
Alright, we're desperate!

Now, I'm signing the offer.

Now I could force you
to buy me out, remember that.

But you're in no position to do
that, so please, can we just be,

just be practical.

And just get this done.


[door slams]

[instrumental music]

You're doing the right thing.

Growing grapes is like fighting
for a woman, it's a gunfight.

You don't just wanna
show up with a knife.

Actually, you could borrow
a g*n when you got there.

Or take a bayonet.

Vic, you don't
actually represent

clients in court do you?

Try not to. Very stressful.

Probably for the best.

Look, don't!

Oh, Gus, we've
made our position clear.

But what if the Silverton's
find oil on this land?

Has oil ever been discovered
in this region before?

Do the Silverton's work in
the gas and oil industry?

-Do they?

Then I feel strangely
secure about my decision.

[instrumental music]

♪ Ooh ♪

Oh, Daisy.

We call this place The Church.

It's what it
used to be, a church.

Oh. That's original, isn't it?

But now we use
it for meetings and weddings,

and croquet, and social cricket.

You, my dear, have the most

Mother/Crone energy.


Especially with those heels.

Oh, I'll take that as
a compliment. I think.

Daisy this is
Hilary Van der Boor,

of Coven wines.

Um, Hilary this is Daisy.

Yes, thank you, Marissa, I know.

Shame you're not staying.

But he looks like he
might scare easily.

You be gentle with him.

Excuse me!

[Daisy sighs]


You know, a smile
once in a while

wouldn't do you any harm, Louis.

You know, for a brief moment

I thought the idea of
owning a vineyard might be...

-Well, uplifting!


Well, at least you've
got a wife to go home to.

I don't even have a goldfish.

Actually, she's ah...

There's talk
about separation, so.


-I'm sorry to hear that.
-Thank you!

Well...that explains why
you've been a bit uptight.

I thought it was just
because you were English.

-So, what happened?
-Oh, the usual sordid mess.

Too much time working.

And infidelity.

Mmm, right.

Oh, well, you know,
you made your bed.

We-we have met before you know.

Your mother's
wedding to Stanley.

You-you were obnoxious
even then.


Well, the words pot and
kettle spring to mind.

I was walking past the wedding
table, you spun out

of control and you smashed
me into the wedding cake.

Yeah, well, my first
Manolo's were totally ruined.

And then you burst into
tears and ran off.

Yes, well I was fourteen.
It was, it was embarrassing.

Well-w-w how do you think
it was for me,

I was standing there
with a bloody nose

and marzipan
coming out of my ears,

you know, you know
you haven't changed.

Well, neither have you.

I mean you're
still a pompous git.


Where have you come from?

The tent.

Um, you're missing the gongs.

Now to the star.

The Pinot Noir.

And what another great vintage.

Some knockouts, a few

but a clear winner.

The Best In Show
was both surprising...

and an absolute stunner.

The gold medal goes to...

The Stanley A.T. Reserve

by Oakley Wines.


-What? Did we just?

[indistinct chatter]

And the vintner,

a new entry this year,

Tippy Bidois!

[people cheering]

-Oh my!
-Did we just win?

-We won. We won.
-We won.

[audience cheering]

Oh, you won, Daisy.

Yeah, we won!


Did you know anything
about this?

A late run down the
outside, you sneaky dog.

Well, you know.


They have signed,
haven't they, Vic?

Well, you'll appreciate
that at the time

the two parties agreed
to a price the vendor

was not in possession of the
knowledge that Oakley Wines had

in fact submitted an award
winning Pinot Noir for judging.

And was also in possession
of 100 cases of that wine.

Now, that
is an undisclosed asset.

It's all a bonus to me.

Which unfortunately makes
the agreement

null and void, legally

speaking, a sale and
purchase agreement can only

be signed in good faith
once full disclosure

has been made.

So, what you're
saying is that--

Well, my, my co-owner and
I are prepared to, uh,

renegotiate a mutually
acceptable price.

And one which reflects
a fair and equitable

reflection of the
current market value.

Not bad for a lawyer
who's been disbarred.


Vic! This loophole? Is it legal?

-Oh, seems pretty legal to me.
-What the hell is pretty legal?

Something is either
legal or it's illegal.

It is what it is, Don.

You're assuming that
we're still interested?

Oh, passing up the opportunity
to purchase an award winning

vineyard, I mean that's entirely
your prerogative, Don.

Uh, you might want
to talk to Wanda.

See what she's got to say.

[instrumental music]


There you are.


Gus told me it was him who
entered you into the awards.

Why didn't you enter
the competition yourself?

I didn't know if
it was ready yet.

I wanted it to be perfect.

Well, sounds like it was.

You know in all the excitement
I didn't even get to try it.

Your wine!

Technically, it's your wine.


So, where did you learn?

My grandfather was
a winemaker up north.


Uh, when I came down
here I was labouring.

Stan had just stumbled
into town by accident,

bought this place.


He had no idea what
he was doing so,

he asked me to help out.

Oh, thanks!

[instrumental music]

Oh, it...

Oh, that's ah...

Oh, sorry.

I don't know what happened.

That's the Stanley.

He never got to try it.

If-if Stanley sold all the
grapes, how did you make this?

Stan let me have these
grapes for the past five years.


He said
"Tippy, express yourself."

And she started the A.T Reserve.

A.T being?

-After Tippy.

B.T. Before Tippy.

Stanley may have had
a dream but, his stuff?

You can drink it, just
never get it on your hands.


[phone dings]

[music continues]


And once we've
settled our outstanding

bills, etc, that will
be your number.

And that will be mine.

Think you can manage on that?

-Well, how can I say no?

Spoken like a true,
mutual sole heir.

You know for a brief
moment this was all ours.

We were winemakers.

Oh, Daisy.

We were never winemakers.

So? Back to law then?

Ah, with a bit of luck. It's a
bit complicated at the moment.

Why's that?

Well, my business partner,

Embezzling from
the client trust funds.

I got caught in the cross fire.

-Oh, ouch!

Hmm, oh, w-why is my
number less than yours?

Ah, that's because I'm
not paying for the sex goat.

[clears throat]

[instrumental music]

We're sorry we're
late for the funeral.

It's okay Nic, you're here now.

I'm so not gonna cry.

-No, I am.


Sorry. Sorry, Stanley.

Uh, carry on.

Uh, Tippy. Would you
like to say something?

Bye, old man.

You got it, bro!

Is that it?



Well with the breeze
there's actually

a high chance Stan's
ashes will probably

end up blowing back
into the Citroen.

But then he did love that car.


Yes, yes, he did.

Well, to echo those

poignant words, uh, Stanley,

thank you for your generosity.

Um, I would like to say more,

but check in closes
in ninety minutes.

You will always
hold a unique

place in our hearts.

No, stop, stop, stop. Stop.

I can't, I-I-I can't do this.

I'm not selling!

-I beg your pardon?
-No, listen.


when I tasted
your wine, I was


I-I was made to remember things

feel things, want things.

I didn't know
wine could do that.

The world needs
your wine, Tippy.

And you, Gus, you, you, you

love Stan's place,
you belong there.

And me, well I, I-I...

I have--

You've got vision.

You just haven't seen it yet.

Thank you, Gus.

Yes, I do, I have vision.

I'm not getting on that plane.

Have you completely
lost your mind?

No, I'm-I'm staying, Louis.

What's this?

Daisy, this, this
is a signed contract.

To be given to Don and Marissa
on the way to the airport.

It is signed?

But, they don't have it yet.

Also true, good point.

Daisy, whatever
happened to "money can't

buy you happiness,
but it bloody well helps?"

You, you need that money.

Do I? Really?

Ever since I was seventeen,
Stan's generosity

made me feel like I was
a winner, but I wasn't, I...

-I was a--

Louis, imagine that feeling

at the wine awards, every day.

Oakley Wines
winning world wide.

Stanley fell in love
with a dream and...

it's time for me
to pay him back by

seeing that dream through.

-I'm in!
-Me too.

And me. If you like?

We all need dreams, Louis.

It's a fresh start.


You bloody idiot, what the hell
do you think you're doing?

You can't do this.

I just did!

Come on, Stanley.

Let's go home.

Christ's sake!

Oh, I'll need the
keys, I'm driving.

Oh, it's a bloody corkscrew.

It's a bloody thing...


[instrumental music]