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03x12 - Kaguya Wants to Confess, Part 2 & 3/Dual Confessions, Part 1

Posted: 02/05/23 18:09
by bunniefuu
I'm going to skip a grade and study abroad.

I must say...

that is quite short notice, isn't it?

It was on the principal's recommendation.

I figured I had nothing to lose by trying for early admission.

To be honest, even I didn't think I'd pass.

But this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me.

I'm going to Stanford.

At overseas colleges, matriculation is in October.

If you're going to skip a grade...

I see. This time next year, you'll be over there, correct?

Either way...

first, let me congratulate you!

This is an extraordinary achievement!

Skipping a grade to get into Stanford... I, too, am proud of you!


I'd love to celebrate with you in style, but as I must prepare for the fire arrow,

let me do that another time.


Will that be all—


Come with me.

Hey! Kaguya! What's going on?


Go! Go! Shuchiin! Go! Go! Shuchiin!

Is that right? President will be studying abroad?

I was taken completely by surprise.

You're not going to do anything? Why don't you try saying,"Please don't go"?

Don't be ridiculous!

Stanford is a university that even I'd be hard-pressed to get into!

Of course he should go no matter what anyone says!

This is an amazing thing that he's done.

Sending him off with a smile would be the right thing to do.

Stanford, huh?

The young women over there might be smarter and more well-bred than you,

not to mention even better-looking than you.

In four years, he could have relationships with countless women,

and I wouldn't be surprised if he even got married while there.

Tell me, what kind of provocation is that?

Oh no. You're being rather docile now, and it's creeping me out.

I was sure you were going to thwart President from going overseas.

As if I'd do such a thing when his future is at stake.

Just what kind of person do you think I am?

But how can you blame me?

The way you drew it up, you'd start dating during your second year at the latest...

and during your third year...

you'd be doing all the things that you never could as a couple, and enjoying it to the fullest.

I thought you had such a vision in your mind.


So you did have one.

But it's still not too late to realize it, right?

Starting today until President's departure,

you should do everything you've longed to do. That's it.

I agree. I had the same exact thought myself.

I'm sure I don't need to remind you...

but to make that happen, there's just one condition you need to meet.

Oh! I can imagine what it is you're dying to say!

I need to tell President that I love him today!

I need to confess, right?

It took so long.


Why are you crying?

You've come this far at last, Lady Kaguya.

B-B-But how am I supposed to confess?

You may leave that to me.

I have already prepared a plan for your Ultra Romantic confession.


Don't plan such things without telling me!

First, you'll be lighting the campfire with your fire arrow.

I will invite President to stand as close to you as possible.

The way your profile should appear so mysterious, illuminated by the light of the arrowhead...


President's heart will be thumping!


And then, while gazing down from the rooftop on the students partying by the campfire...

you'll sip hot canned coffee in modest celebration of the success of the culture festival.

That will be megapositive.


Just my kind of thing.


And then, you'll confess!

As you hand him that heart-shaped trinket...

All right! Now you utter your words of confession!




If you're imploring me to go out with you, I don't mind doing so!

Wrong answer!

And what's with the archaic mood swings?

For a second there, I thought you were Lady Maki.

Well, you're putting me on the spot with this confession!

This is going to be such a crucial moment, so you come up with something, Hayasaka!

You can't get by with someone else's words precisely because it's a crucial moment.

Confess your feelings in your own words.



I love you!


- Not good at all. - Whaaaaat?

What's the problem?

Don't you see?

Lady Kaguya, your confession lacks the Five Ws and One H.

If you offer a confession so bereft of information, your failure is just a foregone conclusion.

Like this!

Shinomiya, I didn't know you liked campfires.

Leading to misunderstanding.

What is it that you love?

Um... I love shortcake!

Leading to self-destruction.

I wouldn't put it past myself!

This isn't a romantic comedy that's entered filler mode.

Please try to nail it on your first try.

The Five Ws and One H...

Right now, at this moment, I am in love with you, President! So I really wanna go out with you!

Zero positivity!


Positivity? What is positivity anyway?

What kind of a machine-translated confession was that?

Are you trifling with me?

This is all your fault for bringing up the Five Ws and One H!

Never mind.

Just add on a "Please go out with me" and then say whatever you want.


I love you.

Please go out with me.

Zero entertainment value.

Does that make it bad?

So what am I supposed to do?

Vocalizing one's love is to be done with great care.

All the more if it's a confession of love.

You can't just slap something together.

What is it that you like about President?

Just be honest and put those feelings into words.

Put my feelings...

into words...

When we're walking in a crowd...

and someone has strayed away.

I love his face in profile when he glances behind him.

The way his eyes look so drowsy that I start to worry...

That tight grin of his when he's grappling with some difficult problem...

How he's such a straight arrow... It feels like he's showing me up.

How he hates to lose but hides it well...

How he can seem totally oblivious one second...

but he's actually keeping an eye on you.

The way he makes me feel that if I try hard enough, I can do anything...

That's what I like.

I love how President is always trying to move forward.


How could I possibly say to him...

"Don't go overseas"?

I'm so sorry, Lady Kaguya.

I was too insensitive.

Let's make sure your confession is a success.




It appears that I guessed wrong.

If President isn't at the lighting ceremony, I won't be able to confess.

Looks like things are going well for them.

Truly, I resent them for that.

The wind's pretty strong, huh?

Maybe we should've done this indoors, where it's warmer?

I thought it might be cold.

Please put this on.

That's incredibly thoughtful of you!

Oh, hey...

This is crazy warm!

It sure is nice and quiet here.

Right? It's a favorite spot of mine!

Bright red flowers bloom here in springtime!

I mean you wouldn't believe how red they are!

Maybe there's a corpse buried underneath?

These are bellflower cherry trees.

Bellflower cherry?

Well, since cherry trees are from the rose family,

you see red cherry blossoms and yellow ones, too.

In the language of flowers, they symbolize a glamorous woman, good deeds and nobility.

You'd think I was talking about—

Hey, so you like flowers.


Um, well, in a manner of speaking!

It's creepy, huh? Coming from a guy.

I don't think so at all.

It was just a little unexpected, that's all.




Whatever you do, please watch yourself around that Ishigami guy!

He was suspended back in middle school for b*ating up someone!

Everyone hates that dirty stalker!

Oh, is that right?

Who wants to be with that guy?


I'll be your buffer so you can all get along.

And you know what, I talked to him, and he was actually...

Actually serious and thoughtful.


What are you talking about?

About me wanting to know more.



Well, bellflower cherry trees start blooming from January to March!

Uh, that's not what I meant!

So they'll be blooming during graduation season, and..

And the unique thing about this cherry tree...

is that unlike other strains, its blossoms never scatter, so...

Cherry blossoms that never scatter?


It goes without saying that the sight of cherry blossoms scattering is beautiful.

But there's something about cherry blossoms that don't scatter that seems lucky.

It's kind of encouraging, don't you think?


I can't say that I've ever looked at them in that way before.

Let's come see them again when they bloom!


Uh, sure!

So anyway...

I asked you here out of the blue...

because I still haven't given you my answer.

The thing is...

I don't have an answer for you yet.

I'd like you to give me a little more time.

But I know you don't want to be left dangling forever, right?

It would seem like I was stashing you as a backup.

And I'm afraid that things might just stay vague for who knows how long.

So, I want you to decide how long you'll wait until I give you my answer.

Huh? Answer?

What's she talking about?

Ishigami is unaware that he's confessed.

Oh, wait, I know! She means coming to see the flowers!

Right now, Ishigami is slightly off base.

It can wait until sometime in March.

You're more patient than I thought!

It's still only December now, you know!

It's never a good idea to plan too far ahead.

Things could change because of the weather.

Is the weather that important?

Quivering with anticipation while you wait for the right time is part of the pleasure.

You're mentally tough. If it were me, I'd want to get it all over as soon as possible.

But... okay...

Fine! I'll try to get to know you better in the meantime!


How did that lead to me?

I feel like a load has been taken off me!

Something's not right.

I'm going to crush it in that play!

Are you sure about this?

Yes! I have neither wealth nor power!

All I have to offer is my heart!

I will give my heart to the princess!

Very well!

We shall offer it to her.

Your heart...

We shall deliver it to the princess!

The Hoshin Legend...

I didn't know there was a legend like that here.

The story of a man who offered up his heart to prove his love.

That sounds familiar for some reason.

Human heart... Heart shapes...

Is that why there are so many heart motifs at this culture festival?

It's related to this myth?

Hold up!

Does that mean...

If it's true that this culture festival is based on the Hoshin Legend,

then does giving someone a heart also have implications?

And the way Tsubame seemed so flustered!

That wasn't her just reacting to having received a cookie!

If you think about it in terms of that legend,

giving her a heart-shaped cookie, in other words, a heart, was proof of my love!

In other words, I sent her my love!

Meaning that I...

I will not let you die alone!

I'm so embarrassed!

It's like I blatantly threw myself at her, and now I'm so mortified!

Well, not like there's actually any stupid story that says that giving a heart is a confession,

Princess! Why?

Why did you have to join him?

so who cares?

We cannot allow such tragedies to happen.

Hey, Tsubame's onstage!

Now then, please open your eyes!

She's adorable!

Ishigami is slightly off base today.

Oh! Wow!

President was nowhere to be found.

Where on earth could he have gone?

This is my big moment,

so you'd think he'd have the presence of mind to come snag a good seat!

Or is he flaunting his composure?

Is he full of misplaced confidence that I'm in love with him?

Well, I'm not going to deny that I'm in love with him! Yes, I admit it!

But if it means he's going to act this way toward me, of course I'm going to sulk and start to hate him!

Well, not that I'll ever hate him, but it won't do President any good!

She's completely unperturbed by the audience around her!

Such incredible focus!

Let's hope that she's not so focused on something else that she misses the target.

Wait, could this be...

that thing known as "the game of love"?

Is he staying out of view on purpose to make me squirm?

Then that means he has to be watching somewhere!

Really! President can certainly be a bit cruel!

I'm impressed that you can stay so immersed in your own world like that.

What's this?

I've come to claim the culture festival.

This is...

his third warning!



The dragon's jewel! All of a sudden, it's gone!

Just when I was about to summon all my courage and take the plunge!

Who would cause such mischief?

All right.

It's on, Shinomiya.

Who in the world...

is messing around with President's massive ball?


Hey, there's a shadowy figure—

The phantom thief is still up on the roof!

Let's go after him, Kaguya!

What? Wait!

The culture festival will be over in less than an hour!

Really, now!

So many of these little accidents are cropping up! Nothing's going according to plan!

It's as if someone's willing this to happen!

You're under arrest!

Not here.

Looks like he's given us the slip.

How can you have so much energy, Miss Fujiwara?


Because the phantom thief is waiting for me!

No, I don't think he's waiting—

Oh, he's waiting!

After all, all thieves want is to be found by me!

Are you sure about that?

This paper is inorganic.

Inorganic paper?

This kind of paper is often used for architectural purposes.

Architectural purposes?

Now that's suspicious.

"Claiming the culture festival" is such a cryptic message.

It's all such a riddle.

Did he drop anything else on the floor?

It's too dark to find anything.

Don't you hate how the sun sets so early in the winter?

Sunset time...

Nice one, Erika!


Did you figure something out?

It's a world clock.

NOTICE I'll be taking the following.

At a glance, this looks like a bunch of separate clocks.

These can be converted into Earth's longitudes!

The final warning was strewn at exactly PM.

If we start from there and match up all the numbers with the clocks' positions...

That should yield some kind of clue, right?

You're amazing!

Oh no.

All mysteries exist to be solved.

All I did was give the keyhole called "mystery"...

the slightest of turns.

Let's go look up the longitudes in the computer lab!


Shouldn't you go with them, Lady Kaguya?

Lady Kaguya?

Forgive me, Miss Fujiwara.

I'm truly sorry,

but thanks to you, I've figured it all out.


What a tongue-in-cheek prank this is.

Everyone's overthinking it.

Actually, perhaps I should say that they were led to overthink it.

What do you mean by that, Lady Kaguya?

"All mysteries exist to be solved"...

did she say?

It finally hit me when I heard those words.

For example, this inorganic paper.

Whoever said that this paper itself was a riddle?

What we should've thought was that it was something to be used for an obvious reason.

An obvious reason...

Well, it would be dangerous to scatter paper over a campfire, wouldn't it?

He just used fire-resistant paper so the flames wouldn't spread.

We should've recognized it as the perpetrator's attention to detail.

The same holds true for this.

I did attempt to solve it myself, as well, but I failed to find a single clue.

And that was when a certain hypothesis presented itself.

There's no solution to be found in this.

It's single-hook fishing, baiting someone like Miss Fujiwara,

who sees a row of symbols and is convinced it's a code with a solution.


Just now, the secretary girl said...

All I did was give the keyhole called "mystery" the slightest of turns.

She looked extremely credible.

Please don't go there with her.

Therefore, if one was to go ahead and fill in the blanks,

I suppose you could call it "Fujiwara's Time."

And as for the sender, Arsène...

which means "masculine" in Greek...

Didn't somebody somewhere utter that very thing?

Now I see.

From this point on, I'm going to search for President myself.


This is a "Read President's mind to find him" game.

I should take on this challenge alone.

Very well.

But are you sure you'll be all right?

Can you really manage on your own?

I'll thank you not to speak of me as if I'm helpless without you, Hayasaka.

I'm going to sip some canned coffee as I hand him a heart. That's all.

I'm going to do everything as planned.

You've certainly grown strong.

This is a test.

Does Kaguya Shinomiya know who the real Miyuki Shirogane is?

I do know.

Because I've been watching you for so long.

You're always so concerned about others...

so you're sure to be somewhere that you can watch over the students.

Meaning that you're in a spot where you can overlook the campfire,

the predictor of the culture festival's success or failure.

And as you're a romanticist who loves the stars,

someone who's always striving for the top...

The place at this academy that's closest to the sky...

Now then, according to Hayasaka's plan, this is where I buy some coffee.


Why does it keep spitting back my money?


Why did it have to break down now?

You can do better than this, beverage company!

Never mind the canned coffee.

All I have to do is give President this heart.


It's gone! Did I drop it somewhere?

Save me, Hayasaka!

Kaguya regrets what she said earlier.

Meanwhile, having made elaborate plans,

Shirogane has set up an infallible path to confession.

You mean the "Read Shinomiya's mind and find her" game?

What keeps him going is a strange exhilaration that he's displaying to the max.

How do you feel about me, Shinomiya?

Let's work part-time!

Needless to say, he never fails to regain his composure the next day,

and finds himself unable to function due to acute embarrassment.

However, by this point, Shirogane is on the verge of returning to his senses!

What am I wearing?

What I'm doing is Fujiwara-level, isn't it?

Normally, his exhilaration lasts for at least hours, but the culture festival is a two-day affair.

Time limit!

At this moment, embarrassment is assaulting him!

Shirogane's mysterious exhilaration has fizzled out.

Kaguya's schemes have always been her mainstay, but now she's run out!

Both parties have lost their greatest weapons

and are now poised to face off in this crucial battle unarmed!

However, even so...

the time for the showdown will arrive!