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1x10 - Dirty Little Secrets

Posted: 03/15/14 03:22
by bunniefuu
Previously in Wonderland...

Will: Mistress mine, my will is thine.

I think these are for you. I'm pretty sure I'm a genie, Lizard.

The wish you gave to the Knave... he used it to end your suffering, and as a result, he granted me my freedom.

Beers for everyone in the village!

[ Crowd cheers ]

Don't you know who I am?

Peasant: We know who you used to be, before Jafar threw you out of your palace.

Alice: - Where did you find it? Red Queen: - The Lizard. She had it.

[ Whoosh ]

Oh, thank God it's you.

Actually, Will, it's me. I'm your master.

Tweedle #1: It took Wonderland's most powerful magic to imprison the Jabberwocky.

I am the Jabberwocky.

We need to get out of Wonderland before Jafar gets us.

When he gets you, he's gonna have all three genies.

Those other genies... they're my brothers.

[ Indistinct conversations ]


[ Sighs ]



What are you doing?

Upping the ante.

With a compass?

It's a golden compass with magical properties.

It'll point you to anything you've lost in your life and you wish to find again.

In your case, it might be some soap.

[ Chuckles ]

What do you say, gentlemen? In or out?

That's enough, brother.

Better to quit while we're ahead.

Quitting while you're ahead is still quitting.

You worry too much, Taj. Trust me.

[ Breathes deeply ]



[ Laughs ]


You cheating bastard!

Well, it would be difficult to prove I cheated, seeing as you've just ruined the game.

Better luck next time.

[ Bones crunch ]

[ Grunting ]

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey! Enough! Enough!

Leave! Now!

You'll pay for this.

Not as much as you did.

[ Groans loudly ]

Well, now that that's settled...

Mahia! For everyone!

[ All cheering ]

[ Laughter ]

I still can't believe your luck.

Only you could have that many good hands in a row, Cyrus.

Not even me.

He cheated.

Come, come. It's only considered cheating if I get caught.

[ Laughs ]

Otherwise, it's considered luck.

One day, your luck will run out, Cyrus.

You have to learn to play the hand you're dealt.

[ Horse whinnies ]

What are they doing at our home?

I don't know.

Rafi, give me your knife.

Man: Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

[ Horse neighs ]


Mother's inside.



Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x10

Dirty Little Secrets

Original air date March 13, 2014

The whole time Jafar had me c*ptive, he had my brothers right there.

How could I not have noticed?

Cyrus, don't punish yourself.

Even Jafar didn't know about your relations.

If he had, he would have definitely used it against you.

Either way, we're going to do whatever it takes to free them.

And me? That's my house he's holding now, and, frankly, I hate it. There's not a lot of elbow room.

And you know what else there isn't?

Please don't tell us.

A toilet!

- Anyway...

The first thing we need to do is determine where the bottles are.

If Jafar's moved into your palace, do you think he would have moved the bottles with him?


Well, in that case, we just need to break into the palace and take them.

Oh, yeah, 'cause it's really that simple.

The four of us are no match for Jafar's magic.

The only thing that's gonna protect us is an army...

my army.

In case you haven't noticed, your army has deserted you.

Your former subjects are willing to let you get eaten alive by mome raths.

Yes, I'm quite aware of people's feelings about me.

I'm just gonna have to prove them wrong.

Why fight Jafar if we can simply disarm him?

My brothers and I weren't born genies. We were cursed.

So if I can break that curse...

We can free them.

I'm particularly fond about the bit where you get the genies out of the bottles.

That's good.

Well, if I can get back to the place where the curse was made, perhaps I can find a way to undo it.

Well, who was it that cursed you?

[ Sighs ]

The guardian of the Well of Wonders in Agrabah.

Oh, Agrabah? How the bloody hell are we gonna get back there?

If it's the Well of Wonders you need, Wonderland has one of its own.

Magical waters flow underneath all of the lands.

If you seek the guardian of waters, all you have to do is summon her.

All right, then.

Let's go.

Have you ever considered what happens if you fail?

Every moment wasted is another chance for Jafar to get his hands on the last genie.

The only thing that is gonna save Will is an army.

We free my brothers, Jafar doesn't need Will.

Shall we split up?


We split up.

We split up.

[ Rooster crows ]

[ Dog barking ]

[ Chickens clucking ]

[ Wind chimes jingling ]

[ Barking continues ]

[ Noises stop ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

Did I wake you?

[ Grunts ]

Going somewhere?

Not so fast.

Tell me about the genie.

Or would you rather talk about your two children, who are being bathed by their mother in the river as we speak?

[ Gasps ]

"How quickly can she get there?", you're wondering.

"How will she k*ll them? Will she have mercy on the baby?"

The answers are... very fast, very slow, and no.

I don't care much for babies.

[ Shakily ] - Please.


Jabber, jabber, jabber.

All you people do is jabber.

The genie... where is he?

He was here, but I don't know where he went.

Who was he with?

[ Whispering indistinctly ]

[ Gasps ]

She lives there.

[ Breathing heavily ]

Please... please don't k*ll me.

You misunderstand.

I don't have to k*ll you because you're already scared to death.




[ Humming ]

What exactly have you brought me?

A parting glance.

Those belong to the genie's previous master... a pretty girl in a pretty dress.

And you couldn't just ask her where the bottle was?

She died before I had the opportunity.

I assumed a sorcerer like yourself would find a way to make... those useful.

I must admit, I like a girl who thinks on her feet.

De visu intueri.

Visione revelare.

has the genie.

Is that good news... or bad?

Bring me the Queen.

[ Whispering indistinctly ]

So, you think this Well of Wonders can save maman?

I haven't seen it myself, but I've heard stories.

The water inside is said to contain magical properties.

Magical properties?

Legend has it it can make a cowardly man brave, a greedy man generous, and a sick man healthy.

It might be the only way to save maman.

Is it close?

A day's journey, maybe less if we move fast.

You heard the healer. She may not last another day.

So you'd rather just watch our mother die than fight to save her?

No, of course not.

But what if the legends are false?

What if while we're gone, she dies alone?

We have to do something!

This is not your fault, Cyrus.

You could never have known they were gonna come... - The road to the well is dangerous.

Three men will stand a better chance than one, but if you're unwilling to risk it, I will go alone.

I'm her firstborn son.

If anyone has a duty, it is me.

Then we share this burden together, brothers.

We move fast, and we let nothing stand in our way.

Are you looking forward to seeing your brothers again?

Of course.

How did you get cursed into the bottles in the first place?

You never told me.

Didn't I?

I don't think so.

It's probably because there's not much to tell.

We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

You didn't do anything?

Not even something that might have been mistaken...

It was so long ago, I barely even remember.

Besides, there's no point in dwelling on it now.

It's all in the past.

Come on, if we pick up the pace, we can make it to the Well of Wonders within the hour.

White Rabbit: Nobody's home!

Now, Rabbit, don't be that way.

No rabbit here!

Just a happy family enjoying some quality time together...


This won't take more than a minute.

Time is a precious commodity, Knave.

1 minute is 60 seconds, which is 60,000 milliseconds.

Do you know how much I can accomplish in 60,000 milliseconds?

You wouldn't be enjoying any milliseconds if I hadn't had have found your bloody family.

Now, open the door.

[ Lock clicks ]

[ Sighs ]

What is it you want?

It's not about what I want. It's about what she wants.


[ Whimpers ]

Please, Rabbit, don't be afraid.

I'm not gonna hurt you.

[ Scoffs ]

You've already taken my wife, my children, my honor.

What more could you possibly want from me?

Your forgiveness.

What I took from you, I can never give back, and there's nothing that I can offer you to make up for what you've already lost, but what I can say is, I'm sorry, Rabbit.

Terribly sorry.

[ Sighs ]

What's done is done.

Why do you care if I forgive you?

Because I need your help.

With what?

Becoming the Queen that everyone deserves.

I want to defeat Jafar, reclaim Wonderland, but not for me... for the people, and I need you to tell them that they can trust me.

[ Stammers ]

Has she completely lost her mind?

She wants to change.

[ Chuckles ]

Whether or not she's capable of it, only time will tell.

Unfortunately, defeating Jafar has become the least of your problems.

Why is that?

Jafar has released the Jabberwocky.

How? Uh...

What's a Jabberwocky?

Who told him?

I don't know how or why.

I just know she's out.

Is that bad?

I suppose now you'll want me to take you out of Wonderland before she finds you.

That sounds like an excellent...

No! We are not leaving.

Not going.

I said that I was gonna save Wonderland, and I meant it.

If the Jabberwocky has been released, all the more reason to stay and fight.

Now, Rabbit, I'm not gonna force you to do anything, but if you care about Wonderland, what it once was and what it can be again, then I'm gonna need you to help me.

[ Whimpers ]

Portal to every corner of the realm and tell the people that the battle to save Wonderland is about to begin.

[ Gulps ]

[ Birds chirping ]

Red Queen: Quickly, Will.

We have to find Alice and Cyrus and warn them.

Will: About this Jabber person...

Yeah, if the Jabberwocky has been released, it's not safe for any of us to be out in the open.

I can't help but notice we're still actually out in the open.

Don't be so scared, okay?

Well, stop scaring me, then.

Will, I'm being serious.

The Jabberwocky feeds off fear. She can smell it.

Remind me again why we didn't take the Rabbit's offer to leave Wonderland?

Because Jafar's gonna destroy Wonderland... - The real reason.

The Rabbit might have bought that performance, but he doesn't know you like I do.

You don't do anything that's not about making life more comfortable for you.

So what's your angle?

There is no angle, Will.

I... I made a mistake.

I tried to rewrite the past and fix things between us, and instead, I just ended up destroying the future.

It's not about making life more comfortable for myself, because I'll never be comfortable again... not without you in my life.

But I... I can make everyone else's life more comfortable, and the only way I can do that is by getting rid of Jafar.

You really think you can do that?

[ Chirping stops, bird wings flutter ]

What is it?

You hear something?

I hear nothing.

Get back in your bottle, Will.

What? I don't bloody think so.

No, I'm not asking you! I'm telling you!

Get back in your bottle, genie!

[ Whoosh ]

You can thank me later.

Come on, then! Show your face!

[ Gasps ]

[ Heartbeat pounding ]

Where are you?!

[ Whimpers ]

Good afternoon, Your Majesty.

Jabberwocky: [ Echoing ]

You'll have to do better than that.

[ Gasps ]

[ Echoing laughter ]

What's the matter?! You afraid, Jabber?!

[ Laughs ]

I'm not the one trembling.

I can feel your nightmares.

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting ]


[ Laughs ]

I can taste your dread.

[ Gasps ]

[ Laughs ]

Your fear.

[ Gasps ]

You fear I'm going to find the bottle.

[ Laughs ]

[ Singsong voice ]

But I know something you don't know.

I've already found it.


[ Gasps ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Chuckles ]

[ Laughs ]


[ Breathing shallowly ]

[ Whimpers ]

There's only one blade that can do me harm.

[ Grunts ]

And that wasn't it.

Come now, genie.

[ Exhales deeply ]

The fun's just beginning.

According to this map, the Well of Wonders should just be straight ahead.

[ Gasps ]

What in the world?

Excuse me, sir. We need...

Two doors appear along a stony path, and travelers always wonder which door will lead them to the well and which will drag them under.

Choose poorly and meet certain doom.

There is no room for blunder.

It's some kind of a riddle.

Sir Knight... we have somewhere very important to be.

If you could just tell us which door to use, we'd greatly appreciate it.

It's not polite to ignore people.

You should respond when someone talks to you.

He's not responding.

We don't have time for games. Let's just walk around.

[ Grunts ]

[ Exhales sharply ]

It's all right.

We just need to figure out which door to use. - How?

Could you please give us a hint?

Answer us!

I don't think yelling at him is going to...

I'm tired of my fate being decided by others, people telling me what I can and cannot do.

I thought when I got out of the bottle that things...

I'm sorry, Alice. It's just that this can't be the only way.

[ Sighs ]

I wish there was another way.

But sometimes you just have to play the hand you've been dealt.
Cyrus: This must be the place.

How much should we take?

As much as we can.

I am Nyx, guardian of the Well of Wonders.

Who disturbs my slumber?

I'm Cyrus.

These are my brothers.

We come on behalf of our mother.

Your mother... she is badly burned.


She's in pain.

Which is why we've come.

We've been told your water contains magic.

Magic that could heal her.

My water can heal only those whose destinies have yet to be written.

Your mother's fate has already been sealed.

She will die.

No. You must be mistaken.

I'm sorry for your suffering, but this water is not meant for you.

Why must she die for a mistake that I made?

Answer me.

Return the water... or pay the price.

[ Horse neighs in distance ]

Where are you going?


With the water? You heard what she said.

I heard a warning.

It is one thing to cheat at cards, Cyrus.

It is another thing to cheat the fates.

We have no choice.

There's only fighting or laying down.

Courage or cowardice. I know which I choose.

The question is, do you?

I cannot... will not let her die for a mistake that I made.

That's not fate. That's fault... my fault.

And this, what we have in our hand, is the only way I have to atone for that mistake.

Would you take that from me, brothers?

So, do you ask us to steal this water for you... or for maman?

For maman, of course.


For maman.

For maman.

Alice: Two doors.

One leads us to the Well of Wonders, and the other drags us under.

Under what?

So, you're not going to answer any of my questions?


You will?


But you just did.

You can only answer yes or no.


Did you just say no?


This is ridiculous.

There has to be another way, Alice.

Is there another way?


Good. Ask him what it is.

Wait. You already tried to go around, and it didn't work.

He's lying.


That's the riddle.

You're a liar, aren't you?


That means yes.

Does this door lead me to the Well of Wonders?


Thank you very much.

[ Gasps ]

You did it.

I'm good at riddles.

You're good at everything.

What's wrong, my love?

There's something. I felt it all day.

I can't...

Of course you can.

You can tell me anything, Cyrus.

All right.

I don't want you to come any further.

I need to do this alone.


This is my burden, my curse to break.

But I... I... I thought that...

Why must you be so stubborn, Alice?

I'm sorry.

It's fine.

Just go.


Jafar: Good. You're awake.

[ Gasps ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Sighs ]

Anastasia and Will, reunited at last.

Tell me, is it everything you imagined?

You can dispense with the insufferable small talk, Jafar.

Or is that your idea of t*rture?

Unfortunately for you, I have something else in mind.

We've been down this road before.

We both know how it's going to end.

I'm the master of the genie. I have three wishes.

In order for your little spell to work, I have to make those wishes so the genie goes back in the bottle.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Well, you've got nothing to thr*aten me with.

Can't k*ll me. Can't k*ll Will.

Right again.

I'd say you're out of moves, Jafar.

Why don't you untie me?

We can come to some sort of an agreement.

Did our partnership mean nothing to you?

I had a partner... once, a long time ago.

Her name was Amara...

Lovely woman, much like yourself.

And also like you, she believed firmly in cooperation.

Unfortunately, we did not see eye-to-eye on the best way to achieve our goals, so...

I found another use for her.


I always get what I want.

One way or another, you will make those wishes.

What happens next, it can either be painful or severely painful.

Choose wisely.

As Amara now knows... there are fates far worse than death.

You heard him. Make your wish.

I can't.

Yes, you can.

Just wish him out of Wonderland now.


Jafar, I wish you out of...

It would never have worked out between us, darling, but don't feel bad.

I moved on.

I found someone else, someone promising.

[ Door opens ]

And I believe you've already met.

[ Exhales sharply ]

We need her wishes.

Don't stop until she's broken.

[ Sighs ]

[ Nails clicking on bars ]

[ Birds chirping ]

You again.

Have you come to steal more water?

I don't want your water.

Then what is it you want?

I want your mercy.

You should know better than anyone.

I do not dispense mercy to those who do not deserve it.

Please. I beg you.

All things happen for a reason.

Only with time will you understand what that reason is.

You made it.

That's it, maman.

That's it.

Your water... she needs more.

[ Sighs ]

Perhaps this was her fate all along.

[ Sighs ]

[ Inhales sharply ]

Deep breaths now.

[ Breathing deeply ]

That's it.


It's a miracle.

Come on, come.

You're alive, Amara.

Your sons... they saved you.

A wish released me from the bottle, released me from your curse.

Now that I'm free, I beg for your mercy.

Not for myself, but for my brothers.

They are innocent.

They took from me, as did you.

They did only as I asked of them... what I demanded of them.

It was my fault. I was foolish. I was arrogant.

But I understand now.

After spending lifetimes granting the wishes of other arrogant fools, I understand there are no shortcuts.

That sometimes life is... it should be.

I have learned my lesson.

Don't punish my brothers for my arrogance.


I beg you.

Release them from their curse.

Only when the water is returned can the curse be lifted.

I can't return the water.

I gave it to my mother over 100 years ago.

I'm afraid she's long dead now.


Your mother lives.

That's not possible.

Return the water, and the curse shall be lifted.

Tell me where I can find her.

No, wait! Please, no!

Tell me where she is! Wait, please!

Come back! Where is she?

Come back!

You're back.

We thought you were lost to us forever.

How do you feel?


Like I've slept for 100 years.

What do you need?

Is there anything we can do?

Only one thing.

Come here.

Let me look at you.

My three brave, beautiful sons.

And they moved heaven and earth to bring you back.

Bring me back? From where? Where was I?

You were badly burned.

We didn't think you'd make it.

But I did.

And yet I don't understand how.

It was magic that saved you.


From where?

The Well of Wonders.

We didn't have a choice.

Tell me exactly what you did.

We stole it, the water.

[ Sighs ]

Cyrus, no.

The guardian said that you couldn't be saved, but look.

You're healed!

Did all three of you take the water?

Then you need to leave... all of you, right now.

Leave? Wait. Why?

Hurry. There isn't much time.

It's the only way you'll be safe.

Safe from what?

She's coming for you.

Whatever you do, don't stop until you're out of Agrabah.

If we're lucky, you'll be gone before she realizes.

We can't have her find you.

I'm begging you. Have mercy. They're my children.

[ Thunder crashes ]

You let your desires override the fates.

[ Rumbling ]

Now it will be your fate to serve the desires of others.

[ Whooshing ]



Amara: No! My boys!


[ Gasps ]

I'm sorry, maman. Forgive me.



Isn't it?

On the outside, it's nothing special... nothing out of the ordinary.

But inside... a prize more valuable than... gold?

Just like that head of yours... nothing particularly interesting on the outside, but inside...

If I were to dig deep enough, there's no telling what treasures you've been hiding.

So... let's find out, shall we?

Little pig, little pig, let me come in.

Hold fast, Ana. You know she can't hurt you.

I don't want to hurt you.

I want to help you.

You've suffered so much.

You've already lived a life of fear, haven't you?

You believe that if the Prince had chosen you instead of your stepsister, then... your mother would have loved you.

And now you fear that love is forever out of reach, and that deep, dark hole in your heart will remain empty... a hollow reminder... of the life you could have had.

[ Laughs ]

[ Inhales deeply ]

Can you feel me inside that head of yours, drifting from room to room?

I can see... everything.

There's a darkness in you.

It's like a disease.

It's rotting you from the inside.

You ran away from the only love you've ever had, and now you fear...'ll never get it back.


You and I have something in common now.

We both know exactly who you are.

And you're terrified that it's only a matter of time before he knows, too.

You can't ever get his love back.

[ Gasps ]

But that's not really what you want.

Is it?

Or you never would have donned that crown all those years ago.

You made the right choice.

Do it again.

Wish for your precious... precious... crown.

Go on.

Wish for your crown, and all your suffering goes away.

Don't do it, Ana.

[ Whoosh ]

Aah! Ah!


[ Panting ]

Wish for your crown, and all his suffering goes away.

[ Grunts ]

[ Crying ]

My crown...

Go on.

I wish for my crown!


Now, wish for... your jewels.

Go on.

[ Exhales sharply ]

I wish for my jewels.

[ Gasps ]

[ Crying ]

Doesn't she look pretty?

Now... wish for me to stop.


Go on.

I wish for you to stop.

[ Gasps ]

[ Whooshing ]

Wish granted.

As I said...

...I always get what I want.

[ Footsteps ]

[ Whimpers ]

Man: Your Majesty.

I apologize.

I wanted to come sooner, but I've been in hiding... you know, keeping to the tunnels.

I mean, if Jafar knew that I was still in the castle...

[ Sighs ]

Uh, I brought you something.

I know it's not much, but that's all I could manage, given the circumstances.

Now that you're here, we can leave this place together.

And there must be a way that I can open your...

Why are you doing this?

You're my Queen, Your Majesty.

Not anymore.

You have to warn Alice and Cyrus.

Go to the outlands, tell them it's over.

Jafar has released the Jabberwocky.

He has Will, he has all three bottles.

Wonderland is doomed, and I let that happen.

Tell them they must get out of Wonderland as fast as they can and to not look back.

And what about you?

Forget about me.

[ Birds chirping ]

[ Rustling ]


I thought you'd need some help.

You followed me.

How much did you see?

Why didn't you tell me?


...I was afraid I'd lose you.

Everything that's happened here, it's my fault... the curse, the bottles, Jafar, all of your suffering.

It's all punishment for mistakes that I've made.

Everybody has things they wish they could take back.

Everybody makes mistakes.

Not you.

I gave up on us.

Before Will and the Rabbit brought me to Wonderland, before they told me you were alive, I was in an asylum, and I agreed to something... this procedure that would erase my memory of this place... and of you... forever.

I wanted to forget all about you... about all our adventures.

I just had too much to remember.

You fell in love with a genie, Alice.

What if it's the bottle that made me a better man?

And now that I'm out...

Then I'll be your bottle.

Cyrus, if we live our lives looking to the past, we'll never be able to move forward to our future together.

[ Chuckles lightly ]

What is it?

Someone once told me that all things happen for a reason.

I think I'm finally starting to believe it.

Come on.

If your mother is indeed alive, we need to find her.

I think it's high time we met.

You thought I couldn't do this alone, Amara.

How wrong you were.

Jabberwocky: Was she?

I seem to remember you calling upon me for some much-needed reinforcement.

And I seem to remember removing that vorpal blade from your gut... an action I can just as easily reverse.

Jafar: Soon, I'll have everything I ever wanted, and there's not a person in this world... or any other... that'll be able to stop me.

[ Rumbling ]

[ Sighs ]

So... [ Rumbling continues ] ...let's begin.