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02x03 - Miyuki Shirogane Wants to Gaze at the Moon/The 67th Student Council/Kaguya Doesn't Want to Say It

Posted: 02/05/23 11:21
by bunniefuu
There's a full moon tonight! Let's have a moon-viewing party!

"MIYUKI SHIROGANE WANTS TO GAZE AT THE MOON" You sure are excited. What are you suddenly going on about?

That's what I always want to ask you, but whatever.

"UNYIELDING DILIGENCE IN ONE'S STUDIES" It's the harvest moon tonight!

If you don't look up at the sky on a night like that, it's the loss of a lifetime!

I've already prepared everything. I even got permission to use the roof.

So, call your parents and tell them you're going to be late.

But isn't this too sudden?

No, I heard tonight will be ideal for stargazing!

With a full moon and that forecast, we've just got do it!


Shirogane has such unbridled love for celestial bodies

that he dreams of becoming an astronomer.

--On the one night of the year in which the moon was at its most beautiful, --On the sacred night of the full moon, give me power! Rabbit, rabbit, boing-boing!

--he couldn't contain his excitement! --On the sacred night of the full moon, give me power! Rabbit, rabbit, boing-boing!

Oh, why not?

I'm in.

This student council will be disbanded soon.

This may be our last chance to throw caution to the wind.

You really can see it clearly!

Told you.

The moon is southeast, facing Tokyo Bay,

so there's relatively little light pollution from the city.

And this location isn't bad.

What's so enjoyable about looking at the moon?

I can't comprehend it.

However, being on the roof at night...

There's a certain mood in a situation like this.

If I play my cards right, I'll be able to force President's hand.

--But I could do without the third wheels. --Rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, for cripes' sakes, rice cakes!

--It's cold. --Rice cakes, rice cakes, rice cakes, for cripes' sakes, rice cakes!

Miss Fujiwara, are you going to boil the rice cakes?

Yes! I prefer dumplings over flowers, and rice cakes over the moon!

It's windy over here, though.

Why don't we do it here?

Good thinking!

I want to warm up by the flames.

That was too easy.

I didn't have any trouble at all getting rid of them.

Where are the other two?

They're boiling rice cakes over there.

"PUFFY RICE CAKE" They're boiling rice cakes over there.

I see.

Now, how shall I go on the att*ck?

Ah, yes. How about like this?


President, it's kind of chilly tonight, huh?

This plan was so sudden that I didn't have time to get a jacket.

I'll probably catch a cold at this rate.

Then, how about using my jacket?

That's it!

I'm going to savor the sight of President squirming.

President, it's kind of...

I bet you're cold.

Go ahead and use my jacket if you don't mind.


Huh? What?

I didn't even say anything yet, but I've already got his jacket?

My whole plan fell apart!

I also brought some hot tea.

Th-Thank yo--

Th-This is it!

It looks like there are no other cups.

"SQUIRM SQUIRM" So, when I give this back to him,

"SQUIRM SQUIRM" I'll be able to see President squirm over the prospect of an indirect kiss!

You have some, too, President.


Let's see now! There's no way he won't get flustered over this!



What are you doing?

I had my mouth there!

How can you take a secondhand kiss without even batting an eye?

Maybe he's so moony over the moon that I'm not even in his orbit?

Exactly! Shirogane is totally absorbed in the moon!

His mind has reverted to a state of childlike innocence without any prurient thoughts.

His warped pride and sense of shame are gone by the wayside

while his heart is devoted to the moon!

H-He's more infatuated by the moon than me?

This is ridiculous!

I'm going to make you notice me by any means necessary!

They say nothing pleases a man more than when a woman shows interest in his interests.

In that case...

President, where is the Great Square of Pegasus?

Oh, um, okay.

--Pretend to be interested, then just smile and nod.

--So, the Great Square of Pegasus, you see, blah-blah-blah... --Pretend to be interested, then just smile and nod.

President, you're so knowledgeable! Amazing!

--Then, I'll naturally lean into him, and he'll squirm like a worm!

--And that... --Then, I'll naturally lean into him, and he'll squirm like a worm!

--Yes? --Then, I'll naturally lean into him, and he'll squirm like a worm!

--Homina homina homina! --Then, I'll naturally lean into him, and he'll squirm like a worm!

President, where's the Great Square of Pegasus?

Are you interested?

Yes! Very much so!

Then, slide over here.

--Listen. Follow a straight line from my thumb and index finger.

--H-Huh? --Listen. Follow a straight line from my thumb and index finger.

There's a bright star. That's Alpheratz.

The Great Square of Pegasus can be seen in the fall,

but ironically, its brightest star is Andromeda.

There are three more bright stars in that area.

If you connect them all, it becomes a square.

Did you see it?

No. The moon is a little too bright.

Then, how about over here?


If you lie down and look straight up, you can see the Summer Triangle.

Even though it's fall, it's easy to see the Summer Triangle.

Isn't that funny?

Do you know about the temporal axis lag?

Because of the effect of precessional movement,

--Wh-What is this? --the North Star actually changes over time.

--Wh-What is this? --, years from now, it'll be Gamma Cephei.

--What's with him? --, years from now, it'll be Gamma Cephei.

--What's with him? --In , years, it'll be Beta Cephei.

--Isn't this out of line? --And in , years, the role will be filled by Vega.

In other words, our story of Orihime is derived from the Chinese folk tale

called "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl."

--So, , years from now, Hikoboshi will revolve around Orihime.

--But when he talks to me with his eyes glittering like that, --So, , years from now, Hikoboshi will revolve around Orihime.

--But when he talks to me with his eyes glittering like that, --I guess no matter how many years pass,

--I can't see anything! --I guess no matter how many years pass,

--I can't see anything! --it will always be a man's fate to revolve around a woman.

--it will always be a man's fate to revolve around a woman.

Isn't that funny?

I-I get it, so...


The moon reminds me of "Princess Kaguya."

You have the same name. Maybe you have a special fondness for it, too.

Of course.

When I look up at the night sky, I can't help but think of the story about the woman

who was forced to return home to the moon, abandoning the one she loved.

That's why I hate the moon.

Makes sense.

When Princess Kaguya had to go back to the moon,

she left behind an elixir of immortality for the man she loved.

But the man had no intention of living forever in a world without her,

so the story ends with him burning the elixir.

Still, if you think about it,

Princess Kaguya did everything she could to reject her suitors.

Do you think a woman like that would give an immortality potion to the one she loved?

I always think...

...that elixir was Princess Kaguya's message, telling him, "I'll come back for you some day."

Even if it would've taken more time than a human lifespan...

Even if the distance between them was hopeless...

I think she gave him the elixir of immortality, imbuing it with the meaning,

"I'll wait for you forever."

But the man didn't pick up on her message,

so he said something moving and had the elixir b*rned.

It's a cruel story.

If it had been me, I never would've let Kaguya go.

I would've gone to the moon and stolen her back.

No question.

Even if it would've taken decades. Even centuries.


If it had been our story,

I would've read the meaning between the lines,

and it would've had a very different ending.

I can't...

I can't take it!

I told you that's enough! It's embarrassing!

First the fireworks display and now this!

I-I'm surprised you can talk like that with a straight face!

Are you trying to k*ll me?


--You're not making sense, Shinomiya! What are you trying to say?

--The sweet red bean soup is ready. --You're not making sense, Shinomiya! What are you trying to say?

I don't want to say anything!

Oh, forget it!

--I can't take it anymore! --Hey!


How could I have said such embarrassing things?

Today's battle result...



Sweet dumplings, sweet dumplings, make me so happy!


Well, let's each choose what to keep, whatever you can carry home.



Roger that.


"THE th STUDENT COUNCIL" The year was over before I knew it!

Maybe it feels especially like that for me,

since I've only really been here for half a year.


This year flew by in the blink of an eye.

This sign brings back memories!

It's from our welcome party for the French students.


"PERFECT ISOLATION" Yeah, the principal suddenly sprung that on us.

I think that was our busiest time.


They may be able to use this again,

so I guess I'll leave it here.

Good idea.

I have to take my games home, too, huh?

Those cards...

You were always in the mood to play games, Miss Fujiwara.

That and telling fortunes.

"LIKE" We did this, too!

What's that from again?

You don't remember? Jeez...

Say "Ho!"

Now I remember!

Where you couldn't say a certain word!

Yes! The forbidden word game!

I must've missed that.

We did this, too!


That really doesn't suit you.


Don't suddenly do a cute ambush on me! I thought I was going to have a heart att*ck!

Jeez. Quit slowing me down when I'm trying to clean up here.


I wasn't here for that, either.

Um, then there was this.

I know that one!

You hit me with that when I said your boobs were in the way!



"WHAP WHAP" Like this!

"WHAP WHAP" You've gotten stronger, Ishigami.

"WHAP WHAP" You're the only one who can antagonize Fujiwara.

I see.

People change and grow.

Is this growth?


"TRUE ROMANCE LOVE REFRAIN" You've grown, too, Shinomiya.

Before, you thought someone's "first time" referred to a kiss.

Go ahead, make fun of me. That was a long time ago.

That didn't get under her skin?


Miss Fujiwara...

You really had us like puppets on strings.

Here at the student council... many things happened.

I feel so nostalgic!

"LUCKY" "GOAL" "MISFORTUNE" I feel so nostalgic!

That's too recent for you to get nostalgic over.

It's over?

I guess that's it.

Did we look everywhere?

There's one place we didn't check.



It was in here?

You never noticed?

No! I had no idea!

Apparently, this room was their base during the student movement.

I suppose they built this secret room then.

Startling secrets to the very end.

Well, this time for sure, we haven't forgotten anything, right?

Wanna celebrate at a family restaurant?

Not a bad idea.


That's not fair.

Well done, everyone.

Thank you for everything!

The activities of the th student council...

...have come to a close.


You all did a great job this past year.


Now I can finally take off this sweltering jacket.

"KAGUYA DOESN'T WANT TO SAY IT" Although it's almost time to switch to our winter uniforms...


That's a weight off my shoulders! This braided cord is heavy.

Well, it is made of gold.

Now, we just have to pray that our successors can fill our shoes.

After they saw how you worked yourself to death,

I don't think anyone wants your position, President.

Well, at least think about it.

It's tough being on the student council, but there are commensurate merits.

Student council privileges!

Shuchiin Academy's committee members and student council members

are given privileges such as admittance to Shuchiin University,

grant for qualifications and the like.

But only the president of the student council is given the letter of recommendation

from Shuchiin Academy's board of trustees,

"LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION" from Shuchiin Academy's board of trustees,

"LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION" which is a premium ticket to universities and research institutes around the world.

which is a premium ticket to universities and research institutes around the world.

With this recommendation,

a student would be one step closer to making their dream come true.

How about you, Ishigami?

Are you going to throw your hat in the ring?

Do you really think I would get any votes?

Girls in my class start to cry

if I even make eye contact with them.

I can't even count how many girls I've made cry.

And making girls cry makes me cry, too.

--Isn't that funny? --Sorry.

Well, maybe...

If I became the student council president...


"HAHAHA" "CLAP CLAP" Cut it out.

"HAHAHA" "CLAP CLAP" I'm gonna punch you in the face.

So, President...

Knock it off, Shinomiya. I'm not the president anymore.

O-Oh, right.

Huh? If President isn't the president, what should I call him?

Mr. Shirogane?

Just Shirogane?




As if...

I could never do anything as embarrassing as calling him by his given name!

I'm not that kind of frivolous girl!

Want a refill, Miyuki?

You had coffee, right, Miyuki?

Miyuki, did you want hot coffee? Or iced?

Iced, please.

Okay! Miyuki wants ice!

"SIMPLE" "SHALLOW!!" Frivolous! Are all young people like that these days?

I'll have the same as Myu.


--Why "Myu"? --How about if I call you "Yucchin"?

--Gimme a break. --Oh, is it from "Miyuki" to "Miyu" to "Myu"? That's cute!

--I think maybe I'll go with that. --No, no, no. --Oh, is it from "Miyuki" to "Miyu" to "Myu"? That's cute!

I see. A nickname...

--Calling him by his given name would make me sound like a wanton hussy,

--Simpler! Simpler! --Calling him by his given name would make me sound like a wanton hussy,

--Simpler! Simpler! --but if it's a nickname, that's no problem!

Hello, Mr. Myu.

There's no need for the "Mr."

"TOTALLY FINE!!" This variation doesn't make me feel embarrassed at all!

I'm going to use it.

I'm going to get another drink, too.

You like iced coffee, right?



Like he said, he's not the president anymore.

She couldn't bring herself to say it.

Disbanding, huh?

If Miyuki would just continue as the president for one more year,

everything would work out.

No way.

Being the student council president for our school is exhausting work.

It's crazy how President could juggle his duties, his studies and a job.

He already has the letter of recommendation from the board of trustees,

so there would be no advantage for him to be the president for another year.

We can't be selfish.


That's right.

Asking him would just be selfish.

We're in different classes,

so without the student council, there goes our connection.

After this, I'm sure we won't see each other very often.

That's right! I could become the student council president,

and President could become the vice president!

Ishigami could stay as the treasurer,

and Kashiwagi as the secretary!

Wouldn't that be the perfect team?

Just kidding.

Well, see you tomorrow!

Shall we go?

Even if President became the vice president, I'm sure he would work too hard.

The name would change, but nothing else would.

The best thing for President to do is concentrate on his studies.

Our days together are over.

I should think of them as a dream that I had every day.

I can't be selfish.

"SHINOMIYA" I can't be selfish.

"SHINOMIYA" Well, see you.

You did a great job, Shirogane.

Thanks. You, too, Shinomiya.

Calling him that...

It just doesn't feel right coming out of my mouth!

Can I be...


I'll never ask you for anything again!


...want you to keep being the president, President!

In other words,

you want me to be the president for one more year, Shinomiya?

Shinomiya, what do you think this is?



I see, I see!

That's what you were thinking, huh, Shinomiya?

President, did you keep quiet about this to make me bring it up?

That's one possibility.

H-He got me!

Today's battle result...

Shirogane wins.




didn't you tell me you weren't going to be in the student council anymore?

That was my original intention.

And this... I filled it out but didn't intend to turn it in.

Except now.


It seems a once-in-a-lifetime chance to show what I'm made of has come to me.