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01x19 - Feelings

Posted: 02/05/23 09:59
by bunniefuu
Starting today, I'm charging
money for food Rihoko makes.

-I'm sorry.

Mariko-san said making breakfast
for free was hurting her business.

That's harsh!

Of course it is.

Good morning! I'm off to work!

Oh! Mom!


Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

When a rain shower arrives it's sunrise

Frogs croak in the stylishly hazy city

If it'll make exquisite rainbow
sounds sometimes, pick up mystic

Mud that just won't come off

The curtain rises once again, lucky guy

Keep running at that good tempo

and shout out as a clown
with a boundlessly short temper

Just like this, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street

Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon

She skipped breakfast again...

She skipped breakfast again...

What was with that get-up?
It doesn't suit her.

What was with that get-up?
It doesn't suit her.

Masamune-chan said she's been
transferred to the Secretary Division,

but she's been pretty "dry".

Even after her last boss
quit like that...

My hunch must've been off. I was
sure she and that Takayama guy...

...were going to get married?

You know it's too sudden for that!

But I really liked him when he
came over drunk that one time.

Oh? Stern guys like him
are your type, Rihoko-chan?

Chou-san's a little shocked!

No, but I like him. He seems nice!

Eh? Nice?

Yeah. Even Mom would talk about
Takayama-san a lot before bed.

About how he's cheap, gloomy,
and that he's going to go bald...

Are you sure those aren't insults?

But now she doesn't
talk about him at all.

She doesn't seem worried about
him one bit! It's strange!

Isn't it a nice view?

Takayama-san would often stand there-

Segawa-kun. Hearing that name first
thing in the morning is unpleasant.

My apologies.

Anyway, at : am, you're
scheduled to officially notify

the Bio and Special Section
personnel of the sections' merger.

Though it's more like the Bio Section
is "absorbing" than merging.

It can't be helped.
That's the company's policy.

Still, the speed at which you've
switched sides is almost artistic.

After devoting yourself
so much to Takayama...

My job has always been to be secretary
to Douji Industries' directors.

I haven't "switched sides" at all.

I see. My own secretary resigned
on me, so this is perfect.

Yagi-san quit so suddenly.
What do you suppose happened?

Who knows?

Good morning!

You're three minutes late.


Unlike Takayama, I'm not going to
pay you unless you work properly.

I'm sorry!

Well, your attire
is somewhat passable,

but that won't do for
tomorrow's party.


A birthday party for
a teacher I'm indebted to.

You'll be joining me.

What's wrong?
You can't go with me?

No, uhh...Understood.

Shall I take care of
her clothing selection?

Yes, I leave it to you.

I did it! What do you
think of that, Takayama?!

The Witchblade, the woman,
the secretary!

They're all mine!

All finished.

I'll combine it with Maria's genes
right away to create a new Sister.

This may be the last time.

This next Sister
will be the perfect one...

Yes...I'm sure she will be.

Aoi. Do you know what
Grandfather wishes for?

Umm...To create the perfect
human being, right?

That is what all of NSWF
is striving for.

Grandfather has a different
reason for creating us Sisters.


Sister-related research is top priority
for all Japanese NSWF branches.


And it's all to create the mother
that Grandfather seeks.

Mother? Do you mean...

He's just like I was,
when I was searching for my mom...


What a shamefully dull man...

Maria-sama! You mustn't
talk about Father that way!

It's the truth.

But Grandfather has power.

The power to obtain what he wants.

But, umm, you said we have
power too, as chosen ones...

There are many types of power.

Yo! Is the big corporate
secretary on her way home?


Hey, don't ignore me.

What do you want?

I came to pick you up. Get in.

Why're you still working at Douji?

Things're getting ugly there.
Quit already.

I don't appreciate you
telling me what to do.

Hey, now. I got the dirt
on those I-Weapons.

The X-Cons caused plenty
of trouble as it is;

if word got out they're turning
people into weapons, it'd be all over!

So I'll be fine until then.

The pay is good. I'm not quitting.

Is it for Rihoko?

Yes. I want to do things how I want!

Y'know, you've been kind of
ruffled these past few days.

I'm home!

I'm starving!

Welcome back!

-Good to see you again!

-Surprised, aren't you, Mom?!

I'm doing a news story. I was in
the neighborhood, so I dropped by.

That's why I asked Tozawa-chan
to pick you up!

There you have it.

Now, then! Let's drink,

I guess the section merger means
twice the work for you, if not more.

I handled twice this amount
before I ever became director.

So you worked hard to make
it here...Just wonderful!

I've simply done what
anybody can but nobody does.

You, too, could have this
view with enough hard work.

I don't like hard work.

Plus, if I made it this far up,

I'd always worry about
being pushed off.

Are you suggesting I'll follow
in Takayama's footsteps?

No, I just meant in general.

Many people stand
behind those in power,

and those who've fallen
before come crawling back up.

What are you so afraid of?

Handling loads of work while
preparing for enemies all around...

I could never do that.

I'm impressed by your ability
to grasp power fearlessly!

A person who grasps power must
always have that level of resolve.

"Crawl back up?" Don't tell
me Takayama plans to-

Kyoko-san! How's Yuuki-chan?

Just great! She wants to see you!
You should come visit sometime!

Yeah! I'd like that!

I wanna have another group date!

-Yeah. Sometime soon...

Still, I'm curious why Chief Editor
Kyoko is out doing a story herself.

Something big?

The aftermath of something big.

Takayama Reiji, the man who
resigned after the incident.

A man at the very top comes
crashing down in one day.

Wouldn't it be fascinating to
know what he was thinking then?

That's why-

What is it? Is something wrong?

No...So, Kyoko-san...

Did you see Takayama?

No. He seems to have vacated
the hotel he was living in.

But I have a good idea where he is.

And talking with people in the area
first is one way of getting a story.

Are you going to write bad things?

I don't know.
I need to research first.

The media has been
pretty harsh on him,

portraying him as a cold-hearted
man who only sees things as numbers.

He's an elite who's
never had setbacks,

so his disappearance could be because
he decided to commit su1c1de...

He wouldn't do that.


He may be depressed, but he's
not the type to k*ll himself.

Plus, he's not like other elitists
who've never had to suffer.

His mother died when he was little,
so he feels alone.

And he's more of a cheapskate
than a cold-hearted man,

-but he's actually surprisingly
nice when you get to-
-Hold on!

-You know him, Masane-san?!

-And quite well, at that...

-Oh, so that's the deal...

Oh, your hunch was right, Missy.
How depressing...

-Of course I was right.
-Eh? What? Hunch? I...

Mom! You really do like
Takayama-san after all!

Hold on, Riko!
What brought that on?!

What a relief! I thought you
weren't worried about him at all!

I'm not worried one bit!

No, no, you spoke so
passionately about him. So sad...

I see a pink aura...

Quit making stuff up!

-What's going on?
-Oh, uhh...

Come on, Mom. You should quit
working for your new boss.

Riko! Knock it off before I get mad!

-But Takayama-san is much better!
-Is not!

-Is too!
-Is not!

-You don't understand anything!
-You don't understand, Mom!

Quit telling me how to do my work!


Simmer down, now!

Now, now. You too,
Rihoko-chan. Okay?

You're so stupid, Mom!

-I don't like you!
-Hey, now...

Honestly! Talking to your mom that
way...I don't know you anymore!

I don't know you anymore, either!

Hey, hold on!
You're not being mature here!



Can I come in?

I really embarrassed
myself out there...

Kids can be scary, huh?

Especially girls. They're surprisingly
sensitive to parents' feelings.

I don't like Takayama, I'm just...


Like I said, I have a
good idea where he is.

No, I don't want-

-Is it for Rihoko-chan?

There was a time when I worked
really hard for my girl's sake.

But that just turns into
a one-way street of love.

Things didn't work out
between me and Yuuki.

It's okay to listen to what children
want sometimes, don't you think?


Say, Riko...

I'd like to see Takayama-san...

Is it okay if I go?

Yeah! Of course, Mom!

I might lose my job...

That's all right! I can sell
boxed lunches if that happens!


Thank you.

Oh, brother. Guess I got no choice.

C'mon. I'll give you a lift.

-I don't have an umbrella.
-Oh, that's okay.


Just get going.
You're gonna get soaked.

Yeah! See you later!


What do you want at this hour?

Don't talk like that!
I came here because I was worried!

I must've really fallen far
to have you worried about me.

Come in.

He's so not cute.

Even people like you can get upset...

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurting.

It seems I loved
the company that much.

And you protected that company, right?
That's good, then!

Why not make a clean start
and go into another business?

Besides, you'll only go bald if you
just sit in a room, giving orders.

And to be honest,
you're not the suit kind of guy.

Is that supposed to
make me feel better?

Did it cheer you up any?

No! Now quit talking!

What?! I'm trying to help you here!

I said quit talking!

Oh, I see! Alright, then!
I'm leaving!

-It's pouring, you know.
-Mind your own business!

That baldy!


Hey, let go! I'm going home!


What was that? This wasn't why I-


I'd like to turn you back to normal,
but there's an obstacle in my way.

As long as it exists, you'll be-


Yes! You catch on fast, Yagi!

I'm back.

-It's on the house today.

Heartbreak and alcohol go
hand-in-hand, right?

Where's your daughter?

Riko? The people in our building
are watching her for me.

I see.

Say...Rihoko is your child, right?


-Then you should tell her...


I don't know how to interact with her.

To be honest, it doesn't
feel like she's my child.

I make a pathetic father, don't I?

I was the same way, you know.

I'm sure it'll change once you
actually meet and talk with her.

Look out!

Hey! You all right?!

-I'm going!

You...Quit getting in the way!

L-Let me k*ll Director Takayama
with my own two hands...

Why not have a go at me first?

That...sounds good, too!



No! I'm going to be k*lled!

I need more...More power!

Don't worry...

It'll be over soon!


Are you...

I'm fine. It was nothing.

So things went well, then?

A new Sister will be born
in several months' time.



Nothing makes me happier than
seeing that you've grown!

Now then, let me give you
another one of your rewards.

Anything you'd like at all...

There is one thing.

What is it?



Grandfather. I will obtain everything.
Everything that I want...


You truly are marvelous...

There's no question about it...
The next Sister born will be perfect...

Father. Those aren't your
genes in those capsules.

We can't go on like this.

No further progress will be made
if we continue to use your genes.

They aren' genes?
They're...not mine?!

Absurd! What for?!

I am going to be born again!

From the perfect mother!
My true self must be born! It must!


Redo it!



You're acting shamelessly.

Aoi. Let's go.


Chief Nishida.

I believe you can still be of use.

What...what ferociousness...

You're complete now...


I turn around half-asleep,
my hair hitting my right cheek

Your voice was there, and the air is warm

Your right hand grazes my left shoulder

Why not hold on tight?

I need to grow stronger... yesterday's wish can change tomorrow


But right now I'm still quaffing love

after breathing in your smell
and leaping across

Reach your hands out to me

I'm so happy