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01x18 - Turn

Posted: 02/05/23 09:59
by bunniefuu
Haven't seen something
this bad in a while...

Yes. Only a machine g*n could've
done something like this.

But I have no idea how they
pulled off a trick like this...

Plus, if this was an ordinary "m*rder",

there'd be no reason to
demolish everything else...


Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

When a rain shower arrives it's sunrise

Frogs croak in the stylishly hazy city

If it'll make exquisite rainbow
sounds sometimes, pick up mystic

Mud that just won't come off

The curtain rises once again, lucky guy

Keep running at that good tempo

and shout out as a clown
with a boundlessly short temper

Just like this, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street

Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon


The b*ll*ts found at the scene
were of a special military type.

The only place in the country that
handles it is this section of Douji.

This isn't something that just
anybody can get their hands on.

And all these murders were impossible
for regular people to pull off...

But if special military weapons
were used, then things make sense.

Wow, you're amazing!
You're just like the detectives on TV!

No, I'm not gonna suddenly claim
that an employee here is the k*ller.

There's just a possibility
that there's a connection...

By which you mean?

That weapons were leaked,

that data was taken
by an ex-employee,

that an organization obtained
it somehow, or that-

Absurd. Douji's security is flawless!

Our corporate secrets would
never be leaked to the outside!

I'll advise everyone to be even stricter
about information management.

Are you done here?

He didn't look like he bought it
for a second. I'm sure he'll be back.

He'll always get the same result.

Douji won't ever be prosecuted.
I'm sure he's aware of that, too.

He must really love wasting time.

In any case, speed up
the investigation.

Yes, sir.

If the "k*ller" this time is neither
an X-Con nor a Neo-Gene, then...

-Any response to our report?
-Zilch, as usual.

Show some vigor, will ya?!

Eh?! Give me a break!

Dammit...I need more
definitive proof.

Something that can't
be easily suppressed...

Douji Industries is corrupt, too...

They're supposedly connected to
politicians and top-ranking police.

There's nothing we can possibly do...

Cut the crap, will ya, kid?!



Pretty! That totally suits you,

Not too shabby. You actually did
some decent shopping for once.

Actually, the store clerks
chose most of it!

Thanks, Mom!

It's too early to be happy! Here!

Don't forget the matching shoes,
socks, handkerchief, and cap!


And then there's this!

Holy smokes!
She's rolling in the dough!

Hold on. Just how much
did you spend today?

Well, I started with , , and
there's this much left, so let's see...

Huh? It doesn't add up!

Hey, Mom. I really like the clothes,
but you shouldn't waste money!

Don't be silly! I'm never
wasting money when it's for you!


It's alright! You don't have
to worry about anything at all!

I'd do absolutely anything
for you, Riko!


Okay! Come try this one on!

Show Mom how cute
Princess Rihoko can be!

Masamune-chan seems
unusually insecure...

-That's for sure...
-You're my daughter,
all right! You're so-

You wouldn't be a match
for anyone like that.

Setting aside being hit the first time,

your problem is recovering afterward.

I gave you a chance
to counter, you know.

Maintain your cool
and observe your opponent.


Have confidence in yourself.
I know you can do it.

After all, you've been chosen,
just as I have.


I was concerned for a short while...
but she seems to be maturing well.

This means that Maria
is finally an adult.

Splendid. If we use her
as a new mother,

we can create an
even more perfect being.

So you want us to proceed to
the next generation of Sisters?

Yes. Please begin the preparations.

I expect great things.

Sisters, Sisters...

With the same paternal genes,
the results will always be the same.

This isn't what I want to create.

The true Witchblade's conformant...

What sort of genes does she have?

Almost all the objects recovered
were those b*ll*ts, huh?

Talk about going all out...

This incident had the most blood
and objects at the scene...

Is the k*ller not afraid
of getting caught?

Or was it all purposely left there?

Nakata-san. Here. This was
addressed to the task force.

The contents weren't hazardous.

Where's it from?!

It was sent anonymously...

What is this?

Must be some sort of data.
Who knows, maybe it's a huge tip!

Moron! Just check what's on 'em!

They appear to be video files!

I'll play them!

Are they some sort of staff?

W-What the-
Is that huge thing...a monster?!

Their car! They seem to be some
sort of special effects crew...

But this is clearly in the city...


This is right next to
the scene of the fifth incident!

This is huge...

Nakata-san! The media's in a frenzy!

In these videos that seem to have
been taken at the m*rder scenes,

we can see multiple people
recovering machines of some sort.

We received these videos from an
anonymous source this morning-

W-What does this mean?!

Have those files analyzed!
ID the cars and people, on the double!

Y-Yes, sir!

Contact the D.A.
And get ready for a raid!

A raid?! Where?!

You don't mean-

That's right. These guys are
probably with Douji Industries!

The same videos were simultaneously
sent to all media outlets

and uploaded to all major Internet
news sites and message boards.

What exactly are we seeing
in these videos?

People on the 'Net are already
attempting to identify these vehicles.

Some are also claiming they're
connected to the military industry.

It appears we're dealing
with a large-scale incident-

Who the hell leaked?!

I can't reveal the company's
name just yet,

but the things in these
videos closely resemble-

Aren't those our I-Weapons?!

Does that mean they're with
the Special Section?!


Yes, those videos do
show our company's-

But sir, this isn't-

We cannot cover for you, now that
the whole world has found out!

The police are also poised
to make a raid!

But, sir!


Damn it!

They take all that bribe money,
but run when things get ugly!

What was Takayama doing?!

Yagi. Have you calmed down?

What's happened since?

We administered a tranquilizer,
which has curbed the Blade for now...

To think it would go this far...
Truly terrifying.

His physical breakdown is
progressing at a rapid rate.

At this rate, crystallized
destruction will occur within days.

So this is the limit of an
untrained commoner...

Still, the Ultimate Blade
possesses such incredible power...

Umm, was it really a good
idea to leak those files?

This could become a company-wide
problem before-

We had no choice!
There was no other way!

His escape caused us trouble
we didn't need!

It's too late to change anything now.
The die has been cast.

We can place the full blame on the
Special Section-on Takayama!


Search warrant.

Director Takayama.

This time I will get
a confession from you.

The police have just raided
Douji Industries!

The company is suspected of
attempting to cover up the fact

that the string of murders was a result
of a leak of its special weapons.

"No w*apon Exporting!
Obey Article !"

"No w*apon Exporting!
Obey Article !"
Douji Industries has to pay
for creating m*rder weapons!

"No w*apon Exporting!
Obey Article !"
We're adamantly against Douji Industries
and its threat to the citizens!

We're adamantly against Douji Industries
and its threat to the citizens!

Production of these weapons is
handled by Douji's Special Section,

and it's believed that the recklessness
of its director, Mr. Takayama,

is what brought about this situation...

Rihoko-chan. Shows like
this must be boring for you.

Let's go watch cartoons in my room.

Okay. But...

No luck. I can't get through.
I guess I'll go there myself.

Go? You mean to Douji?

Shouldn't you maybe go another time?

It's a real zoo over there!

I won't find out anything
if I just sit here and wait.

I'm just gonna check it out!


Heya! Way to go, Detective Nakata!

You're disrupting
the investigation! Scram!

Don't be so cruel!
Thanks to you butting in,

I lost my big scoop!

No, you were just too dumb to figure
out who was behind the killings...

So it was the weapons leaked
from Douji who were responsible?

I wouldn't say "who", since they
were runaway machines, not people.

Not people, huh...

Sounds like you got something to say.

No, nothing at all.

So, you can't arrest
the Douji guys, either?

They should get gross negligence
and manslaughter,

but since their weapons only got
out because of the earthquake,

they're going to use the Special
Earthquake Act to wriggle out of it.

So that's why you're in
a rotten mood, huh?

I better scram before
you take it out on me...


Looks like they still have
no idea X-Cons and I-Weapons

are based on people...

Which means my scoop
isn't completely dead...

But if this keeps up, things could
turn ugly for Masamune too...

It appears that the members of
Douji Industries' Special Section-

I can't believe they even have
the names of the recovery team!

I doubt the ones caught
on tape can avoid arrest.

The rest depends on how much
responsibility is demanded of us...

Sorry I'm late.

Oh, Takayama. Have they
finished questioning you?

I hate to be sudden, Takayama-kun,
but can you explain the situation?!

This blunder isn't like you!

The harm this will have on
Douji's brand is unfathomable!

The loss from our plummeting
stock is already in the billions!

How do you intend to get this
under control, Takayama-kun?!

As one of the major branches
of Douji Industries,

the Special Section has maintained
enormous sway over the company.

But it's obvious that that
one-man show is what caused this!

If you don't cut down its
wildly-growing branches,

an entire tree's growth
can be undermined!

What are you so afraid of?

What?! When have I ever been-

Why don't you calm down?

Though I do understand being
shaken up by all that's happened...

It's impossible for Douji's
foundation to be weakened.

The situation today is but one
of the scenarios I anticipated.

You mean you've already
devised a strategy?!

Lopping off a single branch
won't k*ll a tree.

Wadou-san is correct.


Are you...

Let me through, please!

Who're you?! You work
for Douji or something?!


Are you with that
w*r-mongering corporation?!

You enemy of
the peace-loving citizens!

Let go! When did I ever do
anything to you guys?!

-What's your problem?!

-What're you doing?!

Honestly, going through the front
door...What were you thinking?

But I don't know where
the back door is!

Even the employees are sneaking out
the back...You're too reckless!

Is Douji gonna be alright?!
All this stuff has gotten out...

Well, big corporations have
their own unique ways to survive.

Pardon the intrusion.

Huh? Aren't you-

Oh, aren't you the girl from the party?

I see! So you're
the Witchblade wearer.

Hey, where's Takayama?

Takayama is no longer here.

What do you mean?!

So it's true that weapons
leaked from Douji Industries

m*rder*d regular, innocent people?!

How does Douji intend to take
responsibility for this?!

I have only one thing to say.

All blame rests on me,

Takayama Reiji,
head of the Special Section.

As such, I resign from Douji
Industries as of today.

That is all.

Takayama quit Douji?!


All Witchblade-related affairs
are now handled by my Bio-Section.

Segawa-kun will continue to take
care of the business side of things.

I look forward to working
with you more, Masane-san.

Hold on, now.

So basically, I've been
switched from Takayama to you?!

We require the Witchblade as well.

There'll be a few issues until mass
production of the Ultimate Blade...

That means you'll still have
plenty of work, Masane-san.

Isn't that great?

Screw that! I'm leaving!

What about Rihoko-chan?

I thought you would be the most
troubled if you severed ties with us...

I am sure you have many
feelings on the matter.

But this is business,
Amaha Masane-san.

The Bio-Section promises good pay,
for you and your daughter...


In the end, the director takes the fall
and Douji stays safe and sound...

The corporate world
sure is cold-blooded...

Mom! Welcome home!

You're late, Masamune-chan!
We were really worried!

Yeah. I had to talk about
what to do now...

Did you see Takayama-san?


But everything's alright.

You don't have to worry
about anything at all, Riko.


It's alright.

From now on, no matter what
happens, I'll always protect you...

I turn around half-asleep,
my hair hitting my right cheek

Your voice was there, and the air is warm

Your right hand grazes my left shoulder

Why not hold on tight?

I need to grow stronger... yesterday's wish can change tomorrow


But right now I'm still quaffing love

after breathing in your smell
and leaping across

Reach your hands out to me

I'm so happy