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01x17 - Confusion

Posted: 02/05/23 09:58
by bunniefuu



Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

When a rain shower arrives it's sunrise

Frogs croak in the stylishly hazy city

If it'll make exquisite rainbow
sounds sometimes, pick up mystic

Mud that just won't come off

The curtain rises once again, lucky guy

Keep running at that good tempo

and shout out as a clown
with a boundlessly short temper

Just like this, walkin' down the street,
rock this ghetto

Mama, Father, walkin' down the street

Mama, Father, walkin' down
the street in a Babylon


What is it?

Is something wrong?

Nothing at all.


Umm, Mom. The chopsticks...

Oh, sorry!

Now go wash your face!
I'm making breakfast!


Riko, being forced to wear this...

No! I absolutely-absolutely-
refuse to let that happen!


What happened?!

I'm fine. I just slipped.

You must be exhausted, Mom.

You need to be careful,
since you do dangerous work!

I'm fine!

Dangerous work?
How does Riko know that?


You told Rihoko about me,
didn't you?!

What brought that on?
I was up late last night, y'know...

I'm talking about my work!


Oh, now that you mention it,
I did tell her you fight X-Cons.

You what?!

How could you do that?! You promised
to keep it a secret from her!

Why did you tell her,
you idiot?! Idiot! Idiot!

I-It's okay!

I didn't tell her that you transform!

She probably thinks you're
like a cop or something.

A cop?

Well, I guess that's alright. But-

Look. I'm sitting on
a ton of stories here,

but I haven't gone public with
'em because of our agreement.

So I'd appreciate it
if you'd be grateful...

Of course I'm grateful.
It was a promise.

Anyway, at this point, I wanna
have the whole story to blow open!

My target now is Father of the NSWF.

He has his genes in all
of the Sisters, you know.


That's not ordinary obsessiveness.
Don't you wanna know why?


Doesn't matter to me, as long
as he stays away from Rihoko.

And don't tell her anything else!

Rihoko, Rihoko, Rihoko, Rihoko...

Has she gotten even
worse than before?


"Parent-Child Certificate"

"Parent-Child Certificate"
So that document re-recognizes
you and Rihoko as family?

So that document re-recognizes
you and Rihoko as family?


Though you two are clearly family,
even without this piece of paper!

Naomi-bou. Can you foresee
what's in their future?

Did that Takayama
fellow arrange this?

Yeah, probably.

Oh? That was certainly nice of him...

W-what's that mean?!

Here you go! Snack time!

They look great!

I humbly accept this!

You've gotten even better!

I'm going to give one to
the lady at the bathhouse!

Hold on! It's dangerous to go alone-


I think going with you
is more dangerous...

Stay out of this, Mariko-san!
This is a family issue!

Let's go, Riko!

Okay. But be careful.

Masamune-chan seems to have
become a worrywart...

That must be a burden on Rihoko,

but someday they'll grow apart.

Not good...


My snack...

Chou-san! That's Naomi's snack!

Eh? It is?

-You're terrible! Terrible!
-Sorry, Naomi-bou! I'll give it back!

Let's go to an amusement park
after we deliver this!

Eh? Really?!

I hardly get the chance to go
places with you, so it'd be nice!


"No Weapons for Baradhi!"
"Exporting Weapons is Unconstitutional!"
"No w*r"

There certainly are a lot of them.

Though conflict naturally comes
with businesses dealing in weapons.

Protestors are really hitting
us hard too, these days.

It's nothing new. Have the PR
department deal with them.

What's on today's schedule?

You're completely booked, because
of all your time with Masane-san.

You appear to have a complaint.

No, not at all.

It's just that Wadou-san's project
seems to be progressing quite well,

so I was wondering if we
should really sit idly by...

I already told you he'll fail.

That may be because you've
known Wadou-san since college,

but people do change.

The tortoise did beat
the hare, you know.

Though calling you a hare is too cute.

He's the hare who jumped the g*n.

That's pretty creepy, too.

Baradhi military personnel have
inquired about the Witchblade Project.

It seems leaking
the information was worth it.

They're considering purchasing
some with their current budget.

But only after verifying
the data of the final version.

Not a problem. It's complete.

In all aspects, its data surpasses
Takayama's I-Weapons'.

The contract is as good as ours.

Baradhi is Director Takayama's
client, you know.

Are you sure about this?

What they want is
superior merchandise.

It's only natural for them
to want stronger weapons.

I will be unveiling the project
extravagantly at today's board meeting.

Having possession of the Witchblade
but no results to show for it-

as well as losing his client-will cause
Takayama's stock to plummet.

I can see him weeping now.

Paying that NSWF researcher all
that money was really worth it!

Keep your mouth shut!

I-I apologize!

Her post-Cloneblade
progress is excellent.

-Her numbers show no abnormalities.
-Actually, all her data has improved!

We still need to wait for the test
results of her genetic-level changes,

but I have high hopes!

I'd expect no less from
someone so carefully selected!

Okay, Maria! All done!
You did great!

Chief Nishida. Doesn't something
seem strange about Maria?

Her data has no abnormalities.

No, I mean she's suddenly very quiet,

and her earlier selfishness
is completely gone.

Yes, now that you mention it...

Maria is maturing right now,
so she probably shed her childishness.

Her growing up will make it
much easier to conduct research.


But both she and the Sisters
are at their limit.

Any more of this will have
the same results.

What do you mean?

Because we can only use
Father's genes.

Those were his instructions...

Perhaps he just wants
to create clones of himself?

No. He could easily make
clones if he wanted to.

I don't know why he's obsessed
with using his own genes,

but at this rate,
research will hit a dead-end.

You were perfect. As a person,
as a scholar, as a father...

But you made one mistake.
Choosing the mother to have me...

My body will remain cursed
because of that woman...

...for as long as I live.

Furumizu Tatsuoki...

Man, what a history...

Raised as a real rich kid, plus he's
damn smart. Pretty disturbing.

Oh? So his old man was a
prize-winning scientist, too...

If his mom turns out to be a hottie...

What's the deal?!
There's no info on his mom at all!

Yes, could I speak with
the person in charge

of the biography of Director
Furumizu of the NSWF?

Why does this go into extreme
detail about his father,

but not mention his mother
in the slightest?

He claimed that his mother didn't
like to be in the public eye.

There was a single photo of his
mother among the photos he gave me.

He probably forgot to dispose of it.

I do recognize the background
of that photo, though...


Today's like Christmas and New Year's
and my birthday all at once!

I'm having fun, too!
What should we do next?

We can do anything you want, Riko!



It's dark! And scary!
I can't see anything!

Mom. That's because you
have your eyes shut.

T-They're kinda cute...


Even they scare you, Mom?

There, there! It's okay, Mom!

This is definitely the place
in that photo...

She really live in a place like this?

Excuse me. I'd like to ask you
about a long time ago; that okay?

You sayin' I look old enough
to know stuff from long ago?!

No, uhh, I didn't mean-

Darling! Someone's tryin'
to pick me up!


What, honey?

Oh, uhh...Hi.

Get lost!

Takayama. It's been a while.

Has it?

I just know you'll love my
announcement at today's meeting.

I can't wait.

Yes, look forward to it.

This confidence...Things might
be looking bad for the director...

In which case...

-Thank you.

Not at all!

Wadou-kun's Bio-Section has a report
today, so let us begin with that.

Thank you. Please have
a look at your monitors.

I present to you the result of
the Bio-Section's Witchblade Project,

the Ultimate Blade!

Director Takayama can
surely surmise what it does.

Indeed, this is a Witchblade
that even men can wear.

Is this true?!

Yes. The specs are right here.
I'll explain it simply.

The Joule-Heat Armor is
powered by body electricity

and has a mass efficiency
of . with KE shells,

and is theoretically capable of
withstanding tungsten shells.

As a result of the metallomics
mixture filament,

reaction velocity and acceleration
are over times that of I-Weapons.

That's basically it.


You're an expert w*apon developer;
I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Your honest opinion will do fine.

Yes. It probably is the most
powerful w*apon I've ever seen.

What an honor it is to
hear that from you...

However, this runs the risk of
turning its very wearers into weapons.

So what? That's the entire point!

According to our forecasts,
exports of the Ultimate Blade

will increase sales % over last year.

That's wonderful, but our client
countries don't have limitless budgets.

I take issue with your encroachment
upon Takayama-kun's territory.

It couldn't be helped.

In fact, Baradhi has already made
inquiries about the Ultimate Blade.

Takayama-kun. I know
they're your client, but...

No, go right ahead.

Thank you, Takayama-kun.

Except...your forecast is wrong.


It would be best to sell
only one or two.

You're embarrassing yourself!

You're the one who attested
to the Ultimate's abilities!

This is an order form I just received
from Baradhi for more I-Weapons.


You don't mean...Baradhi wasn't
planning to buy Ultimates?!

They did say they were
merely considering it.

Wadou-san. Have you even
been to a b*ttlefield before?

What is wanted on the b*ttlefield
now is not devastating power,

but precise weapons that
result in minimal loss of life.

Unfortunately, the Ultimate lacks that!


Cost performance-wise, they're
many times inferior to I-Weapons.

We're not dealing with
w*apon aficionados here.

You've done nothing more
than play games on paper.

Well done, sir! It turned out
that he had let his guard down!

Oh, dust!

Boy, am I glad I didn't switch sides...

Takayama...You'll pay for this!



You must really be exhausted, Riko.


What happened to you?!

I found out about Father.

Father hates his mother.

His mother?

His father was a top scientist
for the NSWF,

but when he was still in school,
he fell in love and had a kid.

And that was Father?

Yep. But not only was he a student,
the Furumizu family was really strict,

so it took years to get
approval to marry the woman.

During that time,
Father lived with his mother.

That means she raised him!
Why would he hate her?

Apparently, she did business out
of her home the police didn't like.

As a kid, he was
probably embarrassed,

but it wasn't until after he grew up
that he started to really hate her.

What do you mean?

I found out that
Father can't have kids.

In his eyes, being even slightly
different from his father

would be the same as
being completely rejected.

So he blamed it entirely
on his mother,

who was cheerful but had placed him

in a bad environment for a while.

Maria. Someday, you will
become the perfect mother...

The perfect mother,
created from my genes...

And the one borne from you
will be the true me.

My flawed self will disappear,

and my proper self will live
on and leave offspring...


That's messed up! Creating people
for something like that!

I guess you could say it's
a type of a mother complex.

So-called "twisted love".
You better be careful, yourself.

Why me?

You've been over-obsessive
with Rihoko lately.

Don't compare me to him!

I'm Riko's mother, you know!
What's wrong with holding her dear?!


An X-Con?

It's gone now...

What?! But we recovered all
the X-Cons when we found Reina!

But that's the only thing that
could do something this horrible!

What does this mean?

I-I'm sorry. Did I wake you?


Crying and shouting is foolish.

No one will give us what we want.

Our only choice is to
obtain it ourselves.

And we have the power
to do that, we Neo-Genes...

No, we chosen ones...

I turn around half-asleep,
my hair hitting my right cheek

Your voice was there, and the air is warm

Your right hand grazes my left shoulder

Why not hold on tight?

I need to grow stronger... yesterday's wish can change tomorrow


But right now I'm still quaffing love

after breathing in your smell
and leaping across

Reach your hands out to me

I'm so happy