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01x10 - Interaction

Posted: 02/05/23 09:54
by bunniefuu
Just before the shot,
my chest feels like it's gonna tear open

I shout out countless times, break out

It's not over,
rush through the endless night

Hot blood flows through my body

The moment it ultimately rots away

it's all over,
fragments of an empty dream come to mind

I can never go back,
I can't remember a thing

I've been reduced to struggling,
and my voice won't carry

Uncontrollable impulses

Give me your XTC,
let me feel it one more time

This body heats up, and I shout out
your name in the darkness

Give me your XTC, I don't need false love

I will accept it, sin and punishment

Slash through the destiny
I've been set up with, Blade




Good morning!

That smells great!

Yours is on the table.

I'm gonna deliver this,
so go ahead and eat first!

'Kay, see you in a bit!

That wakes me up!

Hey, you around?

What the-?! Can't you at least knock?!

You're all filthy,
first thing in the morning...

Quiet. I was up all night workin'.

-Where's your daughter?
-With Chou-san.

In that case, I can talk openly.

I pulled up documents on Douji Industries
from the newspaper office.

I got a connection there, ya see...

Anyways, it's a big-time corporation.

So big, in fact, that other groups
try to bring it down once in a while.

Why's that?

Ain't it obvious? Douji's a known
weapons manufacturer and exporter.

"Anti-w*r Demonstrations Nationwide"
Ain't it obvious? Douji's a known
weapons manufacturer and exporter.

"Anti-w*r Demonstrations Nationwide"

You're involved with a Douji director,
yet you don't even know that?!

I just wasn't interested, until now.

So, from what you say, I-Weapons
are probably weapons they export.

It's probably a huge issue
for peace-freaks,

but it won't make
much of a story by itself.

But it's a whole different story
if those weapons are actually people,

like that guy yesterday.

Yeah. I had always assumed they
were machines in human form, but...

I'll ask Takayama about it directly!

Talk about cutting to the chase...

I want to know the truth too, you know!

Alright. Then I'll attack
from another angle.

First are the NSWF Neo-Genes
you talked about.

This is gonna get interesting!

Let's have a taste!


I used maple syrup today
instead of powdered sugar!

Such delicate sweetness!
And this soft-boiled-ness is great!

Everything you make
is so yummy, Rihoko-chan!

Oh, uhh...

Of course, you make
great coffee yourself, Missy!

Have you gotten better at brewing it?!

I got a new coffeemaker.

No, no, you have real heart
when you press the button, you do!

Oh, it's Tozawa-chan.

Hey! Don't forget our
group date with the nice gals!

I won't!

Say, are group dates that fun?

You bet!

They're miracle events of destiny
where men and women get to meet!


Morning, Masamune-chan!
Want some of Missy's delicious coffee?

Thanks, but I gotta get going.

Riko. I should be home by tonight,
but I'll call you later!

Wait, Mom. Are you going out like that?

Something not right?

You still have bed-head! You need
to pay more attention to your looks!

Nah, that's okay!

-See you later!
-See ya!

And the lab report meeting is
scheduled to end at : . Tonight is-

Cancel all plans for tonight.


Oh, this is an invitation to
the Bio-Section's celebratory party.

Yes, Wadou-san was sending e-mails
all over the place, bragging about

how his research team won the
International Science Foundation Prize.

Oh? But this isn't addressed to you...

No, the head of Motor Vehicles
passed it on to me.

Here's the main attendance list.

What's this? They're all officials
deeply involved with our section,

and big sh*ts of affiliate companies...

Sounds like something Wadou would do.

I see. They're all people he intends
to add to his clique. Clever.

Well, I doubt he'll do much of anything,
but I thought I'd drop by, too.

To keep him in check? Understood.

I'll change your plans for tonight.

And shall I prepare you a
high-class partner? An actress, perhaps?

An actress?

It says here to bring a partner.

If you don't act the part out,

your lack of an invitation will make it
seem like you're a party-crasher.

Wadou-san always brings
actresses and models to parties,

so you need to bring
a good companion, too.


Good morning! What's wrong?

I have something I want to ask.

What is this, all of a sudden?

About the X-Cons...

What about them?


...human, aren't they?

What makes you think that?

I met someone who knew
the guy I destroyed yesterday.

I see.

So you don't deny it?
Does that mean I-Weapons are too?!

Yes, they are.


There's no point in
trying to hide it. Tell her.

As you wish...

It's been a long time, Father.

Reina. Whatever is the matter?

Ever since Shiori's unfortunate accident,

you've lost your passion
for acquiring the Witchblade...

I have other interesting research, you see.

Even more so than the Witchblade?

In my eyes, at least...

What a shame. Even after
the Witchblade chose you, too...

And that is why you think of me as cute.

But of course. There is no parent
who wouldn't adore a chosen child.

Adore? What sort of emotion
might that be?

What's wrong? Why do
you suddenly say that?

No, I was simply curious. Please use
other sisters for the Witchblade.

I'll be leaving your side
for a while. Goodbye, Father.

I guess I pampered her
a little too much...

It would appear that way.

Well, then. What to do...

In short, it'd be more precise to
call I-Weapons and low-class X-Cons

"former people" rather than "people".

What do you mean?

They're dead people.

They have all sorts of backgrounds.

We make agreements with
some people while they're alive,

or with their families after death.

What?! You know it's not right
to use people like that!

Well, they are given
considerable compensation.

But you sell them as weapons!

Well, it is business.

That's sick! And you're only
helping wars break out by selling-

Wars are not caused by weapons.

People have fought since prehistory.
w*r will never disappear.

Instead, we need to limit
casualties to the bare minimum.

And that's what I-Weapons are for?

Overwhelming power can end wars quickly,
or even deter them.

I-Weapons also only require
the bare minimum of soldiers.

But... But they're still people!

Aren't you fighting to keep those
living people from being harmed?

You know how to talk when it
comes to money, but that's about it.

Anyway, I have something to ask you.

According to the recovery team's report,

you were with an outsider
when you took care of the X-Con.

Oh, he lives in the same building
as me! He just happened to, uhh...

Has he found out?

Well, uhh...

So he has.

It would really help if you
told us these things sooner.

Don't tell me you're gonna shut him up?!

Nothing of the sort! We simply
wish to grasp the situation.

A photographer or two aren't
any cause for concern.

However... you'll have
to pay the penalty.


Segawa. Take her to
the best store you know.

Turn this boor into someone presentable.

Who're you calling a boor?!
You're a gloomy gorilla yourself!

First, stop talking like that.

Next, stop going out
looking like you just woke up.

Mind your own business! I'm going home!

I told you, this is your penalty.
Or would you rather pay monetarily?


Segawa. Put it on my card. Next.

Come on! Explain already!
What in the world is this "penalty"?!

Don't use long strides. Don't talk loudly.
Call me "Sir". Got that?

What's going on? Ugh!

I'm sorry for always doing this...

It's no problem at all!
Just don't drink too much, now! Bye!

Masamune-chan's going to be late?

Yeah. So let's have dinner together!
I'll make us something!

Really?! Lucky! I get to have
some more of your homemade food!

Say, why don't we just have
a party? The kitchen is big...

I'd love that!

That okay with you, Missy?

Most certainly is. I think
I'll make something, too...

That pose... She's all fired up!


Director Wadou!
Congratulations on winning the ISF Prize!

Thank you.

Your Bio-Section is the
face of the company now!

If only we could all take after you!

No, the Bio-Section I have in mind
is nothing like this at all.


I haven't worked with your
Machines Department much thus far,

but I'd very much like to
work with you in the future.

Of course! Just say the word!


-There's Director Takayama.

How dare he just waltz in here...

Umm, excuse me,
but may I see your invitation?

I'm Takayama,
director of the Special Section.

You've never heard of him?!

Director Takayama!
It's good to see you again!

Forgive my rudeness.

Congratulations on the award, Wadou-san.

Oh, how nice of you to come.

I didn't get an invitation, but I
figured it was just some sort of mistake.

Absurd! My section would
never make any kind of mistake-


Who is this beautiful woman?

Oh, she's a distant relative
of mine. Amaha Masane.

A distant relative? Yeah, sure.

Dressing me up like this as a "penalty"...
I bet he actually likes me!

It's a pleasure to meet you.

No, uhh, the invitation thing was
probably a clerical error on my part.

I apologize, Takayama-kun.

That's all right.

What's that?! Look at all the food!


-Can I eat this?!
-As much as you'd like.

-Then I'll take that!

Hey, now! Please don't embarrass
the director in front of Wadou-san!

What's the big deal?
You're the ones who dragged me here!

Why did Takayama
bring me here, anyway?!

He needs a partner to put on his act.

Oh, that's why?

In any case, please behave yourself.

Here you are.

Oh, so anyone would've done.
How rude of him!

Sir! The former prime minister is here!

What's a big name like him doing here?

You don't know? He was the
head judge for the ISF Prize.

Eh?! Does that mean this award was-

Guess there's no doubt Wadou's been
sending political funds his way.

Once again, we present this crystal plaque,

a great honor and symbol of the ISF Prize!


I gotta bring some home for Riko!

Hey, can I get these in a box?!


Lucky! Okay, let's find some more!

-The crystal plaque!


I'm so sorry! Was that important-

Of course it was!

I-I'm really sorry!

Apologizing won't fix this!
What do you have to say for yourself?!

-I'll pay for it.

I'll pay for it. How much was it?

How much? You can't be serious...

Just tell me how much!

Too much for some oaf like you!

No, tell us.

I'll help her out.
I did bring her, after all.

But Takayama-kun, this isn't
something that is easily compensated-

Don't worry. If that gentleman
can tell us how much you paid for it,

I'm sure I can gather
that amount right away.

What did you say?!

I'm only joking.

What a harsh joke!

Let's go!

I'm afraid you can't reimburse me, Miss.
This isn't about money.

It's a matter of honor.

You really are a man
of great caliber, Wadou-san...

Remember how we
handled things in college?

We'll settle this that way!

What? Wadou-san and Takayama-san?!
Are you serious?!

Hold on! Don't do this because of me!
It's not good to drink like that!

-Are you worried about me?
-Y-yeah, right!

Never fear. We used to
do this all the time.


Though it was always you
who got smashed first...

Is he gonna be alright?!

No, Wadou-san is famous
for his heavy drinking.

-The director is at a disadvantage.
-You can't be serious!

Oh, my! This is a breathtaking battle!

-W-what incredible intensity!
-But it smells really good!


How can this be?!

Why won't he fall?!

He won!

Sir! Say something!

-Segawa. Tend to Director Wadou.
-Yes, sir...

-Let's go.

I'm done here.
There's no need to linger around.

T-there isn't?

Hold on! Wait for me!

So you are drunk.
Though that's to be expected...

Seeing you get wasted...
I guess you can be cute sometimes!

Cute? Me?


Maybe compared to a boor like you...

What?! You're the one who dragged
that boor along! How rude!

I'm not being rude. I like boors...

Eh? Y-you do?

Don't go to sleep!

Oh, geez...

So cold!

Rihoko's omelet and Missy's pizza...
Hard to say which is better!

This one's delicious,
and this one's scrumptious!

Yes, exactly! It's the
IT revolution of cooking!

-You're pretty good.
-You too, Mariko-san!

-How are the girls doing?

The Cloneblade upgrade
is coming along too,

but I absolutely need the
original Witchblade for that...

I understand. We should have it soon.

Thank you. I will show you one
that surpasses the original.

I look forward to it.

This girl will surpass all...

I murmur, "I love you,"
with all my emotion

All my feelings until yesterday
now overflow and dissolve quickly

If only this one last prayer
could make it through...

Thank you for giving us the words
to ascertain each other, God

Tomorrow, we'll reach out
and hold hands harder than normal

Tomorrow, we'll reach out,
hug, kiss, and love each other