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02x10 - Who Are You?

Posted: 02/05/23 09:13
by bunniefuu

Bottle rocket fireworks,
sparklers, and sky rockets!

There are so many kinds!

Why in the world did you buy
this many fireworks?

Kisa, which one do you like?

The sparkler.

Did you buy these, Yuki?

No, Momiji brought them.


I'm thinking of doing
fireworks tomorrow night.

How about it?

Why tomorrow?

Well, we're going back
the day after tomorrow.


Oh, my gosh!

How loud.

Did you forget?

Yes, completely.

It seems like so much has happened.

It went by in the blink of an eye.

I want to at least finish our trip off
with a fun memory.

Since you probably felt lonely
because of our family circumstances.

I'm so…

I'm so happy.

I'm so happy I could spend my summer
with everyone on this trip.

I'm truly happy with just that.

That's why…

I'm excited for the fireworks.


Oh, it's time for Mogeta's anime special.

Kisa, let's watch.


Oh, Big Brother Momiji
said he'd watch, too.

I'll go get him.

Oh, all right.

This must have been

-an important time for everyone…
-What's Mogeta about?

-No, it's a passion-filled story!

Including Yuki and Kyo…

Something in Yuki changed
while he was here.

Something in Kyo, too.

I'm sure the changes
were very good things.

What about me?

Kyo, Akito didn't
call you in tomorrow, right?


Really? If I thought, "Good for you!"

Would you get mad?

I wondered why

you all abandoned Tohru as you were told,

like good little kids.

But I see. If you prioritized Tohru
over Akito, Akito would get mad, huh?

That would just make Tohru look bad.

You guys, including Yuki,

were protecting Tohru from Akito, huh?

You make it sound like

we were doing such a good thing.

But that's not it.


I've been doing it all wrong.

I'm selfish for wanting to make memories
with Tohru, in spite of everything.

I'm selfish for loving Tohru so much.

I'm selfish, too.

-Never mind.

Anyway, weren't you going on about
watching something on TV earlier?

-Oh, my!


I was so scared. Kyo was trying to mug me!


Do you think I'm some delinquent?

-Momiji, the anime's about to start.

Oh, yes, Mogeta! I've got to hurry!

Oh, that weird anime.


I want to…

Art, we'll settle this over a game
sepak takraw today!

You're on!


-Let's go, Mogeta!
-I want to do something more.

Just like how everyone
gives so much to me,

I want to do something more for everyone.

To do something.

To change something.

I still strongly question
why you had Kureno

accompany you this time.

Is he a favorite of yours who you can't
bear for others to even get a glimpse of?

No real reason,
but he seems out of sorts lately,

so I thought to let him rest a little.

Maybe he's stressed out.

Stressed? From what?

I'm the one who's getting stressed.

There you go again. What's wrong?
Are you still displeased with something?

I am. Displeased as hell.

Like what?

I'm displeased with you.

You're not kind.

You're not kind to me at all.

I am kind to you.

Not kind enough!

Not kind enough!
You were much kinder before.

You looked only at me.

Be kinder.



Do you actually…

That woman…



I have a message from the main family.

Doing whatever they want again.

Just who do they think the family head is?

Akito, it will subside more
quickly if you step in--

Is she getting rowdy again…


What, you want to know?

It's just groundless suspicion.

Kureno, let's go.

That woman.

That woman.

That woman.

Akito, are you ready?


What are you doing here so late?

I came to see Tohru Honda.

I can't sleep.
I'll take a walk to cool off.

I have to return home suddenly, you see.

But I haven't seen Tohru Honda yet.

Right now?
But Tohru's most likely sleeping.

Wake her up.


Akito, you're mad right now, right?

You'll take out your anger on her, huh?

Akito, what's wrong? Why are you so mad?

Did something happen?

Did something happen?

What? Why do you need to know?

Do you want to get to know me?
To understand me?


You make me sick!

Understand me?

You just want to belittle me!

You just want to define me
by your reasoning

that gives you the upper hand!

Stop, please!


Stop, please!


You're giving me an order.



You're not a very nice person.


But Tohru…

Tohru Honda,
I was kind enough to come see you.

I don't care how disrespectful
you are to me,

There's something I came to tell you.

Don't be so full of it, scum.

You might think you saved Yuki and Kyo.

Better take that arrogance
down a notch right now.

Let me tell you something. I'll tell you.

Kyo, you see, after high school…

…will be confined.

Just like the previous Cat,
confined for life.

And Yuki and everyone else will live

and die in the Soma estate with me.

All the zodiac members
will live in the same place,

in the same position, at the same pace.

They will not take,
and nothing will be taken from them.

Forever unchanging.

A future of happiness, an Eternal Banquet.


But I'm not letting you join us.

Is that…

Is that true happiness?

To be confined…

To return to the Soma estate?

Is something enduring…

Is it truly…

All the effort everyone is taking
to move forward…

to push forward.

Will you stop saying it
like it's a bad thing?

A stranger like you has a different way
of life than us, after all.

It's not something simple enough
that you can decide the right or wrong

of with your weak values.

Who are you?

Akito isn't the Rooster.

Akito is different…

A different being.

Who are you to the zodiac members?

Once upon a time…

God told the animals…


To the zodiac members, above all others,

my existence is equivalent to that of God.

I command their souls.

I am the ruler of their souls.

Akito! I was looking for you.
I didn't know where you'd gone.

Sorry, Kureno. I just had to come see her.

Oh, right. Let me introduce you.

This is Kureno Soma, the Rooster.

Nice to meet you.

What? Well…

The Rooster. He's the Rooster.


All the zodiac members
will come back to me in the end.

They can never be separated from me.

So don't try to ruin our blessing anymore.

Stop meddling and behave.

Or else you'll be punished.

Akito is God…

The one who stands
above all the zodiac members.

That's why they couldn't disobey.

So what's the curse?

The curse…

An unknown chain that binds.

The end point to everything,
it binds everything…

Binds everyone…

Binds Akito?

You're hurt.

Hatori, I'll tend to the scratches.
Aren't you returning home with Akito?

What? Hatori Shigure?

I can let them wait a little.

Oh, well, why are you here?

Momicchi ran to me in terror.
I didn't know what was wrong.

Is Momiji hurt? Where's Momiji?

Don't worry. He's right there.


Momiji, are you all right?

What beautiful tears…

You'll catch a cold.

Well, Momicchi really hung in there.

Compared to him,
look at the other young folk…

Compared to him, look at us, right?

See, Akito left.

I told you Momiji
would get the older ones.

I'm so pathetic, I could puke.

She thinks she's pathetic
sometimes, too, huh?

Are you being sarcastic?

No, I'm serious.

It's not easy to protect someone.

Don't tell anyone!

Could it be?

Oh, nothing.

Yes. It's not easy to protect someone.


Even so, I want to protect them.
I'll protect them no matter what.

I will…

It cleared up!

It stopped raining!
We can light up the fireworks!

Already? The sun
hasn't completely set yet…

Of course!
There's no way I can wait until night!


Hey, why are you both injured?

Oh, you mean this?
I fell while taking a walk last night.

Right, Momiji?

We're like two bees in a pod.

You mean two peas?

Come on, we're setting off
fireworks, right? Which one first?

Leave that to me!
I already decided which is first up.

Here we go!

Well, this is…

Is this fun?

It was worth it!
It was worth seeing it once!

Really? It's too smoky for me.

Kyo, have you seen snake fireworks before?

Yes, when I was a kid.

Master bought a load of fireworks when
I told him I'd never done them before.

I remember discovering how fun they were.

You've set off fireworks before,
haven't you? With your mom?

Oh, yes! It was fun.

Mom said she got excited
when she saw fire or fights.

Is it the delinquent blood?

I want to do this one.

What does that one do?

I don't know.

Yuki, read the instructions.

Point upwards.
Place in a bottle or the like.

Light the tip of fuse…

Oh, it says not to hold it
or point it at people or buildings.

You're pointing it straight at me!

Don't worry. I know you can dodge it, Kyo.

I believe in you.

Don't believe that!

Fine, I'll fire it into the air.

Seriously, don't point that at people!

Here we go! Firecrackers!

They're so loud!

Fireworks are supposed to be loud.

Aren't they pretty, though?

Master definitely
didn't show him fireworks

for a future in confinement.

Yuki doesn't continue to fight
because he wants to return to the Somas.

Probably deep in their hearts,

they actually have futures that
they want the freedom to hope for.

But if the curse restrains them
from doing so…

I want to break the curse.

I'm probably overreaching my place.

It's easy to say
that you'll protect someone.

Stop meddling.

But even so, if they're
all set free from everything

and have days where they
can truly cry and truly laugh,

even if I'll be punished,

I want to break the curse.

Honda. It's pretty.

It's so pretty!

Everyone looks like they're having fun.

Yes. We've never gotten together

and hung out like this until now.

It's strange. Summer comes every year,

but the same summer will never come again.

The time that I get to spend with you…

is important to me.


Can I join?

-Go ahead.

Let's do some sparklers together.


Come do them with us, Kyo!

So annoying. Just do them without me!

Shall I offer you my seat, stupid Cat?

What the hell?


I'll sit wherever I want, without you
offering your seat to me!

Stubborn people are such a handful.


Shut up!

I want to protect.

I want to protect the path they walk upon…

…with all of my strength.

"All Mine."